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26-06 Who won?
Author: mmm
Last updated: Never
Comments: 78
Views: 24,741
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Version: 4.6.1
With the version coming to it's end and seeming to be locked, who do you feel actually won? Discuss below!
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Anonymous (08:29:55 - 02-07)
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Grey at 17:28:26 on 30/06:
version started: 21/05/2014
version ended: 30/06/2014
this means this version hasn't lasted 6 weeks! 6 freaking weeks!

In the pre-lackey versions you used 1 or 2 DC's/month (per 4 weeks) just for clicklimit.
I'm a brug that hasn't died this version and i believe i used 8 or 9 DC's just to keep my lackeys going. I opted not to use a clicklimit DC this version because what's the use if you rank by lackeys anyway?
If you put that in perspective, a player like me uses about 3 times more DC's over the same time period compared to earlier versions.. for versions that are way, WAY shorter. For a version like this, but lasting 6 months i would need around 40 DC's.
Also, one could say we could lose about 70% of our playerbase, and the game would still make the same amount of money as during the peak versions. this is something to think about.. how far away are we really from that point?

I buy my first DC in the version with Paypal, and the rest trough Obay. This means i still pay only the cost of 1 DC each version. I have a job, so not that i can't afford it, but this game -a text based game- is just not worth it for me. Especially with the ultra-short versions we see now, does anyone think they are MORE fun? Die once and never rerank because you can't ever catch up again?

A last thing to add is that my account sucked. Plain and simple. I never gamble (hard to believe, i know!) and i was no top or capo this version. However, during this version i bought around 400k bullets on my own while top accounts have over 2 million bullets. Is that because of the paying% difference? mass DC-selling? cheating? I don't know, and i don't care anymore.

This game is sick and dieing, and i wont be prolonging it's life anymore. Not worth it.

These are just my 2 cents, but i hope that, if you bothered to read it, you start thinking about WHAT THE F*CK everyone here is doing.
<3 Grey
Grey (17:28:26 - 30-06)
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version started: 21/05/2014
version ended: 30/06/2014
this means this version hasn't lasted 6 weeks! 6 freaking weeks!

In the pre-lackey versions you used 1 or 2 DC's/month (per 4 weeks) just for clicklimit.
I'm a brug that hasn't died this version and i believe i used 8 or 9 DC's just to keep my lackeys going. I opted not to use a clicklimit DC this version because what's the use if you rank by lackeys anyway?
If you put that in perspective, a player like me uses about 3 times more DC's over the same time period compared to earlier versions.. for versions that are way, WAY shorter. For a version like this, but lasting 6 months i would need around 40 DC's.
Also, one could say we could lose about 70% of our playerbase, and the game would still make the same amount of money as during the peak versions. this is something to think about.. how far away are we really from that point?

I buy my first DC in the version with Paypal, and the rest trough Obay. This means i still pay only the cost of 1 DC each version. I have a job, so not that i can't afford it, but this game -a text based game- is just not worth it for me. Especially with the ultra-short versions we see now, does anyone think they are MORE fun? Die once and never rerank because you can't ever catch up again?

A last thing to add is that my account sucked. Plain and simple. I never gamble (hard to believe, i know!) and i was no top or capo this version. However, during this version i bought around 400k bullets on my own while top accounts have over 2 million bullets. Is that because of the paying% difference? mass DC-selling? cheating? I don't know, and i don't care anymore.

This game is sick and dieing, and i wont be prolonging it's life anymore. Not worth it.

These are just my 2 cents, but i hope that, if you bothered to read it, you start thinking about WHAT THE F*CK everyone here is doing.
Balthier Bangladesh (15:24:58 - 30-06)
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camille at 13:40:14 on 30/06:
Anonymous at 13:22:50 on 30/06:
camille at 13:18:25 on 30/06:
Seems like Lusa won...thats because they mass recruited after wars...but in my opinion they dont deserv it...
When game was over, few days ago, but no admins to anounce reset, Lusa was NOT in #1 place

Nice way to win a version....ADMINS, do something with winning conditions...not fair

Sry for my bad english _o_

What can you aspect from an "Anonymous" :)
camille (13:40:14 - 30-06)
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Anonymous at 13:22:50 on 30/06:
camille at 13:18:25 on 30/06:
Seems like Lusa won...thats because they mass recruited after wars...but in my opinion they dont deserv it...
When game was over, few days ago, but no admins to anounce reset, Lusa was NOT in #1 place

Nice way to win a version....ADMINS, do something with winning conditions...not fair

Sry for my bad english _o_

What can you aspect from an "Anonymous" :)
Anonymous (13:22:50 - 30-06)
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camille at 13:18:25 on 30/06:
Seems like Lusa won...thats because they mass recruited after wars...but in my opinion they dont deserv it...
When game was over, few days ago, but no admins to anounce reset, Lusa was NOT in #1 place

Nice way to win a version....ADMINS, do something with winning conditions...not fair

Sry for my bad english _o_

camille (13:18:25 - 30-06)
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Seems like Lusa won...thats because they mass recruited after wars...but in my opinion they dont deserv it...
When game was over, few days ago, but no admins to anounce reset, Lusa was NOT in #1 place

Nice way to win a version....ADMINS, do something with winning conditions...not fair

Sry for my bad english _o_
Nuke United States (21:32:56 - 29-06)
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MurderInc at 23:44:36 on 27/06:

I'm saying you have 3 options if you want to have a top account (as in account strength + being loaded):
- gambling luck
- buying DCs (obviously including people who use company phones or something like that to buy DCs. Kinda insane.)
- cheating (duping or exploiting money bugs)

pick your poison. that's just how this game works now after years of basically no enforcement and a game play that actively encourages cheating. To some degree it has always been like this, although people have for the most part moved on from scripting after lackeys were introduced, and duping or any other means of making more money have become more important.

Do I like this situation? no, absolutely not. I'm not trying to promote cheating. I'm saying I can understand why people chose to do it and it's just really hard to break this vicious circle - and it has to be done by the crew and the devs.

It's not going to happen. Watching this game and its' community is like watching a family of meth addicts: Full of rosy promises and good intentions, but nothing ever really improves. Just a destructive cycle of wasted efforts and lost time for something that has been dying since before anyone who is still around cares to remember. All of these false online friendships just to put off handling real problems. We're all bored with ourselves here and tired of the outcomes. What more is there to prove?
Jordyrp Greece (13:35:04 - 29-06)
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none at 13:09:50 on 29/06:
and what about reset?

RoM will most likely go on on monday, bramble said if she does it it'll run for a few days so reset would be able to happen by the end of next week.
none (13:09:50 - 29-06)
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and what about reset?
Jordyrp Greece (12:26:28 - 29-06)
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Anonymous at 22:30:49 on 28/06:
Cant we just all play league of legends next version and see who comes out on top instead? Jordyrp is not allowed to compete though, he can have the hall of fame star for next version. :(

wtf amk
Anonymous (00:07:56 - 29-06)
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i saw some posts by MurderInc talking about dupes and cheats.

Are u not ashamed for being a cheater?
Anonymous (22:30:49 - 28-06)
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Cant we just all play league of legends next version and see who comes out on top instead? Jordyrp is not allowed to compete though, he can have the hall of fame star for next version. :(
Solstice (19:51:00 - 28-06)
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`grannqe at 17:03:22 on 28/06:
Solstice at 08:25:07 on 28/06:
`grannqe at 23:51:28 on 27/06:
Grigoriy at 22:22:06 on 27/06:
`grannqe at 21:09:46 on 27/06:
Grigoriy at 15:56:28 on 27/06:

Seems u are excited aint u? Maybe its true that u had 4 bloods, but the problem is that those 4 bloods were one of the most strongest, Siberia[3]/Aristocrats[2]/Caliente[6/7]&Janni[10] (not sure with the numbers tho).
Seeing that Aeterna went down those guys joined u which makes another top5 family being part of u or ur family to be correct.
And seeing that only Lusa/Aristocrats&Siberia had the 75% of top20 players since the start, some already knew the ending, including me(which lead me to suicide), and when u guys blooded eachother it was over for sure.
in the other place, Aristocrats were ruleing Salvato [cuz when they got asked to shoot, against the one that shoot them in last war, they said no cause we can't do that against Aristo's blood or whatever], which add's another top10 on ur collection.

Short: Only people from Aristo/Siberia and Lusa played on this version(seeing the playerbase overall and just of those 3fams, then they went together = 2wars bye bye version, since there were no force to wipe them out they cleaned all the fams 1by1 xD.

All I see is a bad player, and a worst top complaining...
When we blooded Aristo, Sib, Cali and Janni, they were the #2, #4, #11, and #15.
Perhaps if you use the money that you and your tops spend on poker, to buy bullets, you could have top player accounts aswell as those fams.
Plus, you are retired (at least its what you always show on your profile), what are you complaning about?
You have done your Lusa's kill this version, and showed it with pride on your profile. Your version was already awesome, so, dont complain.

U didn't get my point grig, i hope i didn't hurt ur feelings since it seems i did :")).
Im saying that this one most of the people on this vers were inside of lusa/aristo and siberia, which it made impossible to get any fams to attack u due to the percentage of HR that ur pact had.

Why would you have to attack those 3 head on?

Never thought u are this stupid to make this question, shoot before u get cleaned i guess?

I'll ask again, why would you have to attack those 3 head on? There are other ways.
`grannqe (17:03:22 - 28-06)
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Solstice at 08:25:07 on 28/06:
`grannqe at 23:51:28 on 27/06:
Grigoriy at 22:22:06 on 27/06:
`grannqe at 21:09:46 on 27/06:
Grigoriy at 15:56:28 on 27/06:

Seems u are excited aint u? Maybe its true that u had 4 bloods, but the problem is that those 4 bloods were one of the most strongest, Siberia[3]/Aristocrats[2]/Caliente[6/7]&Janni[10] (not sure with the numbers tho).
Seeing that Aeterna went down those guys joined u which makes another top5 family being part of u or ur family to be correct.
And seeing that only Lusa/Aristocrats&Siberia had the 75% of top20 players since the start, some already knew the ending, including me(which lead me to suicide), and when u guys blooded eachother it was over for sure.
in the other place, Aristocrats were ruleing Salvato [cuz when they got asked to shoot, against the one that shoot them in last war, they said no cause we can't do that against Aristo's blood or whatever], which add's another top10 on ur collection.

Short: Only people from Aristo/Siberia and Lusa played on this version(seeing the playerbase overall and just of those 3fams, then they went together = 2wars bye bye version, since there were no force to wipe them out they cleaned all the fams 1by1 xD.

All I see is a bad player, and a worst top complaining...
When we blooded Aristo, Sib, Cali and Janni, they were the #2, #4, #11, and #15.
Perhaps if you use the money that you and your tops spend on poker, to buy bullets, you could have top player accounts aswell as those fams.
Plus, you are retired (at least its what you always show on your profile), what are you complaning about?
You have done your Lusa's kill this version, and showed it with pride on your profile. Your version was already awesome, so, dont complain.

U didn't get my point grig, i hope i didn't hurt ur feelings since it seems i did :")).
Im saying that this one most of the people on this vers were inside of lusa/aristo and siberia, which it made impossible to get any fams to attack u due to the percentage of HR that ur pact had.

Why would you have to attack those 3 head on?

Never thought u are this stupid to make this question, shoot before u get cleaned i guess?
Jim (14:32:44 - 28-06)
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Grigoriy at 15:56:28 on 27/06:
Well, we can't say it was a good version. That activity thing, fucked up a little. Players ranked too fast, maked too much money, there was a lot of brugs... and all this in 2/3 weeks.
After the first war, everyone saw that version would be fast, since from there, all fams would try their chances; thats how mafia game is.
With that said, I think those fams that ended up, are the winners.

I didn't saw it as a pact - but as bloods.
All those fams had other bloods themselfs, and tryed to make their own game with them.. but ofc, when you make a move, you have too expect a move from others aswell. We (Lusa) have lost Jannisary aswell, sadly. But we made our game, just with 4 bloods from beggining. I dont think we are the cause for a blocking game, or a fast version.

I always see people complaining about this ends, but I've saw ends with 15 fams or more... and each time we have won, only 5 fams (maximum) ended. (we have done it with only 3 - that must be a record!). For .COM version its good.

I guess that average of brugs+ that are alive, its like less then 20%.

For those who say we have dupes, you can also ask for a invite, and join our members chan, for a chat with our dupes - we have a rule here, every dupe must have a IRC nick with it!

Those who claim that they are still 600+ players on those fams alive, are sleeping. The playerbase of those fams are 50% of that...
I personally think its a shame, and sad. Or even disrespectfull... but thats the game we have, and now everyone is massivly inviting for #1 vouchers, and Hall of Fame.

There are other ways to have Fame, a good Fame. Other ways that matter. Perhaps you'll not be in the "Hall of Fame", but I'm sure you'll be in the "heart" of those fams you stand for.

My point is, its easy to win the #1 position, and the Hall of Fame. We have examples in the paste (recent past), that shows us how it can be done, but is that all that matters now?
If its so, Omerta can settle a rule, where only 1 fams ends.

Too sad to see this ending.

I think most people would argue that the problem here was that you blooded the top families- Siberia, Aristocrats, Caliente

Solstice (08:29:38 - 28-06)
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mmm at 07:15:09 on 28/06:
MurderInc at 23:44:36 on 27/06:
I'm saying you have 3 options if you want to have a top account (as in account strength + being loaded):
- gambling luck
- buying DCs (obviously including people who use company phones or something like that to buy DCs. Kinda insane.)
- cheating (duping or exploiting money bugs)

can't agree with you on that mate, I didn't end up #5 and top10 overall entire version with your pickings.

Busting like a maniac helps yeah. Tbh there should be more tools to differentiate the active from the not so active. More Group Crimes, make races count in strength etc.

What's also weird is that you can be empty-suit with 100k busts, meaning you have at least 100 points. And an empty suit with a handful of bullets and f.e. 10 points can easily kill you. People that put effort in should be better protected starting from low ranks.
Solstice (08:25:07 - 28-06)
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`grannqe at 23:51:28 on 27/06:
Grigoriy at 22:22:06 on 27/06:
`grannqe at 21:09:46 on 27/06:
Grigoriy at 15:56:28 on 27/06:

Seems u are excited aint u? Maybe its true that u had 4 bloods, but the problem is that those 4 bloods were one of the most strongest, Siberia[3]/Aristocrats[2]/Caliente[6/7]&Janni[10] (not sure with the numbers tho).
Seeing that Aeterna went down those guys joined u which makes another top5 family being part of u or ur family to be correct.
And seeing that only Lusa/Aristocrats&Siberia had the 75% of top20 players since the start, some already knew the ending, including me(which lead me to suicide), and when u guys blooded eachother it was over for sure.
in the other place, Aristocrats were ruleing Salvato [cuz when they got asked to shoot, against the one that shoot them in last war, they said no cause we can't do that against Aristo's blood or whatever], which add's another top10 on ur collection.

Short: Only people from Aristo/Siberia and Lusa played on this version(seeing the playerbase overall and just of those 3fams, then they went together = 2wars bye bye version, since there were no force to wipe them out they cleaned all the fams 1by1 xD.

All I see is a bad player, and a worst top complaining...
When we blooded Aristo, Sib, Cali and Janni, they were the #2, #4, #11, and #15.
Perhaps if you use the money that you and your tops spend on poker, to buy bullets, you could have top player accounts aswell as those fams.
Plus, you are retired (at least its what you always show on your profile), what are you complaning about?
You have done your Lusa's kill this version, and showed it with pride on your profile. Your version was already awesome, so, dont complain.

U didn't get my point grig, i hope i didn't hurt ur feelings since it seems i did :")).
Im saying that this one most of the people on this vers were inside of lusa/aristo and siberia, which it made impossible to get any fams to attack u due to the percentage of HR that ur pact had.

Why would you have to attack those 3 head on?
mmm Netherlands (07:15:09 - 28-06)
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MurderInc at 23:44:36 on 27/06:
I'm saying you have 3 options if you want to have a top account (as in account strength + being loaded):
- gambling luck
- buying DCs (obviously including people who use company phones or something like that to buy DCs. Kinda insane.)
- cheating (duping or exploiting money bugs)

can't agree with you on that mate, I didn't end up #5 and top10 overall entire version with your pickings.
`grannqe (23:51:28 - 27-06)
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Grigoriy at 22:22:06 on 27/06:
`grannqe at 21:09:46 on 27/06:
Grigoriy at 15:56:28 on 27/06:

Seems u are excited aint u? Maybe its true that u had 4 bloods, but the problem is that those 4 bloods were one of the most strongest, Siberia[3]/Aristocrats[2]/Caliente[6/7]&Janni[10] (not sure with the numbers tho).
Seeing that Aeterna went down those guys joined u which makes another top5 family being part of u or ur family to be correct.
And seeing that only Lusa/Aristocrats&Siberia had the 75% of top20 players since the start, some already knew the ending, including me(which lead me to suicide), and when u guys blooded eachother it was over for sure.
in the other place, Aristocrats were ruleing Salvato [cuz when they got asked to shoot, against the one that shoot them in last war, they said no cause we can't do that against Aristo's blood or whatever], which add's another top10 on ur collection.

Short: Only people from Aristo/Siberia and Lusa played on this version(seeing the playerbase overall and just of those 3fams, then they went together = 2wars bye bye version, since there were no force to wipe them out they cleaned all the fams 1by1 xD.

All I see is a bad player, and a worst top complaining...
When we blooded Aristo, Sib, Cali and Janni, they were the #2, #4, #11, and #15.
Perhaps if you use the money that you and your tops spend on poker, to buy bullets, you could have top player accounts aswell as those fams.
Plus, you are retired (at least its what you always show on your profile), what are you complaning about?
You have done your Lusa's kill this version, and showed it with pride on your profile. Your version was already awesome, so, dont complain.

U didn't get my point grig, i hope i didn't hurt ur feelings since it seems i did :")).
Im saying that this one most of the people on this vers were inside of lusa/aristo and siberia, which it made impossible to get any fams to attack u due to the percentage of HR that ur pact had.
MurderInc Austria (23:44:36 - 27-06)
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Anonymous at 23:24:21 on 27/06:
MurderInc at 12:58:36 on 27/06:
Of course it's a catch-22 situation - you have to cheat to keep up because everyone else does - but that's the risk you chose to take, so deal with it (trust me, I know how that works. :z).

Wait, you're saying that people need to learn a technique that is not incorporated into the game's design to compete? You're full of shit.

A cheat is a cheat because it is not fair to everyone. There is no faq or trial and error to teach the ability to create more accounts than actual members, so why do you support this? Your reasoning is suspicious, to say the least.
I'm saying you have 3 options if you want to have a top account (as in account strength + being loaded):
- gambling luck
- buying DCs (obviously including people who use company phones or something like that to buy DCs. Kinda insane.)
- cheating (duping or exploiting money bugs)

pick your poison. that's just how this game works now after years of basically no enforcement and a game play that actively encourages cheating. To some degree it has always been like this, although people have for the most part moved on from scripting after lackeys were introduced, and duping or any other means of making more money have become more important.

Do I like this situation? no, absolutely not. I'm not trying to promote cheating. I'm saying I can understand why people chose to do it and it's just really hard to break this vicious circle - and it has to be done by the crew and the devs.