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Solidarity, Clarity and Discussion
Author: Raja
Last updated: 2403d 8h 22m 29s ago by Raja
Comments: 128
Views: 35,237
Votes: 1 (5 average)
Version: 5.7
Hello Omerta and OBN Community, I hope every one is well and are in happy mood regardless of their Omertà life situation.

I've been approached about this, to make an article where some individuals can reflect their views below and discuss and talk about the current situation whether its about this version or whether its about the Omertà game over all.

So this is how I think It should be laid out.

If you have a real opinion and not some banter or troll comments, then let me know and I will add them as statement in this same article, so it is top and visible enough for everyone to see, as trolls are indeed inevitable.

If you are going to submit a statement as a view from a specific family, you could also do that, however, this must be approved by the ~ and &'s of your family channel to deem it legit statement from the family as whole.

Now, try not to flame me or anyone else, if you have real view, whether is negative or positive, it doesn't matter, as long you are not blaming certain people.

I also care about this game as much everyone else who have been playing this game for years, day in and out or month in and out.

** You can simply quote the statement mentioned or suggested by an individual and give it a +1 or a comment to cast your vote on it**

So, let the feast begin!

There are cookies for everyone who adds a comment.

For group and live discussion - follow me @ #Raja - where everyone gets a free cookie :)

P.S. Once I have enough comments on suggestions/ideas/statements or views, I will put it all in one document and forward it to admins in one file, so they are made aware of the thoughts of the community.

However, I'm sure they are reading this right now. :) Because I know.


Some idea's i sent to omerta but may as well be added here.
Overall to stop pacts.

1 large gameboard to found families = NY (much larger than current)
resources (spot items: bf, pt, etc) only in NY
other cities = b/n buy/sell points only
declare war mode: 1v1, no other fams can declare war
cooldown period of 1 week for war victor: so pacts can't game system by declaring war over and over to destroy an enemy.
max family size: 30-40 members
make bullets cheaper and easier to attain
ditch player rebirth system
family rebirth system: you lose war and rebirth on seperate gameboard 'canada' to rebuild and after some time (2 weeks?) you can re-enter NY.

These ideas could also make the game a continuous flow so a version can last months and be more like a league so even though you may not be last fam standing you may have accumulated enough points over the round to win.

Votes: 4



How about!

Just make milestones work in a way that you can actually claim your work experience back. So reranking doesn't create weak accounts. Instead of this retarded complex fucking suggestions?

1. The connection of raceform and bullet limits is unneeded and stupid. (Remove)
2. Group crimes in cities with less people for higher rewards seems reasonable and will motivate people to move.
3. Manual Smuggling runs yield lower/higher prices for buy/sell ( To a Lex lvl 10 almost value, or you can have Lex lvl 10 and achieve same with lackeys the tradeoff being you lose a bodyguard spot for your attack/defence or have to reinvest in retrain)
4. Set a time limit for how long the version will last. (If the limits are larger then 4-6 months in which case nobody will be in a rush to die on Local Chief. *Cough Deathbase cough*. Though if you time limit the versions you might have one massive ultra huge war 1 week before that timer to solve everything and 6 months of idling.)
5. Raiding bullet factories
6. Online time guard. Even though this is essentially here with the online timers they cuckd the system by allowing a rigid 48hour (it doesnt count) mode where share-ers go full 48 hours then 18 and 16 on top of that in the first 4 days. A total of 94% online time more or less. And then the usual cycle of on and off. Ideally you can be online 91% at LC and still be within Omerta's punish time this way. Have the thirtysomething hour limit on version start at reset time to fix some of this, and pay closer attention to faggots trying to game the system with logging in and out every 20 or so minutes.
7. (Overhaulish idea): A point based system for victory where family gains or loses points based on: Akills accrued, Size of alliance, Number of Sisters brothers and aunts, The overall ratio of wars done and etc.



That's the only issue with current reranking system in my opinion. Having no attempts at all while being on a high rank makes no sense.

I see there are people trying to tell a lot needs to change. They didn't even remove race form heist scenarios how the hell you guys are positive enough to think that your ideas will take place in the game. :')

And yes, race form for bullets is bullshit.


Anonymous (PS: Valid point, otherwise, without name it will not be statement)

Problem; everyone always in detroit. It makes some casinos useless and takes a lot of fun out of the game.

Solution: make heists/oc/moc give more money if less ppl are in the city.



Some ideas I have for improving the game:

1. DO away with RF dictating how many bullets you can buy. Rank decides how many you can shoot, so it should also dictate how many you can buy per hour.
2. Set a hard time limit per day that players can be logged in. There's no way a human being can maintain a 90%+ online time across a week. 75% is more realistic if they have no life outside of the game. So do a forced logoff with a timeout period once a person has been logged in for more than 18 hours in a 24 hour period. To circumvent someone trying to get around this rule by logging out in between crimes, count any login that happens withing 15 minutes of a logout count as one concurrent connection.
3. Reduce the effectiveness of dupes funders by keeping track of accounts that are higher ranked (Swindler+) that are not equipped properly for war (i.e. all of the basics including defense, weapons, bodyguards, etc), distribute 80%+ of their money. Also track accounts that are Swindler+ with a low login rate and a ton of money and get shot. These are solid examples of dupe/funders. I'm sure I'm leaving out more instances.
4. Building off of the league example someone posted, possibly create a true league format. Here's an example:

A. Set a time limit for how long the version will last.
B. Families that plan to go up must register before the version starts. Once the version starts, fams can go up. They will randomly be put into 'alliances' based on size. Families cannot choose who they get allied with.
C. Wins will be based off of stats like: wars won, kills achieved, total number of alliance members busted out of jail, etc.
D. Wars would become scheduled. Det agencies would not be made available until a war officially starts, and would only be available to the alliances at war.
E. Getting killed in a war doesn't kill off your account. It makes it 'ineligible' to participate any more in the current war.
F. Once a major % of the opposing alliance has been 'killed off', the war ends.
G. There is a 2 week grace period after the war ends before the alliance fights again. This is to allow restock/resupply.

Votes: 2


turkey leg

make raids more exciting you could even use the same scripts from the heists if needed or make a new script

Vote: 1

Anonymous 2
And can we please raid bullet factories once they get to a certain amount to prevent them from staying high at price until BD deals are done in families? Raid for bullets imagine that.



1. -Make a lackey system for Driving Skill % if the bullet limit stays for driving %
2. - Versions are to short. because of 1 group of people domination the game so i was thinking maybe there should be ''real prizes'' ? Like Winner gets 1000 $ and he can decide to share to with his TOP etc, + the stars
So more groups of people are going to play and you get big groups vs big groups
3.- Make a option were people can have lackeys and rank besides there lackeys so they rank Double as fast so people who play only with lackeys will rank 50 % slower and people who have lackeys and dont want to remove them everytime they come online for a few min can just do some crimes and get on working or smth in life agian :D

4,- the end of the version shouldnt be a family holding a whole city. imo - The end should be a family with there bloods claiming a end war or something so every other family can either focus on that family and take them down or just leave them and let them win ^^ and if they surive for 72 hours they will win the version .
(When a END war has been claimed you cant hire Safehouses etc,)

This were just some of my idea's


talk dirty to me

i think there are several things that can support small families against crowded families.

1. 1 hour waiting time after shooting really sucks. it should be half an hour or even less.
2. bodyguard training should be faster.
3. offline accounts should be weaker not stronger. it is really ridiculous that online active players are weaker during war.

Those 3 changes will make the wars more dynamic. and if you dont have a big family, but have strong shooters you will have a chance against big pacts with good timing and organisation.

One more important thing i wanna add is detroit poker. it is a very profitable thing. and the family that hold it has a very unfair advantage against others. it can be reduced to 5% instead of 10%.



The biggest problem with the game is how unbalanced most versions are. (90% players fault)

Micro changes won't fix things, but making detroit bank/poker always local mob owned would help a bit.

In most vers they contribute $billions to already dominant fams.

Also... why does new version reminder email not go out??



1- remove witnes statement So we can weaken nr. 1 fam without them knowing who to take revenge on

2- remove leave fam button in order to prevent accounts leaving fam to make sisterfam and take all the bulletfactorys and other good spots.

3- upgrade rebirth system to make it profitable to rerank. So Not only rank and bullets but also the strength



Delete the RP for travelling, Anyone can travel every 30 min (basic) buying a plane will shorten the traveltime to 20/10 min. In that case more will travel even busters and makes it tougher at wartimes.

Create more space to rent a appartment, instead of 2 app per spot make that 4. Houses change that to 3, villa 2 per spot.

Remove the 48 Hrs free ranking at the start, only lackeys got that benefit not humans (stops sharing hopefully).

When top buster dies, the bustout position remains till another buster reaches that amount of bo's from the top buster.

Last but not least, an Empty Suit should be protected untill the rank of DB/DG

Stop selling DC's openly, we have Obay for it. Sellers should be banned/silenced.

Races available for lackeys from the rank of DB/DG.


ham bone
Include car bombs, where you can kill up to four brugliones in the same city at the same time if your Dets find them all there, it'll just cost a lot of money and have a cool down timer like normal killing


As some players suggested years ago: get rid of pacting (enforce 1vs1 wars with a well thought war system) and the game will climb up again.

Hell, i might even give it a try again. My job as a manager @ Ericsson these days kills me inside anyway.


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Anonymous (17:52:49 - 03-08)
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Anonymous Faggot at 05:02:55 on 03/08:
Fuck this.
Lets swing hard.

Make it possible you can die on organized crimes and heists, rare but possible.
Better start finding new ways of making money from people if it’s to risky, besides just adding them all to your friends list so you can have a stupid fucking twitter group where u can pact and love all day.
Instead of sending hallmark cards ingame for the holidays and penis pictures for notorious irc pig whores, send a jpeg file of a gun and have a note saying... “Give me 2 DCs by tommorow or I’m going to blast your motherfucking ass 11 versions straight in a row”

+Jesus Fish
Goupe Argentina (15:29:30 - 03-08)
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Nier at 15:25:55 on 03/08:
1. Remove that multiple families get the win + voucher winning. The new family system is based on 1 family closing 1 town. Not 1 family closing 1 town and 5 families (or more) are able to get vouchers. It's officially stated in HOF that the name of the family who finished the timer, is the winner of that version. Still, the winner is a group of families which is creating useless pacts/groups which break down the whole idea of this new family system. A system based on 1 family going for the win.

2. There must be a way to hand out the vouchers to the winners only. They know accounts, they keep eye on well-known cheaters, based on their mail/account. They keep track of your akill history so it should be possible to limit the vouchers to the winner family (members) only. Makes it less interesting for the lame dogs to just follow and receive vouchers for ending 5th. It's the same with topkiller, buster and ranker. Link it to that exact account, no sharing.

3. Raceform linked to bullets is bullshit, it's put in the game only to boost DC-sale. It will only stimulate the gap between active and less active players instead of helping the balance. Besides that, what is the use of raceform anyway? I've worked out a detailed system, back in the days, to make things more logical. It was based on linking all activities to other activities you do in the game, to boost the result. Groupcrimes was a major point. You have several jobs to divide, each job needs a 'perfect' account for it to make the result higher/better.

You can see the profit as 100%. For heist it will be 50% for the leader and for the driver. Within that 50% there is a part 'random'. That part gets smaller with every rank. For instance, shoplifters have 20% chance on a good outcome, which gives them 30% random chance on anything. Now it is your task to get close to that 20%. There the influence of you stats/skills will come up. High raceform will help for driver, use a 0% damaged car. The better the car is for a heist, it will make the chance of a good result higher. 4 persons car will lower that chance, trucks will even make the chance on success lower, maybe fix that the chance on a casino heist is a little higher on trucks. Some stuff on that kind. Leaders need to be a high/strong account. Same counts for OC's and MOC's for each job.

Several things can influence a lot:
- Raceform is important for the driver. Higher raceform = more profit. Combine that with a specific car. For instance, a 2-seat car will directly punish you for X% in the profit when you use it in oc/moc. Same stuff with the spotraids, we use Avus, which is a 1 seat car. Shouldn't be possible to succeed when you do a 2 man job. You can use a perfect heist car, when your raceform is 0, it still will be punishing your chance of a good outcome.
- Kills/bullets and before it was useless/removed, killskill. This will improve the statistics for someone who'll get the job of weapon expert. You gotta know how to handle a gun, so make sure you'll fit in for the job.
- Busts will positively boost the explosive expert, since that person is well known to that work, experienced by busting out people from well guarded and fortified jails. Weapon experts (highbullets/killskill/kills(shots) might get a little bonus too when they are chosen to do explosive expert because they are high skilled in use of weaponry, not that much as having a lot of busts, but it will do as an alternative.
- Rankprogress will influence the Leader, you are a high ranker which shows you know the drill. Also, Capo/Don/cdc/gf status will give a bonus to leading a crime because you have a 'responsible' function within you family.
- As I mentioned at the explosive experts part, some stuff might be influencing multiple parts of the deal. Highranked people could also get a bonus for all tasks, maybe top 10 rankers can get a specific % better outcome because they are topranked.

This system is based on every aspect of the game, making also every aspect of the game important for people. It also makes every part of the game of actual use. Killskill simply got wiped out because they apparently didn't see any way of making it useful. Raceform will be important for the actual driving, not for buying bullets. Busts will give you a boost, maybe it's needed to make some 'extra' boosts when reaching specific amounts. It will boost people to work on their account, nowadays groupcrimes are only done for the rankprogress. The complaining about random heists has stopped, eventually. How ideal is it to do groupcrimes and actually make money/bullets with it, based on your own influence. You can choose to not care but that will result in bad outcomes.

In before the crying about 'lowranks will be pushed out of oc channels'. They won't. They will make a difference, for instance. If you do oc with 1 thief and 3 brugliones, it still can be a 2m oc. If the thief has full raceform, uses a perfect car for the oc and the other 3 jobs are divided at the best, you will receive a good outcome. Yes, if you did with 4 brugliones, it might've been a 2.5m oc. But that also depends on the skills of that 4th bruglione. You can also horribly fail with 4 chiefs if you decide not to care.

Still, there is always a random factor in the calculation of the outcome, but it would be nice to have at least a bit influence on the outcomes. And on top of that, you actually do races to improve something, not to buy fucking bullets. I used to have a complete detailed form, written out and worked out, but I threw it away after I've got ignored by Misshysteria & co for about 10 times.

4. Proper manager/crew etc. This shit doesn't make sense. The game has/had its potential, but nothing happened for too long. We need people who care about the game, listen to players and people who are able to find the balance between earning moneys by DC-sale and still making the game worth the time.

5. Remove all the 'players' who are registered from the homepage. On the homepage it's like this game has 10 million players which makes it look like it's a huge badass maffia game, which it is obviously not. I can imagine there are new players joining the game, expecting it to be huge, to be active and that it's fantastic. Once you start you can't do shit, you don't understand shit and a lot of things simply don't make sense, no logic. They expect a mad amount of gangsters, while it is actually.. 10 families up. You can't join because none ever dares to take a new ranker because it's ofc an nasty hijacker, how to learn then?

6. Free to play? Not anymore, that should be removed. Or make it possible to start and don't buy any DC. I've been trying several times, just to try, to start ranking without paying a DC. It's not because I'm a cheapass bastard, but simply because it should be possible since the game is promoting it online, we are free to play. It's absolutely not. You won't have time enough to keep on ranking unless you're not having a job/school time or can rank on the job. Also, you are delivered to the hope of a good heist so you can buy a DC from obay. Since everyone is pulling them off there, prices raise so fast that it won't be possible to buy one as a newbie. Next day you'll log on and see you are 2-3 ranks behind already. Not really motivating. Earlier I never bought DC's, I always ranked myself and by trading I stocked several. I always tried to buy a lot at start version when the prices weren't rising that fast yet. Made sure that I had credits to at least rank. Later on I did buy them, care. It could save a bit so you can use the money for bullets etc. That's how it should be, if you are able to play without buying a DC every 2-3 days and still have fun and can participate in wars, no problem. That's free to play, there will always be some more active/no life players who can shoot more, but I never really cared, if I had 180k bullets, I could shoot 3x while others maybe had 4-5 shots. Care, I did it like this and it was fun. Nowadays I don't think any new player will be able to enjoy and find out this game. You need a real life friend who plays and who can explain, you need an instant DC to start. It is better to make someone happy, make someone enjoy the game which automatically will result in some donations now and then. Not make them donate to even be able to play.

7. Let people keep their lackey credits. Leave the limits, leave the fire timers, they are needed, but just let people keep their lackey credits when they die or when it has been reset. Someone paid for that DC to buy those 5k credits. It's not that players suddenly jynxed the credits from somewhere. It's just pure money jewing by fucking up a DC when someone bought it. Link it to the e-mail instead, that's 1 account. I can buy a DC on obay and get shot right after. Means you lost money for your rebirth + you lost a DC, so how the fuck are you gonna rerank? Buying another one? That's just stealing.

8. Rebirth system needs a lot of improvement and patching. It's a lot better than the variant we had before but it's far from decent yet. Tbh I wouldn't have any specific suggestions at the moment. The only thing which at least should be more clear or more structured is the milestones for kills/shots. Sometimes you kill someone with 60k and receive a milestone where you need to shoot and fail with 15k. Make it a proper sequence or make it link properly to specific milestones to unlock.

9. Fix something to make travelling to other cities more interesting instead of Detroit bulking with all the money.

10. Simple bug fixes should be removed. Market/bg page is glitchy as hell making you get clicklimit faster, isn't ideal in wars.

11. Update groupcrimes outcomes. They are filled with old shit, you can earn [raceform] and that's it. Make raceform useful or fix the heist texts. Also make some proper new heist forms, it's far from interesting. Always the same stuff. A little bit more variation within the heists makes it more interesting. People don't do it for money anymore, make it that they will do it for the money.

12. Players need to accept and change. It's not only the game. People still pact while there is like 15 families up in a version, pacting like it's a version of 45 families. Stop pointing and crying to other families 'oh but they did it in this version, and that version they did pact'. Stop the fucking retarded crying and play the game as it should be played. It's smaller, it's less players. Accept that and play with another view and tactic. Why still accept 4-5 families to 'share' your win. I'm still waiting for a family who'll play and finish the version on their own. Not under any accepted alliance win of 4-5 families, simply, on their own. It won't be simple to achieve that, but imo it is a very interesting challenge. More wars, more 1 vs 1 wars, more city wars and more beef between several families. Now it's a war planned with a whole bunch of families. Just act and show some balls, show people you want to win the version. The only thing which needs to be properly fixed is reranking because how it is today it won't allow you to rerank in a decent way. When you're going for a solo run, you might walk against bad luck and die. It still should be able to rerank and try again, while other families also try their best to achieve the solo win. Seriously, get rid of that 'grouphugging' and win solo, that's this family system about.

So, once this is fixed I might play again, would be fun. Won't happen anyway, but I was bored, just sharing some thoughts. Ciao xo

Too long didn't read.

xoxo Nier
Nier (15:25:55 - 03-08)
Link Quote
1. Remove that multiple families get the win + voucher winning. The new family system is based on 1 family closing 1 town. Not 1 family closing 1 town and 5 families (or more) are able to get vouchers. It's officially stated in HOF that the name of the family who finished the timer, is the winner of that version. Still, the winner is a group of families which is creating useless pacts/groups which break down the whole idea of this new family system. A system based on 1 family going for the win.

2. There must be a way to hand out the vouchers to the winners only. They know accounts, they keep eye on well-known cheaters, based on their mail/account. They keep track of your akill history so it should be possible to limit the vouchers to the winner family (members) only. Makes it less interesting for the lame dogs to just follow and receive vouchers for ending 5th. It's the same with topkiller, buster and ranker. Link it to that exact account, no sharing.

3. Raceform linked to bullets is bullshit, it's put in the game only to boost DC-sale. It will only stimulate the gap between active and less active players instead of helping the balance. Besides that, what is the use of raceform anyway? I've worked out a detailed system, back in the days, to make things more logical. It was based on linking all activities to other activities you do in the game, to boost the result. Groupcrimes was a major point. You have several jobs to divide, each job needs a 'perfect' account for it to make the result higher/better.

You can see the profit as 100%. For heist it will be 50% for the leader and for the driver. Within that 50% there is a part 'random'. That part gets smaller with every rank. For instance, shoplifters have 20% chance on a good outcome, which gives them 30% random chance on anything. Now it is your task to get close to that 20%. There the influence of you stats/skills will come up. High raceform will help for driver, use a 0% damaged car. The better the car is for a heist, it will make the chance of a good result higher. 4 persons car will lower that chance, trucks will even make the chance on success lower, maybe fix that the chance on a casino heist is a little higher on trucks. Some stuff on that kind. Leaders need to be a high/strong account. Same counts for OC's and MOC's for each job.

Several things can influence a lot:
- Raceform is important for the driver. Higher raceform = more profit. Combine that with a specific car. For instance, a 2-seat car will directly punish you for X% in the profit when you use it in oc/moc. Same stuff with the spotraids, we use Avus, which is a 1 seat car. Shouldn't be possible to succeed when you do a 2 man job. You can use a perfect heist car, when your raceform is 0, it still will be punishing your chance of a good outcome.
- Kills/bullets and before it was useless/removed, killskill. This will improve the statistics for someone who'll get the job of weapon expert. You gotta know how to handle a gun, so make sure you'll fit in for the job.
- Busts will positively boost the explosive expert, since that person is well known to that work, experienced by busting out people from well guarded and fortified jails. Weapon experts (highbullets/killskill/kills(shots) might get a little bonus too when they are chosen to do explosive expert because they are high skilled in use of weaponry, not that much as having a lot of busts, but it will do as an alternative.
- Rankprogress will influence the Leader, you are a high ranker which shows you know the drill. Also, Capo/Don/cdc/gf status will give a bonus to leading a crime because you have a 'responsible' function within you family.
- As I mentioned at the explosive experts part, some stuff might be influencing multiple parts of the deal. Highranked people could also get a bonus for all tasks, maybe top 10 rankers can get a specific % better outcome because they are topranked.

This system is based on every aspect of the game, making also every aspect of the game important for people. It also makes every part of the game of actual use. Killskill simply got wiped out because they apparently didn't see any way of making it useful. Raceform will be important for the actual driving, not for buying bullets. Busts will give you a boost, maybe it's needed to make some 'extra' boosts when reaching specific amounts. It will boost people to work on their account, nowadays groupcrimes are only done for the rankprogress. The complaining about random heists has stopped, eventually. How ideal is it to do groupcrimes and actually make money/bullets with it, based on your own influence. You can choose to not care but that will result in bad outcomes.

In before the crying about 'lowranks will be pushed out of oc channels'. They won't. They will make a difference, for instance. If you do oc with 1 thief and 3 brugliones, it still can be a 2m oc. If the thief has full raceform, uses a perfect car for the oc and the other 3 jobs are divided at the best, you will receive a good outcome. Yes, if you did with 4 brugliones, it might've been a 2.5m oc. But that also depends on the skills of that 4th bruglione. You can also horribly fail with 4 chiefs if you decide not to care.

Still, there is always a random factor in the calculation of the outcome, but it would be nice to have at least a bit influence on the outcomes. And on top of that, you actually do races to improve something, not to buy fucking bullets. I used to have a complete detailed form, written out and worked out, but I threw it away after I've got ignored by Misshysteria & co for about 10 times.

4. Proper manager/crew etc. This shit doesn't make sense. The game has/had its potential, but nothing happened for too long. We need people who care about the game, listen to players and people who are able to find the balance between earning moneys by DC-sale and still making the game worth the time.

5. Remove all the 'players' who are registered from the homepage. On the homepage it's like this game has 10 million players which makes it look like it's a huge badass maffia game, which it is obviously not. I can imagine there are new players joining the game, expecting it to be huge, to be active and that it's fantastic. Once you start you can't do shit, you don't understand shit and a lot of things simply don't make sense, no logic. They expect a mad amount of gangsters, while it is actually.. 10 families up. You can't join because none ever dares to take a new ranker because it's ofc an nasty hijacker, how to learn then?

6. Free to play? Not anymore, that should be removed. Or make it possible to start and don't buy any DC. I've been trying several times, just to try, to start ranking without paying a DC. It's not because I'm a cheapass bastard, but simply because it should be possible since the game is promoting it online, we are free to play. It's absolutely not. You won't have time enough to keep on ranking unless you're not having a job/school time or can rank on the job. Also, you are delivered to the hope of a good heist so you can buy a DC from obay. Since everyone is pulling them off there, prices raise so fast that it won't be possible to buy one as a newbie. Next day you'll log on and see you are 2-3 ranks behind already. Not really motivating. Earlier I never bought DC's, I always ranked myself and by trading I stocked several. I always tried to buy a lot at start version when the prices weren't rising that fast yet. Made sure that I had credits to at least rank. Later on I did buy them, care. It could save a bit so you can use the money for bullets etc. That's how it should be, if you are able to play without buying a DC every 2-3 days and still have fun and can participate in wars, no problem. That's free to play, there will always be some more active/no life players who can shoot more, but I never really cared, if I had 180k bullets, I could shoot 3x while others maybe had 4-5 shots. Care, I did it like this and it was fun. Nowadays I don't think any new player will be able to enjoy and find out this game. You need a real life friend who plays and who can explain, you need an instant DC to start. It is better to make someone happy, make someone enjoy the game which automatically will result in some donations now and then. Not make them donate to even be able to play.

7. Let people keep their lackey credits. Leave the limits, leave the fire timers, they are needed, but just let people keep their lackey credits when they die or when it has been reset. Someone paid for that DC to buy those 5k credits. It's not that players suddenly jynxed the credits from somewhere. It's just pure money jewing by fucking up a DC when someone bought it. Link it to the e-mail instead, that's 1 account. I can buy a DC on obay and get shot right after. Means you lost money for your rebirth + you lost a DC, so how the fuck are you gonna rerank? Buying another one? That's just stealing.

8. Rebirth system needs a lot of improvement and patching. It's a lot better than the variant we had before but it's far from decent yet. Tbh I wouldn't have any specific suggestions at the moment. The only thing which at least should be more clear or more structured is the milestones for kills/shots. Sometimes you kill someone with 60k and receive a milestone where you need to shoot and fail with 15k. Make it a proper sequence or make it link properly to specific milestones to unlock.

9. Fix something to make travelling to other cities more interesting instead of Detroit bulking with all the money.

10. Simple bug fixes should be removed. Market/bg page is glitchy as hell making you get clicklimit faster, isn't ideal in wars.

11. Update groupcrimes outcomes. They are filled with old shit, you can earn [raceform] and that's it. Make raceform useful or fix the heist texts. Also make some proper new heist forms, it's far from interesting. Always the same stuff. A little bit more variation within the heists makes it more interesting. People don't do it for money anymore, make it that they will do it for the money.

12. Players need to accept and change. It's not only the game. People still pact while there is like 15 families up in a version, pacting like it's a version of 45 families. Stop pointing and crying to other families 'oh but they did it in this version, and that version they did pact'. Stop the fucking retarded crying and play the game as it should be played. It's smaller, it's less players. Accept that and play with another view and tactic. Why still accept 4-5 families to 'share' your win. I'm still waiting for a family who'll play and finish the version on their own. Not under any accepted alliance win of 4-5 families, simply, on their own. It won't be simple to achieve that, but imo it is a very interesting challenge. More wars, more 1 vs 1 wars, more city wars and more beef between several families. Now it's a war planned with a whole bunch of families. Just act and show some balls, show people you want to win the version. The only thing which needs to be properly fixed is reranking because how it is today it won't allow you to rerank in a decent way. When you're going for a solo run, you might walk against bad luck and die. It still should be able to rerank and try again, while other families also try their best to achieve the solo win. Seriously, get rid of that 'grouphugging' and win solo, that's this family system about.

So, once this is fixed I might play again, would be fun. Won't happen anyway, but I was bored, just sharing some thoughts. Ciao xo
Anonymous (13:01:30 - 03-08)
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get rid of honour points
no more buy/sell HP spam and freak like Harlow cant feel special and will go away!
Saros`away Netherlands (13:00:22 - 03-08)
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* sympathy for ponylord increased.
Solstice (12:35:45 - 03-08)
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Critycal at 12:15:01 on 03/08:
Solstice at 12:10:37 on 03/08:
Brando isn't gonna do anything with any ideas we bring forth. But I like the aggression in this thread, so let's keep it going.
Stfu faggot nobody cares about your opinion

edit: fuck forgot to log out

Like you don't say shit like that to my face, cutey.
Critycal Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Patron (12:15:01 - 03-08)
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Solstice at 12:10:37 on 03/08:
Brando isn't gonna do anything with any ideas we bring forth. But I like the aggression in this thread, so let's keep it going.
Stfu faggot nobody cares about your opinion

edit: fuck forgot to log out
Solstice (12:10:37 - 03-08)
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Brando isn't gonna do anything with any ideas we bring forth. But I like the aggression in this thread, so let's keep it going.
Critycal Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Patron (12:06:03 - 03-08)
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Kapow at 10:39:58 on 03/08:
To be fair i am nto shitting on everyone just the overhaul people. Some ideas i personally like:

1. The connection of raceform and bullet limits is unneeded and stupid. (Remove)
2. Group crimes in cities with less people for higher rewards seems reasonable and will motivate people to move.
3. Manual Smuggling runs yield lower/higher prices for buy/sell ( To a Lex lvl 10 almost value, or you can have Lex lvl 10 and achieve same with lackeys the tradeoff being you lose a bodyguard spot for your attack/defence or have to reinvest in retrain)
4. Set a time limit for how long the version will last. (If the limits are larger then 4-6 months in which case nobody will be in a rush to die on Local Chief. *Cough Deathbase cough*. Though if you time limit the versions you might have one massive ultra huge war 1 week before that timer to solve everything and 6 months of idling.)
5. Raiding bullet factories
6. Online time guard. Even though this is essentially here with the online timers they cuckd the system by allowing a rigid 48hour (it doesnt count) mode where share-ers go full 48 hours then 18 and 16 on top of that in the first 4 days. A total of 94% online time more or less. And then the usual cycle of on and off. Ideally you can be online 91% at LC and still be within Omerta's punish time this way. Have the thirtysomething hour limit on version start at reset time to fix some of this, and pay closer attention to faggots trying to game the system with logging in and out every 20 or so minutes.
7. (Overhaulish idea): A point based system for victory where family gains or loses points based on: Akills accrued, Size of alliance, Number of Sisters brothers and aunts, The overall ratio of wars done and etc.

Now go ahead abuse me allknowing experts :D

Kapow "The Cove of this Post" Guardiansky

Dying on LC? Anyone called? Tdog fagrir you guys up??
Replica (12:03:06 - 03-08)
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Kapow at 09:54:34 on 03/08:
Sweet mother of mentally challenged shits. This is still going on.

Lets observe this fucktarded version.

Supreme die first this version? I can clearly see almost all of their rebirths minus Marconi in various families. So the option to "rerank somehwere" is there.

Since i have reranked enough times and know the system better then people that speak out of their ass; The only problem is that the reranked accounts dont have their crimes/nick car etc attempts (work experience) milestoned properly so they will never regain full strenght back.

Every time any family dies the rankers can join almost anywhere or the family itself can go join their blood that is cross-blooded with their attacker and so on.

Rerank within that family and so on (Your moronic Canada idea within the current system). Once you are prepared shoot from within those families at your previous shooter or pay leave money and restart all shining and stuff.


You want to make changes to a system you dont understand with ideas that are unsubstantiated. You dont change an entire system that you dont understand completely.

And this "let admins crunch the numbers". Are you that fucking dense. If takes almost 2 years to make micro changes to the game; Do you really think some is interested in overhauling everything on your creative outburst of diarrhea?

And do not worry fam we can run the numbers and see that the idea is tarded...

Omerta faces one essential issue in version 5.

The re ranking does not produce the equivalent of your previous achievements once your account is re ranked. This is not working as advertised and people are not reranking. Some people tried (Leviticus, Siberia, Guardians) in various versions and we concluded all the account is good for is preshoting and bullet draining.

Make the system work as advertised and families will stick around after dying cause they can get back on their feet within 16 days of dying. A version does not finish in 16 days. Furthermore in those 16 days their original attacker has to stab some bloods or clean some more families that can as well rerank. (So on and so forth)

The end limit of a version with proper working reranking system is theoretically never.

My eyes keep bleeding cause people have not spent a day to actually "crunch the numbers" but have entire overhauls of the game prepared as "ideas".

There is essentially 2 problems.
1. Stop fucking staying in Detroit and complaining about economy. (Player side problem)
2. Make the game mechanics work as advertised. (Make milestones properly grant work experience)

That is it.

Take it from the guy that "Lives for Omerta". TRIGGERED!

I realise a window-licking retard like you struggles to breath with your head firmly wedged up your faggot arse but maybe start by reading the topic of discussion: 'reflect their views below and discuss and talk about the current situation whether its about this version or whether its about the Omertà game over all' and add 'comments/suggestions/ideas/statements or views'.
So ofc people are throwing out all kinds of ideas for positive change in the game, some realistic, some not so, the only wanker crying about it is you.
Yet again, your complaints are all fairytale shit that doesn't address problems...
People can rank...no shit sherlock, in pact families, all 13 of them, wow thanks, what happens if you form a non-pact family? oh you die, as your fam literally just did hours ago you moron.
Shoot from within pact family, yep ofc 1 guy versus 13 families - this is fucking amazing shit, i mean pure gold, why didn't anyone think of this winning formula before?!
I don't know how to program omerta so my opinion doesn't count - scrub every idea on the page and retract the topic since nobody does, retard.
The rest is Coulda/shoulda/woulda arguments again, doesn't matter what you think should happen, REALITY is people stay in detroit and the rebirth system is pants, but even if it worked it wouldn't overcome the odds. There's a reason boxing is 1v1 not 1v13, football is 11v11 not 11v100+.
As for what you consider unrealistic ideas, they're work arounds to level the field, pretty much everyone who wrote something here had some good ideas. At least they had the class to read and contribute without being a wanker.
Raja United Kingdom Patron (11:47:37 - 03-08)
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Keep the comments coming guys, and try not to go Anonymous please, just add your name or ex-ingame name to keep it official.

It doesn't matter what people think of it, it's about laying your opinion and talking about it, after all, it's an opinion.

I will add comments as I deem fit for the article.
Kapow Greenland Patron (10:39:58 - 03-08)
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To be fair i am nto shitting on everyone just the overhaul people. Some ideas i personally like:

1. The connection of raceform and bullet limits is unneeded and stupid. (Remove)
2. Group crimes in cities with less people for higher rewards seems reasonable and will motivate people to move.
3. Manual Smuggling runs yield lower/higher prices for buy/sell ( To a Lex lvl 10 almost value, or you can have Lex lvl 10 and achieve same with lackeys the tradeoff being you lose a bodyguard spot for your attack/defence or have to reinvest in retrain)
4. Set a time limit for how long the version will last. (If the limits are larger then 4-6 months in which case nobody will be in a rush to die on Local Chief. *Cough Deathbase cough*. Though if you time limit the versions you might have one massive ultra huge war 1 week before that timer to solve everything and 6 months of idling.)
5. Raiding bullet factories
6. Online time guard. Even though this is essentially here with the online timers they cuckd the system by allowing a rigid 48hour (it doesnt count) mode where share-ers go full 48 hours then 18 and 16 on top of that in the first 4 days. A total of 94% online time more or less. And then the usual cycle of on and off. Ideally you can be online 91% at LC and still be within Omerta's punish time this way. Have the thirtysomething hour limit on version start at reset time to fix some of this, and pay closer attention to faggots trying to game the system with logging in and out every 20 or so minutes.
7. (Overhaulish idea): A point based system for victory where family gains or loses points based on: Akills accrued, Size of alliance, Number of Sisters brothers and aunts, The overall ratio of wars done and etc.

Now go ahead abuse me allknowing experts :D

Kapow "The Cove of this Post" Guardiansky
EP United Kingdom (10:38:57 - 03-08)
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The biggest problem with the game is how unbalanced most versions are. (90% players fault)

Micro changes won't fix things, but making detroit bank/poker always local mob owned would help a bit.

In most vers they contribute $billions to already dominant fams.

Also... why does new version reminder email not go out??
Kapow Greenland Patron (09:54:34 - 03-08)
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Replica at 00:54:15 on 03/08:
Kapow at 23:49:33 on 02/08:
Anonymous at 23:13:50 on 02/08:
Kapow at 23:08:12 on 02/08:
How about!

Just make milestones work in a way that you can actually claim your work experience back. So reranking doesn't create weak accounts. Instead of this retarded complex fucking suggestions?

There’ll still be pacts and huggers, only thing left in Omerta are people who care about others (way to many others hennce mostly the whole game with their pussy pact) more than themselves which it should be!

It’s doomed. Enjoy your time as CEO on OB while you can :) !
There will be Pacts and huggers in any system even the retarded idea that is written and people +1 like fucking lefties.

You get easier bullets you have 40 man fams.. yada yada yada

Anarchy/Siberia/Winter/Aeterna whatever plays comes..
Still has 200ppl + 11 bloods makes 29 40man families
Declares wars till they clean the city..
Everyone off to canada as they comfortably wait for you to "rerank".
And if you think your one win (vs one of their pact fams) and a week to restock is enough or two weeks even after you kill off 1 of the 29 families they start you haven't played omerta enough.

As i stated fix the work experience milestones so accounts regain full strenght from them.
People can actually rerank properly then and versions will fix themselves.

Dont post dumb shit it makes my eyes bleed. :D
(((Kapow))) crying for attention as usual.
Ok snowflake, lets take it one at a time...
Suggestions are just that, its down to the devs to crunch numbers and work projections to see what will work and what won't.
You assume they make 29 fams before the idea is even tried, maybe you can give me next weeks lottery numbers while your at it.
Even if they do, its 1v1 so they'll be defending themselves and not just on the attack.
A finite amount of resources means it would create wars between those fams for control.
As for re-rank/re-stock: suggestions are just that, its down to the devs to crunch numbers and work projections to see what will work and what won't.
A points/league system can incentivize good play, dis-incentivize bad play, again it's down to the devs but pact play could score such low points its futile as you would still lose.

Your retarded 'fix milestones' is like a bandaid on the titanic. Rank where? they killed every fam inside a few weeks, even your shitty fam, what happened to outworking them? lol.
Sweet mother of mentally challenged shits. This is still going on.

Lets observe this fucktarded version.

Supreme die first this version? I can clearly see almost all of their rebirths minus Marconi in various families. So the option to "rerank somehwere" is there.

Since i have reranked enough times and know the system better then people that speak out of their ass; The only problem is that the reranked accounts dont have their crimes/nick car etc attempts (work experience) milestoned properly so they will never regain full strenght back.

Every time any family dies the rankers can join almost anywhere or the family itself can go join their blood that is cross-blooded with their attacker and so on.

Rerank within that family and so on (Your moronic Canada idea within the current system). Once you are prepared shoot from within those families at your previous shooter or pay leave money and restart all shining and stuff.


You want to make changes to a system you dont understand with ideas that are unsubstantiated. You dont change an entire system that you dont understand completely.

And this "let admins crunch the numbers". Are you that fucking dense. If takes almost 2 years to make micro changes to the game; Do you really think some is interested in overhauling everything on your creative outburst of diarrhea?

And do not worry fam we can run the numbers and see that the idea is tarded...

Omerta faces one essential issue in version 5.

The re ranking does not produce the equivalent of your previous achievements once your account is re ranked. This is not working as advertised and people are not reranking. Some people tried (Leviticus, Siberia, Guardians) in various versions and we concluded all the account is good for is preshoting and bullet draining.

Make the system work as advertised and families will stick around after dying cause they can get back on their feet within 16 days of dying. A version does not finish in 16 days. Furthermore in those 16 days their original attacker has to stab some bloods or clean some more families that can as well rerank. (So on and so forth)

The end limit of a version with proper working reranking system is theoretically never.

My eyes keep bleeding cause people have not spent a day to actually "crunch the numbers" but have entire overhauls of the game prepared as "ideas".

There is essentially 2 problems.
1. Stop fucking staying in Detroit and complaining about economy. (Player side problem)
2. Make the game mechanics work as advertised. (Make milestones properly grant work experience)

That is it.

Take it from the guy that "Lives for Omerta". TRIGGERED!

talk dirty to me (09:35:34 - 03-08)
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i think there are several things that can support small families against crowded families.

1. 1 hour waiting time after shooting really sucks. it should be half an hour or even less.
2. bodyguard training should be faster.
3. offline accounts should be weaker not stronger. it is really ridiculous that online active players are weaker during war.

Those 3 changes will make the wars more dynamic. and if you dont have a big family, but have strong shooters you will have a chance against big pacts with good timing and organisation.

One more important thing i wanna add is detroit poker. it is a very profitable thing. and the family that hold it has a very unfair advantage against others. it can be reduced to 5% instead of 10%.
Solstice (08:44:17 - 03-08)
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Redspeert at 06:49:49 on 03/08:
Stop buying dcs so Brando actually have to get a job.

Hahayes. Heard it's that cunt that's actually blocking any advancement the crew want to make. Why change something when you're still making money. Was mad at Kcode before for not doing anything, but I reckon he's just as frustrated as the rest of us.
Anonymous (07:26:09 - 03-08)
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Anonymous at 01:22:57 on 03/08:
suppressor at 00:50:20 on 03/08:
Some ideas I have for improving the game:

1. DO away with RF dictating how many bullets you can buy. Rank decides how many you can shoot, so it should also dictate how many you can buy per hour.
2. Set a hard time limit per day that players can be logged in. There's no way a human being can maintain a 90%+ online time across a week. 75% is more realistic if they have no life outside of the game. So do a forced logoff with a timeout period once a person has been logged in for more than 18 hours in a 24 hour period. To circumvent someone trying to get around this rule by logging out in between crimes, count any login that happens withing 15 minutes of a logout count as one concurrent connection.
3. Reduce the effectiveness of dupes funders by keeping track of accounts that are higher ranked (Swindler+) that are not equipped properly for war (i.e. all of the basics including defense, weapons, bodyguards, etc), distribute 80%+ of their money. Also track accounts that are Swindler+ with a low login rate and a ton of money and get shot. These are solid examples of dupe/funders. I'm sure I'm leaving out more instances.
4. Building off of the league example someone posted, possibly create a true league format. Here's an example:

A. Set a time limit for how long the version will last.
B. Families that plan to go up must register before the version starts. Once the version starts, fams can go up. They will randomly be put into 'alliances' based on size. Families cannot choose who they get allied with.
C. Wins will be based off of stats like: wars won, kills achieved, total number of alliance members busted out of jail, etc.
D. Wars would become scheduled. Det agencies would not be made available until a war officially starts, and would only be available to the alliances at war.
E. Getting killed in a war doesn't kill off your account. It makes it 'ineligible' to participate any more in the current war.
F. Once a major % of the opposing alliance has been 'killed off', the war ends.
G. There is a 2 week grace period after the war ends before the alliance fights again. This is to allow restock/resupply.

A lot of good points dude.
But you’ll have to dress up in a Omerta costume on the side of the road to advertise this game to new people which it will need numbers of signups to complement these new points. Hard to advertise to the retirees and convince them, as its safe to assume what most of them think about this game and the people who pact in it now. Take a whole lot of convincing my man ;)
Anonymous at 01:22:57 on 03/08:
suppressor at 00:50:20 on 03/08:
Some ideas I have for improving the game:

1. DO away with RF dictating how many bullets you can buy. Rank decides how many you can shoot, so it should also dictate how many you can buy per hour.
2. Set a hard time limit per day that players can be logged in. There's no way a human being can maintain a 90%+ online time across a week. 75% is more realistic if they have no life outside of the game. So do a forced logoff with a timeout period once a person has been logged in for more than 18 hours in a 24 hour period. To circumvent someone trying to get around this rule by logging out in between crimes, count any login that happens withing 15 minutes of a logout count as one concurrent connection.
3. Reduce the effectiveness of dupes funders by keeping track of accounts that are higher ranked (Swindler+) that are not equipped properly for war (i.e. all of the basics including defense, weapons, bodyguards, etc), distribute 80%+ of their money. Also track accounts that are Swindler+ with a low login rate and a ton of money and get shot. These are solid examples of dupe/funders. I'm sure I'm leaving out more instances.
4. Building off of the league example someone posted, possibly create a true league format. Here's an example:

A. Set a time limit for how long the version will last.
B. Families that plan to go up must register before the version starts. Once the version starts, fams can go up. They will randomly be put into 'alliances' based on size. Families cannot choose who they get allied with.
C. Wins will be based off of stats like: wars won, kills achieved, total number of alliance members busted out of jail, etc.
D. Wars would become scheduled. Det agencies would not be made available until a war officially starts, and would only be available to the alliances at war.
E. Getting killed in a war doesn't kill off your account. It makes it 'ineligible' to participate any more in the current war.
F. Once a major % of the opposing alliance has been 'killed off', the war ends.
G. There is a 2 week grace period after the war ends before the alliance fights again. This is to allow restock/resupply.

A lot of good points dude.
But you’ll have to dress up in a Omerta costume on the side of the road to advertise this game to new people which it will need numbers of signups to complement these new points. Hard to advertise to the retirees and convince them, as its safe to assume what most of them think about this game and the people who pact in it now. Take a whole lot of convincing my man ;)
Anonymous (06:54:00 - 03-08)
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Close poker spots.
Redspeert Syrian Arab Republic (06:49:49 - 03-08)
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Stop buying dcs so Brando actually have to get a job.
Replica (05:54:07 - 03-08)
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suppressor at 00:50:20 on 03/08:
Some ideas I have for improving the game:
I like your ideas and agree with most so its easier just to highlight those i have slight disagreements with...

1. DO away with RF dictating how many bullets you can buy. Rank decides how many you can shoot, so it should also dictate how many you can buy per hour.
Something I sent to omerta as a workaround is to keep the current system but lower the required bullets required so for example: brug=25k to shoot, the kicker is you can only hold max 100k.

2. Set a hard time limit per day that players can be logged in. There's no way a human being can maintain a 90%+ online time across a week. 75% is more realistic if they have no life outside of the game. So do a forced logoff with a timeout period once a person has been logged in for more than 18 hours in a 24 hour period. To circumvent someone trying to get around this rule by logging out in between crimes, count any login that happens withing 15 minutes of a logout count as one concurrent connection.
I agree with this but from omerta's pov they'll want max uptime to max their money flow and dictating to someone when they can play a game may also lessen that.

B. Families that plan to go up must register before the version starts. Once the version starts, fams can go up. They will randomly be put into 'alliances' based on size. Families cannot choose who they get allied with.
I like the idea of a newbie walking into his first version and founding a family later in the game and having a great experience that brings him back so this stops that possibility. I prefer 1v1 to forced allies, you could get stuck with a fam you really don't like or one that goes inactive.

D. Wars would become scheduled. Det agencies would not be made available until a war officially starts, and would only be available to the alliances at war.
Not sure on this one, i like the current freedom to shoot whenever and also the hitlist.

E. Getting killed in a war doesn't kill off your account. It makes it 'ineligible' to participate any more in the current war.
This is what i was going for with the canada idea, or 'montreal' as our mysterious friend has said :D
I guess the irl equivalent is injured but alive and 'going on the lamb'. Maybe they could set a 3-strikes and you're out rule so after 3 times in montreal you're dead.