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» Barafranca News
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After 48 hours of seemingly endless war, we have another war on our hands. This time Lusa is the intended target.
They are getting attacked by a group of families; Atom+, Provenzano, Interficio, Ashilmar, Catania, Krays and Samagono.
Two of Lusa bloods jumped in immediately, both Prophecy and Tijuana didn't hesitate for a second.
3 days into the fight on December 2nd Burguesia and Kurosawa are intefering and aiding the "defenders" shooting down Krays and Ashilmar
They are getting attacked by a group of families; Atom+, Provenzano, Interficio, Ashilmar, Catania, Krays and Samagono.
Two of Lusa bloods jumped in immediately, both Prophecy and Tijuana didn't hesitate for a second.
3 days into the fight on December 2nd Burguesia and Kurosawa are intefering and aiding the "defenders" shooting down Krays and Ashilmar
Grigoriy (Lusa): Hello Beyond, lovers, haters and neutral people.
With all that is being said here, we felt the need to give a top statment.
Let's start from the beginning: When version started to pop up, and when we started to see all "sides", Marazzino+ seemed to be the strongest one, so we manage to shoot them (Lusa + Aeterna).
In that war, we (Lusa) got countered by Renocenti/Krays.
After Maraz & Ashen, and Reno/Krays deaths, we helped Aeterna, and jumped mostly for Interficio, with what we had left... Burguesia countered on us. With Kurosawa's intervention, we manage a ceasefire between Lusa and Burg & Interficio.
The version was locked, and talks were made. We tryed to work with Burguesia, but they were negative; we tryed to work with Sovereign, but they also were negative to our terms. At this point, we were in the island, but both sides seemed to see us as the next target to be killed.
When Burguesia and Kurosawa started to shoot Avaritia, and Peakys+ was on Kurosawa, we had info that Scarleone were backing up for us, so we manage to hit them, and kill our threat. With Scarleone dead, and after some issues with my friend enemy Kvothe, we killed Peakys helping Kurosawa.
In the next day, Sovereign+ started to shot on Burguesiaa, and in the ceasefire talks, they offered a ceaefire aslong as they wanted to shot Lusa with them. That was all we needed to get rid of Sovereign.
Now, we got shot by Catania, Ashilmar, Interficio, Provenzano, Atom, Krays, Samagono... and we are still countering...
So, what I ask is, where exactly did we stab our bloods?
Shame on you!
At least show some respect.
H`HMD(Catania): Since the beginning of the version we knew we were going to have to fight against a large group of families. I'd call it a pact, they would probably say their bloodships are 'conveniently interwined'. Last friday we were asked to join a war against Kurosawa. The original plan was quite risky, since we had to hope for Burguesia and Lusa to be afraid of each other and not counter for Kurosawa, as one would then shoot the other. Little did we know there was some kind of deal and the plan went to hell, so we decided to wait one more day. Having lost our strongest accounts in the first war we knew we would be up against far stronger accounts, but we knew it would be the last chance to force something in this version. Whether we win or lose this war, we'd like to thank our members and bloods who have stood by us this version.
Prophecy Tops: Win or lose all we can think of is how good our members fight back bend but not break , after long wars being the agressor it was time to defend against the rest of the server.
we fight for dominance and for bloods sustainability. we expected a fight and we did get it respect to the atackers fighting for their cause. I hope you all enjoying the version as much as we doing.
With all that is being said here, we felt the need to give a top statment.
Let's start from the beginning: When version started to pop up, and when we started to see all "sides", Marazzino+ seemed to be the strongest one, so we manage to shoot them (Lusa + Aeterna).
In that war, we (Lusa) got countered by Renocenti/Krays.
After Maraz & Ashen, and Reno/Krays deaths, we helped Aeterna, and jumped mostly for Interficio, with what we had left... Burguesia countered on us. With Kurosawa's intervention, we manage a ceasefire between Lusa and Burg & Interficio.
The version was locked, and talks were made. We tryed to work with Burguesia, but they were negative; we tryed to work with Sovereign, but they also were negative to our terms. At this point, we were in the island, but both sides seemed to see us as the next target to be killed.
When Burguesia and Kurosawa started to shoot Avaritia, and Peakys+ was on Kurosawa, we had info that Scarleone were backing up for us, so we manage to hit them, and kill our threat. With Scarleone dead, and after some issues with my friend enemy Kvothe, we killed Peakys helping Kurosawa.
In the next day, Sovereign+ started to shot on Burguesiaa, and in the ceasefire talks, they offered a ceaefire aslong as they wanted to shot Lusa with them. That was all we needed to get rid of Sovereign.
Now, we got shot by Catania, Ashilmar, Interficio, Provenzano, Atom, Krays, Samagono... and we are still countering...
So, what I ask is, where exactly did we stab our bloods?
Shame on you!
At least show some respect.
H`HMD(Catania): Since the beginning of the version we knew we were going to have to fight against a large group of families. I'd call it a pact, they would probably say their bloodships are 'conveniently interwined'. Last friday we were asked to join a war against Kurosawa. The original plan was quite risky, since we had to hope for Burguesia and Lusa to be afraid of each other and not counter for Kurosawa, as one would then shoot the other. Little did we know there was some kind of deal and the plan went to hell, so we decided to wait one more day. Having lost our strongest accounts in the first war we knew we would be up against far stronger accounts, but we knew it would be the last chance to force something in this version. Whether we win or lose this war, we'd like to thank our members and bloods who have stood by us this version.
Prophecy Tops: Win or lose all we can think of is how good our members fight back bend but not break , after long wars being the agressor it was time to defend against the rest of the server.
we fight for dominance and for bloods sustainability. we expected a fight and we did get it respect to the atackers fighting for their cause. I hope you all enjoying the version as much as we doing.
War started on: 18:54:03 30-11-2014 | War ended on: 21:34:05 05-12-2014 |
Bullet difference: -45,778,463 | War duration: 5d 2h 40m |
Money difference: -$3,006,854,931 | Players died: 612 |
Dead Families:
Deaths per family:
Sjon` (17:03:29 - 02-12)
Anonymous at 16:55:44 on 02/12:
eu nao vou estar a discutir contigo como tu eu jogo desde a 2.1 e comecei no .pt onde dava pica jogar sem merdas e se houvesse cheats nao eram tao abusivas como agora o são, jogadores como voces estragaram isto tudo quando começaram aprendar a criar dupes, a unica coisa que aprendeste ao longo deste tempo todo a jogar foi isso mesmo aldrabares, por isso mesmo nao mereces qualquer respeito da minha parte, e se te sentes orgulhoso por isso força.
muito sucesso na tua vida mas de maneira justa e limpa o/
Anonymous at 16:50:27 on 02/12:
No i didnt cause in my time there were great players and great families in .pt. And again i say hes a gf of a fam that had almost 500kk in fb, wtf do u think some money was for?
Just 4 u in portuguese and my last statment: Aquii o "noob de merda" joga desde a 2.2, e foi aprendendo algumas coisinhas, se não entendes como arranjar balas como alguns arranjam azar o teu. Já a minha avozinha dizia: Não podemos todos ser bons em tudo(sendo inteligência uma delas) \o
Anonymous at 16:41:01 on 02/12:
did you? well he has 2kk without cheating too and you cant kill him either , did you won .pt? i guess not
like we say in portugues , deixa-te de desculpas noob de merda
Anonymous at 16:37:15 on 02/12:
if u cant understand how we do it then u should go back to .pt and leave .com to strategists, how we say in portuguese "volta para casa". btw even in .pt i was able to have 1.8kk of bullets without cheating ;)
Anonymous at 16:25:00 on 02/12:
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
Anonymous at 15:51:04 on 02/12:
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
if u cant understand how we do it then u should go back to .pt and leave .com to strategists, how we say in portuguese "volta para casa". btw even in .pt i was able to have 1.8kk of bullets without cheating ;)
did you? well he has 2kk without cheating too and you cant kill him either , did you won .pt? i guess not
like we say in portugues , deixa-te de desculpas noob de merda
No i didnt cause in my time there were great players and great families in .pt. And again i say hes a gf of a fam that had almost 500kk in fb, wtf do u think some money was for?
Just 4 u in portuguese and my last statment: Aquii o "noob de merda" joga desde a 2.2, e foi aprendendo algumas coisinhas, se não entendes como arranjar balas como alguns arranjam azar o teu. Já a minha avozinha dizia: Não podemos todos ser bons em tudo(sendo inteligência uma delas) \o
eu nao vou estar a discutir contigo como tu eu jogo desde a 2.1 e comecei no .pt onde dava pica jogar sem merdas e se houvesse cheats nao eram tao abusivas como agora o são, jogadores como voces estragaram isto tudo quando começaram aprendar a criar dupes, a unica coisa que aprendeste ao longo deste tempo todo a jogar foi isso mesmo aldrabares, por isso mesmo nao mereces qualquer respeito da minha parte, e se te sentes orgulhoso por isso força.
muito sucesso na tua vida mas de maneira justa e limpa o/
BLUEWHUEWHUEQWHUEWHUEEEEPORTUGESE. Can we keep it English now? Thank you! <345
Anonymous (16:55:44 - 02-12)
Anonymous at 16:50:27 on 02/12:
No i didnt cause in my time there were great players and great families in .pt. And again i say hes a gf of a fam that had almost 500kk in fb, wtf do u think some money was for?
Just 4 u in portuguese and my last statment: Aquii o "noob de merda" joga desde a 2.2, e foi aprendendo algumas coisinhas, se não entendes como arranjar balas como alguns arranjam azar o teu. Já a minha avozinha dizia: Não podemos todos ser bons em tudo(sendo inteligência uma delas) \o
Anonymous at 16:41:01 on 02/12:
did you? well he has 2kk without cheating too and you cant kill him either , did you won .pt? i guess not
like we say in portugues , deixa-te de desculpas noob de merda
Anonymous at 16:37:15 on 02/12:
if u cant understand how we do it then u should go back to .pt and leave .com to strategists, how we say in portuguese "volta para casa". btw even in .pt i was able to have 1.8kk of bullets without cheating ;)
Anonymous at 16:25:00 on 02/12:
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
Anonymous at 15:51:04 on 02/12:
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
if u cant understand how we do it then u should go back to .pt and leave .com to strategists, how we say in portuguese "volta para casa". btw even in .pt i was able to have 1.8kk of bullets without cheating ;)
did you? well he has 2kk without cheating too and you cant kill him either , did you won .pt? i guess not
like we say in portugues , deixa-te de desculpas noob de merda
No i didnt cause in my time there were great players and great families in .pt. And again i say hes a gf of a fam that had almost 500kk in fb, wtf do u think some money was for?
Just 4 u in portuguese and my last statment: Aquii o "noob de merda" joga desde a 2.2, e foi aprendendo algumas coisinhas, se não entendes como arranjar balas como alguns arranjam azar o teu. Já a minha avozinha dizia: Não podemos todos ser bons em tudo(sendo inteligência uma delas) \o
eu nao vou estar a discutir contigo como tu eu jogo desde a 2.1 e comecei no .pt onde dava pica jogar sem merdas e se houvesse cheats nao eram tao abusivas como agora o são, jogadores como voces estragaram isto tudo quando começaram aprendar a criar dupes, a unica coisa que aprendeste ao longo deste tempo todo a jogar foi isso mesmo aldrabares, por isso mesmo nao mereces qualquer respeito da minha parte, e se te sentes orgulhoso por isso força.
muito sucesso na tua vida mas de maneira justa e limpa o/
Anonymous (16:54:45 - 02-12)
Anonymous at 16:50:27 on 02/12:
No i didnt cause in my time there were great players and great families in .pt. And again i say hes a gf of a fam that had almost 500kk in fb, wtf do u think some money was for?
Just 4 u in portuguese and my last statment: Aquii o "noob de merda" joga desde a 2.2, e foi aprendendo algumas coisinhas, se não entendes como arranjar balas como alguns arranjam azar o teu. Já a minha avozinha dizia: Não podemos todos ser bons em tudo(sendo inteligência uma delas) \o
Anonymous at 16:41:01 on 02/12:
did you? well he has 2kk without cheating too and you cant kill him either , did you won .pt? i guess not
like we say in portugues , deixa-te de desculpas noob de merda
Anonymous at 16:37:15 on 02/12:
if u cant understand how we do it then u should go back to .pt and leave .com to strategists, how we say in portuguese "volta para casa". btw even in .pt i was able to have 1.8kk of bullets without cheating ;)
Anonymous at 16:25:00 on 02/12:
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
Anonymous at 15:51:04 on 02/12:
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
if u cant understand how we do it then u should go back to .pt and leave .com to strategists, how we say in portuguese "volta para casa". btw even in .pt i was able to have 1.8kk of bullets without cheating ;)
did you? well he has 2kk without cheating too and you cant kill him either , did you won .pt? i guess not
like we say in portugues , deixa-te de desculpas noob de merda
No i didnt cause in my time there were great players and great families in .pt. And again i say hes a gf of a fam that had almost 500kk in fb, wtf do u think some money was for?
Just 4 u in portuguese and my last statment: Aquii o "noob de merda" joga desde a 2.2, e foi aprendendo algumas coisinhas, se não entendes como arranjar balas como alguns arranjam azar o teu. Já a minha avozinha dizia: Não podemos todos ser bons em tudo(sendo inteligência uma delas) \o
your status , alive or dead? your rank brug or soldier? , desde a 2.2 tenho quase a certeza q nunca fizeste uma conta como aquela, és um coitadinho , olha mete nivea soz
Anonymous (16:50:27 - 02-12)
Anonymous at 16:41:01 on 02/12:
did you? well he has 2kk without cheating too and you cant kill him either , did you won .pt? i guess not
like we say in portugues , deixa-te de desculpas noob de merda
Anonymous at 16:37:15 on 02/12:
if u cant understand how we do it then u should go back to .pt and leave .com to strategists, how we say in portuguese "volta para casa". btw even in .pt i was able to have 1.8kk of bullets without cheating ;)
Anonymous at 16:25:00 on 02/12:
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
Anonymous at 15:51:04 on 02/12:
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
if u cant understand how we do it then u should go back to .pt and leave .com to strategists, how we say in portuguese "volta para casa". btw even in .pt i was able to have 1.8kk of bullets without cheating ;)
did you? well he has 2kk without cheating too and you cant kill him either , did you won .pt? i guess not
like we say in portugues , deixa-te de desculpas noob de merda
No i didnt cause in my time there were great players and great families in .pt. And again i say hes a gf of a fam that had almost 500kk in fb, wtf do u think some money was for?
Just 4 u in portuguese and my last statment: Aquii o "noob de merda" joga desde a 2.2, e foi aprendendo algumas coisinhas, se não entendes como arranjar balas como alguns arranjam azar o teu. Já a minha avozinha dizia: Não podemos todos ser bons em tudo(sendo inteligência uma delas) \o
Anonymous (16:49:24 - 02-12)
Killerzzz at 16:45:50 on 02/12:
like we say in english who cares
Anonymous at 16:41:01 on 02/12:
did you? well he has 2kk without cheating too and you cant kill him either , did you won .pt? i guess not
like we say in portugues , deixa-te de desculpas noob de merda
Anonymous at 16:37:15 on 02/12:
if u cant understand how we do it then u should go back to .pt and leave .com to strategists, how we say in portuguese "volta para casa". btw even in .pt i was able to have 1.8kk of bullets without cheating ;)
Anonymous at 16:25:00 on 02/12:
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
Anonymous at 15:51:04 on 02/12:
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
if u cant understand how we do it then u should go back to .pt and leave .com to strategists, how we say in portuguese "volta para casa". btw even in .pt i was able to have 1.8kk of bullets without cheating ;)
did you? well he has 2kk without cheating too and you cant kill him either , did you won .pt? i guess not
like we say in portugues , deixa-te de desculpas noob de merda
like we say in english who cares
first of all i dont play.pt cause like .com is almost dominated by you cheatrs like you even like that you are not able to win the version!! wtf? i really hope some day you play fair and when that happen i will tell you " bora um mano a mano "
Anonymous at 16:41:01 on 02/12:
did you? well he has 2kk without cheating too and you cant kill him either , did you won .pt? i guess not
like we say in portugues , deixa-te de desculpas noob de merda
Anonymous at 16:37:15 on 02/12:
if u cant understand how we do it then u should go back to .pt and leave .com to strategists, how we say in portuguese "volta para casa". btw even in .pt i was able to have 1.8kk of bullets without cheating ;)
Anonymous at 16:25:00 on 02/12:
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
Anonymous at 15:51:04 on 02/12:
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
if u cant understand how we do it then u should go back to .pt and leave .com to strategists, how we say in portuguese "volta para casa". btw even in .pt i was able to have 1.8kk of bullets without cheating ;)
did you? well he has 2kk without cheating too and you cant kill him either , did you won .pt? i guess not
like we say in portugues , deixa-te de desculpas noob de merda
like we say in english who cares
Anonymous (16:43:27 - 02-12)
Anonymous at 16:41:01 on 02/12:
did you? well he has 2kk without cheating too and you cant kill him either , did you won .pt? i guess not
like we say in portugues , deixa-te de desculpas noob de merda
Anonymous at 16:37:15 on 02/12:
if u cant understand how we do it then u should go back to .pt and leave .com to strategists, how we say in portuguese "volta para casa". btw even in .pt i was able to have 1.8kk of bullets without cheating ;)
Anonymous at 16:25:00 on 02/12:
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
Anonymous at 15:51:04 on 02/12:
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
if u cant understand how we do it then u should go back to .pt and leave .com to strategists, how we say in portuguese "volta para casa". btw even in .pt i was able to have 1.8kk of bullets without cheating ;)
did you? well he has 2kk without cheating too and you cant kill him either , did you won .pt? i guess not
like we say in portugues , deixa-te de desculpas noob de merda
maybe you pt pussies should just go play pt instead of bothering us with your shit language
Anonymous (16:41:01 - 02-12)
Anonymous at 16:37:15 on 02/12:
if u cant understand how we do it then u should go back to .pt and leave .com to strategists, how we say in portuguese "volta para casa". btw even in .pt i was able to have 1.8kk of bullets without cheating ;)
Anonymous at 16:25:00 on 02/12:
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
Anonymous at 15:51:04 on 02/12:
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
if u cant understand how we do it then u should go back to .pt and leave .com to strategists, how we say in portuguese "volta para casa". btw even in .pt i was able to have 1.8kk of bullets without cheating ;)
did you? well he has 2kk without cheating too and you cant kill him either , did you won .pt? i guess not
like we say in portugues , deixa-te de desculpas noob de merda
Anonymous (16:40:14 - 02-12)
Lusa got their asses handed to them and still get called out for being a bunch of cheaters.. There is more to that than emotions dictating words. Lusa is cheating. It's that simple.
Anonymous (16:37:15 - 02-12)
Anonymous at 16:25:00 on 02/12:
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
Anonymous at 15:51:04 on 02/12:
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
if u cant understand how we do it then u should go back to .pt and leave .com to strategists, how we say in portuguese "volta para casa". btw even in .pt i was able to have 1.8kk of bullets without cheating ;)
Anonymous (16:25:00 - 02-12)
Anonymous at 15:51:04 on 02/12:
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
Anonymous (16:21:39 - 02-12)
Anonymous at 03:20:15 on 02/12:
cite "Two of Lusa bloods jumped in immediately, both Prophecy and Tijuana didn't hesitate for a second."
On that statment he showed a lack of respect for his bloods i think, looks like he fought alone... everyone knows that you were on heat but i think proph and tijuana did great job. react like that i didnt see for long.
cite "Two of Lusa bloods jumped in immediately, both Prophecy and Tijuana didn't hesitate for a second."
On that statment he showed a lack of respect for his bloods i think, looks like he fought alone... everyone knows that you were on heat but i think proph and tijuana did great job. react like that i didnt see for long.
Anonymous (15:51:04 - 02-12)
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
Anonymous (14:14:56 - 02-12)
Lusa mates... Ur cheaters, u cant tell me u have that much bullets over the version to shoot what u shot... But in the end, u use them well congrats for that.
Anonymous (14:06:11 - 02-12)
Anonymous at 12:48:35 on 02/12:
I guess those comments are mostly from Lackeys users, with 5% ontime, that only login for fire and rehire lackeys...Even an account like that, only with lackeys money, would have 600k+ bullets bought at this stage (from first accounts).
With fambanks making 100m/day, and with objects doing the same amounts; poker tables of millions, when people easly win and lose 300mil; and with trades between all version, why is so difficult to have accounts with 1mil bullets+?
Also, there are people that spend rl money as hell in dcs. You can also do the same if being "important" on omerta its your life goal.
(advice: save 300€ for next version, and you'll be the next Ascii).
I guess those comments are mostly from Lackeys users, with 5% ontime, that only login for fire and rehire lackeys...Even an account like that, only with lackeys money, would have 600k+ bullets bought at this stage (from first accounts).
With fambanks making 100m/day, and with objects doing the same amounts; poker tables of millions, when people easly win and lose 300mil; and with trades between all version, why is so difficult to have accounts with 1mil bullets+?
Also, there are people that spend rl money as hell in dcs. You can also do the same if being "important" on omerta its your life goal.
(advice: save 300€ for next version, and you'll be the next Ascii).
you mean a nick thief ?
Anonymous (14:03:12 - 02-12)
Anonymous at 14:02:19 on 02/12:
naab they already demoted , and promoted
Anonymous at 13:55:07 on 02/12:
C,mon lusa bitches be online and demote to brugs. Then sex will begin: )
C,mon lusa bitches be online and demote to brugs. Then sex will begin: )
naab they already demoted , and promoted
and he couldnt kill them anyway since they are all strong that any brug, even demoted , 'tard comment
just gotta love all the moronic cheater accusations, dupes are in all families and everyone knows it, and ppl should remember that with lackeys allot of players dont use irc anymore, they just log in and renew lackeys. As for the 2kk bullets issue... i can only say to all that accuse everyone of cheating that there is alot of ways to obtain money, and usually tops from all families(exept the noobs) do it, as trading money from versions, dc's, objects and fb, but the major malfuction in ur brain is that u dont understand that many players from lusa sacrifice their accounts for the good of the family, instead of beeing greedy, so get ur strategy straight and quit whining.
bro the only thing you did in this post it was send sand for our eyes... its a portuguese expression "mandar areia para os olhos" so make a favor to us and yourself too and stfu, we are not noobs to fall in your conversation ;)
gl o/
if u cant understand how we do it then u should go back to .pt and leave .com to strategists, how we say in portuguese "volta para casa". btw even in .pt i was able to have 1.8kk of bullets without cheating ;)
did you? well he has 2kk without cheating too and you cant kill him either , did you won .pt? i guess not
like we say in portugues , deixa-te de desculpas noob de merda
No i didnt cause in my time there were great players and great families in .pt. And again i say hes a gf of a fam that had almost 500kk in fb, wtf do u think some money was for?
Just 4 u in portuguese and my last statment: Aquii o "noob de merda" joga desde a 2.2, e foi aprendendo algumas coisinhas, se não entendes como arranjar balas como alguns arranjam azar o teu. Já a minha avozinha dizia: Não podemos todos ser bons em tudo(sendo inteligência uma delas) \o
your status , alive or dead? your rank brug or soldier? , desde a 2.2 tenho quase a certeza q nunca fizeste uma conta como aquela, és um coitadinho , olha mete nivea soz