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sbanks (23:10:33 - 26-01) (0/6) Link
[00:00] <%Xaros|aroundish> rip deston, living in sweden i learn one thing.. norweign ppl suck big time
[00:00] <%Xaros|aroundish> their a bad version of sweds
Spy (05:25:05 - 25-12) (-2/6) Link
[06:15:30] <Amenta|GONE> found a funny vid
[06:16:12] <Amenta|GONE> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99uTvPeNhnM
[06:22:00] <Spyz0r> mate
[06:22:02] <Spyz0r> check this out
[06:22:04] <Spyz0r> this one
[06:22:06] <Spyz0r> is even funnier
[06:22:06] <Spyz0r> xD
[06:22:08] <Spyz0r> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KxkW8t8xX8
[06:22:41] <Amenta|GONE> oki :D
[06:23:17] <Amenta|GONE> dude, rly there is no point - cause i like the song
[06:23:17] <Amenta|GONE> xD
[06:23:24] <Spyz0r> RICKROLLLEEEDDDD
KohfiKonnekt (12:44:54 - 15-09) (+2/6) Link
[14:42:08] <10+Faine> I was just a mental kid who liked sand
[14:42:09] <10+Faine> I mean
[14:42:12] <10+Faine> I ate catfood as well
[14:43:28] <10+Kvailys> O.o
Amproof (22:24:49 - 06-04) (+7/7) Link
[18:12:45] <~MrWhite> From: Dicklick
[18:12:46] <~MrWhite> Type: Personal
[18:12:46] <~MrWhite> Sent: 06-Apr @ 13:13:30
[18:12:46] <~MrWhite> Quote: Mrwhite
[18:12:46] <~MrWhite> april fools man
[18:12:46] <~MrWhite> fuckin shit. And I thought I died, so I re-birthed with a stupid name lol
[18:12:46] <~MrWhite> [Delete ([)]
[18:12:53] <~CoffeeSoph> xD
[18:12:56] <~CoffeeSoph> Hahahahahahhaa
[18:12:58] <~CoffeeSoph> Acedink xD
[18:13:00] <~CoffeeSoph> HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[18:13:05] <+borro> loooooooooooooooool
[18:13:18] <+Police> :)
[18:13:19] <+Danny> oh dear
Dopedog (18:58:02 - 29-12) (+1/7) Link
[19:55:44] <Kyra`> I STILL DNO ENGLISH
Amenta (15:14:56 - 24-12) (+3/7) Link
[02:11:58] * @Oscaralho slaps Vindicta around a bit with a large trout
[02:12:03] <@Oscaralho> suck my balls mofo :D
[02:12:22] <&Vindicta> do pussys have balls? xd
nhinhi (22:23:39 - 18-12) (-1/7) Link
[00:19:35] <@nhinhi> bye all
[00:19:39] * nhinhi is now known as nhinhi|ZzzZZzZZZZzz
[00:19:42] <@nhinhi|ZzzZZzZZZZzz> I dont snore so much
[00:19:45] * nhinhi|ZzzZZzZZZZzz is now known as nhinhi|zz
[00:19:48] <@nhinhi|zz> thats better
Vito (15:38:21 - 30-10) (-1/7) Link
<[4:35pm]> Jtech: bite rosa
<[4:35pm]> rosa: kiss Jtech
<[4:35pm]> Vito|Groningen: Rapes both
Hotstuff (00:52:46 - 13-10) (-1/7) Link
[18:07:57] <+Hotstuff> ten acres of marijuana was just busted in obion county TN :(
[18:08:36] <+ToniTolj> :(
[18:09:55] <~Soad> 1minute silence
[18:10:11] <+Furr|bsy> oc someone ?
[18:10:16] * Quits: +`Mutt[zOr (Mutt@Mutt.users.omerta) (Quit: Reason filtered)
[18:10:23] <+ToniTolj> ssst
[18:10:42] <+Furr|bsy> ?
[18:11:03] <+ToniTolj> <~Soad> 1minute silence
[18:11:14] <+Furr|bsy> #oc.chicago.dm
[18:11:17] <+Furr|bsy> for what ?
[18:11:37] <+ToniTolj> <+Hotstuff> ten acres of marijuana was just busted in obion county TN :(
Hyobanshi (17:43:30 - 26-09) (-5/7) Link
[19:43] <&Hyobanshi> gonna poo
[19:43] <&Kyra> share then
KohfiKonnekt (18:10:21 - 19-09) (-1/7) Link
[20:06:08] * &ishma (....@ishmahell.users.omerta) Quit (Quit: ...)
[20:06:20] * ishma (....@ishmahell.users.omerta) has joined #winning
[20:06:20] * ChanServ sets mode: +ao ishma ishma
[20:07:35] <~Trend> ishma noone talks to you :<
[20:07:42] <~Trend> I will
[20:07:44] <~Trend> hellow :)
[20:08:16] <~Trend> ...
[20:08:21] <~Trend> god I feel stupid now
[20:08:22] <~Trend> :<
Amproof (17:18:31 - 12-09) (-1/7) Link
[18:17:10] <+ishma> lol
[18:17:22] <+ishma> Money: #4
[18:17:24] <+ishma> :>
[18:17:30] <&AnnA> ishma
[18:17:32] <&AnnA> is that you?
[18:17:50] <&AnnA> or are you trying to lure me into marrying you
Spy (21:32:23 - 01-09) (-5/7) Link
[23:24:38] <Spy> hoest met jou ? jij zit met een wijntje zeker ?
[23:24:39] <Spy> xD
[23:24:52] <carlover> een mooie DOCG Chianti ja
[23:24:53] <carlover> xD
[23:25:15] <Spy> ik wist 't gewoon he :')
[23:25:23] <carlover> xD
[23:25:27] <carlover> uit Siena trouwens
[23:25:29] <carlover> zie ik nu
[23:25:32] <carlover> Siena \o/
[23:25:56] <carlover> ben daar geweest
[23:26:02] <carlover> euh......15 jaar geleden ofzo :')
[23:26:06] <carlover> hm
[23:26:09] <carlover> zat in de 5de
[23:26:14] <carlover> 14 jaar geleden dus
[23:26:15] <carlover> :')
[23:26:50] <carlover> nee wacht
[23:26:54] <carlover> was in '99
[23:27:00] <carlover> of nee
[23:27:06] <Spy> jezus christis
[23:27:08] <Spy> make up ur mind
[23:27:09] <Spy> xD
[23:27:10] <carlover> bleeeeegh
[23:27:13] <carlover> even denken
[23:27:22] <carlover> dit is niet m'n eerste wijntje kutjong
[23:27:22] <carlover> :')
Amproof (11:46:11 - 22-08) (+5/7) Link
[07:45:09] <+Timelord> mocs are random :)
[07:45:18] <+AmproofOut> for fucks sake...
[07:45:25] <+AmproofOut> check out thefucking game pedia
[07:45:45] <+Timelord> ok not entirely random, mocing with pils as leader = catastrophy :)
Kohfi_Konnekt (20:33:37 - 13-05) (+8/8) Link
[22:30:37] <04~Itsfunny|Off> Omerta is like a wife
[22:30:40] <04~Itsfunny|Off> she's getting old
[22:30:43] <04~Itsfunny|Off> fucking up the dinner
[22:30:48] <04~Itsfunny|Off> pissing all over herself
[22:30:51] <04~Itsfunny|Off> but you can't leave her
[22:30:54] <04~Itsfunny|Off> it's just wrong
sbanks (23:10:09 - 26-01) (0/8) Link
[00:08] <~LL> Insert a new coin in the I care slot
[00:08] * @Smul inserts
Amproof (19:54:30 - 31-12) (0/8) Link
[14:15:25] <+Amproof> 2546470 Duesenberg Model X Locke 0% $ 145,000 Detroit Heist Car
[14:15:57] <+Amproof> was just going to copy/paste
[14:15:58] <+Amproof> to show
[14:16:02] <+Amproof> what my fav car in the entire world is :P
<later> that day...
[19:51:37] <+Amproof> The feds confiscated a stolen Duesenberg Model X Locke from you
[19:51:38] <+Amproof> The feds confiscated a stolen Duesenberg Model X Locke from you
[19:51:38] <+Amproof> The feds confiscated a stolen Duesenberg Model X Locke from you
[19:51:40] <-M[Bot]-> [FP] Please stop flooding the channel! (Repeat flood detected)
[19:51:41] <+Amproof> FUCKKKKKKKKinghell
[19:51:47] <+Amproof> I have 4 cars in the garrage
[19:51:51] <+Amproof> ONE wasn't in the safehouse
[19:51:56] <+Amproof> how the Fujuzzle
[19:51:59] <+Amproof> do they take it
[19:52:33] <+Amproof> Seriously tho... I had 4 cars in my garage 3 in the safehouse and that was just out cuz I used it to heist
Dopedog (23:28:26 - 27-12) (-6/8) Link
[00:18:17 xanato|around psst] <TheDopedog>
[00:18:26 Dakich haha] <>
[00:18:27 TheDopedog hides] <>
[00:18:49 xanato|around ] <>
[00:18:59 xanato|around TheDopedog] <make> that change to beyond
[00:19:08 Dakich hahah] <>
[00:19:09 TheDopedog whats] <beyond>
[00:19:10 TheDopedog ?] <>
[00:19:15 xanato|around so] <we> can be orc
[00:19:24 xanato|around dunno] <u> tell me
[00:19:26 xanato|around ] <>
[00:19:30 xanato|around u] <come> on top
[00:19:31 xanato|around ^^] <>
[00:20:12 =-= Jr`dnd] <is> now known as Jr`off
[00:20:13 xanato|around oh] <your> not dopedog
[00:20:21 xanato|around ou] <are> TheDopedog sry
[00:20:30 xanato|around you*] <>
[00:20:32 TheDopedog :'] <>
[00:20:41 Dakich lol] <>
[00:20:50 TheDopedog who] <ýs> dopdog?
[00:20:51 xanato|around my] <mistake> damm
[00:21:53 TheDopedog xanato|around????] <>
[00:22:10 TheDopedog pls] <>
[00:22:20 TheDopedog me] <top?>
[00:22:39 xanato|around dopedog] <is> a irc nick
[00:22:39 xanato|around from] <some1> famous ^^
[00:22:39 xanato|around ask] <Dakich> and Lazial
[00:22:54 xanato|around http://news.omertabeyond.com/] <>
[00:22:56 Dakich LD] <>
[00:23:02 Dakich never] <hear> of him
[00:23:06 Dakich u] <Lazial> ?
[00:23:07 xanato|around ahah] <Dakich>
[00:23:11 xanato|around ] <>
[00:23:15 xanato|around :*] <>
[00:23:47 TheDopedog Ý] <can> be lýek hým?
[00:23:48 Dakich ] <>
[00:24:16 Lazial Ahh] <Dope>
[00:24:31 TheDopedog pppp] <>
[00:24:33 Lazial We] <used> to pity the guy back in the days Dakich
[00:24:38 Lazial And] <let> him roll with us
[00:24:52 |<-- SkitzoJopo] <has> left irc.barafranca.com (Quit: I see Dead people nn)
[00:24:54 Lazial He] <was> a turk, thinking he is a dutch aircraft bomber
[00:25:01 xanato|around ] <>
[00:25:01 Lazial Played] <too> much CoD i suppose
[00:25:03 Dakich haha] <>
[00:25:06 TheDopedog where] <frkn> Xapo|afk when I need him
[00:25:10 TheDopedog PADAM] <TSSSJ>
[00:25:14 Lazial But] <a> cool guy ...
[00:25:18 TheDopedog xanato|around] <u> b00n
[00:25:30 xanato|around ] <>
[00:26:16 TheDopedog thanks] <for> calling me famous tho
[00:26:20 TheDopedog :$] <>
[00:26:29 xanato|around u] <are> ^^
[00:26:31 xanato|around ] <>
[00:26:39 xanato|around set] <a> special kill to choose a race
[00:26:45 xanato|around skill*] <>
[00:26:58 xanato|around ] <>
KohfiKonnekt (15:26:41 - 21-09) (-6/8) Link
[17:25:39] <trans> any boys want to marry.
Impact (02:18:35 - 19-09) (+2/8) Link
[22:16:27] <Mickay|fooood> you really cant go wrong with anything involving bbq sauce
[22:16:28] <Mickay|fooood> lol
[22:16:33] <Im[P]issed> ye i can
[22:16:43] <Im[P]issed> i put bbq sauce on icecream once
[22:16:47] <Im[P]issed> thought it was choc syrup
[22:16:51] <Mickay|fooood> hahahaha
[22:16:52] <Im[P]issed> didnt taste very good
[22:16:56] <Mickay|fooood> thats hilarious
[22:17:00] <Im[P]issed> no its not
[22:17:05] <Im[P]issed> i was drunk
[22:17:08] <Im[P]issed> and didnt read the label
[22:17:10] <Mickay|fooood> i literally just laughed out loud