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18-01 Doping in Omerta?!
Author: sbanks
Last updated: 4437d 7h 22m 52s ago by sbanks
Comments: 264
Views: 118,307
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 3.52
Involved families: Lucchese, Righelli
Bugs Bugs Bugs?!

We just saw a few akills, which downed Righelli & Lucchese. So OBN started investigating what happened, speaking with some people to find out exactly what happpened.

A Top from a an unnamed family told OBN that he abused several bugs in Omerta. He only told Beyond about 2 in specific, but there are way and way more he told us. But these are the most used.

1. Bloodbank bug → When you have for example 99% health and you would go to the bloodbank and add the following DOM value in the input field "100e-2" you would end up with 199% health!

Here we have to ask, how long is this going on? Are there more families who knew about this? And what if they had all their members at 199% health, they just wouldn't be able to be brought down. I think of yesterdays war where tops of the attacking families state that Righelli highranks for example just didn't die. Same goes for countering families that said it was impossible to kill Messina accounts, while Messina was an agressor in the war, thus needing to have attack BG setups.

We have no proof here, but these are our first thoughts of course. We are not pointing any fingers!

2. Hitlist bug → So you want to hitlist a person but you don't have the required money? Another simple solution! If you would fill out "100e+6" in the input field you would hitlist a person for $100 million omerta dollars and it would only cost you $100 omerta dollars. Sounds like a fair deal to me!

We saw a lot of Messina people who got hitlisted a few days ago, and i think opponents of Messina may have used this bug to hitlist them.

Update: Some reporters saw, especially this version, rather weird bumps of money ingame. It was suddenly way higher than it ever was. An abuser explained to us how they did this.

They looked for a target, when they found him, they put this person on the hitlist and shot inmediatly. → free money!

Update²: If this is possible in the input fields at the Hitlist and the Bloodbank. Is it also possible to fill these codes in at all other input fields? If this is true it would mean that every aspect with an input field of the game could be abused by this bug. SH Time, Bullets used to shoot, Gambling, EVERYTHING.

We recieve images and logs from everyone that the bugs are also used to get extra RP and more bullets from the local factory then allowed.

A anonymous person showed me he bought 1337 units of beer as swindler and gained about 30% rank progess!

Another showed an image where he bought 10.000 bullets from the local factory. → http://i46.tinypic.com/2d7wqix.png

Should we start doubting at omerta and the "winners" of omerta the last few versions?

Lance Armstrong came clean yesterday, he told Oprah he used forbidden substitutes to perfom better and win the Tour de France. Did certain families also used these "methodes/substitutes" to win a version? or came out as winner in certain wars?
/q sbanks | #beyond.info
War started on: 14:49:02 18-01-2013 War ended on: 15:01:00 18-01-2013
Bullet difference: -1,481,519 War duration: 11m
Money difference: -$1,065,804,084 Players died: 19

Dead Families:
[Lucchese] Family down on 14:56 18-01
[Righelli] Family down on 14:51 18-01
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Lucchese | swin: 3 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 19
Righelli | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 34
Total | swin: 3 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 53

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Anon (18:05:40 - 18-01)
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bs news i being bs
Anon (18:05:28 - 18-01)
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YouTube video
Anonymous (17:58:40 - 18-01)
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Wonder what the compensation means???

Hope revive?
isImportant? (17:49:24 - 18-01)
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Johnny at 17:45:34 on 18/01:
isImportant? at 17:22:35 on 18/01:

Final remark to admins if any reading, messina has a money bug as well, its different from hitlist bug, its on poker, check arcanine or drimacus poker logs, and you gonna beat them as well

Isn't that known bug from few versions ago when people would make password games for 2 and play all day till they get exactly same cards and then go in with absurd amounts of money and in the end both players in game would get winnings?

Also you said blood bug made players still die easy, so basicly having 199 blood meant nothing?

It s something somehow they can give the pot multiple times to winner, I gave a huge break after the bullet bug and dunno poker's bugs history but i dont think its same, this one is more better than what you are telling.

Yeah they can die, I died with 255 bloods 2 times as brug, i had all attack bgs except lee. BTW after some point of time, it goes to 100 again, I think its some kind of database check on some intervals and you cant buy blood when u have 100.
Saros`away Netherlands (17:47:29 - 18-01)
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Achille at 17:38:54 on 18/01:
Are you guys trying to say that cheating is forbidden? ;/
Shocking rait?
Guess we played it wrong all this time ;s
Cheater (17:47:27 - 18-01)
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Hall of Shame

Name | Amount of akills
#1 Lucchese | 11

Ouch right in the kisser
Johnny Serbia (17:45:34 - 18-01)
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isImportant? at 17:22:35 on 18/01:

Final remark to admins if any reading, messina has a money bug as well, its different from hitlist bug, its on poker, check arcanine or drimacus poker logs, and you gonna beat them as well

Isn't that known bug from few versions ago when people would make password games for 2 and play all day till they get exactly same cards and then go in with absurd amounts of money and in the end both players in game would get winnings?

Also you said blood bug made players still die easy, so basicly having 199 blood meant nothing?
Anonymous (17:45:14 - 18-01)
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Achille at 17:38:54 on 18/01:
Are you guys trying to say that cheating is forbidden? ;/

sbanks Guatemala (17:41:33 - 18-01)
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Anonymous at 17:32:03 on 18/01:
isImportant? at 17:22:35 on 18/01:
some truths about these bugs,

first of all this is not a new bug, it is same bug in bullet factories like 4-5 years ago. Old players will remember that some players were buying free bullets. It was same idea, admins fixed that bug but apparently did not check other parts of the game.

First, about blood bug, it has been being abused like 5-6 months, but I tested it many times with low ranks and 2 times with brug accounts, and you were dying! The KA somehow decides who will die and not die without considering you have lots of blood or not. Maybe they apply some ranges and more than 90 is same as having 100 in that decision.
People who know programming a little bit will understand what I mean.

Bottomline: You wont die from blood loss, but still it is possible you may die in one shoot.

Hitlist bug is found after blood bug, it was more useful than blood bug, the first time it is seen hitlisting "SA" latigo don for 1 b. The safe way of doing that was following but some did not do that and caught by statistics bots many times then all omerta learned about it,

my method was:
hitlist one noob and wait trabot update
after trabot update hitlist ur target
send money to lackeys

no seen hitlist in trabot, no statistics update.

Bottomline: Yeah, it sponsored many wars and accounts.

About hitlist of messina, no it was not a hitlist bug, it was money coming from blackjacks, almost all owners lost their blackjack in that night, and the guy who did it made it made hitlisting in a fair way because he wanted those brugs dead. Was it another bj bug? maybe yes maybe no,

- btw i dont know who bought those guys? is it messina who found over 1 b in one night? if someone knows it, update me pls.

Final remark to admins if any reading, messina has a money bug as well, its different from hitlist bug, its on poker, check arcanine or drimacus poker logs, and you gonna beat them as well.

Ah, so Poker was the bug Drima found. I heard from several people he provided Messian with shit loads of cash. But I didn't know it was poker related again.

When will admins finally remove poker for good. It has been a source of bugs for ages.

Huh Arcanine and using bugs? THATS NEW INFORMATION xddd
Arcanine i guess the #1 bug abuser and always end up being caught xdd
u lilttle newbie xd
Anonymous (17:40:32 - 18-01)
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Anonymous at 17:34:18 on 18/01:
Andre2000 at 17:28:28 on 18/01:
Im sure the pact shared this info with their friends. And messina was the agressor in this war we speak about. So they cant hide behind "we had full def bg setup"

Strange things! Messina is known for backstabbing, fake logs, abusing bugs and last but not least liars. Bug ass liars

Funny to see they all come here to deny and act all innocent. Arcanine the one who stole money last version etc

Their history is enough to know they knew and used these bugs for sure

agree +10000 bad thing though is all pppl here (messina, etc. profestum, et.) cheats many versions over and over and admins still let them return :x

They let your Turkuz asses with your shitloads of dupes return, too.

The amount of hypocrisy when it comes to cheating in this game is immense. It's bad if the other side is better at cheating, and you condemn that, but when your fam cheats it's not worth mentioning or racist admins.

So to compare it to the Tour de France is absolutely legit. Almost everybody cheats. Some fams are just better at it.
Achille Netherlands (17:38:54 - 18-01)
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Are you guys trying to say that cheating is forbidden? ;/
sensje Netherlands (17:35:37 - 18-01)
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Bosco at 17:29:06 on 18/01:
It is too bad that people who play this game and keep saying it is being ruined are probably also the people that used these bugs and did not come forward with it to try and make the game better but abused them for their own gain.

Shame yourself :(

Shame on you.
Your forgot the other players that are being punishment in a way, instead of the 1% that maybe really abused the bug.
Anonymous (17:34:18 - 18-01)
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Andre2000 at 17:28:28 on 18/01:
Im sure the pact shared this info with their friends. And messina was the agressor in this war we speak about. So they cant hide behind "we had full def bg setup"

Strange things! Messina is known for backstabbing, fake logs, abusing bugs and last but not least liars. Bug ass liars

Funny to see they all come here to deny and act all innocent. Arcanine the one who stole money last version etc

Their history is enough to know they knew and used these bugs for sure

agree +10000 bad thing though is all pppl here (messina, etc. profestum, et.) cheats many versions over and over and admins still let them return :x
Anonymous (17:32:03 - 18-01)
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isImportant? at 17:22:35 on 18/01:
some truths about these bugs,

first of all this is not a new bug, it is same bug in bullet factories like 4-5 years ago. Old players will remember that some players were buying free bullets. It was same idea, admins fixed that bug but apparently did not check other parts of the game.

First, about blood bug, it has been being abused like 5-6 months, but I tested it many times with low ranks and 2 times with brug accounts, and you were dying! The KA somehow decides who will die and not die without considering you have lots of blood or not. Maybe they apply some ranges and more than 90 is same as having 100 in that decision.
People who know programming a little bit will understand what I mean.

Bottomline: You wont die from blood loss, but still it is possible you may die in one shoot.

Hitlist bug is found after blood bug, it was more useful than blood bug, the first time it is seen hitlisting "SA" latigo don for 1 b. The safe way of doing that was following but some did not do that and caught by statistics bots many times then all omerta learned about it,

my method was:
hitlist one noob and wait trabot update
after trabot update hitlist ur target
send money to lackeys

no seen hitlist in trabot, no statistics update.

Bottomline: Yeah, it sponsored many wars and accounts.

About hitlist of messina, no it was not a hitlist bug, it was money coming from blackjacks, almost all owners lost their blackjack in that night, and the guy who did it made it made hitlisting in a fair way because he wanted those brugs dead. Was it another bj bug? maybe yes maybe no,

- btw i dont know who bought those guys? is it messina who found over 1 b in one night? if someone knows it, update me pls.

Final remark to admins if any reading, messina has a money bug as well, its different from hitlist bug, its on poker, check arcanine or drimacus poker logs, and you gonna beat them as well.

Ah, so Poker was the bug Drima found. I heard from several people he provided Messian with shit loads of cash. But I didn't know it was poker related again.

When will admins finally remove poker for good. It has been a source of bugs for ages.
Toeffen (17:31:37 - 18-01)
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isImportant? at 17:22:35 on 18/01:
some truths about these bugs,

first of all this is not a new bug, it is same bug in bullet factories like 4-5 years ago. Old players will remember that some players were buying free bullets. It was same idea, admins fixed that bug but apparently did not check other parts of the game.

First, about blood bug, it has been being abused like 5-6 months, but I tested it many times with low ranks and 2 times with brug accounts, and you were dying! The KA somehow decides who will die and not die without considering you have lots of blood or not. Maybe they apply some ranges and more than 90 is same as having 100 in that decision.
People who know programming a little bit will understand what I mean.

Bottomline: You wont die from blood loss, but still it is possible you may die in one shoot.

Hitlist bug is found after blood bug, it was more useful than blood bug, the first time it is seen hitlisting "SA" latigo don for 1 b. The safe way of doing that was following but some did not do that and caught by statistics bots many times then all omerta learned about it,

my method was:
hitlist one noob and wait trabot update
after trabot update hitlist ur target
send money to lackeys

no seen hitlist in trabot, no statistics update.

Bottomline: Yeah, it sponsored many wars and accounts.

About hitlist of messina, no it was not a hitlist bug, it was money coming from blackjacks, almost all owners lost their blackjack in that night, and the guy who did it made it made hitlisting in a fair way because he wanted those brugs dead. Was it another bj bug? maybe yes maybe no,

- btw i dont know who bought those guys? is it messina who found over 1 b in one night? if someone knows it, update me pls.

Final remark to admins if any reading, messina has a money bug as well, its different from hitlist bug, its on poker, check arcanine or drimacus poker logs, and you gonna beat them as well.

Crew removed the hitlisted messina brugs from the hitlist
Bosco Netherlands (17:29:06 - 18-01)
Link Quote
It is too bad that people who play this game and keep saying it is being ruined are probably also the people that used these bugs and did not come forward with it to try and make the game better but abused them for their own gain.

Shame yourself :(
Andre2000 (17:28:28 - 18-01)
Link Quote
Im sure the pact shared this info with their friends. And messina was the agressor in this war we speak about. So they cant hide behind "we had full def bg setup"

Strange things! Messina is known for backstabbing, fake logs, abusing bugs and last but not least liars. Bug ass liars

Funny to see they all come here to deny and act all innocent. Arcanine the one who stole money last version etc

Their history is enough to know they knew and used these bugs for sure
Anonymous (17:27:05 - 18-01)
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manhell at 17:24:00 on 18/01:
Anonymous at 17:07:50 on 18/01:
manhell at 17:03:07 on 18/01:
Johnny at 16:44:51 on 18/01:
Smul at 16:37:42 on 18/01:
Johnny at 16:31:49 on 18/01:
Smul at 16:21:51 on 18/01:
Johnny at 16:05:31 on 18/01:
What's very absurd imo is that 2 dons from 2 families got akilled, also only members from 2 families got akilled. Yet article itself and people in comments talk about 3rd family who wasn't akilled.

Kind of weird tbh :P

Armstrong never got caught cheating, yet he was always talked about when the topic came up. ;)

I'm not saying Messina is not cheating, I honestly have no idea are they doing so. Considering all their history there's strong chance they are. Yet there is no clear proof of them doing so atm, but people (not you, you actually talked pro-messina as you said yourself) still talk about them doing this, while there are 2 other fams who clearly did it.

It would be like Messi cought using substances and people talk about Ronaldo must be using something too cause he is also really damn good, ignoring Messi completely...

Also it's huge shame for Omerta that something like this happened, if something like this (or all previous cheating cases) happened in serious mmo game it would mean it's end. No one wants to play game where you get beaten by cheaters and incompetency of admins...

Yeah well, as I just added to the article, I really wonder how far this cheating is capable of going, are all input fields this corrupt? Because then you can cheat basically everywhere in the game.

Besides that, there are 2 "different" cheats. Righelli and Lucchese got caught for the Hitlist cheat, while people are more upset with the health cheat I guess, as that has a direct, fundamental impact on the game.

So Righelli and Lucchese people didn't get cought for health bug cheat?
I thought they were cause 1st time I saw and heard about this bug is in this article, so I thought they got cought for that + hitlist thing. And yes ofc health bug seems just game breaking, but I didn't hear for it before. I don't think that bug existed from 2.9 - 3.2 when there were really strong accounts (including yours) it had to come later. Also I wonder how did OB news got info about this bug, and is it known (with proof) who has been using it?

We had many shots like that vs righelli last night, where they just wouldnt die
Even with 3-4times 60k in like 40min max. Logs are around, one of those was Vaas ing last night he got shot i think 3 orso times in less then 45min-1h all of them 60k and he just didnt die.

Anyways seems like obviously how those fams were using it

Cry me a river

Prove it or it didnt happen. i didnt see anyone were akilled for blood bug

About gravano i know how you used bugs and cleaned the money by punto bancos last version

i aint gonna cry u river but here is some proof,
and there is alot more but i aint gonna post them for you sir

(04:53:29) <@soprano> 2:17] <@Burito> Vaas suffered but is still alive.
(04:53:29) <@soprano> [07:12:17] <@Burito> You killed 2 of his guards!
(04:53:29) <@soprano> [07:12:17] <@Burito> Your enemy did not try to strike back.
(04:53:40) <@Frida`nothere> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(04:53:42) <@Frida`nothere> :D
(04:53:44) <@Kral> im gonna be mad
(04:53:47) <@Kral> :D
(04:53:49) <@soprano> me too
(05:07:44) <@soprano> [07:26:32] <@Mariola> Vaas suffered but is still alive.
(05:07:44) <@soprano> [07:26:32] <@Mariola> You killed 2 of his guards!
(05:07:44) <@soprano> [07:26:32] <@Mariola> Your enemy did not try to strike back.
(05:07:46) <@soprano> LOL
(05:07:46) <@soprano> :D
(05:07:48) <@soprano> 5 shoot
(05:07:49) <@soprano> :D
(05:09:11) <@Kral> -,-
(05:18:09) <@soprano> You duck behind the wall of a nearby garage as Vaas pulls a Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum out and whirls around and pulls the trigger...
(05:18:09) <@soprano> Vaas suffered but is still alive.
(05:18:09) <@soprano> You killed 3 of his guards!
(05:18:17) <@Frida`nothere> omg
(05:18:21) <@soprano> 6 shoot
(05:18:21) <@soprano> :D

Here you are crying again. You can train bgs back. It is not as you are losing all bgs when you get shot. If crew catchs them, then that is proof. Your word means nothing after monte carlo and gravano abused bugs and bought money from profestum last version
isImportant? (17:27:03 - 18-01)
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one more update, max blood you can have is 255 :)
manhell (17:24:00 - 18-01)
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Anonymous at 17:07:50 on 18/01:
manhell at 17:03:07 on 18/01:
Johnny at 16:44:51 on 18/01:
Smul at 16:37:42 on 18/01:
Johnny at 16:31:49 on 18/01:
Smul at 16:21:51 on 18/01:
Johnny at 16:05:31 on 18/01:
What's very absurd imo is that 2 dons from 2 families got akilled, also only members from 2 families got akilled. Yet article itself and people in comments talk about 3rd family who wasn't akilled.

Kind of weird tbh :P

Armstrong never got caught cheating, yet he was always talked about when the topic came up. ;)

I'm not saying Messina is not cheating, I honestly have no idea are they doing so. Considering all their history there's strong chance they are. Yet there is no clear proof of them doing so atm, but people (not you, you actually talked pro-messina as you said yourself) still talk about them doing this, while there are 2 other fams who clearly did it.

It would be like Messi cought using substances and people talk about Ronaldo must be using something too cause he is also really damn good, ignoring Messi completely...

Also it's huge shame for Omerta that something like this happened, if something like this (or all previous cheating cases) happened in serious mmo game it would mean it's end. No one wants to play game where you get beaten by cheaters and incompetency of admins...

Yeah well, as I just added to the article, I really wonder how far this cheating is capable of going, are all input fields this corrupt? Because then you can cheat basically everywhere in the game.

Besides that, there are 2 "different" cheats. Righelli and Lucchese got caught for the Hitlist cheat, while people are more upset with the health cheat I guess, as that has a direct, fundamental impact on the game.

So Righelli and Lucchese people didn't get cought for health bug cheat?
I thought they were cause 1st time I saw and heard about this bug is in this article, so I thought they got cought for that + hitlist thing. And yes ofc health bug seems just game breaking, but I didn't hear for it before. I don't think that bug existed from 2.9 - 3.2 when there were really strong accounts (including yours) it had to come later. Also I wonder how did OB news got info about this bug, and is it known (with proof) who has been using it?

We had many shots like that vs righelli last night, where they just wouldnt die
Even with 3-4times 60k in like 40min max. Logs are around, one of those was Vaas ing last night he got shot i think 3 orso times in less then 45min-1h all of them 60k and he just didnt die.

Anyways seems like obviously how those fams were using it

Cry me a river

Prove it or it didnt happen. i didnt see anyone were akilled for blood bug

About gravano i know how you used bugs and cleaned the money by punto bancos last version

i aint gonna cry u river but here is some proof,
and there is alot more but i aint gonna post them for you sir

(04:53:29) <@soprano> 2:17] <@Burito> Vaas suffered but is still alive.
(04:53:29) <@soprano> [07:12:17] <@Burito> You killed 2 of his guards!
(04:53:29) <@soprano> [07:12:17] <@Burito> Your enemy did not try to strike back.
(04:53:40) <@Frida`nothere> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(04:53:42) <@Frida`nothere> :D
(04:53:44) <@Kral> im gonna be mad
(04:53:47) <@Kral> :D
(04:53:49) <@soprano> me too
(05:07:44) <@soprano> [07:26:32] <@Mariola> Vaas suffered but is still alive.
(05:07:44) <@soprano> [07:26:32] <@Mariola> You killed 2 of his guards!
(05:07:44) <@soprano> [07:26:32] <@Mariola> Your enemy did not try to strike back.
(05:07:46) <@soprano> LOL
(05:07:46) <@soprano> :D
(05:07:48) <@soprano> 5 shoot
(05:07:49) <@soprano> :D
(05:09:11) <@Kral> -,-
(05:18:09) <@soprano> You duck behind the wall of a nearby garage as Vaas pulls a Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum out and whirls around and pulls the trigger...
(05:18:09) <@soprano> Vaas suffered but is still alive.
(05:18:09) <@soprano> You killed 3 of his guards!
(05:18:17) <@Frida`nothere> omg
(05:18:21) <@soprano> 6 shoot
(05:18:21) <@soprano> :D