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17-01 Admin interference!
Author: Aart
Last updated: 3703d 0h 21m 38s ago by Aart
Comments: 111
Views: 64,508
Votes: 4 (3.5 average)
Version: 4.7.2
Akills sometimes occur at the worst times imaginable and often have a great impact on the server outcome. What do you think should happen in cases like these?
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Johnx Denmark (20:26:41 - 25-01)
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gode at 20:24:07 on 25/01:
Johnx at 19:37:40 on 25/01:
for the shit you wrote to Aart. Gode, you have no idea what you are talking about. the removal of righellis win was due to admins being butthurt.
2. I've never had a dupe, i've been thinking about it, but never got to it.

i don't believe you. everyone opens a 2nd account. some ppl try to make it look nice, opening that dupe account in other version and money exchanging. thats also duping imo and admins consider it duping for last 2 versions
I once used another email at .nl because it wouldn't let me login to my usual email, other than that i've always only used my usual spam mail for this game. So no i actually haven't duped :(
gode Turkey (20:24:07 - 25-01)
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Johnx at 19:37:40 on 25/01:
for the shit you wrote to Aart. Gode, you have no idea what you are talking about. the removal of righellis win was due to admins being butthurt.
2. I've never had a dupe, i've been thinking about it, but never got to it.

i don't believe you. everyone opens a 2nd account. some ppl try to make it look nice, opening that dupe account in other version and money exchanging. thats also duping imo and admins consider it duping for last 2 versions

and about "admins being butthurt" yea i would feel same when 3 versions a group of ppl was reported by dozens of players, and not get caught making huge bug abuse, winning those 3 versions. yea i would also be very disappointed in such situation
Johnx Denmark (19:37:40 - 25-01)
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gode at 19:17:14 on 25/01:
Aart at 17:18:22 on 19/01:
Gode you illiterate moron. You merely think I was a big abuser because I never been in denial when I got caught. When a family top (ppl I usually tend to take serious) is comming on here saying his entire real life family and group of friends is living in the same appartment building as himself, hence he got akilled.... doesn't really make me want to take someone more serious in the future. So pls, get your facts straight or talk less. Your buddy fucked up, let him deal with it.

"Gode you illiterate moron" lol. grow up a little, you are not in highschool nor college now.
i thought you were smarter, calling names doesn't hurt me a gram, but it shows your maturity level.

abusing money or health bug is a big thing, cuz it is effecting entire game. faffie who had imba top accounts wasn't able to take down your buggy accounts for example. accounts with dupes are not that immortal, cuz most of top accounts are pumped with dupes. your fam managed to win 3 versions with those serious bug abuse and RIGHELLI FAM NAME WAS REMOVED FROM HOF did you see such punishment EVER? that was the best punishment i have ever seen if you ask me, you can put this into poll too. you and your friends also fucked up a family name, Righelli was a good memory for everyone like Conflict. your group made it look shit

about duping, it is also cheating but its not that big deal, since i know everyone is duping, i won't believe anyone who says he didn't open a 2nd account any version. bjack got caught cuz he killed so many and was possibly reported many times. shit happens and every version there are akills about duping, but not every version your fam name is removed from HOF.

Reviving is not a simple policy, that game is not played 1 fam vs. 1 fam.
But i won't spend more energy explaining, after dealing shit from aart
for the shit you wrote to Aart. Gode, you have no idea what you are talking about. the removal of righellis win was due to admins being butthurt.
2. I've never had a dupe, i've been thinking about it, but never got to it.
gode Turkey (19:17:14 - 25-01)
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Aart at 17:18:22 on 19/01:
Gode you illiterate moron. You merely think I was a big abuser because I never been in denial when I got caught. When a family top (ppl I usually tend to take serious) is comming on here saying his entire real life family and group of friends is living in the same appartment building as himself, hence he got akilled.... doesn't really make me want to take someone more serious in the future. So pls, get your facts straight or talk less. Your buddy fucked up, let him deal with it.

"Gode you illiterate moron" lol. grow up a little, you are not in highschool nor college now.
i thought you were smarter, calling names doesn't hurt me a gram, but it shows your maturity level.

abusing money or health bug is a big thing, cuz it is effecting entire game. faffie who had imba top accounts wasn't able to take down your buggy accounts for example. accounts with dupes are not that immortal, cuz most of top accounts are pumped with dupes. your fam managed to win 3 versions with those serious bug abuse and RIGHELLI FAM NAME WAS REMOVED FROM HOF did you see such punishment EVER? that was the best punishment i have ever seen if you ask me, you can put this into poll too. you and your friends also fucked up a family name, Righelli was a good memory for everyone like Conflict. your group made it look shit

about duping, it is also cheating but its not that big deal, since i know everyone is duping, i won't believe anyone who says he didn't open a 2nd account any version. bjack got caught cuz he killed so many and was possibly reported many times. shit happens and every version there are akills about duping, but not every version your fam name is removed from HOF.

Reviving is not a simple policy, that game is not played 1 fam vs. 1 fam.
But i won't spend more energy explaining, after dealing shit from aart
Aart (14:52:36 - 22-01)
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ElIndio at 16:31:58 on 20/01:

I think there’s nothing wrong with a poll or article about the subject of akill policy. Just we didn’t see much effort put into the article, which together with the given timing (or said differently: the article hitting us) unfortunately couldn't lead to anything else but creating the impression of it being meant to be against us. This way it mainly helped people only attacking Avaritia. The choices given don’t really help creating a neutral perspective either. For example the choice of reviving within 3 days, which is the applied policy, is missing, while on the other hand you have very heavy options like rollback and family punishes, reviving every kill made.
Apart from that, having cheated is no reason to not be allowed to create such a topic, as long as “neutrality” (if such a thing exists) is preserved.

A more detailed description and better thought out poll choices would have avoided misunderstandings. I'm not sure if letting some time pass first would have been the right decision.
Excuse me for the late response but I haven't been on OBN for the last 2 days.
You're right that because of the given timing it looks like the article is targetting Avaritia. As you can probably imagine, a bit intended. Why shouldn't it? There haven't been any other families with this many noteworthy akills at this stage of the version... I haven't made you guys a hot topic, you did that to yourself so please don't shift that blame on me (not to you personally but you know who I mean).

Besides that, you also mention the given choises are very 'heavy' and suggest the current policy (revive when you were killed 3 days prior to the akill) should be amongst the options. Maybe you're right, I could have added that option in the poll but the thought slipped my mind. Someone could have simply PM'd me on IRC an made me aware of that.
Regardless of the fact that that didn't happen, In my not so humble opinion that particulair policy is absolute bollocks. If the roles were turned around you and any other sane player in this game would agree with me.
Back when Righelli and Lucchese cheated and got caught for it, the version was shut down & reset, we got an ingame newspost by miss Bramble herself, got an article on OBN - heck, we nearly made CNN because of all the terror and injustice we inflicted upon everyone. Sure, we screwed things up way more than you guys now did... but does that really mean these current events should get away unnoticed and the people who are responsible are in any way a lesser cheater as I was back then? Bullshit, I was just cheating more effectively.
Fact remains there have been accounts in Avaritia this version which were clearly made for duping/money/hp laundering - let's simply call it cheating. The problem here is not so much that that actually happend, cause well... the majority tries it - but more so that alot of other accounts got killed by those cheaters. Now after this major akill spree these players simly get told by the ingame admins to go fuck themselves (just think about what would have happend when the ingame admins would have carried out this current policy back during Righ/LS). I'd like to think of it as double standards, by ingame admins as well as the people who have been judging me personally in this topic for setting up this poll. I simply held some of those people in higher regard.
Anonymous (10:28:31 - 22-01)
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Is it so hard to have a discussion without namecalling?
You guys are twelve year olds or what?
Redspeert Syrian Arab Republic (14:13:59 - 21-01)
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Nuke at 03:15:13 on 21/01:
Redspeert at 16:25:48 on 20/01:

What people have done in the past is...well how do you put it, is in the past. You guys got akilled THIS version so you are the cheaters, not the others. Following your logic I should call you a nazi since your country was once a nazi country and you know, using ElIndio logic people doesn't change.

The Nazis are no longer ruling Germany. While people who cheated continue leading a family, that family is still a bunch of cheaters. If Adolph Hitler were still Fuhrer of Germany, then you would have every right to call them Nazis.

Please don't bring up IQ's.. It's embarrassing for you when you present such poor logic.

By using that standard, you have (or are you still?) been ranking in a cheat fam, as I know atleast one top of Illuanna who have duped before.
Anonymous (08:57:59 - 21-01)
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Nuke at 03:15:13 on 21/01:
Redspeert at 16:25:48 on 20/01:

What people have done in the past is...well how do you put it, is in the past. You guys got akilled THIS version so you are the cheaters, not the others. Following your logic I should call you a nazi since your country was once a nazi country and you know, using ElIndio logic people doesn't change.

The Nazis are no longer ruling Germany. While people who cheated continue leading a family, that family is still a bunch of cheaters. If Adolph Hitler were still Fuhrer of Germany, then you would have every right to call them Nazis.

Please don't bring up IQ's.. It's embarrassing for you when you present such poor logic.

But the only people leading a family who got akilled this version were BJack from Avaritia, Gambino, Enfoire and Marazzino. So I suggest people don't go around pointing fingers at people who got akilled 2 years ago when they're clearly not the current issue. These people have no right to call anyone else cheaters and think they still have any moral high ground.

If, for example, you thought Righelli were scumbags for cheating, and you like to point out what terrible people those Righelli bastards were...but then you also get akilled for cheating, then everything you said about Righelli also applies to yourself, by your own standards. So calling out people who have cheated in the past to try and justify your current cheating is rather hilarious to me. Everything these people say about families like Righelli and Lucchese applies to themselves even more potently - and they don't even realise it. It's actually quite entertaining.
Nuke United States (03:15:13 - 21-01)
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Redspeert at 16:25:48 on 20/01:

What people have done in the past is...well how do you put it, is in the past. You guys got akilled THIS version so you are the cheaters, not the others. Following your logic I should call you a nazi since your country was once a nazi country and you know, using ElIndio logic people doesn't change.

The Nazis are no longer ruling Germany. While people who cheated continue leading a family, that family is still a bunch of cheaters. If Adolph Hitler were still Fuhrer of Germany, then you would have every right to call them Nazis.

Please don't bring up IQ's.. It's embarrassing for you when you present such poor logic.
Redspeert Syrian Arab Republic (17:54:48 - 20-01)
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ElIndio at 16:52:07 on 20/01:
Redspeert at 16:25:48 on 20/01:
ElIndio at 15:14:54 on 20/01:
Redspeert at 13:54:11 on 19/01:
'I checked your account and I can't give you a revive. According to our policy your account should not be killed by an akilled account 3 days before the akill took place. Your kill was earlier. Because of this we can't give you a revive.'

Died the 13th january, akills the 17th so 4 days...Meaning anyone who got killed by these lowlife cheaters (like b|jack) before the 14th january wont get a revive. Kinda random these 'crew members' they tend to stick to the 3day revive policy when it suits them.
(09:53:36) <@Leo> You duck behind the wall of a nearby garage as Dzerzhinsky pulls a Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum out and whirls around and pulls the trigger... Dzerzhinsky died from the wounds you have inflicted.

If he gets akilled, ask for a revive.

Besides, provided that the akills were legit, you don’t know when the akilled people started “funding”, so the 3-day-policy is reasonable.

As far as I can see your fam consists of fams that have seen serious akills in the recent past. Empire had dozens of accs akilled with #empire on profile, Catania tops were akilled in 4.4. You take Aeterna+, Siberia and Jannisary+ as bloods, who are not known for playing clean either. Do you have the same words for your teammates and bloods? Don’t come me with “this version they haven’t been akilled, also I can’t know if they still cheat” or stuff alike. I remember the times where turks used to be attacked massively for cheating, by people who later got akilled en masse.

I weren't talking about myself (where did I say that? Have you lost your spectacles somewhere?), I was talking about babble who were killed by one of your cheating top/capos. Unless you have a IQ of 67 you would understand that the funding have been going on since the start and didn't start at the same time as they got akilled.

What people have done in the past is...well how do you put it, is in the past. You guys got akilled THIS version so you are the cheaters, not the others. Following your logic I should call you a nazi since your country was once a nazi country and you know, using ElIndio logic people doesn't change.
Very weak.

Not as weak as trying to hold the moral highground whilst having known dupers inside your top and beeing caught redhanded cheating.
ElIndio Germany (16:52:07 - 20-01)
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Redspeert at 16:25:48 on 20/01:
ElIndio at 15:14:54 on 20/01:
Redspeert at 13:54:11 on 19/01:
'I checked your account and I can't give you a revive. According to our policy your account should not be killed by an akilled account 3 days before the akill took place. Your kill was earlier. Because of this we can't give you a revive.'

Died the 13th january, akills the 17th so 4 days...Meaning anyone who got killed by these lowlife cheaters (like b|jack) before the 14th january wont get a revive. Kinda random these 'crew members' they tend to stick to the 3day revive policy when it suits them.
(09:53:36) <@Leo> You duck behind the wall of a nearby garage as Dzerzhinsky pulls a Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum out and whirls around and pulls the trigger... Dzerzhinsky died from the wounds you have inflicted.

If he gets akilled, ask for a revive.

Besides, provided that the akills were legit, you don’t know when the akilled people started “funding”, so the 3-day-policy is reasonable.

As far as I can see your fam consists of fams that have seen serious akills in the recent past. Empire had dozens of accs akilled with #empire on profile, Catania tops were akilled in 4.4. You take Aeterna+, Siberia and Jannisary+ as bloods, who are not known for playing clean either. Do you have the same words for your teammates and bloods? Don’t come me with “this version they haven’t been akilled, also I can’t know if they still cheat” or stuff alike. I remember the times where turks used to be attacked massively for cheating, by people who later got akilled en masse.

I weren't talking about myself (where did I say that? Have you lost your spectacles somewhere?), I was talking about babble who were killed by one of your cheating top/capos. Unless you have a IQ of 67 you would understand that the funding have been going on since the start and didn't start at the same time as they got akilled.

What people have done in the past is...well how do you put it, is in the past. You guys got akilled THIS version so you are the cheaters, not the others. Following your logic I should call you a nazi since your country was once a nazi country and you know, using ElIndio logic people doesn't change.
Very weak.
ElIndio Germany (16:31:58 - 20-01)
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I think there’s nothing wrong with a poll or article about the subject of akill policy. Just we didn’t see much effort put into the article, which together with the given timing (or said differently: the article hitting us) unfortunately couldn't lead to anything else but creating the impression of it being meant to be against us. This way it mainly helped people only attacking Avaritia. The choices given don’t really help creating a neutral perspective either. For example the choice of reviving within 3 days, which is the applied policy, is missing, while on the other hand you have very heavy options like rollback and family punishes, reviving every kill made.
Apart from that, having cheated is no reason to not be allowed to create such a topic, as long as “neutrality” (if such a thing exists) is preserved.

A more detailed description and better thought out poll choices would have avoided misunderstandings. I'm not sure if letting some time pass first would have been the right decision.
Redspeert Syrian Arab Republic (16:25:48 - 20-01)
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ElIndio at 15:14:54 on 20/01:
Redspeert at 13:54:11 on 19/01:
'I checked your account and I can't give you a revive. According to our policy your account should not be killed by an akilled account 3 days before the akill took place. Your kill was earlier. Because of this we can't give you a revive.'

Died the 13th january, akills the 17th so 4 days...Meaning anyone who got killed by these lowlife cheaters (like b|jack) before the 14th january wont get a revive. Kinda random these 'crew members' they tend to stick to the 3day revive policy when it suits them.
(09:53:36) <@Leo> You duck behind the wall of a nearby garage as Dzerzhinsky pulls a Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum out and whirls around and pulls the trigger... Dzerzhinsky died from the wounds you have inflicted.

If he gets akilled, ask for a revive.

Besides, provided that the akills were legit, you don’t know when the akilled people started “funding”, so the 3-day-policy is reasonable.

As far as I can see your fam consists of fams that have seen serious akills in the recent past. Empire had dozens of accs akilled with #empire on profile, Catania tops were akilled in 4.4. You take Aeterna+, Siberia and Jannisary+ as bloods, who are not known for playing clean either. Do you have the same words for your teammates and bloods? Don’t come me with “this version they haven’t been akilled, also I can’t know if they still cheat” or stuff alike. I remember the times where turks used to be attacked massively for cheating, by people who later got akilled en masse.

I weren't talking about myself (where did I say that? Have you lost your spectacles somewhere?), I was talking about babble who were killed by one of your cheating top/capos. Unless you have a IQ of 67 you would understand that the funding have been going on since the start and didn't start at the same time as they got akilled.

What people have done in the past is...well how do you put it, is in the past. You guys got akilled THIS version so you are the cheaters, not the others. Following your logic I should call you a nazi since your country was once a nazi country and you know, using ElIndio logic people doesn't change.
ElIndio Germany (15:14:54 - 20-01)
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Redspeert at 13:54:11 on 19/01:
'I checked your account and I can't give you a revive. According to our policy your account should not be killed by an akilled account 3 days before the akill took place. Your kill was earlier. Because of this we can't give you a revive.'

Died the 13th january, akills the 17th so 4 days...Meaning anyone who got killed by these lowlife cheaters (like b|jack) before the 14th january wont get a revive. Kinda random these 'crew members' they tend to stick to the 3day revive policy when it suits them.
(09:53:36) <@Leo> You duck behind the wall of a nearby garage as Dzerzhinsky pulls a Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum out and whirls around and pulls the trigger... Dzerzhinsky died from the wounds you have inflicted.

If he gets akilled, ask for a revive.

Besides, provided that the akills were legit, you don’t know when the akilled people started “funding”, so the 3-day-policy is reasonable.

As far as I can see your fam consists of fams that have seen serious akills in the recent past. Empire had dozens of accs akilled with #empire on profile, Catania tops were akilled in 4.4. You take Aeterna+, Siberia and Jannisary+ as bloods, who are not known for playing clean either. Do you have the same words for your teammates and bloods? Don’t come me with “this version they haven’t been akilled, also I can’t know if they still cheat” or stuff alike. I remember the times where turks used to be attacked massively for cheating, by people who later got akilled en masse.
Anonymous (01:34:06 - 20-01)
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MurderInc at 23:00:54 on 19/01:
Redspeert at 13:54:11 on 19/01:
'I checked your account and I can't give you a revive. According to our policy your account should not be killed by an akilled account 3 days before the akill took place. Your kill was earlier. Because of this we can't give you a revive.'

Died the 13th january, akills the 17th so 4 days...Meaning anyone who got killed by these lowlife cheaters (like b|jack) before the 14th january wont get a revive. Kinda random these 'crew members' they tend to stick to the 3day revive policy when it suits them.
That's funny, especially considering they didn't seem to have a problem reviving the following accounts last version:
Borkum died at 12/11/2014 03:33:17, revived at 18/11/2014 21:29:43
Capray died at 12/11/2014 05:20:34, revived at 17/11/2014 09:35:00
Siyah died at 07/11/2012 10:34:30, revived at 14/11/2014 19:01:36
Larsson died at 11/11/2014 21:08:32, revived at 14/11/2014 16:28:04

When did their killers get akilled?
Now it's just a useless list.

MurderInc Austria (23:00:54 - 19-01)
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Redspeert at 13:54:11 on 19/01:
'I checked your account and I can't give you a revive. According to our policy your account should not be killed by an akilled account 3 days before the akill took place. Your kill was earlier. Because of this we can't give you a revive.'

Died the 13th january, akills the 17th so 4 days...Meaning anyone who got killed by these lowlife cheaters (like b|jack) before the 14th january wont get a revive. Kinda random these 'crew members' they tend to stick to the 3day revive policy when it suits them.
That's funny, especially considering they didn't seem to have a problem reviving the following accounts last version:
Borkum died at 12/11/2014 03:33:17, revived at 18/11/2014 21:29:43
Capray died at 12/11/2014 05:20:34, revived at 17/11/2014 09:35:00
Siyah died at 07/11/2012 10:34:30, revived at 14/11/2014 19:01:36
Larsson died at 11/11/2014 21:08:32, revived at 14/11/2014 16:28:04
Aart (17:18:22 - 19-01)
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Johnx at 16:27:06 on 19/01:
gode at 16:05:26 on 19/01:
Johnx at 22:59:47 on 18/01:
gode at 22:45:57 on 18/01:
i think best solution is "family punish in same version". revive thing is so complicated, i think no revive policy should be run.

on the other hand, Aart opening an article about bug abuse is biggest joke this year so far.
When did Aart open an article about bug abuse? This article is about akills and punishment. The akills that are the reason for this isn't even bug abuse. So be nice hypocrite jebus.
And for the actual comment you made. A no revive policy is like screwing over a shitload of people, since you can just cheat as fuck and then kill a lot of people, and when you then get caught you just stick the finger right to the people who were unfairly killed.

about "no revive" offer. it's very complicated bcz lots of families shooting there. you can't predict a dead account should be alive after that war. maybe whole family is down, maybe fam is up and shooting some other fam now, what impact will be made if account is revived? so best option imo is punishing player and its current fam, or the fam he/she spent most time of version, and no revives at all.

PS : bug abuse or duping whatever it is, admin kills occur on both. one of the biggest bug abuser in the game shouldn't open any conversation about akills.
Aart biggest bug abuser, pls. I thought you were some oldschool white knight who has never even thought of cheating, but seems you don't know much about the subject.
see the revive as a punishment for the cheating fam as well + it is completely fair, that if you are killed by a cheater, you will be revived. It is for me hard to see how people can think something else, but maybe thats just me who has this weird sense of justice.
Gode you illiterate moron. You merely think I was a big abuser because I never been in denial when I got caught. When a family top (ppl I usually tend to take serious) is comming on here saying his entire real life family and group of friends is living in the same appartment building as himself, hence he got akilled.... doesn't really make me want to take someone more serious in the future. So pls, get your facts straight or talk less. Your buddy fucked up, let him deal with it.
Johnx Denmark (16:27:06 - 19-01)
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gode at 16:05:26 on 19/01:
Johnx at 22:59:47 on 18/01:
gode at 22:45:57 on 18/01:
i think best solution is "family punish in same version". revive thing is so complicated, i think no revive policy should be run.

on the other hand, Aart opening an article about bug abuse is biggest joke this year so far.
When did Aart open an article about bug abuse? This article is about akills and punishment. The akills that are the reason for this isn't even bug abuse. So be nice hypocrite jebus.
And for the actual comment you made. A no revive policy is like screwing over a shitload of people, since you can just cheat as fuck and then kill a lot of people, and when you then get caught you just stick the finger right to the people who were unfairly killed.

about "no revive" offer. it's very complicated bcz lots of families shooting there. you can't predict a dead account should be alive after that war. maybe whole family is down, maybe fam is up and shooting some other fam now, what impact will be made if account is revived? so best option imo is punishing player and its current fam, or the fam he/she spent most time of version, and no revives at all.

PS : bug abuse or duping whatever it is, admin kills occur on both. one of the biggest bug abuser in the game shouldn't open any conversation about akills.
Aart biggest bug abuser, pls. I thought you were some oldschool white knight who has never even thought of cheating, but seems you don't know much about the subject.
see the revive as a punishment for the cheating fam as well + it is completely fair, that if you are killed by a cheater, you will be revived. It is for me hard to see how people can think something else, but maybe thats just me who has this weird sense of justice.
gode Turkey (16:05:26 - 19-01)
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Johnx at 22:59:47 on 18/01:
gode at 22:45:57 on 18/01:
i think best solution is "family punish in same version". revive thing is so complicated, i think no revive policy should be run.

on the other hand, Aart opening an article about bug abuse is biggest joke this year so far.
When did Aart open an article about bug abuse? This article is about akills and punishment. The akills that are the reason for this isn't even bug abuse. So be nice hypocrite jebus.
And for the actual comment you made. A no revive policy is like screwing over a shitload of people, since you can just cheat as fuck and then kill a lot of people, and when you then get caught you just stick the finger right to the people who were unfairly killed.

about "no revive" offer. it's very complicated bcz lots of families shooting there. you can't predict a dead account should be alive after that war. maybe whole family is down, maybe fam is up and shooting some other fam now, what impact will be made if account is revived? so best option imo is punishing player and its current fam, or the fam he/she spent most time of version, and no revives at all.

PS : bug abuse or duping whatever it is, admin kills occur on both. one of the biggest bug abuser in the game shouldn't open any conversation about akills.
Aart (15:27:33 - 19-01)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 14:44:20 on 19/01:
B|Jack at 14:06:18 on 19/01:
Redspeert at 13:54:11 on 19/01:
'I checked your account and I can't give you a revive. According to our policy your account should not be killed by an akilled account 3 days before the akill took place. Your kill was earlier. Because of this we can't give you a revive.'

Died the 13th january, akills the 17th so 4 days...Meaning anyone who got killed by these lowlife cheaters (like b|jack) before the 14th january wont get a revive. Kinda random these 'crew members' they tend to stick to the 3day revive policy when it suits them.

Redspeert I understand you totaly, You hurt this version so much cuz You were sure to win but now sleeping with fishes.. You should add blood more big fams next version if you wanna HOF and do not worry please we wont play :)

Yeah Redspeert, you idiot. Why blood big families when you can get 10 smaller families to do all your shooting for you while you sit offline and let the idiotic fams take bullets for you.

This isn't a thread to comment on a terrible version, but to suggest that Colossal was a family who blooded over the top is incredibly hypocritical when you've been shooting regularly with Gambino/Traffi/Krays/Persico/Faffie/Nucleo/Cartegena. Not to mention having a non-shoot agreement with Jannisary/Darkside/Blacksea and trying to blood safely with a toe in the pact via Siberia, as well as a few others. On top of that, you personally got Akilled for blatantly duping.

Yet you sit here with the audacity to criticize someone because they were unable to get revived after dying to your cheating ways. You hate Righelli for cheating? You're a cheater too. You hate the 'pact' for pacting? You're pacting too. Get down from your high horse, wipe the smug grin from your face and wake up to the fact that the only one deserving of any criticism around here is you.
I allready told him to get down from his high horse, your argument is invalid.