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Founder: | 1.0, 2.0: Manta, 2.1: Tjipie, 2.2: Gudfar, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5/2.6: Pado, 2.7, 2.7b: Eztevez, 2.8: Radium, 2.8a: Eztevez, 2.9: Cerberiaan, 3.0: Donfefe |
Channel: | #Bruinsma.family |
Started: | 1.0 |
Been up in: | 1.0, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5/2.6, 2.7, 2.7b, 2.8, 2.8a, 2.9, 3.0 |
Hijacked: | No |
Alliance: | Alliance, Unity 2.1, T-V-E-E-B 2.2, PLBN 2.3, Unity 2.3, PBN 2.4 |
Sisterfam: | Caridi 2.3, Pazzesco 3.0 |

Since none of the original founders from 1.0 are around anymore, the story of 1.0, 2.0 and the start of 2.1 is based on an old log from Tjipie (who wasn't around in 1.0, but knew the players and thereby the story), I had stored on my computer. If anyone of those old members/founders should read this, feel free to correct it...

It was a selected group of friends, who had each other on msn. Back in those days, there wasn't so much control with ips, and thereby is should have been quite easy to have more accounts on 1 ip. So they had multiple accounts, which made it quite much easier to organise wars. They set their alarms, and around 10 people online was enough to shoot down their opponents since they shot with more accounts each. According to the log they should have been one of the dominating families.

In 2.0 Bruinsma was together with Gruna (later known as Messina) and Pazzesco. At the end of 2.0 they changed name to Medicci, when Jeremy took control. No history of acchievements in the log from this period.

In the beginning of 2.1, Bruinsma wasn't around, since most of the old players stopped playing. Medicci continued though. Out of Meddici (where Tjipie was capo with Thomasb under him) Pazzesco was founded by Thomasb. One of their main characters came back and got the entire family killed. Tjipie got Elgting to join and become capo in Pazzesco, which resulted in a lot of dead danes, since he got them convinced to move over with him. Tjipie felt partly responsible (since he convinced Elgting to join) and did what was in his powers to save them - and did manage to save some though, and get them in Meddic and Iccedem. Later on they founded Bruinsma, but Tjipie got killed. Some of the danes managed to survive and got Bruinsma further. Gigollo was don at that time. Later on Gudfar took over.
In the end of January Badlady, who was top, shot Gigollo over an internal discussion. It resulted in Gigollo asking a friend from Pericoloso (Disturbed) to shoot Pawer, since the top feared a suicide on Gudfar (which later on was prooved wrong), because Badlady and Pawer were close friends.
In the beginning of february 2005 Mepster shot Mrnice from Pericoloso. Pericoloso asked for 300 M in compensation. While the tops were discussing what to do (since it was alot of money for a small family without objects like Bruinsma), they decided to hire detectives on Pericoloso to be prepared in case of an attack. A leak from the top-channel (from a player, who only was in Bruinsma temporary, but had quite a few rankers there, and therefor was on the top-channel too) then resulted in Pericoloso striking first, and wiping out the entire Bruinsma family - except those players from his old family. Only 2 Bruinsma members managed to make a kill in this war. Haike survived as the only highrank simply by a lot of luck and a leak from Pericolosos warchannel, which helped him to travel away from danger. He was out of bullets, because he had been shot at 2 times, while being at a concert when the war started. He changed to Talamasca, where most of the old Bruinsmas restarted and stayed for the rest of that version.
Bruinsma had a "half" alliance with Talamasca called Unity. Everybody agreed on that it would be stupid for Talamasca to participate in the war against Pericoloso, since it would only have been a suicide.

A side note is, that Vascago was top of Pericoloso and trashed Jaketherudes rip-forum very badly after the war ;)
Add-on/correction of the 2.1-story by Gigollo:
After the fall of Pazzesco (and Hasjies was the main character back leading to a lot of turmoil), the dead Danes indeed ranked back up in Medicci, Iccidem, Elite, Meronvingians and The Saints. Wow... a lot of great old family names! :-)
Bruinsma was founded in 2.1 by Gamano money and Whodini as the first Don. The family was then filled by Danes, a handful of Gamano players, Tjipie and the Pazzesco faithful. Whodini quickly and skillfully crafted a war against Sacracorona over control of the Chicago BF, which resulted in Whodini fleeing back to Gamano, the great Oak/epicaL dead and a number of losses on the Bruinsma side. Tjipie became don then.
The peace lasted about a week when war rumors hit us and the non-Danish players in Bruinsma were blamed for their active roles in the Sacracorona shooting. I must admit we were all very naive at the time but nonetheless started emptying Bruinsma for highranks. The family was left to Gigollo (last online Chief) and we rode out a long night without any shooting.
The plan was to keep a very low profile. Drugsmug, Longshot and most importantly Gudfar helped build the family back up although Whodini kept rearing his head for either control or 200M while Sacracorona wanted revenge for Oak. In an attempt to fix both, 3 highranks and the top plotted to kill Whodini. They shot 180k at Whodini in 4 attempts before he came online and put a stop to the fun.
This failed attempt eventually led to the changes in the KA in 2.1 but not before the 4 shooters became targeted by Whodini and allies. Hvalen in particular was shot at daily but managed to survive for over a month. On December 6 2004, Whodini's Lucchese friends shot Tjipie and Gigollo. Gigollo was killed by Cokemon and not Badlady.
Drugsmug became don for a very short time before Gudfar took over and successfully led the family until the faithful evening in February when Pericoloso ended Bruinsma.
Badlady killed HolgerDanske and was indeed hunted for the rest of the version - although there was no sharing of private information or IP tracing by admins as some indicated in the thread. It is not hard to follow friends lists, start dates or IRC channels. For the record, Badlady was capo and not top.
Gudfar and Gigollo did indeed consider Pawer a threat for a hijack and arranged for Disturbed to shoot the highest ranked player in Bruinsma.
The Pericoloso war was full of leaks. Spero had ranked secretly in Bruinsma after the fall of Sacracorona and was capo at the time of the war. The Bruinsma detectives, travels and shot attempts were leaked to Loosecanon (then don of Pericoloso) and the war was short. The last survivors and the old top sold the 200-member family spot to Portucalia rather than reward Spero's treachery. Rulie was don for about an hour and was long gone before the handover to Portucalia.

In version 2.2 Bruinsma started up in Talamasca. First we helped saving up money to start Talamasca, and then later on we founded Bruinsma.
Bruinsma & Talamasca was part of an alliance with Essence, Vincitori og Escalada.

Talamasca & Vincitori was involved in a war against Medicci (before Bruinsma was founded) in Philadelphia for spots, which they won.
Before Bruinsma, Essence and Escalada was founded, Talamasca ended up in a war against Veneratio, which at that time was the strongest family in 2.2. The war started, because Veneratio was blooded with Medicci. Like some kind of miracle Talamasca managed to survived and win the war, because our bloods (The Alliance) Latobuio, Cienfuegos and Piscina jumped in and helped shooting.
After that the remaining families of the alliance was founded - and thereby also Bruinsma.
Bruinsma and the rest of the alliance was shot down by 2 alliances CCCE (Catania, Cobras, Calabrian, Elegante) and PRL (Provenzano, Righelli and Liggio). Some of the old Provenzano and Liggio tops didn't knew about this and shot at their old alliance to show their disapproval and mSsm managed to hijack Liggio.
That was the end of Bruinsma in 2.2.

Part 1 - first time, we were up.
Bruinsma started up alone first. We then later on joined Union, which was a kind of alliance made to prevent the big alliances to dominate the game from the start. The idea was, that untill all families in Union was settled, we would back each other in case of an attack. Unfortunately not everybody lived up to their promise.
Bruinsma joined PLN-alliance (Provenzano, Liggio and Navarra - with the old tops, who suicided for us).

We were involved in the first major war of the version, where PRBN and Aequitas, Aequi and Belicoso shot down the dominating families at that time (Marangello, SCU, Fatoslocos, Lucchese, Squad, Nuevitas), since we considered them a big treat, when they held all the objects. We won the war, but lost a lot of highranks in backfire, since the KA had changed a lot since 2.2, so we ended up very weak after the war. One day later, we were shot down by out own bloods Valerio and Karma together with a few other families.
Part 2 - second time, we were up.
Bruinsma restarted approximately 1½ month after our death. This time, we started up alone to begin with. After some weeks, we revived the old Unity-alliance, since most of the Talamascas had made family called Savoye. After some time, Provenzano joined, and later on again Lucchese joined, since alot of their members had ranked with us.

When our bloods Ascension got killed, Bruinsma and Provenzano talked about revenging them. It seemed like not all in our alliance agreed, so it leaked, which made PIMPS and Affinitas (the dominating alliances left in the version) attack us. Both Savoye and Lucchese joined them, which made Bruinsma retaliate only at Savoye to show our dissapointment.

Part 1 - first time, we were up.
We started up in Palermo in an alliance with Provenzano and Navarra. We were shot quite fast by the Latobuio-Piscina-Gambino and Lucchese-Squad-alliances, since we had had some disagreements with them from the previous version.

Part 2- second time, we were up.
Can't remember much about this period, since I was abroad, and didn't play. If I don't remember wrong, then we were shot down by Latobuio-Piscina-Gambino.
Part 3- third time, we were up.
Bruinsma suicided, since our bloods Medicci was attacked, and we decided to back them up. We managed to do quite some damage, both ofcourse didn't survive, since the game was almost already closed at this stage.

Bruinsma and Provenzano broke up due to some disagreements about strategies in the beginning of this version.
Part 1 - first time, we were up.
Bruinsma was shot down by the SVS-alliance over a BJ approximately 1 month after the reset.
Part 2 - second time, we were up.
Bruinsma started up once more. We builded up a very close relationship with Tempestuoso after we decided to found in Las Vegas, and they founded later on next to us. We were involved in a lot of wars this version. We took out some of the dominating alliances. First we shot Deluccio/Valahia, when they were in charge (together with Shadows and Righelli + a few others, who joined, when Deluccio attacked).
Then we shot Angora, Armonia, Atlantica, Dominica, Lioni, Paladins together with Calamari, Cambiavento, Evolution, Pavleone, Tempestuoso.
We shot Calamari/Evolution, when they were in charge (together with Nocturne and Torretta). In the end we shot at Merovingians, when they shot down Tempestuoso - unfortunately a lot of their bloods backed them, so we went down.

We were only up once in this version. We founded in Baltimore, where all of our bloods were - except for Curse.
We shot down Consiglio/Ilteber/Larochela in a very clean war, since they were a treat to our bloods Curse.
Later on, a lot of families (incl. Curse) attacked our bloods in Baltimore. We were spared since our bloods Curse tried to save our life. But we couldn't just let all of our blood die, so we decided to join the war on the defending families side. We charged at Sigma (Conflict in this version), since we kinda blamed ourselves, that they were able to shoot. Prior in the version, they had got very weakened, and was an easy target, but we had talked our bloods in Baltimore away from shooting them, since they were bloods of Curse, and Curse could ensure us, they wouldn't shoot. When they now did so, we saw no other option than to try to get them down - which ofcourse meant the end for us.

Once more we were back. We weren't making much of a name of ourselves in this version, since we died quite quick. Tempstuoso heard rumours about an attack of Conflict, so they decided to strike first. Bruinsma and Vicaria decided to back up Tempestuoso, and we managed to get Conflict and Coccada down. Righelli finished us off the day after.

Part 1 - first time, we were up.
First time we went up this version, we went up in New York. We went down after around a month into the game in a war against Affinitas, in wich we participarted along with all our bloods.
Part 2 - second time, we were up.
We went up second time that version and went down along with Vicaria and Notte in a war against the CUPP alliance. We had heard rumours that CUPP would attack us, and had dets running on them as well. The second Bruinsma don clicked the shoot button.
We got up a third time, though it was almost at reset, and we were only up for around 1 hour or 2.

This version we were up only one time, and got went down after a suicide mission on Coccada. A brug of ours had suicided on the GF of O.F.C, and they wanted a sick compensation. We had earlier had talks with one of our bloods to revenge a mutual bloods death, but the family withdraw from retaliating and we figured we might just as well use this shitty situation to do something before getting screwed ourselves. We attacked Coccada wh
Founded by Eztevez (I think)

This version we didn't get up untill a few months into the game. Once we got up in Philly, we were shooting in a war with most of our bloods. Targets were Letalis and Kushimato. We succeded killing them. A few days later Favians shot our bloods Ferocitas and Notte, we didn't hesitate to arrange retaliation along with Krays, Marazzino, Uncensored and some other fams. We went down and didn't get up again that version.
Founded by Cerberiaan.

We will always be around ;)
Jaketherude (version 1.0 - 2.71) & Stodderkonge (version 2.8 - 2.9) on behalf of the Bruinsma family.
Involved wars
Anonymous at 01:32:22 on 09/07:
Not sure if you can call it hijacked but for certain the had a don which was loyal to another family in a certain war ;) (which was shooting on bruinsma at that time) , damn those ware good days.Im not going to give names but belive me that the bruinsma family has been lead by a don which had shot the preceder don and was helping another family :D
Anonymous at 22:42:16 on 02/07:
Hijacked: Yes - instead of No!
Hijacked: Yes - instead of No!
Not sure if you can call it hijacked but for certain the had a don which was loyal to another family in a certain war ;) (which was shooting on bruinsma at that time) , damn those ware good days.Im not going to give names but belive me that the bruinsma family has been lead by a don which had shot the preceder don and was helping another family :D
Wrong. The Bruinsma familys last successor was a player who helped the attacking family, but there was no other successor options, hence it wasn't a hijack - nobody shot they don and took over the family. :)
Anonymous (01:32:22 - 09-07)
Anonymous at 22:42:16 on 02/07:
Hijacked: Yes - instead of No!
Hijacked: Yes - instead of No!
Not sure if you can call it hijacked but for certain the had a don which was loyal to another family in a certain war ;) (which was shooting on bruinsma at that time) , damn those ware good days.Im not going to give names but belive me that the bruinsma family has been lead by a don which had shot the preceder don and was helping another family :D
Sexyass (00:13:26 - 13-06)
Good fam, nice ppl :^ and most important ..... my ..... Badass is there :^
Thebutcher (15:03:30 - 28-03)
Screenshot of ingame stats page from 1.0 if you click on that link in the topic. and look at last 10 new users. then my ingame of that time stay there. doncorleone. i played for a while. now we are 9 years later. and i still play it with a few brakes. hahaha nice to see it.
sorry i diddnt see that i post that anonymous
sorry i diddnt see that i post that anonymous
Anonymous (15:02:50 - 28-03)
Screenshot of ingame stats page from 1.0 if you click on that link in the topic. and look at last 10 new users. then my ingame of that time stay there. doncorleone. i played for a while. now we are 9 years later. and i still play it with a few brakes. hahaha nice to see it.