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Shaon (12:20:33 - 02-01) (-1/1) Link
[18:12:58] <~Obame> Hi all
[18:16:12] <@Shaon> !analrape Obame
[18:16:14] <@[spankbot]> Shaon puts Obame's face down and ass up then fucks Obame hard in the ass!!
[18:16:55] <~Obame> Again :(
[18:16:59] <~Obame> Looool
MurderInc (18:42:49 - 10-10) (+1/1) Link
[20:41:15] <%Brainscrewer> i expected more penisses
Inkheart (19:37:19 - 15-06) (+1/1) Link
[01:34:03] <@Mrjayhawk> !kill everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[01:34:03] <@TraBot> everyone suffered but is still alive.
[01:34:03] <@TraBot> Mrjayhawk couldn't contain everyone's backfire. Mrjayhawk died from the wounds he inflicted.
[01:34:07] <~Spider> lol
[01:34:19] <~Inkheart|Honduras> lol
[01:34:19] <@Mrjayhawk> ok you have to many bullets all together :P
Semi (16:58:31 - 02-04) (+1/1) Link
[11:02:41] <Semi> hi Inkheart
[11:02:54] <Inkheart> gello demi
[11:02:58] <Inkheart> ffs
[11:03:02] <Inkheart> helo semi
[11:03:02] <Semi> lol
[11:03:05] <Inkheart> hello
[11:03:07] <Inkheart> lol
Inkheart (05:12:23 - 27-03) (+1/1) Link
[12:52:26] <~Semi> Inkheart are you possessed by the devel? :|
[12:54:01] <~Inkheart> i am possesed by windowes developers not devels ;p
[12:54:39] <~Semi> yeh i meand devil Inkheart :p
[12:54:50] <~Semi> and i meant meant lol
matto (17:08:09 - 13-08) (+1/1) Link
[19:04:54] <04&Rijst`Afk|afk> when one enters the profession of faggot
[19:05:00] <04&Rijst`Afk|afk> one learns those skills
[19:05:07] <07%Matto> learn from the master
[19:05:19] <04@Johnx> please teach me Rijst`Afk|afk
[19:05:22] <04@Johnx> the masterfaggot
Bateman (17:19:43 - 11-09) (+1/1) Link
[|18:47:59|] <Bateman> how about that heist shakur -__-
[|18:48:00|] <shakur> my menu is gone
[|18:48:04|] <shakur> o.O
[|18:48:09|] <Kobuzz|Smokin> lol
[|18:48:22|] <shakur> They killed you, the bastards!
[|18:48:22|] <shakur> Go To Account Page
[|18:48:24|] <Kobuzz|Smokin> u just died
[|18:48:28|] <shakur> :))))))))))))))
Vengeance (09:53:50 - 13-12) (+2/2) Link
Kohfi (16:37:36 - 21-12) (+2/2) Link
[17:36:40] <Freddy> why didn you die Rosie[Busting] ?
[17:36:46] <Freddy> sucked that much cock ? ;d
[17:36:51] <Rosie[Busting]> yep
[17:36:53] <Rosie[Busting]> that's my thing
Inkheart (21:40:47 - 24-03) (+2/2) Link
[03:38:06] <~MrPersie|> !fingerfuck Martine`afk
[03:38:06] <@[spankbot]s> MrPersie| pins Martine`afk and finger fucks them !!
[03:38:10] <~Martine`afk> !fist MrPersie|
[03:38:10] <@[spankbot]s> Martine`afk tells MrPersie|: finger fucking is not my style, but do you know what I can do with this fist ??
[03:38:17] <~Ink|afk> lol
[03:38:20] <~MrPersie|> whahahahaa
Baskomutan (07:40:59 - 13-01) (-2/2) Link
<Jdean> para at la
<Baskomutan> ahh ahh
<Baskomutan> onu deme iste :D
<Baskomutan> ibne insan bi tesekkur eder
<Baskomutan> kula tesekkur etmeyen Hakk a hic tesekkur etmez
<Jdean> :D
<Jdean> simdi gördüm
<Jdean> vay iplikci nedim vayy
<Jdean> tuvaletteydim olm
<Baskomutan> sıcarken para kazanan nadir adamlardansin
<Baskomutan> :DDD
Shaon (10:50:04 - 06-01) (0/2) Link
[02:32:35] * +Alefort DC SELLING PM ME
[02:32:35] * +Alefort DC SELLING PM ME
[02:32:41] <~Inkheart|hl> buying for free
[02:37:24] * +Alefort DC SELLING PM ME
[02:37:24] * +Alefort DC SELLING PM ME
[02:38:15] <@Shaon> Inkheart|hl lol
[02:38:24] <~Inkheart|hl> buying for free still
Luke (07:59:03 - 17-09) (0/2) Link
[00:47 UOFF Snikolos 17-Sep] <@> 07:44:31 Snikolos failed to kill you but did some damage, you tried to hit back but did no damage to Snikolos
[00:48 Niklaus hello] <>
[00:48 Niklaus are] <you> a ashen member ?
[00:49 Niklaus dude] <>
[00:49 Niklaus UOff] <>
[00:52 Niklaus UOff] <>
[00:52 Niklaus hey] <dude>
[00:56 UOFF no] <>
[00:56 Niklaus oh] <>
[00:56 Niklaus ok] <>
[00:57 Niklaus dammm] <>
[00:57 Niklaus 10] <minutes> to answer a question
GoodWolf (19:22:20 - 04-01) (+2/2) Link
[12:17:10] <04~Inkheart|hl> !love Ladyi
[12:17:10] <04@TraBot> 07Inkheart|hl04 loves 07Ladyi04 for 23%
[12:17:10] <04@NoobSurv> 04Inkheart|hl loves 09Ladyi04 for 0773%04!
[12:17:11] <04~Semi> !hug Maffiamommy
[12:17:11] <04@TraBot> 07Semi04 hugs 07Maffiamommy04 tightly
[12:17:12] <04@NoobSurv> 04Semi runs to 09Maffiamommy04 and gives a firm and warm hug!
[12:17:17] <11~Ladyi> No Inkheart|hl
[12:17:22] <11~Ladyi> Love Semi and Maffiamommy medeolion
[12:17:23] <04~Inkheart|hl> YES
[12:17:25] <11~Ladyi> NO
[12:17:39] <04~Inkheart|hl> !check Ladyi actually loves Inkheart|hl
[12:17:39] <04@TraBot> 07Ladyi04 is for 1% actually loves Inkheart|hl!
[12:17:44] <11~Ladyi> LMAO
[12:17:45] <11~Ladyi> :')
[12:17:45] <04~Inkheart|hl> !kill TraBot
[12:17:46] <04@TraBot> 07TraBot04 suffered but is still alive.
[12:17:46] <04@TraBot> 07Inkheart|hl04 couldn't contain 07TraBot04's backfire. 07Inkheart|hl04 died from the wounds he inflicted.
[12:17:48] <04~Inkheart|hl> :X
[12:17:49] <11~Ladyi> Hahaha
[12:17:51] <11~Ladyi> OMG
[12:17:52] <04~Semi> 1% :o
[12:18:10] <04~Inkheart|hl> !check Ladyi absolutely hates Inkheart|hl
[12:18:10] <04@TraBot> 07Ladyi04 is for 99% absolutely hates Inkheart|hl!
<Poor> Inkheart :')
Spy (20:09:58 - 24-09) (0/2) Link
[22:07:03] <+Crackajack> Not only did you cost me my car
[22:07:13] <+Crackajack> But 150k in blood
[22:07:48] <+Spy> well, if u wasnt a fatass american it'd only be 100k in blood...
[22:07:49] <+Spy> >.>
[22:07:50] <+Spy> xD
Amorphis (09:47:03 - 26-07) (+2/2) Link
[12:43:31] <Amorphis> .............. needs to die
[12:44:40] <Panna`off> i know
[12:44:43] <Panna`off> but i wont do anything
[12:44:48] <Panna`off> im hugging and at night im in sh
[12:44:56] <Amorphis> lmfao
[12:44:56] <Amorphis> XD
Kohfi_Konnekt (21:00:51 - 15-05) (+2/2) Link
[22:45:30] <04~Itsfunny> and I've had two fantastically smooth bowel movements today
[22:45:35] <04~Itsfunny> I couldn't be happier
Amproof (23:48:42 - 16-03) (+2/2) Link
[19:48:18] <+Infinity> so.. is patient ever going to get out of SH?
[19:48:26] <~OffSoph> He's quite patient Infinity
[19:48:27] <@Danny> be patient
Kohfi_Konnekt (19:09:31 - 05-03) (0/2) Link
[20:04:52] <@Foolmoon`around> we established thaat since ever
[20:04:55] <@Foolmoon`around> so its blah
[20:05:00] <+Electrician> o/
[20:05:03] <+Rijst> look at you Foolmoon`around
[20:05:07] <+Rijst> using words like that
[20:05:07] <@Foolmoon`around> blah
[20:05:15] <@Foolmoon`around> bllaaaahhh
[20:05:18] <@Foolmoon`around> hablaahaha
[20:05:18] <+Rijst> established
[20:05:18] <+Kohfi_Konnekt> goat
[20:05:19] <@Foolmoon`around> xD
[20:05:21] <+Rijst> my my
[20:05:24] <+Rijst> fancypants
[20:05:25] <+Kohfi_Konnekt> :'D
[20:05:32] <+Kohfi_Konnekt> Tears in my eyes
[20:05:46] <@Foolmoon`around> ah
[20:05:47] <@Foolmoon`around> blah
[20:05:53] * Rijst was kicked by Foolmoon`around (TraScript 1.0.2)
sensje (15:32:38 - 23-01) (0/2) Link
<Dos> so what color is lucchese?
<manager> Lucchese is black/orange
<manager> Like the dutch national footbal team
<Sensje> lol like blackram in a orange shirt