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15-11 League of Nations
Author: sbanks
Last updated: 4500d 1h 2m 42s ago by Smul
Comments: 168
Views: 72,826
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 3.51
Involved families: Anafarta, Faffie, Homeless, Incubus, Oblivions, Santuario, Vedici, Venutti, Aequitas, Anadolu, Hammerfall, Ocean, Vengeance, Vogue
On the 15th of november in 1920 the first assembly of the League of Nations is held in Geneva, Switzerland. It was the first international organization whose principal mission was to maintain world peace. It seems they failed! Because on this same day 'only' 92 years later, the Anadolu+ alliance is under attack by several families, namely: Oblivions+ (Anafarta, Oblivions & Homeless), Faffie, Vedici, Santuario, Venutti & Famless Messina members

The Anadolu+ alliance are the following families united: Vengeance, Aequitas, Vogue, Anadolu, Ocean, Hammerfall & Samyo

Why only Vogue, Anadolu & Aequitas are the only targets so far is big question mark to me.

After about 23 hours the war is over. 6 of the 7 fams in the Anadolu alliance have died, only Samyo remains up and is unscathed. On the attacker side after not taking too much damage Santuario went down.
KIZILKAN (Founder Anadolu): Gratz Faffie, Homeless, Incubus, Oblivions, Santuario, Vedici, Venutti, nice move and thx Anafarta _o_

Forewern (Top Vogue): First of all rip to our brave soldiers who died for us. The plan was leaked 2 hours ago before the actual shooting time.
When i ask Godownz and juventuslu they simply deny that until the last 3 min and then they ask me to stay out of that war and we won`t get shoot
They will be remembered...

Cinci (Top Aequitas): We were bloods and they betrayed us, so i killed the tops of Anafarta, they are assosicates now.

Juventuslu (Top Anafarta): Do you think there is no reason for war between pals...It is hard to gain friends , easy to find enemyLets create strategy not gossipLets make the game spoken by bullets not swearingLets come together for more classy and quality BARAFRANCAOBLIVIONS / ANAFARTA / HOMELESS
To give info about the war or a top statement "/q sbanks hi" on irc or use the mail button on the site →
War started on: 19:54:02 15-11-2012 War ended on: 20:53:01 16-11-2012
Bullet difference: -26,594,800 War duration: 1d 0h 58m
Money difference: -$1,682,572,757 Players died: 277

Dead Families:
[Anadolu] Family down on 18:59 16-11
[Vogue] Family down on 14:42 16-11
[Aequitas] Family down on 07:57 16-11
[Vengeance] Family down on 07:20 16-11
[Santuario] Family down on 03:03 16-11
[Ocean] Family down on 02:26 16-11
[Hammerfall] Family down on 23:56 15-11
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
| swin: 3 | assa: 1 | lc: 2 | chief: 1 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 68
Aequitas | swin: 1 | assa: 3 | lc: 3 | chief: 9 | brug: 16 | cd: 0 | gf: 3 | points: 409
Anadolu | swin: 1 | assa: 2 | lc: 3 | chief: 4 | brug: 29 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 501
Anafarta | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 3 | chief: 1 | brug: 6 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 139
Faffie | swin: 2 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 2 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 60
Hammerfall | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 44
Homeless | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 5 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 65
Incubus | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 13
Oblivions | swin: 2 | assa: 2 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 9 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 143
Ocean | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 52
Santuario | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 7 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 159
Vedici | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 2
Vengeance | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 2 | brug: 5 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 110
Venutti | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 5
Vogue | swin: 1 | assa: 3 | lc: 4 | chief: 7 | brug: 37 | cd: 1 | gf: 2 | points: 659
Total | swin: 12 | assa: 12 | lc: 20 | chief: 27 | brug: 125 | cd: 2 | gf: 11 | points: 2,429

Add a YouTube movie Add an image Add a link/url Help (21:10:20 - 19-11)
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i really enjoyed to play in aequitas family. rip all my friends and cinci u did well bro
Lamark Korea, Republic of (00:55:20 - 18-11)
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ahaha loved Cinci top statement, gg! keep it up
Anonymous (13:58:42 - 17-11)
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Never trust vendor families
warface (13:28:54 - 17-11)
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lol even nubs Aquitas where back this version and ... Yep... they needed a allience or pact for 'survive' alone they where alreadya few weeks history

1 good advice for Aqui
it tooks a few versions for come back .... PLS STAY AWAY ... NUBS ...
Anonymous (05:56:42 - 17-11)
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Anonymous at 19:39:31 on 16/11:
We have learned that to be a vendor version Anadolu+ Allience family. And yet They Monte Carlo Messina, Liberta, no war power, Gravano does not attacking? Even though you are with blood. And now what do you worry about? In this game, which allowed most vendor family Anadolu+ Allience family of spheres. Best Noob, dupe, korby is not on the side to come and lie in the Anadolu+ Allience family congratulations Omerta!

Relax puto! Geeeez :'))))))
Anoymous (00:13:39 - 17-11)
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Redspeert at 20:57:59 on 16/11:
Anonymous at 19:39:31 on 16/11:
We have learned that to be a vendor version Anadolu+ Allience family. And yet They Monte Carlo Messina, Liberta, no war power, Gravano does not attacking? Even though you are with blood. And now what do you worry about? In this game, which allowed most vendor family Anadolu+ Allience family of spheres. Best Noob, dupe, korby is not on the side to come and lie in the Anadolu+ Allience family congratulations Omerta!

I don't even...

Redspeert Syrian Arab Republic (20:57:59 - 16-11)
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Anonymous at 19:39:31 on 16/11:
We have learned that to be a vendor version Anadolu+ Allience family. And yet They Monte Carlo Messina, Liberta, no war power, Gravano does not attacking? Even though you are with blood. And now what do you worry about? In this game, which allowed most vendor family Anadolu+ Allience family of spheres. Best Noob, dupe, korby is not on the side to come and lie in the Anadolu+ Allience family congratulations Omerta!

I don't even...
Anonymous (19:48:25 - 16-11)
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YouTube video
FlowzZ Albania (19:43:02 - 16-11)
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Anonymous at 19:39:31 on 16/11:
We have learned that to be a vendor version Anadolu+ Allience family. And yet They Monte Carlo Messina, Liberta, no war power, Gravano does not attacking? Even though you are with blood. And now what do you worry about? In this game, which allowed most vendor family Anadolu+ Allience family of spheres. Best Noob, dupe, korby is not on the side to come and lie in the Anadolu+ Allience family congratulations Omerta!

without wanting to get 20 comments of bash back but is this even in english ? :\
Anonymous (19:39:31 - 16-11)
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We have learned that to be a vendor version Anadolu+ Allience family. And yet They Monte Carlo Messina, Liberta, no war power, Gravano does not attacking? Even though you are with blood. And now what do you worry about? In this game, which allowed most vendor family Anadolu+ Allience family of spheres. Best Noob, dupe, korby is not on the side to come and lie in the Anadolu+ Allience family congratulations Omerta!
Anonymous (18:49:55 - 16-11)
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Anonymous at 15:39:09 on 16/11:
Anonymous at 15:27:08 on 16/11:
Anoymous at 14:23:58 on 16/11:
What sucks is, this was the version for Anadolu to win.. They had all the opportunity and the muscle to close the version and then they could retire for good or with the name of Anadolu, since many fams that are way stronger then them, won't let them play anymore..

too bad :/
Anadolu betray and sold some of ther bloods... they eat the same poison

anadolu never shoot a blood which one is at anadolu fampage

betrayer and anafarta ? you are really noob
Anadolu's life is betrayer style i m sure you know this
Anonymous (17:45:17 - 16-11)
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pikachuuu at 16:27:35 on 16/11:
Cinci (Top Aequitas): We were bloods and they betrayed us, so i killed the tops of Anafarta, they are assosicates now.
wtf a noob statement :D yeah we kill your allince now you all associate fsss

I was thinking the same, cinci talks as if he is victorious.

Cinci, just to wake you up: You lost 91 brugs, 2 CDs and 7 godfathers this war.
OnlyMeh (17:00:57 - 16-11)
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whahhaha Cinci
Cry me a river ... Traffie was as one whit catania/ Vicaria AND you shot them lmao
for what ?
a revenge in 3.0 or 3.1 when Traffie slaughtered aqui ? you fucking nubs !!
we never saw aqui again around , and be sure ... those days nobody w8 8-9 versions for take revange :D
bye aqui :D
pikachuuu Palestinian Territory, Occupied (16:27:35 - 16-11)
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Cinci (Top Aequitas): We were bloods and they betrayed us, so i killed the tops of Anafarta, they are assosicates now.
wtf a noob statement :D yeah we kill your allince now you all associate fsss
Anonymous (16:16:55 - 16-11)
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Anonymous at 15:47:27 on 16/11:
Anonymous at 15:39:09 on 16/11:
Anonymous at 15:27:08 on 16/11:
Anoymous at 14:23:58 on 16/11:
What sucks is, this was the version for Anadolu to win.. They had all the opportunity and the muscle to close the version and then they could retire for good or with the name of Anadolu, since many fams that are way stronger then them, won't let them play anymore..

too bad :/
Anadolu betray and sold some of ther bloods... they eat the same poison

anadolu never shoot a blood which one is at anadolu fampage


Whatever you say boy. Anafarta did a great job shooting you guys. They should've done that way before.

How about not helping Catania when they got countered in their war against Blacksea. Instead of shooting the people that countered on your family, you decided to shoot their alliance causing catania to now being in a weak position.

Same with Vertigo, they get attacked and you guys closed your eyes. respect to anafarta shooting you guys.

Anadulo had the version almost in there pocket, instead of shooting fams that were making plans on them, they idd shot Trafficante, a fam that was in same alliance as there blood Catania. Before that they were shooting at Santuario, but stopped shooting them.. and chance target later that war to Trafficante, a fam that could help them later this version.

After that the smart attack vs Illimitada... A fam that we all know as a fam that dont shoot that much, and have always bloods in more than 1 side. They were no treath for Anadulo. But again they wanna waste some bullets...

Incubus, Vedici, Homeless and Faffie 4 fams up growing fast atm. They didnt see any treath in them? and let life Santuario after they shot some bullets on them... Ana can say its Anaf/Obl fold of betraying there bloods. But Anaf/Obl also know Ana wouldnt do shit for them. Even they know Anaf had some tops that are really close with Liberta... So nice done fams that attacked yesterday, Ana wasted some stupid bullets on wrong targets, and you guys did a hell of a job by finshing Ana.

Ana next time maby make a better plan, or be carefull about taking bloods and most important PROTECTING bloods, with Vertigo you could had close the version, instead of that you both betrayed eachother...
Anonymous (15:47:27 - 16-11)
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Anonymous at 15:39:09 on 16/11:
Anonymous at 15:27:08 on 16/11:
Anoymous at 14:23:58 on 16/11:
What sucks is, this was the version for Anadolu to win.. They had all the opportunity and the muscle to close the version and then they could retire for good or with the name of Anadolu, since many fams that are way stronger then them, won't let them play anymore..

too bad :/
Anadolu betray and sold some of ther bloods... they eat the same poison

anadolu never shoot a blood which one is at anadolu fampage


Whatever you say boy. Anafarta did a great job shooting you guys. They should've done that way before.

How about not helping Catania when they got countered in their war against Blacksea. Instead of shooting the people that countered on your family, you decided to shoot their alliance causing catania to now being in a weak position.

Same with Vertigo, they get attacked and you guys closed your eyes. respect to anafarta shooting you guys.
Anonymous (15:39:09 - 16-11)
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Anonymous at 15:27:08 on 16/11:
Anoymous at 14:23:58 on 16/11:
What sucks is, this was the version for Anadolu to win.. They had all the opportunity and the muscle to close the version and then they could retire for good or with the name of Anadolu, since many fams that are way stronger then them, won't let them play anymore..

too bad :/
Anadolu betray and sold some of ther bloods... they eat the same poison

anadolu never shoot a blood which one is at anadolu fampage

Anonymous (15:27:08 - 16-11)
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Anoymous at 14:23:58 on 16/11:
What sucks is, this was the version for Anadolu to win.. They had all the opportunity and the muscle to close the version and then they could retire for good or with the name of Anadolu, since many fams that are way stronger then them, won't let them play anymore..

too bad :/
Anadolu betray and sold some of ther bloods... they eat the same poison
Anonymous (15:21:17 - 16-11)
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KIZILKAN (Founder Anadolu): Gratz Faffie, Homeless, Incubus, Oblivions, Santuario, Vedici, Venutti, nice move and thx Anafarta _o_

Forewern (Top Vogue):First of all rip to our brave soldiers who died for us. The plan was leaked 2 hours ago before the actual shooting time.
When i ask Godownz and juventuslu they simply deny that until the last 3 min and then they ask me to stay out of that war and we won`t get shoot
They will be remembered...

Cinci (Top Aequitas): We were bloods and they betrayed us, so i killed the tops of Anafarta, they are assosicates now.

Cry cry... u fck up your bloods...u did the same with liberta and sold Regnum and now u came here crying wtf?
Shame on u retards!!!
Anonymous (14:48:13 - 16-11)
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incubus and one fam attack pentagram tonight.
pentagram :w