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Vengeance (09:53:50 - 13-12) (+2/2) Link
Vengeance (09:43:22 - 13-12) (+3/3) Link
[09:31] <Member> Lola : real raid +dr
[09:33] <Member> Morawak : @Lola inv me
[09:33] <Member> Bankzy : Race
[09:36] <Member> Lola : ok
[09:36] <Member> Lola : @Morawak go
[09:37] <Member> Morawak : invite XD
[09:37] <Member> Lola : you are hot
[09:37] <Member> Morawak : ty
[09:37] <Member> Lola : i thought raid sorry
[09:38] <Member> Lola : go rrace
[09:38] <Member> Bankzy : @Lola I can raid in 40 sec
[09:38] <Member> Lola : real?
[09:38] <Member> Morawak : +
[09:38] <Member> Bankzy : Do you have car?
[09:39] <Member> Lola : no
[09:39] <Member> Morawak : lola invite raid
[09:39] <Member> Bankzy : I have W125
[09:39] <Member> Morawak : @Lola invite me raid
[09:40] <Member> Lola : ok
[09:40] <Member> Bankzy : 5012634 Mercedes-Benz W125 0% $ 150,000 New York Heist Car
[09:41] <Member> Lola : @Morawak you are still hot
[09:41] <Member> Morawak : ty
[09:41] <Member> Lola : ty?
[09:41] <Member> Morawak : im attractive
[09:41] <Member> Lola : silly
Vengeance (09:41:09 - 13-12) (-1/1) Link
[09:31] <Member> Lola : real raid +dr
[09:33] <Member> Morawak : @Lola inv me
[09:33] <Member> Bankzy : Race
[09:36] <Member> Lola : ok
[09:36] <Member> Lola : @Morawak go
[09:37] <Member> Morawak : invite XD
[09:37] <Member> Lola : you are hot
[09:37] <Member> Morawak : ty
Pyro (19:21:57 - 19-05) (0/0) Link
[21:16:11] <04&Illdrago> good, ihavent got anything else either xD
[21:16:19] <04&Illdrago> omg that sounds sad
[21:16:22] <04&Illdrago> :')
[21:16:58] <07&Pyro`> indeed bro xD
[21:18:02] * &Illdrago cuddles his dog,f*ck he ran outside
[21:18:20] <07&Pyro`> i read that wrong :")
[21:18:25] <07&Pyro`> thought the dogs name was fuck xD
[21:18:58] <04&Illdrago> :''''''')
[21:19:19] <04&Illdrago> dont give me new ideas on how to call him xD
Anna (11:26:09 - 03-05) (0/0) Link
[13:21] <AnnA: is> this how it feels when you wank?
[13:21 Pupale_: the] <left> hand yes
[13:21 Pupale_: xd] <>
[13:21 billy: coming] <>
[13:21 Pupale_: dont] <come> now
Shaon (16:36:48 - 10-01) (0/0) Link
[21:44:52] <@Bombafk> anyone selling dc
[21:44:53] <@Bombafk> ?
[21:45:49] <~Shaon> Bombafk many did
[21:45:56] <~Shaon> they were all inkilled
[21:46:00] <@Bombafk> lol
[21:46:02] <@Bombafk> for what?
Shaon (19:58:24 - 07-01) (0/0) Link
[01:56:45] <@dangerangel`> 21:45:29| (~Hetfield) he loves to shower with me
[01:56:45] <@dangerangel`> 21:45:33| (~Hetfield) same as dangerangel`
[01:56:51] <@dangerangel`> I was actually in the shower when you said that
[01:56:53] <@dangerangel`> xd
[01:57:12] <~Hetfield> loool
[01:57:28] <~Hetfield> Shaon: save the logs bro pls
[01:57:31] <~okidoki|around> hahaha
Shaon (18:40:53 - 07-01) (0/0) Link
[00:34:47] <@dangerangel`> technically admins can akill you whenever they want
[00:34:51] <@dangerangel`> even for having a bad haircut
[00:35:09] <~hetty> than i would be dead rihgt now
[00:35:10] <@wBOT[1]> [death] 18:34:59 (A) Basil Assassin None
[00:35:11] <@wBOT[1]> [death] 18:33:10 (A) Santiero Bruglione Ascen
[00:35:12] <@wBOT[1]> [death] 18:33:07 (A) Mrbrooks Bruglione Ascension
[00:35:19] <@dangerangel`> haha :D
[00:35:28] <&[D-BoT]> [†] A Mrbrooks Bruglione Consig Ascension @ 18:33:07
[00:35:28] <&[D-BoT]> [†] A Santiero Bruglione Member Ascen @ 18:33:10
[00:35:28] <&[D-BoT]> [†] A Basil Assassin No family @ 18:34:59
[00:35:29] <~hetty> would have been funny if i was in that list
[00:35:34] <~hetty> rofl
[00:35:40] <@dangerangel`> idd
[00:35:41] <@dangerangel`> :D
[00:35:47] <~hetty> epic
[00:36:28] <~Shaon> [00:36:10] <&grimreaper> [death] 18:34:59 (A) Hetfield Bruglione Persicosy
[00:36:32] <~Shaon> u just did hetty
[00:37:39] <~hetty> lol
[00:37:53] <~hetty> wont even check
[00:37:54] <~Shaon> did I get u hetty
[00:38:01] <~hetty> no
[00:38:10] <~Shaon> u respod 40 second letter
[00:38:19] <~Shaon> enough to login and check
[00:38:24] <~Shaon> dont lie
[00:38:27] <@kanonnier> she's always late Shaon
[00:38:32] <~hetty> was checking on dangerangel`
[00:38:42] <@kanonnier> sure :P
[00:39:04] <~hetty> !whip kanonnier
[00:39:04] <~Shaon> gonna put to OB quote
ites (20:35:43 - 23-09) (0/0) Link
<EP> guys making this hard by being too n00b
<EP> xD
<boesmans> :D
<EP> probably in his fam chan laughing at us
<boesmans> tbh
ites (20:34:31 - 23-09) (0/0) Link
<tunning> Jewel`: gjmme cash xox
<Jewel`> tunning
<Jewel`> gimme dc xxx
<tunning> :|
<Jewel`> :P
<tunning> Ok
<tunning> 3atmyd1ck
<Jewel`> whats your ing tunning?
<tunning> Suckmyballs
<Jewel`> ok
<tunning> :$
<tunning> I got-330 dhps haha
<tunning> Lol
EP (11:44:10 - 24-02) (+3/3) Link
[11:18:22] <04~boesmans> i literally knew nothing of feudal kingsdoms, medieval kingdoms or whatever
[11:18:36] <04~boesmans> and i told you im reading a book series on the 100 years war
[11:18:43] <04~boesmans> which is 14th centurry
[11:18:45] <04~boesmans> century*
[11:18:47] <04~boesmans> anyway
[11:19:09] <04~boesmans> the red line in the book is medieval(feudal) kingdoms had a very hard time financially
Amproof (01:13:01 - 22-02) (+3/3) Link
<EP> why we want to shoot fangtasia in the first place? XD coz it's a lame ass twilight/true-blood style name?
<EP> uhhhhhhh XD
<boesmans> yes
<boesmans> exactly
<boesmans> see EP
<boesmans> we get each other
<EP> I feel we could have probably strong-armed them into a name change :|
<EP> sent 30m, and told them that their name wasn't gangster enough
Kohfi (18:54:51 - 28-12) (+4/4) Link
[19:53:15] <04&Lissa> [19:52:49] <@wBOT[1]> [FAM] Family down: Kurosawa
[19:53:16] <04~EP|dinner> i have no text!
[19:53:19] <04~EP|dinner> o whaat.
Amproof (18:07:18 - 28-12) (+2/4) Link
[12:40:12] * +Beetlersi ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[12:43:10] <&[D-BoT]> [$] [Narcotics Baltimore] Owner changed from Krays [Zostrich] to Beetlersi [Gaykrays]
[12:43:11] <&[D-BoT]> [$] [Slots Baltimore] Owner changed from Krays [Zostrich] to Beetlersi [Gaykrays]
[12:43:11] <&[D-BoT]> [†] Zostrich Godfather Don Krays @ 18:38:53
[12:43:11] <&[D-BoT]> [Fam] Family name changed from Krays to Gaykrays
[12:44:39] <+EP|dinner> well thank fuck i'm in the safehouse so i can't be blamed for this :')
[12:44:54] <+Erohw> what the fuck!?!?!
[12:45:00] <+Erohw> boesmans!!
[12:45:23] <+Amproof> lmaoooooooooooooo
[12:45:41] <+Erohw> Kohfi
[12:45:46] <~boesmans> wtf
[12:45:48] <@Kohfi> Erohw
[12:45:49] <@Kohfi> wow
Kohfi (16:37:36 - 21-12) (+2/2) Link
[17:36:40] <Freddy> why didn you die Rosie[Busting] ?
[17:36:46] <Freddy> sucked that much cock ? ;d
[17:36:51] <Rosie[Busting]> yep
[17:36:53] <Rosie[Busting]> that's my thing
Kohfi (22:03:17 - 10-12) (+1/3) Link
[23:02:15] <04~Pils|afK> how does sperm taste Freddy
[23:02:25] <04~Freddy> not bad
Hell (22:59:34 - 02-12) (-1/1) Link
[01:55:34] <+Hell|OFF> You crashed during your last race, after coming back from the hospital the result was you suffered a 20 health loss
[01:55:38] <+Tratturi> -.-
[01:55:39] <+Hell|OFF> wtf is wrong with me
[01:55:50] <+Tratturi> don't drink and drive....
[01:55:52] <+SuperSmurf> Dont drink and drive
Punshah (19:59:20 - 22-11) (0/0) Link
<Punsh|afk> Vapura` i write you as successor
<Punsh|afk> Vapura Bruglione Matrix time 21/11/2017 09:32:15
<Punsh|afk> -.- rip
<Vapura`> xD
<Vapura`> Thanks
<Punsh|afk> xD
Sillicis (08:19:36 - 26-09) (+1/1) Link
[10:16] <***> Eloise joined
[10:16 Sillicis: hi] <>
[10:17 Eloise: sorry] <hot>
[10:17 Eloise: forgot] <to> leave
[10:17] <***> Eloise left
Critycal (12:49:58 - 14-07) (+2/4) Link
[14:47:59] <~MurderInc> there's nothing like having a spacebar stuck in your anus