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20-05 Mayday?
Author: sbanks
Last updated: 4668d 0h 45m 50s ago by Hyobanshi
Comments: 159
Views: 75,068
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Version: 3.4
Involved families: Affinitas, Armada, Bruinsma, Caliente, Conflict, Infezione, Lucchese, Memento, Righelli, Samagono, Sindikat, Vincitori, Adversary, Correptio, Gelibolu, Impero, Vengeance, Yalta
Alot of fams are beeing shot by what some people reffer to as the "pact". More info will be added later, when we know more.
War started on: 19:50:00 20-05-2012 War ended on: 14:34:01 21-05-2012
Bullet difference: -28,574,092 War duration: 18h 44m
Money difference: -$2,197,738,083 Players died: 259

Dead Families:
[Yalta] Family down on 11:39 21-05
[Vengeance] Family down on 11:32 21-05
[Correptio] Family down on 06:17 21-05
[Gelibolu] Family down on 01:37 21-05
[Adversary] Family down on 21:54 20-05
[Impero] Family down on 20:27 20-05
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
| swin: 2 | assa: 2 | lc: 3 | chief: 8 | brug: 6 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 169
Adversary | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 3 | brug: 6 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 107
Affinitas | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 45
Bruinsma | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 3
Conflict | swin: 1 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 3 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 60
Correptio | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 7 | brug: 26 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 462
Gelibolu | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 5 | chief: 5 | brug: 24 | cd: 3 | gf: 0 | points: 442
Impero | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 2 | brug: 12 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 195
Lucchese | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 8
Righelli | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 74
Vengeance | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 3 | chief: 0 | brug: 27 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 434
Vincitori | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 15
Yalta | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 5 | brug: 24 | cd: 1 | gf: 3 | points: 481
Total | swin: 6 | assa: 6 | lc: 16 | chief: 35 | brug: 130 | cd: 5 | gf: 9 | points: 2,495

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zeveroare Belgium (07:11:51 - 21-05)
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Bosco at 22:41:46 on 20/05:
Anonymous at 21:41:56 on 20/05:
How do these fams sit by to get killed like this, when they know what KA is like? Basic take away point for those that didnt figure it out yet is: ATTACK = WIN

second take away point is: look to see if you are obvious next target of enemy side. then apply first point (ATTACK = WIN)

My personal take away point is: If you cant figure out both previous 2 points you shouldnt be a top.

Lol and then when you trained all your bg's on attack and shoot the first wave, the enemy goes into safehouse(if they are smart they have all their bgs on def, yes you can survive with this KA!!!). what happens next is that the Enemy will try to find some families for the counter and then the attacker side is fucked because all their bgs are on attack. go home if you dont know what you are talking about, even this KA is not a guarantee for succes :W

that is if you are able to set up a counter which I doubt is the case with most of the families capabilities(but we will see :))

You can retrain before they even find you
Anonymous (06:50:59 - 21-05)
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some of this fams deserved to die
yalta let their bloods die
now the ones who killed their blood are killing them

corrept/synd also never thought of any shooting
only made loaded accs for fun and died in fast wave

about gelib side i must admit they did good shooting
they must be aware of vinci return but also they were empty after messina war
rip them
Berchtwald (06:40:25 - 21-05)
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alayınızın amk
rip all correptians!
dark Ireland (06:18:41 - 21-05)
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Basterds who killed me :D
Boleone Serbia (06:10:55 - 21-05)
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Giddiness at 00:45:45 on 21/05:
Happy Birthday Armin! xD

armin Bulgaria (05:52:31 - 21-05)
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Giddiness at 00:45:45 on 21/05:
Happy Birthday Armin! xD
ty ty giddiness, now im expectin a nice gift by the admins, cuz it's my birth day, c'moooon revive all yalta members an akill all the pact \o/
bafrali (05:35:11 - 21-05)
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wow! seems " the pekt" unstopple ! 2 hit in a row!

rip Yalta and Correptio
Brainstorm Bulgaria (05:14:09 - 21-05)
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Giddiness at 00:45:45 on 21/05:
Happy Birthday Armin! xD

gg :')

borden Guadeloupe (01:24:11 - 21-05)
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lollll at 23:11:38 on 20/05:
Adversary, Correptio, Gelibolu, Impero, Vengeance, Yalta
is what u deserve for wait to shoot , some tops never learn that the pact is one and only and lick theyr asses to stay alive never pay out , so nex time qhen you see some wars against pact start to shoot on them dont wait to be the next ;)

Adversary was a new fam. What kind of retard are you ? Shooting the pact with 6 brugs ?
lollll (01:03:03 - 21-05)
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lollll at 01:00:39 on 21/05:
brqzL at 00:50:34 on 21/05:
lollll at 00:44:05 on 21/05:My dear brqzL , i know your fam and also was in our side and shoot with us ... last version ... im talking about this version , why when first big war against pact started your fams and who is under fire now stayed at the window to look what going on ? even if your fam was or not in our side in this version ;)

brqzL at 00:15:39 on 21/05:However, this version due to early reset time and issues on irl, many of Correptians are barely active including myself. Because we weren't active doesn't mean that we waited to get shoot. Many of us had just no time to spend in here. And with Lackeys we could've came this far. Of course it's not an excuse of anything, it just didn't work out well for us this version.

Here is your answer genius.

lmao glad to be a genius , "However, this version due to early reset time and issues on irl, many of Correptians are barely active including myself." im talking a ear started like a month a go , if in a month u cant organise a war , well , just put lackeys and join in a big fam as a member ;)

im talking about a war started like a month a go , sorry im in the dark cant see the keyboard lolololo :D
lollll (01:00:39 - 21-05)
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brqzL at 00:50:34 on 21/05:
lollll at 00:44:05 on 21/05:My dear brqzL , i know your fam and also was in our side and shoot with us ... last version ... im talking about this version , why when first big war against pact started your fams and who is under fire now stayed at the window to look what going on ? even if your fam was or not in our side in this version ;)

brqzL at 00:15:39 on 21/05:However, this version due to early reset time and issues on irl, many of Correptians are barely active including myself. Because we weren't active doesn't mean that we waited to get shoot. Many of us had just no time to spend in here. And with Lackeys we could've came this far. Of course it's not an excuse of anything, it just didn't work out well for us this version.

Here is your answer genius.

lmao glad to be a genius , "However, this version due to early reset time and issues on irl, many of Correptians are barely active including myself." im talking a ear started like a month a go , if in a month u cant organise a war , well , just put lackeys and join in a big fam as a member ;)
Anonymous (00:56:31 - 21-05)
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brqzL at 00:50:34 on 21/05:
lollll at 00:44:05 on 21/05:My dear brqzL , i know your fam and also was in our side and shoot with us ... last version ... im talking about this version , why when first big war against pact started your fams and who is under fire now stayed at the window to look what going on ? even if your fam was or not in our side in this version ;)

brqzL at 00:15:39 on 21/05:However, this version due to early reset time and issues on irl, many of Correptians are barely active including myself. Because we weren't active doesn't mean that we waited to get shoot. Many of us had just no time to spend in here. And with Lackeys we could've came this far. Of course it's not an excuse of anything, it just didn't work out well for us this version.

Here is your answer genius.

ohh ye, the shooter fams asked you many times, but instead of shooting, your 'busy in real' members claiming objects :D you are funny, did you even think it ll work well for ya?
brqzL Colombia (00:50:34 - 21-05)
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lollll at 00:44:05 on 21/05:My dear brqzL , i know your fam and also was in our side and shoot with us ... last version ... im talking about this version , why when first big war against pact started your fams and who is under fire now stayed at the window to look what going on ? even if your fam was or not in our side in this version ;)

brqzL at 00:15:39 on 21/05:However, this version due to early reset time and issues on irl, many of Correptians are barely active including myself. Because we weren't active doesn't mean that we waited to get shoot. Many of us had just no time to spend in here. And with Lackeys we could've came this far. Of course it's not an excuse of anything, it just didn't work out well for us this version.

Here is your answer genius.
Giddiness Bulgaria (00:45:45 - 21-05)
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Happy Birthday Armin! xD
lollll (00:44:05 - 21-05)
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You cannnot compare those fams with either Correptio or Yalta. For your reference, we had good run last version. We did tried to do smt good with fams such as Syndrum and Lab. As Correptio we even had chance to play with Pact last version but we didn't want to lock the game and stayed against of that idea and try to do our best.

My dear brqzL , i know your fam and also was in our side and shoot with us ... last version ... im talking about this version , why when first big war against pact started your fams and who is under fire now stayed at the window to look what going on ? even if your fam was or not in our side in this version ;)
gagas (00:38:23 - 21-05)
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phenkyhenky at 23:12:23 on 20/05:
Sims also Good game Right??? ;)
you can play this ,coz your fam is down for 2 min...
brqzL Colombia (00:15:39 - 21-05)
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lollll at 23:11:38 on 20/05:
Adversary, Correptio, Gelibolu, Impero, Vengeance, Yalta
is what u deserve for wait to shoot , some tops never learn that the pact is one and only and lick theyr asses to stay alive never pay out , so nex time qhen you see some wars against pact start to shoot on them dont wait to be the next ;)

You cannnot compare those fams with either Correptio or Yalta. For your reference, we had good run last version. We did tried to do smt good with fams such as Syndrum and Lab. As Correptio we even had chance to play with Pact last version but we didn't want to lock the game and stayed against of that idea and try to do our best. Eventhough, we couldn't be succeed yet we did try instead of waiting to get shot. However, this version due to early reset time and issues on irl, many of Correptians are barely active including myself. Because we weren't active doesn't mean that we waited to get shoot. Many of us had just no time to spend in here. And with Lackeys we could've came this far. Of course it's not an excuse of anything, it just didn't work out well for us this version. Anyways I'm sure I'll be the who'd be blaimed by anonymous, it's fine, I don't need to explain the history of Correptio. We always did what we could instead of dying for nothing. Yet didn't worked out well in this version w/e. I must say, it's a good move by pact. Thanks to all Correptians whom tried to rank with us. It was a pleasure to play with all of you. No worries Correptio will be back as always since 3.2.

Anonymous at 23:52:23 on 20/05:
0 bf thnx admins _o_ we win \o/

P.S: I did kill the attacker from backfire so it's not 0 bf at all :p

Rip all who died.
Anonymous (23:56:00 - 20-05)
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Anonymous at 23:52:23 on 20/05:
0 bf thnx admins _o_ we win \o/

Better KA for attacker is ok but 108 brug kills 0 bf kills :S

Btw gratz shooting fams seems like this version is gonna be even shorter as previous one.

To sim playing fams " Even the shooting fams now like you more when you put up a fight "
Anonymous (23:52:23 - 20-05)
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0 bf thnx admins _o_ we win \o/
Amproof United States (23:40:33 - 20-05)
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Marconi at 23:35:48 on 20/05:
lollll at 23:11:38 on 20/05:
Adversary, Correptio, Gelibolu, Impero, Vengeance, Yalta
is what u deserve for wait to shoot , some tops never learn that the pact is one and only and lick theyr asses to stay alive never pay out , so nex time qhen you see some wars against pact start to shoot on them dont wait to be the next ;)
