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Hyobanshi (19:53:33 - 30-05) (-3/13) Link
[21:50] <&Rix> sbanks I'm dropping /userquotes.php and merging it into /quotes.php
[21:51] <~sbanks> okaaaay
[21:51] <~sbanks> en seperate quote
[21:51] <~sbanks> also in /quotes.php?
[21:51] <&Rix> Yes
[21:51] <&Kyra> quote in quote
[21:51] <~sbanks> oki well let me know all urls you want so i can adjust htaccesssssssss
[21:51] <&Kyra> no, dont Rix! dont tell him!
[21:52] <&Rix> ye think it's also best to adjust the link we have now on profile
[21:52] <&Rix> Now it's /quote/uid, best is /quotes/uid I think
[21:52] <&Rix> Then we can use /quote/id for the quote :p
[21:52] <&Hyo[-Paper-dNd-]> right
[21:52] <&Hyo[-Paper-dNd-]> this will be the first quote
[21:53] <&Rix> Haha
sbanks (18:12:48 - 07-06) (-5/13) Link
[20:10] <&Rix> What's the big damn ass dog he has called agani
[20:10] <&Rix> xD
[20:10] <&Kyra> oh let me check
[20:10] <&Kyra> im past that part :p
[20:11] <&Rix> ah
[20:11] <&Kyra> niku'a
[20:11] <&Rix> Oh ye
[20:11] <&Rix> xD
[20:11] <~sbanks`> NIKU"A
[20:12] <&Kyra> ye im @ the battle from the stone of farewell
[20:12] <&Kyra> and sinthi are on their way
[20:12] <&Rix> Ah with Fengbald
[20:12] <&Rix> xd
[20:12] <&Kyra> but they sure have a long ride xd
[20:12] <&Rix> Are they?
[20:12] <&Kyra> well
[20:12] <&Kyra> hope so :p
[20:12] <&Kyra> they ARE riding somewhere xd
[20:12] <&Rix> Haha xd
[20:12] <&Rix> ye that riding is awsm
[20:12] <&Kyra> well this guys seem fucked if noone will come :')
[20:12] <&Rix> They ride through the summer into the winter!
[20:12] <&Rix> Haha
[20:12] <&Rix> xD
[20:12] <&Kyra> uhu
[20:13] <&Kyra> they came through the gate of wind!
[20:13] * ~sbanks` slowly walks away
Rix (19:02:58 - 11-06) (+42/44) Link
[20:46:14] <~Wartaal> Knock Knock
[20:49:41] <~Yoghami|AFK]> Who's there?
[20:49:52] <~Wartaal> Disco
[20:50:04] <~Yoghami|AFK]> Disco who?
[20:50:07] <~Wartaal> Disconnected
[20:50:08] * ~Wartaal ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: ~< TraScript >~ - By Trace - http://trascript.trabot.net)
Kyra (00:40:23 - 18-06) (-6/14) Link
[03:34:52] * Joins: Xapo ([email protected])
[03:35:04] <Xapo> Krays talk :o
[03:35:10] * Parts: Xapo ([email protected])
[03:35:20] <@Danny> no they dont
Veronica (00:54:22 - 18-06) (-10/18) Link
[23:59:27] * Lamark is now known as Gerard`Butler
[23:59:30] <~Gerard`Butler> seriously
[23:59:32] <~Gerard`Butler> today @ the gym
[23:59:35] <~Gerard`Butler> after the turkish bath
[23:59:38] <~Gerard`Butler> all swetty
[23:59:40] <~Gerard`Butler> damn
[23:59:46] <~Gerard`Butler> i was walking towards the mirror
[23:59:50] <~Gerard`Butler> watching myself walking
[23:59:51] <~Gerard`Butler> and thinking
[00:00:00] <~Gerard`Butler> "damn, I look like Gerard`Butler when he was younger"
[00:00:05] <~Gerard`Butler> but ofc hotter
[00:00:05] <~Gerard`Butler> <3
Spy (12:52:45 - 19-06) (+10/22) Link
[14:51:21] <~Ven`> u got herpes Jollo ?
[14:51:27] <+Jollo> and if I do?
[14:51:35] <~Ven`> next time we use rubbers
Iniziata (08:04:04 - 20-06) (-7/15) Link
[23:03:42] <@Hat`> 1939: Britain and France declare war on Germany
[23:03:42] <@Hat`> Britain and France are at war with Germany following the invasion of Poland two days ago.
[23:06:36] <+Caius> i slapped the germans on the face with my dick
[23:06:58] <@Relayerr> changes all the world
[23:07:10] * Caius is now known as Caius|Fuckinghard
[23:07:16] <&Suchy`afk> true
[23:07:28] * Caius|Fuckinghard is now known as Caius|Awayhavingsex
[23:07:42] <@barkiee> Caius|Awayhavingsex having sex en being on mirc
[23:07:54] <@barkiee> your boyfriend won't like that
[23:07:57] <&Suchy`afk> hand is always near ;)
[23:08:20] <@Relayerr> soap is my frind
[23:08:27] <+Iniziata`tIrEd> with the hand
[23:08:33] <&Suchy`afk> ahahahah
[23:08:36] <@Relayerr> shower 3 times a day
[23:08:52] <&Suchy`afk> priceless xD
[23:09:38] <@barkiee> nn all
[23:10:03] <&Suchy`afk> nn (K)
[23:11:38] * Suchy`afk is now known as Sm00ke
[23:22:09] * Caius|Awayhavingsex is now known as Caius
[23:22:12] <+Caius> well that was fun
[23:22:18] <+Caius> im tired think ima sleep
[23:22:20] <+Iniziata`tIrEd> Caius how was your hand?
[23:22:31] <+Caius> it was deep inside my gf
[23:22:37] <+Caius> can still smell her :p
[23:22:40] <+Iniziata`tIrEd> nice1
[23:22:40] <&Sm00ke> lol
[23:22:45] <+Caius> lol
[23:22:48] <+Iniziata`tIrEd> is she emo ?
[23:22:52] <+Caius> totally emo
[23:22:53] <+Caius> lol
[23:22:58] <+Caius> why the fuck would she be emo? XD
[23:22:59] <+Iniziata`tIrEd> ah
[23:22:59] <&Sm00ke> is she "she" :D
[23:23:08] <+Caius> oh lol
[23:23:13] <+Caius> yes she is a she she :D
[23:23:21] <+Iniziata`tIrEd> en is a he?
[23:23:33] <+Caius> im not gay no :)
[23:24:01] <+Iniziata`tIrEd> cuz you have roman name
[23:24:08] <+Caius> LOL XD
[23:24:09] <+Iniziata`tIrEd> and you now what romans liked
[23:24:15] <+Caius> i do :p
[23:24:19] <+Iniziata`tIrEd> in-the-butt
[23:24:20] <+Caius> lol
[23:24:29] <+Caius> i didnt stick my hand in any guys butt i promise XD
[23:24:35] <+Caius> as a matter of fact i never stuck my hand in a butt period
[23:24:43] <+Caius> neither did i ever stick my dick in an ass :p
[23:24:46] <+Iniziata`tIrEd> amen brother AMEN
[23:24:51] <+Caius> :p
[23:24:58] <&Sm00ke> need to say 1 thing
[23:25:06] <&Sm00ke> we cant check those facts
[23:25:14] <+Caius> the romans liked it hard and quick in the ass XD
[23:25:16] <&Sm00ke> so u are still gay in my eyes
[23:25:21] <+Caius> true XD
[23:25:24] <+Caius> lol
[23:25:28] <&Sm00ke> yea heard that too :")
[23:25:50] <@Relayerr> he wiped 4 times even though he didnt shit
[23:25:54] <+Iniziata`tIrEd> you smoked tomuch
[23:25:58] <@Relayerr> homo
[23:25:58] <+Iniziata`tIrEd> Sm00ke
[23:26:18] <&Sm00ke> just a lil bit smoke for sleep ;)
[23:26:28] <+Iniziata`tIrEd> Sm00ke is an indian dialect for pooplick
[23:26:36] <@Relayerr> lol\
[23:26:39] <+Iniziata`tIrEd> true story
[23:26:39] <&Sm00ke> :o
[23:26:42] <+Caius> XD
[23:26:54] <&Sm00ke> u impressed me :D
[23:27:09] <&Sm00ke> <bravo>
[23:27:13] <&Sm00ke> how u know it ?
[23:27:17] <+Caius> i just wanna be able to say these words sooner or later this version:
[23:27:29] <+Caius> "I AM A CONSUL OF ROME!!! HOW DARE YOU?!"
[23:27:42] <&Sm00ke> suck my cock ;p
Kyra (11:16:38 - 20-06) (0/16) Link
[14:13:48] <~sbanks> so i was zinking of ze germanz
[14:13:52] <~sbanks> who make camps
[14:13:57] <~sbanks> to destroy zome jewz
[14:14:03] <~Kyra> u wanna make gas camps?
[14:14:11] <~sbanks> HEY
[14:14:17] <~sbanks> dont fuk with ze jews ok
[14:14:37] <~Kyra> u seemed to want that :p
[14:14:45] <~sbanks> WHERE
[14:14:51] <~Kyra> (14:13:48) <~sbanks> so i was zinking of ze germanz
[14:14:51] <~Kyra> (14:13:52) <~sbanks> who make camps
[14:14:51] <~Kyra> (14:13:57) <~sbanks> to destroy zome jewz
[14:14:55] <~sbanks> fake logs..
Kyra (11:49:44 - 20-06) (-2/14) Link
[14:45:38] <+EaZy> Who is good a pic making? PM. Happy to pay ING $$
[14:46:01] <@Eldior> bloch is EaZy :p
[14:46:04] <@Eldior> he'll be here later
[14:46:07] <@Eldior> he's the best xfd
[14:47:31] <+sbanks> but he's mexican
[14:47:38] <+sbanks> so he also can be killed by some drug cartel
[14:47:40] <+sbanks> u cant be sure
[14:47:45] <+sbanks> U NEVER CAN BE SURE
Veronica (00:25:47 - 22-06) (+13/21) Link
[02:18:05] <~Soad> (No Subject)
[02:18:05] <~Soad> From: Daring
[02:18:05] <~Soad> Type: Personal
[02:18:05] <~Soad> Sent: 22-Jun @ 00:12:39
[02:18:05] <~Soad> hello, my family the best people mystery dead ((( who killed? my very cry. ý bad. because mystery dead
[02:18:28] <~Soad> xddddd
[02:18:46] <&VeroAfk> loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
[02:18:51] <&Setzure> MY VERY CRY
[02:18:53] <&VeroAfk> hhahahah
[02:18:55] <&Setzure> MY VERY CRY
[02:19:14] <~Soad> agahahaha
[02:19:36] <&VeroAfk> rofl
[02:21:05] <~Barayev> AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[02:21:16] * ~Barayev MÝ VERÝ CRÝ
[02:21:25] <~Barayev> loling irl.
[02:21:54] <&VeroAfk> me2
[02:21:58] <&VeroAfk> trust me
[02:22:00] <&Setzure> [21:21:34] <~Barayev> loling irl.
[02:22:01] <&Setzure> loling irl.
[02:22:04] <&VeroAfk> crying
[02:22:06] <&VeroAfk> here
[02:22:08] <&VeroAfk> xdxdxdxd
[02:22:11] <&Setzure> dude whats up
[02:22:14] <&Setzure> stfu bro, im busy
[02:22:16] <&Setzure> loling irl.
[02:22:20] <~Barayev> xddddd
[02:22:56] <~Soad> not now
[02:22:58] <~Soad> loling irl .
[02:23:35] <~Barayev> dude wait
[02:23:39] <~Barayev> loling irl.
Kyra (23:09:58 - 22-06) (-1/17) Link
[02:07:26] <+Regan> Hallo.
[02:08:20] <+sbanks> hi ronald
[02:08:49] <+Ingjarl> ....
[02:09:10] <+sbanks> ronald regan
[02:09:11] <+sbanks> was a funny
[02:09:12] <+sbanks> :(
Pils (03:39:05 - 25-06) (+11/15) Link
<~Razumihin> yeah
<~Razumihin> btw
<+Babyface> or pm
<~Razumihin> you've heard
<~Razumihin> gadafi died
<~Razumihin> ?
<~Razumihin> :w
<&Glue`> what?
<&Glue`> :o
<+Babyface> really?
<+Babyface> he died?
* &Glue` browses to newssite
<~Razumihin> yeah
<~Razumihin> Gadafi 30-03-2011 09:32:39 Soldier Vincitori
<~Razumihin> what a soldier he was
<+Babyface> haha
<&Glue`> fu
<&Glue`> xd
<&Glue`> faggot
<&Glue`> xd
<&Glue`> haha
<+Babyface> nice one Razumihin
Pils (03:44:12 - 25-06) (-8/12) Link
[13:33:46] <stephan> hi
[13:33:47] <stephan> i cant raid
[13:33:57] <EaglesX`X> can or cant
[13:34:02] <stephan> cant
[13:34:03] <stephan> rank?
[13:34:15] <EaglesX`X> a Assassin
[13:34:20] <stephan> okay ing?
[13:34:31] <EaglesX`X> i dont have car
[13:48:00] <stephan> hi
[13:48:02] <stephan> i cant raid
[13:48:03] <EaglesX`X> hi
[13:48:07] <EaglesX`X> i hot
[13:48:21] <stephan> okay raid?
[13:48:23] <stephan> ing?
[13:48:32] <EaglesX`X> i;m hot
[13:48:43] <stephan> no need to get all obnoxious
[13:48:44] <EaglesX`X> but can buy hp for 1500$
[13:48:45] <EaglesX`X> Honour points 210
[13:48:46] <stephan> just your ingame will do
[13:48:53] <EaglesX`X> Honour points
[13:49:04] <stephan> no, raid
[13:50:38] <stephan> okay i cant send you hps
[13:50:52] <EaglesX`X> your ing
[13:50:58] <stephan> hot
[13:51:16] <EaglesX`X> what hot
[13:51:30] <stephan> Next Honour Points Transfer 1 D 06 H 26 M 18 S
[13:51:46] <stephan> :s
[13:51:49] <EaglesX`X> hahaha
[13:52:00] <EaglesX`X> do you have jes or not
[13:52:10] <stephan> i cant send you hps
[13:52:23] <EaglesX`X> your ing
[13:52:26] <stephan> fapman
[13:52:27] <EaglesX`X> isent you money
Danny (22:48:34 - 28-06) (-5/11) Link
[00:44:20] <NTS> im brug i need fam and 20m for lackeys and dc u can help me ?
Audiowaste (19:07:57 - 03-07) (+30/34) Link
[22:46:49] <+Audiowaste> A while ago, I was having sex with a girl
[22:46:55] <+Audiowaste> I suddenly stopped moving
[22:47:03] <+Audiowaste> She asked: what are you doing?
[22:47:16] <+Audiowaste> I said: I have seen this on YouP*rn
[22:47:27] <+Audiowaste> "It's called buffering"
Drimacus (22:55:52 - 03-08) (-4/10) Link
[00:33:36] <`Sniper> Drimacus
[00:33:41] <Drimacus> yes
[00:33:45] <`Sniper> i bulqur
[00:33:47] <Drimacus> hi
[00:33:57] <Drimacus> can you speak english?
[00:34:04] <`Sniper> I threw what I post ?
[00:34:12] <`Sniper> little
[00:34:19] <Drimacus> what did you mean
[00:34:24] <Drimacus> with that message
[00:35:11] <`Sniper> Are you dating from the family I said I turkuz
[00:35:46] <Drimacus> dating from the family?
[00:35:57] <`Sniper> sister fam
[00:36:06] <Drimacus> if messina was sister fam of turkuz?
[00:36:43] <`Sniper> anyway bro
[00:36:45] <`Sniper> already left the game before he died
[00:36:58] <`Sniper> I pray not are
[00:36:59] <`Sniper> :)
[00:37:30] <`Sniper> gl :w
[00:37:33] <Drimacus> :/
[00:37:44] <Drimacus> i dont get it
[00:37:48] <`Sniper> You live, thanks to me
[00:38:03] <Drimacus> lol
[00:38:06] <`Sniper> bump-I worry about
[00:38:06] <`Sniper> :)
[00:38:09] <`Sniper> gl :w
PannaJunk (10:45:16 - 08-08) (-6/12) Link
[12:42:24] <~PannaJunk> empty pro :o
[12:42:26] <~Veronica> ye
[12:42:33] <~Veronica> u gonna love when i update it
[12:42:34] <~Veronica> xd
[12:42:36] <~Veronica> just see
[12:42:36] <~Veronica> :x
[12:42:38] <~PannaJunk> oke :p
[12:42:42] <~PannaJunk> ill wait !
[12:42:43] <~Veronica> but bloch is slow
[12:42:43] <~PannaJunk> :d
[12:42:43] <~Veronica> xd
[12:42:47] <~PannaJunk> lol
[12:42:50] <~PannaJunk> he's mexican
[12:42:53] <~PannaJunk> what did you expect
[12:42:53] <~PannaJunk> xD
[12:42:54] <~Veronica> xd
[12:42:56] <~Veronica> ahah
[12:43:07] <~PannaJunk> or they work at subway
[12:43:14] <~PannaJunk> or they do great work but are slow and lazy
[12:43:15] <~PannaJunk> simple.
[12:43:16] <~PannaJunk> xd
sbanks (20:26:54 - 08-08) (+10/14) Link
[22:19] * &MrWhite runs around naked
[22:19] <&MrWhite> im busy
[22:19] <&Kyra> :'(
[22:19] <&Kyra> :')*
[22:19] <~sbanks> done!
[22:19] * ~sbanks runs with MrWhite
[22:19] * ~sbanks giggles
[22:19] <~sbanks> haha MrWhite his penis slaps his forhead when he runs
[22:19] * ~sbanks giggles
[22:19] <&Kyra> lmai
[22:19] <&Kyra> lmao
[22:20] <&MrWhite> lmfao
[22:20] * MrWhite is now known as MrWhite|Headache
[22:20] <&MrWhite|Headache> damn that hurts
trepatudo (21:53:29 - 12-08) (+4/14) Link
<yama|beer> hey
<noobSuavizado> yo
<yama|beer> sup
<noobSuavizado> did you died?
<yama|beer> yeh
<yama|beer> happy?
<noobSuavizado> success, then.
<yama|beer> dont laugh much
Athenamoia (10:28:51 - 14-08) (+1/9) Link
[12:23] <@Surdices> i always lose at races thats why i never race
[12:23] <@Surdices> so i wont be vrooming over you :(
[12:23] <+Athenamoia> lol
[12:23] <@Surdices> might be able to vroom over zonked if im lucky
[12:24] <+Zonked> no
[12:24] <@Surdices> fuck it.. im just gonna jizz in his beard
[12:24] <+Zonked> no one is vrooming over me ;[
[12:24] <+Zonked> NO
[12:24] <@Surdices> :O
[12:24] <+Zonked> that would make me shave ;[
[12:24] <@Surdices> yeah but you wouldnt have to use shaving foam
[12:24] <+Athenamoia> lmao