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18-01 Doping in Omerta?!
Author: sbanks
Last updated: 4450d 23h 32m 30s ago by sbanks
Comments: 264
Views: 119,544
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Version: 3.52
Involved families: Lucchese, Righelli
Bugs Bugs Bugs?!

We just saw a few akills, which downed Righelli & Lucchese. So OBN started investigating what happened, speaking with some people to find out exactly what happpened.

A Top from a an unnamed family told OBN that he abused several bugs in Omerta. He only told Beyond about 2 in specific, but there are way and way more he told us. But these are the most used.

1. Bloodbank bug → When you have for example 99% health and you would go to the bloodbank and add the following DOM value in the input field "100e-2" you would end up with 199% health!

Here we have to ask, how long is this going on? Are there more families who knew about this? And what if they had all their members at 199% health, they just wouldn't be able to be brought down. I think of yesterdays war where tops of the attacking families state that Righelli highranks for example just didn't die. Same goes for countering families that said it was impossible to kill Messina accounts, while Messina was an agressor in the war, thus needing to have attack BG setups.

We have no proof here, but these are our first thoughts of course. We are not pointing any fingers!

2. Hitlist bug → So you want to hitlist a person but you don't have the required money? Another simple solution! If you would fill out "100e+6" in the input field you would hitlist a person for $100 million omerta dollars and it would only cost you $100 omerta dollars. Sounds like a fair deal to me!

We saw a lot of Messina people who got hitlisted a few days ago, and i think opponents of Messina may have used this bug to hitlist them.

Update: Some reporters saw, especially this version, rather weird bumps of money ingame. It was suddenly way higher than it ever was. An abuser explained to us how they did this.

They looked for a target, when they found him, they put this person on the hitlist and shot inmediatly. → free money!

Update²: If this is possible in the input fields at the Hitlist and the Bloodbank. Is it also possible to fill these codes in at all other input fields? If this is true it would mean that every aspect with an input field of the game could be abused by this bug. SH Time, Bullets used to shoot, Gambling, EVERYTHING.

We recieve images and logs from everyone that the bugs are also used to get extra RP and more bullets from the local factory then allowed.

A anonymous person showed me he bought 1337 units of beer as swindler and gained about 30% rank progess!

Another showed an image where he bought 10.000 bullets from the local factory. → http://i46.tinypic.com/2d7wqix.png

Should we start doubting at omerta and the "winners" of omerta the last few versions?

Lance Armstrong came clean yesterday, he told Oprah he used forbidden substitutes to perfom better and win the Tour de France. Did certain families also used these "methodes/substitutes" to win a version? or came out as winner in certain wars?
/q sbanks | #beyond.info
War started on: 14:49:02 18-01-2013 War ended on: 15:01:00 18-01-2013
Bullet difference: -1,481,519 War duration: 11m
Money difference: -$1,065,804,084 Players died: 19

Dead Families:
[Lucchese] Family down on 14:56 18-01
[Righelli] Family down on 14:51 18-01
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Lucchese | swin: 3 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 19
Righelli | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 34
Total | swin: 3 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 53

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Anonymous (15:33:47 - 18-01)
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Scarface at 15:26:50 on 18/01:
why blame messina you bunch of morons

I believe he was giving an example and wrote what he heard ...
Veronica Norway (15:33:37 - 18-01)
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Smul at 15:29:46 on 18/01:
Veronica at 15:25:31 on 18/01:
sbanks at 15:23:25 on 18/01:
PannaJunk at 15:21:47 on 18/01:
We saw a lot of Messina got hitlisted a few days ago, and i think this also went this way.

Explain yourself please ? You think we did it to ourself ? And liked it to be shot alot of times ?

i think someone hitlisted Messina by using that bug, an opponent

i dont think so tbh.

" In the early morning hours, Latigo's Don Sa gets hitlisted by a member of the downed Ataraxia, Raymonde, for a billion dollars. "

thats from an article last version. this version the hitlister was aswell a ataraxia :)

It's rather easily proven if that's bug abuse or legit. If you know the exact time all those peeps were hitlisted, and then crossreference it with the OBN DB (or logs from #Beyond.info from that time). If the amount of money reduced from the game isn't nearly as much as all the hitlistings combined = abuse.

according his profile he emptied like 6-9 blackjacks.
so iguess another bug.

Anonymous (15:33:21 - 18-01)
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Let me tell you something...it is a well known fact that Messina was abusing this bloodbank bug...ask an top who has alot of connections with fams and you will get it confirmed... so cut the crap Pannajunk
PannaJunk Tokelau (15:32:59 - 18-01)
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Well Smul you yourself also never died in the big DIG IT versions, what about that ?
Stop (15:31:40 - 18-01)
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Immediately a reset with all bug's fixed , bring back old omerta with cd's on it !!!!!
bill (15:31:09 - 18-01)
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Veronica at 15:25:31 on 18/01:
sbanks at 15:23:25 on 18/01:
PannaJunk at 15:21:47 on 18/01:
We saw a lot of Messina got hitlisted a few days ago, and i think this also went this way.

Explain yourself please ? You think we did it to ourself ? And liked it to be shot alot of times ?

i think someone hitlisted Messina by using that bug, an opponent

i dont think so tbh.

" In the early morning hours, Latigo's Don Sa gets hitlisted by a member of the downed Ataraxia, Raymonde, for a billion dollars. "

thats from an article last version. this version the hitlister was aswell a ataraxia :)
i remember a version when messina went down, their players hitlisted all turkuz members by abusing bugs :D
Smul Netherlands (15:29:46 - 18-01)
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Veronica at 15:25:31 on 18/01:
sbanks at 15:23:25 on 18/01:
PannaJunk at 15:21:47 on 18/01:
We saw a lot of Messina got hitlisted a few days ago, and i think this also went this way.

Explain yourself please ? You think we did it to ourself ? And liked it to be shot alot of times ?

i think someone hitlisted Messina by using that bug, an opponent

i dont think so tbh.

" In the early morning hours, Latigo's Don Sa gets hitlisted by a member of the downed Ataraxia, Raymonde, for a billion dollars. "

thats from an article last version. this version the hitlister was aswell a ataraxia :)

It's rather easily proven if that's bug abuse or legit. If you know the exact time all those peeps were hitlisted, and then crossreference it with the OBN DB (or logs from #Beyond.info from that time). If the amount of money reduced from the game isn't nearly as much as all the hitlistings combined = abuse.
Anonymous (15:29:44 - 18-01)
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Arcanine at 15:27:15 on 18/01:
What do these codes mean anyway?

It makes no sense that there is some kind of magic code like 100e-2 that gives you stuff.

Developer gone rogue?

Its just standard math. It's the short way to put a big number. E-2 means you gotta add 2x 0 behind the number
so 100 e-6= 100.000.000
Stop (15:28:53 - 18-01)
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Anonymous (15:28:26 - 18-01)
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LOL italian used this bloodbank buf for sure
PannaJunk Tokelau (15:28:17 - 18-01)
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Ive been in safehouse for 3 hours because there was no money for new health i was 7% after hal shot me you can ask her. Dont point fingers without proof dude.
Soph Netherlands (15:28:14 - 18-01)
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Good article sbanks, thanks for the information.
Arcanine Netherlands (15:27:15 - 18-01)
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What do these codes mean anyway?

It makes no sense that there is some kind of magic code like 100e-2 that gives you stuff.

Developer gone rogue?
Scarface Canada (15:26:50 - 18-01)
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why blame messina you bunch of morons
Veronica Norway (15:25:31 - 18-01)
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sbanks at 15:23:25 on 18/01:
PannaJunk at 15:21:47 on 18/01:
We saw a lot of Messina got hitlisted a few days ago, and i think this also went this way.

Explain yourself please ? You think we did it to ourself ? And liked it to be shot alot of times ?

i think someone hitlisted Messina by using that bug, an opponent

i dont think so tbh.

" In the early morning hours, Latigo's Don Sa gets hitlisted by a member of the downed Ataraxia, Raymonde, for a billion dollars. "

thats from an article last version. this version the hitlister was aswell a ataraxia :)
PannaJunk Tokelau (15:25:16 - 18-01)
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Fair enough sBanks what about this part ?

'Here i ask myself, how long is this going on? Are there more families who knew about this? and what if they had their members all had 199% health and just didn't go down. I think of yesterdays war where tops of the attacking family state that Messina for example just didn't die.'
pluisjee Netherlands (15:25:13 - 18-01)
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Sounds legit!
Anonymous (15:24:37 - 18-01)
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PannaJunk at 15:21:47 on 18/01:
We saw a lot of Messina got hitlisted a few days ago, and i think this also went this way.

Explain yourself please ? You think we did it to ourself ? And liked it to be shot alot of times ?
Calm your horses Panna i think what sbanks means is somebody else hitlisted you with that bug abuse thingy
Anonymous (15:24:30 - 18-01)
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Well, it doesn't work on objects lol
Smul Netherlands (15:24:27 - 18-01)
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PannaJunk at 15:21:47 on 18/01:
We saw a lot of Messina got hitlisted a few days ago, and i think this also went this way.

Explain yourself please ? You think we did it to ourself ? And liked it to be shot alot of times ?

He means that you were hitlisted in this fashion. Sbanks' English is horrible. :(