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20-05 Mayday?
Author: sbanks
Last updated: 4676d 2h 6m 49s ago by Hyobanshi
Comments: 159
Views: 75,428
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 3.4
Involved families: Affinitas, Armada, Bruinsma, Caliente, Conflict, Infezione, Lucchese, Memento, Righelli, Samagono, Sindikat, Vincitori, Adversary, Correptio, Gelibolu, Impero, Vengeance, Yalta
Alot of fams are beeing shot by what some people reffer to as the "pact". More info will be added later, when we know more.
War started on: 19:50:00 20-05-2012 War ended on: 14:34:01 21-05-2012
Bullet difference: -28,574,092 War duration: 18h 44m
Money difference: -$2,197,738,083 Players died: 259

Dead Families:
[Yalta] Family down on 11:39 21-05
[Vengeance] Family down on 11:32 21-05
[Correptio] Family down on 06:17 21-05
[Gelibolu] Family down on 01:37 21-05
[Adversary] Family down on 21:54 20-05
[Impero] Family down on 20:27 20-05
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
| swin: 2 | assa: 2 | lc: 3 | chief: 8 | brug: 6 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 169
Adversary | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 3 | brug: 6 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 107
Affinitas | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 45
Bruinsma | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 3
Conflict | swin: 1 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 3 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 60
Correptio | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 7 | brug: 26 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 462
Gelibolu | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 5 | chief: 5 | brug: 24 | cd: 3 | gf: 0 | points: 442
Impero | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 2 | brug: 12 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 195
Lucchese | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 8
Righelli | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 74
Vengeance | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 3 | chief: 0 | brug: 27 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 434
Vincitori | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 15
Yalta | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 5 | brug: 24 | cd: 1 | gf: 3 | points: 481
Total | swin: 6 | assa: 6 | lc: 16 | chief: 35 | brug: 130 | cd: 5 | gf: 9 | points: 2,495

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kerneklee (08:44:32 - 23-05)
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wait, see, noob and dead = Yalta, Vengeance, Correptio :w
Anonymous (10:15:44 - 22-05)
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Vengeance is the most useless family ever. Told you you're getting raped this version ;)
Anonymous (08:59:07 - 22-05)
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haha good to see the big guns have to come on to 'deny' that.
Vc Suriname (06:54:59 - 22-05)
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Kind`off at 03:12:52 on 22/05:
Affi are stupid , they are being made use by lucchese. One of their lucchese top , Crazymind said F***k affi becoz they shot vengence instead of correp first . Mafiaturk was there and he didnt react much. imo affi are just toys use by lucchese

lol make no sence what ur saying if affi was getting used by ls affi would have listen then to ls right?
and affi isent a fam who u can use they are smarter then that so come on with smtg else ;d
eviL Portugal (04:05:10 - 22-05)
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Kind`off at 03:12:52 on 22/05:
Affi are stupid , they are being made use by lucchese. One of their lucchese top , Crazymind said F***k affi becoz they shot vengence instead of correp first . Mafiaturk was there and he didnt react much. imo affi are just toys use by lucchese

the lenght that some guys go, to try and cause a war xD shooting didnt work, so you go for th cheap talk ? You would have more credit if you didnt post anonymous...
armin Bulgaria (03:54:35 - 22-05)
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Kind`off at 03:12:52 on 22/05:
Affi are stupid , they are being made use by lucchese. One of their lucchese top , Crazymind said F***k affi becoz they shot vengence instead of correp first . Mafiaturk was there and he didnt react much. imo affi are just toys use by lucchese
so ?
Kind`off (03:12:52 - 22-05)
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Affi are stupid , they are being made use by lucchese. One of their lucchese top , Crazymind said F***k affi becoz they shot vengence instead of correp first . Mafiaturk was there and he didnt react much. imo affi are just toys use by lucchese
Lovendetta San Marino (02:59:19 - 22-05)
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Deston at 02:27:18 on 22/05:
Lovendetta at 02:23:33 on 22/05:
rip everyone and thanks rbaiao for changing ka
I heard rbaiao wrote Omerta-owned Tycoon Online for Brando and then ddosed it so he would be the only on able to get that free Ipad. So unfair! :(
rbaiao ddosing server while pact getting shot down. That's roleplaying.
Deston Palestinian Territory, Occupied (02:27:18 - 22-05)
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Lovendetta at 02:23:33 on 22/05:
rip everyone and thanks rbaiao for changing ka
I heard rbaiao wrote Omerta-owned Tycoon Online for Brando and then ddosed it so he would be the only on able to get that free Ipad. So unfair! :(
Lovendetta San Marino (02:23:33 - 22-05)
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rip everyone and thanks rbaiao for changing ka
dark Ireland (21:09:36 - 21-05)
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Anonymous at 20:23:22 on 21/05:
dark at 19:54:51 on 21/05:
pikachuuu at 22:13:01 on 20/05:
Phenkyhenk at 22:08:10 on 20/05:
pikachuuu at 22:03:28 on 20/05:
wait , see , dead = Vengeance
For gravano. \o/

Like you are clever that much xd. Shooting for gravano???? To be honest liberta is not that clever to shoot for a blood after one version with that good organisation. They just like to listen their big brother. But gratz to them cause the best thing they can do is listening to their big brother vincitori... And they do it extremely good :)

Respect to shooterz who made the plan. Heroes will be heroes puppies will be puppies and where is my fuckin shoes..... XD

heroes will be heroes? who is that fucking hero? venge? LMAO

I never called venge as hero, did i ? :D
Anonymous (20:23:22 - 21-05)
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dark at 19:54:51 on 21/05:
pikachuuu at 22:13:01 on 20/05:
Phenkyhenk at 22:08:10 on 20/05:
pikachuuu at 22:03:28 on 20/05:
wait , see , dead = Vengeance
For gravano. \o/

Like you are clever that much xd. Shooting for gravano???? To be honest liberta is not that clever to shoot for a blood after one version with that good organisation. They just like to listen their big brother. But gratz to them cause the best thing they can do is listening to their big brother vincitori... And they do it extremely good :)

Respect to shooterz who made the plan. Heroes will be heroes puppies will be puppies and where is my fuckin shoes..... XD

heroes will be heroes? who is that fucking hero? venge? LMAO
Anonymous (20:00:04 - 21-05)
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lol so there's only 5 brugs and 1 gf loss in attackers side, while 119 brugs + 5 cd + 7 gf in defenders x'D

something is certainly wrong with the KA :D
nice that its attacker friendly, but killing 250 acc with losing only 5 acc in bf is kind of absurd xD
dark Ireland (19:54:51 - 21-05)
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pikachuuu at 22:13:01 on 20/05:
Phenkyhenk at 22:08:10 on 20/05:
pikachuuu at 22:03:28 on 20/05:
wait , see , dead = Vengeance
For gravano. \o/

Like you are clever that much xd. Shooting for gravano???? To be honest liberta is not that clever to shoot for a blood after one version with that good organisation. They just like to listen their big brother. But gratz to them cause the best thing they can do is listening to their big brother vincitori... And they do it extremely good :)

Respect to shooterz who made the plan. Heroes will be heroes puppies will be puppies and where is my fuckin shoes..... XD
Anonymous (19:30:42 - 21-05)
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Revolucion at 18:45:55 on 21/05:
People that want to reset already really have a lack in balls....

As you noticed with this KA you can do good damage as shooter, why not all rank up in differnt families and take a shot, with a group of 15 people you can take a family down.

You are not gonne tell me its not possible for all those dead families to get a lot of groups like that to shoot....re-rank takes 1 month and then you can easily finish the stronger account from the families up:"S

I agree. I know of one small fam with balls that shot down Tremps (2 x their size) with zero bf kills in the first war. All it takes is balls. Problem is most of fams outside the pact have girly faggot balls.

Revolucion Italy (18:45:55 - 21-05)
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People that want to reset already really have a lack in balls....

As you noticed with this KA you can do good damage as shooter, why not all rank up in differnt families and take a shot, with a group of 15 people you can take a family down.

You are not gonne tell me its not possible for all those dead families to get a lot of groups like that to shoot....re-rank takes 1 month and then you can easily finish the stronger account from the families up:"S
Ramsey Hong Kong (16:41:48 - 21-05)
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Guess_What at 16:27:12 on 21/05:
loool Phenkyhenk talks too much...

This dude is hilarious!! Cry cry'ed like a baby when Liberta went down and now comes with his mouth fully open.

the pact is still working like always and now you see more familys joining on them, they are just shooting for them because they are fucking afraid of die....but they will die in future.

they just use people and when they don't need them anymore the pact finishes them...memento, samagono and caliente are the familys who help them all time but in the final round they get fucked by the pact.

Rip gelibolu / correptio ty friends for the shoot, we will be back.
we call it blood, you have to learn abit how bloods work together than critise people how works with their bloods ;)
Adolf Côte d'Ivoire (16:39:02 - 21-05)
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Itachi at 16:36:15 on 21/05:
Adolf at 16:32:55 on 21/05:
Itachi at 16:26:06 on 21/05:
Adolf at 16:23:16 on 21/05:
Furkhanen at 14:43:20 on 21/05:
thx and respect who dead for gelibolu. Adolf and Reflexive you have to retired amk , dont play omerta amk with even scripts :D

i wasnt around kanka.im busy with irl.im already retired but anyway i can shoot. i have more kills than correptio yalta vengeance with my account :D

Now now you should feel proud to have more kills then your bloods. Or atleast few of them.

I'm just going to sit in this corner and eat potatoes.
Cause I can do that. I do that more then my friends :(

they are not my bloods.and im feel proud for my warrior family ;) blacksea yigidos xzone kurosawa revelations and underground were our bloods and they died with their honor and glory ^^


I really dont get your
But ok. It's how you see it so well yeah so well yeah. :/

Too bad there wasn't any ddos attack yesterday. He what a suprise.

u will get sezercik ;)
Itachi (16:36:15 - 21-05)
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Adolf at 16:32:55 on 21/05:
Itachi at 16:26:06 on 21/05:
Adolf at 16:23:16 on 21/05:
Furkhanen at 14:43:20 on 21/05:
thx and respect who dead for gelibolu. Adolf and Reflexive you have to retired amk , dont play omerta amk with even scripts :D

i wasnt around kanka.im busy with irl.im already retired but anyway i can shoot. i have more kills than correptio yalta vengeance with my account :D

Now now you should feel proud to have more kills then your bloods. Or atleast few of them.

I'm just going to sit in this corner and eat potatoes.
Cause I can do that. I do that more then my friends :(

they are not my bloods.and im feel proud for my warrior family ;) blacksea yigidos xzone kurosawa revelations and underground were our bloods and they died with their honor and glory ^^


I really dont get your
But ok. It's how you see it so well yeah so well yeah. :/

Too bad there wasn't any ddos attack yesterday. He what a suprise.
Adolf Côte d'Ivoire (16:32:55 - 21-05)
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Itachi at 16:26:06 on 21/05:
Adolf at 16:23:16 on 21/05:
Furkhanen at 14:43:20 on 21/05:
thx and respect who dead for gelibolu. Adolf and Reflexive you have to retired amk , dont play omerta amk with even scripts :D

i wasnt around kanka.im busy with irl.im already retired but anyway i can shoot. i have more kills than correptio yalta vengeance with my account :D

Now now you should feel proud to have more kills then your bloods. Or atleast few of them.

I'm just going to sit in this corner and eat potatoes.
Cause I can do that. I do that more then my friends :(

they are not my bloods.and im feel proud for my warrior family ;) blacksea yigidos xzone kurosawa revelations and underground were our bloods and they died with their honor and glory ^^