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16-01 You reap what you sow
Author: sbanks
Last updated: 4438d 7h 39m 51s ago by Smul
Comments: 202
Views: 82,825
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 3.52
Involved families: Cannabis, Catania, Cristeria, Favians, Leone, Lucchese, Marazzino, Nazdrovia, Righelli, Rogero, Targaryens, Trafficante, Troy, Valerio, Volontario, Wargasm, Audacia, Darkness, Inizio, Prospero, Silentium, Vedici
The ISPP alliance (Audacia, Darkness, Inizio, Prospero, Silentium, Vedici) is being attacked by a large number of families.

In the first wave of the attackers we saw 50 new deaths, with only a few backfire kills. Barafranca only let us log the last 20 names of the deaths, so we missed out 30 names! We try to get all those names updated asap. -> All should be updated now, if u see 1 i missed, leave a message. During this one statistics page update there were already nearly 10 million bullets lost.

The targets seem to be divided like this :
Marazzino/Troy/Targaryens + NazdroviaProspero
Favians + Trafficante/Pistoleros + Catania + Volontario + Valerio/RogeroInizio
Righelli + Cristeria + LeoneAudacia & Silentium
ReBorN (Lucchese): Lets get the most important item out of the way first - Lucchese was not blooded to the ISPP alliance. We played a very small part in this war and the ONLY reason we participated is because we had logs showing that ISPP intended to shoot some of our Bloods soon, and then turn their guns on us eventually.

Of course our first choice would not have been to shoot against ISPP as we shot together a few times already this version but we will not be used as a puppet and then thrown away later when there is no more need for us.

As far as ISPP "saving our asses" this is simply not true. You can spin it however you want but the simple fact remains that Lucchese's BLOODS are the reason we are still alive. Only our Bloods prevented us from going down in the war on 11-01. As a matter of fact, the war on 10-01 had nothing to do with Lucchese. We were dragged into a war with Pentagram because of a poor choice by a blood and ISPP. We did what we had to do because a Blood was in danger so we helped to shoot Pentagram.

If ISPP feels they "saved our ass" on 11-01 then they were obviously only repaying the favor from 10-01 when we saved their asses. But ofc, we really think ISPP and Lucchese didnt owe each other anything.

/q sbanks | #beyond.info
War started on: 18:59:00 16-01-2013 War ended on: 12:01:01 17-01-2013
Bullet difference: -33,102,298 War duration: 17h 2m
Money difference: -$2,651,063,384 Players died: 321

Dead Families:
[Inizio] Family down on 09:00 17-01
[Audacia] Family down on 07:37 17-01
[Silentium] Family down on 03:05 17-01
[Vedici] Family down on 02:07 17-01
[Prospero] Family down on 01:33 17-01
[Darkness] Family down on 19:07 16-01
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Audacia | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 5 | chief: 9 | brug: 22 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 383
Cannabis | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 13
Catania | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 3 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 57
Cristeria | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 13
Darkness | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 2 | chief: 3 | brug: 6 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 112
Inizio | swin: 3 | assa: 2 | lc: 3 | chief: 12 | brug: 36 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 592
Leone | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 8
Lucchese | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 13
Marazzino | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 2 | chief: 0 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 52
Nazdrovia | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 39
Prospero | swin: 1 | assa: 3 | lc: 5 | chief: 11 | brug: 43 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 720
Righelli | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 10 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 130
Silentium | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 3 | brug: 17 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 247
Trafficante | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 16
Troy | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 8
Vedici | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 7 | brug: 28 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 425
Volontario | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 2
Wargasm | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 13
Total | swin: 7 | assa: 7 | lc: 19 | chief: 50 | brug: 175 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 2,843

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Slow (20:41:31 - 16-01)
Link Quote
Mikee at 19:36:03 on 16/01:
CojoW at 19:21:18 on 16/01:
We were only blooded to Gravano and Messina, nothing more, nothing less.

Congratz to the attackers, very disappointed in a few. They know who they are.

We'll be back :).
Totally agree, dissapointed bigtime in some of 'm

Mcgee United States (20:35:44 - 16-01)
Link Quote
I was reading the Omerta papers today in Sicily with Don Barafranca,

then out the sky a vulture came...

Add Rogero to attacking families

You have witnessed Dondeon kill Luna. To auction this witness statement use the following id: 2110

Leonhart Portugal (20:35:36 - 16-01)
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Nice shooting :)

RIP everyone!
Space (20:34:33 - 16-01)
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Mikee at 20:29:45 on 16/01:
Space, check your intell please.

50% of what u say is bullshit.

Sure Mikey, I will
Space (20:33:34 - 16-01)
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Anonymous at 20:25:51 on 16/01:
Space at 20:19:01 on 16/01:
Anonymous at 20:04:34 on 16/01:
Anonymous at 20:00:51 on 16/01:
CojoW at 19:55:04 on 16/01:
sbanks at 19:37:29 on 16/01:
what i realy wonder is.. im sure ISPP saw this comming and knew about the same rumours as i did, like most people did.

why wait? this SUPER mega friendly KA is totaly in the attackers advantage. What if you opened fire first? you would have killed 50 brugs then, instead of the 5 who died now in BF.

so.. why did you wait? CojoW?

I entrusted the persons i thought were trustworthy. Seemed harsh to me that some fams would lie to either me or Messina. It bothers me that there were classified information given to some of the attacking fams, which they could use to avoid some real danger. Instead they went to the opposing side and joined forces to eliminate ISPP.

At least now I know who to trust and who to never trust again.

Btw, weve been on .com for a long time now m8's. Did y'all forget Quirites and in my case Marangello ?

Dude, you come to .com, the first thing you do is backstab us (Pentagram). We were blooded to you and you stabbed us, lucchese aint even blooded to you.

You guys were whining at us for the way we played last version with 6 fams in 1 alliance. You just did the same, 6 fams in 1 alliance. The big difference is: You had even more brugs than we did last version.

150 brugs, you can and are supposed to lock a version with 150 brugs, you want to lock it with 600++ brugs and 15++ fams.

Why would you look only at lucchese anyways, imo they only play a small part in this war. Seems like 12 other fams also didn't like you

Anyways for the neutral ones this is a nice action, it prevends a total lock down of the version

You can say whatever you want but the people that actaully know this game, know that Lucchese plays the biggest part.

I respect Lucchese for that because nearly everyone knows that they are mind behind everything what people refer to as the "pact". Without the lead of Lucchese all their bloods would be brainless walking zombies. Just look at Marazino for example and check their history :') Well not Gravano because they are also sort of the part of the Core just under Lucchese.

Messina can also be considered as the core but problem is Messina is not really a trustworthy family, i mean look at last version. They kinda sucked Pentagram's dick to be able to come up again and stay till the end and this version they screwed pentagram hardcore by releasing ISPP on them letting ISPP fuck over their own blood. So as you see Messina is a user family.

If you dont believe me why haven't they shot at for example Righelli today? I mean the relation of Righelli and Messina are not good (check history) but Messina is blooded with ISPP will they shoot for their bloods tonight? You can answer that Cojow.

Ill give you a tip with Pentagram/Purga alive. Righelli/Catania/Maraz would have had a bad time, they would have shot them instead of you.

I know turks are famous for their backstabbing methods or leaking or not jumping when their bloods are in war for certain reasons.

But some families are even worse by using and abusing other families for their own needs. ISPP just picked the wrong side this version and i guess they will have to learn from it, or not learn ofcourse which we have seen many times in this game :')

Well you summed up quite some backstabs of your own 'side' aswell and that's just the past 2 versions. Turks backstab sometimes sure but so does your side.

Space: I saw you blame us last version for being a pact and being too big. Don't you agree that if you are not blooded like Lucchese is to ISPP, you have all right to shoot them?

Ofcourse i agree, aslong as you are not blooded with anyone you can shoot the shit out of them. But we are talking here about 2 different things. Firstly ISPP shot pentagram which were their own bloods meaning they cleared the path for lucchese and their bloodlist. On orders of this "pact"

Secondly they helped lucchese survive while it was a blood vs blood war. They only helped Gravano and not Purgatory.

And now they get the favor returned by Gravano and Messina NOT jumping in, in a blood vs blood war (lucce bloods with grav/mess).

And concerning backstabs yes this happens alot from all sides, i just said that turk fams are famous for it while non turk fams are famous for using and abusing families for their needs.

Anonymous (20:33:30 - 16-01)
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Anonymous at 20:21:52 on 16/01:
is kuro shooting too? are they the new asslickers of the pact too?

When we were asslickers ?
nope (20:33:28 - 16-01)
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And messina and gravano are both the biggest fails!!! Always a big mouth that they are loyal to their bloods and that this the reason ia the are succesfull and others call them 'the pact'. Where are you know? Excuse already made!! You are just a big laugh!!!
Anonymous (20:31:47 - 16-01)
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Couldnt agree with you more. Lucchese isnt even blood to ISPP so why is this fuss even happening. Not blood=target...end of story.

Anonymous at 20:15:53 on 16/01:
Why are people only talking about Lucchese. Seems to me they only play a small part in this war? 13 attack fams and only one is blamed?
Anonymous (20:31:21 - 16-01)
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This is good when so attacked the current situation is not good. I'm sure those now attacking the defensive side will respond.

In this case, these families have no chance; Nazdrovia, Favians, Volontario, Leone, Cannabis. Good luck with your kids :)
Anonymous (20:30:16 - 16-01)
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When we were asslickers ?
Mikee Netherlands (20:29:45 - 16-01)
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Space, check your intell please.

50% of what u say is bullshit.
Anonymous (20:25:51 - 16-01)
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Space at 20:19:01 on 16/01:
Anonymous at 20:04:34 on 16/01:
Anonymous at 20:00:51 on 16/01:
CojoW at 19:55:04 on 16/01:
sbanks at 19:37:29 on 16/01:
what i realy wonder is.. im sure ISPP saw this comming and knew about the same rumours as i did, like most people did.

why wait? this SUPER mega friendly KA is totaly in the attackers advantage. What if you opened fire first? you would have killed 50 brugs then, instead of the 5 who died now in BF.

so.. why did you wait? CojoW?

I entrusted the persons i thought were trustworthy. Seemed harsh to me that some fams would lie to either me or Messina. It bothers me that there were classified information given to some of the attacking fams, which they could use to avoid some real danger. Instead they went to the opposing side and joined forces to eliminate ISPP.

At least now I know who to trust and who to never trust again.

Btw, weve been on .com for a long time now m8's. Did y'all forget Quirites and in my case Marangello ?

Dude, you come to .com, the first thing you do is backstab us (Pentagram). We were blooded to you and you stabbed us, lucchese aint even blooded to you.

You guys were whining at us for the way we played last version with 6 fams in 1 alliance. You just did the same, 6 fams in 1 alliance. The big difference is: You had even more brugs than we did last version.

150 brugs, you can and are supposed to lock a version with 150 brugs, you want to lock it with 600++ brugs and 15++ fams.

Why would you look only at lucchese anyways, imo they only play a small part in this war. Seems like 12 other fams also didn't like you

Anyways for the neutral ones this is a nice action, it prevends a total lock down of the version

You can say whatever you want but the people that actaully know this game, know that Lucchese plays the biggest part.

I respect Lucchese for that because nearly everyone knows that they are mind behind everything what people refer to as the "pact". Without the lead of Lucchese all their bloods would be brainless walking zombies. Just look at Marazino for example and check their history :') Well not Gravano because they are also sort of the part of the Core just under Lucchese.

Messina can also be considered as the core but problem is Messina is not really a trustworthy family, i mean look at last version. They kinda sucked Pentagram's dick to be able to come up again and stay till the end and this version they screwed pentagram hardcore by releasing ISPP on them letting ISPP fuck over their own blood. So as you see Messina is a user family.

If you dont believe me why haven't they shot at for example Righelli today? I mean the relation of Righelli and Messina are not good (check history) but Messina is blooded with ISPP will they shoot for their bloods tonight? You can answer that Cojow.

Ill give you a tip with Pentagram/Purga alive. Righelli/Catania/Maraz would have had a bad time, they would have shot them instead of you.

I know turks are famous for their backstabbing methods or leaking or not jumping when their bloods are in war for certain reasons.

But some families are even worse by using and abusing other families for their own needs. ISPP just picked the wrong side this version and i guess they will have to learn from it, or not learn ofcourse which we have seen many times in this game :')

Well you summed up quite some backstabs of your own 'side' aswell and that's just the past 2 versions. Turks backstab sometimes sure but so does your side.

Space: I saw you blame us last version for being a pact and being too big. Don't you agree that if you are not blooded like Lucchese is to ISPP, you have all right to shoot them?

Space (20:25:35 - 16-01)
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Anonymous at 20:11:50 on 16/01:
Space at 19:58:58 on 16/01:
Anonymous at 19:52:57 on 16/01:
Space at 19:44:38 on 16/01:
sbanks at 19:37:29 on 16/01:
what i realy wonder is.. im sure ISPP saw this comming and knew about the same rumours as i did, like most people did.

why wait? this SUPER mega friendly KA is totaly in the attackers advantage. What if you opened fire first? you would have killed 50 brugs then, instead of the 5 who died now in BF.

so.. why did you wait? CojoW?

They didn't expect this, they heard rumors like everyone died, but they saved for example lucchese's ass in war. And killed Pentagram/purga which they probably saw as a favor for the pact. So they probably thought that this ass licking will save them from dying.

Thats why they are disappointed in a few as CojoW mentioned. But oh well what can you say.

You have been used big time to clear the path for the pact than get shot when ur not needed anymore. You can say whatever you want but this is the mafia way. You just made bad choices by killing Penta/Purga which would have saved your asses tonight.

You mean ISPP saved Lucchese's ass in the 'There was a FIREFIGHT!' war? Go read that wartopic, Lucchese was helped by Maraz / Catania / Righelli.

ISPP shot Provenzano that war.

okay... do u get the big picture? You think that maraz and co were not on the same side as ISPP at that moment? Without ISPP interfering lucchese would have been down as the attackers in that war had the advantage. Which thus means that Maraz/catania/righelli would have suffered alot in that fight and probably had to deal with much more families that got downed without ISPP interfering.

But instead ISPP shot the way clear for the families mentioned above (they lost less highranks, didnt have to use as much bullets) and these highranks and bullets are released on ISPP tonight.

In other words ISPP did help Lucchese and did help all the families mentioned above, if you get the bigger picture ofcourse.

Space... Read the wartopic. ISPP didn't shoot for Lucchese that war, they shot Provenzano who was shooting at their blood Gravano.

Lucchese was attacked by other families: Snatch, Purgatory alliance, Psycho alliance. If these families attacked alone on Lucchese in a different wartopic, you would have seen then exact same war and same families would jump.

Provenzano didn't shoot Lucchese, they shot at Gravano.

If I have to follow your indirect connections: Turkuz died last version because Anadolu didn't attack Oblivions alliance. Because if Oblivions would have been shot by Anadolu, Turkuz wouldn't have been attacked.

In short: ISPP shot for their blood. So did Maraz / Righelli / Catania that war.

Sorry to bring it to you buddy but ISPP shot provenzano according to the article, are you trying to say they didnt shoot any other family? Please Cojow tell him how you kinda shot everything.

Besides that ISPP was also blooded to Purgatory and only helped Gravano.
First mistake.

Secondly if they stayed out of that war Provenzano+ would have survived and taken out Gravano because it was a blood vs blood war in general terms.

Just as u see now that Gravano/Messina will not help ISPP why? Because Lucchese is shooting on ISPP which will make it a blood vs blood war.

So in other words yes ISPP did help Lucchese by shooting the co shooters of the attackers of Lucchese. You really dont think that the attackers sort of planned it out to shoot all those defending families if no one interfered such as ISPP?
beano (20:25:33 - 16-01)
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darkness is also part of ispp alliance?
Squalor (20:23:47 - 16-01)
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Space at 20:19:01 on 16/01:
Anonymous at 20:04:34 on 16/01:
Anonymous at 20:00:51 on 16/01:
CojoW at 19:55:04 on 16/01:
sbanks at 19:37:29 on 16/01:
what i realy wonder is.. im sure ISPP saw this comming and knew about the same rumours as i did, like most people did.

why wait? this SUPER mega friendly KA is totaly in the attackers advantage. What if you opened fire first? you would have killed 50 brugs then, instead of the 5 who died now in BF.

so.. why did you wait? CojoW?

I entrusted the persons i thought were trustworthy. Seemed harsh to me that some fams would lie to either me or Messina. It bothers me that there were classified information given to some of the attacking fams, which they could use to avoid some real danger. Instead they went to the opposing side and joined forces to eliminate ISPP.

At least now I know who to trust and who to never trust again.

Btw, weve been on .com for a long time now m8's. Did y'all forget Quirites and in my case Marangello ?

Dude, you come to .com, the first thing you do is backstab us (Pentagram). We were blooded to you and you stabbed us, lucchese aint even blooded to you.

You guys were whining at us for the way we played last version with 6 fams in 1 alliance. You just did the same, 6 fams in 1 alliance. The big difference is: You had even more brugs than we did last version.

150 brugs, you can and are supposed to lock a version with 150 brugs, you want to lock it with 600++ brugs and 15++ fams.

Why would you look only at lucchese anyways, imo they only play a small part in this war. Seems like 12 other fams also didn't like you

Anyways for the neutral ones this is a nice action, it prevends a total lock down of the version

You can say whatever you want but the people that actaully know this game, know that Lucchese plays the biggest part.

I respect Lucchese for that because nearly everyone knows that they are mind behind everything what people refer to as the "pact". Without the lead of Lucchese all their bloods would be brainless walking zombies. Just look at Marazino for example and check their history :') Well not Gravano because they are also sort of the part of the Core just under Lucchese.

Messina can also be considered as the core but problem is Messina is not really a trustworthy family, i mean look at last version. They kinda sucked Pentagram's dick to be able to come up again and stay till the end and this version they screwed pentagram hardcore by releasing ISPP on them letting ISPP fuck over their own blood. So as you see Messina is a user family.

If you dont believe me why haven't they shot at for example Righelli today? I mean the relation of Righelli and Messina are not good (check history) but Messina is blooded with ISPP will they shoot for their bloods tonight? You can answer that Cojow.

Ill give you a tip with Pentagram/Purga alive. Righelli/Catania/Maraz would have had a bad time, they would have shot them instead of you.

I know turks are famous for their backstabbing methods or leaking or not jumping when their bloods are in war for certain reasons.

But some families are even worse by using and abusing other families for their own needs. ISPP just picked the wrong side this version and i guess they will have to learn from it, or not learn ofcourse which we have seen many times in this game :')
Too much blabla, if you dont know what goes on behind the scenes, just shut up, in stead of trying to be interesting :')
Anonymous (20:22:37 - 16-01)
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It would be funny to see Gravano + Messina/Sith firing upon Nazdrovia + Favians + Volontario + Wargasm/Cannabis. That way only pact families would survive this war :p
Anonymous (20:21:52 - 16-01)
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is kuro shooting too? are they the new asslickers of the pact too?
Space (20:19:01 - 16-01)
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Anonymous at 20:04:34 on 16/01:
Anonymous at 20:00:51 on 16/01:
CojoW at 19:55:04 on 16/01:
sbanks at 19:37:29 on 16/01:
what i realy wonder is.. im sure ISPP saw this comming and knew about the same rumours as i did, like most people did.

why wait? this SUPER mega friendly KA is totaly in the attackers advantage. What if you opened fire first? you would have killed 50 brugs then, instead of the 5 who died now in BF.

so.. why did you wait? CojoW?

I entrusted the persons i thought were trustworthy. Seemed harsh to me that some fams would lie to either me or Messina. It bothers me that there were classified information given to some of the attacking fams, which they could use to avoid some real danger. Instead they went to the opposing side and joined forces to eliminate ISPP.

At least now I know who to trust and who to never trust again.

Btw, weve been on .com for a long time now m8's. Did y'all forget Quirites and in my case Marangello ?

Dude, you come to .com, the first thing you do is backstab us (Pentagram). We were blooded to you and you stabbed us, lucchese aint even blooded to you.

You guys were whining at us for the way we played last version with 6 fams in 1 alliance. You just did the same, 6 fams in 1 alliance. The big difference is: You had even more brugs than we did last version.

150 brugs, you can and are supposed to lock a version with 150 brugs, you want to lock it with 600++ brugs and 15++ fams.

Why would you look only at lucchese anyways, imo they only play a small part in this war. Seems like 12 other fams also didn't like you

Anyways for the neutral ones this is a nice action, it prevends a total lock down of the version

You can say whatever you want but the people that actaully know this game, know that Lucchese plays the biggest part.

I respect Lucchese for that because nearly everyone knows that they are mind behind everything what people refer to as the "pact". Without the lead of Lucchese all their bloods would be brainless walking zombies. Just look at Marazino for example and check their history :') Well not Gravano because they are also sort of the part of the Core just under Lucchese.

Messina can also be considered as the core but problem is Messina is not really a trustworthy family, i mean look at last version. They kinda sucked Pentagram's dick to be able to come up again and stay till the end and this version they screwed pentagram hardcore by releasing ISPP on them letting ISPP fuck over their own blood. So as you see Messina is a user family.

If you dont believe me why haven't they shot at for example Righelli today? I mean the relation of Righelli and Messina are not good (check history) but Messina is blooded with ISPP will they shoot for their bloods tonight? You can answer that Cojow.

Ill give you a tip with Pentagram/Purga alive. Righelli/Catania/Maraz would have had a bad time, they would have shot them instead of you.

I know turks are famous for their backstabbing methods or leaking or not jumping when their bloods are in war for certain reasons.

But some families are even worse by using and abusing other families for their own needs. ISPP just picked the wrong side this version and i guess they will have to learn from it, or not learn ofcourse which we have seen many times in this game :')
Anonymous (20:18:29 - 16-01)
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sbanks at 20:12:32 on 16/01:
Anonymous at 20:03:45 on 16/01:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Lucchese didn't even shoot 1 bullet at ISPP?

Lucchese shot down Darkness, who was a part of ISPP

Ah sorry, thought they were only bloods with ISPP.
Anonymous (20:15:53 - 16-01)
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Why are people only talking about Lucchese. Seems to me they only play a small part in this war? 13 attack fams and only one is blamed?