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18-01 Doping in Omerta?!
Author: sbanks
Last updated: 4445d 13h 29m 2s ago by sbanks
Comments: 264
Views: 119,231
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 3.52
Involved families: Lucchese, Righelli
Bugs Bugs Bugs?!

We just saw a few akills, which downed Righelli & Lucchese. So OBN started investigating what happened, speaking with some people to find out exactly what happpened.

A Top from a an unnamed family told OBN that he abused several bugs in Omerta. He only told Beyond about 2 in specific, but there are way and way more he told us. But these are the most used.

1. Bloodbank bug → When you have for example 99% health and you would go to the bloodbank and add the following DOM value in the input field "100e-2" you would end up with 199% health!

Here we have to ask, how long is this going on? Are there more families who knew about this? And what if they had all their members at 199% health, they just wouldn't be able to be brought down. I think of yesterdays war where tops of the attacking families state that Righelli highranks for example just didn't die. Same goes for countering families that said it was impossible to kill Messina accounts, while Messina was an agressor in the war, thus needing to have attack BG setups.

We have no proof here, but these are our first thoughts of course. We are not pointing any fingers!

2. Hitlist bug → So you want to hitlist a person but you don't have the required money? Another simple solution! If you would fill out "100e+6" in the input field you would hitlist a person for $100 million omerta dollars and it would only cost you $100 omerta dollars. Sounds like a fair deal to me!

We saw a lot of Messina people who got hitlisted a few days ago, and i think opponents of Messina may have used this bug to hitlist them.

Update: Some reporters saw, especially this version, rather weird bumps of money ingame. It was suddenly way higher than it ever was. An abuser explained to us how they did this.

They looked for a target, when they found him, they put this person on the hitlist and shot inmediatly. → free money!

Update²: If this is possible in the input fields at the Hitlist and the Bloodbank. Is it also possible to fill these codes in at all other input fields? If this is true it would mean that every aspect with an input field of the game could be abused by this bug. SH Time, Bullets used to shoot, Gambling, EVERYTHING.

We recieve images and logs from everyone that the bugs are also used to get extra RP and more bullets from the local factory then allowed.

A anonymous person showed me he bought 1337 units of beer as swindler and gained about 30% rank progess!

Another showed an image where he bought 10.000 bullets from the local factory. →

Should we start doubting at omerta and the "winners" of omerta the last few versions?

Lance Armstrong came clean yesterday, he told Oprah he used forbidden substitutes to perfom better and win the Tour de France. Did certain families also used these "methodes/substitutes" to win a version? or came out as winner in certain wars?
/q sbanks |
War started on: 14:49:02 18-01-2013 War ended on: 15:01:00 18-01-2013
Bullet difference: -1,481,519 War duration: 11m
Money difference: -$1,065,804,084 Players died: 19

Dead Families:
[Lucchese] Family down on 14:56 18-01
[Righelli] Family down on 14:51 18-01
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Lucchese | swin: 3 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 19
Righelli | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 34
Total | swin: 3 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 53

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Anonymous (23:10:33 - 18-01)
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Anonymous at 22:49:23 on 18/01:
Anonymous at 22:35:24 on 18/01:
I actually know a lot more people that have used this bug and even more than just this bug. The admins have found a bug and they even fail to fix it right now.. You can still use the bug as we speak. Also I know that there's people exploiting other bugs that make them quite some money.

The admins caught a couple of cheaters and they act like they've caught the bug abusers... the sad realitiy is, these guys were just one of many many more. I know the people that use some bugs and I dare to say there's quite some high ranked members of several families using the bugs.

good thing your keeping your mouth shut and letting them continue, smartass ;)

I'm keeping my mouth shut because I don't get paid to fix their problems. I'd recode their stuff if they'd pay me enough to do so.

You call me a smartass but I have reported A LOT of bugs in the history of omerta, most of the times you get some incompetent #help crewmember that only tells you to send an e-mail, when you sent an e-mail you notice the bug is still there a month later or the bug has been patched in a way it leaves new bugs exposed. When you offer your help, they get all arrogant saying they have their own coders that can handle the situation, believe me I've been there before.

Next to that, if I tell them all ins and outs about this whole deal, they'll akill some people, do some weak patching on their codes and act as if they are the big hero's while half of the bugs will still remain there. They can't even fix known bugs (that were reported, not found by themselfs), let alone find bugs by themselfs.

You know why they can't? First of all their coders are not working enough on improving their own code, they're too busy with new projects. Second of all their coders are not the best coders around, I don't think omerta has the financial capability to get better coders.
Anonymous (23:01:41 - 18-01)
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(was I too cynical there?)
Anonymous (23:01:25 - 18-01)
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Anonymous at 22:49:23 on 18/01:
Anonymous at 22:35:24 on 18/01:
I actually know a lot more people that have used this bug and even more than just this bug. The admins have found a bug and they even fail to fix it right now.. You can still use the bug as we speak. Also I know that there's people exploiting other bugs that make them quite some money.

The admins caught a couple of cheaters and they act like they've caught the bug abusers... the sad realitiy is, these guys were just one of many many more. I know the people that use some bugs and I dare to say there's quite some high ranked members of several families using the bugs.

good thing your keeping your mouth shut and letting them continue, smartass ;)
I don't see admins acting like they've caught ALL bug abusers anywhere. And it's thoroughly possible to report what you know to admins as well, including names of those high ranked members of several fams, and including details of the several bugs. It would maybe harsh for your current `friends', but in the long run it might even help a game that's dying anyway for a little while.
Anonymous (22:49:23 - 18-01)
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Anonymous at 22:35:24 on 18/01:
I actually know a lot more people that have used this bug and even more than just this bug. The admins have found a bug and they even fail to fix it right now.. You can still use the bug as we speak. Also I know that there's people exploiting other bugs that make them quite some money.

The admins caught a couple of cheaters and they act like they've caught the bug abusers... the sad realitiy is, these guys were just one of many many more. I know the people that use some bugs and I dare to say there's quite some high ranked members of several families using the bugs.

good thing your keeping your mouth shut and letting them continue, smartass ;)
Anonymous (22:35:24 - 18-01)
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I actually know a lot more people that have used this bug and even more than just this bug. The admins have found a bug and they even fail to fix it right now.. You can still use the bug as we speak. Also I know that there's people exploiting other bugs that make them quite some money.

The admins caught a couple of cheaters and they act like they've caught the bug abusers... the sad realitiy is, these guys were just one of many many more. I know the people that use some bugs and I dare to say there's quite some high ranked members of several families using the bugs.

Anonymous (22:04:11 - 18-01)
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and about the Bramblerose's "On The Pillory" topic...

they should write a proper code for the game instead of writing child stories :')
sensje Netherlands (22:01:48 - 18-01)
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Ghandhi at 21:36:10 on 18/01:
Moral question; who to blame? Admins or the cheaters?

Gratz to the cheaters, and im not being sarcastic now, you have just taking the level of cheating in this game to its highest point, and very clever too aswell. Its quite the basic sql injection. What i was wondering is for long you have used it though?
I guess there is a lot of ethical and moral issues involving within many players;
- was it good to use and justify it by others also using it? as those tops of the Akilled fams atm are doing. Or should you always be an honest player even though there are many cheating fams?
I think its quite a debatable issue which would consume alot time and energy.
Few point to consider is A the akilled fams are in a big fam with many if not all their bloods in top 10 which makes them the strongest in the game, so why have even more advantage by cheating?
Now yes they were VERY wrong in doing this, and mind you i have no affiliation with those fams.
But my real question is how this was even possible? it shouldnt really,not when you have the right means and finances to have a state of the art MMROPG site.
so admins Dont you have enough money given by the players to hire a decent team of software devs to close all those loopholes? its pretty redicouls that such a simple use of hacking is possible by a game which makes by now many millions a year. Or did you think it was not needed and you could just indulge into your profits and see how the game carries on?

Lastly there is too many problems with regards to omerta atm i.e KA and the biggest being the BUGS. I would say yes do give a reset as the action of those akilled fams has had huge impact on the whole game from the beginning. But for the reset after it I personally would like to see some big changes, your biggest problem atm is that this whole game is based on browsing a website which is linked to your server, and you will always have a loophole no matter how many times you close the last one. So maybe you need a new platform, which obviously is gonna be such a huge change that it will have negative impact thus you will lose your money and the game will be dead which it should be by now!
So instead maybe you should hire someone who is excellent in programming and can do cracking/hacking and find loopholes and close them as his job?

In anycase I know none of what i said will never happend and this game will stay the same, alot of ppl will cheat some wont, so maybe we should all cheat if we are just wasting money we might aswell have some fun with it, right? Or should we be honest players and abide the rules set by the admins, whom are making no progress in the game?
Is it correct to say that we are after all playing a mafia game, so cheating is being a wiseguy?
Who will be best cheator, the ones that will never be caught?
New era of cheating has begun, and perhaps this is all the real fun left to the game now!

Anonymous (21:54:45 - 18-01)
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Pritalex at 16:53:24 on 18/01:
Mikee at 16:49:34 on 18/01:
Anonymous at 16:44:52 on 18/01:
Deston at 16:38:45 on 18/01:
Smul at 16:20:10 on 18/01:
Changa at 16:17:27 on 18/01:
Arcanine at 16:16:45 on 18/01:
Changa at 16:12:41 on 18/01:
Check Furyan ingame, was that possible?

Look at the times he got shot...

It's perfectly possible if you train defensive.

People who get shot 3x 60k within 20 mins or so would be suspicious

Yeah, right.

I have to agree with Arcanine here, the gaps are constantly 30 mins or more, and never more than 2 shots every 45 mins (bloodbuying). It's very well possible to survive like this in this KA if you have full def BG setup.
In fact I care to argue otherwise Changa. Everyone shot at such time intervals that does not manage to survive is a bad player. There's nothing wrong with being a bad player, most people here make the silliest mistakes that get them killed or simply never bothered to learn how to play. Nevertheless I would relish the opportunity of getting shot so much at such a slow pace, and making people waste all their bullets.

In full def bg setup two bgs get killed, right? How does one retrain two bodyguard fully to def setup within just 15 minutes? There really isn't much more time between 20:57:25 and 21:12:48?

(It may well be the case that the attackers totally faild, as Furyan claims - not guilty until proven otherwise)
lol noob, 4.5 bg's is still safe 9 out of 10 times
Its also possible to buy bg's from obay

Or the second killer didnt shoot enough bullets
Athenamoia Jamaica (21:47:38 - 18-01)
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Mikee at 21:39:17 on 18/01:
Mikee at 21:38:54 on 18/01:
i've got a gingerbug
my hair turned orange
true story

pubic hair also ? :<
Carpe (21:44:31 - 18-01)
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Joga Bonito pls :)
Mikee Netherlands (21:39:17 - 18-01)
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Mikee at 21:38:54 on 18/01:
i've got a gingerbug
my hair turned orange
true story
Anonymous (21:38:59 - 18-01)
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oh and btw, I believe Lackeys' main purpose was fighting scripts, quell cheating and such

I cant say anything else but only use this -> :''')
Mikee Netherlands (21:38:54 - 18-01)
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i've got a gingerbug
my hair turned orange
Ghandhi (21:36:10 - 18-01)
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Moral question; who to blame? Admins or the cheaters?

Gratz to the cheaters, and im not being sarcastic now, you have just taking the level of cheating in this game to its highest point, and very clever too aswell. Its quite the basic sql injection. What i was wondering is for long you have used it though?
I guess there is a lot of ethical and moral issues involving within many players;
- was it good to use and justify it by others also using it? as those tops of the Akilled fams atm are doing. Or should you always be an honest player even though there are many cheating fams?
I think its quite a debatable issue which would consume alot time and energy.
Few point to consider is A the akilled fams are in a big fam with many if not all their bloods in top 10 which makes them the strongest in the game, so why have even more advantage by cheating?
Now yes they were VERY wrong in doing this, and mind you i have no affiliation with those fams.
But my real question is how this was even possible? it shouldnt really,not when you have the right means and finances to have a state of the art MMROPG site.
so admins Dont you have enough money given by the players to hire a decent team of software devs to close all those loopholes? its pretty redicouls that such a simple use of hacking is possible by a game which makes by now many millions a year. Or did you think it was not needed and you could just indulge into your profits and see how the game carries on?

Lastly there is too many problems with regards to omerta atm i.e KA and the biggest being the BUGS. I would say yes do give a reset as the action of those akilled fams has had huge impact on the whole game from the beginning. But for the reset after it I personally would like to see some big changes, your biggest problem atm is that this whole game is based on browsing a website which is linked to your server, and you will always have a loophole no matter how many times you close the last one. So maybe you need a new platform, which obviously is gonna be such a huge change that it will have negative impact thus you will lose your money and the game will be dead which it should be by now!
So instead maybe you should hire someone who is excellent in programming and can do cracking/hacking and find loopholes and close them as his job?

In anycase I know none of what i said will never happend and this game will stay the same, alot of ppl will cheat some wont, so maybe we should all cheat if we are just wasting money we might aswell have some fun with it, right? Or should we be honest players and abide the rules set by the admins, whom are making no progress in the game?
Is it correct to say that we are after all playing a mafia game, so cheating is being a wiseguy?
Who will be best cheator, the ones that will never be caught?
New era of cheating has begun, and perhaps this is all the real fun left to the game now!

Redspeert Syrian Arab Republic (21:23:29 - 18-01)
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Arcanine at 21:03:40 on 18/01:
Redspeert at 21:00:37 on 18/01:
The bug works for everything that has an input field. Seen pics and logs of ppl using it on other versions, buying alot more than 1k at LBF and also buying rather large amount of booze/narck wich gives alot of cash and alot of rp.

Is this shit even fixed at all?

The screenshot by Slau looks to be taken place after the bust...

Guess it will take them a couple of versions to fix it, like the other bugs that have been busted an still worked for months after the "bust".
Anonymous (21:17:43 - 18-01)
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Fuckin cheaters :@
Good (21:10:08 - 18-01)
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At least they proved once again how stupid developers can be...
nope (21:07:27 - 18-01)
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shell at 19:53:44 on 18/01:
My last post under this topic

I will start wit my family RIGHELLI ( yes i am very proud of that )

Yes, we had 4 people who abused bugs amongst 145. Yes some were tops amongst 10 tops and no our love for them didn't decrease beacuse of this. Cheating, bugs have always been part of the game sşnce omerta was first launched. Obay, blood, garage, poker, casinos, pillory etc... Don't hate the players for using them, cheating is part of life in many ways, it sometimes getting infront of the line on ticket box. But blame it on incapable crew for letting people constantly cheating. Akill are right for sure, but i don't give a damn to them. It doesnt change the value of ppl in my eyes.

Those who pretend as bug abusing happens or the first time on omerta, although their members have been doing this for versions re just hypocrites. I don't see any family around which is whiter than white.

Righelli will always be righelli, this won't change anything for me as the rest of righelli people think alike. Those who vommits their hate in our pms with fake nicks on irc, and those who re from one certain family, dont blame us for your failure and dont pretend as big boy after blooding more than half omerta.

Anyway, don't reset the game, first figure out the other bugs cause there are some other families to akill:)

Ps: for those who blame 2 families for everything, bugs weren't figured out by those people, they just paid to get info about it. Like i said before after scripts this is new way of making rl cash for some people. Last version i was offered by a guy whose nick starts by P and ends with M, to buy ometa cash in exchange of rl cash and many big families from last version bought cash from him.

LOL, do you have any dignity? So you know that your friends do things which are illegal, and you don't stop them or try to help them to solve their problems? Just because you wanna win and you just close your eyes for it? If those 4 beat their wifes, you would close your eyes as well, since they ain't beating you and perhaps their wifes 'deserved it''? Lol, closing your eyes for things that happen is perhaps worse then the ppl who did it. And don't start mentioning 'it's just a game', since it's all about an attitude and how you think only about yourself and your own greeves. Just blaming others for your own lack of balls to tell the the truth.

Again, same as for Aart, you are just pathetic and i hope righelli will disappear for ever, just to show some respect to players who played fair!!!!
Anonymous (21:06:49 - 18-01)
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So this bug is still working? LOL when they fix it there is going to be a massive reset on all versions :')
Arcanine Netherlands (21:03:40 - 18-01)
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Redspeert at 21:00:37 on 18/01:
The bug works for everything that has an input field. Seen pics and logs of ppl using it on other versions, buying alot more than 1k at LBF and also buying rather large amount of booze/narck wich gives alot of cash and alot of rp.

Is this shit even fixed at all?

The screenshot by Slau looks to be taken place after the bust...