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10-10 Chicago War
Author: Barcelona
Last updated: Never
Comments: 1
Views: 33,736
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 2.7
Involved families: Aequi, Aequitas, Cantina, Clanmacleod, Coccadians, Cuore, Curse, Cursed, Deathrow, Doomed, Gracelandian, Gunners, Hispania, Illusion, Kowloon, Krays, Lioni, Lucchese, Macaluso, Mazzaro, Mediterrano, Nuevitas, Perforta, Pescara, Righelli, Riot, Segretezza, Shawn, Sigmas, Sindikat, Solone, Torretta, Trotters, Untouchables, Vincitori
Segretezza(RIP) + Doomed(RIP) + Krays(RIP) + Cantina(RIP) + Sindikat(RIP) + Perforta(RIP)/Clanmacleod(RIP) + Pescara(RIP) + Shawn(RIP) + Vincitori(RIP)/Gunners(RIP)/Deathrow(RIP) + Gracelandian(RIP)/Solone(RIP) + Trotters(RIP)/Macaluso(RIP) + Untouchables(RIP)
Sigmas/Mazzaro + Righelli + Curse/Cursed + Coccadians + Kowloon/Hispania + Cuore + Illusion/Lioni + Lucchese + Nuevitas + Aequitas/Aequi + Torretta + Mediterrano + Riot

Righelli was initially killed but restarted quickly.

Hijacker Vukic succeeded as Don of Trotters and replaced the fampage with a Genovese fampic. Vukic was then killed, but from which side is unknown.

A few early rough stats....
Approx. >>50M bullets fired/lost
Approx. $4B total spent/lost
Dead (From latest famstats):
Families: 17
GF/FL: 10
CD: ~57
Brug: ~218
Chief: ~100
LC: ~99
Sold-Assa: ~355

Other interesting facts:
-Loss of ~6300 pts on Famstats from day-to-day
-Game total pts under 10k for the first time since 25-07 (about 2 1/2 months)

Latest famstats are bugged! These numbers are likely *very* wrong.
Kramze(Shawn Top): We did what others should have done long time ago, alot of fams was affaid of the war, didn't want to join us because they knew it could go bad but we tried and we died because it turn out to become a bloody mess we heard that Sigma had dets on us right after we had dets on them so the information leaked really fast so we fired when we found our target.. to try to prevent that we had too big counter-attack..We die with honour in our hearts.. Sigma + bloods did good.. but we atleast gave them a party.

Alphabud(Krays Top): First i gotta say respect to everyone that shot for us on such short notice. The rumours about chicago being a target have been here for weeks, so in a few hours we decided to do something. With most of chicago not willing to help, perforta sindikat krays segrettezza cantina shawn decided we where still going to shoot. Somehow it leaked, and so we shot right away, at same time as sigma on us. Even without the element of surprise i think we did great. Neither side had much on and we stood as one and shot 5 families far stronger than us. Other famalies may have joined later, so as not to be forever called the pussy they are, but i will always have time for all the chic fams that acted. I go to the army soon but the Krays spirit will always be with me.

Cobra(Sindikat Top): First i want to thank all respectifull people who took part in this action...On first place, my friends and all involved bloods, who showed that friendship and bloodship still exist in this game after all...Then i want to thank and congratz to all other families which was involved on our side in a first place and its Tops who was enough brave to take a part in this big war... There is no some big and bad story behind all of this, this was one honorable war, and its began as one strategicaly logical move for fams from Chi.Im dissapointed that some fam didnt realize that on time, and ofc some realize that to late to can change something...Of course im dissapointed that this leaked so fast, but we must use in fact that this all exist as rumour for a while... Also, im suprised on some real life friends which took part against my family ;) But at the and i am much much more satisfied then disapointed cause we did a great job...With so little time and avaible power in a first place and against so much ppl in counterattack we did much more then we should expect...About enemies - nice reaction but dont expect that i should be admired with that play style, personaly im not for such way of sticking togheter so-callled "pussies pacts" in few previous version...Ofc Rip to both side ;)

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mickgee aka mcgee Somalia (18:08:34 - 10-10)
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This is so nostalgic my dick crawled up my ass.
I was already killed before this war.
Never coming back from this nostalgic bomb, hope Daddy doesn't bring me to Wal Mart for back to school shoes...
Nostalgia wants me to fit in with highschool network old age pact xD