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13-09 Lucchese ↔ Mesopotamia
Author: Smurfje
Last updated: 2750d 10h 28m 30s ago by Smurfje
Comments: 62
Views: 25,221
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 5
Involved families: Lucchese, Mesopotamia
Lucchese is shooting Mesopotamia.

For revenge? Spots? What do you think?
War started on: 18:38:02 13-09-2017 War ended on: 18:38:02 14-09-2017
Bullet difference: -1,394,766 War duration: 1d 0h 0m
Money difference: -$506,393,251 Players died: 42

Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Lucchese | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 34
Mesopotamia | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 3 | brug: 7 | cd: 1 | gf: 1 | points: 170
Total | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 4 | brug: 9 | cd: 1 | gf: 1 | points: 204

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Layzee Denmark (19:02:40 - 15-09)
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Eliza at 18:48:10 on 15/09:
Onetwo at 15:46:46 on 15/09: well now i can respond, @yurina you came to ME twice, second time, i steped in, what fuerte the first time decide was his choice, and indeed havoc was still killing assasinos, and me and vanguard try to avoid that he got shot, and it was not 24 hours later is was less

then vanguard shot havoc offline and died, still dont know why, before that fuerte shot delano with 3 attack bgs and he died(delano).


Grieg shot me online in Detroit while I was waiting for travel to shoot Fuerte that was in Chicago, what is with people saying they shot me offline?

And stop saying "Havoc" killed this family or that family and was on a GF rampage or whatever... I didn't accomplish anything alone, Montenegro and Balance members were right there with me all along, no matter how long it took people to leave SH and how messed up the hours were.

They shot from work, they shot from phones, they shot in the middle of the night, they shot knowing it was almost impossible for us to make it out alive, and no one ever stopped or made excuses, and when someone died they didn't leave, they stayed and helped make those long hours fun.

No one makes successful wars alone, no matter how strong they might be.

I won't bother correcting things around here anymore, but try to get your facts straight before claiming something, just for accuracy's sake.

Now let's go back to the real world and enjoy the weekend!
Eliza Portugal (18:48:10 - 15-09)
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Onetwo at 15:46:46 on 15/09: well now i can respond, @yurina you came to ME twice, second time, i steped in, what fuerte the first time decide was his choice, and indeed havoc was still killing assasinos, and me and vanguard try to avoid that he got shot, and it was not 24 hours later is was less

then vanguard shot havoc offline and died, still dont know why, before that fuerte shot delano with 3 attack bgs and he died(delano).


Grieg shot me online in Detroit while I was waiting for travel to shoot Fuerte that was in Chicago, what is with people saying they shot me offline?

And stop saying "Havoc" killed this family or that family and was on a GF rampage or whatever... I didn't accomplish anything alone, Montenegro and Balance members were right there with me all along, no matter how long it took people to leave SH and how messed up the hours were.

They shot from work, they shot from phones, they shot in the middle of the night, they shot knowing it was almost impossible for us to make it out alive, and no one ever stopped or made excuses, and when someone died they didn't leave, they stayed and helped make those long hours fun.

No one makes successful wars alone, no matter how strong they might be.

I won't bother correcting things around here anymore, but try to get your facts straight before claiming something, just for accuracy's sake.

Now let's go back to the real world and enjoy the weekend!
Anonymous (18:25:32 - 15-09)
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Onetwothree at 17:21:44 on 15/09:
Onetwo - your a good and trying to be a good guy :) But your problem is Fuerte. He runs(ruin) The family. And he do alot of shit behind your back.. leaks is his main thing

This is half true.

Fuerte does make deals without other "tops" knowing.
But Onetwo himself claimed several times that he can't decide things without Fuerte, so can't complain when Fuerte decides alone.

It's one thing to discuss plans together with your fellow tops, it's another to use that as an excuse to not decide anything at all during war times when it's needed fast and one of you isn't around :)
Anonymous (18:13:43 - 15-09)
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Who is boss of assassinos then ? :D
Onetwothreefour (17:25:26 - 15-09)
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Like Yurina aint boss of asassinos but think she is ?
Onetwothree (17:21:44 - 15-09)
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Onetwo - your a good and trying to be a good guy :) But your problem is Fuerte. He runs(ruin) The family. And he do alot of shit behind your back.. leaks is his main thing
Anonymous (16:17:39 - 15-09)
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Onetwo at 15:46:46 on 15/09:
ask soulfly herself

Isn't Soulfly the same woman who sold out her own family a few rounds back?
Onetwo Netherlands (15:46:46 - 15-09)
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well now i can respond, @yurina you came to ME twice, second time, i steped in, what fuerte the first time decide was his choice, and indeed havoc was still killing assasinos, and me and vanguard try to avoid that he got shot, and it was not 24 hours later is was less

then vanguard shot havoc offline and died, still dont know why, before that fuerte shot delano with 3 attack bgs and he died(delano).

after the war i contacted smith, idk where al those logs come from, but it can't be out of my name, because i spoke with him on whatsapp about the BF. maybe u need to verify every log people send you, because everything what is being written under here dindt came from my mouth(fingers)
I never said something about a BF on Irc against nobody, i asked smith if he said no he could easly put a family up again in LV to take it.

There is not a excuse, if members shoot for brava etc in the first war, without our premission ask soulfly herself we need to cut in our family first before we can do something for our bloods. it is that simpel

So im just curious what kind a logs are spread out of my name, because i never ever spoke with some1 to stab a blood and steal there BF, so yurina in my defence, i dont believe anything intill you show me what i have said, and im sure i dindt say one off those things above. u always welcome to come in my pm and show me what the gave u and ill be very honest with you, but dont spread lies that i stab ask my bloods (imp)(horde) , i dont, continue to give me a bad name, you threaten me before, but i can do the same asswell,

But i still love you all, kisses for kapow too, and ofc for promo who is as bad as me, as i saw here, ill smell you all next version..

Anonymous (13:21:37 - 15-09)
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hill billy at 12:25:12 on 15/09:
Gambino are a pretty crap family and use that excuse of being unable to shoot because of members many times. They will also use the blood v blood crap even though one of the families have been their blood for many versions. A shit family, a really shit family

This version is now exception to the ordinary...
hill billy (12:25:12 - 15-09)
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Gambino are a pretty crap family and use that excuse of being unable to shoot because of members many times. They will also use the blood v blood crap even though one of the families have been their blood for many versions. A shit family, a really shit family

Anonymous (12:23:19 - 15-09)
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Anonymous at 07:19:01 on 15/09:
Anonymous at 23:27:29 on 14/09:
Anonymous at 23:24:30 on 14/09:
Funny people in here

1) Gambino did stab Assassino and asked Monte to shoot them, they didn't get the BF from Smith, get your shit together Anon.

2) Gambino didn't bother Monte till Aeterna, Assassinos and Syracuse were down and Assassino was controlled, only after that did they "join". Did they even actually get any kill? I just remember Shelby and Donrodes repeatedly failing on Havoc, maybe Bosco too not sure. Fuerte shot Delano failed and died when he left SH.

3) It was more like Assa GF (sorry I forgot your name man) suicided on Havoc the moment she was about to kill Fuerte (the only real danger Gambino had) and saved his ass for a few hours, not the other way around.

4) Supressor now freely admits that Gambino stabbed them now that they need an excuse not to counter, funny how before you said there was no proof and people were trying to fool you :)

5) Assa did start as a good blood, now they have been all over the place, shoot for Gambino after everyone knew they stab them, do everything for Aeterna instead of actually trying to win yourselves etc. You might not deserve to be called dogs, but you're at least other fams errand boys, not even trying to win is just shameful.

Now feel free to say it's all lies, everything in here is 100% true and the tops of each fams know it.

Sorry but it is not 100% true, after monto was down tops gambino spoke with smith about bulletfactory, second fuerte did kill delano, with his last bodyguards and went sh :")

Before you get something out of your mouth be 100% sure when u write it..
You dont know and i do :")

Yeah you're right about Fuerta/Delano, he missed and then finished the job and then died, was confused for a sec that it had been another Gambi to finish him.

And about the LV BF, what you say changes nothing, they stabbed Assassino to try to steal the BF with other fams help, and only joined the war when the BF changed to Monte guys and trust me, I saw the logs, it wasn't for sharing it with Smith that they would take it xD
So Smith and Gambino could talk whatever they want by then, just shows how played Smith was to still make any arrangements with them then. Their lets act like it's just a rumour (according to Supressor) really ran deep xD
Yurina (11:01:31 - 15-09)
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Anonymous at 08:32:14 on 15/09:
suppressor at 07:25:05 on 15/09:
Anonymous at 23:24:30 on 14/09:

4) Supressor now freely admits that Gambino stabbed them now that they need an excuse not to counter, funny how before you said there was no proof and people were trying to fool you :)

I believed it from the moment my source told me about it. I have been talking about it in every thread since my 2nd account was killed (It was the Consig of the Assassino BF family). The problem is, I was not the only top of Assassino at that time and when I mentioned it in the top app, I was told 'for now, unless there's logs it has to be considered just a rumor'. I asked for evidence so that I could try to talk Assassino into dropping the blood with Gambino and considering them an official enemy. It never happened though.

That wasn't the only time Gambino screwed over Assassino, though. When Rinnovo started getting help from other families, Fuerte told us they couldn't help us because the Turks in their family didn't want to shoot their Turkish friends who were shooting us. We were alone on an island and it took a non-blood family to relieve some of the pressure for us.

Anonymous at 23:24:30 on 14/09:
5) Assa did start as a good blood, now they have been all over the place, shoot for Gambino after everyone knew they stab them, do everything for Aeterna instead of actually trying to win yourselves etc. You might not deserve to be called dogs, but you're at least other fams errand boys, not even trying to win is just shameful.

Assassino is a damn good blood. As for going for the win, we haven't been in position in previous versions to be able to do so. This version, even though I have left the family, I feel Assassino should make a move for the win. With everything they have weathered, I honestly believe they deserve it more than Aeterna or Leviticus. Will they get it? Who knows. But you have to have the numbers/strength to go for the win and up until the last few weeks, Asassino just didn't have it. That's why our strategy has always been to find 1-2 good bloods and work with them throughout the version.

I think you had some solid arguments in your post. We know that Gambino Gambino'd Assassino. The assassino tops know it too, and I hope they remember this the next time Fuerte and gang come to them to be bloods.

The Assassino GF you were thinking of is Grieg.

It's 2:20am here and I need sleep, so I'll check back in the morning.
First of all assa shot for every blood but not gambino, give me a fam name that assa shot for gamb.. there is 0 , if you give me a fam name I'll ask gamb tops

The logic of have a blood is when a family starts to shot you ask for help and your bloods should help you with that because it is what we pacted with every of our bloods. Gambino didn't until the last moment 24hrs after and when we had our strongest accounts down. So now my point is, we asked three times for help and they gave us excuses everytime, and when they are getting shot we need to help them? Blood pact was already broken since the first moment they didn't helped us when we asked. And it wasn't broke from Assassino, Gambino did.Assassino didn't shot for Gambino. Gambino didn't shot for Assassino, they shot for themselves. So, please, inform you better about things before talk about something you are not sure.
I knew the fame Gambino had since the beggining, even with that, i gave them an opportunity to work with us, even when i was warned for every people of other families about them. Now i can say i made a mistake blood with them, something it won't happen twice.

Anonymous (08:32:14 - 15-09)
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suppressor at 07:25:05 on 15/09:
Anonymous at 23:24:30 on 14/09:

4) Supressor now freely admits that Gambino stabbed them now that they need an excuse not to counter, funny how before you said there was no proof and people were trying to fool you :)

I believed it from the moment my source told me about it. I have been talking about it in every thread since my 2nd account was killed (It was the Consig of the Assassino BF family). The problem is, I was not the only top of Assassino at that time and when I mentioned it in the top app, I was told 'for now, unless there's logs it has to be considered just a rumor'. I asked for evidence so that I could try to talk Assassino into dropping the blood with Gambino and considering them an official enemy. It never happened though.

That wasn't the only time Gambino screwed over Assassino, though. When Rinnovo started getting help from other families, Fuerte told us they couldn't help us because the Turks in their family didn't want to shoot their Turkish friends who were shooting us. We were alone on an island and it took a non-blood family to relieve some of the pressure for us.

Anonymous at 23:24:30 on 14/09:
5) Assa did start as a good blood, now they have been all over the place, shoot for Gambino after everyone knew they stab them, do everything for Aeterna instead of actually trying to win yourselves etc. You might not deserve to be called dogs, but you're at least other fams errand boys, not even trying to win is just shameful.

Assassino is a damn good blood. As for going for the win, we haven't been in position in previous versions to be able to do so. This version, even though I have left the family, I feel Assassino should make a move for the win. With everything they have weathered, I honestly believe they deserve it more than Aeterna or Leviticus. Will they get it? Who knows. But you have to have the numbers/strength to go for the win and up until the last few weeks, Asassino just didn't have it. That's why our strategy has always been to find 1-2 good bloods and work with them throughout the version.

I think you had some solid arguments in your post. We know that Gambino Gambino'd Assassino. The assassino tops know it too, and I hope they remember this the next time Fuerte and gang come to them to be bloods.

The Assassino GF you were thinking of is Grieg.

It's 2:20am here and I need sleep, so I'll check back in the morning.
First of all assa shot for every blood but not gambino, give me a fam name that assa shot for gamb.. there is 0 , if you give me a fam name I'll ask gamb tops
suppressor United States (07:25:05 - 15-09)
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Anonymous at 23:24:30 on 14/09:

4) Supressor now freely admits that Gambino stabbed them now that they need an excuse not to counter, funny how before you said there was no proof and people were trying to fool you :)

I believed it from the moment my source told me about it. I have been talking about it in every thread since my 2nd account was killed (It was the Consig of the Assassino BF family). The problem is, I was not the only top of Assassino at that time and when I mentioned it in the top app, I was told 'for now, unless there's logs it has to be considered just a rumor'. I asked for evidence so that I could try to talk Assassino into dropping the blood with Gambino and considering them an official enemy. It never happened though.

That wasn't the only time Gambino screwed over Assassino, though. When Rinnovo started getting help from other families, Fuerte told us they couldn't help us because the Turks in their family didn't want to shoot their Turkish friends who were shooting us. We were alone on an island and it took a non-blood family to relieve some of the pressure for us.

Anonymous at 23:24:30 on 14/09:
5) Assa did start as a good blood, now they have been all over the place, shoot for Gambino after everyone knew they stab them, do everything for Aeterna instead of actually trying to win yourselves etc. You might not deserve to be called dogs, but you're at least other fams errand boys, not even trying to win is just shameful.

Assassino is a damn good blood. As for going for the win, we haven't been in position in previous versions to be able to do so. This version, even though I have left the family, I feel Assassino should make a move for the win. With everything they have weathered, I honestly believe they deserve it more than Aeterna or Leviticus. Will they get it? Who knows. But you have to have the numbers/strength to go for the win and up until the last few weeks, Asassino just didn't have it. That's why our strategy has always been to find 1-2 good bloods and work with them throughout the version.

I think you had some solid arguments in your post. We know that Gambino Gambino'd Assassino. The assassino tops know it too, and I hope they remember this the next time Fuerte and gang come to them to be bloods.

The Assassino GF you were thinking of is Grieg.

It's 2:20am here and I need sleep, so I'll check back in the morning.
Anonymous (07:19:01 - 15-09)
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Anonymous at 23:27:29 on 14/09:
Anonymous at 23:24:30 on 14/09:
Funny people in here

1) Gambino did stab Assassino and asked Monte to shoot them, they didn't get the BF from Smith, get your shit together Anon.

2) Gambino didn't bother Monte till Aeterna, Assassinos and Syracuse were down and Assassino was controlled, only after that did they "join". Did they even actually get any kill? I just remember Shelby and Donrodes repeatedly failing on Havoc, maybe Bosco too not sure. Fuerte shot Delano failed and died when he left SH.

3) It was more like Assa GF (sorry I forgot your name man) suicided on Havoc the moment she was about to kill Fuerte (the only real danger Gambino had) and saved his ass for a few hours, not the other way around.

4) Supressor now freely admits that Gambino stabbed them now that they need an excuse not to counter, funny how before you said there was no proof and people were trying to fool you :)

5) Assa did start as a good blood, now they have been all over the place, shoot for Gambino after everyone knew they stab them, do everything for Aeterna instead of actually trying to win yourselves etc. You might not deserve to be called dogs, but you're at least other fams errand boys, not even trying to win is just shameful.

Now feel free to say it's all lies, everything in here is 100% true and the tops of each fams know it.

Sorry but it is not 100% true, after monto was down tops gambino spoke with smith about bulletfactory, second fuerte did kill delano, with his last bodyguards and went sh :")

Before you get something out of your mouth be 100% sure when u write it..
You dont know and i do :")
Anonymous (23:27:29 - 14-09)
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Anonymous at 23:24:30 on 14/09:
Funny people in here

1) Gambino did stab Assassino and asked Monte to shoot them, they didn't get the BF from Smith, get your shit together Anon.

2) Gambino didn't bother Monte till Aeterna, Assassinos and Syracuse were down and Assassino was controlled, only after that did they "join". Did they even actually get any kill? I just remember Shelby and Donrodes repeatedly failing on Havoc, maybe Bosco too not sure. Fuerte shot Delano failed and died when he left SH.

3) It was more like Assa GF (sorry I forgot your name man) suicided on Havoc the moment she was about to kill Fuerte (the only real danger Gambino had) and saved his ass for a few hours, not the other way around.

4) Supressor now freely admits that Gambino stabbed them now that they need an excuse not to counter, funny how before you said there was no proof and people were trying to fool you :)

5) Assa did start as a good blood, now they have been all over the place, shoot for Gambino after everyone knew they stab them, do everything for Aeterna instead of actually trying to win yourselves etc. You might not deserve to be called dogs, but you're at least other fams errand boys, not even trying to win is just shameful.

Now feel free to say it's all lies, everything in here is 100% true and the tops of each fams know it.

Anonymous (23:24:30 - 14-09)
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Funny people in here

1) Gambino did stab Assassino and asked Monte to shoot them, they didn't get the BF from Smith, get your shit together Anon.

2) Gambino didn't bother Monte till Aeterna, Assassinos and Syracuse were down and Assassino was controlled, only after that did they "join". Did they even actually get any kill? I just remember Shelby and Donrodes repeatedly failing on Havoc, maybe Bosco too not sure. Fuerte shot Delano failed and died when he left SH.

3) It was more like Assa GF (sorry I forgot your name man) suicided on Havoc the moment she was about to kill Fuerte (the only real danger Gambino had) and saved his ass for a few hours, not the other way around.

4) Supressor now freely admits that Gambino stabbed them now that they need an excuse not to counter, funny how before you said there was no proof and people were trying to fool you :)

5) Assa did start as a good blood, now they have been all over the place, shoot for Gambino after everyone knew they stab them, do everything for Aeterna instead of actually trying to win yourselves etc. You might not deserve to be called dogs, but you're at least other fams errand boys, not even trying to win is just shameful.

Now feel free to say it's all lies, everything in here is 100% true and the tops of each fams know it.
Anonymous (19:32:47 - 14-09)
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suppressor at 18:48:30 on 14/09:
Anonymous at 17:58:52 on 14/09:
Well not because of you, poor meso getting supressor pressure to shoot gambino

That line is an absolute lie.

Ask any Meso top you want, they will tell you that I did not ask them to shoot anyone... they asked me to help them shoot Malazgirt with them, and they asked me to shoot Gambino with them. I did not in any way try to influence their direction. My only role in the family was as a shooter and to give some tips on bg setups, etc.

Do NOT try to make the Meso tops out as puppets. They made their own choices, based on their own reasons. I was just lucky enough to be along for the ride and get to know them.

It also gave me the opportunity to apologize to a certain Sib top for being such a dick to him earlier in the version. Turns out he's a pretty cool dude.
I agree. We're good.
Anonymous (19:20:59 - 14-09)
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suppressor at 19:15:27 on 14/09:
Anonymous at 19:03:33 on 14/09:
suppressor at 18:48:30 on 14/09:
Anonymous at 17:58:52 on 14/09:
Well not because of you, poor meso getting supressor pressure to shoot gambino

That line is an absolute lie.

Ask any Meso top you want, they will tell you that I did not ask them to shoot anyone... they asked me to help them shoot Malazgirt with them, and they asked me to shoot Gambino with them. I did not in any way try to influence their direction. My only role in the family was as a shooter and to give some tips on bg setups, etc.

Do NOT try to make the Meso tops out as puppets. They made their own choices, based on their own reasons. I was just lucky enough to be along for the ride and get to know them.

It also gave me the opportunity to apologize to a certain Sib top for being such a dick to him earlier in the version. Turns out he's a pretty cool dude.


;) I thought that was just our dirty little secret :)

suppressor United States (19:15:27 - 14-09)
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Anonymous at 19:03:33 on 14/09:
suppressor at 18:48:30 on 14/09:
Anonymous at 17:58:52 on 14/09:
Well not because of you, poor meso getting supressor pressure to shoot gambino

That line is an absolute lie.

Ask any Meso top you want, they will tell you that I did not ask them to shoot anyone... they asked me to help them shoot Malazgirt with them, and they asked me to shoot Gambino with them. I did not in any way try to influence their direction. My only role in the family was as a shooter and to give some tips on bg setups, etc.

Do NOT try to make the Meso tops out as puppets. They made their own choices, based on their own reasons. I was just lucky enough to be along for the ride and get to know them.

It also gave me the opportunity to apologize to a certain Sib top for being such a dick to him earlier in the version. Turns out he's a pretty cool dude.


;) I thought that was just our dirty little secret :)