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05-04 Honeymoon Denied
Author: mmm
Last updated: 3623d 7h 55m 3s ago by MurderInc
Comments: 324
Views: 98,128
Votes: 4 (4.5 average)
Version: 4.7.3
Involved families: Aeterna, Bertone, Casappa, Sangreal, Alcoholics, Casalesi, Lusa, Prophecy, Prophecylusa, Prozzini
Aeterna has just shot down their asone's Casappa and Bertone. All their highranked members have joined Aeterna right after.

Prophecy started taking in highranks immediately from Lusa straight away and renamed their family to Prophecylusa, most likely with the intention to divide credit amongst two families for winning the HOF.

As in a response, Aeterna hired their detectives on Casalesi, Prophecylusa and... Lusa (I know it's confusing for me too) and opened fire upon them.

Sangreal decided to help out a bit by focussing on Prozzini and Alcoholics.

For some reason Prophecylusa changed it's name back to Prophecy again, also Aeterna and Lusa have ceasefired.
Saros`away (Top Aeterna): When you push your luck, you might just get fucked.

Prophecy Tops: When we saw Aeterna gathering their fams for the hall of fame we decided to merge with Lusa because in our humble opinion we felt that we deserved more then them . We were out of bullets because of the recent big war while they had the edge on that department so they decided to shot for the win. Once we saw our loss we putted our name back so we could die as Prophecy . There was no greed invovled on our side just pure gameplay. It was a enjoyable round with a lot of twist. I just hope the game gets more open now and that familys wont group up in bloods of 10 since the result in this one was each one for himself at the end. Respect to all our rankers would have been impossible without your effort.
War started on: 21:01:03 05-04-2015 War ended on: 11:10:02 07-04-2015
Bullet difference: -17,152,633 War duration: 1d 14h 8m
Money difference: -$1,559,201,251 Players died: 185

Dead Families:
[Alcoholics] Family down on 20:18 06-04
[Casalesi] Family down on 20:02 06-04
[Prozzini] Family down on 18:24 06-04
[Bertone] Family down on 21:17 05-04
[Casappa] Family down on 21:05 05-04
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Aeterna | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 3 | brug: 9 | cd: 4 | gf: 0 | points: 234
Alcoholics | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 4 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 52
Bertone | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 6
Casalesi | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 52
Casappa | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 5
Lusa | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 13
Prophecy | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 7 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 126
Prophecylusa | swin: 2 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 9 | brug: 47 | cd: 6 | gf: 0 | points: 822
Prozzini | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 2 | chief: 5 | brug: 10 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 201
Total | swin: 2 | assa: 2 | lc: 8 | chief: 19 | brug: 81 | cd: 12 | gf: 0 | points: 1,511

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Mickgee aka mcgee (18:21:19 - 06-04)
Link Quote
MurderInc at 11:55:20 on 06/04:
So, since this is like a free-for-all, anyone mind renaming their family to Siberia and recruiting a bit?
We'd appreciate another jewstar.


Lmao!!! Well they say Jews were born with a murdererddick lmao!!!
I'm also a fan of the unicorns I had that shit on my profile mad long ago, glad I ain't the only one.
Divergent (18:06:29 - 06-04)
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Mickgee aka mcgee at 17:58:19 on 06/04:
tunning at 14:27:58 on 06/04:
Ok stop now blaming prophlusa or aeterna or colossal or others, fuck it man , its just a fucking game, someone should win this , i know that was a verzion of backstabbing , but thats just a fucking game , which we should have fun playing it , instead of getting mad/nervous/etc etc .
Respect all .
Love prophecy/lusa <3 _O_.

Respect all lol.
If I followed that motto I'd be a three dollar whore on the street with Randy Bo Dandy, awaiting orders from Jim Lahey. Here don't respect me. I don't have an account and never have a fuck enough to get Akilled on a text game. I also make comments on this dysfunctional idiotic site. What's there to respect.
Respect all. Lol

Mickgee i love you <3
Mickgee aka mcgee (17:58:19 - 06-04)
Link Quote
tunning at 14:27:58 on 06/04:
Ok stop now blaming prophlusa or aeterna or colossal or others, fuck it man , its just a fucking game, someone should win this , i know that was a verzion of backstabbing , but thats just a fucking game , which we should have fun playing it , instead of getting mad/nervous/etc etc .
Respect all .
Love prophecy/lusa <3 _O_.

Respect all lol.
If I followed that motto I'd be a three dollar whore on the street with Randy Bo Dandy, awaiting orders from Jim Lahey. Here don't respect me. I don't have an account and never have a fuck enough to get Akilled on a text game. I also make comments on this dysfunctional idiotic site. What's there to respect.
Respect all. Lol
localgimpi (17:35:03 - 06-04)
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Anonymous at 15:05:04 on 06/04:
Raybone at 13:51:31 on 06/04:
ceZar at 12:33:41 on 06/04:
interesting :)

karma its a bitch!

Yeah, but so enjoyable at this time, bro o/

Enfoire tops crying to theirselfs, talking to theirselfs loool
noobs u should quit playing and just watch and talk in OBN ! Better organise u have haha

Raybone come home :(
MadG (17:25:16 - 06-04)
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damn lol Not surprised.. I actually thought lusa would have acted first.
Bigpapa Liberia (16:49:03 - 06-04)
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SharPei at 16:36:45 on 06/04:
Leonard at 15:37:25 on 06/04:
Critycal at 15:14:03 on 06/04:
Idiots at 14:57:24 on 06/04:
:D at 14:53:08 on 06/04:
I don't see Aeterna shooting at Lusa? Teh pact lives to die another version.

This is just a play from gayertena and lusgay. They have an agreement (together with siberia) that whichever of them three is the highest near reset time, the others will help to get it to HOF.

All three of them (sib/aet/lusa) sell bloods version after version after version after version after version. And all of you dumb idiots keep falling for it.

Up yours Prophecy, you got sold so Aeterna could win the version, which was the plan all along. Hope you stop asslicking the pact next version.

what the fuck

They're on to us!

Zionistisch complot!!!1111

Critycal planned all of this
Scratzz (16:41:15 - 06-04)
Link Quote
I'm dead :<

Plz sign my ripforum!

Divergent (16:36:53 - 06-04)
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Aeterna or Prop? at 15:58:11 on 06/04:
bANJO at 08:46:01 on 06/04:
Divergent at 08:37:17 on 06/04:
Too bad people need to hide behind there anonymous name to give a big mouths. Internet heroes :")

My name is bANJO, and i've been hunting you in NY for the last 7hrs.

+1 for bANJOOO

Also funny part is bANJO you didn't even kill me :')
SharPei (16:36:45 - 06-04)
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Leonard at 15:37:25 on 06/04:
Critycal at 15:14:03 on 06/04:
Idiots at 14:57:24 on 06/04:
:D at 14:53:08 on 06/04:
I don't see Aeterna shooting at Lusa? Teh pact lives to die another version.

This is just a play from gayertena and lusgay. They have an agreement (together with siberia) that whichever of them three is the highest near reset time, the others will help to get it to HOF.

All three of them (sib/aet/lusa) sell bloods version after version after version after version after version. And all of you dumb idiots keep falling for it.

Up yours Prophecy, you got sold so Aeterna could win the version, which was the plan all along. Hope you stop asslicking the pact next version.

what the fuck

They're on to us!

Zionistisch complot!!!1111
Divergent (16:20:42 - 06-04)
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Anonymous at 16:11:47 on 06/04:
Anonymous at 16:10:34 on 06/04:
Aeterna or Prop? at 15:58:11 on 06/04:
bANJO at 08:46:01 on 06/04:
Divergent at 08:37:17 on 06/04:
Too bad people need to hide behind there anonymous name to give a big mouths. Internet heroes :")

My name is bANJO, and i've been hunting you in NY for the last 7hrs.

+1 for bANJOOO

next time hunt when other got bullets (Rambo)

Can he help the other person can't manage his bullets?

Lol, do i need to feel burned now? You really got to try harder man. Yeah i had no bullets left, idc. Also nice 7h hunting mate, while you where chasing i was just lovely laying in my bed getting sleep like a normal person :D Maybe you should be happy i had no bullets, diablo would have ready to shoot your ass <3
Anonymous (16:11:47 - 06-04)
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Anonymous at 16:10:34 on 06/04:
Aeterna or Prop? at 15:58:11 on 06/04:
bANJO at 08:46:01 on 06/04:
Divergent at 08:37:17 on 06/04:
Too bad people need to hide behind there anonymous name to give a big mouths. Internet heroes :")

My name is bANJO, and i've been hunting you in NY for the last 7hrs.

+1 for bANJOOO

next time hunt when other got bullets (Rambo)

Can he help the other person can't manage his bullets?
Anonymous (16:10:34 - 06-04)
Link Quote
Aeterna or Prop? at 15:58:11 on 06/04:
bANJO at 08:46:01 on 06/04:
Divergent at 08:37:17 on 06/04:
Too bad people need to hide behind there anonymous name to give a big mouths. Internet heroes :")

My name is bANJO, and i've been hunting you in NY for the last 7hrs.

+1 for bANJOOO

next time hunt when other got bullets (Rambo)
Aeterna or Prop? (15:58:11 - 06-04)
Link Quote
bANJO at 08:46:01 on 06/04:
Divergent at 08:37:17 on 06/04:
Too bad people need to hide behind there anonymous name to give a big mouths. Internet heroes :")

My name is bANJO, and i've been hunting you in NY for the last 7hrs.

+1 for bANJOOO

Leonard Portugal (15:37:25 - 06-04)
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Critycal at 15:14:03 on 06/04:
Idiots at 14:57:24 on 06/04:
:D at 14:53:08 on 06/04:
I don't see Aeterna shooting at Lusa? Teh pact lives to die another version.

This is just a play from gayertena and lusgay. They have an agreement (together with siberia) that whichever of them three is the highest near reset time, the others will help to get it to HOF.

All three of them (sib/aet/lusa) sell bloods version after version after version after version after version. And all of you dumb idiots keep falling for it.

Up yours Prophecy, you got sold so Aeterna could win the version, which was the plan all along. Hope you stop asslicking the pact next version.

what the fuck

They're on to us!
Swordfish (15:21:49 - 06-04)
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yep they blow eachother:)
Hettalent (15:16:12 - 06-04)
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MurderInc at 15:07:26 on 06/04:
Idiots at 14:57:24 on 06/04:
:D at 14:53:08 on 06/04:
I don't see Aeterna shooting at Lusa? Teh pact lives to die another version.

This is just a play from gayertena and lusgay. They have an agreement (together with siberia) that whichever of them three is the highest near reset time, the others will help to get it to HOF.

All three of them (sib/aet/lusa) sell bloods version after version after version after version after version. And all of you dumb idiots keep falling for it.

Up yours Prophecy, you got sold so Aeterna could win the version, which was the plan all along. Hope you stop asslicking the pact next version.

I can't even

Admit it, Murderscum!
Critycal Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Patron (15:14:03 - 06-04)
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Idiots at 14:57:24 on 06/04:
:D at 14:53:08 on 06/04:
I don't see Aeterna shooting at Lusa? Teh pact lives to die another version.

This is just a play from gayertena and lusgay. They have an agreement (together with siberia) that whichever of them three is the highest near reset time, the others will help to get it to HOF.

All three of them (sib/aet/lusa) sell bloods version after version after version after version after version. And all of you dumb idiots keep falling for it.

Up yours Prophecy, you got sold so Aeterna could win the version, which was the plan all along. Hope you stop asslicking the pact next version.

what the fuck
MurderInc Austria (15:07:26 - 06-04)
Link Quote
Idiots at 14:57:24 on 06/04:
:D at 14:53:08 on 06/04:
I don't see Aeterna shooting at Lusa? Teh pact lives to die another version.

This is just a play from gayertena and lusgay. They have an agreement (together with siberia) that whichever of them three is the highest near reset time, the others will help to get it to HOF.

All three of them (sib/aet/lusa) sell bloods version after version after version after version after version. And all of you dumb idiots keep falling for it.

Up yours Prophecy, you got sold so Aeterna could win the version, which was the plan all along. Hope you stop asslicking the pact next version.

I can't even
Anonymous (15:05:04 - 06-04)
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Raybone at 13:51:31 on 06/04:
ceZar at 12:33:41 on 06/04:
interesting :)

karma its a bitch!

Yeah, but so enjoyable at this time, bro o/

Enfoire tops crying to theirselfs, talking to theirselfs loool
noobs u should quit playing and just watch and talk in OBN ! Better organise u have haha
Idiots (14:57:24 - 06-04)
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:D at 14:53:08 on 06/04:
I don't see Aeterna shooting at Lusa? Teh pact lives to die another version.

This is just a play from gayertena and lusgay. They have an agreement (together with siberia) that whichever of them three is the highest near reset time, the others will help to get it to HOF.

All three of them (sib/aet/lusa) sell bloods version after version after version after version after version. And all of you dumb idiots keep falling for it.

Up yours Prophecy, you got sold so Aeterna could win the version, which was the plan all along. Hope you stop asslicking the pact next version.