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05-03 Pepe le Pew pew!
Author: sbanks
Last updated: 4765d 8h 55m 7s ago by Smul
Comments: 201
Views: 85,150
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 3.3
Involved families: Anadolu, Caliente, Equites, Escalada, Gravano, Guantanamo, Hangover, Liberta, Marangella, Marangello, Oblivions, Presidential, Quirites, Selenga, Senatores, Tremps, Vengeance, Venutti, Vincitori, Anonymous, Ilimitada, Purgatory, Serenity, Vertigo
Both parties hired detectives as the war was comming for days already. According to several rumours Presidential shot too early which Anonymous replied with shooting on Vincitori+.

Anonymous is a mix from the following families: Gambino, Leviticus, Notte and Tempestuoso

Vincitori/Escalada, Gravano, Presidential, Liberta+, Anadolu, Vengeance, Hangover and Caliente opened fire at Anonymous

Defensive counters:

Purgatory opened fire at Caliente and Presidential.
Vertigo opened fire at Presidentials + Caliente (Vincitori unconfirmed)
Serenity shooting at Vincitori+
Ilimitada shooting at Escalada

Attacker side jumping in:

Venutti seems to be shooting at Anonymous
Quirites+ leaped in and is targeting Vertigo
Marangello+ jumped in to defend their bloods
Phenkyhenky (Liberta Top): We have seen many ANONYMOUS, we solved many ANONYMOUS equations but we havent seen this much ANONYMOUS gay together .. hi to them and :W again ....

Schopenhauer (Anonymous Top): I have nothing smart to say about a pussy pact xD

T-bag (Top Vertigo): Firstly, RIP to both side. i believe in we died with our honor. Liberta offered us make an alliance to clear game but we couldn't accept the offer. we already happy in our way and don't afraid of die, that's why we blooded with Anonymous. I know a story and i wanna share it..

"When Nemrud starts to greatest fire seen on earth to burn Ibrahim the prophet, father of all religions..
There was an ant was running to douse that fire with as much water has it could carry on its back..
There was a crow which is carrying twigs to field that fire, ant notice that and asked mockingly.
Where are you going with this water?
Ant answers, i m going to put this fire out.
Crow smiles, so you put this fire out?
Quickly get in steps and ant answers, even I can not do it at least the side I am on will be defined."

Our side is defined.

/q sbanks | #beyond.info
War started on: 21:49:02 05-03-2012 War ended on: 13:29:02 07-03-2012
Bullet difference: -96,884,220 War duration: 1d 15h 40m
Money difference: -$8,659,904,509 Players died: 505
Dead Families:
[Vertigo] Family down on 13:28 07-03
[Purgatory] Family down on 10:45 07-03
[Selenga] Family down on 19:14 06-03
[Anonymous] Family down on 13:48 06-03
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Anadolu | swin: 1 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 53
Anonymous | swin: 5 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 4 | brug: 63 | cd: 2 | gf: 1 | points: 942
Caliente | swin: 4 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 13 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 177
Equites | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 26
Escalada | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 9 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 117
Gravano | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 7 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 133
Guantanamo | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 2 | chief: 0 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 49
Hangover | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 6 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 79
Ilimitada | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 16 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 229
Liberta | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 82
Marangella | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 2 | chief: 0 | brug: 2 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 57
Presidential | swin: 2 | assa: 2 | lc: 2 | chief: 2 | brug: 24 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 382
Purgatory | swin: 4 | assa: 0 | lc: 4 | chief: 1 | brug: 70 | cd: 1 | gf: 6 | points: 1,172
Quirites | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 7
Selenga | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 2 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 31
Senatores | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 26
Serenity | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 7 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 118
Tremps | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 26
Vengeance | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 5 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 65
Venutti | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 60
Vertigo | swin: 5 | assa: 3 | lc: 3 | chief: 3 | brug: 37 | cd: 0 | gf: 3 | points: 642
Vincitori | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 19 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 259
Total | swin: 22 | assa: 7 | lc: 17 | chief: 13 | brug: 293 | cd: 7 | gf: 15 | points: 4,732

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MT (19:28:40 - 08-03)
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phenkyhenky at 17:45:14 on 08/03:
Attacker at 16:41:56 on 08/03:
phenkyhenky at 14:24:04 on 07/03:
Anonymous at 14:15:32 on 07/03:
Battalgazi at 11:55:18 on 07/03:
about Phenky's statement ;

im pretty sure he wrote that kinda statement coz of previous version.

in previous version Liberta and Phenky had problems and discussions with Attacker from Camorra.

and looks like that discussion havent ended yet.

Phenky mate , if im correct , could you please confirm me :)
lool seems there is reaaly some peeps following the game reaaly good \o/
first time i saw %100 true detection between bullshits :)

all my words was going to that boon :)
but also i saw some ppl this version easily forget last version actions and play interestingly.. how their selves accept that i cant understand..
btw that was me :) forgat to write my name:p

still have pain pinky? :')

At last the loser show himself :D and asking pain LOOL yes in my dickhead alittle bit :)

attackers asshole is also has pain atm. after being assraped :p
phenkyhenky (17:45:14 - 08-03)
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Attacker at 16:41:56 on 08/03:
phenkyhenky at 14:24:04 on 07/03:
Anonymous at 14:15:32 on 07/03:
Battalgazi at 11:55:18 on 07/03:
about Phenky's statement ;

im pretty sure he wrote that kinda statement coz of previous version.

in previous version Liberta and Phenky had problems and discussions with Attacker from Camorra.

and looks like that discussion havent ended yet.

Phenky mate , if im correct , could you please confirm me :)
lool seems there is reaaly some peeps following the game reaaly good \o/
first time i saw %100 true detection between bullshits :)

all my words was going to that boon :)
but also i saw some ppl this version easily forget last version actions and play interestingly.. how their selves accept that i cant understand..
btw that was me :) forgat to write my name:p

still have pain pinky? :')

At last the loser show himself :D and asking pain LOOL yes in my dickhead alittle bit :)
Attacker (16:41:56 - 08-03)
Link Quote
phenkyhenky at 14:24:04 on 07/03:
Anonymous at 14:15:32 on 07/03:
Battalgazi at 11:55:18 on 07/03:
about Phenky's statement ;

im pretty sure he wrote that kinda statement coz of previous version.

in previous version Liberta and Phenky had problems and discussions with Attacker from Camorra.

and looks like that discussion havent ended yet.

Phenky mate , if im correct , could you please confirm me :)
lool seems there is reaaly some peeps following the game reaaly good \o/
first time i saw %100 true detection between bullshits :)

all my words was going to that boon :)
but also i saw some ppl this version easily forget last version actions and play interestingly.. how their selves accept that i cant understand..
btw that was me :) forgat to write my name:p

still have pain pinky? :')
Anonymous (13:51:59 - 08-03)
Link Quote
Maraz at 09:58:18 on 08/03:
ReViveD at 18:37:05 on 07/03:
Battalgazi at 11:52:04 on 07/03:
@ Bohem , Erinc , Knife , Kajo , Brqzl and other Turkish tops

could you please stop argueing and focus on the next version.

blaming each other wont bring you any benefit. atleast you can leave this topic and discuss on irc or by phone calls.

no need to spend your time on this topic ;)

p.s : you did this , he did that - never ever ends. everybody is right from his/her point of view...
Lemme tell you something about it Battalgazi;
Last version as we know blacksea tops wanted to fire on turkuz co last version , and they sold their bloods at the beginning of war, and didnt fire; and played as1 this version ;
no no not over yet;
xzone co had heavily under fire in that war and samagono saved their ass,
and xzone co went to blacksea and made plan to fuck samagono - who saved their ass- ; plan with who sold themself ;
Turks in game has no "game character " to deal work together without bitching other .
about you too battalgazi , as far as i know asfu didnt fire single bllt on you , and what did you do ?
- backstab war plan , let targets , made 2nd plan to fire on them , get the pact against you ;)
Grow up guys, you have no brain to handle this game !!!

and about the game characters ; what do u think about conf&vinci's bloodship and also conf&marangello ?

werent they enemies in previous versions? and even in this version we even heard that marangello wanted to kill conflict and vinci prevented it.
i can add many examples like these ones...
what about these characteristics?

i think you are hearing rumours from fantasyland, conf and vinci are already close for some versions, and conf&marangello are a new bloodship, if fams had always the same bloods, the game would be kinda boring no?
trepatudo Portugal (11:50:44 - 08-03)
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Just keep arguing maybe Blacksea idiots can understand why they suck.

Anonymous (10:39:35 - 08-03)
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Maraz at 09:58:18 on 08/03:
ReViveD at 18:37:05 on 07/03:
Battalgazi at 11:52:04 on 07/03:
@ Bohem , Erinc , Knife , Kajo , Brqzl and other Turkish tops

could you please stop argueing and focus on the next version.

blaming each other wont bring you any benefit. atleast you can leave this topic and discuss on irc or by phone calls.

no need to spend your time on this topic ;)

p.s : you did this , he did that - never ever ends. everybody is right from his/her point of view...
Lemme tell you something about it Battalgazi;
Last version as we know blacksea tops wanted to fire on turkuz co last version , and they sold their bloods at the beginning of war, and didnt fire; and played as1 this version ;
no no not over yet;
xzone co had heavily under fire in that war and samagono saved their ass,
and xzone co went to blacksea and made plan to fuck samagono - who saved their ass- ; plan with who sold themself ;
Turks in game has no "game character " to deal work together without bitching other .
about you too battalgazi , as far as i know asfu didnt fire single bllt on you , and what did you do ?
- backstab war plan , let targets , made 2nd plan to fire on them , get the pact against you ;)
Grow up guys, you have no brain to handle this game !!!

and about the game characters ; what do u think about conf&vinci's bloodship and also conf&marangello ?

werent they enemies in previous versions? and even in this version we even heard that marangello wanted to kill conflict and vinci prevented it.
i can add many examples like these ones...
what about these characteristics?

Sometimes you have to make peace if you want to win a version. If they didn't they all would be dead in the first month... And about Marangello wanted to kill confl is the biggest bullshit ever.

Now go rank again. butthurt kid!
Maraz (09:58:18 - 08-03)
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ReViveD at 18:37:05 on 07/03:
Battalgazi at 11:52:04 on 07/03:
@ Bohem , Erinc , Knife , Kajo , Brqzl and other Turkish tops

could you please stop argueing and focus on the next version.

blaming each other wont bring you any benefit. atleast you can leave this topic and discuss on irc or by phone calls.

no need to spend your time on this topic ;)

p.s : you did this , he did that - never ever ends. everybody is right from his/her point of view...
Lemme tell you something about it Battalgazi;
Last version as we know blacksea tops wanted to fire on turkuz co last version , and they sold their bloods at the beginning of war, and didnt fire; and played as1 this version ;
no no not over yet;
xzone co had heavily under fire in that war and samagono saved their ass,
and xzone co went to blacksea and made plan to fuck samagono - who saved their ass- ; plan with who sold themself ;
Turks in game has no "game character " to deal work together without bitching other .
about you too battalgazi , as far as i know asfu didnt fire single bllt on you , and what did you do ?
- backstab war plan , let targets , made 2nd plan to fire on them , get the pact against you ;)
Grow up guys, you have no brain to handle this game !!!

and about the game characters ; what do u think about conf&vinci's bloodship and also conf&marangello ?

werent they enemies in previous versions? and even in this version we even heard that marangello wanted to kill conflict and vinci prevented it.
i can add many examples like these ones...
what about these characteristics?
Maraz (09:55:17 - 08-03)
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ReViveD at 18:37:05 on 07/03:
Battalgazi at 11:52:04 on 07/03:
@ Bohem , Erinc , Knife , Kajo , Brqzl and other Turkish tops

could you please stop argueing and focus on the next version.

blaming each other wont bring you any benefit. atleast you can leave this topic and discuss on irc or by phone calls.

no need to spend your time on this topic ;)

p.s : you did this , he did that - never ever ends. everybody is right from his/her point of view...
Lemme tell you something about it Battalgazi;
Last version as we know blacksea tops wanted to fire on turkuz co last version , and they sold their bloods at the beginning of war, and didnt fire; and played as1 this version ;
no no not over yet;
xzone co had heavily under fire in that war and samagono saved their ass,
and xzone co went to blacksea and made plan to fuck samagono - who saved their ass- ; plan with who sold themself ;
Turks in game has no "game character " to deal work together without bitching other .
about you too battalgazi , as far as i know asfu didnt fire single bllt on you , and what did you do ?
- backstab war plan , let targets , made 2nd plan to fire on them , get the pact against you ;)
Grow up guys, you have no brain to handle this game !!!

actually you r missing the most important point about the aspava&marazzino relation.
aspava was our sister fam at the beginning of the version and then they left us coz of fusion. that was the reason why we shot them.

they sold us eventhough we helped them like as hell , then they didnt shoot us but they didnt die with us either. thats the point...
B|Jack Turkey (08:22:27 - 08-03)
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ReViveD at 18:37:05 on 07/03:
Battalgazi at 11:52:04 on 07/03:
@ Bohem , Erinc , Knife , Kajo , Brqzl and other Turkish tops

could you please stop argueing and focus on the next version.

blaming each other wont bring you any benefit. atleast you can leave this topic and discuss on irc or by phone calls.

no need to spend your time on this topic ;)

p.s : you did this , he did that - never ever ends. everybody is right from his/her point of view...
Lemme tell you something about it Battalgazi;
Last version as we know blacksea tops wanted to fire on turkuz co last version , and they sold their bloods at the beginning of war, and didnt fire; and played as1 this version ;
no no not over yet;
xzone co had heavily under fire in that war and samagono saved their ass,
and xzone co went to blacksea and made plan to fuck samagono - who saved their ass- ; plan with who sold themself ;
Turks in game has no "game character " to deal work together without bitching other .
about you too battalgazi , as far as i know asfu didnt fire single bllt on you , and what did you do ?
- backstab war plan , let targets , made 2nd plan to fire on them , get the pact against you ;)
Grow up guys, you have no brain to handle this game !!!

funny boy if you dont know anythink best move came ask and know the facts, Samagono shooted our bloods Venture did you remember that ? if we want kill Samagono we could it but version was end we did not do anythink now understand ?
hugo Turkey (18:47:38 - 07-03)
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ReViveD at 18:37:05 on 07/03:
Battalgazi at 11:52:04 on 07/03:
@ Bohem , Erinc , Knife , Kajo , Brqzl and other Turkish tops

could you please stop argueing and focus on the next version.

blaming each other wont bring you any benefit. atleast you can leave this topic and discuss on irc or by phone calls.

no need to spend your time on this topic ;)

p.s : you did this , he did that - never ever ends. everybody is right from his/her point of view...
Lemme tell you something about it Battalgazi;
Last version as we know blacksea tops wanted to fire on turkuz co last version , and they sold their bloods at the beginning of war, and didnt fire; and played as1 this version ;
no no not over yet;
xzone co had heavily under fire in that war and samagono saved their ass,
and xzone co went to blacksea and made plan to fuck samagono - who saved their ass- ; plan with who sold themself ;
Turks in game has no "game character " to deal work together without bitching other .
about you too battalgazi , as far as i know asfu didnt fire single bllt on you , and what did you do ?
- backstab war plan , let targets , made 2nd plan to fire on them , get the pact against you ;)
Grow up guys, you have no brain to handle this game !!!
strange, some1 making comments about us and i guess its non-of your business revivedd, go rank your ass instead of making advices here ;)
ReViveD Brunei Darussalam (18:37:05 - 07-03)
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Battalgazi at 11:52:04 on 07/03:
@ Bohem , Erinc , Knife , Kajo , Brqzl and other Turkish tops

could you please stop argueing and focus on the next version.

blaming each other wont bring you any benefit. atleast you can leave this topic and discuss on irc or by phone calls.

no need to spend your time on this topic ;)

p.s : you did this , he did that - never ever ends. everybody is right from his/her point of view...
Lemme tell you something about it Battalgazi;
Last version as we know blacksea tops wanted to fire on turkuz co last version , and they sold their bloods at the beginning of war, and didnt fire; and played as1 this version ;
no no not over yet;
xzone co had heavily under fire in that war and samagono saved their ass,
and xzone co went to blacksea and made plan to fuck samagono - who saved their ass- ; plan with who sold themself ;
Turks in game has no "game character " to deal work together without bitching other .
about you too battalgazi , as far as i know asfu didnt fire single bllt on you , and what did you do ?
- backstab war plan , let targets , made 2nd plan to fire on them , get the pact against you ;)
Grow up guys, you have no brain to handle this game !!!
El lunatico TONY DANZA ahah (16:12:20 - 07-03)
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btw Ty purgatory and vertigo _o_ ;)
El lunatico TONY DANZA ahah (16:10:37 - 07-03)
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insert coin. another shity version with a lot of new changes. Ks is back but fucking useless. Just proved that in this war. Rp still meaning a lot, so a big disadvantages to non hugers like ME!
dunno the reason of improving all this changes if they don´t work lol. full ks with monster stack of bullets and keep dying in bf as gf in a brug.
just a few days up and everyone wanted us down. We needed to act so we hired! Ty tempestuoso levi and notte. _o_ btw. Once a Gambino always a Gambino. All haters, leavers, wanabes, FUCK OFF :)

phenkyhenky (14:24:04 - 07-03)
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Anonymous at 14:15:32 on 07/03:
Battalgazi at 11:55:18 on 07/03:
about Phenky's statement ;

im pretty sure he wrote that kinda statement coz of previous version.

in previous version Liberta and Phenky had problems and discussions with Attacker from Camorra.

and looks like that discussion havent ended yet.

Phenky mate , if im correct , could you please confirm me :)
lool seems there is reaaly some peeps following the game reaaly good \o/
first time i saw %100 true detection between bullshits :)

all my words was going to that boon :)
but also i saw some ppl this version easily forget last version actions and play interestingly.. how their selves accept that i cant understand..
btw that was me :) forgat to write my name:p
Anonymous (14:15:32 - 07-03)
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Battalgazi at 11:55:18 on 07/03:
about Phenky's statement ;

im pretty sure he wrote that kinda statement coz of previous version.

in previous version Liberta and Phenky had problems and discussions with Attacker from Camorra.

and looks like that discussion havent ended yet.

Phenky mate , if im correct , could you please confirm me :)
lool seems there is reaaly some peeps following the game reaaly good \o/
first time i saw %100 true detection between bullshits :)

all my words was going to that boon :)
but also i saw some ppl this version easily forget last version actions and play interestingly.. how their selves accept that i cant understand..
Anonymous (13:02:23 - 07-03)
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Battalgazi at 11:52:04 on 07/03:
@ Bohem , Erinc , Knife , Kajo , Brqzl and other Turkish tops

could you please stop argueing and focus on the next version.

blaming each other wont bring you any benefit. atleast you can leave this topic and discuss on irc or by phone calls.

no need to spend your time on this topic ;)

p.s : you did this , he did that - never ever ends. everybody is right from his/her point of view...

looooooooooooool look @ battalgazi trying to gather turkish tops, he forgets the shitload of logs of him around talking shit about those same tops, poor batta, tried playing with the big boys, tried to outsmart them, and now trying to gather turkish people ahaha, turkish people are not that dumb to believe your lies battalgazi :) you shot against turkuz, you wanted to shoot correptio more then anything, good luck !
Battalgazi Turkey (11:55:18 - 07-03)
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about Phenky's statement ;

im pretty sure he wrote that kinda statement coz of previous version.

in previous version Liberta and Phenky had problems and discussions with Attacker from Camorra.

and looks like that discussion havent ended yet.

Phenky mate , if im correct , could you please confirm me :)
Battalgazi Turkey (11:52:04 - 07-03)
Link Quote
@ Bohem , Erinc , Knife , Kajo , Brqzl and other Turkish tops

could you please stop argueing and focus on the next version.

blaming each other wont bring you any benefit. atleast you can leave this topic and discuss on irc or by phone calls.

no need to spend your time on this topic ;)

p.s : you did this , he did that - never ever ends. everybody is right from his/her point of view...
Plopmunker (08:10:42 - 07-03)
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wow people still playing after mid-game changes ?! xD Rigged
brqzL Colombia (07:51:37 - 07-03)
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Mate, seriously. We wanted to shot you and we did. You fought well, but we were better. Talking about that war is completely non-sense after all. I would recommend you to use your thoughts for future interests about Turkuz.
P.S: Kajo is from Correptio mate. You don't even know who is he yet doing nothing but blame only. xd


Much respect to Vertigo, they did everything that they could.


I've got nothing to tell you but about Knife telling people that "it wasn't our war", it's simply pathetic.

@This war.

Was expected and well played by "pact" I personally don't call them like this, but seems much easier when talking. Calling pact like pussypact, gaypact etc. I don't accept that, they did what none of us could. Gathering 10-15 fams around you and let them shoot for you when needed is not easy thing. Admit and congratz em instead of blaming them.

Rip all who died.