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» Family History
Been up in:2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.7a, 2.8, 2.8a
Alliance:Alliance, 2.2, CCCS/CCCE, 2.4 Legion
Sisterfam:2.2 Elysium, Pardus 2.8
History of Catania
I haven't been part of Catania since the start at 2.2, but I have been part of it every version after it. So I'll try to write as much as I can remember. The top of this family changed composition many times, especially in 2.2 so I hope I got it sort of correct.

Catania in 2.2, The starting days.
Ankerk, Sass, Leetar, Krulll, Diezsel, Makia, Bloch, Joeprofaci, Mista

Most people know this version as the one where CCCE ruled. Let me tell something about how it all started. The original founders of Catania are Krulll and Diezsel. At the start of 2.2 they brought together a lot of good rankers from various families. Along these rankers, some cheaters (mostly scripts so yep they did exist back then :P) were also present. Some of them got adminkilled right before Catania got up, so it got delayed a bit. Even though some of these rankers were killed, the number of high ranks in Catania was quite high and this meant, that when it was started by Sollid (Silone ingame, who would later start up Righelli another well known family in 2.2) it quickly attracted loads of fast rankers. Because it was one of the stronger fams it was also part of the '8-ball group'. This was a pact of families that agreed to divide all the major objects. At that point in time, I wasn't with Catania yet, but with one of the families at the other side, Acoma, for those who didn't have objects. Shortly after the objects were divided, several alliances were formed. One of them was Catania and Sanguinea. They shot some families during that time, including mine, Acoma. I was only buster at that time and decided to give it a shot at Catania, cause I wanted to try something different. They recruited me and because I was a buster I don't remember all details about the first few wars, since I wasn't really involved in wars at that time. I do know that at some point Catania shot Intensione, which at that point contained a well-known player Zenga, who would get his revenge some day...

Forming the alliance
Ankerk, Sass, Leetar, Krulll, Diezsel, Makia, Ulargg, Elmin, Bloch, Joeprofaci, Mista

Not long later the alliance CCCS was formed after Catania and Sanguinea merged with Calabrian and Cobras. Part of this alliance, the CCC fams attacked the alliance of Fatoslocos, which included several fams. At that time I had ranked up to brug, so this is when I shot along. I do know that round about this time I got invited to be top of Catania. Apparantly the war vs Fatoslocos alliance shook up some things as Sanguinea attacked Catania the day after. From what I know is that the reason for this war had to do with that fact that Sanguinea felt excluded when they didn't help along during the war vs Fatoslocos. And this exclusion caused some trouble between Catania and Sanguinea tops, which ultimately led to this war.
The result was that loads of Catania people got killed, but with the aid of Calabrian and Cobras Sanguinea was killed. After that Catania was quickly restarted and most people that survived the war rejoined. Not long after this event, a sister family of Cobras joined into the alliance, Elegante to form the well-known alliance of CCCE. At that point in time some Catania tops had retired from the game causing the top to shrink a bit. But new blood was also introduced causing the top of the fam to change.

The big wars part 1
Tops: Ankerk, Sass, Ulargg, Elmin, Bloch, Joeprofaci, Locutus, Qubical, Benetton, Mista

One of the first big wars after the alliance of CCCE was formed was actually caused by a number of unhappy members. Catania's sister fam Elysium had been formed at that point. But at one night some of Catania's members decided to kill Talamasca without the approval of the top at that point. They failed in doing so, killed Elysium in the process and most of the people that were involved in this attack got killed by their own family. However this event led to a very unstable situation, with (in our eyes) only one solution. Talamasca was part of a larger alliance with many families, namely Cienfuegos, Latobuio, Essence, Piscina, Gambino and Vincitori, Escalada and Bruinsma. They had just been attacked by Veneratio before that and together with our bloods we took them out.

Changing the name:
Ankerk, Sass, Ulargg, Joeprofaci, Locutus, Iced, Benetton, Mista

The story about Provenzano is slightly different than what was written in Provenzano's history. This is how I know it. Due to internal problems inside Provenzano. Provenzano as a fam name was no longer liked. As a result the alliance from which it was part (Righelli, Liggio etc) want to get rid of it. Back then famworth was still calculated in a different way than nowadays and also believed to affect the strength of the people inside the fam. (each day that a fam would be up gave some points) Since Provenzano was up from almost the start and Catania had fallen once, we offered to take over Provenzano for 100 M. This included quite some spots. In the process we renamed the old Catania fam to Elysium and changed Provenzano into Catania. This is the Catania that became well known as it became a chief+ only family with around 150 members at its peak. Elysium was used for recruiting purposes to keep the Catania growing.

The big wars part 2
Ulargg, Locutus, Ronln, Sassy, Naralune, Vonbling, Iced, Bricktop, Benetton, Mista

A few minor wars took place taking out several small fams, but not long after that an alliance named CYCLO, which included coccada, attacked (at least partly) Catania. Cyclo was killed after that by CCCE with the aid of our bloods back then and in the process they killed many Catania tops causing them to retire. As a result fresh blood was added to the family top.

Not long after this war, Zenga hijacked Catania and in the process killing me. I remember that day very well as even though I was online the whole day on irc arranging stuff and I didn't do a single thing about ranking. It was a really big mess. After everything had calmed down, the deciding war of that version took place.
Northern Alliance, which consisted of around 7 fams had shown signs of internal problems, by first accepting Tempestuoso into their alliance and afterwards killing them. Although Catania was blooded with them as CCCE, we still decided to shoot them. After a well prepared war, we managed to take them out fairly quickly, with very few casualties on our side.

Ending the version:
Ulargg, Locutus, Ronln, Sassy, Naralune, Vonbling, Iced, Bricktop, Maxx

Although the version was practically over after that war some interesting wars still took place. First of all RLGC had planned an attack on us, but it leaked and because of that CCCE took them out. About 1 day after that TT opened fire on CCCE (excluding Catania and they were killed in the process) The version was reset a short while after that.

Catania in version 2.3
Ulargg, Ronln, Vonbling, Iced, Maxx, Krulll, Leetar, Qubical,

Since loads of people didn't want to see us up after the previous version we had only one shot, namely to shoot right after we started up. Originally we had the plan to restart Catania as Mazzaro, but it never got that far. We teamed up with the other CCCE people and got in a fam named Bohemians, which was started up as the first family, but sadly the KA had changed a lot. The result was that nearly everyone died in backfire. After that it took a long time before Catania got up again. I will list one attempt that almost made it.

Catania in 2.4
Ulargg, Naralune, Ronln, Vonbling, Maxx, Youcantcme, Butterfly

Catania became part of the Legion alliance this version, which consisted of quite some fams, including Terranova, Calabrian, Elegante, Cobras and Redemption. This version did not last that long for Catania as the legion alliance was attacked by several alliances, before killing any other families. Catania did not come back after this war.

Catania 2.5/2.6
Ulargg, Naralune, Ronln, Vonbling, Maxx, Butterfly

Although the top was relatively small, we almost got up. Two days before we would start nearly everyone got killed. Most people were inside Conflict, which got killed right after the Fraternity war, during most people had lost all their bullets.

Catania in 2.7

Catania didn't get up during this version

Catania in 2.71
Ulargg, Naralune, Guevara, Lionstriker, Makia, KH, Butterfly, Vonbling

After trying a few times. (I got killed twice) Catania finally got up after the third try. The only problem was, we got attacked 1 day later by Noslorenzo. We lost all chief+ except for Guevara, who was lucky enough to survive the attempt on his account with 6% life left. After that Catania slowly grew, recruiting loads of completely new members and acted very passively. Only when the version was drawing to an end and Vicaria got shot by Inzerillo and LSN we made a plan to do something about it. Both of these fams had quite some friends in them. We couldn't take both so we decided to give it a shot at Inzerillo. Luckily a few days before we wanted to attack they got hijacked several times, causing them to lose all their CDs, which allowed us to preshoot them at 4 am. In the end we liked the end result although we died.

Catania in 2.8
Ulargg, Naralune, Guevara, Makia, KH, Butterfly

This version was kind of strange. Right before we would start (at that time we were still inside gravano) a lot of our potential bloods got killed, meaning we would have to do something different. We still managed to get up and we recruited many conflict and lsn people, which allowed Catania to grow into a large family. In the process we killed a fam (Insomniac) for spots. After that another two wars took place. The one being vs Cosca after an incident with a future member that got killed and the second war being the war vs Affinitas. After this war, Catania didn't make another attempt to get back in the game.

Catania in 2.81

After starting quite late Catania is quite small at the moment. Time will tell what will happen in the rest of this version.

Thanks to Ulargg for submitting
Involved wars
23-02 Noslorenzo+ <-> Catania+
13-04 Catania <-> Inzerilla
22-05 Catania <-> Insomniac
07-06 Catania/Pardus <-> Cosca
08-06 Affinitas under attack
30-11 Notte + Catania War
03-05 Rocafella/Catania/Trotters War
26-02 The Clash of the Titans
26-05 Tempestuoso+ <-> Krays+
06-12 Catania moved HQ
08-01 Chivas under attack
13-05 / 14-05 Gravano war! [update]
11-08 Scriptwars!
25-08 Carneglia under heavy attack
17-09 Vaff+Nuevitas+Casappa shootout
13-07 Lucchese under attack
25-07 It's a Massacre!
26-07 En Vogue - Don't Let Go
27-07 Vae Victis Catania?!
29-10 Rate Reducers!
06-11 Tuesday massacre
12-11 The battle for the Black Sea
18-11 Incubus'd
20-11 No Sanctuary in Omerta
21-11 Kick some gangster shit
03-12 Catania hijacked
09-01 Omerta's New Year's Resolution
11-01 There was a FIREFIGHT!
16-01 You reap what you sow
27-02 Night war
03-03 Late but lethal
20-03 War part 2
11-05 Late night mayhem
11-05 Daytime Repercussions
11-05 A massive Impact
13-05 Maraz Madness
16-05 Catania being shot!
06-10 Déjà vu
06-10 Paint the city Red
07-10 Finishing the job
08-10 Incoming!
22-10 Autumn is here
23-10 Downed by the button
12-11 Urgent Fury
30-11 Bass Bass Boom!
05-12 Cleaning up so soon?!
10-03 Initiation of Puzzle!
15-03 First war of the version!
