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Endless Struggle !
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23-09 Reset → 30 September 2022, Friday → 12:00 OT
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30-09 Welcome to Round #40!
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01-09 Not Penny's boat..
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General Comments & Major Rumors
Author: sbanks
Last updated: 4509d 22h 2m 21s ago by MrWhite
Comments: 57,770
Views: 14,564,748
Votes: 81 (4.5 average)
General Comments & Major Rumors section.

Everyone knows where this section is for, keep it clean from flaming and only posts in english are allowed.

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Anonymous (22:57:57 - 23-06)
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lmao you all bitching about DC how about you rank manul might be better for the game no scripts just lackys or manul stop your bitching n get the 3dollers or rank manul simples and for the record manul have always ha dis advantage even before lackys there was booom boom booom scripts at leat with lackys all have choice to use tehm not just selected few so stfu and deal with it !
Plopmunker (22:56:39 - 23-06)
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Bets on a Rollback x') ?
Anonymous (22:56:31 - 23-06)
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Lackey User at 22:55:22 on 23/06:
Anonymous at 22:46:10 on 23/06:
Thanks for fucking "us" aka manuel rankers... while who has lackeys are running atm is getting our rank.

Just passed you homie :w

why dont you say 'im using script and now lackey accs gonna pass me'
Anonymous (22:56:04 - 23-06)
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Lackey User (22:55:22 - 23-06)
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Anonymous at 22:46:10 on 23/06:
Thanks for fucking "us" aka manuel rankers... while who has lackeys are running atm is getting our rank.

Just passed you homie :w

Plopmunker (22:54:51 - 23-06)
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Anonymous at 22:46:10 on 23/06:
Thanks for fucking "us" aka manuel rankers... while who has lackeys are running atm is getting our rank.
I don't want to say I told you so. But I kinda told you so.
analasshill (22:50:03 - 23-06)
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Lmao , get used to it .
Anonymous (22:46:10 - 23-06)
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Thanks for fucking "us" aka manuel rankers... while who has lackeys are running atm is getting our rank.
Paus Holy See (Vatican City State) (22:42:11 - 23-06)
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Welcome to the new Barafranca. First family is down. Local Mob aka The Admins.
Moesasji Netherlands (22:25:17 - 23-06)
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It's not just you! http://www.barafranca.com looks down from here.

Check another site?
Aart (22:25:03 - 23-06)
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Anonymous at 22:24:16 on 23/06:
omerta down with irc ? :S

jep same problem here
Anonymous (22:24:16 - 23-06)
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omerta down with irc ? :S
Anonymous (20:32:22 - 23-06)
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You have witnessed Floca kill Bornhero. To auction this witness statement use the following id: 1
Anonymous (15:40:58 - 23-06)
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Anonymous at 14:20:42 on 23/06:
lowlife at 12:19:41 on 23/06:
scratzin at 12:14:17 on 23/06:
If obay DC prices go up, more people will put DC's on obay, stabilizing the price. Thats like economy 101 folks

lol they told you that at highschool? because there is a big difference here. Supply is waaaaay to low to stabilizing the price. 2 weeks Dc will be 8-10 mils on obay. It will make people put more dc on obay sure, but there is so little supply you dont need to lower your price in order to sell them.

Since most prices are fixed (bg training costs, protection etc) it should see a severe increase in sales.
Lets for argument sake say that a full bg setup sets you back 10mil.
Now, to accomplish that right now you'll need to sell 5-6 dc's, with a worth of 15-20 euro's.
If the dc price explodes it becomes way more profitable to sell 2 dc's, costing 5-6 euro's to accomplish the same.
With Sluggs you even have a somewhat fixed bullet price with obay being the only exception to this rule.
It will stabilize, just give it time.

Either some power sellers have retired for good or are on holiday. Or they are waiting till accounts have more money to flood obay.

I never understood people who sold their DCs this early, when players have no cash at all.
Apart from getting a plane a little earlier there's really no gain in selling DCs now.
Guess you have to save up some cash if you understandbly do not wish to grind you way up manually
Anonymous (15:17:07 - 23-06)
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You have 0 action credits available.
pfff thats fast :(
Anonymous (15:12:48 - 23-06)
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wow... lack of dc's means you'd have to grind manually.... who could imagine that :o
Anonymous (14:20:42 - 23-06)
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lowlife at 12:19:41 on 23/06:
scratzin at 12:14:17 on 23/06:
If obay DC prices go up, more people will put DC's on obay, stabilizing the price. Thats like economy 101 folks

lol they told you that at highschool? because there is a big difference here. Supply is waaaaay to low to stabilizing the price. 2 weeks Dc will be 8-10 mils on obay. It will make people put more dc on obay sure, but there is so little supply you dont need to lower your price in order to sell them.

Since most prices are fixed (bg training costs, protection etc) it should see a severe increase in sales.
Lets for argument sake say that a full bg setup sets you back 10mil.
Now, to accomplish that right now you'll need to sell 5-6 dc's, with a worth of 15-20 euro's.
If the dc price explodes it becomes way more profitable to sell 2 dc's, costing 5-6 euro's to accomplish the same.
With Sluggs you even have a somewhat fixed bullet price with obay being the only exception to this rule.
It will stabilize, just give it time.
lowlife (12:19:41 - 23-06)
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scratzin at 12:14:17 on 23/06:
If obay DC prices go up, more people will put DC's on obay, stabilizing the price. Thats like economy 101 folks

lol they told you that at highschool? because there is a big difference here. Supply is waaaaay to low to stabilizing the price. 2 weeks Dc will be 8-10 mils on obay. It will make people put more dc on obay sure, but there is so little supply you dont need to lower your price in order to sell them.
scratzin (12:14:17 - 23-06)
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If obay DC prices go up, more people will put DC's on obay, stabilizing the price. Thats like economy 101 folks
Anonymous (11:18:06 - 23-06)
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Anonymous at 08:19:55 on 23/06:
Anonymous at 03:49:29 on 23/06:
Anonymous at 20:05:57 on 22/06:
Something disturbing going on. There are very, very few DC"s on obay.

This is gonna lead to a shortage and explosion of prices and many people wont be able to afford one so they wont rank up.

Watch and see.

5k credits for 3E is too expensive anyway..it barely lasts 3 days.

the game is dead, enjoy the last few versions before they shutdown for good ;)
Funny money or real money - you need lot of dc's to "play" this game. Of course the company (omerta) "boosted" the script so that lackeys will rank faster but it will cost you more (to run lackeys).

So options are a) rank manually (can't win against lackeys, takes too much time, so wont work), b) buy dc's with real money (damn expensive and really this game ain't worth it) c) own object/fam bank and buy from obay (only smart way but availability is low, only few can enjoy this rare happiness).

I kind of wait the day when running lackeys 1 day will cost you 1 dc. Maybe then people will finally understand that this "free" game ain't so free after all - and they will move on to some other game(s). As this "free game" mantra has been a joke long time already.

D: Script