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FlowzZ (09:38:47 - 01-01) (+5/5) Link
[10:38:04] <~FlowzZ> SlowzZ
[10:38:04] <~FlowzZ> SlowzZ
[10:38:05] <~FlowzZ> SlowzZ
[10:38:05] <~FlowzZ> SlowzZ
[10:38:11] <~SlowzZ> FlowzZ
[10:38:11] <~SlowzZ> FlowzZ
[10:38:12] <~SlowzZ> FlowzZ
[10:38:12] <~SlowzZ> FlowzZ
[10:38:13] <~SlowzZ> FlowzZ
[10:38:18] <~FlowzZ> Money Made From Mega OC: 2,762,916
[10:38:18] <~FlowzZ> Money Made From Mega OC: 2,762,916
[10:38:19] <~FlowzZ> Money Made From Mega OC: 2,762,916
[10:38:19] <~FlowzZ> Money Made From Mega OC: 2,762,916
Amproof (23:43:31 - 05-01) (+6/6) Link
[18:38:41] <+Rijst> LETS COUNT BACKWARDS FROM 38472389472389467238952735
[18:39:03] * MoesLovesPervGoddessAG is now known as Boozasji
[18:39:08] <+divimus> 38472389472389467238952734
[18:39:25] <+Rosie> i have my ow challnge here
[18:39:28] <+Rosie> own challange
[18:39:31] <+Gretchen> 38472389472389467238952733
[18:39:38] <+Boozasji> challenge
[18:39:40] <+Boozasji> ;d
[18:39:42] <+divimus> lol
[18:39:45] <+Kohfi_Konnekt> 38472389472389467238952732
[18:39:47] <+Kohfi_Konnekt> 38472389472389467238952731
[18:39:49] <+Kohfi_Konnekt> 38472389472389467238952730
[18:39:52] <+Kohfi_Konnekt> 38472389472389467238952729
[18:39:53] <+Rijst> 38472389472389467238952729
[18:39:55] <+Rijst> :|
[18:39:55] <+Kohfi_Konnekt> :@
[18:39:59] <+Gretchen> 38472389472389467238952728
[18:40:08] <@Amproof|bbs> 38472389472389467238952727
[18:40:13] <+Kohfi_Konnekt> 38472389472389467238952726
[18:40:15] <@Amproof|bbs> 38472389472389467238952725
[18:40:16] <+Kohfi_Konnekt> 38472389472389467238952724
[18:40:16] <+Rijst> in 5 versions people will ask
[18:40:18] <+Gretchen> 38472389472389467238952723
[18:40:21] <@Amproof|bbs> 38472389472389467238952722
[18:40:22] <+Kohfi_Konnekt> 38472389472389467238952721
[18:40:28] <+Rijst> what is the story behind this countinggame?
[18:40:35] <+Gretchen> 38472389472389467238952720
[18:40:36] <+Kohfi_Konnekt> 38472389472389467238952720
[18:40:39] <+Kohfi_Konnekt> 38472389472389467238952719
[18:40:42] <+Kohfi_Konnekt> 38472389472389467238952718
[18:40:45] <+Kohfi_Konnekt> Aye
[18:40:47] <+Kohfi_Konnekt> they will
[18:40:55] <@Danny> no they wont
<Danny> the killjoy! :P
Kohfi_Konnekt (16:44:19 - 07-01) (+2/2) Link
[17:40:51] <07~Kohfi_Konnekt> I heard Yoda[NinJaVikInG]^Thief3 can suck some serious cock
[17:41:27] <04@Merki> :O
[17:41:29] <04@Merki> who said it
<Seems> Merki is quite jealous
sensje (18:01:23 - 17-01) (0/2) Link
* walt slaps Qto around a bit with a large trout
<walt> :O
<mrNobody> .afk
<Qto> it aint me :x
<Qto> blame *****
<walt> ahah :D
<Sensje> sorry walt
<walt> np at all
sensje (15:32:38 - 23-01) (0/2) Link
<Dos> so what color is lucchese?
<manager> Lucchese is black/orange
<manager> Like the dutch national footbal team
<Sensje> lol like blackram in a orange shirt
Kohfi_Konnekt (19:09:31 - 05-03) (0/2) Link
[20:04:52] <@Foolmoon`around> we established thaat since ever
[20:04:55] <@Foolmoon`around> so its blah
[20:05:00] <+Electrician> o/
[20:05:03] <+Rijst> look at you Foolmoon`around
[20:05:07] <+Rijst> using words like that
[20:05:07] <@Foolmoon`around> blah
[20:05:15] <@Foolmoon`around> bllaaaahhh
[20:05:18] <@Foolmoon`around> hablaahaha
[20:05:18] <+Rijst> established
[20:05:18] <+Kohfi_Konnekt> goat
[20:05:19] <@Foolmoon`around> xD
[20:05:21] <+Rijst> my my
[20:05:24] <+Rijst> fancypants
[20:05:25] <+Kohfi_Konnekt> :'D
[20:05:32] <+Kohfi_Konnekt> Tears in my eyes
[20:05:46] <@Foolmoon`around> ah
[20:05:47] <@Foolmoon`around> blah
[20:05:53] * Rijst was kicked by Foolmoon`around (TraScript 1.0.2)
MrTwister (21:29:37 - 06-03) (0/4) Link
[22:23:09] <+Zazamouk> !give Rijst 10m
[22:23:09] <+Electrician> !sex Lidia|around
[22:23:10] <~m-bot> Error - You don't have enough money!
Fenrir (16:23:48 - 08-03) (+2/4) Link
[17:05:51] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Boomyar
[17:05:54] <@Boomyar> heist/oc any?
[17:13:24] <@Boomyar> faen at æ heite hest
[17:13:27] <@Boomyar> folk trur æ sir heist
[17:13:30] <@Boomyar> når æ sir nicket når æ ska gjøre oc
[17:13:32] <@Boomyar> FETTE irriteranes
[17:13:35] <@Boomyar> hver gang e det en tyrker
[17:13:39] <@Boomyar> som ikke e god i hauet
[17:17:47] * @Boomyar ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: )
Amproof (23:48:42 - 16-03) (+2/2) Link
[19:48:18] <+Infinity> so.. is patient ever going to get out of SH?
[19:48:26] <~OffSoph> He's quite patient Infinity
[19:48:27] <@Danny> be patient
Amproof (23:50:45 - 16-03) (+3/3) Link
[19:04:12] <@MMFreak> should be another hour minimal guys so hold on tight go eat piss , make coffee , screw the wife coz she will be alone in bed tonight ;)
Amproof (23:51:18 - 16-03) (+3/3) Link
[14:58:10] <+Seriouslybored> I have my homeboy captain with me tonight
[14:59:37] <+Johnx|hangover> good old morgan
[14:59:42] <+Seriouslybored> yeah
[14:59:50] <+Johnx|hangover> some of the best company a man can get
[15:00:23] <+Johnx|hangover> except i don't use him anymore, got enough of him in the past, so i've gotten quite good friends with mr. Daniels
[15:10:45] <+Seriouslybored> haha
[15:10:53] <+Seriouslybored> yeah u gotta love him
[15:10:54] <+Seriouslybored> :P
[15:10:58] <@MMFreak> good old mr coffee here ;)
bogeyman (23:19:35 - 18-03) (-3/3) Link
<Bojinov> was at home taking a little nap as you pulled up outside their house...
<You> kick a table over and keep your head down below it as Bojinov pulls out a Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum and pulls the trigger...
<You> missed Bojinov completely.
<Your> enemy did not try to strike back.
<Korkak> tavuklar :D:D:D
<We> will contioune to shooout from empty :D:D:D
bogeyman (23:23:49 - 18-03) (-4/4) Link
<Bojinov 18-03-2013> 23:14:04 You totally missed Bojinov , he tried to hit back but did no damage
bogeyman (23:34:47 - 18-03) (-4/4) Link
<Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:33:01
< Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:33:01
< Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:33:01
< Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:33:01
< Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:33:01
< Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:33:01
< Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:33:01
< Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:21:00
< Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:21:00
< Target> not found System System 18-Mar @ 23:21:00
<dont> afraid me boji i am only a mobster open bf i will kill you :)
bogeyman (00:21:13 - 19-03) (-5/5) Link
<Bojinov 19-03-2013> 00:20:19 You totally missed Bojinov , he tried to hit back but did no damage
<Bojinov 18-03-2013> 23:14:04 You totally missed Bojinov , he tried to hit back but did no damage
syonide (01:32:17 - 25-04) (-1/3) Link
[22:57:17] <10+Superfly> wtf is up with this rollback?
[22:57:35] <04~MrPersie|afk> dont ask 8hrs of rank wasted
[22:57:47] <10+Superfly> basterds
[22:58:02] <10+Naenia> :D ¨
[22:58:16] <10+Superfly> I had 5 busts!
[22:58:30] <10+Superfly> Gone :(
Jouri (04:59:17 - 30-04) (+1/5) Link
[02:21:45] <+t`afk> hello
[02:22:03] <+t`afk> I'm here cause i found another bug in the game
[02:22:08] <%Belleville> yes tell me
[02:22:39] <+t`afk> ok, it's a really bad one, it might take away the not so many credibility the game still has
[02:22:44] <+t`afk> so fix it asap please
[02:22:47] <+t`afk> ASAP
[02:22:51] <%Belleville> crimes
[02:22:58] <+t`afk> worse
[02:22:58] <%Belleville> heist oc thing?
[02:23:02] <+t`afk> way worse
[02:23:28] <+t`afk> Today i raced against a girl, and she wo
[02:23:37] <+t`afk> i couldn't beleive it :/
Jouri (05:03:02 - 30-04) (+11/13) Link
[02:21:45] <+t`afk> hello
[02:22:03] <+t`afk> I'm here cause i found another bug in the game
[02:22:08] <%Belleville> yes tell me
[02:22:39] <+t`afk> ok, it's a really bad one, it might take away the not so many credibility the game still has
[02:22:44] <+t`afk> so fix it asap please
[02:22:47] <+t`afk> ASAP
[02:22:51] <%Belleville> crimes
[02:22:58] <+t`afk> worse
[02:22:58] <%Belleville> heist oc thing?
[02:23:02] <+t`afk> way worse
[02:23:28] <+t`afk> Today i raced against a girl, and she won !!
[02:23:37] <+t`afk> i couldn't beleive it :/
sider (22:44:31 - 06-05) (+1/3) Link
[23:41] <Tibz`beer> sider`zZz
[23:41] <Tibz`beer> i need bd
[23:41] <Tibz`beer> sold all bullets on obay
[23:41] <Tibz`beer> i discovered poker
[23:41] <Tibz`beer> :x
[23:42] <sider`zZz> lol
syonide (01:21:10 - 08-05) (+6/6) Link
[02:18:00] <10+Superfly> I used to own a limo
[02:18:11] <10+Tboy> really
[02:18:14] <10+Tboy> in real life?
[02:18:18] <10+Superfly> But the last oc took care of that
[02:18:24] <10+Tboy> ffs..
[02:18:26] <10+Superfly> I mean irl ya
[02:18:29] <10+Superfly> ofc
[02:18:34] <10+Tboy> in the game
[02:18:36] <10+Tboy> on in real life
[02:18:38] <10+Tboy> or
[02:18:47] <10+Tboy> ?
[02:18:57] <10+Tboy> confused.com
[02:19:01] <04&Ladyi> In game Tboy
[02:19:06] <10+Superfly> I lost my irl limo during an irl OC
[02:19:17] <10+Tboy> what does IRL stand for?
[02:19:17] <04&Ladyi> Hahahahaha Superfly
[02:19:27] <04&Ladyi> In real life
[02:19:41] <10+Tboy> god, that was an idiot question wasnt it