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After Christmas truce:
Milano + Fergana + Aquates → Vengeance
Avenue + Reichsthaler → Ubermensch + Nightmare + Aslanibrahim
Maranello → Elements
next day:
Apocalypse → Avenue + Reichsthaler
Aquates → Farmadars
Eternity → Apocalypse + Fidelity
Imperium → Eternity
Maranello → Imperium
Fergana + Milano → Elements
next day:
Leviticus → Aquates
Imperium + Ubermensch + Apocalypse → Leviticus
Budapest + Nightmare + Sure joins the attackers..
Imperium + Ubermensch → Fergana
Imperium → Milano
Attackers begin cleanup before New Year's truce:
Farmadars + Murphy + Budapest + Interini + Avenue + Aquilas + Rijnsburg were taken down..
New Year's truce begins with 7 families standing..
pm me if you have top statements..
Milano + Fergana + Aquates → Vengeance
Avenue + Reichsthaler → Ubermensch + Nightmare + Aslanibrahim
Maranello → Elements
next day:
Apocalypse → Avenue + Reichsthaler
Aquates → Farmadars
Eternity → Apocalypse + Fidelity
Imperium → Eternity
Maranello → Imperium
Fergana + Milano → Elements
next day:
Leviticus → Aquates
Imperium + Ubermensch + Apocalypse → Leviticus
Budapest + Nightmare + Sure joins the attackers..
Imperium + Ubermensch → Fergana
Imperium → Milano
Attackers begin cleanup before New Year's truce:
Farmadars + Murphy + Budapest + Interini + Avenue + Aquilas + Rijnsburg were taken down..
New Year's truce begins with 7 families standing..
pm me if you have top statements..
(Imperium Crew): Do not fuck with Imperium
War started on: 11:56:05 26-12-2021 | War ended on: 12:00:06 31-12-2021 |
Bullet difference: -105,656,442 | War duration: 5d 0h 4m |
Money difference: -$17,369,840,888 | Players died: 910 |
Dead Families:
Deaths per family:
Attacking Families:
Defending Families:
Attacking Families:
Code | Result |
[u]Test[/u] | Test |
[b]Test[/b] | Test |
[o]Test[/o] | Test |
[i]Test[/i] | Test |
[s]Test[/s] | Test |
[url="http://lmgtfy.com/?q=bbcode"]Click me![/url] | Click me! |
[abbr="This is awesome"]Hover me[/abbr] | Hover me |
[b][i][o][s][u]Test[/u][/s][/o][/i][/b] | Test |
/me is awsm! | * Anonymous is awsm! |
[youtube=P9LNvDIlo5o] | YouTube movie "P9LNvDIlo5o" will be added |
[img=http://img.gif] | Image will be added - whiiii |
Grannqe` (10:11:59 - 30-12)
whenever i join ob, i always see small and medium fams shooting small threats and in the end to get rekt by their biggest threat, grow some balls and go against the toughest fam (biggest threat), its the only way to survive.
"mafian game" with lots of top3 pussies i guess, ruining your members gameplay with stupid pussy moves, dunno if i should call this game a 'mafian' game anymore, it feels like obeying your master game.
Gg and wp Imperium.
"mafian game" with lots of top3 pussies i guess, ruining your members gameplay with stupid pussy moves, dunno if i should call this game a 'mafian' game anymore, it feels like obeying your master game.
Gg and wp Imperium.
Anonymous (09:19:20 - 30-12)
My name is Horace at 16:14:15 on 29/12:
Good Afternoon,
My name is Horace. I’ve traveled many moons and kilometers through werewolf infested forests, had many lonely housewives cry out to me in the night in dresses of satin, stopped many caravans of gypsies along the round so I can listen to their youtube profile songs, seen million of text bullets block out the sun in massive volleys.. and I have much wisdom to share…
You all forget some basic things, or not accounting for them. This game is broken, due to the fact mmorpgs are outdated, most aren’t kept up and bugs and infiltration occurs on them. It makes it unplayable for your average person who isn’t willing to exploit what’s broken and start cheating, or has the coin to overwhelm their enemies by donating. Omerta was big when there was more culture, more players, more merit. This included many stronger individual families that played on their own, ingame marriages, people meeting in life over this game, longer rounds with less probability.. not anymore. It’s just not worth arguing about anymore.
It all changed when admins decided only one family can stand at the end of a round, but it’s not compatible with the playerbase now since they still continue to pact and have sisters. ONLY ONE FAMILY CAN WIN, and if you read comments from players they want to keep other families alive meaning it’s an insanity that runs rampant here, against all logic. Depending on on other families to kill your bloods and sisters so you don’t have to, because you can only win being the last standing family. Insanity. Before this rule, there was enough people in the game to make a round seem less predictable and run longer, and after the 9 month journey a few families left had enough merit to call their “group” winners. Those days are over and they’re not coming back, the good days. What you have now is huge families full of many families within that branch out to other huge families, it’s a network of longtime addicts… coming together for nostalgia, that’s all Omerta is. Communication within the game is done, its not a new player friendly game, it’s played on apps far away, the irc was the backbone of culture and collected mentalities to play this game in structure and it’s done for 😊
I don’t play to win, not this game, that is my problem. I only play to have fun and I’m still a junkie over poker and buying bullets, its been inside me for quite some time. Everyone I was close to here is gone, and what’s left are people I’m not to interested in getting to know based on their gameplay. Pity me Pity thee…
So don’t forget the basics, it’s the cornerstone of your mental health.
Good Afternoon,
My name is Horace. I’ve traveled many moons and kilometers through werewolf infested forests, had many lonely housewives cry out to me in the night in dresses of satin, stopped many caravans of gypsies along the round so I can listen to their youtube profile songs, seen million of text bullets block out the sun in massive volleys.. and I have much wisdom to share…
You all forget some basic things, or not accounting for them. This game is broken, due to the fact mmorpgs are outdated, most aren’t kept up and bugs and infiltration occurs on them. It makes it unplayable for your average person who isn’t willing to exploit what’s broken and start cheating, or has the coin to overwhelm their enemies by donating. Omerta was big when there was more culture, more players, more merit. This included many stronger individual families that played on their own, ingame marriages, people meeting in life over this game, longer rounds with less probability.. not anymore. It’s just not worth arguing about anymore.
It all changed when admins decided only one family can stand at the end of a round, but it’s not compatible with the playerbase now since they still continue to pact and have sisters. ONLY ONE FAMILY CAN WIN, and if you read comments from players they want to keep other families alive meaning it’s an insanity that runs rampant here, against all logic. Depending on on other families to kill your bloods and sisters so you don’t have to, because you can only win being the last standing family. Insanity. Before this rule, there was enough people in the game to make a round seem less predictable and run longer, and after the 9 month journey a few families left had enough merit to call their “group” winners. Those days are over and they’re not coming back, the good days. What you have now is huge families full of many families within that branch out to other huge families, it’s a network of longtime addicts… coming together for nostalgia, that’s all Omerta is. Communication within the game is done, its not a new player friendly game, it’s played on apps far away, the irc was the backbone of culture and collected mentalities to play this game in structure and it’s done for 😊
I don’t play to win, not this game, that is my problem. I only play to have fun and I’m still a junkie over poker and buying bullets, its been inside me for quite some time. Everyone I was close to here is gone, and what’s left are people I’m not to interested in getting to know based on their gameplay. Pity me Pity thee…
So don’t forget the basics, it’s the cornerstone of your mental health.
You forgot the lackeys which made possible for every retard around here to be something in the game ...
Anonymous (04:24:50 - 30-12)
Dank0oo at 16:25:26 on 29/12:
I think we accept that proposial to shot Maranelo because all of us cant hande you guys hling us 00-24 on our topchat.
Im glad we didnt act vs them.
Also in the end you didnt go 1v1 on us you waited our cd to go to shot and you start in worst moment for us(good decision from Imp by the way) also you shot with uber elements sure and some shots we recive from Lati farmers and Eternity also...
Anonymous at 16:10:19 on 29/12:
Im not soty btw, and you accept to shoot maranello and you were in tunnel when its time. Do you deny it ?
Dank0oo at 15:44:49 on 29/12:
Stop comenting from Anonymous, Soty.
Be a man(i know its hard for you but try atleast),
i explained to you why we didnt act vs Eternity sidefam.
Maybe you need translation of this "We refuse to shot Eternity side because of respect and we stay out of war not joining any of sides!"
Also maybe this looks logic to you "weeken both sides and claim star" but
believe me or not there is tops and players in this game who dont want to stab bloods.
Anonymous at 15:33:27 on 29/12:
Levicutus was full online while we asked for help so stop giving shitty excuses about rl etc. You just wanted to weakened both eter and imp then u can win ez it just didnt work since imp stay alive and strong. Just stop crying after ur dirty moves and acts. Gl next times o/
Dank0oo at 15:26:28 on 29/12:
I know its hard for you to understand but yeah we were busy. We play Omerta in our spare time or we steal that time from our sleep and social life. We dont live in moms basemant like in 2.8 when i can manualy be top10 rankers and sadly for you im imune to mans tears over internet who is crying 00-24 that he needs help xD
We fucked our relationship with Eternity because we dont help them ( I personaly feel regret because we didnt ) but we also dont want to shot them or their bloods/sisterfams.
Anonymous at 15:16:35 on 29/12:
You promised to shoot maranello days ago and when the time for act u all were busy for 3 days. This isnt different then a stab. If you give a promise next time keep it if u dont gonna keep it dont cry at the end.
Anonymous at 14:44:57 on 29/12:
You dont get it, maybe you are the one have 1digit IQ. Since beginning you knew etern was Levi blood, all the shit you are talking os just escuses for your stabbing. Keep think you are good, you are just one of the dogs. Keep talking lil man we see in future. Conversation ends here.
Soty at 14:37:47 on 29/12:
Dogk0oo? Stabbed Levi? The fam who promised us to help versus Eternity pact and shooting Maranello but did nothing. Also, played 3 monkeys when is the war happening? The next morning said, we were too bussy with real life matters, yeah i get that. Not to mention you killed Aquates just you thought they contributing us and give bullshit excuse and didn't even inform us your war plan.
Blood means always blood to us but if you play like a little cunt with your small brain, we give you a lesson that "do not fuck with imperium".
Everything was too clear, just don't give a speech to people who has no idea about the game, anyone has fucking eye with 1 digit IQ can able to see what happened.
Btw more deeds less words.
Anonymous at 14:25:43 on 29/12:
Wtf are you talking about stabs? You stabbed leviticus a blood from beginng that didnt shoot you when you fight with etern. The only Ontario dog here is you!
Soty at 14:00:56 on 29/12:
Sisterfams or bloods? JESUS, delusional rat you are :D
You had literally 5 sister family and entire fam as blood except Horde. Not to mention about how many famileis you paid to shoot us and put proxy dons :D You were terrible at war and died like dogs, i didn't want to use this kind of language but you literally deserved it. One of the easiest wars of my life cuz you were too bad :D Not to mention how you played with your CAPO+ and DON, we had 60% none plating nice excuse :D
Funny to see rats who trying to backstab blood who invite us to play and say "honored to blood of imperium", now you are too salty cuz we made peace and a relationship with Ontario people? Lemme tell you something love, your refugee fam dunno has how many groups of people but clearly numbers of groups much more than individuals from Ontario in Imperium who did their best for the family.
You did too much preps for this round, and you fucked up so badly just like this, i get it you salty but you should get shits together if you wanna play this game by the book. Your mentors clearly ain't better ;)
Ryaz at 13:49:13 on 29/12:
I am over it, I am not mad or sad tbh, you won war. You are writing like none of us were fighting, we had 60% fam with plating open when we enter war with you. So many sisterfams or bloods, but thats game, I am not complaining, I just correct omerta comment. :')
But as I see you are good dog too. Called Ontadog. 😢
Soty at 13:29:08 on 29/12:
Ahahahaha :D
Just admit that we raped Eternity so badly and we all know everything favors you in that war as ratio wise, Romalo + Reyn was much more valuable than combined of few shots you received from Nightmare. There is no reason to pretend like this is gangbang :)
The way you play was pity; suiciders since the beginning of brug, hitlists, dhp war and I still remember that you were too cocky about how you going to win over us. Even in our worst day, you can't match with us.
GET OVER IT, you need to learn how to fight before you wanna challenge us otherwise consequences won't change anytime soon honey.
Ryaz at 12:58:36 on 29/12:
It wasn't Imp vs Maranello+Eter, much more was involved with Imperium.. :')
Not sure what were you following.
But Imperium are good shooters, thats for sure.
Anonymous at 12:26:05 on 29/12:
That war was imp vs maranello + eter so imp was outnumbered already if we talking about balance :D
Anonymous at 09:47:23 on 29/12:
Quite early on in the Imperium - Eternity war it became obvious that Imperium would (thanks to a way better organization) win that war by a million and would be the family to beat this round. Since then no other family decided to take a shot at them. Instead those other families decided to shoot eachother. Didn't they have the right perspective or are families nowadays still striving for a second place way to easy?
My take, the moment Imperium was outwinning Eternity, Leviticus (and other families) should have hit Imperium in order to try to balance the odds.
Quite early on in the Imperium - Eternity war it became obvious that Imperium would (thanks to a way better organization) win that war by a million and would be the family to beat this round. Since then no other family decided to take a shot at them. Instead those other families decided to shoot eachother. Didn't they have the right perspective or are families nowadays still striving for a second place way to easy?
My take, the moment Imperium was outwinning Eternity, Leviticus (and other families) should have hit Imperium in order to try to balance the odds.
That war was imp vs maranello + eter so imp was outnumbered already if we talking about balance :D
It wasn't Imp vs Maranello+Eter, much more was involved with Imperium.. :')
Not sure what were you following.
But Imperium are good shooters, thats for sure.
Ahahahaha :D
Just admit that we raped Eternity so badly and we all know everything favors you in that war as ratio wise, Romalo + Reyn was much more valuable than combined of few shots you received from Nightmare. There is no reason to pretend like this is gangbang :)
The way you play was pity; suiciders since the beginning of brug, hitlists, dhp war and I still remember that you were too cocky about how you going to win over us. Even in our worst day, you can't match with us.
GET OVER IT, you need to learn how to fight before you wanna challenge us otherwise consequences won't change anytime soon honey.
I am over it, I am not mad or sad tbh, you won war. You are writing like none of us were fighting, we had 60% fam with plating open when we enter war with you. So many sisterfams or bloods, but thats game, I am not complaining, I just correct omerta comment. :')
But as I see you are good dog too. Called Ontadog. 😢
Sisterfams or bloods? JESUS, delusional rat you are :D
You had literally 5 sister family and entire fam as blood except Horde. Not to mention about how many famileis you paid to shoot us and put proxy dons :D You were terrible at war and died like dogs, i didn't want to use this kind of language but you literally deserved it. One of the easiest wars of my life cuz you were too bad :D Not to mention how you played with your CAPO+ and DON, we had 60% none plating nice excuse :D
Funny to see rats who trying to backstab blood who invite us to play and say "honored to blood of imperium", now you are too salty cuz we made peace and a relationship with Ontario people? Lemme tell you something love, your refugee fam dunno has how many groups of people but clearly numbers of groups much more than individuals from Ontario in Imperium who did their best for the family.
You did too much preps for this round, and you fucked up so badly just like this, i get it you salty but you should get shits together if you wanna play this game by the book. Your mentors clearly ain't better ;)
Wtf are you talking about stabs? You stabbed leviticus a blood from beginng that didnt shoot you when you fight with etern. The only Ontario dog here is you!
Dogk0oo? Stabbed Levi? The fam who promised us to help versus Eternity pact and shooting Maranello but did nothing. Also, played 3 monkeys when is the war happening? The next morning said, we were too bussy with real life matters, yeah i get that. Not to mention you killed Aquates just you thought they contributing us and give bullshit excuse and didn't even inform us your war plan.
Blood means always blood to us but if you play like a little cunt with your small brain, we give you a lesson that "do not fuck with imperium".
Everything was too clear, just don't give a speech to people who has no idea about the game, anyone has fucking eye with 1 digit IQ can able to see what happened.
Btw more deeds less words.
You dont get it, maybe you are the one have 1digit IQ. Since beginning you knew etern was Levi blood, all the shit you are talking os just escuses for your stabbing. Keep think you are good, you are just one of the dogs. Keep talking lil man we see in future. Conversation ends here.
You promised to shoot maranello days ago and when the time for act u all were busy for 3 days. This isnt different then a stab. If you give a promise next time keep it if u dont gonna keep it dont cry at the end.
I know its hard for you to understand but yeah we were busy. We play Omerta in our spare time or we steal that time from our sleep and social life. We dont live in moms basemant like in 2.8 when i can manualy be top10 rankers and sadly for you im imune to mans tears over internet who is crying 00-24 that he needs help xD
We fucked our relationship with Eternity because we dont help them ( I personaly feel regret because we didnt ) but we also dont want to shot them or their bloods/sisterfams.
Levicutus was full online while we asked for help so stop giving shitty excuses about rl etc. You just wanted to weakened both eter and imp then u can win ez it just didnt work since imp stay alive and strong. Just stop crying after ur dirty moves and acts. Gl next times o/
Stop comenting from Anonymous, Soty.
Be a man(i know its hard for you but try atleast),
i explained to you why we didnt act vs Eternity sidefam.
Maybe you need translation of this "We refuse to shot Eternity side because of respect and we stay out of war not joining any of sides!"
Also maybe this looks logic to you "weeken both sides and claim star" but
believe me or not there is tops and players in this game who dont want to stab bloods.
Im not soty btw, and you accept to shoot maranello and you were in tunnel when its time. Do you deny it ?
I think we accept that proposial to shot Maranelo because all of us cant hande you guys hling us 00-24 on our topchat.
Im glad we didnt act vs them.
Also in the end you didnt go 1v1 on us you waited our cd to go to shot and you start in worst moment for us(good decision from Imp by the way) also you shot with uber elements sure and some shots we recive from Lati farmers and Eternity also...
Not McGay (23:13:44 - 29-12)
Did a bunch of stinky gypsies pull their wheel wagons off the side of the road and find a box of Leviticus t-shirts and joined this round?
Anonymous (21:08:17 - 29-12)
My name is Horace at 16:14:15 on 29/12:
Good Afternoon,
My name is Horace. I’ve traveled many moons and kilometers through werewolf infested forests, had many lonely housewives cry out to me in the night in dresses of satin, stopped many caravans of gypsies along the round so I can listen to their youtube profile songs, seen million of text bullets block out the sun in massive volleys.. and I have much wisdom to share…
You all forget some basic things, or not accounting for them. This game is broken, due to the fact mmorpgs are outdated, most aren’t kept up and bugs and infiltration occurs on them. It makes it unplayable for your average person who isn’t willing to exploit what’s broken and start cheating, or has the coin to overwhelm their enemies by donating. Omerta was big when there was more culture, more players, more merit. This included many stronger individual families that played on their own, ingame marriages, people meeting in life over this game, longer rounds with less probability.. not anymore. It’s just not worth arguing about anymore.
It all changed when admins decided only one family can stand at the end of a round, but it’s not compatible with the playerbase now since they still continue to pact and have sisters. ONLY ONE FAMILY CAN WIN, and if you read comments from players they want to keep other families alive meaning it’s an insanity that runs rampant here, against all logic. Depending on on other families to kill your bloods and sisters so you don’t have to, because you can only win being the last standing family. Insanity. Before this rule, there was enough people in the game to make a round seem less predictable and run longer, and after the 9 month journey a few families left had enough merit to call their “group” winners. Those days are over and they’re not coming back, the good days. What you have now is huge families full of many families within that branch out to other huge families, it’s a network of longtime addicts… coming together for nostalgia, that’s all Omerta is. Communication within the game is done, its not a new player friendly game, it’s played on apps far away, the irc was the backbone of culture and collected mentalities to play this game in structure and it’s done for 😊
I don’t play to win, not this game, that is my problem. I only play to have fun and I’m still a junkie over poker and buying bullets, its been inside me for quite some time. Everyone I was close to here is gone, and what’s left are people I’m not to interested in getting to know based on their gameplay. Pity me Pity thee…
So don’t forget the basics, it’s the cornerstone of your mental health.
Good Afternoon,
My name is Horace. I’ve traveled many moons and kilometers through werewolf infested forests, had many lonely housewives cry out to me in the night in dresses of satin, stopped many caravans of gypsies along the round so I can listen to their youtube profile songs, seen million of text bullets block out the sun in massive volleys.. and I have much wisdom to share…
You all forget some basic things, or not accounting for them. This game is broken, due to the fact mmorpgs are outdated, most aren’t kept up and bugs and infiltration occurs on them. It makes it unplayable for your average person who isn’t willing to exploit what’s broken and start cheating, or has the coin to overwhelm their enemies by donating. Omerta was big when there was more culture, more players, more merit. This included many stronger individual families that played on their own, ingame marriages, people meeting in life over this game, longer rounds with less probability.. not anymore. It’s just not worth arguing about anymore.
It all changed when admins decided only one family can stand at the end of a round, but it’s not compatible with the playerbase now since they still continue to pact and have sisters. ONLY ONE FAMILY CAN WIN, and if you read comments from players they want to keep other families alive meaning it’s an insanity that runs rampant here, against all logic. Depending on on other families to kill your bloods and sisters so you don’t have to, because you can only win being the last standing family. Insanity. Before this rule, there was enough people in the game to make a round seem less predictable and run longer, and after the 9 month journey a few families left had enough merit to call their “group” winners. Those days are over and they’re not coming back, the good days. What you have now is huge families full of many families within that branch out to other huge families, it’s a network of longtime addicts… coming together for nostalgia, that’s all Omerta is. Communication within the game is done, its not a new player friendly game, it’s played on apps far away, the irc was the backbone of culture and collected mentalities to play this game in structure and it’s done for 😊
I don’t play to win, not this game, that is my problem. I only play to have fun and I’m still a junkie over poker and buying bullets, its been inside me for quite some time. Everyone I was close to here is gone, and what’s left are people I’m not to interested in getting to know based on their gameplay. Pity me Pity thee…
So don’t forget the basics, it’s the cornerstone of your mental health.
hey Mcgee
kill off everyone you torment and now bored looking for attention here? ;)
Anonymous (20:01:37 - 29-12)
Solstice at 18:48:08 on 29/12:
Can't blame imperium for shooting a fam that does nothing to help. If what's left of eternity even helps out, you know you fucked both sides. Levi just wasn't smart enough to capitalize.
Props to imperium for having their act together.
The bullshit about stab this and that is just that, bs. It's a game where only one wins in the end, which means the rest needs to get killed at the right opportunity.
Can't blame imperium for shooting a fam that does nothing to help. If what's left of eternity even helps out, you know you fucked both sides. Levi just wasn't smart enough to capitalize.
Props to imperium for having their act together.
The bullshit about stab this and that is just that, bs. It's a game where only one wins in the end, which means the rest needs to get killed at the right opportunity.
Imperium is an oversized pact of experienced longtime junkies from multiple families it will always be an easy victory for them in rounds like this, without envelop the round wouldve been over two weeks ago
Most other fams are dupes farmers and scattered experienced shooters.
Anonymous (19:58:51 - 29-12)
Anonymous at 19:28:39 on 29/12:
actually ete started the version so well, and had enough support for a solid victory. But when they started to insult their rivals by spending shit load cash, they started to look repulsive and it decreased the support of neutral fams.
About levi, they had a chance to win this version pretty easy. When ete + maranello had over 70 brugs alive, they could easily shoot uber or any other imp blood and leave imp alone. And eventhough imp win that war against ete + maranello, there would be levi + neutral fams like as aquates, milano and fergana.
as a result congratz to imp...
actually ete started the version so well, and had enough support for a solid victory. But when they started to insult their rivals by spending shit load cash, they started to look repulsive and it decreased the support of neutral fams.
About levi, they had a chance to win this version pretty easy. When ete + maranello had over 70 brugs alive, they could easily shoot uber or any other imp blood and leave imp alone. And eventhough imp win that war against ete + maranello, there would be levi + neutral fams like as aquates, milano and fergana.
as a result congratz to imp...
fucking idiots everywhere
Anonymous (19:28:39 - 29-12)
actually ete started the version so well, and had enough support for a solid victory. But when they started to insult their rivals by spending shit load cash, they started to look repulsive and it decreased the support of neutral fams.
About levi, they had a chance to win this version pretty easy. When ete + maranello had over 70 brugs alive, they could easily shoot uber or any other imp blood and leave imp alone. And eventhough imp win that war against ete + maranello, there would be levi + neutral fams like as aquates, milano and fergana.
as a result congratz to imp...
About levi, they had a chance to win this version pretty easy. When ete + maranello had over 70 brugs alive, they could easily shoot uber or any other imp blood and leave imp alone. And eventhough imp win that war against ete + maranello, there would be levi + neutral fams like as aquates, milano and fergana.
as a result congratz to imp...
Anonymous (19:21:00 - 29-12)
Solstice at 18:48:08 on 29/12:
Can't blame imperium for shooting a fam that does nothing to help. If what's left of eternity even helps out, you know you fucked both sides. Levi just wasn't smart enough to capitalize.
Props to imperium for having their act together.
The bullshit about stab this and that is just that, bs. It's a game where only one wins in the end, which means the rest needs to get killed at the right opportunity.
Can't blame imperium for shooting a fam that does nothing to help. If what's left of eternity even helps out, you know you fucked both sides. Levi just wasn't smart enough to capitalize.
Props to imperium for having their act together.
The bullshit about stab this and that is just that, bs. It's a game where only one wins in the end, which means the rest needs to get killed at the right opportunity.
Which game are u playing.
Masspacts win together with many families
Solstice (19:19:44 - 29-12)
Anonymous at 19:17:39 on 29/12:
Eternity had a terrible defense, or more specific: no defense.
Eternity had a terrible defense, or more specific: no defense.
I tried to fuck up fenrir, but that mofo shot back. Those aren't the rules...
Solstice (18:48:08 - 29-12)
Can't blame imperium for shooting a fam that does nothing to help. If what's left of eternity even helps out, you know you fucked both sides. Levi just wasn't smart enough to capitalize.
Props to imperium for having their act together.
The bullshit about stab this and that is just that, bs. It's a game where only one wins in the end, which means the rest needs to get killed at the right opportunity.
Props to imperium for having their act together.
The bullshit about stab this and that is just that, bs. It's a game where only one wins in the end, which means the rest needs to get killed at the right opportunity.
Anonymous (17:00:37 - 29-12)
Stop at 16:27:11 on 29/12:
This article needs many updates tho, much has happened since.
This article needs many updates tho, much has happened since.
I can update it. Big sister/pact musical chair war... hoping sisters and pact families get shot by others.
Then the usual suspects wait until everyone else is empty or no plate to jump in.
It needs to be updated on New Years tho, since its a holiday themed article and the next holiday is on it's way xdxd
Anonymous at 16:10:19 on 29/12:
Im not soty btw, and you accept to shoot maranello and you were in tunnel when its time. Do you deny it ?
Dank0oo at 15:44:49 on 29/12:
Stop comenting from Anonymous, Soty.
Be a man(i know its hard for you but try atleast),
i explained to you why we didnt act vs Eternity sidefam.
Maybe you need translation of this "We refuse to shot Eternity side because of respect and we stay out of war not joining any of sides!"
Also maybe this looks logic to you "weeken both sides and claim star" but
believe me or not there is tops and players in this game who dont want to stab bloods.
Anonymous at 15:33:27 on 29/12:
Levicutus was full online while we asked for help so stop giving shitty excuses about rl etc. You just wanted to weakened both eter and imp then u can win ez it just didnt work since imp stay alive and strong. Just stop crying after ur dirty moves and acts. Gl next times o/
Dank0oo at 15:26:28 on 29/12:
I know its hard for you to understand but yeah we were busy. We play Omerta in our spare time or we steal that time from our sleep and social life. We dont live in moms basemant like in 2.8 when i can manualy be top10 rankers and sadly for you im imune to mans tears over internet who is crying 00-24 that he needs help xD
We fucked our relationship with Eternity because we dont help them ( I personaly feel regret because we didnt ) but we also dont want to shot them or their bloods/sisterfams.
Anonymous at 15:16:35 on 29/12:
You promised to shoot maranello days ago and when the time for act u all were busy for 3 days. This isnt different then a stab. If you give a promise next time keep it if u dont gonna keep it dont cry at the end.
Anonymous at 14:44:57 on 29/12:
You dont get it, maybe you are the one have 1digit IQ. Since beginning you knew etern was Levi blood, all the shit you are talking os just escuses for your stabbing. Keep think you are good, you are just one of the dogs. Keep talking lil man we see in future. Conversation ends here.
Soty at 14:37:47 on 29/12:
Dogk0oo? Stabbed Levi? The fam who promised us to help versus Eternity pact and shooting Maranello but did nothing. Also, played 3 monkeys when is the war happening? The next morning said, we were too bussy with real life matters, yeah i get that. Not to mention you killed Aquates just you thought they contributing us and give bullshit excuse and didn't even inform us your war plan.
Blood means always blood to us but if you play like a little cunt with your small brain, we give you a lesson that "do not fuck with imperium".
Everything was too clear, just don't give a speech to people who has no idea about the game, anyone has fucking eye with 1 digit IQ can able to see what happened.
Btw more deeds less words.
Anonymous at 14:25:43 on 29/12:
Wtf are you talking about stabs? You stabbed leviticus a blood from beginng that didnt shoot you when you fight with etern. The only Ontario dog here is you!
Soty at 14:00:56 on 29/12:
Sisterfams or bloods? JESUS, delusional rat you are :D
You had literally 5 sister family and entire fam as blood except Horde. Not to mention about how many famileis you paid to shoot us and put proxy dons :D You were terrible at war and died like dogs, i didn't want to use this kind of language but you literally deserved it. One of the easiest wars of my life cuz you were too bad :D Not to mention how you played with your CAPO+ and DON, we had 60% none plating nice excuse :D
Funny to see rats who trying to backstab blood who invite us to play and say "honored to blood of imperium", now you are too salty cuz we made peace and a relationship with Ontario people? Lemme tell you something love, your refugee fam dunno has how many groups of people but clearly numbers of groups much more than individuals from Ontario in Imperium who did their best for the family.
You did too much preps for this round, and you fucked up so badly just like this, i get it you salty but you should get shits together if you wanna play this game by the book. Your mentors clearly ain't better ;)
Ryaz at 13:49:13 on 29/12:
I am over it, I am not mad or sad tbh, you won war. You are writing like none of us were fighting, we had 60% fam with plating open when we enter war with you. So many sisterfams or bloods, but thats game, I am not complaining, I just correct omerta comment. :')
But as I see you are good dog too. Called Ontadog. 😢
Soty at 13:29:08 on 29/12:
Ahahahaha :D
Just admit that we raped Eternity so badly and we all know everything favors you in that war as ratio wise, Romalo + Reyn was much more valuable than combined of few shots you received from Nightmare. There is no reason to pretend like this is gangbang :)
The way you play was pity; suiciders since the beginning of brug, hitlists, dhp war and I still remember that you were too cocky about how you going to win over us. Even in our worst day, you can't match with us.
GET OVER IT, you need to learn how to fight before you wanna challenge us otherwise consequences won't change anytime soon honey.
Ryaz at 12:58:36 on 29/12:
It wasn't Imp vs Maranello+Eter, much more was involved with Imperium.. :')
Not sure what were you following.
But Imperium are good shooters, thats for sure.
Anonymous at 12:26:05 on 29/12:
That war was imp vs maranello + eter so imp was outnumbered already if we talking about balance :D
Anonymous at 09:47:23 on 29/12:
Quite early on in the Imperium - Eternity war it became obvious that Imperium would (thanks to a way better organization) win that war by a million and would be the family to beat this round. Since then no other family decided to take a shot at them. Instead those other families decided to shoot eachother. Didn't they have the right perspective or are families nowadays still striving for a second place way to easy?
My take, the moment Imperium was outwinning Eternity, Leviticus (and other families) should have hit Imperium in order to try to balance the odds.
Quite early on in the Imperium - Eternity war it became obvious that Imperium would (thanks to a way better organization) win that war by a million and would be the family to beat this round. Since then no other family decided to take a shot at them. Instead those other families decided to shoot eachother. Didn't they have the right perspective or are families nowadays still striving for a second place way to easy?
My take, the moment Imperium was outwinning Eternity, Leviticus (and other families) should have hit Imperium in order to try to balance the odds.
That war was imp vs maranello + eter so imp was outnumbered already if we talking about balance :D
It wasn't Imp vs Maranello+Eter, much more was involved with Imperium.. :')
Not sure what were you following.
But Imperium are good shooters, thats for sure.
Ahahahaha :D
Just admit that we raped Eternity so badly and we all know everything favors you in that war as ratio wise, Romalo + Reyn was much more valuable than combined of few shots you received from Nightmare. There is no reason to pretend like this is gangbang :)
The way you play was pity; suiciders since the beginning of brug, hitlists, dhp war and I still remember that you were too cocky about how you going to win over us. Even in our worst day, you can't match with us.
GET OVER IT, you need to learn how to fight before you wanna challenge us otherwise consequences won't change anytime soon honey.
I am over it, I am not mad or sad tbh, you won war. You are writing like none of us were fighting, we had 60% fam with plating open when we enter war with you. So many sisterfams or bloods, but thats game, I am not complaining, I just correct omerta comment. :')
But as I see you are good dog too. Called Ontadog. 😢
Sisterfams or bloods? JESUS, delusional rat you are :D
You had literally 5 sister family and entire fam as blood except Horde. Not to mention about how many famileis you paid to shoot us and put proxy dons :D You were terrible at war and died like dogs, i didn't want to use this kind of language but you literally deserved it. One of the easiest wars of my life cuz you were too bad :D Not to mention how you played with your CAPO+ and DON, we had 60% none plating nice excuse :D
Funny to see rats who trying to backstab blood who invite us to play and say "honored to blood of imperium", now you are too salty cuz we made peace and a relationship with Ontario people? Lemme tell you something love, your refugee fam dunno has how many groups of people but clearly numbers of groups much more than individuals from Ontario in Imperium who did their best for the family.
You did too much preps for this round, and you fucked up so badly just like this, i get it you salty but you should get shits together if you wanna play this game by the book. Your mentors clearly ain't better ;)
Wtf are you talking about stabs? You stabbed leviticus a blood from beginng that didnt shoot you when you fight with etern. The only Ontario dog here is you!
Dogk0oo? Stabbed Levi? The fam who promised us to help versus Eternity pact and shooting Maranello but did nothing. Also, played 3 monkeys when is the war happening? The next morning said, we were too bussy with real life matters, yeah i get that. Not to mention you killed Aquates just you thought they contributing us and give bullshit excuse and didn't even inform us your war plan.
Blood means always blood to us but if you play like a little cunt with your small brain, we give you a lesson that "do not fuck with imperium".
Everything was too clear, just don't give a speech to people who has no idea about the game, anyone has fucking eye with 1 digit IQ can able to see what happened.
Btw more deeds less words.
You dont get it, maybe you are the one have 1digit IQ. Since beginning you knew etern was Levi blood, all the shit you are talking os just escuses for your stabbing. Keep think you are good, you are just one of the dogs. Keep talking lil man we see in future. Conversation ends here.
You promised to shoot maranello days ago and when the time for act u all were busy for 3 days. This isnt different then a stab. If you give a promise next time keep it if u dont gonna keep it dont cry at the end.
I know its hard for you to understand but yeah we were busy. We play Omerta in our spare time or we steal that time from our sleep and social life. We dont live in moms basemant like in 2.8 when i can manualy be top10 rankers and sadly for you im imune to mans tears over internet who is crying 00-24 that he needs help xD
We fucked our relationship with Eternity because we dont help them ( I personaly feel regret because we didnt ) but we also dont want to shot them or their bloods/sisterfams.
Levicutus was full online while we asked for help so stop giving shitty excuses about rl etc. You just wanted to weakened both eter and imp then u can win ez it just didnt work since imp stay alive and strong. Just stop crying after ur dirty moves and acts. Gl next times o/
Stop comenting from Anonymous, Soty.
Be a man(i know its hard for you but try atleast),
i explained to you why we didnt act vs Eternity sidefam.
Maybe you need translation of this "We refuse to shot Eternity side because of respect and we stay out of war not joining any of sides!"
Also maybe this looks logic to you "weeken both sides and claim star" but
believe me or not there is tops and players in this game who dont want to stab bloods.
Im not soty btw, and you accept to shoot maranello and you were in tunnel when its time. Do you deny it ?
I think we accept that proposial to shot Maranelo because all of us cant hande you guys hling us 00-24 on our topchat.
Im glad we didnt act vs them.
Also in the end you didnt go 1v1 on us you waited our cd to go to shot and you start in worst moment for us(good decision from Imp by the way) also you shot with uber elements sure and some shots we recive from Lati farmers and Eternity also...
My name is Horace (16:14:15 - 29-12)
Good Afternoon,
My name is Horace. I’ve traveled many moons and kilometers through werewolf infested forests, had many lonely housewives cry out to me in the night in dresses of satin, stopped many caravans of gypsies along the round so I can listen to their youtube profile songs, seen million of text bullets block out the sun in massive volleys.. and I have much wisdom to share…
You all forget some basic things, or not accounting for them. This game is broken, due to the fact mmorpgs are outdated, most aren’t kept up and bugs and infiltration occurs on them. It makes it unplayable for your average person who isn’t willing to exploit what’s broken and start cheating, or has the coin to overwhelm their enemies by donating. Omerta was big when there was more culture, more players, more merit. This included many stronger individual families that played on their own, ingame marriages, people meeting in life over this game, longer rounds with less probability.. not anymore. It’s just not worth arguing about anymore.
It all changed when admins decided only one family can stand at the end of a round, but it’s not compatible with the playerbase now since they still continue to pact and have sisters. ONLY ONE FAMILY CAN WIN, and if you read comments from players they want to keep other families alive meaning it’s an insanity that runs rampant here, against all logic. Depending on on other families to kill your bloods and sisters so you don’t have to, because you can only win being the last standing family. Insanity. Before this rule, there was enough people in the game to make a round seem less predictable and run longer, and after the 9 month journey a few families left had enough merit to call their “group” winners. Those days are over and they’re not coming back, the good days. What you have now is huge families full of many families within that branch out to other huge families, it’s a network of longtime addicts… coming together for nostalgia, that’s all Omerta is. Communication within the game is done, its not a new player friendly game, it’s played on apps far away, the irc was the backbone of culture and collected mentalities to play this game in structure and it’s done for 😊
I don’t play to win, not this game, that is my problem. I only play to have fun and I’m still a junkie over poker and buying bullets, its been inside me for quite some time. Everyone I was close to here is gone, and what’s left are people I’m not to interested in getting to know based on their gameplay. Pity me Pity thee…
So don’t forget the basics, it’s the cornerstone of your mental health.
My name is Horace. I’ve traveled many moons and kilometers through werewolf infested forests, had many lonely housewives cry out to me in the night in dresses of satin, stopped many caravans of gypsies along the round so I can listen to their youtube profile songs, seen million of text bullets block out the sun in massive volleys.. and I have much wisdom to share…
You all forget some basic things, or not accounting for them. This game is broken, due to the fact mmorpgs are outdated, most aren’t kept up and bugs and infiltration occurs on them. It makes it unplayable for your average person who isn’t willing to exploit what’s broken and start cheating, or has the coin to overwhelm their enemies by donating. Omerta was big when there was more culture, more players, more merit. This included many stronger individual families that played on their own, ingame marriages, people meeting in life over this game, longer rounds with less probability.. not anymore. It’s just not worth arguing about anymore.
It all changed when admins decided only one family can stand at the end of a round, but it’s not compatible with the playerbase now since they still continue to pact and have sisters. ONLY ONE FAMILY CAN WIN, and if you read comments from players they want to keep other families alive meaning it’s an insanity that runs rampant here, against all logic. Depending on on other families to kill your bloods and sisters so you don’t have to, because you can only win being the last standing family. Insanity. Before this rule, there was enough people in the game to make a round seem less predictable and run longer, and after the 9 month journey a few families left had enough merit to call their “group” winners. Those days are over and they’re not coming back, the good days. What you have now is huge families full of many families within that branch out to other huge families, it’s a network of longtime addicts… coming together for nostalgia, that’s all Omerta is. Communication within the game is done, its not a new player friendly game, it’s played on apps far away, the irc was the backbone of culture and collected mentalities to play this game in structure and it’s done for 😊
I don’t play to win, not this game, that is my problem. I only play to have fun and I’m still a junkie over poker and buying bullets, its been inside me for quite some time. Everyone I was close to here is gone, and what’s left are people I’m not to interested in getting to know based on their gameplay. Pity me Pity thee…
So don’t forget the basics, it’s the cornerstone of your mental health.
Anonymous (16:10:19 - 29-12)
Dank0oo at 15:44:49 on 29/12:
Stop comenting from Anonymous, Soty.
Be a man(i know its hard for you but try atleast),
i explained to you why we didnt act vs Eternity sidefam.
Maybe you need translation of this "We refuse to shot Eternity side because of respect and we stay out of war not joining any of sides!"
Also maybe this looks logic to you "weeken both sides and claim star" but
believe me or not there is tops and players in this game who dont want to stab bloods.
Anonymous at 15:33:27 on 29/12:
Levicutus was full online while we asked for help so stop giving shitty excuses about rl etc. You just wanted to weakened both eter and imp then u can win ez it just didnt work since imp stay alive and strong. Just stop crying after ur dirty moves and acts. Gl next times o/
Dank0oo at 15:26:28 on 29/12:
I know its hard for you to understand but yeah we were busy. We play Omerta in our spare time or we steal that time from our sleep and social life. We dont live in moms basemant like in 2.8 when i can manualy be top10 rankers and sadly for you im imune to mans tears over internet who is crying 00-24 that he needs help xD
We fucked our relationship with Eternity because we dont help them ( I personaly feel regret because we didnt ) but we also dont want to shot them or their bloods/sisterfams.
Anonymous at 15:16:35 on 29/12:
You promised to shoot maranello days ago and when the time for act u all were busy for 3 days. This isnt different then a stab. If you give a promise next time keep it if u dont gonna keep it dont cry at the end.
Anonymous at 14:44:57 on 29/12:
You dont get it, maybe you are the one have 1digit IQ. Since beginning you knew etern was Levi blood, all the shit you are talking os just escuses for your stabbing. Keep think you are good, you are just one of the dogs. Keep talking lil man we see in future. Conversation ends here.
Soty at 14:37:47 on 29/12:
Dogk0oo? Stabbed Levi? The fam who promised us to help versus Eternity pact and shooting Maranello but did nothing. Also, played 3 monkeys when is the war happening? The next morning said, we were too bussy with real life matters, yeah i get that. Not to mention you killed Aquates just you thought they contributing us and give bullshit excuse and didn't even inform us your war plan.
Blood means always blood to us but if you play like a little cunt with your small brain, we give you a lesson that "do not fuck with imperium".
Everything was too clear, just don't give a speech to people who has no idea about the game, anyone has fucking eye with 1 digit IQ can able to see what happened.
Btw more deeds less words.
Anonymous at 14:25:43 on 29/12:
Wtf are you talking about stabs? You stabbed leviticus a blood from beginng that didnt shoot you when you fight with etern. The only Ontario dog here is you!
Soty at 14:00:56 on 29/12:
Sisterfams or bloods? JESUS, delusional rat you are :D
You had literally 5 sister family and entire fam as blood except Horde. Not to mention about how many famileis you paid to shoot us and put proxy dons :D You were terrible at war and died like dogs, i didn't want to use this kind of language but you literally deserved it. One of the easiest wars of my life cuz you were too bad :D Not to mention how you played with your CAPO+ and DON, we had 60% none plating nice excuse :D
Funny to see rats who trying to backstab blood who invite us to play and say "honored to blood of imperium", now you are too salty cuz we made peace and a relationship with Ontario people? Lemme tell you something love, your refugee fam dunno has how many groups of people but clearly numbers of groups much more than individuals from Ontario in Imperium who did their best for the family.
You did too much preps for this round, and you fucked up so badly just like this, i get it you salty but you should get shits together if you wanna play this game by the book. Your mentors clearly ain't better ;)
Ryaz at 13:49:13 on 29/12:
I am over it, I am not mad or sad tbh, you won war. You are writing like none of us were fighting, we had 60% fam with plating open when we enter war with you. So many sisterfams or bloods, but thats game, I am not complaining, I just correct omerta comment. :')
But as I see you are good dog too. Called Ontadog. 😢
Soty at 13:29:08 on 29/12:
Ahahahaha :D
Just admit that we raped Eternity so badly and we all know everything favors you in that war as ratio wise, Romalo + Reyn was much more valuable than combined of few shots you received from Nightmare. There is no reason to pretend like this is gangbang :)
The way you play was pity; suiciders since the beginning of brug, hitlists, dhp war and I still remember that you were too cocky about how you going to win over us. Even in our worst day, you can't match with us.
GET OVER IT, you need to learn how to fight before you wanna challenge us otherwise consequences won't change anytime soon honey.
Ryaz at 12:58:36 on 29/12:
It wasn't Imp vs Maranello+Eter, much more was involved with Imperium.. :')
Not sure what were you following.
But Imperium are good shooters, thats for sure.
Anonymous at 12:26:05 on 29/12:
That war was imp vs maranello + eter so imp was outnumbered already if we talking about balance :D
Anonymous at 09:47:23 on 29/12:
Quite early on in the Imperium - Eternity war it became obvious that Imperium would (thanks to a way better organization) win that war by a million and would be the family to beat this round. Since then no other family decided to take a shot at them. Instead those other families decided to shoot eachother. Didn't they have the right perspective or are families nowadays still striving for a second place way to easy?
My take, the moment Imperium was outwinning Eternity, Leviticus (and other families) should have hit Imperium in order to try to balance the odds.
Quite early on in the Imperium - Eternity war it became obvious that Imperium would (thanks to a way better organization) win that war by a million and would be the family to beat this round. Since then no other family decided to take a shot at them. Instead those other families decided to shoot eachother. Didn't they have the right perspective or are families nowadays still striving for a second place way to easy?
My take, the moment Imperium was outwinning Eternity, Leviticus (and other families) should have hit Imperium in order to try to balance the odds.
That war was imp vs maranello + eter so imp was outnumbered already if we talking about balance :D
It wasn't Imp vs Maranello+Eter, much more was involved with Imperium.. :')
Not sure what were you following.
But Imperium are good shooters, thats for sure.
Ahahahaha :D
Just admit that we raped Eternity so badly and we all know everything favors you in that war as ratio wise, Romalo + Reyn was much more valuable than combined of few shots you received from Nightmare. There is no reason to pretend like this is gangbang :)
The way you play was pity; suiciders since the beginning of brug, hitlists, dhp war and I still remember that you were too cocky about how you going to win over us. Even in our worst day, you can't match with us.
GET OVER IT, you need to learn how to fight before you wanna challenge us otherwise consequences won't change anytime soon honey.
I am over it, I am not mad or sad tbh, you won war. You are writing like none of us were fighting, we had 60% fam with plating open when we enter war with you. So many sisterfams or bloods, but thats game, I am not complaining, I just correct omerta comment. :')
But as I see you are good dog too. Called Ontadog. 😢
Sisterfams or bloods? JESUS, delusional rat you are :D
You had literally 5 sister family and entire fam as blood except Horde. Not to mention about how many famileis you paid to shoot us and put proxy dons :D You were terrible at war and died like dogs, i didn't want to use this kind of language but you literally deserved it. One of the easiest wars of my life cuz you were too bad :D Not to mention how you played with your CAPO+ and DON, we had 60% none plating nice excuse :D
Funny to see rats who trying to backstab blood who invite us to play and say "honored to blood of imperium", now you are too salty cuz we made peace and a relationship with Ontario people? Lemme tell you something love, your refugee fam dunno has how many groups of people but clearly numbers of groups much more than individuals from Ontario in Imperium who did their best for the family.
You did too much preps for this round, and you fucked up so badly just like this, i get it you salty but you should get shits together if you wanna play this game by the book. Your mentors clearly ain't better ;)
Wtf are you talking about stabs? You stabbed leviticus a blood from beginng that didnt shoot you when you fight with etern. The only Ontario dog here is you!
Dogk0oo? Stabbed Levi? The fam who promised us to help versus Eternity pact and shooting Maranello but did nothing. Also, played 3 monkeys when is the war happening? The next morning said, we were too bussy with real life matters, yeah i get that. Not to mention you killed Aquates just you thought they contributing us and give bullshit excuse and didn't even inform us your war plan.
Blood means always blood to us but if you play like a little cunt with your small brain, we give you a lesson that "do not fuck with imperium".
Everything was too clear, just don't give a speech to people who has no idea about the game, anyone has fucking eye with 1 digit IQ can able to see what happened.
Btw more deeds less words.
You dont get it, maybe you are the one have 1digit IQ. Since beginning you knew etern was Levi blood, all the shit you are talking os just escuses for your stabbing. Keep think you are good, you are just one of the dogs. Keep talking lil man we see in future. Conversation ends here.
You promised to shoot maranello days ago and when the time for act u all were busy for 3 days. This isnt different then a stab. If you give a promise next time keep it if u dont gonna keep it dont cry at the end.
I know its hard for you to understand but yeah we were busy. We play Omerta in our spare time or we steal that time from our sleep and social life. We dont live in moms basemant like in 2.8 when i can manualy be top10 rankers and sadly for you im imune to mans tears over internet who is crying 00-24 that he needs help xD
We fucked our relationship with Eternity because we dont help them ( I personaly feel regret because we didnt ) but we also dont want to shot them or their bloods/sisterfams.
Levicutus was full online while we asked for help so stop giving shitty excuses about rl etc. You just wanted to weakened both eter and imp then u can win ez it just didnt work since imp stay alive and strong. Just stop crying after ur dirty moves and acts. Gl next times o/
Stop comenting from Anonymous, Soty.
Be a man(i know its hard for you but try atleast),
i explained to you why we didnt act vs Eternity sidefam.
Maybe you need translation of this "We refuse to shot Eternity side because of respect and we stay out of war not joining any of sides!"
Also maybe this looks logic to you "weeken both sides and claim star" but
believe me or not there is tops and players in this game who dont want to stab bloods.
Im not soty btw, and you accept to shoot maranello and you were in tunnel when its time. Do you deny it ?
I still can not believe how players are being fooled by Onta people. I dont talk specifically for this version. I say in general...
Unfortunately, within a decreasing number of players, these noob top3 are having a big impact in the game.