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30-11 Bass Bass Boom!
Author: Smul
Last updated: 3745d 13h 19m 36s ago by Redspeert
Comments: 213
Views: 87,120
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Version: 4.7.1
Involved families: Ashilmar, Atom, Catania, Interficio, Krays, Provenzano, Samagono, Slayer, Burguesia, Kurosawa, Lusa, Prophecy, Tijuana, Dig
After 48 hours of seemingly endless war, we have another war on our hands. This time Lusa is the intended target.

They are getting attacked by a group of families; Atom+, Provenzano, Interficio, Ashilmar, Catania, Krays and Samagono.

Two of Lusa bloods jumped in immediately, both Prophecy and Tijuana didn't hesitate for a second.

3 days into the fight on December 2nd Burguesia and Kurosawa are intefering and aiding the "defenders" shooting down Krays and Ashilmar
Grigoriy (Lusa): Hello Beyond, lovers, haters and neutral people.
With all that is being said here, we felt the need to give a top statment.
Let's start from the beginning: When version started to pop up, and when we started to see all "sides", Marazzino+ seemed to be the strongest one, so we manage to shoot them (Lusa + Aeterna).
In that war, we (Lusa) got countered by Renocenti/Krays.
After Maraz & Ashen, and Reno/Krays deaths, we helped Aeterna, and jumped mostly for Interficio, with what we had left... Burguesia countered on us. With Kurosawa's intervention, we manage a ceasefire between Lusa and Burg & Interficio.
The version was locked, and talks were made. We tryed to work with Burguesia, but they were negative; we tryed to work with Sovereign, but they also were negative to our terms. At this point, we were in the island, but both sides seemed to see us as the next target to be killed.
When Burguesia and Kurosawa started to shoot Avaritia, and Peakys+ was on Kurosawa, we had info that Scarleone were backing up for us, so we manage to hit them, and kill our threat. With Scarleone dead, and after some issues with my friend enemy Kvothe, we killed Peakys helping Kurosawa.
In the next day, Sovereign+ started to shot on Burguesiaa, and in the ceasefire talks, they offered a ceaefire aslong as they wanted to shot Lusa with them. That was all we needed to get rid of Sovereign.
Now, we got shot by Catania, Ashilmar, Interficio, Provenzano, Atom, Krays, Samagono... and we are still countering...
So, what I ask is, where exactly did we stab our bloods?
Shame on you!
At least show some respect.

H`HMD(Catania): Since the beginning of the version we knew we were going to have to fight against a large group of families. I'd call it a pact, they would probably say their bloodships are 'conveniently interwined'. Last friday we were asked to join a war against Kurosawa. The original plan was quite risky, since we had to hope for Burguesia and Lusa to be afraid of each other and not counter for Kurosawa, as one would then shoot the other. Little did we know there was some kind of deal and the plan went to hell, so we decided to wait one more day. Having lost our strongest accounts in the first war we knew we would be up against far stronger accounts, but we knew it would be the last chance to force something in this version. Whether we win or lose this war, we'd like to thank our members and bloods who have stood by us this version.

Prophecy Tops: Win or lose all we can think of is how good our members fight back bend but not break , after long wars being the agressor it was time to defend against the rest of the server.
we fight for dominance and for bloods sustainability. we expected a fight and we did get it respect to the atackers fighting for their cause. I hope you all enjoying the version as much as we doing.
War started on: 18:54:03 30-11-2014 War ended on: 21:34:05 05-12-2014
Bullet difference: -45,778,463 War duration: 5d 2h 40m
Money difference: -$3,006,854,931 Players died: 612

Dead Families:
[Prophecy] Family down on 21:28 05-12
[Lusa] Family down on 11:21 05-12
[Slayer] Family down on 01:53 04-12
[Ashilmar] Family down on 13:30 03-12
[Ashilmar] Family down on 02:16 03-12
[Krays] Family down on 23:15 02-12
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Ashilmar | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 3 | brug: 15 | cd: 2 | gf: 2 | points: 338
Atom | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 7 | cd: 1 | gf: 2 | points: 190
Burguesia | swin: 2 | assa: 4 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 37
Catania | swin: 1 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 3 | brug: 14 | cd: 0 | gf: 3 | points: 313
Dig | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 1
Interficio | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 11 | cd: 3 | gf: 1 | points: 248
Krays | swin: 2 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 11 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 160
Kurosawa | swin: 1 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 11
Lusa | swin: 15 | assa: 10 | lc: 8 | chief: 13 | brug: 57 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 1,004
Prophecy | swin: 5 | assa: 1 | lc: 7 | chief: 3 | brug: 30 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 499
Provenzano | swin: 4 | assa: 2 | lc: 1 | chief: 5 | brug: 16 | cd: 7 | gf: 1 | points: 450
Samagono | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 4 | cd: 2 | gf: 1 | points: 141
Slayer | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 7 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 106
Tijuana | swin: 2 | assa: 0 | lc: 3 | chief: 0 | brug: 19 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 269
Total | swin: 34 | assa: 20 | lc: 24 | chief: 33 | brug: 191 | cd: 15 | gf: 12 | points: 3,767

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Anonymous (17:46:52 - 01-12)
Link Quote
Killerzzz at 17:34:14 on 01/12:
Saros`away at 16:31:57 on 01/12:
Redspeert at 15:47:11 on 01/12:
vasiliy at 15:27:40 on 01/12:
Anonymous at 11:15:46 on 01/12:
Anonymous at 10:08:14 on 01/12:
some stats at 09:12:44 on 01/12:
here are some stats :

prov : 30 brugs
ashil :26 brugs
inter : 16 brugs
falcone : 9 brugs
velentza : 13 brugs
samagono : 12 brugs
atom : 15 brugs
krays : 10 brugs
catania : 8 brugs

total brugs amount : 139

lusa has 26, tiju has 22 , prop has 10 brugs left.

conclusion : shoot 12-14 brugs from lusa , 10-12 from tiju and 3-4 from prop. and their cds will depromote.

if u guys can shoot 25-30 brugs with your 139 brugs. then you will win this version.

good luck...
Yes maybe it happen,
But lusa have very strong acc, they can kill brugs with one shoot. Its very difficult to kill them i think

when they are cds, you are right. but when they depromote to brugs, a suicider chief can easily break the ice and second shooter can achieve it.

omfg is this the way you wanna win? haha lmao
xoxo nuubs

As you seem to be rather retarded, I'll try to use simple words so a simple soul as you can understand it...

There's this thing called account strenght, which makes it hard to kill a cdc as brug. If you demote the cdc, its far easier to kill him. Now go back to your school and request your money back, they clearly failed.

Or perhaps he's pointing out that your side still had those 22 CD+ (8 GFs) when you attacked Lusa. And perhaps you fail to see that the point is that you didn't even manage to kill 1(lol) CD of them while your side attacked first with overwhelming odds.

Just a random thought.

first off all all those CDs were offline for a big part of the war just quick online or shot and off again.

2nd whatever mmm pointed out most accounts in lusa were alive from start alot of these fams had to rerank =p

what you fail to understand is that even if you demote them they will promote again , and even if you could shot all brugs from lusa, and prophecy or tiju , in that time , you would lose all your decinas , and gf , like it happen .. your bullets are running low, and ascii can fuckin kill anyone with one shot, even one or 2 or there decinas even demoted has 800k , 1kk of shooted bullets so u will never have enough stength to kill one of them at brug level, + you lack in skill, and you dont have their finance, or organization
Sjon` (17:45:12 - 01-12)
Link Quote
mmm at 17:39:25 on 01/12:
Saros`away at 17:36:48 on 01/12:
mmm at 17:28:56 on 01/12:
Saros`away at 16:31:57 on 01/12:
Or perhaps he's pointing out that your side still had those 22 CD+ (8 GFs) when you attacked Lusa. And perhaps you fail to see that the point is that you didn't even manage to kill 1(lol) CD of them while your side attacked first with overwhelming odds.

Just a random thought.

Saros come on.. You know the CD's from Lusa had way more acc points than the ones from other fams who were mostly or.. rerank accounts or.. the slackers that were left from the first war. So do the math.. slackers/rerankers vs #1 Family WITH plenty of bullets shot AND the favorite accounts to make CD in teh first place. If those CD's would shoot the Lusa cd's, they'd die just as easy in bf as any brug. You saw how easy Ascii killed all dem GF's as well, same story applies there. Amount doesn't really count, acc points do.

Just simple logic.

Oh I know, sadly it doesn't make the situation any less embarrassing.

I know, it's a lot more fun if you can just 60k anyone and feel like a Freak. Been there, done that, who hasn't!?
I hazn't :(
mmm Netherlands (17:39:25 - 01-12)
Link Quote
Saros`away at 17:36:48 on 01/12:
mmm at 17:28:56 on 01/12:
Saros`away at 16:31:57 on 01/12:
Or perhaps he's pointing out that your side still had those 22 CD+ (8 GFs) when you attacked Lusa. And perhaps you fail to see that the point is that you didn't even manage to kill 1(lol) CD of them while your side attacked first with overwhelming odds.

Just a random thought.

Saros come on.. You know the CD's from Lusa had way more acc points than the ones from other fams who were mostly or.. rerank accounts or.. the slackers that were left from the first war. So do the math.. slackers/rerankers vs #1 Family WITH plenty of bullets shot AND the favorite accounts to make CD in teh first place. If those CD's would shoot the Lusa cd's, they'd die just as easy in bf as any brug. You saw how easy Ascii killed all dem GF's as well, same story applies there. Amount doesn't really count, acc points do.

Just simple logic.

Oh I know, sadly it doesn't make the situation any less embarrassing.

I know, it's a lot more fun if you can just 60k anyone and feel like a Freak. Been there, done that, who hasn't!?
Saros`away Netherlands (17:36:48 - 01-12)
Link Quote
mmm at 17:28:56 on 01/12:
Saros`away at 16:31:57 on 01/12:
Or perhaps he's pointing out that your side still had those 22 CD+ (8 GFs) when you attacked Lusa. And perhaps you fail to see that the point is that you didn't even manage to kill 1(lol) CD of them while your side attacked first with overwhelming odds.

Just a random thought.

Saros come on.. You know the CD's from Lusa had way more acc points than the ones from other fams who were mostly or.. rerank accounts or.. the slackers that were left from the first war. So do the math.. slackers/rerankers vs #1 Family WITH plenty of bullets shot AND the favorite accounts to make CD in teh first place. If those CD's would shoot the Lusa cd's, they'd die just as easy in bf as any brug. You saw how easy Ascii killed all dem GF's as well, same story applies there. Amount doesn't really count, acc points do.

Just simple logic.

Oh I know, sadly it doesn't make the situation any less embarrassing.
Killerzzz Netherlands (17:34:14 - 01-12)
Link Quote
Saros`away at 16:31:57 on 01/12:
Redspeert at 15:47:11 on 01/12:
vasiliy at 15:27:40 on 01/12:
Anonymous at 11:15:46 on 01/12:
Anonymous at 10:08:14 on 01/12:
some stats at 09:12:44 on 01/12:
here are some stats :

prov : 30 brugs
ashil :26 brugs
inter : 16 brugs
falcone : 9 brugs
velentza : 13 brugs
samagono : 12 brugs
atom : 15 brugs
krays : 10 brugs
catania : 8 brugs

total brugs amount : 139

lusa has 26, tiju has 22 , prop has 10 brugs left.

conclusion : shoot 12-14 brugs from lusa , 10-12 from tiju and 3-4 from prop. and their cds will depromote.

if u guys can shoot 25-30 brugs with your 139 brugs. then you will win this version.

good luck...
Yes maybe it happen,
But lusa have very strong acc, they can kill brugs with one shoot. Its very difficult to kill them i think

when they are cds, you are right. but when they depromote to brugs, a suicider chief can easily break the ice and second shooter can achieve it.

omfg is this the way you wanna win? haha lmao
xoxo nuubs

As you seem to be rather retarded, I'll try to use simple words so a simple soul as you can understand it...

There's this thing called account strenght, which makes it hard to kill a cdc as brug. If you demote the cdc, its far easier to kill him. Now go back to your school and request your money back, they clearly failed.

Or perhaps he's pointing out that your side still had those 22 CD+ (8 GFs) when you attacked Lusa. And perhaps you fail to see that the point is that you didn't even manage to kill 1(lol) CD of them while your side attacked first with overwhelming odds.

Just a random thought.

first off all all those CDs were offline for a big part of the war just quick online or shot and off again.

2nd whatever mmm pointed out most accounts in lusa were alive from start alot of these fams had to rerank =p
Sjon` (17:30:45 - 01-12)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 17:30:01 on 01/12:
[18:11:06] <&`SiberiaBot> RIP: Uaral | Capodecina | Lusa (Capo) | Ontime: 34.74% | Last seen: 2014-12-01 08:23:03 OT

Welcome to the scoreboard.
It actually is a brug. My bad.
Anonymous (17:30:01 - 01-12)
Link Quote
[18:11:06] <&`SiberiaBot> RIP: Uaral | Capodecina | Lusa (Capo) | Ontime: 34.74% | Last seen: 2014-12-01 08:23:03 OT

Welcome to the scoreboard.
mmm Netherlands (17:28:56 - 01-12)
Link Quote
Saros`away at 16:31:57 on 01/12:
Or perhaps he's pointing out that your side still had those 22 CD+ (8 GFs) when you attacked Lusa. And perhaps you fail to see that the point is that you didn't even manage to kill 1(lol) CD of them while your side attacked first with overwhelming odds.

Just a random thought.

Saros come on.. You know the CD's from Lusa had way more acc points than the ones from other fams who were mostly or.. rerank accounts or.. the slackers that were left from the first war. So do the math.. slackers/rerankers vs #1 Family WITH plenty of bullets shot AND the favorite accounts to make CD in teh first place. If those CD's would shoot the Lusa cd's, they'd die just as easy in bf as any brug. You saw how easy Ascii killed all dem GF's as well, same story applies there. Amount doesn't really count, acc points do.

Just simple logic.
Saros`away Netherlands (16:31:57 - 01-12)
Link Quote
Redspeert at 15:47:11 on 01/12:
vasiliy at 15:27:40 on 01/12:
Anonymous at 11:15:46 on 01/12:
Anonymous at 10:08:14 on 01/12:
some stats at 09:12:44 on 01/12:
here are some stats :

prov : 30 brugs
ashil :26 brugs
inter : 16 brugs
falcone : 9 brugs
velentza : 13 brugs
samagono : 12 brugs
atom : 15 brugs
krays : 10 brugs
catania : 8 brugs

total brugs amount : 139

lusa has 26, tiju has 22 , prop has 10 brugs left.

conclusion : shoot 12-14 brugs from lusa , 10-12 from tiju and 3-4 from prop. and their cds will depromote.

if u guys can shoot 25-30 brugs with your 139 brugs. then you will win this version.

good luck...
Yes maybe it happen,
But lusa have very strong acc, they can kill brugs with one shoot. Its very difficult to kill them i think

when they are cds, you are right. but when they depromote to brugs, a suicider chief can easily break the ice and second shooter can achieve it.

omfg is this the way you wanna win? haha lmao
xoxo nuubs

As you seem to be rather retarded, I'll try to use simple words so a simple soul as you can understand it...

There's this thing called account strenght, which makes it hard to kill a cdc as brug. If you demote the cdc, its far easier to kill him. Now go back to your school and request your money back, they clearly failed.

Or perhaps he's pointing out that your side still had those 22 CD+ (8 GFs) when you attacked Lusa. And perhaps you fail to see that the point is that you didn't even manage to kill 1(lol) CD of them while your side attacked first with overwhelming odds.

Just a random thought.
mmm Netherlands (16:08:43 - 01-12)
Link Quote
Redspeert at 15:47:11 on 01/12:
As you seem to be rather retarded, I'll try to use simple words so a simple soul as you can understand it...

There's this thing called account strenght, which makes it hard to kill a cdc as brug. If you demote the cdc, its far easier to kill him. Now go back to your school and request your money back, they clearly failed.

I have never seen a reporter this rude!
Redspeert Syrian Arab Republic (15:47:11 - 01-12)
Link Quote
vasiliy at 15:27:40 on 01/12:
Anonymous at 11:15:46 on 01/12:
Anonymous at 10:08:14 on 01/12:
some stats at 09:12:44 on 01/12:
here are some stats :

prov : 30 brugs
ashil :26 brugs
inter : 16 brugs
falcone : 9 brugs
velentza : 13 brugs
samagono : 12 brugs
atom : 15 brugs
krays : 10 brugs
catania : 8 brugs

total brugs amount : 139

lusa has 26, tiju has 22 , prop has 10 brugs left.

conclusion : shoot 12-14 brugs from lusa , 10-12 from tiju and 3-4 from prop. and their cds will depromote.

if u guys can shoot 25-30 brugs with your 139 brugs. then you will win this version.

good luck...
Yes maybe it happen,
But lusa have very strong acc, they can kill brugs with one shoot. Its very difficult to kill them i think

when they are cds, you are right. but when they depromote to brugs, a suicider chief can easily break the ice and second shooter can achieve it.

omfg is this the way you wanna win? haha lmao
xoxo nuubs

As you seem to be rather retarded, I'll try to use simple words so a simple soul as you can understand it...

There's this thing called account strenght, which makes it hard to kill a cdc as brug. If you demote the cdc, its far easier to kill him. Now go back to your school and request your money back, they clearly failed.
vasiliy (15:27:40 - 01-12)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 11:15:46 on 01/12:
Anonymous at 10:08:14 on 01/12:
some stats at 09:12:44 on 01/12:
here are some stats :

prov : 30 brugs
ashil :26 brugs
inter : 16 brugs
falcone : 9 brugs
velentza : 13 brugs
samagono : 12 brugs
atom : 15 brugs
krays : 10 brugs
catania : 8 brugs

total brugs amount : 139

lusa has 26, tiju has 22 , prop has 10 brugs left.

conclusion : shoot 12-14 brugs from lusa , 10-12 from tiju and 3-4 from prop. and their cds will depromote.

if u guys can shoot 25-30 brugs with your 139 brugs. then you will win this version.

good luck...
Yes maybe it happen,
But lusa have very strong acc, they can kill brugs with one shoot. Its very difficult to kill them i think

when they are cds, you are right. but when they depromote to brugs, a suicider chief can easily break the ice and second shooter can achieve it.

omfg is this the way you wanna win? haha lmao
xoxo nuubs
Anonymous (15:03:30 - 01-12)
Link Quote
Well, after Lusa and Tijuana scrap together to overcome this war, they can buy bullets for two weeks and finish their no good bloods who hid offline. Then Tijuana can win.

The allied aggressors get to play the spoiler.
Pipoz Albania (15:03:14 - 01-12)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 09:04:03 on 01/12:
dear prophecy, could please become online ? we are tired of waiting :)

bir dost

dear kankam can u please tell me how much fights u were online?
or u died first war? now u talking xd
Anonymous (14:57:59 - 01-12)
Link Quote
Lusa should not have helped Kurosawa. Now look at them.. Taking the final bullets so that Burguessia and Kuro can win.
Anonymous (12:28:35 - 01-12)
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Anonymous at 09:04:03 on 01/12:
dear prophecy, could please become online ? we are tired of waiting :)

bir dost



:w :w :w
Anonymous (11:15:46 - 01-12)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 10:08:14 on 01/12:
some stats at 09:12:44 on 01/12:
here are some stats :

prov : 30 brugs
ashil :26 brugs
inter : 16 brugs
falcone : 9 brugs
velentza : 13 brugs
samagono : 12 brugs
atom : 15 brugs
krays : 10 brugs
catania : 8 brugs

total brugs amount : 139

lusa has 26, tiju has 22 , prop has 10 brugs left.

conclusion : shoot 12-14 brugs from lusa , 10-12 from tiju and 3-4 from prop. and their cds will depromote.

if u guys can shoot 25-30 brugs with your 139 brugs. then you will win this version.

good luck...
Yes maybe it happen,
But lusa have very strong acc, they can kill brugs with one shoot. Its very difficult to kill them i think

when they are cds, you are right. but when they depromote to brugs, a suicider chief can easily break the ice and second shooter can achieve it.
Anonymous (10:08:14 - 01-12)
Link Quote
some stats at 09:12:44 on 01/12:
here are some stats :

prov : 30 brugs
ashil :26 brugs
inter : 16 brugs
falcone : 9 brugs
velentza : 13 brugs
samagono : 12 brugs
atom : 15 brugs
krays : 10 brugs
catania : 8 brugs

total brugs amount : 139

lusa has 26, tiju has 22 , prop has 10 brugs left.

conclusion : shoot 12-14 brugs from lusa , 10-12 from tiju and 3-4 from prop. and their cds will depromote.

if u guys can shoot 25-30 brugs with your 139 brugs. then you will win this version.

good luck...
Yes maybe it happen,
But lusa have very strong acc, they can kill brugs with one shoot. Its very difficult to kill them i think
Anonymous (09:58:36 - 01-12)
Link Quote
Need to work Kuro and Burg into those calculations at some point I'd imagine. They are prolly just waiting for Lusa to get shot down to a level where they can't easily win version before they jump in.
some stats (09:12:44 - 01-12)
Link Quote
here are some stats :

prov : 30 brugs
ashil :26 brugs
inter : 16 brugs
falcone : 9 brugs
velentza : 13 brugs
samagono : 12 brugs
atom : 15 brugs
krays : 10 brugs
catania : 8 brugs

total brugs amount : 139

lusa has 26, tiju has 22 , prop has 10 brugs left.

conclusion : shoot 12-14 brugs from lusa , 10-12 from tiju and 3-4 from prop. and their cds will depromote.

if u guys can shoot 25-30 brugs with your 139 brugs. then you will win this version.

good luck...