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29-10 Balls
Author: Achille
Last updated: 3055d 3h 34m 31s ago by Kapow
Comments: 113
Views: 39,275
Votes: 2 (5 average)
Version: 4.10.2
Involved families: Destination, Favians, Guardians, Difference, Horde, Shamrock, Syracuse, Winterfell, Winterhill
Guardians, Favians and Destination opened fire at Winterhill, Winterfell and Shamrock.

Horde and Syracuse launched a counter attack against Guardians.
Meanwhile Destination got hijacked, putting them out of the fight for the moment.

The following night Difference tries to make a difference and is shooting at Guardians.
Kapow (Guardians): Its not about the size of the dog in the fight, its about the size of the fight in the dog in the dogfight.
War started on: 16:38:03 29-10-2016 War ended on: 19:43:04 04-11-2016
Bullet difference: -7,110,061 War duration: 6d 3h 5m
Money difference: +$1,140,747,384 Players died: 305

Dead Families:
[Favians] Family down on 19:41 04-11
[Difference] Family down on 10:58 02-11
[Guardians] Family down on 01:40 01-11
[Destination] Family down on 09:23 30-10
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Destination | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 39
Difference | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 55
Favians | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 5 | chief: 9 | brug: 29 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 480
Guardians | swin: 2 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 8 | brug: 25 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 401
Horde | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 6 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 87
Shamrock | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 6 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 81
Syracuse | swin: 2 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 17
Winterfell | swin: 1 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 4 | brug: 8 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 141
Winterhill | swin: 3 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 5 | brug: 8 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 163
Total | swin: 9 | assa: 5 | lc: 8 | chief: 28 | brug: 89 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 1,464

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Anonymous (15:34:02 - 31-10)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 15:28:16 on 31/10:
Tony-E at 03:40:55 on 31/10:

LAVI winterhil.
nice bro u made video! I'm even honoured to have a key role in your video and to be in your fampage.
Funny thing about this, i only saw my self there in a warchannel what isn't my war.
And u tried to mention some things i did say or ask something in the war channel.
But those are indeed facts none of them were fake screenshots,
And i guess you were very happy you had a leak of their warchannel!
As the video go's on, it went to something almost as personal to me.
Well that means you should be very hurted that you saw me in a killchannel, what i not even my war.
You did say somethings were i need to react the video went from something that really happent to video with no facts.
Let me get some facts straight for you hurted boy.
Btw whoever put Tony-E as a war general and gave him~
Thankyou we couldnt win without u.
Next time you might try to pickup someone who has a win against us

The first fact is that a mate needed a grimreaper, after they started already shooting u.
Np, i would help them out.
they gave me a flag so that i could invite grimreaper.
So it was fixed, and i go on with doing other stuf.
It was already clear that there wasn't any organisation to shoot or any structure.
And some tops pmed me that i could maybe help because it was chaos, tops were afk.members didn't even have any motiivation. there wasn't that much talking, people were going idle.
and shooters that didn't know what to shoot, with which bg etc etc.
As the version is already easy for you because u have almost all the top fams blooded winterhill himself is with 300members.
I give them some motivation to stay awake wake up as i don't know even who who is or what they even are.
The only thing that i can explain then this bs shit of you is, that it all went to your head. every LIL more doing for your win you get hurted of. but that tells more about u guys then me.

Than you talk about some winning against u guys.
It's not my war. u are getting hurt because they got some lil help. Wtf? oh wait you are used to a easywin.

This is not the way i talk noramly with fams, but the video is made it a personal thing now. so what u give is what u get!

but i will come back at this point. because it's the example youself gave. prooves that there is no winning like that.
Gs/Fb = winterhill
Slaven bilinc = Tony-E

I didn't know what it even was so. you explained me with this results and i was trainer of Bestiktas as slaven bilinc
This are the darby footboll matches in turkey he won only at rusia.
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> Beþiktaþ 0-3 G.Saray
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> F.Bahçe 3-3 Beþiktaþ
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> G.Saray 1-0 Beþiktaþ
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> Beþiktaþ 1-1 F.Bahçe
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> Beþiktaþ 0-1 F.Bahçe

So this fact i meaned this derby matches are 11 vs 11 always, if ur team is better than the other, u win.
But u as example talk about say you win from us, While i'm Bestikas i need to play against Gs & Fb.
Wake up amk, you never can say YOU WIN from me. That is not a derby as you self said so.:)
If you want a real derby match. You can show your real power and i will show myn.
Than u can win a derby match from me. witouth fenerbahce u need to play if u come with galatasary.
And that's winning or loosing in derby,
I am now officaly challenging u out to have a derby match with me 1vs1.
Than me or you can talk abou u win of me of we win of you.
So let whole omerta be witness with words.
U called me a LOSER right?
Show me the BALLS to have an fair 1vs1 war.
1vs1 a real DERBY. So you will have a match, and i will come at full power.
If you don't want a real derby, you prove yourself only.

About Adolf.
It's not weird i can talk to them, when you are arround.
But that's between u guys, but i guess it is so bad that they even can talk with me about u guys.

Next thing u say about me is something maybe u didn't even have realized yet.

Good job Tony-e, taking your fam to death wasn't enough.
kanka, Bestias is made for 1 mission. shooting at winterhill at chief.
We played for that dead, we enjoyed every single second of the war.
Just an lackey fam, that gonna shoot winterhill at chief hmm....
Winterhill did know that, they even were hired but Winterhill failed to shoot first.
While knowing we would shoot. winterhill tops were taking the accounts to death, that did day and night ranking for the dead from some bestias lackey fam.
I can make u sure, that Bestias shooters died with allot laughing and plessure, that u coudln't stop a fam what is 50% of your size.
But did yours top accounts enjoyed also that u guys taking your top accounts to dead?

And after that you menioned in the video:
Now you took them to death to.

Yeah sure, i ordered them to shoot u... sarcasm
They made their own war. and i'm sure they are happy that they could at least take some with them.
And i am happy if was able to help some, that caust ur acc more dead.
but you get hurted by that because you only want easy win, o gush someone helped them waking up or be more active in the war or having some bg's good again or taking good backups etc.
I even told that i'm not the one to decide it, but i iwere them i would go 5 attack with my last 60k.
That hurted u even more?
Comeone you are a big strong fam, tbh u should thank me ( if i was able to help them some)
But ofc, thats something about pride.
They probably could do much much more damage, if there was somebody at war did it.
And the members got even more demotivated after none top was there to lead them or so.

aftere there was almost nobody talking anymore in the killchannel,you can do one thing. to make it active again.
it named Motivate them.

If some top say, we are screwed,
And they were already demotivated because nonody were leading them.
Well u saw everything so, if you have some working brains u should know.
that me was saying: They are nothing, we can take them comeon.
just to motitvate them. but you know what i did exactly. helping them and still it hurt.
So while you know i said that 'they are nothing' and i didn't mean it, you have some other thing to say in the video;
You have been smacked by nothing, twice.

You stabbed me(can't be discuss yes or no game) that was indeed a smack.

Remember i just played to kill some of you, and you can smack yourself for letting your own fam get shot
and losing important accounts.
Imo, i give you a smack with worthless accounts with no effort at all...
Just some knowleg how to war. wait i remembered u was saying here before, that i am not good wat leading them kill u.
Just have good luck back mate, u guys have been tricked by us just with fly.
Oeps, did your dets expire and u couldn't even shoot back because of that?
Damn, after that u lost 1 wave alot top accs in 1 shot because we were made to kill u guys with 5 attack?
But okthat didn't last to long, we coudln't finish other accounts because yor counter came,if somebody gave me smack. it's still your blood that you let shoot more then yourself.
smack? haha

And as last :')

this is something that also tells more about u.
you have no clue about how long we leason to that song during wars.
You found that number out, kind of few years to late ;')

All this childish talk, it's not my style.
But i needed to get some facts straight.
Now i will be waiting for u guys to accept my challange, if u do got the balls.
1vs1, there won't be thinking of winning a version.
Just you and me.
And i wish you goodluck with your cildish video at your fampage. trying to give a bad look ore something.
But yeah, it's all just because i helped people that probably took some of your important people of your way.
Making it harder to a fam that already have won by 2 wars? have some honour and fight your last enemy witouth getting hurt that sombody helped hem out. rDude u must be hurted and really sick in your head for
Giving a key role in his video, while the ar stated at aldo

Funny how Winterhill made themself ashamed with his own video now xd
Would be interesting if they would accept Tony's challange.
I think, they wont have a chance against a angry Tony xd

Hello tony anonymous o/
Anonymous (15:28:16 - 31-10)
Link Quote
Tony-E at 03:40:55 on 31/10:

LAVI winterhil.
nice bro u made video! I'm even honoured to have a key role in your video and to be in your fampage.
Funny thing about this, i only saw my self there in a warchannel what isn't my war.
And u tried to mention some things i did say or ask something in the war channel.
But those are indeed facts none of them were fake screenshots,
And i guess you were very happy you had a leak of their warchannel!
As the video go's on, it went to something almost as personal to me.
Well that means you should be very hurted that you saw me in a killchannel, what i not even my war.
You did say somethings were i need to react the video went from something that really happent to video with no facts.
Let me get some facts straight for you hurted boy.
Btw whoever put Tony-E as a war general and gave him~
Thankyou we couldnt win without u.
Next time you might try to pickup someone who has a win against us

The first fact is that a mate needed a grimreaper, after they started already shooting u.
Np, i would help them out.
they gave me a flag so that i could invite grimreaper.
So it was fixed, and i go on with doing other stuf.
It was already clear that there wasn't any organisation to shoot or any structure.
And some tops pmed me that i could maybe help because it was chaos, tops were afk.members didn't even have any motiivation. there wasn't that much talking, people were going idle.
and shooters that didn't know what to shoot, with which bg etc etc.
As the version is already easy for you because u have almost all the top fams blooded winterhill himself is with 300members.
I give them some motivation to stay awake wake up as i don't know even who who is or what they even are.
The only thing that i can explain then this bs shit of you is, that it all went to your head. every LIL more doing for your win you get hurted of. but that tells more about u guys then me.

Than you talk about some winning against u guys.
It's not my war. u are getting hurt because they got some lil help. Wtf? oh wait you are used to a easywin.

This is not the way i talk noramly with fams, but the video is made it a personal thing now. so what u give is what u get!

but i will come back at this point. because it's the example youself gave. prooves that there is no winning like that.
Gs/Fb = winterhill
Slaven bilinc = Tony-E

I didn't know what it even was so. you explained me with this results and i was trainer of Bestiktas as slaven bilinc
This are the darby footboll matches in turkey he won only at rusia.
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> Beþiktaþ 0-3 G.Saray
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> F.Bahçe 3-3 Beþiktaþ
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> G.Saray 1-0 Beþiktaþ
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> Beþiktaþ 1-1 F.Bahçe
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> Beþiktaþ 0-1 F.Bahçe

So this fact i meaned this derby matches are 11 vs 11 always, if ur team is better than the other, u win.
But u as example talk about say you win from us, While i'm Bestikas i need to play against Gs & Fb.
Wake up amk, you never can say YOU WIN from me. That is not a derby as you self said so.:)
If you want a real derby match. You can show your real power and i will show myn.
Than u can win a derby match from me. witouth fenerbahce u need to play if u come with galatasary.
And that's winning or loosing in derby,
I am now officaly challenging u out to have a derby match with me 1vs1.
Than me or you can talk abou u win of me of we win of you.
So let whole omerta be witness with words.
U called me a LOSER right?
Show me the BALLS to have an fair 1vs1 war.
1vs1 a real DERBY. So you will have a match, and i will come at full power.
If you don't want a real derby, you prove yourself only.

About Adolf.
It's not weird i can talk to them, when you are arround.
But that's between u guys, but i guess it is so bad that they even can talk with me about u guys.

Next thing u say about me is something maybe u didn't even have realized yet.

Good job Tony-e, taking your fam to death wasn't enough.
kanka, Bestias is made for 1 mission. shooting at winterhill at chief.
We played for that dead, we enjoyed every single second of the war.
Just an lackey fam, that gonna shoot winterhill at chief hmm....
Winterhill did know that, they even were hired but Winterhill failed to shoot first.
While knowing we would shoot. winterhill tops were taking the accounts to death, that did day and night ranking for the dead from some bestias lackey fam.
I can make u sure, that Bestias shooters died with allot laughing and plessure, that u coudln't stop a fam what is 50% of your size.
But did yours top accounts enjoyed also that u guys taking your top accounts to dead?

And after that you menioned in the video:
Now you took them to death to.

Yeah sure, i ordered them to shoot u... sarcasm
They made their own war. and i'm sure they are happy that they could at least take some with them.
And i am happy if was able to help some, that caust ur acc more dead.
but you get hurted by that because you only want easy win, o gush someone helped them waking up or be more active in the war or having some bg's good again or taking good backups etc.
I even told that i'm not the one to decide it, but i iwere them i would go 5 attack with my last 60k.
That hurted u even more?
Comeone you are a big strong fam, tbh u should thank me ( if i was able to help them some)
But ofc, thats something about pride.
They probably could do much much more damage, if there was somebody at war did it.
And the members got even more demotivated after none top was there to lead them or so.

aftere there was almost nobody talking anymore in the killchannel,you can do one thing. to make it active again.
it named Motivate them.

If some top say, we are screwed,
And they were already demotivated because nonody were leading them.
Well u saw everything so, if you have some working brains u should know.
that me was saying: They are nothing, we can take them comeon.
just to motitvate them. but you know what i did exactly. helping them and still it hurt.
So while you know i said that 'they are nothing' and i didn't mean it, you have some other thing to say in the video;
You have been smacked by nothing, twice.

You stabbed me(can't be discuss yes or no game) that was indeed a smack.

Remember i just played to kill some of you, and you can smack yourself for letting your own fam get shot
and losing important accounts.
Imo, i give you a smack with worthless accounts with no effort at all...
Just some knowleg how to war. wait i remembered u was saying here before, that i am not good wat leading them kill u.
Just have good luck back mate, u guys have been tricked by us just with fly.
Oeps, did your dets expire and u couldn't even shoot back because of that?
Damn, after that u lost 1 wave alot top accs in 1 shot because we were made to kill u guys with 5 attack?
But okthat didn't last to long, we coudln't finish other accounts because yor counter came,if somebody gave me smack. it's still your blood that you let shoot more then yourself.
smack? haha

And as last :')

this is something that also tells more about u.
you have no clue about how long we leason to that song during wars.
You found that number out, kind of few years to late ;')

All this childish talk, it's not my style.
But i needed to get some facts straight.
Now i will be waiting for u guys to accept my challange, if u do got the balls.
1vs1, there won't be thinking of winning a version.
Just you and me.
And i wish you goodluck with your cildish video at your fampage. trying to give a bad look ore something.
But yeah, it's all just because i helped people that probably took some of your important people of your way.
Making it harder to a fam that already have won by 2 wars? have some honour and fight your last enemy witouth getting hurt that sombody helped hem out. rDude u must be hurted and really sick in your head for
Giving a key role in his video, while the ar stated at aldo

Funny how Winterhill made themself ashamed with his own video now xd
Would be interesting if they would accept Tony's challange.
I think, they wont have a chance against a angry Tony xd

Anonymous (14:35:07 - 31-10)
Link Quote
Tony freestyle Bible verse.mp3
Anonymous (12:49:11 - 31-10)
Link Quote
Tony-E at 03:40:55 on 31/10:

LAVI winterhil.
nice bro u made video! I'm even honoured to have a key role in your video and to be in your fampage.
Funny thing about this, i only saw my self there in a warchannel what isn't my war.
And u tried to mention some things i did say or ask something in the war channel.
But those are indeed facts none of them were fake screenshots,
And i guess you were very happy you had a leak of their warchannel!
As the video go's on, it went to something almost as personal to me.
Well that means you should be very hurted that you saw me in a killchannel, what i not even my war.
You did say somethings were i need to react the video went from something that really happent to video with no facts.
Let me get some facts straight for you hurted boy.
Btw whoever put Tony-E as a war general and gave him~
Thankyou we couldnt win without u.
Next time you might try to pickup someone who has a win against us

The first fact is that a mate needed a grimreaper, after they started already shooting u.
Np, i would help them out.
they gave me a flag so that i could invite grimreaper.
So it was fixed, and i go on with doing other stuf.
It was already clear that there wasn't any organisation to shoot or any structure.
And some tops pmed me that i could maybe help because it was chaos, tops were afk.members didn't even have any motiivation. there wasn't that much talking, people were going idle.
and shooters that didn't know what to shoot, with which bg etc etc.
As the version is already easy for you because u have almost all the top fams blooded winterhill himself is with 300members.
I give them some motivation to stay awake wake up as i don't know even who who is or what they even are.
The only thing that i can explain then this bs shit of you is, that it all went to your head. every LIL more doing for your win you get hurted of. but that tells more about u guys then me.

Than you talk about some winning against u guys.
It's not my war. u are getting hurt because they got some lil help. Wtf? oh wait you are used to a easywin.

This is not the way i talk noramly with fams, but the video is made it a personal thing now. so what u give is what u get!

but i will come back at this point. because it's the example youself gave. prooves that there is no winning like that.
Gs/Fb = winterhill
Slaven bilinc = Tony-E

I didn't know what it even was so. you explained me with this results and i was trainer of Bestiktas as slaven bilinc
This are the darby footboll matches in turkey he won only at rusia.
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> Beþiktaþ 0-3 G.Saray
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> F.Bahçe 3-3 Beþiktaþ
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> G.Saray 1-0 Beþiktaþ
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> Beþiktaþ 1-1 F.Bahçe
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> Beþiktaþ 0-1 F.Bahçe

So this fact i meaned this derby matches are 11 vs 11 always, if ur team is better than the other, u win.
But u as example talk about say you win from us, While i'm Bestikas i need to play against Gs & Fb.
Wake up amk, you never can say YOU WIN from me. That is not a derby as you self said so.:)
If you want a real derby match. You can show your real power and i will show myn.
Than u can win a derby match from me. witouth fenerbahce u need to play if u come with galatasary.
And that's winning or loosing in derby,
I am now officaly challenging u out to have a derby match with me 1vs1.
Than me or you can talk abou u win of me of we win of you.
So let whole omerta be witness with words.
U called me a LOSER right?
Show me the BALLS to have an fair 1vs1 war.
1vs1 a real DERBY. So you will have a match, and i will come at full power.
If you don't want a real derby, you prove yourself only.

About Adolf.
It's not weird i can talk to them, when you are arround.
But that's between u guys, but i guess it is so bad that they even can talk with me about u guys.

Next thing u say about me is something maybe u didn't even have realized yet.

Good job Tony-e, taking your fam to death wasn't enough.
kanka, Bestias is made for 1 mission. shooting at winterhill at chief.
We played for that dead, we enjoyed every single second of the war.
Just an lackey fam, that gonna shoot winterhill at chief hmm....
Winterhill did know that, they even were hired but Winterhill failed to shoot first.
While knowing we would shoot. winterhill tops were taking the accounts to death, that did day and night ranking for the dead from some bestias lackey fam.
I can make u sure, that Bestias shooters died with allot laughing and plessure, that u coudln't stop a fam what is 50% of your size.
But did yours top accounts enjoyed also that u guys taking your top accounts to dead?

And after that you menioned in the video:
Now you took them to death to.

Yeah sure, i ordered them to shoot u... sarcasm
They made their own war. and i'm sure they are happy that they could at least take some with them.
And i am happy if was able to help some, that caust ur acc more dead.
but you get hurted by that because you only want easy win, o gush someone helped them waking up or be more active in the war or having some bg's good again or taking good backups etc.
I even told that i'm not the one to decide it, but i iwere them i would go 5 attack with my last 60k.
That hurted u even more?
Comeone you are a big strong fam, tbh u should thank me ( if i was able to help them some)
But ofc, thats something about pride.
They probably could do much much more damage, if there was somebody at war did it.
And the members got even more demotivated after none top was there to lead them or so.

aftere there was almost nobody talking anymore in the killchannel,you can do one thing. to make it active again.
it named Motivate them.

If some top say, we are screwed,
And they were already demotivated because nonody were leading them.
Well u saw everything so, if you have some working brains u should know.
that me was saying: They are nothing, we can take them comeon.
just to motitvate them. but you know what i did exactly. helping them and still it hurt.
So while you know i said that 'they are nothing' and i didn't mean it, you have some other thing to say in the video;
You have been smacked by nothing, twice.

You stabbed me(can't be discuss yes or no game) that was indeed a smack.

Remember i just played to kill some of you, and you can smack yourself for letting your own fam get shot
and losing important accounts.
Imo, i give you a smack with worthless accounts with no effort at all...
Just some knowleg how to war. wait i remembered u was saying here before, that i am not good wat leading them kill u.
Just have good luck back mate, u guys have been tricked by us just with fly.
Oeps, did your dets expire and u couldn't even shoot back because of that?
Damn, after that u lost 1 wave alot top accs in 1 shot because we were made to kill u guys with 5 attack?
But okthat didn't last to long, we coudln't finish other accounts because yor counter came,if somebody gave me smack. it's still your blood that you let shoot more then yourself.
smack? haha

And as last :')

this is something that also tells more about u.
you have no clue about how long we leason to that song during wars.
You found that number out, kind of few years to late ;')

All this childish talk, it's not my style.
But i needed to get some facts straight.
Now i will be waiting for u guys to accept my challange, if u do got the balls.
1vs1, there won't be thinking of winning a version.
Just you and me.
And i wish you goodluck with your cildish video at your fampage. trying to give a bad look ore something.
But yeah, it's all just because i helped people that probably took some of your important people of your way.
Making it harder to a fam that already have won by 2 wars? have some honour and fight your last enemy witouth getting hurt that sombody helped hem out. rDude u must be hurted and really sick in your head for
Giving a key role in his video, while the ar stated at aldo

Destan yazmissin amk
Critycal Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Patron (10:04:11 - 31-10)
Link Quote
Tony-E at 03:40:55 on 31/10:

LAVI winterhil.
nice bro u made video! I'm even honoured to have a key role in your video and to be in your fampage.
Funny thing about this, i only saw my self there in a warchannel what isn't my war.
And u tried to mention some things i did say or ask something in the war channel.
But those are indeed facts none of them were fake screenshots,
And i guess you were very happy you had a leak of their warchannel!
As the video go's on, it went to something almost as personal to me.
Well that means you should be very hurted that you saw me in a killchannel, what i not even my war.
You did say somethings were i need to react the video went from something that really happent to video with no facts.
Let me get some facts straight for you hurted boy.
Btw whoever put Tony-E as a war general and gave him~
Thankyou we couldnt win without u.
Next time you might try to pickup someone who has a win against us

The first fact is that a mate needed a grimreaper, after they started already shooting u.
Np, i would help them out.
they gave me a flag so that i could invite grimreaper.
So it was fixed, and i go on with doing other stuf.
It was already clear that there wasn't any organisation to shoot or any structure.
And some tops pmed me that i could maybe help because it was chaos, tops were afk.members didn't even have any motiivation. there wasn't that much talking, people were going idle.
and shooters that didn't know what to shoot, with which bg etc etc.
As the version is already easy for you because u have almost all the top fams blooded winterhill himself is with 300members.
I give them some motivation to stay awake wake up as i don't know even who who is or what they even are.
The only thing that i can explain then this bs shit of you is, that it all went to your head. every LIL more doing for your win you get hurted of. but that tells more about u guys then me.

Than you talk about some winning against u guys.
It's not my war. u are getting hurt because they got some lil help. Wtf? oh wait you are used to a easywin.

This is not the way i talk noramly with fams, but the video is made it a personal thing now. so what u give is what u get!

but i will come back at this point. because it's the example youself gave. prooves that there is no winning like that.
Gs/Fb = winterhill
Slaven bilinc = Tony-E

I didn't know what it even was so. you explained me with this results and i was trainer of Bestiktas as slaven bilinc
This are the darby footboll matches in turkey he won only at rusia.
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> Beþiktaþ 0-3 G.Saray
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> F.Bahçe 3-3 Beþiktaþ
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> G.Saray 1-0 Beþiktaþ
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> Beþiktaþ 1-1 F.Bahçe
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> Beþiktaþ 0-1 F.Bahçe

So this fact i meaned this derby matches are 11 vs 11 always, if ur team is better than the other, u win.
But u as example talk about say you win from us, While i'm Bestikas i need to play against Gs & Fb.
Wake up amk, you never can say YOU WIN from me. That is not a derby as you self said so.:)
If you want a real derby match. You can show your real power and i will show myn.
Than u can win a derby match from me. witouth fenerbahce u need to play if u come with galatasary.
And that's winning or loosing in derby,
I am now officaly challenging u out to have a derby match with me 1vs1.
Than me or you can talk abou u win of me of we win of you.
So let whole omerta be witness with words.
U called me a LOSER right?
Show me the BALLS to have an fair 1vs1 war.
1vs1 a real DERBY. So you will have a match, and i will come at full power.
If you don't want a real derby, you prove yourself only.

About Adolf.
It's not weird i can talk to them, when you are arround.
But that's between u guys, but i guess it is so bad that they even can talk with me about u guys.

Next thing u say about me is something maybe u didn't even have realized yet.

Good job Tony-e, taking your fam to death wasn't enough.
kanka, Bestias is made for 1 mission. shooting at winterhill at chief.
We played for that dead, we enjoyed every single second of the war.
Just an lackey fam, that gonna shoot winterhill at chief hmm....
Winterhill did know that, they even were hired but Winterhill failed to shoot first.
While knowing we would shoot. winterhill tops were taking the accounts to death, that did day and night ranking for the dead from some bestias lackey fam.
I can make u sure, that Bestias shooters died with allot laughing and plessure, that u coudln't stop a fam what is 50% of your size.
But did yours top accounts enjoyed also that u guys taking your top accounts to dead?

And after that you menioned in the video:
Now you took them to death to.

Yeah sure, i ordered them to shoot u... sarcasm
They made their own war. and i'm sure they are happy that they could at least take some with them.
And i am happy if was able to help some, that caust ur acc more dead.
but you get hurted by that because you only want easy win, o gush someone helped them waking up or be more active in the war or having some bg's good again or taking good backups etc.
I even told that i'm not the one to decide it, but i iwere them i would go 5 attack with my last 60k.
That hurted u even more?
Comeone you are a big strong fam, tbh u should thank me ( if i was able to help them some)
But ofc, thats something about pride.
They probably could do much much more damage, if there was somebody at war did it.
And the members got even more demotivated after none top was there to lead them or so.

aftere there was almost nobody talking anymore in the killchannel,you can do one thing. to make it active again.
it named Motivate them.

If some top say, we are screwed,
And they were already demotivated because nonody were leading them.
Well u saw everything so, if you have some working brains u should know.
that me was saying: They are nothing, we can take them comeon.
just to motitvate them. but you know what i did exactly. helping them and still it hurt.
So while you know i said that 'they are nothing' and i didn't mean it, you have some other thing to say in the video;
You have been smacked by nothing, twice.

You stabbed me(can't be discuss yes or no game) that was indeed a smack.

Remember i just played to kill some of you, and you can smack yourself for letting your own fam get shot
and losing important accounts.
Imo, i give you a smack with worthless accounts with no effort at all...
Just some knowleg how to war. wait i remembered u was saying here before, that i am not good wat leading them kill u.
Just have good luck back mate, u guys have been tricked by us just with fly.
Oeps, did your dets expire and u couldn't even shoot back because of that?
Damn, after that u lost 1 wave alot top accs in 1 shot because we were made to kill u guys with 5 attack?
But okthat didn't last to long, we coudln't finish other accounts because yor counter came,if somebody gave me smack. it's still your blood that you let shoot more then yourself.
smack? haha

And as last :')

this is something that also tells more about u.
you have no clue about how long we leason to that song during wars.
You found that number out, kind of few years to late ;')

All this childish talk, it's not my style.
But i needed to get some facts straight.
Now i will be waiting for u guys to accept my challange, if u do got the balls.
1vs1, there won't be thinking of winning a version.
Just you and me.
And i wish you goodluck with your cildish video at your fampage. trying to give a bad look ore something.
But yeah, it's all just because i helped people that probably took some of your important people of your way.
Making it harder to a fam that already have won by 2 wars? have some honour and fight your last enemy witouth getting hurt that sombody helped hem out. rDude u must be hurted and really sick in your head for
Giving a key role in his video, while the ar stated at aldo

Anonymous (09:34:35 - 31-10)
Link Quote
Tony-E at 03:40:55 on 31/10:

LAVI winterhil.
nice bro u made video! I'm even honoured to have a key role in your video and to be in your fampage.
Funny thing about this, i only saw my self there in a warchannel what isn't my war.
And u tried to mention some things i did say or ask something in the war channel.
But those are indeed facts none of them were fake screenshots,
And i guess you were very happy you had a leak of their warchannel!
As the video go's on, it went to something almost as personal to me.
Well that means you should be very hurted that you saw me in a killchannel, what i not even my war.
You did say somethings were i need to react the video went from something that really happent to video with no facts.
Let me get some facts straight for you hurted boy.
Btw whoever put Tony-E as a war general and gave him~
Thankyou we couldnt win without u.
Next time you might try to pickup someone who has a win against us

The first fact is that a mate needed a grimreaper, after they started already shooting u.
Np, i would help them out.
they gave me a flag so that i could invite grimreaper.
So it was fixed, and i go on with doing other stuf.
It was already clear that there wasn't any organisation to shoot or any structure.
And some tops pmed me that i could maybe help because it was chaos, tops were afk.members didn't even have any motiivation. there wasn't that much talking, people were going idle.
and shooters that didn't know what to shoot, with which bg etc etc.
As the version is already easy for you because u have almost all the top fams blooded winterhill himself is with 300members.
I give them some motivation to stay awake wake up as i don't know even who who is or what they even are.
The only thing that i can explain then this bs shit of you is, that it all went to your head. every LIL more doing for your win you get hurted of. but that tells more about u guys then me.

Than you talk about some winning against u guys.
It's not my war. u are getting hurt because they got some lil help. Wtf? oh wait you are used to a easywin.

This is not the way i talk noramly with fams, but the video is made it a personal thing now. so what u give is what u get!

but i will come back at this point. because it's the example youself gave. prooves that there is no winning like that.
Gs/Fb = winterhill
Slaven bilinc = Tony-E

I didn't know what it even was so. you explained me with this results and i was trainer of Bestiktas as slaven bilinc
This are the darby footboll matches in turkey he won only at rusia.
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> Beþiktaþ 0-3 G.Saray
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> F.Bahçe 3-3 Beþiktaþ
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> G.Saray 1-0 Beþiktaþ
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> Beþiktaþ 1-1 F.Bahçe
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> Beþiktaþ 0-1 F.Bahçe

So this fact i meaned this derby matches are 11 vs 11 always, if ur team is better than the other, u win.
But u as example talk about say you win from us, While i'm Bestikas i need to play against Gs & Fb.
Wake up amk, you never can say YOU WIN from me. That is not a derby as you self said so.:)
If you want a real derby match. You can show your real power and i will show myn.
Than u can win a derby match from me. witouth fenerbahce u need to play if u come with galatasary.
And that's winning or loosing in derby,
I am now officaly challenging u out to have a derby match with me 1vs1.
Than me or you can talk abou u win of me of we win of you.
So let whole omerta be witness with words.
U called me a LOSER right?
Show me the BALLS to have an fair 1vs1 war.
1vs1 a real DERBY. So you will have a match, and i will come at full power.
If you don't want a real derby, you prove yourself only.

About Adolf.
It's not weird i can talk to them, when you are arround.
But that's between u guys, but i guess it is so bad that they even can talk with me about u guys.

Next thing u say about me is something maybe u didn't even have realized yet.

Good job Tony-e, taking your fam to death wasn't enough.
kanka, Bestias is made for 1 mission. shooting at winterhill at chief.
We played for that dead, we enjoyed every single second of the war.
Just an lackey fam, that gonna shoot winterhill at chief hmm....
Winterhill did know that, they even were hired but Winterhill failed to shoot first.
While knowing we would shoot. winterhill tops were taking the accounts to death, that did day and night ranking for the dead from some bestias lackey fam.
I can make u sure, that Bestias shooters died with allot laughing and plessure, that u coudln't stop a fam what is 50% of your size.
But did yours top accounts enjoyed also that u guys taking your top accounts to dead?

And after that you menioned in the video:
Now you took them to death to.

Yeah sure, i ordered them to shoot u... sarcasm
They made their own war. and i'm sure they are happy that they could at least take some with them.
And i am happy if was able to help some, that caust ur acc more dead.
but you get hurted by that because you only want easy win, o gush someone helped them waking up or be more active in the war or having some bg's good again or taking good backups etc.
I even told that i'm not the one to decide it, but i iwere them i would go 5 attack with my last 60k.
That hurted u even more?
Comeone you are a big strong fam, tbh u should thank me ( if i was able to help them some)
But ofc, thats something about pride.
They probably could do much much more damage, if there was somebody at war did it.
And the members got even more demotivated after none top was there to lead them or so.

aftere there was almost nobody talking anymore in the killchannel,you can do one thing. to make it active again.
it named Motivate them.

If some top say, we are screwed,
And they were already demotivated because nonody were leading them.
Well u saw everything so, if you have some working brains u should know.
that me was saying: They are nothing, we can take them comeon.
just to motitvate them. but you know what i did exactly. helping them and still it hurt.
So while you know i said that 'they are nothing' and i didn't mean it, you have some other thing to say in the video;
You have been smacked by nothing, twice.

You stabbed me(can't be discuss yes or no game) that was indeed a smack.

Remember i just played to kill some of you, and you can smack yourself for letting your own fam get shot
and losing important accounts.
Imo, i give you a smack with worthless accounts with no effort at all...
Just some knowleg how to war. wait i remembered u was saying here before, that i am not good wat leading them kill u.
Just have good luck back mate, u guys have been tricked by us just with fly.
Oeps, did your dets expire and u couldn't even shoot back because of that?
Damn, after that u lost 1 wave alot top accs in 1 shot because we were made to kill u guys with 5 attack?
But okthat didn't last to long, we coudln't finish other accounts because yor counter came,if somebody gave me smack. it's still your blood that you let shoot more then yourself.
smack? haha

And as last :')

this is something that also tells more about u.
you have no clue about how long we leason to that song during wars.
You found that number out, kind of few years to late ;')

All this childish talk, it's not my style.
But i needed to get some facts straight.
Now i will be waiting for u guys to accept my challange, if u do got the balls.
1vs1, there won't be thinking of winning a version.
Just you and me.
And i wish you goodluck with your cildish video at your fampage. trying to give a bad look ore something.
But yeah, it's all just because i helped people that probably took some of your important people of your way.
Making it harder to a fam that already have won by 2 wars? have some honour and fight your last enemy witouth getting hurt that sombody helped hem out. rDude u must be hurted and really sick in your head for
Giving a key role in his video, while the ar stated at aldo

woooow butthurt tony e need to explain his way of excuse again and again mate stop talking xD really that make no sense in video you can clearly read everything you dont need to explain all the shit you talk about...

but ,, making it harder to a fam that already have won by 2 wars?" xD that after your last version win wow respect make really hahahhah
you had only 1 real war last version with 15263738q910373639q0 bloods and highrankers oh to mention with only 2 or ok to be honest 3 accs that you guys cheated and fund really nice

next time pls stop crying and show axtions all your 1v1 bla bla balls talking i didnt saw any 1v1 wars fron your fucking merciless anytime always liking siberias ass or someone else so stop it and lets see what you can do next version :)
Anonymous (04:23:48 - 31-10)
Link Quote
Tugas leak both ways.
Tony-E Netherlands (03:40:55 - 31-10)
Link Quote

LAVI winterhil.
nice bro u made video! I'm even honoured to have a key role in your video and to be in your fampage.
Funny thing about this, i only saw my self there in a warchannel what isn't my war.
And u tried to mention some things i did say or ask something in the war channel.
But those are indeed facts none of them were fake screenshots,
And i guess you were very happy you had a leak of their warchannel!
As the video go's on, it went to something almost as personal to me.
Well that means you should be very hurted that you saw me in a killchannel, what i not even my war.
You did say somethings were i need to react the video went from something that really happent to video with no facts.
Let me get some facts straight for you hurted boy.
Btw whoever put Tony-E as a war general and gave him~
Thankyou we couldnt win without u.
Next time you might try to pickup someone who has a win against us

The first fact is that a mate needed a grimreaper, after they started already shooting u.
Np, i would help them out.
they gave me a flag so that i could invite grimreaper.
So it was fixed, and i go on with doing other stuf.
It was already clear that there wasn't any organisation to shoot or any structure.
And some tops pmed me that i could maybe help because it was chaos, tops were afk.members didn't even have any motiivation. there wasn't that much talking, people were going idle.
and shooters that didn't know what to shoot, with which bg etc etc.
As the version is already easy for you because u have almost all the top fams blooded winterhill himself is with 300members.
I give them some motivation to stay awake wake up as i don't know even who who is or what they even are.
The only thing that i can explain then this bs shit of you is, that it all went to your head. every LIL more doing for your win you get hurted of. but that tells more about u guys then me.

Than you talk about some winning against u guys.
It's not my war. u are getting hurt because they got some lil help. Wtf? oh wait you are used to a easywin.

This is not the way i talk noramly with fams, but the video is made it a personal thing now. so what u give is what u get!

but i will come back at this point. because it's the example youself gave. prooves that there is no winning like that.
Gs/Fb = winterhill
Slaven bilinc = Tony-E

I didn't know what it even was so. you explained me with this results and i was trainer of Bestiktas as slaven bilinc
This are the darby footboll matches in turkey he won only at rusia.
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> Beþiktaþ 0-3 G.Saray
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> F.Bahçe 3-3 Beþiktaþ
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> G.Saray 1-0 Beþiktaþ
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> Beþiktaþ 1-1 F.Bahçe
[22:38:10] <14lavi\off> Beþiktaþ 0-1 F.Bahçe

So this fact i meaned this derby matches are 11 vs 11 always, if ur team is better than the other, u win.
But u as example talk about say you win from us, While i'm Bestikas i need to play against Gs & Fb.
Wake up amk, you never can say YOU WIN from me. That is not a derby as you self said so.:)
If you want a real derby match. You can show your real power and i will show myn.
Than u can win a derby match from me. witouth fenerbahce u need to play if u come with galatasary.
And that's winning or loosing in derby,
I am now officaly challenging u out to have a derby match with me 1vs1.
Than me or you can talk abou u win of me of we win of you.
So let whole omerta be witness with words.
U called me a LOSER right?
Show me the BALLS to have an fair 1vs1 war.
1vs1 a real DERBY. So you will have a match, and i will come at full power.
If you don't want a real derby, you prove yourself only.

About Adolf.
It's not weird i can talk to them, when you are arround.
But that's between u guys, but i guess it is so bad that they even can talk with me about u guys.

Next thing u say about me is something maybe u didn't even have realized yet.

Good job Tony-e, taking your fam to death wasn't enough.
kanka, Bestias is made for 1 mission. shooting at winterhill at chief.
We played for that dead, we enjoyed every single second of the war.
Just an lackey fam, that gonna shoot winterhill at chief hmm....
Winterhill did know that, they even were hired but Winterhill failed to shoot first.
While knowing we would shoot. winterhill tops were taking the accounts to death, that did day and night ranking for the dead from some bestias lackey fam.
I can make u sure, that Bestias shooters died with allot laughing and plessure, that u coudln't stop a fam what is 50% of your size.
But did yours top accounts enjoyed also that u guys taking your top accounts to dead?

And after that you menioned in the video:
Now you took them to death to.

Yeah sure, i ordered them to shoot u... sarcasm
They made their own war. and i'm sure they are happy that they could at least take some with them.
And i am happy if was able to help some, that caust ur acc more dead.
but you get hurted by that because you only want easy win, o gush someone helped them waking up or be more active in the war or having some bg's good again or taking good backups etc.
I even told that i'm not the one to decide it, but i iwere them i would go 5 attack with my last 60k.
That hurted u even more?
Comeone you are a big strong fam, tbh u should thank me ( if i was able to help them some)
But ofc, thats something about pride.
They probably could do much much more damage, if there was somebody at war did it.
And the members got even more demotivated after none top was there to lead them or so.

aftere there was almost nobody talking anymore in the killchannel,you can do one thing. to make it active again.
it named Motivate them.

If some top say, we are screwed,
And they were already demotivated because nonody were leading them.
Well u saw everything so, if you have some working brains u should know.
that me was saying: They are nothing, we can take them comeon.
just to motitvate them. but you know what i did exactly. helping them and still it hurt.
So while you know i said that 'they are nothing' and i didn't mean it, you have some other thing to say in the video;
You have been smacked by nothing, twice.

You stabbed me(can't be discuss yes or no game) that was indeed a smack.

Remember i just played to kill some of you, and you can smack yourself for letting your own fam get shot
and losing important accounts.
Imo, i give you a smack with worthless accounts with no effort at all...
Just some knowleg how to war. wait i remembered u was saying here before, that i am not good wat leading them kill u.
Just have good luck back mate, u guys have been tricked by us just with fly.
Oeps, did your dets expire and u couldn't even shoot back because of that?
Damn, after that u lost 1 wave alot top accs in 1 shot because we were made to kill u guys with 5 attack?
But okthat didn't last to long, we coudln't finish other accounts because yor counter came,if somebody gave me smack. it's still your blood that you let shoot more then yourself.
smack? haha

And as last :')

this is something that also tells more about u.
you have no clue about how long we leason to that song during wars.
You found that number out, kind of few years to late ;')

All this childish talk, it's not my style.
But i needed to get some facts straight.
Now i will be waiting for u guys to accept my challange, if u do got the balls.
1vs1, there won't be thinking of winning a version.
Just you and me.
And i wish you goodluck with your cildish video at your fampage. trying to give a bad look ore something.
But yeah, it's all just because i helped people that probably took some of your important people of your way.
Making it harder to a fam that already have won by 2 wars? have some honour and fight your last enemy witouth getting hurt that sombody helped hem out. rDude u must be hurted and really sick in your head for
Giving a key role in his video, while the ar stated at aldo

Eliza Portugal (21:09:00 - 30-10)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 20:58:32 on 30/10:
Anonymous at 20:21:34 on 30/10:
Eliza at 18:37:34 on 30/10:
marla at 18:23:39 on 30/10:
Anonymous at 17:57:29 on 30/10:
I wouldn't say it was a failed war. We knew our chances.

We got #1 and #2 overall down.
We got their 2 Dons down.
We got #2 rp and Consig down.
We got several Capos.
Most of their Top20 acc went down, the ones who survived are crippled.

We did this with only a few acc actually shooting, so sure, it took us a while xD

And most of all, we didn't bend over and take it like the rest.

And it was fucking fun :D

I totally agree xD

Btw, I'm not anon, just really lazy to sign up xD

woow 14 vs 38 'good job'. i wonder did u guys win any war?

was it ever about winning a war for guardians? maybe they thought if they weakened enough someone else would have testicular fortitude enough to step up and finish the job.

Damn, testicular fortitude is an awesome expression dude :D
Anonymous (21:05:14 - 30-10)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 20:58:32 on 30/10:
Anonymous at 20:21:34 on 30/10:
Eliza at 18:37:34 on 30/10:
marla at 18:23:39 on 30/10:
Anonymous at 17:57:29 on 30/10:
I wouldn't say it was a failed war. We knew our chances.

We got #1 and #2 overall down.
We got their 2 Dons down.
We got #2 rp and Consig down.
We got several Capos.
Most of their Top20 acc went down, the ones who survived are crippled.

We did this with only a few acc actually shooting, so sure, it took us a while xD

And most of all, we didn't bend over and take it like the rest.

And it was fucking fun :D

I totally agree xD

Btw, I'm not anon, just really lazy to sign up xD

woow 14 vs 38 'good job'. i wonder did u guys win any war?

was it ever about winning a war for guardians? maybe they thought if they weakened enough someone else would have testicular fortitude enough to step up and finish the job.

why do u even bother, guy is just butthurt
Anonymous (20:58:32 - 30-10)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 20:21:34 on 30/10:
Eliza at 18:37:34 on 30/10:
marla at 18:23:39 on 30/10:
Anonymous at 17:57:29 on 30/10:
I wouldn't say it was a failed war. We knew our chances.

We got #1 and #2 overall down.
We got their 2 Dons down.
We got #2 rp and Consig down.
We got several Capos.
Most of their Top20 acc went down, the ones who survived are crippled.

We did this with only a few acc actually shooting, so sure, it took us a while xD

And most of all, we didn't bend over and take it like the rest.

And it was fucking fun :D

I totally agree xD

Btw, I'm not anon, just really lazy to sign up xD

woow 14 vs 38 'good job'. i wonder did u guys win any war?

was it ever about winning a war for guardians? maybe they thought if they weakened enough someone else would have testicular fortitude enough to step up and finish the job.
Anonymous (20:21:34 - 30-10)
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Eliza at 18:37:34 on 30/10:
marla at 18:23:39 on 30/10:
Anonymous at 17:57:29 on 30/10:
I wouldn't say it was a failed war. We knew our chances.

We got #1 and #2 overall down.
We got their 2 Dons down.
We got #2 rp and Consig down.
We got several Capos.
Most of their Top20 acc went down, the ones who survived are crippled.

We did this with only a few acc actually shooting, so sure, it took us a while xD

And most of all, we didn't bend over and take it like the rest.

And it was fucking fun :D

I totally agree xD

Btw, I'm not anon, just really lazy to sign up xD

woow 14 vs 38 'good job'. i wonder did u guys win any war?
Eliza Portugal (18:37:34 - 30-10)
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marla at 18:23:39 on 30/10:
Anonymous at 17:57:29 on 30/10:
I wouldn't say it was a failed war. We knew our chances.

We got #1 and #2 overall down.
We got their 2 Dons down.
We got #2 rp and Consig down.
We got several Capos.
Most of their Top20 acc went down, the ones who survived are crippled.

We did this with only a few acc actually shooting, so sure, it took us a while xD

And most of all, we didn't bend over and take it like the rest.

And it was fucking fun :D

I totally agree xD

Btw, I'm not anon, just really lazy to sign up xD
marla Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of (18:23:39 - 30-10)
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Anonymous at 17:57:29 on 30/10:
I wouldn't say it was a failed war. We knew our chances.

We got #1 and #2 overall down.
We got their 2 Dons down.
We got #2 rp and Consig down.
We got several Capos.
Most of their Top20 acc went down, the ones who survived are crippled.

We did this with only a few acc actually shooting, so sure, it took us a while xD

And most of all, we didn't bend over and take it like the rest.

And it was fucking fun :D

I totally agree xD
Anonymous (18:18:54 - 30-10)
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even difference shoot for winterhill.. there's a quarter of omerta that havent shot yet for winterhill, lets call them up, im worried smthing happened..

but seriously, this is ridiculous, even from the start of this war, winterhill had better ratio in brugs, money even bullets.. yet they bring horde/syracuse/difference to counter..

Wonder what the ratio is now..
Absurd shit is absurd..
Anonymous (18:13:18 - 30-10)
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Stop at 18:00:58 on 30/10:
Anonymous at 14:46:38 on 30/10:
Anonymous at 14:08:34 on 30/10:
Anonymous at 13:38:25 on 30/10:
Snooker at 10:24:38 on 30/10:
Anonymous at 10:22:28 on 30/10:
Anonymous at 10:21:41 on 30/10:

Havv havvv Alliences xD
Hahahahhahaha that is so true :')

Agon and his 40 dupes *pukes*
When do they ban that guy and his dupes from omerta..

oh ok i got it... thats why most of the bigger families are selling their blood... because being a loyal blood is = you are a dog! well explain mate thank you for that o/

Better, when you do 5 bloods and all ppl claim mass blood, and the bloods you do dont give a fuck if you are shot or not. But the dumb is who made the bloods not the bloods that dont defend.

Miss old omerta where bloods were loyal
Helping bloods = dogs
Not helping bloods = betrayals
You'll always find a way to blame
LOL , wasn't favians your bloods too :D?
Stop Albania (18:00:58 - 30-10)
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Anonymous at 14:46:38 on 30/10:
Anonymous at 14:08:34 on 30/10:
Anonymous at 13:38:25 on 30/10:
Snooker at 10:24:38 on 30/10:
Anonymous at 10:22:28 on 30/10:
Anonymous at 10:21:41 on 30/10:

Havv havvv Alliences xD
Hahahahhahaha that is so true :')

Agon and his 40 dupes *pukes*
When do they ban that guy and his dupes from omerta..

oh ok i got it... thats why most of the bigger families are selling their blood... because being a loyal blood is = you are a dog! well explain mate thank you for that o/

Better, when you do 5 bloods and all ppl claim mass blood, and the bloods you do dont give a fuck if you are shot or not. But the dumb is who made the bloods not the bloods that dont defend.

Miss old omerta where bloods were loyal
Helping bloods = dogs
Not helping bloods = betrayals
You'll always find a way to blame
Anonymous (17:57:29 - 30-10)
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I wouldn't say it was a failed war. We knew our chances.

We got #1 and #2 overall down.
We got their 2 Dons down.
We got #2 rp and Consig down.
We got several Capos.
Most of their Top20 acc went down, the ones who survived are crippled.

We did this with only a few acc actually shooting, so sure, it took us a while xD

And most of all, we didn't bend over and take it like the rest.

And it was fucking fun :D
Anonymous (17:32:28 - 30-10)
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Anonymous at 16:08:51 on 30/10:
I wonder what the attackers even tried to do?
Even when winter bloods didn't counter, u never had the bullets to kill all theyr accounts.
u managed to kill 19 brugs in more then 6 hours of free shooting.
In the first wave Guardians lost probably almost all theyr top accounts with a fail in the backfire of winter.
Lookes like a fail war.
Even during the war top accouns of destination were doing nothing.
Did the attackers side just realized that they will get cleaned up soon? I guess not.
But then the other question, did u guys really think u could handle winterhill?
Or was it just a desperate move to at least try before getting killed by them?
But if winter is such big treath, why you guys didn't take action, the first war when bestias did it pretty good against winter till the bloods countered to safe tnem?
Like the fail war that they never were possible to win wasn't enough, one of the attackers family even got hijacked.
So my first question again :
What did the attackers side tried to do? It all seems like 1 big faillure with what they tried to manage.
It just doesn't make sense all.
A top statement would help us to know!

I think it was just a suicide mission.. trying to cripple winterhill..
considering winterhill did lose 6 or 7 top account that were in top 20.. including 2 dons that were top3 overall, one consig and multiple strong capos
Anonymous (17:32:14 - 30-10)
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tunning at 01:47:11 on 30/10:
Anonymous at 00:44:31 on 30/10:
Anonymous at 00:36:52 on 30/10:
That Sicario dude gotta be a super noob, right? How else could he let the family get highjacked by someone like Element? Element had at the time of hj been brug for about 10 h (almost 300 rank pos below Sicario), less than 1000 bos, no kills, no bullets shot and an online % of 2.75% so it is clearly a lackey account. He might have had a ton of money that gave him some points, dunno about that, but still, not a very strong account it seems. Still he managed to hj the family.

Or did he, Element, manage to sneak his way into be set as successor and someone else killed Sicario?

i dunno what happen but its easy to hj a family if you got infos about the bos...
like did he shoot someone for few mins got shoot or whatever thats not a 1vs1 kill that element have done so stop saying he is a noob or whatever...
Lol what kind of a noob are you ffs? ,Sicario first was hitten by a strong account , so then to get hit by Element , as he had hidden bullet shots.

Still belive he did a mistake somewhere along the road.

If you want we can discuss it further but only if you write constructive messages and leave out personal attacks. Not because I care if you call me a noob (I know I still am) or jerk or anything like that. But because I belive that this site is an important part of the Omerta community. It is a great place for people from all families and with different experiences to come together and discuss the game. But I belive that many do not bother writing here nor even take a look at the site because most messages seems to be written by 12 years old who just learned how to type. If people could just keep it clean and write constructive messages then we could have interesting conversations and the site would flourish.

This part is not just for you, my friend. But for everybody. I know it will never happen but would still be nice.