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sensje (18:01:23 - 17-01) (0/2) Link
* walt slaps Qto around a bit with a large trout
<walt> :O
<mrNobody> .afk
<Qto> it aint me :x
<Qto> blame *****
<walt> ahah :D
<Sensje> sorry walt
<walt> np at all
Kohfi_Konnekt (16:44:19 - 07-01) (+2/2) Link
[17:40:51] <07~Kohfi_Konnekt> I heard Yoda[NinJaVikInG]^Thief3 can suck some serious cock
[17:41:27] <04@Merki> :O
[17:41:29] <04@Merki> who said it
<Seems> Merki is quite jealous
Shakur (01:48:50 - 05-09) (0/2) Link
[04:46:12] * KaraHan ([email protected]) has joined #heist
[04:46:41] * KaraHan ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Reason filtered)
[04:47:44] <MFM|MW3> any one heist?
[04:47:55] <MFM|MW3> 11729172 Alfa Romeo 8C 2900B Spyder 0% $ 180,000 Detroit Heist Car
[04:47:56] <SwIsHeR> NO
Slow (23:16:16 - 19-06) (0/2) Link
[00:44:22] <04~Timelord> you are just indifferent to me, is that what you wanted to say?!? :)
[00:44:47] <04@Moesasji> yes you woman.
[00:48:52] <04~Timelord> should up and kiss you baboon
[00:48:53] <04~Timelord> :')
[00:49:03] <04~Timelord> lemme be your barbiegirl :)
Amproof (21:42:04 - 11-05) (+2/2) Link
[21:13:03] <+nilso> wine is gay
[21:13:21] <+Police> oke nilso but active
[21:13:41] <+nilso> uuh, what you mean with that? xd
[21:13:50] <+Police> :)
[21:14:29] <+Police> if i drink wine i'm gay?
[21:14:48] <+Danny> only if youre sucking a dick in between sips
Vengeance (09:43:22 - 13-12) (+3/3) Link
[09:31] <Member> Lola : real raid +dr
[09:33] <Member> Morawak : @Lola inv me
[09:33] <Member> Bankzy : Race
[09:36] <Member> Lola : ok
[09:36] <Member> Lola : @Morawak go
[09:37] <Member> Morawak : invite XD
[09:37] <Member> Lola : you are hot
[09:37] <Member> Morawak : ty
[09:37] <Member> Lola : i thought raid sorry
[09:38] <Member> Lola : go rrace
[09:38] <Member> Bankzy : @Lola I can raid in 40 sec
[09:38] <Member> Lola : real?
[09:38] <Member> Morawak : +
[09:38] <Member> Bankzy : Do you have car?
[09:39] <Member> Lola : no
[09:39] <Member> Morawak : lola invite raid
[09:39] <Member> Bankzy : I have W125
[09:39] <Member> Morawak : @Lola invite me raid
[09:40] <Member> Lola : ok
[09:40] <Member> Bankzy : 5012634 Mercedes-Benz W125 0% $ 150,000 New York Heist Car
[09:41] <Member> Lola : @Morawak you are still hot
[09:41] <Member> Morawak : ty
[09:41] <Member> Lola : ty?
[09:41] <Member> Morawak : im attractive
[09:41] <Member> Lola : silly
EP (11:44:10 - 24-02) (+3/3) Link
[11:18:22] <04~boesmans> i literally knew nothing of feudal kingsdoms, medieval kingdoms or whatever
[11:18:36] <04~boesmans> and i told you im reading a book series on the 100 years war
[11:18:43] <04~boesmans> which is 14th centurry
[11:18:45] <04~boesmans> century*
[11:18:47] <04~boesmans> anyway
[11:19:09] <04~boesmans> the red line in the book is medieval(feudal) kingdoms had a very hard time financially
Amproof (01:13:01 - 22-02) (+3/3) Link
<EP> why we want to shoot fangtasia in the first place? XD coz it's a lame ass twilight/true-blood style name?
<EP> uhhhhhhh XD
<boesmans> yes
<boesmans> exactly
<boesmans> see EP
<boesmans> we get each other
<EP> I feel we could have probably strong-armed them into a name change :|
<EP> sent 30m, and told them that their name wasn't gangster enough
Kohfi (22:03:17 - 10-12) (+1/3) Link
[23:02:15] <04~Pils|afK> how does sperm taste Freddy
[23:02:25] <04~Freddy> not bad
Shaon (17:17:28 - 19-03) (-1/3) Link
[23:06:09] <~Ink|afk> yeah i will change my name to freeman
[23:07:22] <~Shaon> come on they only get those skills from human programers
[23:07:37] <~Shaon> they know up to how much they were taught
[23:07:41] <~Ink|afk> nope
[23:07:50] <~Shaon> they have no creativity
[23:07:50] <~Ink|afk> they play with themselves - sounds kinky
[23:07:51] <~Ink|afk> but
[23:07:59] <~Ink|afk> they play and learn with themselves
[23:08:06] <~Ink|afk> and perfects their knowledge
[23:08:14] <~Shaon> thats insane. is AI live yet
[23:08:19] <~Ink|afk> it is not like, they cannot learn new things
[23:08:20] <~Ink|afk> ofc
[23:08:23] <~Ink|afk> go is the proof
[23:08:28] <~Ink|afk> we are screwed
[23:08:39] <~Ink|afk> unless you marry a robotgirl
[23:09:41] <~Shaon> do it Ink|afk and get a robot baby or get ur d**k ruined in bed
[23:09:42] <~Shaon> :D
[23:10:06] <~Ink|afk> :')
Yesman (20:39:41 - 18-10) (-1/3) Link
[22:32:38] <`Yesman> knife samkhe savas aksami icinize adam sizdirdim demis
[22:33:26] <maskado> szdirsa nolacak
[22:33:29] <maskado> caktik
[22:33:34] <maskado> hic ruhlari duymadi
[22:33:37] <maskado> nasi sizmis
[22:33:49] <maskado> adami sizdirmislar harbi
[22:33:51] <maskado> sizmis
[22:33:53] <maskado> kalmis
[22:33:57] <maskado> haberi yok bi sikten
[22:33:57] <maskado> xD
[22:35:44] <`Yesman> uasduhfasudhasduasduhfasudhasd
Shakur (10:27:26 - 10-02) (-1/3) Link
[12:18:17] <+D-BoT> [ERROR] You are not in the database
[12:18:20] <~Mark`afk> !allow Mark`afk
[12:18:21] <+D-BoT> [Success] Mark`afk [*!*@Diedes.users.omerta] added to the database
[12:18:23] <~Mark`afk> !invite
Lucky (03:06:33 - 17-08) (+3/3) Link
[23:02:22] <Postal> always xD sorry my downstairs neighbour asked me to kill some harmless bug for her
[23:02:46] <Postal> took me 30 slaps but managed to kill it
[23:02:47] <Postal> xD
[23:02:47] <Lucky> i play so much omerta i thought that said "harmless brug"
[23:03:03] <Postal> hahah
Kvothe (11:18:22 - 19-05) (-1/3) Link
[14:15:45] * @LoRd Reset atın sıkıldım :DDDD
[14:16:02] <&fLex|> sv_restart 1
[14:16:17] <&fLex|> sv_restartround 2
Inkheart (19:25:07 - 07-01) (+1/3) Link
[19:18] <Blackparadox:> [07-01-14][20:17:24] <+Spider> im gonna put on a clean pants now, i just pissed myself laughing <- lol xD
[19:18] <Spider:> haha
[19:19] <Spider:> well, believe me, a lot of ppl think reset will be tomorrow
[19:19] <Blackparadox:> i had no idea why people asked the same question
[19:20] <Spider:> well, thats why lol
[19:20] <Blackparadox:> i have no idea if that's fake or not
[19:20] <Spider:> well, you must know lol
[19:20] <Blackparadox:> but an official newspost isn't there
[19:21] <Blackparadox:> i don't xD
[19:21] <Spider:> its posted by sbanks on ob
[19:21] <Blackparadox:> sbanks isn't crewmember
[19:21] <Spider:> i know
[19:21] <Spider:> but its ''signed'' by bramblerose
[19:21] <Spider:> so whats true lol
[19:21] <Blackparadox:> i see...
[19:22] <Spider:> lolol
[19:22] <Spider:> blackparadox:
[19:23] <Spider:> there is an official newspost lol
[19:23] <Blackparadox:> where? o_O
[19:23] <Spider:> the happy new year post
[19:23] <Blackparadox:> loooool
[19:23] <Blackparadox:> ok
[19:24] <Spider:> i need a second clean pants in a second hahaha
[19:24] <Blackparadox:> that's just... lol xD
[19:25] <Spider:> HAHAHA you (and therefore me) confused the shit out of some ppl
[19:25] <Blackparadox:> ups xD
[19:27] <Spider:> im so gonna save this log lol
[19:27] <Blackparadox:> hello omerta! xD
[19:28] <Spider:> ok i leave you to it now, good luck o/
[19:28] <Blackparadox:> you too \o
Slow (11:21:20 - 30-07) (+3/3) Link
[13:19:45] <04@sider`zZz> i'll drive
[13:19:49] <04@sider`zZz> Slow EE ?
[13:19:51] <07@Slow> yeah
[13:19:54] <04@sider`zZz> ok
[13:19:59] <04@sider`zZz> mullen EE rdy
Infinity (15:54:00 - 16-05) (+3/3) Link
[17:44:08] * Nick: (DtK) is now known as (DtK`cocking)
[17:44:13] * +DtK`cocking goddammit :x
[17:44:19] * Nick: (DtK`cocking) is now known as (DtK`cooking)
Kohfi_Konnekt (22:16:48 - 13-05) (+1/3) Link
[00:07:36] <04~Rijst> oi
[00:07:41] <04~Rijst> I like dragons
[00:14:25] <10+BuzzFuzz> Rijst
[00:14:32] <04~Rijst> BuzzFuzz
[00:14:42] <10+BuzzFuzz> i got a big one on mine back
[00:14:59] <04~Rijst> a big one?
[00:15:03] <04~Rijst> do tell?
[00:15:04] <10+BuzzFuzz> dragon
[00:15:08] <04~Rijst> oh
[00:15:23] <04~Rijst> I was worried there for a second ;)
[00:15:28] <10+BuzzFuzz> xd
sider (22:44:31 - 06-05) (+1/3) Link
[23:41] <Tibz`beer> sider`zZz
[23:41] <Tibz`beer> i need bd
[23:41] <Tibz`beer> sold all bullets on obay
[23:41] <Tibz`beer> i discovered poker
[23:41] <Tibz`beer> :x
[23:42] <sider`zZz> lol
syonide (01:32:17 - 25-04) (-1/3) Link
[22:57:17] <10+Superfly> wtf is up with this rollback?
[22:57:35] <04~MrPersie|afk> dont ask 8hrs of rank wasted
[22:57:47] <10+Superfly> basterds
[22:58:02] <10+Naenia> :D ¨
[22:58:16] <10+Superfly> I had 5 busts!
[22:58:30] <10+Superfly> Gone :(