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27-02 War vs 'The Pact'
Author: Kyra
Last updated: 4755d 1h 51m 57s ago by Rix
Comments: 570
Views: 154,157
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 3.3
Involved families: Anathema, Carneglia, Correptio, Infragilis, Kamikaze, Kurosawa, Laboratory, Purgatory, Republica, Syndrum, Vertigo, Yalta, Bruinsma, Caliente, Conflict, Conflictz, Equites, Escalada, Gravano, Guantanamo, Hangover, Liberta, Marangella, Marangello, Moretti, Oblivions, Presidential, Quirites, Righelli, Selenga, Senatores, Tremps, Vincitori, Kerberos
Correptio, Republica, Laboratory, Syndrum, Vertigo, Yalta, Purgatory, Anathema, Kurosawa, Kamikaze, Carneglia united and opened fire at "The Pact"

Marangello + Marangella, Vincitori, Escalada, Conflict, Conflictz, Equites, Quirites, Senatores, Righelli, Moretti

Targets seem to be divided like this:

Yalta/Correptio/Purgatory/Vertigo vs Marangello+
Yalta/Correptio vs Vincitori+
Republica/Syndrum/Kurosawa+ vs Conflict+
Kurosawa+/Carneglia vs Righelli+

Bruinsma jumped in and is shooting at Kurosawa+

Liberta alliance jumped in and is shooting at Laboratory.

Presidential, Gravano, Caliente and Hangover jumped on Correptio/Republica.

Infragilis starting shooting at Conflict, but later moved to Bruinsma

Eventhough the odds seem to have stacked against the attackers Infragilis decided to jump in for them and is targetting Conflict.

Turnia up at the old HQ of Laboratory

Anathema changed to Anonymous which seems to contain members from several families who got shot down earlier this version, like: Gambino, Leviticus, Notte and Tempestuoso. - They left the war and are not involved in any shooting.

Mangano up at the old HQ of Correptio

Purgatory and Vertigo ceased fire with Marangello.

Vertigo started shooting at Conflict.

As a sidenote, it seems only 3 didn't join this massive war (yet?): Anadolu, Venutti and Vengeance.

List of ranks families have left at around 17 OT

Ilimitada started on HQ of Kamikaze

Kerberos who started on the HQ of Yalta got shot down and S.W.A.T started on it

Marvel started on the HQ of Republica

After a few boring hours, the defenders re-grouped and Quirites+ + Liberta+ organised a final blow against Carneglia
trza (Kurosawa Top): Exactly in 3h enemy will be broken whit your hit, will be killed whit your bombs and swords, glory of Palermo, of our city will be HOLY, SOLDIERS, HEROES. Big PACT has deleted our Pokemons from their number army, our Marazzino has sacrificed for the honor of Kurosawa and Palermo,YOU don’t have anything to worry now, for your own lives because you are already dead. Long live king of Palermo, long live our city Palermo!

kajo (Correptio Top): We didnt have much options but, TRY. Much respect to shooter fams whose wanted to stand together against the 'sweet pact'. Still i have no idea whats some fams wanna achieve with licking tho. We have played with OUR own style, and will. Gratz to both sides for a great war.

Dv (Yalta Top): We were trying to push for this for quite some time, but better late than never. Gg to all Yaltans rubbin their elbows and to the other homos shooting tonight.


Fiser (Republica Top) We raped conf, was great fun, rip everybody on both sides.

slau (Syndrum Top): Its hard to win a game where the limit familys is 36 and 20 familys have a pact, we come here to do our own game not the others game so we decided to move. Thanks all CLS soldiers we did it great.

Grigoriy (Laboratory Top) Well, the idea was simple: if u arent in ally+ (pact) u are against them. We knew sooner or later we would be targets. As a Laboratory top i can say we have nothing against Conflict, in fact we have friends there, but we follow a diferent path, so we needed to act. Our bloods mara/grava seemed they didnt count a lot on us, but maybe i'm wrong, lets see if next time is diferent. We are new on .com, so i think for our first version we did great. It was a pleasure to play with Correptio and with my m8's from Syndrum. I'm sure we will make something together again. I didnt understood why Liberta+ shot at us if we focused on Conflict and they arent bloods with them, but thats something that isnt important now. A special thanks to my tops (from lab and syn), and to my members, that always have been optimistic with our presence here on .com. As in life, we are always learning, and im sure we learned something this time. Count on us for further versions. RIP all dead soldiers from atackers and defender, nice war.

/q sbanks | #beyond.info
War started on: 22:13:00 27-02-2012 War ended on: 22:47:05 29-02-2012
Bullet difference: -312,361,372 War duration: 2d 0h 34m
Money difference: -$23,670,325,089 Players died: 1,504

Dead Families:
[Kurosawa] Family down on 17:42 29-02
[Kamikaze] Family down on 01:31 29-02
[Kerberos] Family down on 00:10 29-02
[Republica] Family down on 23:12 28-02
[Yalta] Family down on 21:08 28-02
[Syndrum] Family down on 19:23 28-02
[Correptio] Family down on 14:06 28-02
[Laboratory] Family down on 13:45 28-02
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Anathema | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 21
Bruinsma | swin: 3 | assa: 4 | lc: 5 | chief: 6 | brug: 51 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 789
Caliente | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 34
Carneglia | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 2 | chief: 1 | brug: 35 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 546
Conflict | swin: 5 | assa: 0 | lc: 3 | chief: 9 | brug: 60 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 949
Conflictz | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 16 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 244
Correptio | swin: 3 | assa: 3 | lc: 2 | chief: 3 | brug: 81 | cd: 0 | gf: 3 | points: 1,210
Equites | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 5 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 73
Escalada | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 6 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 112
Gravano | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 7 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 99
Guantanamo | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 15
Hangover | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 4 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 57
Infragilis | swin: 0 | assa: 2 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 12 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 246
Kamikaze | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 2 | brug: 15 | cd: 1 | gf: 2 | points: 300
Kerberos | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 21
Kurosawa | swin: 4 | assa: 3 | lc: 4 | chief: 4 | brug: 70 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 1,015
Laboratory | swin: 2 | assa: 1 | lc: 6 | chief: 4 | brug: 108 | cd: 0 | gf: 4 | points: 1,611
Liberta | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 12 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 203
Marangella | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 2 | brug: 4 | cd: 2 | gf: 0 | points: 115
Marangello | swin: 2 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 2 | brug: 55 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 778
Moretti | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 5 | cd: 4 | gf: 0 | points: 151
Presidential | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 9 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 118
Purgatory | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 11 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 191
Quirites | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 2 | brug: 27 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 443
Republica | swin: 0 | assa: 2 | lc: 1 | chief: 5 | brug: 50 | cd: 1 | gf: 4 | points: 863
Righelli | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 2 | brug: 42 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 634
Senatores | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 8 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 138
Syndrum | swin: 1 | assa: 1 | lc: 4 | chief: 7 | brug: 102 | cd: 0 | gf: 4 | points: 1,547
Tremps | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 6 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 80
Vertigo | swin: 3 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 14 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 222
Vincitori | swin: 1 | assa: 5 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 23 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 323
Yalta | swin: 2 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 5 | brug: 55 | cd: 1 | gf: 6 | points: 987
Total | swin: 31 | assa: 25 | lc: 36 | chief: 58 | brug: 894 | cd: 11 | gf: 43 | points: 14,135

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crack (09:37:53 - 05-03)
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Sorry kid, it was rigged from the start...War, War never changes......
lol (09:37:24 - 05-03)
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Anonymous at 02:01:25 on 04/03:
oppenheimer at 01:24:54 on 04/03:
Anonymous at 00:01:15 on 04/03:
vinci running the game now, with liberta. conflict era is over
LIberta is about to due to some cleaning up soon enough. Say bye to Conflict/Righelli/Bruinsma. Quirites pussed out and blooded Liberta to save their ass and not have to defend their older bloods! Purga's day of reckoning will come soon after as well.....

yeh i had great expectations of quirites, shame.. they are skilled blooders xD

it doesnt matter which pussypact member running but game still under control of the pact, game didnt see this kind of pussyness since 2.4, that was affinitas production too, other families stop coming back and let em play on their own
microbi (19:00:55 - 04-03)
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Loool at 18:18:34 on 04/03:
microbi at 18:01:32 on 04/03:
Lucci at 22:51:34 on 03/03:
Anonymous at 08:12:42 on 03/03:
Infragilis would have been able to shoot Bruinsma down. Bruinsma should kiss his bloods feet as they saved Bruinsma ass. So many attackers quit shooting, Infragilis had too many enemies left so they also quit.
Infra pussied out, not Bruinsma's fault. No saving went on, since the bloods didn't shoot, just Infra selling out.
So Infra "pussied"(?) out? And what Bruinsma did? Went hunting those "pussied" out Infras with blazing guns (as there would been easy target..pussied players are always easy)? Actually they did SHIT after that. Dunno what you call that? "Stoodied"(?) out and did something? (and what, that is still mysterious to me)

LMFAO.... You gotta to be kidding me, tho the sad part is that you probably ain't.

Are you seriously that stupid? Look at the current state Bruinsma is in. How should they ever be able to do anything? They backed bloods and fought against 3 attacking families and survived. I think that was impressive and it is lack of intelligence to talk bad about them not shooting at Infra when Infra stopped shooting. That was the only wise thing to do.
Read where this whole thread started... And what I posted before why Bruinsma (or Infragilis) didn't do anything - ever heard sarcasm? As I don't understand these wars "We quit, fuck it. dont shot us and we don't shoot you. We will go back ranking instead of finish what we started" wars.

And yes some might call me a stupid but comparing to you I'm way above avg.
Loool (18:18:34 - 04-03)
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microbi at 18:01:32 on 04/03:
Lucci at 22:51:34 on 03/03:
Anonymous at 08:12:42 on 03/03:
Infragilis would have been able to shoot Bruinsma down. Bruinsma should kiss his bloods feet as they saved Bruinsma ass. So many attackers quit shooting, Infragilis had too many enemies left so they also quit.
Infra pussied out, not Bruinsma's fault. No saving went on, since the bloods didn't shoot, just Infra selling out.
So Infra "pussied"(?) out? And what Bruinsma did? Went hunting those "pussied" out Infras with blazing guns (as there would been easy target..pussied players are always easy)? Actually they did SHIT after that. Dunno what you call that? "Stoodied"(?) out and did something? (and what, that is still mysterious to me)

LMFAO.... You gotta to be kidding me, tho the sad part is that you probably ain't.

Are you seriously that stupid? Look at the current state Bruinsma is in. How should they ever be able to do anything? They backed bloods and fought against 3 attacking families and survived. I think that was impressive and it is lack of intelligence to talk bad about them not shooting at Infra when Infra stopped shooting. That was the only wise thing to do.
microbi (18:01:32 - 04-03)
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Lucci at 22:51:34 on 03/03:
Anonymous at 08:12:42 on 03/03:
Infragilis would have been able to shoot Bruinsma down. Bruinsma should kiss his bloods feet as they saved Bruinsma ass. So many attackers quit shooting, Infragilis had too many enemies left so they also quit.
Infra pussied out, not Bruinsma's fault. No saving went on, since the bloods didn't shoot, just Infra selling out.
So Infra "pussied"(?) out? And what Bruinsma did? Went hunting those "pussied" out Infras with blazing guns (as there would been easy target..pussied players are always easy)? Actually they did SHIT after that. Dunno what you call that? "Stoodied"(?) out and did something? (and what, that is still mysterious to me)

LMFAO.... You gotta to be kidding me, tho the sad part is that you probably ain't.
Anonymous (17:14:37 - 04-03)
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oppenheimer at 01:24:54 on 04/03:
Anonymous at 00:01:15 on 04/03:
vinci running the game now, with liberta. conflict era is over
LIberta is about to due to some cleaning up soon enough. Say bye to Conflict/Righelli/Bruinsma. Quirites pussed out and blooded Liberta to save their ass and not have to defend their older bloods! Purga's day of reckoning will come soon after as well.....

some guys are rly dreamers. The day liberta shoots conflict, is the day hell freezes over.
Anonymous (12:32:48 - 04-03)
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marazzýno ýs best famýlý théý kýll ýoú all
Anonymous (02:01:25 - 04-03)
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oppenheimer at 01:24:54 on 04/03:
Anonymous at 00:01:15 on 04/03:
vinci running the game now, with liberta. conflict era is over
LIberta is about to due to some cleaning up soon enough. Say bye to Conflict/Righelli/Bruinsma. Quirites pussed out and blooded Liberta to save their ass and not have to defend their older bloods! Purga's day of reckoning will come soon after as well.....

yeh i had great expectations of quirites, shame.. they are skilled blooders xD
oppenheimer (01:24:54 - 04-03)
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Anonymous at 00:01:15 on 04/03:
vinci running the game now, with liberta. conflict era is over
LIberta is about to due to some cleaning up soon enough. Say bye to Conflict/Righelli/Bruinsma. Quirites pussed out and blooded Liberta to save their ass and not have to defend their older bloods! Purga's day of reckoning will come soon after as well.....
Anonymous (00:01:15 - 04-03)
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vinci running the game now, with liberta. conflict era is over
Lucci Netherlands (22:51:34 - 03-03)
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Anonymous at 08:12:42 on 03/03:
Infragilis would have been able to shoot Bruinsma down. Bruinsma should kiss his bloods feet as they saved Bruinsma ass. So many attackers quit shooting, Infragilis had too many enemies left so they also quit.
Infra pussied out, not Bruinsma's fault. No saving went on, since the bloods didn't shoot, just Infra selling out.
Giddiness Bulgaria (10:19:23 - 03-03)
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Anonymous at 09:33:24 on 03/03:
In a war with that caliber, purgatory top says "we killed our targets" and walks away.
marangello shooters correptio/yalta were countered, so in that situation you have 3 options:

1. first finish marangello then move to families that counters correptio/yalta (that would be suicide so everyone will agree to not to choose that 1)

2. finish marangello (you are not countered so you can finish marangello without too much loss, %80 family tops will choose that 1)

3. hit only your targets and then run away (900 brug+ killed and you choose that, letting every attacker be raped without 1 single fam kill)

purga top chose 3rd and you declare it here like it's normal thing. as a result : purgatory is a joke
Interesting options you've there but they haven't killed their targets yet. ^_^
Anonymous (09:33:24 - 03-03)
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In a war with that caliber, purgatory top says "we killed our targets" and walks away.
marangello shooters correptio/yalta were countered, so in that situation you have 3 options:

1. first finish marangello then move to families that counters correptio/yalta (that would be suicide so everyone will agree to not to choose that 1)

2. finish marangello (you are not countered so you can finish marangello without too much loss, %80 family tops will choose that 1)

3. hit only your targets and then run away (900 brug+ killed and you choose that, letting every attacker be raped without 1 single fam kill)

purga top chose 3rd and you declare it here like it's normal thing. as a result : purgatory is a joke
Anonymous (08:12:42 - 03-03)
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Infragilis would have been able to shoot Bruinsma down. Bruinsma should kiss his bloods feet as they saved Bruinsma ass. So many attackers quit shooting, Infragilis had too many enemies left so they also quit.
Sollid (23:14:13 - 02-03)
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rIdDLe at 22:58:11 on 02/03:
Oke, u dunt just talk shit oke?! Al families no shoot on pact is dogs but biggest pig is bruinsma. if bruinsma no shoot conflict righelli dead.ok.

Thank you for outlining in a great way how Bruinsma did a very valuable action to help two of their bloods _o_
Novu (23:11:18 - 02-03)
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ReViveD at 22:48:28 on 02/03:
Novu at 22:12:16 on 02/03:
ReViveD at 22:00:02 on 02/03:
Novu at 21:56:25 on 02/03:
What's up with all this Krays/Bruinsma stuff?

I'm no top in Krays, just a member. But if it was my call I would have had NONE of our bloods help us. When we attacked Aztec it was our decision, and it was obvious that we would pay for it, seeing how weakened we had become also. It had been better if our bloods had let us die and instead participated in the bigger war against the pact. I don't think anyone wanted Bruinsma to suicide for Krays - If they did, they sure are idiots. Also afterwards it's very clear that Krays was being used to lure out Marazzino's counter, as a direct attack at Marazzino would have caused all their bloods to counter. I guess the pact knew Marazzino would counter for Krays and that Bruinsma wouldn't.

What I personally did not like, was to see Bruinsma blooding our enemies right as they had shot us or maybe right before, I'm not sure. Either way it seems distasteful to me. And I also just see Bruinsma being used as cannonfodder for Conflict, but we will see if Conflict will try to protect them later on.

So at least for me personally, the grudge with Bruinsma would lie not in the fact that they did not counter for us (that would have been a dumb thing to do anyway), but in the fact that they joined the enemy.

From Bruinsma's perspective I guess they felt more attached to the pact after Krays' death, and maybe also before. They are blooded to Righelli who are obviously on the pact side, and then they have Purgatory who attacked the pact, but pussied out. So where would you stand if you were Bruinsma? Pussy-Purgatory + random and somewhat unreliable fams, or loyal Righelli and their side? I know where I'd be, but I still don't like them for joining our enemy.
after u died, ur mouth became -____-
try to shut up time to time

Since I contribute to the discussion here with good manners etc. I don't see why you would tell me to shut up. I don't know you, but seeing that you have some hate towards me, I will take a wild guess that you must be from Aztec or some other fam that Krays have shot during the span of time. It's either that or you're just some kid trolling on the internet. That's the only way to explain your disrespectful tone.
what did krays make some harm last couple of version to any fam ? just shut up it oke, krays is a dog get orders from some fams , nothing more. you can not change it with spekaing about "how big krays shits" .

Where do I talk about "how big krays shits" ? I was explaining the Krays/Bruinsma thing from my perspective. It must be from your own imagination. I won't discuss further with you, as your behavior will shut down any serious discussion.
Plopmunker (23:09:59 - 02-03)
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"In the bible it says what goes around comes around".. I don't have to be a top to see this.... You shouldn't either..
rIdDLe (22:58:11 - 02-03)
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Oke, u dunt just talk shit oke?! Al families no shoot on pact is dogs but biggest pig is bruinsma. if bruinsma no shoot conflict righelli dead.ok.
ReViveD Brunei Darussalam (22:48:28 - 02-03)
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Novu at 22:12:16 on 02/03:
ReViveD at 22:00:02 on 02/03:
Novu at 21:56:25 on 02/03:
What's up with all this Krays/Bruinsma stuff?

I'm no top in Krays, just a member. But if it was my call I would have had NONE of our bloods help us. When we attacked Aztec it was our decision, and it was obvious that we would pay for it, seeing how weakened we had become also. It had been better if our bloods had let us die and instead participated in the bigger war against the pact. I don't think anyone wanted Bruinsma to suicide for Krays - If they did, they sure are idiots. Also afterwards it's very clear that Krays was being used to lure out Marazzino's counter, as a direct attack at Marazzino would have caused all their bloods to counter. I guess the pact knew Marazzino would counter for Krays and that Bruinsma wouldn't.

What I personally did not like, was to see Bruinsma blooding our enemies right as they had shot us or maybe right before, I'm not sure. Either way it seems distasteful to me. And I also just see Bruinsma being used as cannonfodder for Conflict, but we will see if Conflict will try to protect them later on.

So at least for me personally, the grudge with Bruinsma would lie not in the fact that they did not counter for us (that would have been a dumb thing to do anyway), but in the fact that they joined the enemy.

From Bruinsma's perspective I guess they felt more attached to the pact after Krays' death, and maybe also before. They are blooded to Righelli who are obviously on the pact side, and then they have Purgatory who attacked the pact, but pussied out. So where would you stand if you were Bruinsma? Pussy-Purgatory + random and somewhat unreliable fams, or loyal Righelli and their side? I know where I'd be, but I still don't like them for joining our enemy.
after u died, ur mouth became -____-
try to shut up time to time

Since I contribute to the discussion here with good manners etc. I don't see why you would tell me to shut up. I don't know you, but seeing that you have some hate towards me, I will take a wild guess that you must be from Aztec or some other fam that Krays have shot during the span of time. It's either that or you're just some kid trolling on the internet. That's the only way to explain your disrespectful tone.
what did krays make some harm last couple of version to any fam ? just shut up it oke, krays is a dog get orders from some fams , nothing more. you can not change it with spekaing about "how big krays shits" .
Anonymous (22:19:23 - 02-03)
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knife at 17:54:15 on 02/03:
Giddiness at 17:15:26 on 02/03:
Johnson at 15:31:48 on 02/03:
Deston1 at 15:08:52 on 02/03:
JTR at 14:51:56 on 02/03:
Deston1 at 14:30:11 on 02/03:
shell at 11:08:39 on 02/03:
Anonymous at 10:22:55 on 02/03:
Stodder at 09:51:44 on 02/03:
Anonymous at 08:56:04 on 02/03:
If bruinsma didn't involve in that war conflict and righelli would be down.

Respect Bruinsma, you guys saved 2 bloods. Stop hating now please.

And screwed over 2 other bloods.

Nah, Bruinsma really are the lowest dogs this version has seen, thus far.
They could have done something for the greater good but instead licked up to Conflict.
Really, respect would be totally misplaced, if you put it into this puppets of Conflict.

who are other 2 ?, they got only 4 bloods which are krays (rip), righelli, conflict and purgatory.
When it is your bloods who don't help your family, they are the lowest ones, bad blood ( with the lightest word)
When the bloods of family you attack at, jumps into defend their bloods, they are again the lowest ones and bla bla bla.
Imo, the lowest dog around here is you and people like you, noone else. Bruinsma is one of the few families i respect and that is the reason why we become bloods with them without questioning adv/disadv of the deal.

Anyway, what i wonder is, after making up lies in your little world, do you also begin to believe in it after a while ?
Out of curiousity shell, did you blood them before or after bruinsmas bloods (latobuio, leviticus & gambino) died?

Yes, I know supposedly the bloodship with dig ended just before lato went down (as I heard from some tops while some of their other tops didn't even know), but I'm sure there were reasons.

Anyway Bruinsma shot well last war and at least they didn't let 6 bloods die and never shoot at all until they got hijacked (complexio).

We were not blooded to Gambino and Leviticus, Deston, and when Gambino and Tempest decided to suicide, Tempest understood, that we didn't feel it was the right thing to do, and didn't expect us to join them just because we were bloods. They respected that we thought it was wiser to play different. We would ofcourse also never expect a blood to suicide just because we feel like it and attack someone we don't like - if you do so, then you are not a good blood.
There is no hard feelings between Bruinsma and Tempest, which I bet Tempest tops will confirm, if you ask them.

If one has to suicide everytime one of your bloods do so, then you're not taking your own decisions as a family, but just following the other lemmings... It is every families right to decide if they want to join a suicide attack or not, but they shouldn't be blamed for chosing another path...
Then I was ill informed by tops stating you were bloods although yes, I realise I probably mixed up one of the fams mentioned with tempestuoso. But I must agree, families suiciding one at a time is never a good idea. If maraz had shown some patience and waited a day, or purga had not backed out then the results of this war could have been much different.

I think what JTR objects too is the abuse Bruinsma has to take. We blood people we like, think are funny, play the game well, and brings fun. Righelli and Conflict do - I only mention those since they seem to cause the fuzz.
If you did not know, we have been bloods with them before, actually through some versions now. That has always been good fun. For several reasons. We like them, they play the game well (by that, I mean better than most of the whiners here), they bring fun and wars. They are not whiners or hypocrties.
You answer the questions you ask us youself basically.- We do not blood fams we do not like, we do not blood fams that whine and whine and whine. We do not blood fams we do not know, and we do not blood fams we think have a gathered IQ below average or game strategy and/or behavior that is well, low...
That should take care of your curiousity about Bruinsma I think.

On a side note, I think some of you tend to forget its a game..

LOL You blooded conflict the same day when was the attack :') No matter since when you had talks I would feel a "bit" used if they agreed to be bloods the same day. Not to mention you had bloods in the attackers aswell(doesn't matter they pussied out after a few shots). I actually have always had better opionion about you..Tho you are still better than Liberta who licked Vinci's balls xD

i am really curious what you tried to mean with ' a few shoots ' better you check how much marangello people died, it wasnt even our war and if all people were killed their targets marangello was died m8 so cut the crap we killed more than we got as target next time prepare better war and talk here.

puhahahaha so u wanna say we shot our targets and the war is over for us? u must be a joke, u shot marangello , do u think that they will forget about it?