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30-11 Bass Bass Boom!
Author: Smul
Last updated: 3763d 10h 20m 58s ago by Redspeert
Comments: 213
Views: 88,281
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 4.7.1
Involved families: Ashilmar, Atom, Catania, Interficio, Krays, Provenzano, Samagono, Slayer, Burguesia, Kurosawa, Lusa, Prophecy, Tijuana, Dig
After 48 hours of seemingly endless war, we have another war on our hands. This time Lusa is the intended target.

They are getting attacked by a group of families; Atom+, Provenzano, Interficio, Ashilmar, Catania, Krays and Samagono.

Two of Lusa bloods jumped in immediately, both Prophecy and Tijuana didn't hesitate for a second.

3 days into the fight on December 2nd Burguesia and Kurosawa are intefering and aiding the "defenders" shooting down Krays and Ashilmar
Grigoriy (Lusa): Hello Beyond, lovers, haters and neutral people.
With all that is being said here, we felt the need to give a top statment.
Let's start from the beginning: When version started to pop up, and when we started to see all "sides", Marazzino+ seemed to be the strongest one, so we manage to shoot them (Lusa + Aeterna).
In that war, we (Lusa) got countered by Renocenti/Krays.
After Maraz & Ashen, and Reno/Krays deaths, we helped Aeterna, and jumped mostly for Interficio, with what we had left... Burguesia countered on us. With Kurosawa's intervention, we manage a ceasefire between Lusa and Burg & Interficio.
The version was locked, and talks were made. We tryed to work with Burguesia, but they were negative; we tryed to work with Sovereign, but they also were negative to our terms. At this point, we were in the island, but both sides seemed to see us as the next target to be killed.
When Burguesia and Kurosawa started to shoot Avaritia, and Peakys+ was on Kurosawa, we had info that Scarleone were backing up for us, so we manage to hit them, and kill our threat. With Scarleone dead, and after some issues with my friend enemy Kvothe, we killed Peakys helping Kurosawa.
In the next day, Sovereign+ started to shot on Burguesiaa, and in the ceasefire talks, they offered a ceaefire aslong as they wanted to shot Lusa with them. That was all we needed to get rid of Sovereign.
Now, we got shot by Catania, Ashilmar, Interficio, Provenzano, Atom, Krays, Samagono... and we are still countering...
So, what I ask is, where exactly did we stab our bloods?
Shame on you!
At least show some respect.

H`HMD(Catania): Since the beginning of the version we knew we were going to have to fight against a large group of families. I'd call it a pact, they would probably say their bloodships are 'conveniently interwined'. Last friday we were asked to join a war against Kurosawa. The original plan was quite risky, since we had to hope for Burguesia and Lusa to be afraid of each other and not counter for Kurosawa, as one would then shoot the other. Little did we know there was some kind of deal and the plan went to hell, so we decided to wait one more day. Having lost our strongest accounts in the first war we knew we would be up against far stronger accounts, but we knew it would be the last chance to force something in this version. Whether we win or lose this war, we'd like to thank our members and bloods who have stood by us this version.

Prophecy Tops: Win or lose all we can think of is how good our members fight back bend but not break , after long wars being the agressor it was time to defend against the rest of the server.
we fight for dominance and for bloods sustainability. we expected a fight and we did get it respect to the atackers fighting for their cause. I hope you all enjoying the version as much as we doing.
War started on: 18:54:03 30-11-2014 War ended on: 21:34:05 05-12-2014
Bullet difference: -45,778,463 War duration: 5d 2h 40m
Money difference: -$3,006,854,931 Players died: 612

Dead Families:
[Prophecy] Family down on 21:28 05-12
[Lusa] Family down on 11:21 05-12
[Slayer] Family down on 01:53 04-12
[Ashilmar] Family down on 13:30 03-12
[Ashilmar] Family down on 02:16 03-12
[Krays] Family down on 23:15 02-12
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Ashilmar | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 3 | brug: 15 | cd: 2 | gf: 2 | points: 338
Atom | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 7 | cd: 1 | gf: 2 | points: 190
Burguesia | swin: 2 | assa: 4 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 37
Catania | swin: 1 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 3 | brug: 14 | cd: 0 | gf: 3 | points: 313
Dig | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 1
Interficio | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 11 | cd: 3 | gf: 1 | points: 248
Krays | swin: 2 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 11 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 160
Kurosawa | swin: 1 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 11
Lusa | swin: 15 | assa: 10 | lc: 8 | chief: 13 | brug: 57 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 1,004
Prophecy | swin: 5 | assa: 1 | lc: 7 | chief: 3 | brug: 30 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 499
Provenzano | swin: 4 | assa: 2 | lc: 1 | chief: 5 | brug: 16 | cd: 7 | gf: 1 | points: 450
Samagono | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 4 | cd: 2 | gf: 1 | points: 141
Slayer | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 7 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 106
Tijuana | swin: 2 | assa: 0 | lc: 3 | chief: 0 | brug: 19 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 269
Total | swin: 34 | assa: 20 | lc: 24 | chief: 33 | brug: 191 | cd: 15 | gf: 12 | points: 3,767

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Anonymous (10:28:18 - 12-12)
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Nuke United States (14:22:12 - 05-12)
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Show some respect for the admin killed everyone.. No voucher for you!
Tibz United Kingdom (14:13:27 - 05-12)
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RDnotloggedin at 00:15:31 on 05/12:
Grannqe` at 23:25:08 on 04/12:
heard that a guy ingame Rubick, been pwnin and keepin Prophecy honour alive, is that true?
Prophecy honour always been intact grannqe ;)
You stolen my shrooms ?... :D
rafaz Portugal (12:47:39 - 05-12)
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Apparently Lusa got akilled by Spot Abuse, because they had Capodecinas with 0 strength who didn't do a crime to demote. Bug or a trick? Capos were losing a lot of money by never touching their accounts, just to keep the family alive.
There is a difference between a buse abuse and a trick that the game provides for those who need it. It's not hidden. In the 2nd war, many capodecinas were famless because they didn't come online after their family was down. Was that a bug? Of course not. Imagine that I am a capo and I am afk for a week my family gets shoted, i lose my strength... but I stay CDC. I'm a bug abuser now?
I think crew didn't understand that we had this organization strategy because we saw that it worked in the 2nd war.

The question is: if the crew didn't do anything after we report the CDC famless in the 2nd war, why would they akill us all now?
Instead of fixing the "bug" (lol), making users demote at the time they lose strength, they rather akill the #1 shooting family of this version!

RIP Lusa, hard to say this but RIP .com, your end is just begining :D

no hard feelings!
Anonymous (12:38:09 - 05-12)
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lusa akilled


spot abusers




Nuke United States (03:48:45 - 05-12)
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Kurosawa and Burguesia interfering means that Lusa, Prophecy, and Tijuana could not win on their own. As most servers go, it comes down to last man standing. Doesn't mean the best man won.. just someone had to be the last one.

Omerta should stop awarding vouchers.. It's not an appropriate award for a team effort.
RDnotloggedin (00:15:31 - 05-12)
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Grannqe` at 23:25:08 on 04/12:
heard that a guy ingame Rubick, been pwnin and keepin Prophecy honour alive, is that true?
Prophecy honour always been intact grannqe ;)
Anonymous (23:42:13 - 04-12)
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Grannqe` at 23:25:08 on 04/12:
heard that a guy ingame Rubick, been pwnin and keepin Prophecy honour alive, is that true?

Grannqe` (23:25:08 - 04-12)
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heard that a guy ingame Rubick, been pwnin and keepin Prophecy honour alive, is that true?
Anonymous (16:30:41 - 04-12)
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Anonymous at 00:13:56 on 04/12:
Anonymous at 22:15:14 on 03/12:
rafaz at 14:47:20 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 14:46:04 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 15:51:04 on 02/12:
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
and use money bugs, health bugs etc... su if u dont know how its played mate,,,

omg u found that we use money bugs.. u are really smart.. omg what should we do now!

Kill yourself, because you're not employed and living in the most sunny country in the world, but instead you spend your life cheating on a dead game and acting like a retarded abomination here...

Best comment I've ever seen, and that rafez loser (who cares if his name can't be spelled he ll just be remembered as a generic third world half life duper) still makes posts here to defend how much of a true faggot he really is. This site is hilarious, nice to see freaks like him still around cheating on a dead text world, good luck real people I doubt to many around here anymore.

Making fun with a country that is struggling to keep his economic pattern made by the eu masterminds of "debt mounted economics", that only favors the rich countries it just shows how retarded and insensible some ppl can be. U sir should die from starvation and have a huge dildo thrusted upon ur sore ass!
Anonymous (13:04:06 - 04-12)
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How much longer will this war take? Seems to me they couldn't handle the defending fams!
rafaz Portugal (12:25:50 - 04-12)
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Anonymous at 00:13:56 on 04/12:
Anonymous at 22:15:14 on 03/12:
rafaz at 14:47:20 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 14:46:04 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 15:51:04 on 02/12:
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
and use money bugs, health bugs etc... su if u dont know how its played mate,,,

omg u found that we use money bugs.. u are really smart.. omg what should we do now!

Kill yourself, because you're not employed and living in the most sunny country in the world, but instead you spend your life cheating on a dead game and acting like a retarded abomination here...

Best comment I've ever seen, and that rafez loser (who cares if his name can't be spelled he ll just be remembered as a generic third world half life duper) still makes posts here to defend how much of a true faggot he really is. This site is hilarious, nice to see freaks like him still around cheating on a dead text world, good luck real people I doubt to many around here anymore.

don't do that to me just akill all lusas they are fucking cheaters :/
Gay Uncle Willard (06:16:21 - 04-12)
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Buy Dcs get scammed, play beta, miss your friends, and die by poor people who cheat from poor countries....

I hate to say it, I hate to say it ....
Anonymous (02:39:26 - 04-12)
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burgu is just making dirty jobs of lusa. congratz
Anonymous (00:13:56 - 04-12)
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Anonymous at 22:15:14 on 03/12:
rafaz at 14:47:20 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 14:46:04 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 15:51:04 on 02/12:
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
and use money bugs, health bugs etc... su if u dont know how its played mate,,,

omg u found that we use money bugs.. u are really smart.. omg what should we do now!

Kill yourself, because you're not employed and living in the most sunny country in the world, but instead you spend your life cheating on a dead game and acting like a retarded abomination here...

Best comment I've ever seen, and that rafez loser (who cares if his name can't be spelled he ll just be remembered as a generic third world half life duper) still makes posts here to defend how much of a true faggot he really is. This site is hilarious, nice to see freaks like him still around cheating on a dead text world, good luck real people I doubt to many around here anymore.
Anonymous (22:58:03 - 03-12)
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I don't play anymore. There is a difference between coming to this news site from time to time and ranking, playing die hard 24 hours..

FYI that was my first comment, I deny any relation with other anons..

Ya feel me bra

rafaz Portugal (22:54:11 - 03-12)
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Anonymous at 22:24:48 on 03/12:
rafaz at 22:20:59 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 22:19:14 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 22:15:14 on 03/12:
rafaz at 14:47:20 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 14:46:04 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 15:51:04 on 02/12:
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
and use money bugs, health bugs etc... su if u dont know how its played mate,,,

omg u found that we use money bugs.. u are really smart.. omg what should we do now!

Kill yourself, because you're not employed and living in the most sunny country in the world, but instead you spend your life cheating on a dead game and acting like a retarded abomination here...
hahaha idd i agree :).... kill urself!

fucking stupid guys IRONY u know what is it ??? ACCEPT WE'RE GOOD AND LIVE WITH IT!

hmm.. so you are good in a dead online game with <500 real users, which goes in a cycle of reseting every month in a half. Great life accomplishment, you are GOOD..

hol up, we dem boyZ.. hol up, hol up, hol up we making noiZe

it seems u re always here ^^
M-Gunner (madgunner) (22:30:18 - 03-12)
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Anonymous at 22:24:48 on 03/12:
rafaz at 22:20:59 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 22:19:14 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 22:15:14 on 03/12:
rafaz at 14:47:20 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 14:46:04 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 15:51:04 on 02/12:
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
and use money bugs, health bugs etc... su if u dont know how its played mate,,,

omg u found that we use money bugs.. u are really smart.. omg what should we do now!

Kill yourself, because you're not employed and living in the most sunny country in the world, but instead you spend your life cheating on a dead game and acting like a retarded abomination here...
hahaha idd i agree :).... kill urself!

fucking stupid guys IRONY u know what is it ??? ACCEPT WE'RE GOOD AND LIVE WITH IT!

hmm.. so you are good in a dead online game with <500 real users, which goes in a cycle of reseting every month in a half. Great life accomplishment, you are GOOD..

hol up, we dem boyZ.. hol up, hol up, hol up we making noiZe

Ey !! BIG Tune right there !!
Anonymous (22:24:48 - 03-12)
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rafaz at 22:20:59 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 22:19:14 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 22:15:14 on 03/12:
rafaz at 14:47:20 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 14:46:04 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 15:51:04 on 02/12:
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
and use money bugs, health bugs etc... su if u dont know how its played mate,,,

omg u found that we use money bugs.. u are really smart.. omg what should we do now!

Kill yourself, because you're not employed and living in the most sunny country in the world, but instead you spend your life cheating on a dead game and acting like a retarded abomination here...
hahaha idd i agree :).... kill urself!

fucking stupid guys IRONY u know what is it ??? ACCEPT WE'RE GOOD AND LIVE WITH IT!

hmm.. so you are good in a dead online game with <500 real users, which goes in a cycle of reseting every month in a half. Great life accomplishment, you are GOOD..

hol up, we dem boyZ.. hol up, hol up, hol up we making noiZe
rafaz Portugal (22:20:59 - 03-12)
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Anonymous at 22:19:14 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 22:15:14 on 03/12:
rafaz at 14:47:20 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 14:46:04 on 03/12:
Anonymous at 15:51:04 on 02/12:
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
and use money bugs, health bugs etc... su if u dont know how its played mate,,,

omg u found that we use money bugs.. u are really smart.. omg what should we do now!

Kill yourself, because you're not employed and living in the most sunny country in the world, but instead you spend your life cheating on a dead game and acting like a retarded abomination here...
hahaha idd i agree :).... kill urself!

fucking stupid guys IRONY u know what is it ??? ACCEPT WE'RE GOOD AND LIVE WITH IT!