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» Family History

2.0 “How it all began”

Righelli logo

The name Righelli appeared for the first time on Omerta in 2.0. A group of players who ran the infamous Capulets and Capuletti families in 1.0 decided to start in 2.0 as the Righelli. Flamez, also known as Inferno who was Don of Capulets in 1.0 became the first Don of Righelli along with Barabbas and Mountainman who finished the Top 3. In the first half of the version, Righelli became a fairly strong family just like Capulets and Capuletti did previously, but sometimes with new beginnings come new challenges, and Righelli suffered from some growing pains that would eventually lead to the removal of Inferno and the placement of Talen as the new Righelli Don. Because of his organized leadership skills, Talen soon restored balance to Righelli until the fateful night that one of his Capos, Dixies, killed a Lucchese roulette owner in a scheme to take over ownership of the table. Together with another Righelli high-ranked accomplice, they bought the object shortly after the kill, and this action resulted in an attack on Righelli by their bloods Lucchese. On this night, and for the first time, this new family called Righelli fell.

Old Righelli image. With a lot of blue in it, the main color Capulets used to have.

In the morning when the smoke cleared, it appeared that there were quite a few survivors, and after a long talk with Lucchese and the other bloods, the remaining high ranks generated 100 mil for a 200 members spot the next day to start Righelli once again, but this did not come without changes. Many of the other Righelli tops left to create their own families, and because of this, Righelli forged forward with an entirely new group of leadership. Renegade took control as Righelli’s new Don, and together with Azukay and Beast, they finished the top 3. Slowly but surely, Righelli regained her objects and the family was once again back at full strength. It was not long after Righelli rebuilt that they were called upon to support their bloods Morelli in war to help close the opposition, and by the end of 2.0 it was clear that Righelli had become a resilient family with a dynamic player base and a growing sense of loyalty. In short, 2.0 was considered a success for this fledgling family.

Screenshot of the family statistics in 2.0

Another screenshot of the family statistics in 2.0

Nice and red font

2.1 “A new beginning”

Screenshot of the family statistics in the beginning of 2.1

The beginning of 2.1 was met with a conflict of loyalties and a diverse mix of leadership. At version start, the Righelli members from 2.0 decided to start as Capulets. With Hutu as Don, the family was sinking into internal trouble once again, and this would eventually lead to yet another split. Members Beast, Albert, Bezax, Biohazard and Renegade started Righelli again and Renegade (Fitz) once again took control as Don. Because of the split, Righelli grew very slowly and did not realize the power and success that it enjoyed in 2.0, but more importantly, 2.1 allowed Righelli the chance to forge some very important relationships that would shape the future of the family and it’s leadership. Chroestjov, Ankerk and Anch joined the top at the end of 2.1, as did Sollid and SamMalone, though not in top. Shortly after the introduction of these significant members, Righelli was brought down by a lot of families when they stepped in for their blood Pazzolo, who was shot by Valerio. Righelli would not return for 2.1. Although Righelli never emerged to become the strong family it aspired to be in this version, it made great advances towards laying the foundation for many versions to come. As history dictates, Righelli would continue forward to build a bloodline of loyalty, power and success.

2.2 “Alliance”


In the beginning of 2.2 Righelli decided to work together with Provenzano/Liggio. The PRLG alliance was formed, including Provenzano, Righelli, Liggio and Gennaro (Righelli’s sister). Later in this version Righelli would also create yet another sister family called Fiducia.

As new relationships were formed, new leadership took the wheel as well. Sollid became the first Righelli Don and was supported by Anch, Chroestjov, Jansos, SamMalone, Boinki, Tvs and Renegade in the top positions. During this version, some internal problems with Provenzano emerged and cause a split between among them creating “new” tops who shared Righelli’s overall game view, and “old” tops who were much more conservative. After rumours surfaced that the “old” Provenzano tops had plans to kill the newer Provenzano top regime, Righelli helped to place the new tops in power. This was done by assisting the new tops in Provenzano to eliminate their internal conflict and cleared the way for a good working partnership. When the shooting was over, the alliance remained RLGC (Righelli Liggio, Gennaro and Calamari), this time with the new Provenzano tops inside Liggio and Calamari.

Another RLGC image

RLGC grew fast and became the strongest alliance behind CCCE. Together with them and several others we fought many wars and came out a winner in all of them. Although relations with CCCE were good, Righelli felt that the end of the version was near and decided to attack CCCE. There were few challenges left by this time, especially for CCCE, who together with RLGC were eclipsing the game landscape. Righelli decided to end the version in style by this action, but as problems often arise from devious plans the attack leaked through a liggio top, and a few hours before shooting CCCE, they rallied their members and shot first. Then we died. The version would end shortly after this, but 2.2 proved to defined Righelli as an ever-evolving presence in the game.

Righelli as number 1 family during 2.2

The Righelli Deathmatch Era

For the next few versions including 2.3, many Righelli members tops and members experimented with other family models to try and recreate the magic they had previously. Some were successful for some time, while still others failed. Of these, Moretti was most successful for 2.3. Many members from RLGC of 2.2 helped to form Moretti, and using the sister scheme that brought Righelli success in 2.2, Moretti quickly grew into Moretti, Millenium, Temili and Cefalu (MMTC). The families shared tops, money and resources. This seemed to work for a while, but with so many people involved in running all of the day to day operations for MMTC, individual priorities became a distraction and the leadership solidarity began to crumble. Blood relations began to erode as well and eventually led to MMTC’s demise at the hands of their bloods. Although many in the game remember MMTC very well, for some of us it will be best remembered for bringing members of many different families together as one and broadening Righelli’s member base and leadership core for the future. 2.4 also saw the return of Moretti to some degree, but not nearly with the same degree of success as before. Many members started their own familes or split off to pursue other interests, but eventually the return of Righelli became inevitable and in 2.5 they made their first appearance since their departure in 2.2.

Some other Righellians shifted their playing ground to the newly formed Deathmatch version on Omerta, some simply played on two versions at the same time. The idea was to start Righelli on that version and by talking with former members who played on .com they quickly had a nice playerbase to start with. This new version turned out well for Righelli, the three first versions were dominated by them. The first one was even reset when only Righelli and some of their sisters were around, the other two versions the dominance was more shared between other families. Because of the return of Righelli on the .com version the will to keep playing on the Deathmatch version decreased and after the three named versions the influence on .dm decreased more and more, overall it can be named as a successful trip outside .com

Fancy Righelli image, even though it's not red

2.5/2.6 “Righelli gets back”

As long as Moretti was up on .com there wasn’t really a room for Righelli, since Moretti contained a big amount of ‘former’ Righelli players. But a few months after 2.5 started Moretti (along with Fumatore) was taken down. They fought some good wars and showed guts against the formation of alliances. After Moretti died some former Righellians who returned from the deathmatch version, a small amount of highranked members, collaborated once more and discussed reforming Righelli. Things seemed to work out fine, and after a few minor details were discussed, Alekto was chosen to bring Righelli back up.

At first, Righelli was small, but with some good foundational work with trusted bloods, the potential to grow was very promising. Memento was on a nice killing spree with clean wars and because of their agressive play, they eventually became a threat to Righelli, so the decision was made to eliminate them as quickly as possible.

Later in the version, Righelli was caught in the middle of a blood dispute as they tried to keep the peace. Atlantica and Armonia decided to take their frustration out on a diplomatic Righelli. Within 48 hours, both of those families were eliminated by our more rational bloods taking revenge.

At that point in the version, Righelli had accomplished all that it wanted to, and decided to bring the family up one more time to enjoy the end of the version in style and remind the game that the Reds would not go away. In the reset chaos, the ERA alliance was formed and they systematically eliminated all of their immediate threats, Righelli of course being one of them.

Overall, this version is seen by most present day members and tops as Righelli’s rebirth version. It started in the middle o the version, where a lot of former members had already found a place within other families. Righelli started with a very small foundation, but grew steadily and created the formula for their push to the forefront. Also some members/tops from Moretti and people who joined the deathmatch adventure joined this family. People like SheLL, Psychogrll, Val and NightMare’ would become of big influence in this version and many more to come. The next version would surely test this model for success in one of the bloodiest versions Omerta had seen since the dynasties of 2.1 and 2.2.

2.7 “Domination”

2.7 saw Righelli up from the very start. The new, more powerful Righelli was led by Sollid. Righelli wasted no time getting into wars from the start with Memento, Xzone and Commotion. Righelli went on to shoot Cicero two weeks later, and still out of breath and recovering from weeks of war, Magliana shot Illusion, Lioni and Blacklotus with their army of friends Untouchables, Deluccio, Stidda and Jawis. Righelli decided to jump in for our bloods and fired back at Deluccio, Stidda and Jawis. Other families took down Magliana and Untouchables in a war that seemed to go on forever.

A little while later we heard rumours about our blood Ilteber shooting our other blood Curse. We really didn’t want this to happen and after a swift talk we decided to make an alliance with Curse and therefor Ilteber wasn’t able to shoot them. Later on Ilteber died by the hands of others and that threat to Curse was gone, we still decided to keep the alliance how it was and made it public a little later.

Then, when Coccada shot Provenzano, it started yet another chain reaction. Letalis and Ninjas shot their blood Coccada to revenge Provenzano, and Righelli found themselves in the middle with a choice to make. We were bloods with the both, and after Coccada went down, we felt obligated to react. Even though we were bloods with Letalis/Ninja at that time, the way we got bloods wasn’t so natural. (They messaged our top and told they had detectives looking for our people, we had hardly anyone online and after talking for a while with them and Curse we decided to be bloods, on a bit of a forced way that is.) A little while later we decided to act with our bloods. With unexpected help, creating a huge amount of families shooting, we took them (and Absolut, Clemenza, Colombo, Pasajero, Prestige and Carsi) down in another big war.

Guns still warm from weeks of war, Righelli found herself in a similar situation when Chaos shot at Vicaria together with some of their other bloods. We weren’t happy about it and we knew that if we would only shoot the ones who attacked Vicaria besides Chaos, they would step in for them. Meanwhile, in all of the confusion, Letalis came back as a sister family of them which was seen by Righelli as a threat. We never liked this war, but we felt put into a position where we could only do what we did.

Merely a week later Righelli and their bloods got shot at by seventeen families, which wasn’t a bad plan from them. We got down for a little moment and restarted quickly. Together with our bloods (and other families, eightteen in total) we managed to take the attackers down in a good war in our opinion.

A month later we were involved in two quite big wars again. The first one was against Incubo who got strong very quickly and became a threat. The second war was against four families (Varazzi, Commotion, Condannato and Felonia) of which we heard two had plans to shoot us. We acted quickly with our bloods.

As the version drew to a close, the last big war we were involved in was against Aequitas/Aequi, Nuevitas, Crystal, Gugliotti and Lupus. During the war, Cobi began to fire on Righelli and we reacted and got them down quickly. Around a week later, Cursing (a sister of Curse) was shot at by Andalusia and we reacted as well. Overall 2.7 was a great version for the Reds. Up from the start and until the end (except a few hours/minutes during the first Chicago war), the version saw Righelli acting in synchronization with it’s close bloods and being involved in almost every significant war of the version. Also Octavello joined the top, after being a loyal member since 2.2.

2.71 “Luctor et emergo”

Righelli expected this version to be very tough, since last version we spent most of our time making enemies. Still, we were able to start in the beginning, and Whoami was chosen to front the family. Righelli wasn’t strong at the start, but together with four of our bloods we decided to fight the first big war against nine opponents (main families were Notte, Memento, Letalis) after hearing a lot of rumours they would shoot us.

A day later it felt like over half of omerta was at war: We knew Affinitas and bloods (Procormiles, Gravano, Selenga, Perforta, Pimps, Scarfo, Staletti and Gamano) had plans to shoot us and our bloods. We weren’t totally out of bullets, but we had already fought a big war and suffered losses. Logically we shot first instead of waiting to get shot. Also Valahia, Northanic/Guajardo, Deluccio, Selvatica, Eretna started shooting at us and our bloods (Being Conflict, Curse/Spirit, Illusion and Ilteber). At around the same time two families jumped in at our side (Inzerillo and Cosanostra), and after hours of shooting, not one side was down, but the war was over. Affinitas and bloods lost five of their families, also Northanic died. On the other side we bit the dust together with our bloods. Inzerillo and Cosanostra managed to survive as well.

After those two big bangs a lot of smaller (medium and large) wars occured where slowly the ones who shot us got killed by other families. Righelli was able to return, so she did. The next war found us facing Tempestuoso when they started shooting Conflict. Together with some bloods we jumped in and shot at Tempestuoso, at about the same time Bruinsma and Vicaria jumped in for Tempestuoso. It was a bit of a messy war for us, since Vicaria were our bloods. Eventually the other side went down. A few days later we fought against Anafarta, Damnation, Ruggiero, Obsession, Gelibolu, Esperanza, Youthanasia, Guajardo and Doomed with bloods and some other families and took our opponents down.

Two weeks later six families decided to shoot at four of our bloods, together with some families we jumped in and took the attackers down. They did manage to get Conflict and Curse down though. A little more than a week later two of our bloods got shot at in a big war. A day later we responded by shooting Krays.

Now we found ourselves in a very difficult situation. We were a strong family but there were around three other families which were very strong and blooded to most of our bloods, but not to us. So quickly rumours arised in lots of ways and when we rejected a war proposal with Marazzino (one of the three strong families) and they made bloods with the supposed target we knew enough. Together with Kowloon and Essence we decided to shoot them. The war leaked and within 5 minutes of time all Marazzino/Bafiro highranks came online. We lost a huge amount of people but managed to knock Marazzino and Bafiro over. Leviticus shot down Essence one day later and Kowloon three days later. We were heavily weakend by our last war so we couldn’t possibly shoot Leviticus and our strong bloods were blooded to them.

Another family picture, rather dark

Eventually Leviticus shot us and during the war a Righelli Capo got to be Don. Since he was afraid to lose his account he tried to sell the family to the attackers. For Righelli this was out of the question. We never sell our family. But he tried to do so and invited a Local Chief to take over the family. Thankfully there was a Righelli top with a LC account in another family and he (Val) suicided on the Don and that’s when Righelli got down and wasn’t sold.

Illusion and Bitches died as well that war and slightly before that also Essence died by the hands of Leviticus. Even though they were bloods, this meant Leviticus had now killed too much bloods of the NLS alliance. The next day, together with their bloods, the NLS alliance shot down our attackers and the Samagono family.

Overall this version was, not suprisingly, less good for us than 2.7 was. Still we managed to be involved in quite some wars and kept our family up for a long time.

2.8 “Fighting in the shades”

When at the start of 2.71 we thought it would be very tough, now we thought it would be almost impossible to play a nice version. Merely two days after the first family had started the first big war happend. We weren’t even up at that time, but most of our bloods got wiped away. We had some people inside those families and they died as well. Without our family being up we still were involved in the second big war of the version. Most of our highranks were in Vicaria and together with them and six other families we attacked Affinitas (Gravano, Liberta and Vincitori), Nazdrovia and Mesopotamia. We succeeded in taking all those families down. They would react of course together with fifteen other families. Three of those also died, but in the end we lost the war.

It was hard for the Righelli people to find a family to rank in, since we knew most of them would eventually be targetted if we would join there too massively. We tried to split it up a bit, but to keep in touch. Since us and our bloods were families-non-grata we had to make up other ideas to play a nice version and so we eventually decided to still target the families that were eager to keep us down. In another big weird war a lot of friends and some of our people shot at Affinitas, Atrocita and Organizatsya, taking a large amount of their highranks down. A day later Atrocita was brought down and two days after that Affinitas died. About a week later we brought down Organizatsya.

Logo of the undercover Righelli family

During all these events we were still trying to figure out how we could start our family, but it seemed quite impossible. Then a top from Prestige, a former Righelli member came to us to ask if we wanted to make a sister family and grow under their wings. We spoke about that for a little while and even though we didn’t really like to be in an alliance we did like to have our family up finally. So eventually we decided to do it and Anch founded Milanello. We did that with some fake irc nicks in our public channels, supposing to be top of this “new” family, trying not to get shot right away.

While we were up some members outside of our family were involved in taking down Atrocita again. Our family grew quickly and we had one main goal that version (after founding our family that is). We wanted to be involved in the attack on one of the big alliances.

While we were getting stronger and stronger we began making plans and we hoped APA (the alliance we were in) would be interested too. We told them we would be very interested in shooting one of the alliances and eventually they told us they wanted to shoot GMX. A few days before we already changed our name to Righelli, which immediatly resulted in getting detectives at us. Nothing happend though and we could fight the war against GMX.

It was an interesting evening. While we together with APA planned to get GMX down, on the other side LVBMLS, NEFI and GMX alliance planned to shoot Righelli. Both wars started around the same time. While we were shooting at GMX we got a lot of losses because those three alliances shot at us. With around sixteen families against one we didn’t stood a chance. Though we were still happy we were involved in shooting down an alliance together with APA, so we reached our goal. A few weeks later the version ended.

Overall this version was very hard. We kept on fighting together with our bloods even though we weren’t up and trying to come back. It was different than we were used to, but it had some nice things.

Sometimes we're feeling blue it seems

2.8a “Live to exceed, not just to survive”

We didn’t really know what this version would bring. We also didn’t know if the largest part of the game still wanted to keep us down, but determined to find out, loyal Righellians ranked to find the answer to that question.

Due to the loss of some fast rankers in admin-kill waves over massive game wide scripting, we agreed on starting Righelli together with Maravilla. Sheena founded Righelli, but got hacked and the hacker shot at someone from Corona and died in backfire, which brought our family down. We restarted quickly and were involved in the first big war of the version. Minaccia and Wargasm were the target and together with our bloods Conflict, Illusion, Manipulate/Corona ánd with two other families blooded to some of our bloods (Selvatica, Pasajero) we shot them down.

We also shot in the second big war of the version. Together with our bloods we shot down Pichiatores, Kerberos, Provenzano, Subdina and Notte. Five days later Righelli and Kowloon got attacked by Marazzino and Elf. It leaked a little while before the war, so together with Maravilla, Illusion, Corona and Nuevitas we managed to get them down.

Around ten days later we got hit again: There was a very strong rumour Dragonara, Tempestuoso, Krays, Savonara and Rockafella were going to shoot at Conflict. It leaked and we got asked to help. At first we thought we weren’t a target, but a little while after the war started we were getting shot at. We had already hired some detectives and all but it wasn’t going fast and we got shot down. Eventually the war was won though and we could work on getting up again.

After that we needed some time to rebuild again and we couldn’t join wars during that period. Two and a half weeks later we got shot at again though. This time Castiglia targetted us and Conflict. Since both Conflict and Righelli were still rebuilding we weren’t a too hard target, though we could rely on our bloods. They jumped in right away. Nuevitas/Lucchese who jumped in for us were talking about a compensation thingy with Impero and it was possible Impero would jump in on them. They did so later on and the war became a bit more difficult. Righelli found herself down once again, but thanks to our bloods the war was won eventually.

Yes, we've actually got some real women playing in Righelli

We began discussing how we could restart again, but then Maravilla contacted us. Their tops were short on time, and offered us a home. Eventually, we would take over the family. Righelli had discussed this proposal for a little while, but we quickly agreed this was an offer we couldn’t refuse. So we got our people inthere, and after a few days we renamed it to Righelli. We gave the Maravilla people the choice to stay with us or to leave for free if they wanted to do that. Sheena was our Donna again for a long time and some nice members from Maravilla stayed with us.

We couldn’t interfere much in the game for a while because we were to weak at that point. We became a bit stronger again and were planning a bit already when the CFC alliance shot down Lucchese. All plans we had were put on a hold since this was an unexpected move we really didn’t like. At first we thought we would be next and there were a lot of rumours. Shortly after it happend we tried to plan a war against them, but because of the blood ties we couldn’t get enough families involved without suiciding. So we decided to wait a bit. We were still growing quite well and became more eager to shoot. We tried to get families again, but again we couldn’t arrange enough families.

Then we fought a war against Capulets, Cartoons, Delirio, Dragonara, Merovingians, O.f.c, Suspectz, Trotters and Pacciani with our bloods and some other families. After that we had less hopes on revenging Lucchese. A few days before the Ilteber/Bafra war Selvatica/Untouchables contacted us if we were still interested. Since the last time we tried to plan a war we had gained a lot of highranks and our family became similar in strength to Coccada’s. We already wanted to revenge Lucchese, no matter at what cost eventually and we were totally ok with this war, since we had a good chance of getting those three families down. During these talks we decided to shoot down Giaveno together with Conflict. Then the Ilteber/Bafra war happend and things became easier for us since CFC also pissed off Illusion and Conflict. Five days later we shot them down without a lot of losses.

Four days after that we had quite some highranks on in the afternoon and decided to shoot Seraphim. A day later we planned to shoot Silence and Unbelievable together with Illusion. During this war the reset was announced and the version ended. Overall this version we came back strong time after time we got shot down. That’s a good thing. The only disadvantage it had was that we couldn’t involve in as much wars as we hoped to be. We also gained quite some new tops this version as can be found in the top-overview below.

Good looking Righelli shield

2.9 “Nowhere”

Since 2.7 the bloods of Righelli were involved in every first big war of the version, because of the good cooperation between each other the blood lists didn’t change drastically. So in 2.9 we could expect another hot start of the version, where we would know our place quickly.

Righelli had some trouble to keep up with the speed rankers in the start so in order to start the family before most cities were “full” something needed to be done. Righelli’s former blood Kowloon had some fast rankers, but lacked depth in ranks after that, so in fact together we had everything to make a successful family. After some talks it was decided to start together under the name Timore. This family was founded by Cathi.

Then the first big bang occurred, this time our bloods had to defend. Timore was left out of the war by the attackers, our bloods asked us to participate on their side. Even though Timore had a small amount of highranks online it was decided that the people who were online would jump in. The war was long and after merely a day of shooting most families involved were still up. As there were communications about finishing the war into the advantage of the initial defenders (Timore had some bullets left because not everyone shot), something else happened.

Namely, the second big war of the version. While still busy with the first war two other big families, Coccada and Cristeria, who were full on bullets decided to finish off three families who already had been shooting. One of those families was Timore. Without standing a chance against that force at that time we put up a better fight than most expected, the result was already known though and Timore went down.

What's with that 'red' the whole time huh?

So after that hot start we knew where we stood: nowhere. Only thing that was left, was to rank up again and see what the future brings. After a long time we started to get a nice amount of high ranked people again and plans were getting made to start again. The game wasn’t very dynamic and there were over 70 families around, the cities were full and we couldn’t start. Patience was the next phase, waiting for something to happen so we could start. It was hard for our loyal members to wait so long, but eventually things did happen: First two families of a reasonable size got shot down by a group, but the spots that came free were gone extremely fast. Mainly by families who could finally expand a bit. So this war was too small to make Righelli start again.

A few days later a much larger war appeared and after it was known who all were involved we were quite sure there would be another war the next day. In order to keep as much of the Righellians alive we had to build the family before the third big war of that week would start. So we did, family was found by Sollid. That evening the task was to get as much people out of other families before the predicted war would start. Unfortunately we weren’t on time getting everyone out and lost some people during that war, also a few members were shot while they had joined a few hours before their death. Apparently the war was such a mess the other families couldn’t control their shooting members.

Some former Righellians decided not to join because they were either good at their current family or they thought Righelli would get shot down quickly. Both of the reasons were logical. Even though Righelli was much weaker than most families and there were over 50 families up, we still knew that our name wouldn’t go unseen. The possibility of getting shot was quite high, there were a lot of families who could want to shoot us for numerous reasons. We didn’t feel like that should withhold us from making the family because we simply like Righelli too much, and the people who had been waiting so long deserved to have their family up.

A little while later Illusion started up aswell and while we were in talks to blood each other again we both got shot together, by a small group of families (Valahia, Vittoria, Vacchi and Brotherhood). So you see that sometimes there’s no relation (yet) you can still be considered as extremely close to each other, since the attackers did not chose to go for our other bloods. The Reds and the Illusionists had no chance that war, but it was still good to see our name meant something on Omerta.

That version we kinda decided not to get back, since more people were just waiting for 3.0 and we couldn’t be of a big influence anymore. In the end of the version Righelli was founded again by Nennius, a loyal Righellian. He just wanted to have some fun and start a family, so he started Righelli to bring the name back into the game and to give some other Reds a nice place to end this version. It was small enough not to be seen as a threat and was around until the reset was announced.

Righelli Red R

2.x Summary

All in all the 2.x versions were a long run for Righelli. A lot of up’s and a lot of downs (literally). Being away from the game for a while and coming back nearly from scratch. We won wars and we lost wars. Members joined and members left, so did top members.

But what reminds us most in all these versions we’ve played together was the loyalty of the Righelli playerbase. Some members have been joining Righelli since way back in 2.0 and 2.1 and are still with us now. Some tops have been with us for a long time as well and did a lot of work in order to get the family going. The irc component of this game is what bounds us all, hours and hours of chatting has been going around and a lot of people got to know each other better.

Currently the 3.x versions are running and Righelli is still present in the game, yet again we will have up’s and downs (still literally) and we’ll have good and bad times. See you there!

A 'Rest in peace' picture after big losses in a war

Tops during the 2.x period

Tops 2.0: Inferno, Talen, Barabbas, Mountainman, Jacky, Juliet, Renegade, Azukay, Beast
Tops 2.1: Renegade, Beast, Kru, Chroestjov, Killerchic, Anch, Ankerk
Tops 2.2: Renegade, Chroestjov, Anch, Sollid, Jansos, Tvs, Boinki, SamMalone
Tops 2.5/2.6: Renegade, Sollid, Psychogrll, NightMare`, SheLL, Lunatiko, Viona, Alekto, Kinezos, Whufc.
Tops 2.7: Renegade, Sollid, Psychogrll, NightMare`, SheLL, Lunatiko, Viona, Octavello, Val, BJ, Tavion, Boinki, Alekto
Tops 2.71: Renegade. Sollid, Psychogrll, NightMare`, SheLL, Viona, Octavello, Val, BJ, Alkyoni, Kobekato, Nikees, Samantha.
Tops 2.8: Renegade, Sollid, Psychogrll, NightMare`, SheLL, Octavello, Val, BJ, Alkyoni, Kobekato, Nikees, Samantha, Hmafia, Anch, Provenio.
Tops 2.8a: Renegade, Sollid, Psychogrll, NightMare`, SheLL, Octavello, Val, Kobekato, Anch, Provenio, Serenity, Wildeyes, Flexie, Gabriel
Tops 2.9: Renegade, Sollid, Psychogrll, NightMare`, SheLL, Octavello, Val, Kobekato, Wildeyes, Serenity
Tops 3.0: Renegade, Sollid, Psychogrll, NightMare`, SheLL, Octavello, Val, Kobekato, Wildeyes, Serenity, TriXsteR, Dee, Goupe

Nice banner

Word from the authors

Thank you for reading our view on the Righelli history. This is how things went from our point of view, you might have another opinion about things which is fine too. Unfortunately we weren’t able to name everyone who deserves to be named. There are so much people in Righelli who’ve had their influence in the history of our family, that it’s impossible to name every single one of them.

Here we want to thank everyone who’s been with us over the past years and the ones who’ve been loyal members for so long. You made us strong and made it fun to be in this family, you made us motivated to build Righelli time after time.

Thanks to our bloods over those past years, we fought a lot of wars and worked closely together. Sometimes we backstabbed each other as well. Lots of fun! Thanks to the families who make this game competitive so it’s always interesting to figure out if you’ll live or die.

And on a final note thanks to our tops for all the effort they put in to organise this family and to try to make the best family for our members.

Written, edited, corrected, criticized, edited, corrected, criticized etc. by Renegade, Val and Sollid.
Reviewed, criticized, corrected, reviewed etc. by Shell Psychogrll
Leonhart approved the part below.

Red thread

What Righelli does and doesn’t do to you real life:

- Pick-up line that never worked so far: “Hi, I’m a Red, want to go to bed?”
- Don’t try “live to exceed, not just to survive” at home.
- Nothing.
- You gain the preference of the color red..
- When people ask about your family, the first thing you think of is Righelli, then later you –realize that they mean your ‘other’ family.
- When introducing yourself you always state that you’re a red or a Righellian. When people look confused at you, you look back like, duhhhh!?
- You realize your facebook account only contains friends from Righelli.
- When you get up it’s getting dark and when you go to bed it’s getting light again. Huh!?
- You don’t make food, you get food. You don’t have dinner, you just eat it. Red meat is your favorite.
- Drinks? Red wine is fine. Beer is good too though, after you had enough you can think them red!
- You take the red pill, not the blue one!

Simple, clear, cool.

- Doesn’t get you athletic or slim. No sports involved.
- Doesn’t get you a nice job, though a career as a fearsome gangster counts for something right?
- Doesn’t get you prettier, nor more ugly, since you never look into the mirror anyways.
- Doesn’t get you a girlfriend, although you could find one in the family. But beware, our ladies in red are quite hard to get..
- Does get you a boyfriend, those are good to get!
- Doesn’t get you outside often, perhaps if you’ve got a laptop and the weather is good you might. And get sunburned while you’re doing it, makes you nice and.. red.
- Favorite pet? A lobster of course!

What are the downsides of being a red?

- Red buttons.. we háve to press them, and then face the consequences.
- Since we like to wear red stuff.. don’t enter places with bulls please.
- Traffic lights.. we wait till they’re red again because it looks so cool. Somehow angers people.
- Íf we do sports we think a red card is the highest you can get and we do anything for it.
- When conflicted with a red light district, we always enter. Can be bad for relationships if you still have them.
- During conversations you constantly get confused about what people are saying.. words like read, thread, bread, dread and regret all trigger one word in your brain: RED!
- You might get shot at, not everyone likes a red.
- Dresscodes: a horror for every red!
- As stated before, we like our meat red. Isn’t very healthy in some cases.
- When we’re bleeding we don’t try to stop it, looks so nice and red. Might end up dead.

When looking at this picture for a while you might notice the girl in the background.

Really? A song? Really!?

Guess who just got back today
Them wild eyed Reds, that'd been away
Haven't changed, hadn’t much to say
But man I still think them Reds are crazy

They were asking if we were around
How we were, where we could be found
Told them we were living downtown
Driving all the old fams crazy

The Reds are back in town (The Reds are back in town)
(I Said) The Reds are back in town
The Reds are back in town
The Reds are back in town (The Reds are back in town)
The Reds are back in town (The Reds are back in town)

You know that chick who used to kill a lot?
Every night she'd be on the floor, shootin' what she's got
Man when I tell you she was cool she was Red hot
I mean she was steamin'

And that time over at Righelli's place
Well this chick got up and she joined Righelli’s base
Man we just really liked that pace
If that chick wants to join you better let her

The Reds are back in town (The Reds are back in town)
(I said) The Reds are back in town
The Reds are back in town
The Reds are back in town (The Reds are back in town)
The Reds are back in town (The Reds are back in town)

Spread the word around
Guess who's back in town

Just spread the word around

Friday night they'll be dressed to kill
Down at New York’s armored ville
The drinks will flow and blood would spill
And if the Reds wanna fight you better let 'em

That jukebox in the corner blasting out our favourite song
The nights are getting warmer it won't be long
Won’t be long till the war comes
Now that the Reds are here again

The Reds are back in town (the Reds are back in town)
The Reds are back in town (the Reds are back in town)
The Reds are back in town (the Reds are back in town)
(Spread the word around)
The Reds are back in town (The Reds are back in town)
(The Reds are back, the Reds are back)

The Reds are back in town again

They're hanging out at New York
The Reds are back in town again

New Righelli picture, end of story.
Involved wars
07-03 Memento War
25-03 War versus Deluccio and Vittoria
29-03 Atlantica + Armonia <-> Righelli
30-04 Many families <-> Majmuni
16-05 Shadows + others <-> Sindacco
29-05 Nazdrovia + Angelo <-> Righelli
23-07 Memento - Xzone war
07-08 Righelli Cicero
16-08 Illusion - Lioni - Blacklotus War
31-08 Letalis + Ninja War
30-09 Nuevitas, Coccada, Righelli <-> Cube
04-10 Baltimore War
04-10 Baltimore War
10-10 Chicago War
13-11 Incubo War
16-11 Capoeira+Querrano war
18-11 Chicago War
26-11 Nuevitas / Aequitas / Crystal War
28-11 Kalinka down
01-12 Andalusia <-> Righelli + Curse
02-12 Kriti - Curse War
03-01 Curse/Conflict/Righelli/Illusion War
23-01 Tempestuoso <-> Conflict
28-01 Anafarta / Obsession / Rugiero War
03-02 Orion <-> Conflict
13-02 Notte & co. <-> Conflict & co.
14-02 Corona <-> Nuevitas
24-02 Lucchese + Essence + Righelli <-> Krays
29-02 Righelli <-> Scratcher
06-03 Marazinno/Bafiro war
19-03 Righelli + Illusion war
21-08 Rumble in the Jungle
01-10 Righelli <-> Corona
07-10 Wargasm + Minaccia War
17-10 Palermo War
22-10 New York burns
03-11 Conflict War
22-11 Castiglia/Impero <-> Righelli/Conflict
15-12 Mevlana hijacked
29-12 Boobs
14-01 Coccada/Cristeria war
19-01 Righelli <-> Seraphim
20-01 Cleanup day
30-04 Righelli and Illusion down
11-11 Akronia++ <-> Krays
15-12 Vaffanculo <-> Righelli
15-03 Righelli under attack
16-09 Violenza war
05-11 Euphoria++ is down
23-11 Favians+ & Deluccio+ getting shot
02-12 Let the Siege begin!
10-12 Righelli 'finally' down
17-04 End of the Cold War
14-06 Marazzino getting shot
21-07 A lot vs Turkuz
03-10 Ilimitada Alliance Under Attack
20-01 Pandora's box has been opened?
22-02 Yigidossed!
26-02 London Bridge is falling down
27-02 War vs 'The Pact'
31-03 Infragilis vs Bruinsma
02-04 Last man standing
16-04 First Family Down
04-05 Falling Stars?
08-05 The war of the Rising Stars!?
10-05 No rest for the wicked
20-05 Mayday?
21-05 Syndrum says hello!
25-05 Venutti under fire!
27-05 Bada bing bada boom
28-05 Righelli ↔ Mangano
04-06 Sis ↔ Righelli
05-06 Righelli → Messina
07-06 Samagono ↔ Bruinsma+Lucchese
02-07 Pillory!
12-07 First blood
09-01 Omerta's New Year's Resolution
11-01 There was a FIREFIGHT!
16-01 You reap what you sow
17-01 To shoot or not to shoot
18-01 Doping in Omerta?!
22-02 Pillory
27-02 Night war
05- 03 Righelli died!
21-03 Anarchy gets knocked down!
25-03 And another one! (updated)
11-05 Late night mayhem
11-05 Daytime Repercussions
11-05 Starry Starry Night
16-05 Righelli being shot!
22-05 Krays to the grave
12-08 The Massacre!
13-08 The Massacre Part Deux
01-02 Struggle for the top
11-02 Struggle for the top, part 2?
24-02 Press play to continue
03-03 Breaking the silence
04-03 Aaand.. we're continuing
06-03 War on drugs
10-03 End in sight?
12-03 The Last Stand
20-04 The Fellowship of Brave Men
20-04 This is your Fatality!
27-04 Tonight we dine in hell!
12-05 Start the pwning
27-04 Round two
23-06 No pride left in Palermo -UPDT-
17-05 Cleanup on aisle four.
04-09 Cleanup on aisle one!
17-10 Let's get ready to rumbleee!!!
