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bogeyman (23:19:35 - 18-03) (-3/3) Link
<Bojinov> was at home taking a little nap as you pulled up outside their house...
<You> kick a table over and keep your head down below it as Bojinov pulls out a Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum and pulls the trigger...
<You> missed Bojinov completely.
<Your> enemy did not try to strike back.
<Korkak> tavuklar :D:D:D
<We> will contioune to shooout from empty :D:D:D
Amproof (23:51:18 - 16-03) (+3/3) Link
[14:58:10] <+Seriouslybored> I have my homeboy captain with me tonight
[14:59:37] <+Johnx|hangover> good old morgan
[14:59:42] <+Seriouslybored> yeah
[14:59:50] <+Johnx|hangover> some of the best company a man can get
[15:00:23] <+Johnx|hangover> except i don't use him anymore, got enough of him in the past, so i've gotten quite good friends with mr. Daniels
[15:10:45] <+Seriouslybored> haha
[15:10:53] <+Seriouslybored> yeah u gotta love him
[15:10:54] <+Seriouslybored> :P
[15:10:58] <@MMFreak> good old mr coffee here ;)
Amproof (23:50:45 - 16-03) (+3/3) Link
[19:04:12] <@MMFreak> should be another hour minimal guys so hold on tight go eat piss , make coffee , screw the wife coz she will be alone in bed tonight ;)
Amproof (22:03:12 - 31-10) (+3/3) Link
[18:02:48] <Slow> I know man, pm's are really personal msgs :)
[18:02:53] <Slow> few people actually know that xd
[18:03:00] <DrAmproof> yup....
Yilena (18:46:30 - 23-10) (-3/3) Link
<«20:38:59»> <@[Martens]BRB> !kick [Martens]Masturbating
<«20:38:59»> * [Martens]Masturbating was kicked by ChanServ (([Martens]BRB (MartensMax)) No reason given)
<«20:39:06»> <@[Martens]BRB> im done bitch
Slow (00:45:22 - 11-10) (+1/3) Link
[02:34:37] <04~Timelord|busy> have you freed your 20th gorilla by now slow?
[02:34:43] <07~Slow> 21.
[02:34:46] <14Ngin> go Slow
[02:34:50] <04~Timelord|busy> srsly?
[02:34:51] <04~Timelord|busy> :)
[02:34:51] <07~Slow> +
[02:34:52] <04~Timelord|busy> lol
[02:34:54] <07~Slow> yes
[02:34:54] <07~Slow> xd
[02:34:55] <04~Timelord|busy> epic
[02:35:03] <04~Timelord|busy> 22 coming
[02:35:04] <14Ngin> dude
[02:35:06] <14Ngin> wtf
[02:35:17] <14Ngin> 22
[02:35:21] <04~Timelord|busy> lol
[02:35:25] <07~Slow> xD
[02:35:26] <04~Timelord|busy> slow srsly?
[02:35:27] <04~Timelord|busy> :')
Slow (21:56:26 - 01-10) (+3/3) Link
[23:49:41] <07~Slow> ehrmagerd
[23:53:43] * ~Smul gives Slow a sanity pill
[23:53:50] <04~Smul> there, no ehrmagerd for you anymore :')
[23:54:00] <07~Slow> xDDDD
[23:54:07] <07~Slow> EHRMAGERD
[23:54:47] * ~Smul kills Slow
[23:54:57] <04~Smul> put you out of your misery
[23:55:04] <04~Smul> you're most welcome
[23:55:09] <07~Slow> ehrma.....
[23:55:18] * ~Slow fades out geeeeerd
Shakur (03:44:00 - 01-09) (-1/3) Link
[00:39:44] * ~Kimi ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: You Bought The Witness Statement, Which Says That Omerta Fucked Up Your Life.)
Slow (00:01:32 - 11-06) (+1/3) Link
[01:59:48] * &FlowzZ slaps Slow|hospital around a bit with a large trout
[01:59:54] <04&FlowzZ> send me the turkish "Y"
[01:59:57] <04&FlowzZ> i cant find it ;p
[02:00:13] <07~Slow|hospital> my keyboard dont have it
[02:00:14] <07~Slow|hospital> xD
[02:00:15] <04~Timelord|retired> ý
[02:00:21] <04~Timelord|retired> that one?
[02:00:25] <07~Slow|hospital> no
[02:00:27] <07~Slow|hospital> the other one
[02:00:39] <04~Timelord|retired> there's anotehr one?
[02:00:45] * ~Slow|hospital facepalms
[02:00:55] <04&FlowzZ> yeh thats the one ;p
Slow (10:51:28 - 25-05) (+1/3) Link
[12:47:43] * ~SlowzZ 12 ~*}{Üǧ13*Ñ*12kè§*~ 0,12 Amenta|WoW  12 ~*kè§13*Ñ*12}{Üǧ*
[12:47:55] <04&Amenta|WoW> xD
[12:47:57] <04&Amenta|WoW> <3
[12:48:00] <07~SlowzZ> we need you to not play wow now <3
[12:48:09] <07~SlowzZ> we need you in balti !
[12:48:32] * ~SlowzZ slaps Amenta|WoW around a bit with a large trout
[12:48:36] <07~SlowzZ> reaction !!!
[12:48:36] <07~SlowzZ> xd
[12:48:41] <04&Amenta|WoW> why ;o
[12:48:44] <04&Amenta|WoW> whats in balti
[12:48:46] <07~SlowzZ> witness ?
[12:48:47] <04&FlowzZ> stick to wow bro
[12:48:49] <04&Amenta|WoW> i like corl
[12:48:54] <04&FlowzZ> gay marriage sucks
[12:48:57] <04&Amenta|WoW> idd
[12:49:03] <04&Amenta|WoW> especially when i wanna marry the both of you
FlowzZ (23:59:53 - 09-04) (-1/3) Link
[16:55:53] <@Cropti> I remember when twilight was associeted with wow: The Burning Crusade awesomness, word tewilight was al over that game
[16:56:02] <@Cropti> then gay vampires came...
[16:56:19] <@Cropti> now it's banal word annoying people like to say
[16:56:21] <@FlowzZ> Flowzilla of the twilight
[16:56:25] <@FlowzZ> cant put that anymore
[16:56:34] <@FlowzZ> some bella named blood elf would hit on u
[16:56:41] <&Spy> u morons are mainstream b00nz
Athenamoia (15:30:45 - 03-09) (-3/3) Link
[17:26] <@Surdices> #salvadore.members Message to channel blocked and opers notified (Spreading porn ain't allowed (rtu))
[17:26] <@Surdices> xD
[17:26] <+Athenamoia> lmao
[17:26] <&Redvendetta> xD
[17:26] <+Athenamoia> :|
[17:26] <+Athenamoia> [17:26] <Rolldice> i want a bonnie for my clyde :P <--- lal :')
[17:26] <@Surdices> xD
[17:26] <@Surdices> dont we all mate
[17:27] <+Rolldice> :) well u got a clyde for your clyde :/
[17:27] <@Surdices> xD
[17:27] <@Surdices> its cus im coolxD
Kohfi (18:54:51 - 28-12) (+4/4) Link
[19:53:15] <04&Lissa> [19:52:49] <@wBOT[1]> [FAM] Family down: Kurosawa
[19:53:16] <04~EP|dinner> i have no text!
[19:53:19] <04~EP|dinner> o whaat.
Amproof (18:07:18 - 28-12) (+2/4) Link
[12:40:12] * +Beetlersi ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[12:43:10] <&[D-BoT]> [$] [Narcotics Baltimore] Owner changed from Krays [Zostrich] to Beetlersi [Gaykrays]
[12:43:11] <&[D-BoT]> [$] [Slots Baltimore] Owner changed from Krays [Zostrich] to Beetlersi [Gaykrays]
[12:43:11] <&[D-BoT]> [†] Zostrich Godfather Don Krays @ 18:38:53
[12:43:11] <&[D-BoT]> [Fam] Family name changed from Krays to Gaykrays
[12:44:39] <+EP|dinner> well thank fuck i'm in the safehouse so i can't be blamed for this :')
[12:44:54] <+Erohw> what the fuck!?!?!
[12:45:00] <+Erohw> boesmans!!
[12:45:23] <+Amproof> lmaoooooooooooooo
[12:45:41] <+Erohw> Kohfi
[12:45:46] <~boesmans> wtf
[12:45:48] <@Kohfi> Erohw
[12:45:49] <@Kohfi> wow
Critycal (12:49:58 - 14-07) (+2/4) Link
[14:47:59] <~MurderInc> there's nothing like having a spacebar stuck in your anus
Chrisfarley (15:28:33 - 17-05) (0/4) Link
[09:39:30] <Igor> :)
[09:39:34] <Igor> i have no pants
[09:39:40] <Igor> brb need coffee ;)
bogeyman (23:34:47 - 18-03) (-4/4) Link
<Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:33:01
< Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:33:01
< Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:33:01
< Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:33:01
< Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:33:01
< Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:33:01
< Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:33:01
< Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:21:00
< Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:21:00
< Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:21:00
<dont> afraid me boji i am only a mobster open bf i will kill you :)
bogeyman (23:23:49 - 18-03) (-4/4) Link
<Bojinov 18-03-2013> 23:14:04 You totally missed Bojinov , he tried to hit back but did no damage
Fenrir (16:23:48 - 08-03) (+2/4) Link
[17:05:51] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Boomyar
[17:05:54] <@Boomyar> heist/oc any?
[17:13:24] <@Boomyar> faen at æ heite hest
[17:13:27] <@Boomyar> folk trur æ sir heist
[17:13:30] <@Boomyar> når æ sir nicket når æ ska gjøre oc
[17:13:32] <@Boomyar> FETTE irriteranes
[17:13:35] <@Boomyar> hver gang e det en tyrker
[17:13:39] <@Boomyar> som ikke e god i hauet
[17:17:47] * @Boomyar ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: )
MrTwister (21:29:37 - 06-03) (0/4) Link
[22:23:09] <+Zazamouk> !give Rijst 10m
[22:23:09] <+Electrician> !sex Lidia|around
[22:23:10] <~m-bot> Error - You don't have enough money!