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10-09 The pre-plating war
Author: Smurfje
Last updated: 1995d 1h 53m 48s ago by Smurfje
Comments: 422
Views: 78,077
Votes: 5 (3.8 average)
Version: 5.17
Involved families: Krays, Maraz, Marazzino, Siberia, Truva, Anxious, Domination, Infernal, Inferno, Infernus, Insolentes, Istiklal, MIT, Nightmare, Outfit, Resistance, Rinnovo, Scorpions, Sure, Templars, Vengeance, Vetta
Again it's the Krays family who choses to fight a pre-plating war. Taking on an alliance who is almost twice their size, Infernus+.

Krays ↔ Inferno/Infernus/Infernal

Start of fight stats
Krays: 34 brugs
Inferno/Infernal/Infernus: 62 brugs

Update 1:
A few hours into the war Siberia joins the side of Krays and shoots at Inferno+ aswell.

Update 2:
The next day Vetta/Anxious/Rinnovo alliance are helping Inferno+ by shooting at Krays.

Update 3:
The war continues in afternoon and early evening. Siberia/Krays continue shooting Inferno+.
Meanwhile Scorpions, Nightmare and Templars join the defenders side.

Update 4:
Marazzino+ decided to jump in aswell and aim for Anxious+, Scorpions, Nightmare.

Update 5:
Only 2 hours after Marazzino+ jumps in, the biggest alliance in the game is on the move and is shooting Siberia and Krays.

Update 6:
Outfit shoots their blood Marazzino+

Update 77:
A week after the war initially started, the Outfit alliance manages to kill one-man-army Stef of the Siberia family. Their don managed to survive countless amount of shots and killed several in backfire. A little tribute to his latest streak:

(BF) Stef Bruglione Siberia Don and Slots Det 17/09/2019 07:10:43
(BF) Levy Godfather Mit Don and Slots LV 17/09/2019 07:10:43
Wallace Godfather Outfit Don 17/09/2019 07:00:42
Supernena Bruglione Grvnoistklal 17/09/2019 06:46:41
Levi Capodecina Grvnoistklal Capo 17/09/2019 06:36:41

--- If any of the other families have statements to give, send a msg via this website to Smurfje ---
We never want to wait to get shot and die. In a couple of days, we would have gone against 15 gf and more cdc.
Plating sucks but we did some good damage.

Siberia did not join at the beginning of the war because we did not warn them about our intentions. Kuddo's to them to seize the opportunity and join as fast as they did.
Thank you Siberia, you proved us wrong. We owe you.

We take pride in showing all you noobs out there how you should act, with players who can genuinely be proud of each single kill they made over the years.
We want to thank all you faithful for your wonderful dedication in tough situations, time and time again.

War started on: 19:16:09 10-09-2019 War ended on: 07:11:17 17-09-2019
Bullet difference: -63,680,680 War duration: 6d 11h 55m
Money difference: -$5,396,565,491 Players died: 577

Dead Families:
[Siberia] Family down on 07:10 17-09
[Sure] Family down on 09:06 15-09
[Inferno] Family down on 17:39 14-09
[Rinnovo] Family down on 02:10 14-09
[Marazzino] Family down on 15:45 13-09
[Truva] Family down on 10:05 13-09
[Infernus] Family down on 10:03 13-09
[Vetta] Family down on 22:12 12-09
[Maraz] Family down on 20:13 12-09
[Anxious] Family down on 02:58 12-09
[Krays] Family down on 02:12 12-09
[Infernal] Family down on 18:25 11-09
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Anxious | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 3 | chief: 0 | brug: 10 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 145
Domination | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 21
Infernal | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 3 | chief: 1 | brug: 7 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 114
Inferno | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 10 | chief: 3 | brug: 19 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 358
Infernus | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 6 | chief: 10 | brug: 34 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 555
Insolentes | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 34
Istiklal | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 21
Krays | swin: 2 | assa: 0 | lc: 3 | chief: 4 | brug: 34 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 494
Maraz | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 3 | brug: 12 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 187
Marazzino | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 3 | brug: 9 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 146
Nightmare | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 4 | chief: 0 | brug: 14 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 203
Outfit | swin: 1 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 9 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 199
Resistance | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 7 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 101
Rinnovo | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 4 | chief: 3 | brug: 18 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 315
Scorpions | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 5 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 74
Siberia | swin: 2 | assa: 1 | lc: 11 | chief: 2 | brug: 14 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 261
Sure | swin: 2 | assa: 1 | lc: 8 | chief: 2 | brug: 7 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 155
Templars | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 2 | chief: 2 | brug: 7 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 117
Truva | swin: 0 | assa: 3 | lc: 3 | chief: 3 | brug: 12 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 205
Vengeance | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 5 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 108
Vetta | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 14 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 193
Mit | swin: 1 | assa: | lc: | chief: 1 | brug: 7 | cd: | gf: 1 | points: 135
Total | swin: 11 | assa: 10 | lc: 61 | chief: 43 | brug: 248 | cd: 0 | gf: 6 | points: 4,141

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ites Belgium (17:18:11 - 15-09)
Link Quote
Saros`away at 17:05:40 on 15/09:

ites at 15:31:12 on 15/09:
Critycal at 18:16:11 on 14/09:
With all these "top" accounts dying like flies to LCs and Chiefs maybe it's only been a good idea for Outfit to blood and as1 everything... Warfare doesn't seem to be part of their skillset :')
it's cuz we good at what we do amk :D

Last time we shot you, you died within 30min though... Clearly being 'good' is subjective in your case

last time you shot me, you outnumbered me by ?
i have not been talking to you, dont know why you start bashing me all of a sudden. put your finger deep in you and have a wank or take some xanax, relax pls.
onbeleefden boer
Saros`away Netherlands (17:05:40 - 15-09)
Link Quote

ites at 15:31:12 on 15/09:
Critycal at 18:16:11 on 14/09:
With all these "top" accounts dying like flies to LCs and Chiefs maybe it's only been a good idea for Outfit to blood and as1 everything... Warfare doesn't seem to be part of their skillset :')
it's cuz we good at what we do amk :D

Last time we shot you, you died within 30min though... Clearly being 'good' is subjective in your case

ites at 15:42:03 on 15/09:
there is only 1 lesson to be learned from this version:

don't work with outfit next time they don't manage to create an all-dominating pact.
dont forget what they did.

more concrete, i'd like to urge EVERYBODY to not play next version. Winterhill will be doing the same, the guys who sucked outfit will suck WH next. There is literally no reason to play and I will try to make my (few) members a version's break.

Pointless starting a fight you are not supposed to win because these so-called big fams take turns in using their members to make them win.

And as I recall the version before that you were still a loyal WH 'sucker', talking about strange times. Surely you with your newfound friends can take down a crime famiglia like Winterhill?

I mean, Siberia has won like 9 versions! And only 4 of those were either on .nl or .dm. Victory guaranteed right?

Critycal at 14:22:16 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 14:02:03 on 15/09:
Critycal at 12:53:49 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 12:46:46 on 15/09:
Critycal at 12:15:00 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 06:07:26 on 15/09:
Anonymous at 05:59:58 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 04:37:28 on 15/09:
Just imagine how fragile your ego must be to quote the same posts 20x in 5min in the middle of the night in a vain attempt to hide the comedic gold that lies underneath...

I've been around here on and off since the fingon.be days when it was still just some guy counting highranks manually and putting it on his profile. I've watched that idea grow from the very first post in the very first topic right up to the downright cancerous cesspool that it is today. 

Now however, I can safely say that I've never seen something quite as sad as the sorry display that's being portrayed in this topic right below me, just because people lost a game and others make fun of it, it's truly quite tragic.

It's been 2 years since our fateful encounter with our former friends Siberia but it's obvious to see that they haven't learned much since. In fact I could argue then they, just as the entire game in general, have only regressed since then.

And eventhough I would totally buy the Cookies album and I sincerely hope, if nothing else, you guys take home that emmy. I would like to enlighten you all with a few words of wisdom....

Your ego is your seed my friends, I wish you well indeed.

If egoes where fat, you'd be achille.

It does count for us all, including myself.
Lmao, nice try on putting the retarded spamming on us faggot, ask Smurfje if it happens to be Ocarinas ip or not before you “assume” things that sound very convenient to you. If you actually followed the topic you’d see Outfit is spamming away, but I wouldn’t expect someone with his head stuck so far up his own ass to have that amount of common sense.

It's quite easy to see what happened in this topic honestly, the Outfit people have been doing something similar aswell, including this ocarina guy with his nonsense (he isnt exactly hard to spot).

Only difference was that Outfit was a bit funnier in their spamming, while you guys were simply being you. It's a shame too, I was actually starting to feel a little bad for my old friends...

I do understand where you are coming from though, gotta keep up dat PR, just like the old days no? Secretly I am still rooting for you, sometimes.

Yeah, quoting 5+ pages full of made up shite about ourselves is PR for ourselves.......... still as deluded as ever I see

Heh, no wonder you lost this one.

But atleast you will always have Kapow to remove the meany posts about your crime famiglia. However since you guys are predictable and I liked the Cookies album so much (especially #10 'I was always honest to you' it truly speaks to my soul) I decided to make a nice screenshot of it in advance, just for my own amusement.

See you around little man.
Big words from a stickman. Funny how you can do a full 180, from whining about spamposts when you can try to pinpoint them on us to crying about people removing the garbage one person has been spamming for days because it doesn’t fit your narrative. With your lowlife day to day activities I could imagine that you like to cherish one of the little joys in life you can get, so keep those screenshots buddy, surely it’ll help you succeed at some point!

Not sure how seriously I need to take someone who talks about lowlife activities while still playing Omerta, and pretty badly at that...
ites Belgium (17:01:36 - 15-09)
Link Quote
<Ocarina> from darkweb I think
<Ocarina> boesmans don't u need to play warhammer today
<Ocarina> :D
<boesmans> can u explain the joke Ocarina ?
<Ocarina> its not a joke
<zXnrate> boesmans do you know what will in future?
<boesmans> what will what in future? can none of you speak normal english :')
<zXnrate> doesn't matter
<zXnrate> if you understand
<boesmans> Ocarina, i dont play warhammer so must be joke/troll idk
<zXnrate> I'll fuck you all versions
<Ocarina> idk
<zXnrate> that's will be first for me too
<zXnrate> bcs I'll fuck a hobbit for first time
<boesmans> zXnrate, please knk. you cant even fuck Ocarina if you wanted too
<boesmans> how do you expect to fuck mighty me?
<boesmans> weird amk. very weird
<zXnrate> shut up!
<zXnrate> idiot
* zXnrate sets ban on boesmans!*@*
<zXnrate> !kick boesmans
* You have been kicked from #outfit by ChanServ ((zXnrate) No reason given)
* Cannot join #outfit (You are banned)
ites Belgium (15:42:03 - 15-09)
Link Quote
there is only 1 lesson to be learned from this version:

don't work with outfit next time they don't manage to create an all-dominating pact.
dont forget what they did.

more concrete, i'd like to urge EVERYBODY to not play next version. Winterhill will be doing the same, the guys who sucked outfit will suck WH next. There is literally no reason to play and I will try to make my (few) members a version's break.

Pointless starting a fight you are not supposed to win because these so-called big fams take turns in using their members to make them win.
ites Belgium (15:31:12 - 15-09)
Link Quote
Critycal at 18:16:11 on 14/09:
With all these "top" accounts dying like flies to LCs and Chiefs maybe it's only been a good idea for Outfit to blood and as1 everything... Warfare doesn't seem to be part of their skillset :')
it's cuz we good at what we do amk :D
ites Belgium (15:25:33 - 15-09)
Link Quote
Critycal at 12:28:05 on 14/09:
Whoever came up with the story that we were as1 with Krays surely doesn’t have a PhD in history either... lmao
+1 to this.
i must say myself, and our whole crew, has enjoyed playing more closely with Siberia this round. strange times indeed
The Reall Ocarina Thailand (15:08:08 - 15-09)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 14:36:29 on 15/09:
Critycal at 14:22:16 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 14:02:03 on 15/09:
Critycal at 12:53:49 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 12:46:46 on 15/09:
Critycal at 12:15:00 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 06:07:26 on 15/09:
Anonymous at 05:59:58 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 04:37:28 on 15/09:
Just imagine how fragile your ego must be to quote the same posts 20x in 5min in the middle of the night in a vain attempt to hide the comedic gold that lies underneath...

I've been around here on and off since the fingon.be days when it was still just some guy counting highranks manually and putting it on his profile. I've watched that idea grow from the very first post in the very first topic right up to the downright cancerous cesspool that it is today. 

Now however, I can safely say that I've never seen something quite as sad as the sorry display that's being portrayed in this topic right below me, just because people lost a game and others make fun of it, it's truly quite tragic.

It's been 2 years since our fateful encounter with our former friends Siberia but it's obvious to see that they haven't learned much since. In fact I could argue then they, just as the entire game in general, have only regressed since then.

And eventhough I would totally buy the Cookies album and I sincerely hope, if nothing else, you guys take home that emmy. I would like to enlighten you all with a few words of wisdom....

Your ego is your seed my friends, I wish you well indeed.

If egoes where fat, you'd be achille.

It does count for us all, including myself.
Lmao, nice try on putting the retarded spamming on us faggot, ask Smurfje if it happens to be Ocarinas ip or not before you “assume” things that sound very convenient to you. If you actually followed the topic you’d see Outfit is spamming away, but I wouldn’t expect someone with his head stuck so far up his own ass to have that amount of common sense.

It's quite easy to see what happened in this topic honestly, the Outfit people have been doing something similar aswell, including this ocarina guy with his nonsense (he isnt exactly hard to spot).

Only difference was that Outfit was a bit funnier in their spamming, while you guys were simply being you. It's a shame too, I was actually starting to feel a little bad for my old friends...

I do understand where you are coming from though, gotta keep up dat PR, just like the old days no? Secretly I am still rooting for you, sometimes.

Yeah, quoting 5+ pages full of made up shite about ourselves is PR for ourselves.......... still as deluded as ever I see

Heh, no wonder you lost this one.

But atleast you will always have Kapow to remove the meany posts about your crime famiglia. However since you guys are predictable and I liked the Cookies album so much (especially #10 'I was always honest to you' it truly speaks to my soul) I decided to make a nice screenshot of it in advance, just for my own amusement.

See you around little man.
Big words from a stickman. Funny how you can do a full 180, from whining about spamposts when you can try to pinpoint them on us to crying about people removing the garbage one person has been spamming for days because it doesn’t fit your narrative. With your lowlife day to day activities I could imagine that you like to cherish one of the little joys in life you can get, so keep those screenshots buddy, surely it’ll help you succeed at some point!
yo sareos if you like ocarinas storys so much could you help us and adopt him or smtt? thx

Dude can u stop talking about me please? I don't want PR work from u, nor do i need it.
Anonymous (14:36:29 - 15-09)
Link Quote
Critycal at 14:22:16 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 14:02:03 on 15/09:
Critycal at 12:53:49 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 12:46:46 on 15/09:
Critycal at 12:15:00 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 06:07:26 on 15/09:
Anonymous at 05:59:58 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 04:37:28 on 15/09:
Just imagine how fragile your ego must be to quote the same posts 20x in 5min in the middle of the night in a vain attempt to hide the comedic gold that lies underneath...

I've been around here on and off since the fingon.be days when it was still just some guy counting highranks manually and putting it on his profile. I've watched that idea grow from the very first post in the very first topic right up to the downright cancerous cesspool that it is today. 

Now however, I can safely say that I've never seen something quite as sad as the sorry display that's being portrayed in this topic right below me, just because people lost a game and others make fun of it, it's truly quite tragic.

It's been 2 years since our fateful encounter with our former friends Siberia but it's obvious to see that they haven't learned much since. In fact I could argue then they, just as the entire game in general, have only regressed since then.

And eventhough I would totally buy the Cookies album and I sincerely hope, if nothing else, you guys take home that emmy. I would like to enlighten you all with a few words of wisdom....

Your ego is your seed my friends, I wish you well indeed.

If egoes where fat, you'd be achille.

It does count for us all, including myself.
Lmao, nice try on putting the retarded spamming on us faggot, ask Smurfje if it happens to be Ocarinas ip or not before you “assume” things that sound very convenient to you. If you actually followed the topic you’d see Outfit is spamming away, but I wouldn’t expect someone with his head stuck so far up his own ass to have that amount of common sense.

It's quite easy to see what happened in this topic honestly, the Outfit people have been doing something similar aswell, including this ocarina guy with his nonsense (he isnt exactly hard to spot).

Only difference was that Outfit was a bit funnier in their spamming, while you guys were simply being you. It's a shame too, I was actually starting to feel a little bad for my old friends...

I do understand where you are coming from though, gotta keep up dat PR, just like the old days no? Secretly I am still rooting for you, sometimes.

Yeah, quoting 5+ pages full of made up shite about ourselves is PR for ourselves.......... still as deluded as ever I see

Heh, no wonder you lost this one.

But atleast you will always have Kapow to remove the meany posts about your crime famiglia. However since you guys are predictable and I liked the Cookies album so much (especially #10 'I was always honest to you' it truly speaks to my soul) I decided to make a nice screenshot of it in advance, just for my own amusement.

See you around little man.
Big words from a stickman. Funny how you can do a full 180, from whining about spamposts when you can try to pinpoint them on us to crying about people removing the garbage one person has been spamming for days because it doesn’t fit your narrative. With your lowlife day to day activities I could imagine that you like to cherish one of the little joys in life you can get, so keep those screenshots buddy, surely it’ll help you succeed at some point!
yo sareos if you like ocarinas storys so much could you help us and adopt him or smtt? thx
Critycal Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Patron (14:22:16 - 15-09)
Link Quote
Saros`away at 14:02:03 on 15/09:
Critycal at 12:53:49 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 12:46:46 on 15/09:
Critycal at 12:15:00 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 06:07:26 on 15/09:
Anonymous at 05:59:58 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 04:37:28 on 15/09:
Just imagine how fragile your ego must be to quote the same posts 20x in 5min in the middle of the night in a vain attempt to hide the comedic gold that lies underneath...

I've been around here on and off since the fingon.be days when it was still just some guy counting highranks manually and putting it on his profile. I've watched that idea grow from the very first post in the very first topic right up to the downright cancerous cesspool that it is today. 

Now however, I can safely say that I've never seen something quite as sad as the sorry display that's being portrayed in this topic right below me, just because people lost a game and others make fun of it, it's truly quite tragic.

It's been 2 years since our fateful encounter with our former friends Siberia but it's obvious to see that they haven't learned much since. In fact I could argue then they, just as the entire game in general, have only regressed since then.

And eventhough I would totally buy the Cookies album and I sincerely hope, if nothing else, you guys take home that emmy. I would like to enlighten you all with a few words of wisdom....

Your ego is your seed my friends, I wish you well indeed.

If egoes where fat, you'd be achille.

It does count for us all, including myself.
Lmao, nice try on putting the retarded spamming on us faggot, ask Smurfje if it happens to be Ocarinas ip or not before you “assume” things that sound very convenient to you. If you actually followed the topic you’d see Outfit is spamming away, but I wouldn’t expect someone with his head stuck so far up his own ass to have that amount of common sense.

It's quite easy to see what happened in this topic honestly, the Outfit people have been doing something similar aswell, including this ocarina guy with his nonsense (he isnt exactly hard to spot).

Only difference was that Outfit was a bit funnier in their spamming, while you guys were simply being you. It's a shame too, I was actually starting to feel a little bad for my old friends...

I do understand where you are coming from though, gotta keep up dat PR, just like the old days no? Secretly I am still rooting for you, sometimes.

Yeah, quoting 5+ pages full of made up shite about ourselves is PR for ourselves.......... still as deluded as ever I see

Heh, no wonder you lost this one.

But atleast you will always have Kapow to remove the meany posts about your crime famiglia. However since you guys are predictable and I liked the Cookies album so much (especially #10 'I was always honest to you' it truly speaks to my soul) I decided to make a nice screenshot of it in advance, just for my own amusement.

See you around little man.
Big words from a stickman. Funny how you can do a full 180, from whining about spamposts when you can try to pinpoint them on us to crying about people removing the garbage one person has been spamming for days because it doesn’t fit your narrative. With your lowlife day to day activities I could imagine that you like to cherish one of the little joys in life you can get, so keep those screenshots buddy, surely it’ll help you succeed at some point!
Saros`away Netherlands (14:02:03 - 15-09)
Link Quote
Critycal at 12:53:49 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 12:46:46 on 15/09:
Critycal at 12:15:00 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 06:07:26 on 15/09:
Anonymous at 05:59:58 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 04:37:28 on 15/09:
Just imagine how fragile your ego must be to quote the same posts 20x in 5min in the middle of the night in a vain attempt to hide the comedic gold that lies underneath...

I've been around here on and off since the fingon.be days when it was still just some guy counting highranks manually and putting it on his profile. I've watched that idea grow from the very first post in the very first topic right up to the downright cancerous cesspool that it is today. 

Now however, I can safely say that I've never seen something quite as sad as the sorry display that's being portrayed in this topic right below me, just because people lost a game and others make fun of it, it's truly quite tragic.

It's been 2 years since our fateful encounter with our former friends Siberia but it's obvious to see that they haven't learned much since. In fact I could argue then they, just as the entire game in general, have only regressed since then.

And eventhough I would totally buy the Cookies album and I sincerely hope, if nothing else, you guys take home that emmy. I would like to enlighten you all with a few words of wisdom....

Your ego is your seed my friends, I wish you well indeed.

If egoes where fat, you'd be achille.

It does count for us all, including myself.
Lmao, nice try on putting the retarded spamming on us faggot, ask Smurfje if it happens to be Ocarinas ip or not before you “assume” things that sound very convenient to you. If you actually followed the topic you’d see Outfit is spamming away, but I wouldn’t expect someone with his head stuck so far up his own ass to have that amount of common sense.

It's quite easy to see what happened in this topic honestly, the Outfit people have been doing something similar aswell, including this ocarina guy with his nonsense (he isnt exactly hard to spot).

Only difference was that Outfit was a bit funnier in their spamming, while you guys were simply being you. It's a shame too, I was actually starting to feel a little bad for my old friends...

I do understand where you are coming from though, gotta keep up dat PR, just like the old days no? Secretly I am still rooting for you, sometimes.

Yeah, quoting 5+ pages full of made up shite about ourselves is PR for ourselves.......... still as deluded as ever I see

Heh, no wonder you lost this one.

But atleast you will always have Kapow to remove the meany posts about your crime famiglia. However since you guys are predictable and I liked the Cookies album so much (especially #10 'I was always honest to you' it truly speaks to my soul) I decided to make a nice screenshot of it in advance, just for my own amusement.

See you around little man.
Anonymous (13:25:21 - 15-09)
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Kapow is loser
Anonymous (13:17:25 - 15-09)
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Anonymous (13:12:31 - 15-09)
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Please Kapow penetrate me.
Anonymous (13:06:44 - 15-09)
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I suck Kapow's dick.
Kapow Greenland Patron (13:06:19 - 15-09)
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Many or one people were IP banned. If you think your ban was unjust go nag someone.
Critycal Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Patron (12:53:49 - 15-09)
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Saros`away at 12:46:46 on 15/09:
Critycal at 12:15:00 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 06:07:26 on 15/09:
Anonymous at 05:59:58 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 04:37:28 on 15/09:
Just imagine how fragile your ego must be to quote the same posts 20x in 5min in the middle of the night in a vain attempt to hide the comedic gold that lies underneath...

I've been around here on and off since the fingon.be days when it was still just some guy counting highranks manually and putting it on his profile. I've watched that idea grow from the very first post in the very first topic right up to the downright cancerous cesspool that it is today. 

Now however, I can safely say that I've never seen something quite as sad as the sorry display that's being portrayed in this topic right below me, just because people lost a game and others make fun of it, it's truly quite tragic.

It's been 2 years since our fateful encounter with our former friends Siberia but it's obvious to see that they haven't learned much since. In fact I could argue then they, just as the entire game in general, have only regressed since then.

And eventhough I would totally buy the Cookies album and I sincerely hope, if nothing else, you guys take home that emmy. I would like to enlighten you all with a few words of wisdom....

Your ego is your seed my friends, I wish you well indeed.

If egoes where fat, you'd be achille.

It does count for us all, including myself.
Lmao, nice try on putting the retarded spamming on us faggot, ask Smurfje if it happens to be Ocarinas ip or not before you “assume” things that sound very convenient to you. If you actually followed the topic you’d see Outfit is spamming away, but I wouldn’t expect someone with his head stuck so far up his own ass to have that amount of common sense.

It's quite easy to see what happened in this topic honestly, the Outfit people have been doing something similar aswell, including this ocarina guy with his nonsense (he isnt exactly hard to spot).

Only difference was that Outfit was a bit funnier in their spamming, while you guys were simply being you. It's a shame too, I was actually starting to feel a little bad for my old friends...

I do understand where you are coming from though, gotta keep up dat PR, just like the old days no? Secretly I am still rooting for you, sometimes.

Yeah, quoting 5+ pages full of made up shite about ourselves is PR for ourselves.......... still as deluded as ever I see
Saros`away Netherlands (12:46:46 - 15-09)
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Critycal at 12:15:00 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 06:07:26 on 15/09:
Anonymous at 05:59:58 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 04:37:28 on 15/09:
Just imagine how fragile your ego must be to quote the same posts 20x in 5min in the middle of the night in a vain attempt to hide the comedic gold that lies underneath...

I've been around here on and off since the fingon.be days when it was still just some guy counting highranks manually and putting it on his profile. I've watched that idea grow from the very first post in the very first topic right up to the downright cancerous cesspool that it is today. 

Now however, I can safely say that I've never seen something quite as sad as the sorry display that's being portrayed in this topic right below me, just because people lost a game and others make fun of it, it's truly quite tragic.

It's been 2 years since our fateful encounter with our former friends Siberia but it's obvious to see that they haven't learned much since. In fact I could argue then they, just as the entire game in general, have only regressed since then.

And eventhough I would totally buy the Cookies album and I sincerely hope, if nothing else, you guys take home that emmy. I would like to enlighten you all with a few words of wisdom....

Your ego is your seed my friends, I wish you well indeed.

If egoes where fat, you'd be achille.

It does count for us all, including myself.
Lmao, nice try on putting the retarded spamming on us faggot, ask Smurfje if it happens to be Ocarinas ip or not before you “assume” things that sound very convenient to you. If you actually followed the topic you’d see Outfit is spamming away, but I wouldn’t expect someone with his head stuck so far up his own ass to have that amount of common sense.

It's quite easy to see what happened in this topic honestly, the Outfit people have been doing something similar aswell, including this ocarina guy with his nonsense (he isnt exactly hard to spot).

Only difference was that Outfit was a bit funnier in their spamming, while you guys were simply being you. It's a shame too, I was actually starting to feel a little bad for my old friends...

I do understand where you are coming from though, gotta keep up dat PR, just like the old days no? Secretly I am still rooting for you, sometimes.
Anonymous (12:37:45 - 15-09)
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Anonymous (12:37:02 - 15-09)
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Saros`away at 04:37:28 on 15/09:
Just imagine how fragile your ego must be to quote the same posts 20x in 5min in the middle of the night in a vain attempt to hide the comedic gold that lies underneath...

I've been around here on and off since the fingon.be days when it was still just some guy counting highranks manually and putting it on his profile. I've watched that idea grow from the very first post in the very first topic right up to the downright cancerous cesspool that it is today. 

Now however, I can safely say that I've never seen something quite as sad as the sorry display that's being portrayed in this topic right below me, just because people lost a game and others make fun of it, it's truly quite tragic.

It's been 2 years since our fateful encounter with our former friends Siberia but it's obvious to see that they haven't learned much since. In fact I could argue then they, just as the entire game in general, have only regressed since then.

And eventhough I would totally buy the Cookies album and I sincerely hope, if nothing else, you guys take home that emmy. I would like to enlighten you all with a few words of wisdom....

Your ego is your seed my friends, I wish you well indeed.

Critycal Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Patron (12:15:00 - 15-09)
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Saros`away at 06:07:26 on 15/09:
Anonymous at 05:59:58 on 15/09:
Saros`away at 04:37:28 on 15/09:
Just imagine how fragile your ego must be to quote the same posts 20x in 5min in the middle of the night in a vain attempt to hide the comedic gold that lies underneath...

I've been around here on and off since the fingon.be days when it was still just some guy counting highranks manually and putting it on his profile. I've watched that idea grow from the very first post in the very first topic right up to the downright cancerous cesspool that it is today. 

Now however, I can safely say that I've never seen something quite as sad as the sorry display that's being portrayed in this topic right below me, just because people lost a game and others make fun of it, it's truly quite tragic.

It's been 2 years since our fateful encounter with our former friends Siberia but it's obvious to see that they haven't learned much since. In fact I could argue then they, just as the entire game in general, have only regressed since then.

And eventhough I would totally buy the Cookies album and I sincerely hope, if nothing else, you guys take home that emmy. I would like to enlighten you all with a few words of wisdom....

Your ego is your seed my friends, I wish you well indeed.

If egoes where fat, you'd be achille.

It does count for us all, including myself.
Lmao, nice try on putting the retarded spamming on us faggot, ask Smurfje if it happens to be Ocarinas ip or not before you “assume” things that sound very convenient to you. If you actually followed the topic you’d see Outfit is spamming away, but I wouldn’t expect someone with his head stuck so far up his own ass to have that amount of common sense.