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21-07 A lot vs Turkuz
Author: Rix
Last updated: 4990d 21h 52m 56s ago by sbanks
Comments: 356
Views: 144,626
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 3.2
Involved families: Adventure, Alcatras, Authority, Calieri, Casappa, Cogere, Coltello, Goldenarmy, Ilimitada, Invenio, Krays, Ladroni, Loriga, Maviates, Messina, Nuevitas, Presidential, Prestige, Righelli, Turkuz, Vaffanculo, Yigidos
Krays, Righelli, Presidential/Authority, Vaffanculo, Casappa, Messina and Nuevitas have opened fire on the Turkuz Alliance.

Goldenarmy jumped in for Turkuz+ and is shooting at random.

Calieri joined in and is shooting at Vaffanculo

Coltello seems to be shooting at Turkuz+

Ilimitada+ shooting at Krays

Krays down due misscommunication when successor had to be set.

The attackers had one spare blackjack to offer to any party that was willing to help... as the shooting didnt went as smooch as planned. Cogere and Loriga were prepared to take this deal. Resulting in Cogere and Loriga shooting at Turkuz.

The attackers leaded by Vaffanculo are now targeting Prestige
caliquela (Top Ilimitada+): They were shooting at bloods, we stepped in as bloods should do.

Vincej (Top Vaffanculo): It seemed like a good opportunity for Krays, Righelli, Presidential and Vaffanculo to gun Turkuz down with them being weakened after recent wars. RIP to all that died.

Squalor (Top Presidential): There wasnt going to come a better oppurtunity then this one, so we went for it. RIP to all who died

Krays: They asked us to join their pact, we gave them our answer.

MaFia (Top Turkuz+): sometimes i say "it doesnt matter just say it" and then i'm saying " what will be happen when i said it.. " just shut up thats it. RIP aLL TurKuz / Prestige / Yigidos / Maviates / Adventure Heros

and big speciaL thnx our Great bLoods CaLieri / GoLdenarmy / iLimitada

Good Bye Omerta ...
TuRKuZ Top

shell (inactive Righelli Top): Hi, I am speaking as a regular private in Turkish army, guns suck, wars suck, girls suck... stay away from all. Oh, ignore the last one, stay close to them.

/q sbanks
War started on: 20:02:02 21-07-2011 War ended on: 14:13:02 23-07-2011
Bullet difference: -21,162,576 War duration: 1d 18h 11m
Money difference: -$405,413,651 Players died: 232

Dead Families:
[Prestige] Family down on 14:12 23-07
[Turkuz] Family down on 05:51 23-07
[Yigidos] Family down on 20:12 22-07
[Krays] Family down on 15:06 22-07
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Adventure | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 6 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 107
Calieri | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 21
Casappa | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 5 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 65
Coltello | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 34
Goldenarmy | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 2 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 55
Ilimitada | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 13
Invenio | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 26
Krays | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 27 | cd: 1 | gf: 1 | points: 411
Loriga | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 5 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 65
Maviates | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 1 | gf: 1 | points: 55
Nuevitas | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 26
Presidential | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 13
Prestige | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 2 | brug: 15 | cd: 1 | gf: 1 | points: 271
Righelli | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 8 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 174
Turkuz | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 3 | brug: 23 | cd: 4 | gf: 0 | points: 408
Vaffanculo | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 8 | cd: 0 | gf: 3 | points: 214
Yigidos | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 21 | cd: 2 | gf: 2 | points: 393
Total | swin: 2 | assa: 0 | lc: 2 | chief: 10 | brug: 128 | cd: 12 | gf: 10 | points: 2,351

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Anonymous (12:50:53 - 02-08)
Link Quote
oskar at 06:44:29 on 25/07:
maraz at 05:48:14 on 25/07:
ReBorN at 01:32:40 on 25/07:
Mickay at 19:51:20 on 24/07:
Anonymous at 15:39:11 on 24/07:
I don't say I don't make typo's or mistakes when I type in English. I can tell you most people even make typo's and mistakes in their own language. But that's not the same as someone who tries to speak english but you know what every word means but after reading that same sentence 10 times you still don't get what the fuck they are pointing at... 1 of those examples is Mafia, just keep to something you can actually type in a way other people understand it.

Though there is a bright side of this. He at least tries to speak english, but it's not smart to act smart when you don't master the language, it will make you look like a fool.

Another thing I don't understand is that, in this case Turkish people, always are complaining about racism. I'm not a racist at all, just to say so.

Let me explain racism. Racism means that you discriminate(which simply means you remark a difference between two things, for example, he has a beard, he has a mustache, there is a difference!) and attach a value to those differences(for example: he has a beard, I don't have a beard, and therefore you we're not equal and I'm better than you). If somebody from a family like Turkuz(or any other family which is Turkish and has been mentioned) says all the bad things people tell about them are being said by racists it's actually being a racist towards yourself. Somebody gets a list of the top cheating families which contains a lot of families which are runned by Turks. He or she doesn't say it's because they are Turks, or that all Turks cheat. If you as a Turk say it's racism that people say bad things about you as a Turk, it simply means you are a racist towards yourself. You think he says it because you are a Turk and you make it up yourself. Another thing I don't get is why Turkish people are putting attention on themselves being Turks. They think all non-turkish people say bad things about them because they are Turks, and they don't like that, screaming RACISM all around the corner. But still their familypage is half Turkish, the familyname is a Turkish word or has "TURK" in it, and country flags all over their familypage and profiles. If you hate racism why are you wanting to show that hard that you're a Turk. For example, I'm a proud Dutch guy, but except for the countryflag there's nothing on my profile or familypage which shows I'm that proud.

Last thing... I think Turkuz is actually being a racist themselves with their slogan. "Weak like a man who can't hold in contempt weak ones, strong like a Turk". This slogan actually means you contempt weak ones, and Turks are strong. If you say Turks are strong you can say others are weak. So you contempt everybody who's weak, so everybody who's not a Turk... now who's the racist in here?

+1. I have asserted this before. Sure, there are a few blatantly racist Omerta players. You will find racists in any community. But the only ones actually actively demonstrating racist attitudes are the Turkish players (Not all mind you). Turkish exclusive families, Turkish exclusive slogans. And then whining when they are attacked that it is a racist move. If you don't want an excuse to call racism, try to take an ethnic/culture neutral family approach... like everyone else.

+2! Agree with both posters.

One thing that annoys me about Omerta these days (almost as much as the admins attitude towards the game and players) are the Turkish players that claim anything and everything done towards them are racist. You every hear the expression: If the shoe fits, wear it. ?

Simply because members of Turkuz and Prestige got akilled and their targets got revived does not mean that the admins, Righelli, Vaffanculo or any other person/family is racist. It simply means you were cheating and got caught.

Claiming something racist when it truly is not is insulting to all the people out there who experience racism on a daily basis. It undermines their true plight so you can simply feel sorry for yourself. Someone using racism as an excuse for your own failure is nothing more then a tactic that one uses for two reasons: 1) try and make themselves feel better about their own failures. 2) try to bully others into not commenting or criticizing your failures.

You can not and will not bully me. Turkuz was the #1 cheating family in black and white.

1 Turkuz 151 37 24.03% Local Chief List
2 Marazzino 145 41 23.84% Local Chief List
3 Liberta 138 35 21.21% Local Chief List
4 Xzone 103 25 54.35% Local Chief List
5 Yigidos 89 16 35.56% Bruglione List
6 Anafarta 88 17 94.44% Chief List

These families are the top cheaters. It has nothing to do with their ethnicity but everything to do with them playing unfair.

Good day.
damn it we should be the #1 :p go pokemons cheat harder :D:D:D

actually i dont agree that admins are 'fair' aganist turkish players coz there is a comon prejudice that we mostly cheat.and sometimes admins are effected coz of this prejudice.thats what we mention as unfair ( btw correct word is unfair not racism ;) )
I think there are some turks that are just more dedicated in their cheating at this point in Omerta than other nationalities. They are duping hard. A lot of the big Euro scripters (Zenga comes to mind) have quit the game or just don't care enough to buy credits or fuck with proxies. The cheating balance has tilted. A few turk fams have a culture of duping, its just normal. When you know some scripters and hang out with them in channels, its easy to start cheating as well. So I guess what I mean is obviously not all turks cheat, but there are a few fams that are mainly turk and they are very dedicated to cheating and they are willing to spemd more real cash on it than a lot of other players.

I actually wonder what the breakdown of active omerta accounts is by nationality. Maybe there just is more turks playing these days than other nationalities.

i dont recall shouting racism against dutch ppl when vaffa got completely akilled in the last two versions? o.O
ReViveD (10:50:34 - 02-08)
Link Quote
is there anyone here to get his gun and fire instead of blaiming ?
nah i can not cause i have 10k bullets :D
yamaguchi Turkey (15:56:05 - 26-07)
Link Quote
dark at 06:05:15 on 26/07:
yamaguchi at 17:32:40 on 25/07:
lol naka who r ya discussing with.. shame on you

lol yama and who u are ? Well wanna speak about me i sent u open card u know my irc. Instead of speak we can use our punches cause i dont speak with ur kinda people. U fuckin retard. Got my point.


sir yes sir!
moesASJIIIIIIIIIIII (14:35:28 - 26-07)
Link Quote
w000t now i dont have to bother with omerta at all! not that i did anyway but yay for dying!

<3 krays
Anonymous (14:10:51 - 26-07)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 13:58:30 on 26/07:
dark at 13:19:40 on 26/07:
DnZz at 11:12:00 on 26/07:
dark at 06:10:40 on 26/07:
nakamura at 16:34:52 on 25/07:
dark at 16:25:02 on 25/07:
nakamura at 16:06:14 on 25/07:
dark at 22:54:01 on 24/07:
salamura at 19:10:55 on 24/07:
nakamura at 16:42:33 on 24/07:
Battalgazi at 10:22:03 on 24/07:
nakamura at 09:07:08 on 24/07:
Johnny at 01:40:31 on 24/07:
Maybe you know a guy named erinc. He had nice chit-chat with me while we were up.

That reminded me dark saying to me "individual tops cant decide or talk for whole fam" when i told that "Battalgazi asked me to form a pact when we were not even bloods".

I expect the very same performance from BoHeM as well.

nakamura we are still waiting for the logs that i cried to you in your pm and you can also add pact logs as well ;)

damn i talked with you only a few times and you have got a fantastic imagination :)

as i told you before go and talk with valentin,attacker or have to be informed before disgraced yourself ;)
Dude, I dont think that I need to show some logs to prove what i said. It is not my style to put logs here, it may be your style but not mine sorry. Though you can still share whatever logs of mine you want to, I am still behind of my words.
I dont lie in here. You and me both know about those talks. Be a decent top, and stop denying. Be a decent top and stay behind of your words when they come out from your mouth.

Damn your "individual acts dont bother whole fam" policy looks more honourable in this situation.

stfu idiot :)

Nakamura :D well ur tops even spoke about ur another blood that we can shoot em and they dont care. If u want i can show u that logs also. But wait ahhhh yea u know it already right?

And what i let u remember another thing. In ur first serious war u are dead, gratz u are great player. And also u are good talker... English master. Game master. Well and u wanna know who is ur invidual top who said me that maraz can shoot their blood and camorra did not care.?

Battal give him those logs maybe he can remember :) take care and nn... Yes we cried to be blood with camorra such an huge fam which is couldnt even arrange one war :D Really imao!!!!
Well, seems like you finally admit about the crying part.

About serious war part, i dont know what you meant by serious war. Maybe when 5-6 fams team up and shoot at you, it becomes serious war for you. But believe me, we took every war serious. We dont make fun of dead people, we dont joke around after a war. We dont whine after dying as well. Its part of the game, we live with it, we die by it.

About individual tops talks, I never denied or rejected any of my logs. But you are trying to startle me with some of my other tops talking with your some of other tops. I dont care about what they talked dude. You can show any logs you want to so. It really doesnt bother me. Read careful of what i wrote before. I am behind of my every word, said to you or your other maraz tops. But you or your tops, go chicken out and start lying, denying, slanting or not seeing my point on purpose. The person coming to my pm every single day, asking even my phone number to chitchat(?) a lil more in daily life now accusing me of having a great imagination. Thank you, I have a good imagination but seems like that person has better imagination than me.

And dark, I dunno why you jump every single time when i ask Battal to tell the truth. I am not accusing you, nor Marazzino. I just want him to be a decent top and not to deny what have happened.

Like i said, your "individual tops cant act for whole fam" policy sounds better than ignoring things.
By the way, next time if any Maraz tops come to my pm, I will ask him to create a channel with their whole tops just to be sure :'d

haha nah u could come pm me instead of it. But u didnt cause u like battal. Cause he knows to play like you. I do not. You can do anything to be survive. I mostly prefer to die instead of it. And Dude listen me carefully i dont need to cry to camorra. Cause camorra is nothing to me. Dont forget when u rank under me :).

And yes we generally open chans for to speak as a family... not personal. Ah i forget that u speak personal cause when ur boss say u something and it became rule for you. So u follow. And why u are dead cause everyone of u wanted to be head chief in camorra. Aint it?

Anyway i dont care what u spoke with battalgazi but generally he use phone for to do not leak anything by logs. And also u speak shit open ur ears Marazzino never needs camorra... What the fuck lol. You shot with us on conflict cause u hate from them. Thats why we pick u in plan. Do u think Camorra is strong fam or what?
Lol really someone thinks his fam is conflict or vincitori it seems.. You are just piece of shit nakamura. Put it in ur mind.

Your tops were crying to me after the war to keep us neutral. ^^ you shot our blood and we shot nuestra. If we wanted to hurt u we could kill u blabla. So cry? Show us the logs then.... Which he cries. And i will show u how ur fam cried to us for ages in front of the all omerta.

You are fuckin lying to people in here xd and acting like though one.

But you or your tops, go chicken out and start lying, denying, slanting or not seeing my point on purpose. The person coming to my pm every single day, asking even my phone number to chitchat(?) a lil more in daily life now accusing me of having a great imagination.

Last thing dude. Chicken? Well i shot my targets this version. I may keep shootin but u waited 3 months to kill only one fam. :) and u couldnt even do it. So dont tell me who is chicken or not. Then i say ok lets see who is pussy. Rank up dude. Rank up :)

Seems like my fault to take you serious and try to show my point. Have fun dude, take it easy.

Yes, it seems noone can take me serious in this game XD. Well i take it easy, u are such a liar. If u cant speak the truth why u write in here naka :). And all people knows really well who is pussy marazzino or camorra...

pls go on it's too funny to read :p

Well as i know he sold u out too DnZ aint he? So why it make u happy i donno :D
I just wanted to quote it too.. :')

Please, don't quote useless shit, oh... I just did.
Anonymous (13:58:30 - 26-07)
Link Quote
dark at 13:19:40 on 26/07:
DnZz at 11:12:00 on 26/07:
dark at 06:10:40 on 26/07:
nakamura at 16:34:52 on 25/07:
dark at 16:25:02 on 25/07:
nakamura at 16:06:14 on 25/07:
dark at 22:54:01 on 24/07:
salamura at 19:10:55 on 24/07:
nakamura at 16:42:33 on 24/07:
Battalgazi at 10:22:03 on 24/07:
nakamura at 09:07:08 on 24/07:
Johnny at 01:40:31 on 24/07:
Maybe you know a guy named erinc. He had nice chit-chat with me while we were up.

That reminded me dark saying to me "individual tops cant decide or talk for whole fam" when i told that "Battalgazi asked me to form a pact when we were not even bloods".

I expect the very same performance from BoHeM as well.

nakamura we are still waiting for the logs that i cried to you in your pm and you can also add pact logs as well ;)

damn i talked with you only a few times and you have got a fantastic imagination :)

as i told you before go and talk with valentin,attacker or have to be informed before disgraced yourself ;)
Dude, I dont think that I need to show some logs to prove what i said. It is not my style to put logs here, it may be your style but not mine sorry. Though you can still share whatever logs of mine you want to, I am still behind of my words.
I dont lie in here. You and me both know about those talks. Be a decent top, and stop denying. Be a decent top and stay behind of your words when they come out from your mouth.

Damn your "individual acts dont bother whole fam" policy looks more honourable in this situation.

stfu idiot :)

Nakamura :D well ur tops even spoke about ur another blood that we can shoot em and they dont care. If u want i can show u that logs also. But wait ahhhh yea u know it already right?

And what i let u remember another thing. In ur first serious war u are dead, gratz u are great player. And also u are good talker... English master. Game master. Well and u wanna know who is ur invidual top who said me that maraz can shoot their blood and camorra did not care.?

Battal give him those logs maybe he can remember :) take care and nn... Yes we cried to be blood with camorra such an huge fam which is couldnt even arrange one war :D Really imao!!!!
Well, seems like you finally admit about the crying part.

About serious war part, i dont know what you meant by serious war. Maybe when 5-6 fams team up and shoot at you, it becomes serious war for you. But believe me, we took every war serious. We dont make fun of dead people, we dont joke around after a war. We dont whine after dying as well. Its part of the game, we live with it, we die by it.

About individual tops talks, I never denied or rejected any of my logs. But you are trying to startle me with some of my other tops talking with your some of other tops. I dont care about what they talked dude. You can show any logs you want to so. It really doesnt bother me. Read careful of what i wrote before. I am behind of my every word, said to you or your other maraz tops. But you or your tops, go chicken out and start lying, denying, slanting or not seeing my point on purpose. The person coming to my pm every single day, asking even my phone number to chitchat(?) a lil more in daily life now accusing me of having a great imagination. Thank you, I have a good imagination but seems like that person has better imagination than me.

And dark, I dunno why you jump every single time when i ask Battal to tell the truth. I am not accusing you, nor Marazzino. I just want him to be a decent top and not to deny what have happened.

Like i said, your "individual tops cant act for whole fam" policy sounds better than ignoring things.
By the way, next time if any Maraz tops come to my pm, I will ask him to create a channel with their whole tops just to be sure :'d

haha nah u could come pm me instead of it. But u didnt cause u like battal. Cause he knows to play like you. I do not. You can do anything to be survive. I mostly prefer to die instead of it. And Dude listen me carefully i dont need to cry to camorra. Cause camorra is nothing to me. Dont forget when u rank under me :).

And yes we generally open chans for to speak as a family... not personal. Ah i forget that u speak personal cause when ur boss say u something and it became rule for you. So u follow. And why u are dead cause everyone of u wanted to be head chief in camorra. Aint it?

Anyway i dont care what u spoke with battalgazi but generally he use phone for to do not leak anything by logs. And also u speak shit open ur ears Marazzino never needs camorra... What the fuck lol. You shot with us on conflict cause u hate from them. Thats why we pick u in plan. Do u think Camorra is strong fam or what?
Lol really someone thinks his fam is conflict or vincitori it seems.. You are just piece of shit nakamura. Put it in ur mind.

Your tops were crying to me after the war to keep us neutral. ^^ you shot our blood and we shot nuestra. If we wanted to hurt u we could kill u blabla. So cry? Show us the logs then.... Which he cries. And i will show u how ur fam cried to us for ages in front of the all omerta.

You are fuckin lying to people in here xd and acting like though one.

But you or your tops, go chicken out and start lying, denying, slanting or not seeing my point on purpose. The person coming to my pm every single day, asking even my phone number to chitchat(?) a lil more in daily life now accusing me of having a great imagination.

Last thing dude. Chicken? Well i shot my targets this version. I may keep shootin but u waited 3 months to kill only one fam. :) and u couldnt even do it. So dont tell me who is chicken or not. Then i say ok lets see who is pussy. Rank up dude. Rank up :)

Seems like my fault to take you serious and try to show my point. Have fun dude, take it easy.

Yes, it seems noone can take me serious in this game XD. Well i take it easy, u are such a liar. If u cant speak the truth why u write in here naka :). And all people knows really well who is pussy marazzino or camorra...

pls go on it's too funny to read :p

Well as i know he sold u out too DnZ aint he? So why it make u happy i donno :D
I just wanted to quote it too.. :')
dark Ireland (13:19:40 - 26-07)
Link Quote
DnZz at 11:12:00 on 26/07:
dark at 06:10:40 on 26/07:
nakamura at 16:34:52 on 25/07:
dark at 16:25:02 on 25/07:
nakamura at 16:06:14 on 25/07:
dark at 22:54:01 on 24/07:
salamura at 19:10:55 on 24/07:
nakamura at 16:42:33 on 24/07:
Battalgazi at 10:22:03 on 24/07:
nakamura at 09:07:08 on 24/07:
Johnny at 01:40:31 on 24/07:
Maybe you know a guy named erinc. He had nice chit-chat with me while we were up.

That reminded me dark saying to me "individual tops cant decide or talk for whole fam" when i told that "Battalgazi asked me to form a pact when we were not even bloods".

I expect the very same performance from BoHeM as well.

nakamura we are still waiting for the logs that i cried to you in your pm and you can also add pact logs as well ;)

damn i talked with you only a few times and you have got a fantastic imagination :)

as i told you before go and talk with valentin,attacker or have to be informed before disgraced yourself ;)
Dude, I dont think that I need to show some logs to prove what i said. It is not my style to put logs here, it may be your style but not mine sorry. Though you can still share whatever logs of mine you want to, I am still behind of my words.
I dont lie in here. You and me both know about those talks. Be a decent top, and stop denying. Be a decent top and stay behind of your words when they come out from your mouth.

Damn your "individual acts dont bother whole fam" policy looks more honourable in this situation.

stfu idiot :)

Nakamura :D well ur tops even spoke about ur another blood that we can shoot em and they dont care. If u want i can show u that logs also. But wait ahhhh yea u know it already right?

And what i let u remember another thing. In ur first serious war u are dead, gratz u are great player. And also u are good talker... English master. Game master. Well and u wanna know who is ur invidual top who said me that maraz can shoot their blood and camorra did not care.?

Battal give him those logs maybe he can remember :) take care and nn... Yes we cried to be blood with camorra such an huge fam which is couldnt even arrange one war :D Really imao!!!!
Well, seems like you finally admit about the crying part.

About serious war part, i dont know what you meant by serious war. Maybe when 5-6 fams team up and shoot at you, it becomes serious war for you. But believe me, we took every war serious. We dont make fun of dead people, we dont joke around after a war. We dont whine after dying as well. Its part of the game, we live with it, we die by it.

About individual tops talks, I never denied or rejected any of my logs. But you are trying to startle me with some of my other tops talking with your some of other tops. I dont care about what they talked dude. You can show any logs you want to so. It really doesnt bother me. Read careful of what i wrote before. I am behind of my every word, said to you or your other maraz tops. But you or your tops, go chicken out and start lying, denying, slanting or not seeing my point on purpose. The person coming to my pm every single day, asking even my phone number to chitchat(?) a lil more in daily life now accusing me of having a great imagination. Thank you, I have a good imagination but seems like that person has better imagination than me.

And dark, I dunno why you jump every single time when i ask Battal to tell the truth. I am not accusing you, nor Marazzino. I just want him to be a decent top and not to deny what have happened.

Like i said, your "individual tops cant act for whole fam" policy sounds better than ignoring things.
By the way, next time if any Maraz tops come to my pm, I will ask him to create a channel with their whole tops just to be sure :'d

haha nah u could come pm me instead of it. But u didnt cause u like battal. Cause he knows to play like you. I do not. You can do anything to be survive. I mostly prefer to die instead of it. And Dude listen me carefully i dont need to cry to camorra. Cause camorra is nothing to me. Dont forget when u rank under me :).

And yes we generally open chans for to speak as a family... not personal. Ah i forget that u speak personal cause when ur boss say u something and it became rule for you. So u follow. And why u are dead cause everyone of u wanted to be head chief in camorra. Aint it?

Anyway i dont care what u spoke with battalgazi but generally he use phone for to do not leak anything by logs. And also u speak shit open ur ears Marazzino never needs camorra... What the fuck lol. You shot with us on conflict cause u hate from them. Thats why we pick u in plan. Do u think Camorra is strong fam or what?
Lol really someone thinks his fam is conflict or vincitori it seems.. You are just piece of shit nakamura. Put it in ur mind.

Your tops were crying to me after the war to keep us neutral. ^^ you shot our blood and we shot nuestra. If we wanted to hurt u we could kill u blabla. So cry? Show us the logs then.... Which he cries. And i will show u how ur fam cried to us for ages in front of the all omerta.

You are fuckin lying to people in here xd and acting like though one.

But you or your tops, go chicken out and start lying, denying, slanting or not seeing my point on purpose. The person coming to my pm every single day, asking even my phone number to chitchat(?) a lil more in daily life now accusing me of having a great imagination.

Last thing dude. Chicken? Well i shot my targets this version. I may keep shootin but u waited 3 months to kill only one fam. :) and u couldnt even do it. So dont tell me who is chicken or not. Then i say ok lets see who is pussy. Rank up dude. Rank up :)

Seems like my fault to take you serious and try to show my point. Have fun dude, take it easy.

Yes, it seems noone can take me serious in this game XD. Well i take it easy, u are such a liar. If u cant speak the truth why u write in here naka :). And all people knows really well who is pussy marazzino or camorra...

pls go on it's too funny to read :p

Well as i know he sold u out too DnZ aint he? So why it make u happy i donno :D
DnZz (11:12:00 - 26-07)
Link Quote
dark at 06:10:40 on 26/07:
nakamura at 16:34:52 on 25/07:
dark at 16:25:02 on 25/07:
nakamura at 16:06:14 on 25/07:
dark at 22:54:01 on 24/07:
salamura at 19:10:55 on 24/07:
nakamura at 16:42:33 on 24/07:
Battalgazi at 10:22:03 on 24/07:
nakamura at 09:07:08 on 24/07:
Johnny at 01:40:31 on 24/07:
Maybe you know a guy named erinc. He had nice chit-chat with me while we were up.

That reminded me dark saying to me "individual tops cant decide or talk for whole fam" when i told that "Battalgazi asked me to form a pact when we were not even bloods".

I expect the very same performance from BoHeM as well.

nakamura we are still waiting for the logs that i cried to you in your pm and you can also add pact logs as well ;)

damn i talked with you only a few times and you have got a fantastic imagination :)

as i told you before go and talk with valentin,attacker or have to be informed before disgraced yourself ;)
Dude, I dont think that I need to show some logs to prove what i said. It is not my style to put logs here, it may be your style but not mine sorry. Though you can still share whatever logs of mine you want to, I am still behind of my words.
I dont lie in here. You and me both know about those talks. Be a decent top, and stop denying. Be a decent top and stay behind of your words when they come out from your mouth.

Damn your "individual acts dont bother whole fam" policy looks more honourable in this situation.

stfu idiot :)

Nakamura :D well ur tops even spoke about ur another blood that we can shoot em and they dont care. If u want i can show u that logs also. But wait ahhhh yea u know it already right?

And what i let u remember another thing. In ur first serious war u are dead, gratz u are great player. And also u are good talker... English master. Game master. Well and u wanna know who is ur invidual top who said me that maraz can shoot their blood and camorra did not care.?

Battal give him those logs maybe he can remember :) take care and nn... Yes we cried to be blood with camorra such an huge fam which is couldnt even arrange one war :D Really imao!!!!
Well, seems like you finally admit about the crying part.

About serious war part, i dont know what you meant by serious war. Maybe when 5-6 fams team up and shoot at you, it becomes serious war for you. But believe me, we took every war serious. We dont make fun of dead people, we dont joke around after a war. We dont whine after dying as well. Its part of the game, we live with it, we die by it.

About individual tops talks, I never denied or rejected any of my logs. But you are trying to startle me with some of my other tops talking with your some of other tops. I dont care about what they talked dude. You can show any logs you want to so. It really doesnt bother me. Read careful of what i wrote before. I am behind of my every word, said to you or your other maraz tops. But you or your tops, go chicken out and start lying, denying, slanting or not seeing my point on purpose. The person coming to my pm every single day, asking even my phone number to chitchat(?) a lil more in daily life now accusing me of having a great imagination. Thank you, I have a good imagination but seems like that person has better imagination than me.

And dark, I dunno why you jump every single time when i ask Battal to tell the truth. I am not accusing you, nor Marazzino. I just want him to be a decent top and not to deny what have happened.

Like i said, your "individual tops cant act for whole fam" policy sounds better than ignoring things.
By the way, next time if any Maraz tops come to my pm, I will ask him to create a channel with their whole tops just to be sure :'d

haha nah u could come pm me instead of it. But u didnt cause u like battal. Cause he knows to play like you. I do not. You can do anything to be survive. I mostly prefer to die instead of it. And Dude listen me carefully i dont need to cry to camorra. Cause camorra is nothing to me. Dont forget when u rank under me :).

And yes we generally open chans for to speak as a family... not personal. Ah i forget that u speak personal cause when ur boss say u something and it became rule for you. So u follow. And why u are dead cause everyone of u wanted to be head chief in camorra. Aint it?

Anyway i dont care what u spoke with battalgazi but generally he use phone for to do not leak anything by logs. And also u speak shit open ur ears Marazzino never needs camorra... What the fuck lol. You shot with us on conflict cause u hate from them. Thats why we pick u in plan. Do u think Camorra is strong fam or what?
Lol really someone thinks his fam is conflict or vincitori it seems.. You are just piece of shit nakamura. Put it in ur mind.

Your tops were crying to me after the war to keep us neutral. ^^ you shot our blood and we shot nuestra. If we wanted to hurt u we could kill u blabla. So cry? Show us the logs then.... Which he cries. And i will show u how ur fam cried to us for ages in front of the all omerta.

You are fuckin lying to people in here xd and acting like though one.

But you or your tops, go chicken out and start lying, denying, slanting or not seeing my point on purpose. The person coming to my pm every single day, asking even my phone number to chitchat(?) a lil more in daily life now accusing me of having a great imagination.

Last thing dude. Chicken? Well i shot my targets this version. I may keep shootin but u waited 3 months to kill only one fam. :) and u couldnt even do it. So dont tell me who is chicken or not. Then i say ok lets see who is pussy. Rank up dude. Rank up :)

Seems like my fault to take you serious and try to show my point. Have fun dude, take it easy.

Yes, it seems noone can take me serious in this game XD. Well i take it easy, u are such a liar. If u cant speak the truth why u write in here naka :). And all people knows really well who is pussy marazzino or camorra...

pls go on it's too funny to read :p

Anonymous (08:44:25 - 26-07)
Link Quote
dark at 06:10:40 on 26/07:
nakamura at 16:34:52 on 25/07:
dark at 16:25:02 on 25/07:
nakamura at 16:06:14 on 25/07:
dark at 22:54:01 on 24/07:
salamura at 19:10:55 on 24/07:
nakamura at 16:42:33 on 24/07:
Battalgazi at 10:22:03 on 24/07:
nakamura at 09:07:08 on 24/07:
Johnny at 01:40:31 on 24/07:
Maybe you know a guy named erinc. He had nice chit-chat with me while we were up.

That reminded me dark saying to me "individual tops cant decide or talk for whole fam" when i told that "Battalgazi asked me to form a pact when we were not even bloods".

I expect the very same performance from BoHeM as well.

nakamura we are still waiting for the logs that i cried to you in your pm and you can also add pact logs as well ;)

damn i talked with you only a few times and you have got a fantastic imagination :)

as i told you before go and talk with valentin,attacker or have to be informed before disgraced yourself ;)
Dude, I dont think that I need to show some logs to prove what i said. It is not my style to put logs here, it may be your style but not mine sorry. Though you can still share whatever logs of mine you want to, I am still behind of my words.
I dont lie in here. You and me both know about those talks. Be a decent top, and stop denying. Be a decent top and stay behind of your words when they come out from your mouth.

Damn your "individual acts dont bother whole fam" policy looks more honourable in this situation.

stfu idiot :)

Nakamura :D well ur tops even spoke about ur another blood that we can shoot em and they dont care. If u want i can show u that logs also. But wait ahhhh yea u know it already right?

And what i let u remember another thing. In ur first serious war u are dead, gratz u are great player. And also u are good talker... English master. Game master. Well and u wanna know who is ur invidual top who said me that maraz can shoot their blood and camorra did not care.?

Battal give him those logs maybe he can remember :) take care and nn... Yes we cried to be blood with camorra such an huge fam which is couldnt even arrange one war :D Really imao!!!!
Well, seems like you finally admit about the crying part.

About serious war part, i dont know what you meant by serious war. Maybe when 5-6 fams team up and shoot at you, it becomes serious war for you. But believe me, we took every war serious. We dont make fun of dead people, we dont joke around after a war. We dont whine after dying as well. Its part of the game, we live with it, we die by it.

About individual tops talks, I never denied or rejected any of my logs. But you are trying to startle me with some of my other tops talking with your some of other tops. I dont care about what they talked dude. You can show any logs you want to so. It really doesnt bother me. Read careful of what i wrote before. I am behind of my every word, said to you or your other maraz tops. But you or your tops, go chicken out and start lying, denying, slanting or not seeing my point on purpose. The person coming to my pm every single day, asking even my phone number to chitchat(?) a lil more in daily life now accusing me of having a great imagination. Thank you, I have a good imagination but seems like that person has better imagination than me.

And dark, I dunno why you jump every single time when i ask Battal to tell the truth. I am not accusing you, nor Marazzino. I just want him to be a decent top and not to deny what have happened.

Like i said, your "individual tops cant act for whole fam" policy sounds better than ignoring things.
By the way, next time if any Maraz tops come to my pm, I will ask him to create a channel with their whole tops just to be sure :'d

haha nah u could come pm me instead of it. But u didnt cause u like battal. Cause he knows to play like you. I do not. You can do anything to be survive. I mostly prefer to die instead of it. And Dude listen me carefully i dont need to cry to camorra. Cause camorra is nothing to me. Dont forget when u rank under me :).

And yes we generally open chans for to speak as a family... not personal. Ah i forget that u speak personal cause when ur boss say u something and it became rule for you. So u follow. And why u are dead cause everyone of u wanted to be head chief in camorra. Aint it?

Anyway i dont care what u spoke with battalgazi but generally he use phone for to do not leak anything by logs. And also u speak shit open ur ears Marazzino never needs camorra... What the fuck lol. You shot with us on conflict cause u hate from them. Thats why we pick u in plan. Do u think Camorra is strong fam or what?
Lol really someone thinks his fam is conflict or vincitori it seems.. You are just piece of shit nakamura. Put it in ur mind.

Your tops were crying to me after the war to keep us neutral. ^^ you shot our blood and we shot nuestra. If we wanted to hurt u we could kill u blabla. So cry? Show us the logs then.... Which he cries. And i will show u how ur fam cried to us for ages in front of the all omerta.

You are fuckin lying to people in here xd and acting like though one.

But you or your tops, go chicken out and start lying, denying, slanting or not seeing my point on purpose. The person coming to my pm every single day, asking even my phone number to chitchat(?) a lil more in daily life now accusing me of having a great imagination.

Last thing dude. Chicken? Well i shot my targets this version. I may keep shootin but u waited 3 months to kill only one fam. :) and u couldnt even do it. So dont tell me who is chicken or not. Then i say ok lets see who is pussy. Rank up dude. Rank up :)

Seems like my fault to take you serious and try to show my point. Have fun dude, take it easy.

Yes, it seems noone can take me serious in this game XD. Well i take it easy, u are such a liar. If u cant speak the truth why u write in here naka :). And all people knows really well who is pussy marazzino or camorra...

dark Ireland (06:10:40 - 26-07)
Link Quote
nakamura at 16:34:52 on 25/07:
dark at 16:25:02 on 25/07:
nakamura at 16:06:14 on 25/07:
dark at 22:54:01 on 24/07:
salamura at 19:10:55 on 24/07:
nakamura at 16:42:33 on 24/07:
Battalgazi at 10:22:03 on 24/07:
nakamura at 09:07:08 on 24/07:
Johnny at 01:40:31 on 24/07:
Maybe you know a guy named erinc. He had nice chit-chat with me while we were up.

That reminded me dark saying to me "individual tops cant decide or talk for whole fam" when i told that "Battalgazi asked me to form a pact when we were not even bloods".

I expect the very same performance from BoHeM as well.

nakamura we are still waiting for the logs that i cried to you in your pm and you can also add pact logs as well ;)

damn i talked with you only a few times and you have got a fantastic imagination :)

as i told you before go and talk with valentin,attacker or have to be informed before disgraced yourself ;)
Dude, I dont think that I need to show some logs to prove what i said. It is not my style to put logs here, it may be your style but not mine sorry. Though you can still share whatever logs of mine you want to, I am still behind of my words.
I dont lie in here. You and me both know about those talks. Be a decent top, and stop denying. Be a decent top and stay behind of your words when they come out from your mouth.

Damn your "individual acts dont bother whole fam" policy looks more honourable in this situation.

stfu idiot :)

Nakamura :D well ur tops even spoke about ur another blood that we can shoot em and they dont care. If u want i can show u that logs also. But wait ahhhh yea u know it already right?

And what i let u remember another thing. In ur first serious war u are dead, gratz u are great player. And also u are good talker... English master. Game master. Well and u wanna know who is ur invidual top who said me that maraz can shoot their blood and camorra did not care.?

Battal give him those logs maybe he can remember :) take care and nn... Yes we cried to be blood with camorra such an huge fam which is couldnt even arrange one war :D Really imao!!!!
Well, seems like you finally admit about the crying part.

About serious war part, i dont know what you meant by serious war. Maybe when 5-6 fams team up and shoot at you, it becomes serious war for you. But believe me, we took every war serious. We dont make fun of dead people, we dont joke around after a war. We dont whine after dying as well. Its part of the game, we live with it, we die by it.

About individual tops talks, I never denied or rejected any of my logs. But you are trying to startle me with some of my other tops talking with your some of other tops. I dont care about what they talked dude. You can show any logs you want to so. It really doesnt bother me. Read careful of what i wrote before. I am behind of my every word, said to you or your other maraz tops. But you or your tops, go chicken out and start lying, denying, slanting or not seeing my point on purpose. The person coming to my pm every single day, asking even my phone number to chitchat(?) a lil more in daily life now accusing me of having a great imagination. Thank you, I have a good imagination but seems like that person has better imagination than me.

And dark, I dunno why you jump every single time when i ask Battal to tell the truth. I am not accusing you, nor Marazzino. I just want him to be a decent top and not to deny what have happened.

Like i said, your "individual tops cant act for whole fam" policy sounds better than ignoring things.
By the way, next time if any Maraz tops come to my pm, I will ask him to create a channel with their whole tops just to be sure :'d

haha nah u could come pm me instead of it. But u didnt cause u like battal. Cause he knows to play like you. I do not. You can do anything to be survive. I mostly prefer to die instead of it. And Dude listen me carefully i dont need to cry to camorra. Cause camorra is nothing to me. Dont forget when u rank under me :).

And yes we generally open chans for to speak as a family... not personal. Ah i forget that u speak personal cause when ur boss say u something and it became rule for you. So u follow. And why u are dead cause everyone of u wanted to be head chief in camorra. Aint it?

Anyway i dont care what u spoke with battalgazi but generally he use phone for to do not leak anything by logs. And also u speak shit open ur ears Marazzino never needs camorra... What the fuck lol. You shot with us on conflict cause u hate from them. Thats why we pick u in plan. Do u think Camorra is strong fam or what?
Lol really someone thinks his fam is conflict or vincitori it seems.. You are just piece of shit nakamura. Put it in ur mind.

Your tops were crying to me after the war to keep us neutral. ^^ you shot our blood and we shot nuestra. If we wanted to hurt u we could kill u blabla. So cry? Show us the logs then.... Which he cries. And i will show u how ur fam cried to us for ages in front of the all omerta.

You are fuckin lying to people in here xd and acting like though one.

But you or your tops, go chicken out and start lying, denying, slanting or not seeing my point on purpose. The person coming to my pm every single day, asking even my phone number to chitchat(?) a lil more in daily life now accusing me of having a great imagination.

Last thing dude. Chicken? Well i shot my targets this version. I may keep shootin but u waited 3 months to kill only one fam. :) and u couldnt even do it. So dont tell me who is chicken or not. Then i say ok lets see who is pussy. Rank up dude. Rank up :)

Seems like my fault to take you serious and try to show my point. Have fun dude, take it easy.

Yes, it seems noone can take me serious in this game XD. Well i take it easy, u are such a liar. If u cant speak the truth why u write in here naka :). And all people knows really well who is pussy marazzino or camorra...
dark Ireland (06:05:15 - 26-07)
Link Quote
yamaguchi at 17:32:40 on 25/07:
lol naka who r ya discussing with.. shame on you

lol yama and who u are ? Well wanna speak about me i sent u open card u know my irc. Instead of speak we can use our punches cause i dont speak with ur kinda people. U fuckin retard. Got my point.
ReBorN United States (00:04:36 - 26-07)
Link Quote
Wtf are you guys even talking about? What does any of this have to do with this war? Stay on topic or get a room somewhere to finish your lovers quarrel.
Mickay United States (20:56:49 - 25-07)
Link Quote
This conversation is still going on? lol wtf... close the topic already. idiots up in this bitch yo
Battalgazi Turkey (19:36:14 - 25-07)
Link Quote
nakamura at 16:06:14 on 25/07:
dark at 22:54:01 on 24/07:
salamura at 19:10:55 on 24/07:
nakamura at 16:42:33 on 24/07:
Battalgazi at 10:22:03 on 24/07:
nakamura at 09:07:08 on 24/07:
Johnny at 01:40:31 on 24/07:
Maybe you know a guy named erinc. He had nice chit-chat with me while we were up.

That reminded me dark saying to me "individual tops cant decide or talk for whole fam" when i told that "Battalgazi asked me to form a pact when we were not even bloods".

I expect the very same performance from BoHeM as well.

nakamura we are still waiting for the logs that i cried to you in your pm and you can also add pact logs as well ;)

damn i talked with you only a few times and you have got a fantastic imagination :)

as i told you before go and talk with valentin,attacker or have to be informed before disgraced yourself ;)
Dude, I dont think that I need to show some logs to prove what i said. It is not my style to put logs here, it may be your style but not mine sorry. Though you can still share whatever logs of mine you want to, I am still behind of my words.
I dont lie in here. You and me both know about those talks. Be a decent top, and stop denying. Be a decent top and stay behind of your words when they come out from your mouth.

Damn your "individual acts dont bother whole fam" policy looks more honourable in this situation.

stfu idiot :)

Nakamura :D well ur tops even spoke about ur another blood that we can shoot em and they dont care. If u want i can show u that logs also. But wait ahhhh yea u know it already right?

And what i let u remember another thing. In ur first serious war u are dead, gratz u are great player. And also u are good talker... English master. Game master. Well and u wanna know who is ur invidual top who said me that maraz can shoot their blood and camorra did not care.?

Battal give him those logs maybe he can remember :) take care and nn... Yes we cried to be blood with camorra such an huge fam which is couldnt even arrange one war :D Really imao!!!!
Well, seems like you finally admit about the crying part.

About serious war part, i dont know what you meant by serious war. Maybe when 5-6 fams team up and shoot at you, it becomes serious war for you. But believe me, we took every war serious. We dont make fun of dead people, we dont joke around after a war. We dont whine after dying as well. Its part of the game, we live with it, we die by it.

About individual tops talks, I never denied or rejected any of my logs. But you are trying to startle me with some of my other tops talking with your some of other tops. I dont care about what they talked dude. You can show any logs you want to so. It really doesnt bother me. Read careful of what i wrote before. I am behind of my every word, said to you or your other maraz tops. But you or your tops, go chicken out and start lying, denying, slanting or not seeing my point on purpose. The person coming to my pm every single day, asking even my phone number to chitchat(?) a lil more in daily life now accusing me of having a great imagination. Thank you, I have a good imagination but seems like that person has better imagination than me.

And dark, I dunno why you jump every single time when i ask Battal to tell the truth. I am not accusing you, nor Marazzino. I just want him to be a decent top and not to deny what have happened.

Like i said, your "individual tops cant act for whole fam" policy sounds better than ignoring things.
By the way, next time if any Maraz tops come to my pm, I will ask him to create a channel with their whole tops just to be sure :'d

actually i dont care about the plans or what happened,i do interested in with your 'crying' crap.coz i do not cry coz of a game eventhough i think about crying it wont a stranger like as you ;)
so as result,prove your claim or stfu so simple ;)
its easy to blame someone,but the real point is to prove it.i can also blame you for being a filthy shemale who hasnt got enough money for the operation,yeah nakamura is a shemale with a tiny miny dick =)))

that my point dude ;)
yamaguchi Turkey (17:32:40 - 25-07)
Link Quote
lol naka who r ya discussing with.. shame on you
nakamura Croatia (16:34:52 - 25-07)
Link Quote
dark at 16:25:02 on 25/07:
nakamura at 16:06:14 on 25/07:
dark at 22:54:01 on 24/07:
salamura at 19:10:55 on 24/07:
nakamura at 16:42:33 on 24/07:
Battalgazi at 10:22:03 on 24/07:
nakamura at 09:07:08 on 24/07:
Johnny at 01:40:31 on 24/07:
Maybe you know a guy named erinc. He had nice chit-chat with me while we were up.

That reminded me dark saying to me "individual tops cant decide or talk for whole fam" when i told that "Battalgazi asked me to form a pact when we were not even bloods".

I expect the very same performance from BoHeM as well.

nakamura we are still waiting for the logs that i cried to you in your pm and you can also add pact logs as well ;)

damn i talked with you only a few times and you have got a fantastic imagination :)

as i told you before go and talk with valentin,attacker or have to be informed before disgraced yourself ;)
Dude, I dont think that I need to show some logs to prove what i said. It is not my style to put logs here, it may be your style but not mine sorry. Though you can still share whatever logs of mine you want to, I am still behind of my words.
I dont lie in here. You and me both know about those talks. Be a decent top, and stop denying. Be a decent top and stay behind of your words when they come out from your mouth.

Damn your "individual acts dont bother whole fam" policy looks more honourable in this situation.

stfu idiot :)

Nakamura :D well ur tops even spoke about ur another blood that we can shoot em and they dont care. If u want i can show u that logs also. But wait ahhhh yea u know it already right?

And what i let u remember another thing. In ur first serious war u are dead, gratz u are great player. And also u are good talker... English master. Game master. Well and u wanna know who is ur invidual top who said me that maraz can shoot their blood and camorra did not care.?

Battal give him those logs maybe he can remember :) take care and nn... Yes we cried to be blood with camorra such an huge fam which is couldnt even arrange one war :D Really imao!!!!
Well, seems like you finally admit about the crying part.

About serious war part, i dont know what you meant by serious war. Maybe when 5-6 fams team up and shoot at you, it becomes serious war for you. But believe me, we took every war serious. We dont make fun of dead people, we dont joke around after a war. We dont whine after dying as well. Its part of the game, we live with it, we die by it.

About individual tops talks, I never denied or rejected any of my logs. But you are trying to startle me with some of my other tops talking with your some of other tops. I dont care about what they talked dude. You can show any logs you want to so. It really doesnt bother me. Read careful of what i wrote before. I am behind of my every word, said to you or your other maraz tops. But you or your tops, go chicken out and start lying, denying, slanting or not seeing my point on purpose. The person coming to my pm every single day, asking even my phone number to chitchat(?) a lil more in daily life now accusing me of having a great imagination. Thank you, I have a good imagination but seems like that person has better imagination than me.

And dark, I dunno why you jump every single time when i ask Battal to tell the truth. I am not accusing you, nor Marazzino. I just want him to be a decent top and not to deny what have happened.

Like i said, your "individual tops cant act for whole fam" policy sounds better than ignoring things.
By the way, next time if any Maraz tops come to my pm, I will ask him to create a channel with their whole tops just to be sure :'d

haha nah u could come pm me instead of it. But u didnt cause u like battal. Cause he knows to play like you. I do not. You can do anything to be survive. I mostly prefer to die instead of it. And Dude listen me carefully i dont need to cry to camorra. Cause camorra is nothing to me. Dont forget when u rank under me :).

And yes we generally open chans for to speak as a family... not personal. Ah i forget that u speak personal cause when ur boss say u something and it became rule for you. So u follow. And why u are dead cause everyone of u wanted to be head chief in camorra. Aint it?

Anyway i dont care what u spoke with battalgazi but generally he use phone for to do not leak anything by logs. And also u speak shit open ur ears Marazzino never needs camorra... What the fuck lol. You shot with us on conflict cause u hate from them. Thats why we pick u in plan. Do u think Camorra is strong fam or what?
Lol really someone thinks his fam is conflict or vincitori it seems.. You are just piece of shit nakamura. Put it in ur mind.

Your tops were crying to me after the war to keep us neutral. ^^ you shot our blood and we shot nuestra. If we wanted to hurt u we could kill u blabla. So cry? Show us the logs then.... Which he cries. And i will show u how ur fam cried to us for ages in front of the all omerta.

You are fuckin lying to people in here xd and acting like though one.

But you or your tops, go chicken out and start lying, denying, slanting or not seeing my point on purpose. The person coming to my pm every single day, asking even my phone number to chitchat(?) a lil more in daily life now accusing me of having a great imagination.

Last thing dude. Chicken? Well i shot my targets this version. I may keep shootin but u waited 3 months to kill only one fam. :) and u couldnt even do it. So dont tell me who is chicken or not. Then i say ok lets see who is pussy. Rank up dude. Rank up :)

Seems like my fault to take you serious and try to show my point. Have fun dude, take it easy.
dark Ireland (16:25:02 - 25-07)
Link Quote
nakamura at 16:06:14 on 25/07:
dark at 22:54:01 on 24/07:
salamura at 19:10:55 on 24/07:
nakamura at 16:42:33 on 24/07:
Battalgazi at 10:22:03 on 24/07:
nakamura at 09:07:08 on 24/07:
Johnny at 01:40:31 on 24/07:
Maybe you know a guy named erinc. He had nice chit-chat with me while we were up.

That reminded me dark saying to me "individual tops cant decide or talk for whole fam" when i told that "Battalgazi asked me to form a pact when we were not even bloods".

I expect the very same performance from BoHeM as well.

nakamura we are still waiting for the logs that i cried to you in your pm and you can also add pact logs as well ;)

damn i talked with you only a few times and you have got a fantastic imagination :)

as i told you before go and talk with valentin,attacker or have to be informed before disgraced yourself ;)
Dude, I dont think that I need to show some logs to prove what i said. It is not my style to put logs here, it may be your style but not mine sorry. Though you can still share whatever logs of mine you want to, I am still behind of my words.
I dont lie in here. You and me both know about those talks. Be a decent top, and stop denying. Be a decent top and stay behind of your words when they come out from your mouth.

Damn your "individual acts dont bother whole fam" policy looks more honourable in this situation.

stfu idiot :)

Nakamura :D well ur tops even spoke about ur another blood that we can shoot em and they dont care. If u want i can show u that logs also. But wait ahhhh yea u know it already right?

And what i let u remember another thing. In ur first serious war u are dead, gratz u are great player. And also u are good talker... English master. Game master. Well and u wanna know who is ur invidual top who said me that maraz can shoot their blood and camorra did not care.?

Battal give him those logs maybe he can remember :) take care and nn... Yes we cried to be blood with camorra such an huge fam which is couldnt even arrange one war :D Really imao!!!!
Well, seems like you finally admit about the crying part.

About serious war part, i dont know what you meant by serious war. Maybe when 5-6 fams team up and shoot at you, it becomes serious war for you. But believe me, we took every war serious. We dont make fun of dead people, we dont joke around after a war. We dont whine after dying as well. Its part of the game, we live with it, we die by it.

About individual tops talks, I never denied or rejected any of my logs. But you are trying to startle me with some of my other tops talking with your some of other tops. I dont care about what they talked dude. You can show any logs you want to so. It really doesnt bother me. Read careful of what i wrote before. I am behind of my every word, said to you or your other maraz tops. But you or your tops, go chicken out and start lying, denying, slanting or not seeing my point on purpose. The person coming to my pm every single day, asking even my phone number to chitchat(?) a lil more in daily life now accusing me of having a great imagination. Thank you, I have a good imagination but seems like that person has better imagination than me.

And dark, I dunno why you jump every single time when i ask Battal to tell the truth. I am not accusing you, nor Marazzino. I just want him to be a decent top and not to deny what have happened.

Like i said, your "individual tops cant act for whole fam" policy sounds better than ignoring things.
By the way, next time if any Maraz tops come to my pm, I will ask him to create a channel with their whole tops just to be sure :'d

haha nah u could come pm me instead of it. But u didnt cause u like battal. Cause he knows to play like you. I do not. You can do anything to be survive. I mostly prefer to die instead of it. And Dude listen me carefully i dont need to cry to camorra. Cause camorra is nothing to me. Dont forget when u rank under me :).

And yes we generally open chans for to speak as a family... not personal. Ah i forget that u speak personal cause when ur boss say u something and it became rule for you. So u follow. And why u are dead cause everyone of u wanted to be head chief in camorra. Aint it?

Anyway i dont care what u spoke with battalgazi but generally he use phone for to do not leak anything by logs. And also u speak shit open ur ears Marazzino never needs camorra... What the fuck lol. You shot with us on conflict cause u hate from them. Thats why we pick u in plan. Do u think Camorra is strong fam or what?
Lol really someone thinks his fam is conflict or vincitori it seems.. You are just piece of shit nakamura. Put it in ur mind.

Your tops were crying to me after the war to keep us neutral. ^^ you shot our blood and we shot nuestra. If we wanted to hurt u we could kill u blabla. So cry? Show us the logs then.... Which he cries. And i will show u how ur fam cried to us for ages in front of the all omerta.

You are fuckin lying to people in here xd and acting like though one.

But you or your tops, go chicken out and start lying, denying, slanting or not seeing my point on purpose. The person coming to my pm every single day, asking even my phone number to chitchat(?) a lil more in daily life now accusing me of having a great imagination.

Last thing dude. Chicken? Well i shot my targets this version. I may keep shootin but u waited 3 months to kill only one fam. :) and u couldnt even do it. So dont tell me who is chicken or not. Then i say ok lets see who is pussy. Rank up dude. Rank up :)
nakamura Croatia (16:06:14 - 25-07)
Link Quote
dark at 22:54:01 on 24/07:
salamura at 19:10:55 on 24/07:
nakamura at 16:42:33 on 24/07:
Battalgazi at 10:22:03 on 24/07:
nakamura at 09:07:08 on 24/07:
Johnny at 01:40:31 on 24/07:
Maybe you know a guy named erinc. He had nice chit-chat with me while we were up.

That reminded me dark saying to me "individual tops cant decide or talk for whole fam" when i told that "Battalgazi asked me to form a pact when we were not even bloods".

I expect the very same performance from BoHeM as well.

nakamura we are still waiting for the logs that i cried to you in your pm and you can also add pact logs as well ;)

damn i talked with you only a few times and you have got a fantastic imagination :)

as i told you before go and talk with valentin,attacker or have to be informed before disgraced yourself ;)
Dude, I dont think that I need to show some logs to prove what i said. It is not my style to put logs here, it may be your style but not mine sorry. Though you can still share whatever logs of mine you want to, I am still behind of my words.
I dont lie in here. You and me both know about those talks. Be a decent top, and stop denying. Be a decent top and stay behind of your words when they come out from your mouth.

Damn your "individual acts dont bother whole fam" policy looks more honourable in this situation.

stfu idiot :)

Nakamura :D well ur tops even spoke about ur another blood that we can shoot em and they dont care. If u want i can show u that logs also. But wait ahhhh yea u know it already right?

And what i let u remember another thing. In ur first serious war u are dead, gratz u are great player. And also u are good talker... English master. Game master. Well and u wanna know who is ur invidual top who said me that maraz can shoot their blood and camorra did not care.?

Battal give him those logs maybe he can remember :) take care and nn... Yes we cried to be blood with camorra such an huge fam which is couldnt even arrange one war :D Really imao!!!!
Well, seems like you finally admit about the crying part.

About serious war part, i dont know what you meant by serious war. Maybe when 5-6 fams team up and shoot at you, it becomes serious war for you. But believe me, we took every war serious. We dont make fun of dead people, we dont joke around after a war. We dont whine after dying as well. Its part of the game, we live with it, we die by it.

About individual tops talks, I never denied or rejected any of my logs. But you are trying to startle me with some of my other tops talking with your some of other tops. I dont care about what they talked dude. You can show any logs you want to so. It really doesnt bother me. Read careful of what i wrote before. I am behind of my every word, said to you or your other maraz tops. But you or your tops, go chicken out and start lying, denying, slanting or not seeing my point on purpose. The person coming to my pm every single day, asking even my phone number to chitchat(?) a lil more in daily life now accusing me of having a great imagination. Thank you, I have a good imagination but seems like that person has better imagination than me.

And dark, I dunno why you jump every single time when i ask Battal to tell the truth. I am not accusing you, nor Marazzino. I just want him to be a decent top and not to deny what have happened.

Like i said, your "individual tops cant act for whole fam" policy sounds better than ignoring things.
By the way, next time if any Maraz tops come to my pm, I will ask him to create a channel with their whole tops just to be sure :'d
Anonymous (15:49:02 - 25-07)
Link Quote
Maddox at 03:28:52 on 25/07:
dark at 22:54:01 on 24/07:
salamura at 19:10:55 on 24/07:
nakamura at 16:42:33 on 24/07:
Battalgazi at 10:22:03 on 24/07:
nakamura at 09:07:08 on 24/07:
Johnny at 01:40:31 on 24/07:
Maybe you know a guy named erinc. He had nice chit-chat with me while we were up.

That reminded me dark saying to me "individual tops cant decide or talk for whole fam" when i told that "Battalgazi asked me to form a pact when we were not even bloods".

I expect the very same performance from BoHeM as well.

nakamura we are still waiting for the logs that i cried to you in your pm and you can also add pact logs as well ;)

damn i talked with you only a few times and you have got a fantastic imagination :)

as i told you before go and talk with valentin,attacker or have to be informed before disgraced yourself ;)
Dude, I dont think that I need to show some logs to prove what i said. It is not my style to put logs here, it may be your style but not mine sorry. Though you can still share whatever logs of mine you want to, I am still behind of my words.
I dont lie in here. You and me both know about those talks. Be a decent top, and stop denying. Be a decent top and stay behind of your words when they come out from your mouth.

Damn your "individual acts dont bother whole fam" policy looks more honourable in this situation.

stfu idiot :)

Nakamura :D well ur tops even spoke about ur another blood that we can shoot em and they dont care. If u want i can show u that logs also. But wait ahhhh yea u know it already right?

And what i let u remember another thing. In ur first serious war u are dead, gratz u are great player. And also u are good talker... English master. Game master. Well and u wanna know who is ur invidual top who said me that maraz can shoot their blood and camorra did not care.?

Battal give him those logs maybe he can remember :) take care and nn... Yes we cried to be blood with camorra such an huge fam which is couldnt even arrange one war :D Really imao!!!!
what is imao?
Anonymous (15:33:50 - 25-07)
Link Quote
Killerzzz at 14:35:52 on 25/07:
Anonymous at 12:53:41 on 25/07:
Stakky at 23:19:31 on 24/07:
Anonymous at 14:30:21 on 24/07:

#help is know now

krays + vaffan + casappa + nuevitas + Coltello + righelli + Messina + Presidential/Authority cant kill turkuz,admins did back up but they cant kill too and wanted help other fams at last Cogere and Loriga finished turkuz and loriga lost 6 brugs turkuz :D

good pact gays for kill fam :) you are rly pathetic :)

respect turkuz + _o_

lmfao over here.
Thanks for the laugh m8 o/

Same to you, not sure what was funnier. Turkuz peepz who cried RACÝST in #help or Krays going down due to miscommunication (lol, right) first time they're involved in a war from the start.

he has you there stakky xD

Yeah you sir are right, we should share passwords so this would have never happened :)