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30-11 Bass Bass Boom!
Author: Smul
Last updated: 3743d 21h 39m 58s ago by Redspeert
Comments: 213
Views: 87,057
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Version: 4.7.1
Involved families: Ashilmar, Atom, Catania, Interficio, Krays, Provenzano, Samagono, Slayer, Burguesia, Kurosawa, Lusa, Prophecy, Tijuana, Dig
After 48 hours of seemingly endless war, we have another war on our hands. This time Lusa is the intended target.

They are getting attacked by a group of families; Atom+, Provenzano, Interficio, Ashilmar, Catania, Krays and Samagono.

Two of Lusa bloods jumped in immediately, both Prophecy and Tijuana didn't hesitate for a second.

3 days into the fight on December 2nd Burguesia and Kurosawa are intefering and aiding the "defenders" shooting down Krays and Ashilmar
Grigoriy (Lusa): Hello Beyond, lovers, haters and neutral people.
With all that is being said here, we felt the need to give a top statment.
Let's start from the beginning: When version started to pop up, and when we started to see all "sides", Marazzino+ seemed to be the strongest one, so we manage to shoot them (Lusa + Aeterna).
In that war, we (Lusa) got countered by Renocenti/Krays.
After Maraz & Ashen, and Reno/Krays deaths, we helped Aeterna, and jumped mostly for Interficio, with what we had left... Burguesia countered on us. With Kurosawa's intervention, we manage a ceasefire between Lusa and Burg & Interficio.
The version was locked, and talks were made. We tryed to work with Burguesia, but they were negative; we tryed to work with Sovereign, but they also were negative to our terms. At this point, we were in the island, but both sides seemed to see us as the next target to be killed.
When Burguesia and Kurosawa started to shoot Avaritia, and Peakys+ was on Kurosawa, we had info that Scarleone were backing up for us, so we manage to hit them, and kill our threat. With Scarleone dead, and after some issues with my friend enemy Kvothe, we killed Peakys helping Kurosawa.
In the next day, Sovereign+ started to shot on Burguesiaa, and in the ceasefire talks, they offered a ceaefire aslong as they wanted to shot Lusa with them. That was all we needed to get rid of Sovereign.
Now, we got shot by Catania, Ashilmar, Interficio, Provenzano, Atom, Krays, Samagono... and we are still countering...
So, what I ask is, where exactly did we stab our bloods?
Shame on you!
At least show some respect.

H`HMD(Catania): Since the beginning of the version we knew we were going to have to fight against a large group of families. I'd call it a pact, they would probably say their bloodships are 'conveniently interwined'. Last friday we were asked to join a war against Kurosawa. The original plan was quite risky, since we had to hope for Burguesia and Lusa to be afraid of each other and not counter for Kurosawa, as one would then shoot the other. Little did we know there was some kind of deal and the plan went to hell, so we decided to wait one more day. Having lost our strongest accounts in the first war we knew we would be up against far stronger accounts, but we knew it would be the last chance to force something in this version. Whether we win or lose this war, we'd like to thank our members and bloods who have stood by us this version.

Prophecy Tops: Win or lose all we can think of is how good our members fight back bend but not break , after long wars being the agressor it was time to defend against the rest of the server.
we fight for dominance and for bloods sustainability. we expected a fight and we did get it respect to the atackers fighting for their cause. I hope you all enjoying the version as much as we doing.
War started on: 18:54:03 30-11-2014 War ended on: 21:34:05 05-12-2014
Bullet difference: -45,778,463 War duration: 5d 2h 40m
Money difference: -$3,006,854,931 Players died: 612

Dead Families:
[Prophecy] Family down on 21:28 05-12
[Lusa] Family down on 11:21 05-12
[Slayer] Family down on 01:53 04-12
[Ashilmar] Family down on 13:30 03-12
[Ashilmar] Family down on 02:16 03-12
[Krays] Family down on 23:15 02-12
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Ashilmar | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 3 | brug: 15 | cd: 2 | gf: 2 | points: 338
Atom | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 7 | cd: 1 | gf: 2 | points: 190
Burguesia | swin: 2 | assa: 4 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 37
Catania | swin: 1 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 3 | brug: 14 | cd: 0 | gf: 3 | points: 313
Dig | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 1
Interficio | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 11 | cd: 3 | gf: 1 | points: 248
Krays | swin: 2 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 11 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 160
Kurosawa | swin: 1 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 11
Lusa | swin: 15 | assa: 10 | lc: 8 | chief: 13 | brug: 57 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 1,004
Prophecy | swin: 5 | assa: 1 | lc: 7 | chief: 3 | brug: 30 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 499
Provenzano | swin: 4 | assa: 2 | lc: 1 | chief: 5 | brug: 16 | cd: 7 | gf: 1 | points: 450
Samagono | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 4 | cd: 2 | gf: 1 | points: 141
Slayer | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 7 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 106
Tijuana | swin: 2 | assa: 0 | lc: 3 | chief: 0 | brug: 19 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 269
Total | swin: 34 | assa: 20 | lc: 24 | chief: 33 | brug: 191 | cd: 15 | gf: 12 | points: 3,767

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Anonymous (13:55:07 - 02-12)
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C,mon lusa bitches be online and demote to brugs. Then sex will begin: )
Saros`away Netherlands (13:31:08 - 02-12)
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Knele at 13:19:52 on 02/12:
Saros`away at 13:13:35 on 02/12:
Jordyrp at 12:41:28 on 02/12:
Nuke at 12:34:44 on 02/12:
Anonymous at 12:10:55 on 02/12:
lol ahaha you wanna know the truth ? the thing is , many of you have played this game for years , and you could achieve that kind of acc, but im talking about you being miles away from him, he has the best acc, and you really thing he could stay without being akilled if he was duping? ahah you really thing crew would allow that? grigory was banned , why wouldnt he be? ahaha you are all losers, and hipocrits you cant do that kind of acc so you say he cheats , ahah pitfiful in my opinion , and wanna know the funny part ? i heard that , his acc was his better 'til this day , and some of they tops had never had an acc so good for all the time they have played this game too , lets all say they cheat just because we cant reach that level..

Yes. Yes there are hundreds of us that believe he could remain alive while blatantly cheating. We've seen in with Lucchese back in 2.0/ 2.1 and we saw it with Righelli this year. That's why people constantly make fun of the game's owner and call him names.

What did Righelli do :(

Haxed the game to death, what else? Fucking Bughelli.

@ Nuke

Amusing conspiracy theories, but I didn't defend anyone. I merely pointed out that the people who accuse Lusa of cheating are making a bunch of assumptions and speculations based on, well, nothing much really.

But that isn't my concern, all I care about is how the war itself is executed and it was done so poorly. Now if we all could just accept that reality, that would be fabulous.

Well how come this war is soo "poor" and "bad" from attacker side,but your family still hugging villa since begin. I don't get it tbh.

What don't you get about losing nearly 20 brugs? I reckon myself a better hugger than that if we were hiding in villa since the beginning. Come on, atleast try to make a little bit of sense my friend.
Emre (13:27:21 - 02-12)
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Jonko at 11:02:44 on 02/12:
Anonymous at 10:55:14 on 02/12:
Jonko at 10:41:37 on 02/12:
Why cant slack fired 2kk bullets? Been there done that, u dont need to have dupes for that.. just a bunch of cash ingame and a BF in the family. Lusa had plenty, didnt they? In the wars theyve been he could, and did shoot 2kk.

Well played sir, well played.

shut up lusa duper, everyone knows Lusa is the biggest duper fam in this game, boosting up an acc (ascii) so get immortal, he doesn't even need to play good. It's embarrassing. If Lusa would just stop playing, this game would get so much better, not saying all others fam are clean, but damn this is insane. The reason I want you to quit, not asking you to stop duping instead, is that I know that would be too embarrassing for you, 6 times smaller playerbase and no boosted accs, I know you couldn't deal with that embarrassment, so just leave :)

First off all, I aint Lusa. Second, they might have dupes, who hasn't? They know how to use them properly. Do you really think they boosted Ascii? Thats just blind to think, 2kk aint that much if ur in war for a total of like 7 days. Its prox firing 3 times 60k a day, shud be reachable if ur #1 fam with plenty of money, isnt it?

i dont have dupes. even, last vers i play with my brother, he plays in phone, i play in pc. they akilled us for duping, cuz our ingames simular and played on same blackjack table they write "CHEATER!!!" when they akilled us, that was hurt... now my brother quit playin, i play my own..

this is why ppl dont stay in this game so much, omerta not the best web game, its just we get used to it and cant let it go... its a sickness. just some of us get very sick and spend 500 $ on it, and some of us 50 $ ... we all do, we spend money on this shitty game. not for enjoying, for being sick of it.
Knele Germany (13:19:52 - 02-12)
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Saros`away at 13:13:35 on 02/12:
Jordyrp at 12:41:28 on 02/12:
Nuke at 12:34:44 on 02/12:
Anonymous at 12:10:55 on 02/12:
lol ahaha you wanna know the truth ? the thing is , many of you have played this game for years , and you could achieve that kind of acc, but im talking about you being miles away from him, he has the best acc, and you really thing he could stay without being akilled if he was duping? ahah you really thing crew would allow that? grigory was banned , why wouldnt he be? ahaha you are all losers, and hipocrits you cant do that kind of acc so you say he cheats , ahah pitfiful in my opinion , and wanna know the funny part ? i heard that , his acc was his better 'til this day , and some of they tops had never had an acc so good for all the time they have played this game too , lets all say they cheat just because we cant reach that level..

Yes. Yes there are hundreds of us that believe he could remain alive while blatantly cheating. We've seen in with Lucchese back in 2.0/ 2.1 and we saw it with Righelli this year. That's why people constantly make fun of the game's owner and call him names.

What did Righelli do :(

Haxed the game to death, what else? Fucking Bughelli.

@ Nuke

Amusing conspiracy theories, but I didn't defend anyone. I merely pointed out that the people who accuse Lusa of cheating are making a bunch of assumptions and speculations based on, well, nothing much really.

But that isn't my concern, all I care about is how the war itself is executed and it was done so poorly. Now if we all could just accept that reality, that would be fabulous.

Well how come this war is soo "poor" and "bad" from attacker side,but your family still hugging villa since begin. I don't get it tbh.
Saros`away Netherlands (13:13:35 - 02-12)
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Jordyrp at 12:41:28 on 02/12:
Nuke at 12:34:44 on 02/12:
Anonymous at 12:10:55 on 02/12:
lol ahaha you wanna know the truth ? the thing is , many of you have played this game for years , and you could achieve that kind of acc, but im talking about you being miles away from him, he has the best acc, and you really thing he could stay without being akilled if he was duping? ahah you really thing crew would allow that? grigory was banned , why wouldnt he be? ahaha you are all losers, and hipocrits you cant do that kind of acc so you say he cheats , ahah pitfiful in my opinion , and wanna know the funny part ? i heard that , his acc was his better 'til this day , and some of they tops had never had an acc so good for all the time they have played this game too , lets all say they cheat just because we cant reach that level..

Yes. Yes there are hundreds of us that believe he could remain alive while blatantly cheating. We've seen in with Lucchese back in 2.0/ 2.1 and we saw it with Righelli this year. That's why people constantly make fun of the game's owner and call him names.

What did Righelli do :(

Haxed the game to death, what else? Fucking Bughelli.

@ Nuke

Amusing conspiracy theories, but I didn't defend anyone. I merely pointed out that the people who accuse Lusa of cheating are making a bunch of assumptions and speculations based on, well, nothing much really.

But that isn't my concern, all I care about is how the war itself is executed and it was done so poorly. Now if we all could just accept that reality, that would be fabulous.
Anonymous (13:06:21 - 02-12)
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Anonymous at 12:56:24 on 02/12:
Anonymous at 12:54:01 on 02/12:
Respect for Ashilmar, they deserv to win.


Those rebirth accounts will be easy meat for Burguesia top accounts.
Anonymous (12:56:24 - 02-12)
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Anonymous at 12:54:01 on 02/12:
Respect for Ashilmar, they deserv to win.

Anonymous (12:54:01 - 02-12)
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Respect for Ashilmar, they deserv to win.
Anonymous (12:48:35 - 02-12)
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I guess those comments are mostly from Lackeys users, with 5% ontime, that only login for fire and rehire lackeys...Even an account like that, only with lackeys money, would have 600k+ bullets bought at this stage (from first accounts).

With fambanks making 100m/day, and with objects doing the same amounts; poker tables of millions, when people easly win and lose 300mil; and with trades between all version, why is so difficult to have accounts with 1mil bullets+?

Also, there are people that spend rl money as hell in dcs. You can also do the same if being "important" on omerta its your life goal.

(advice: save 300€ for next version, and you'll be the next Ascii).
Paris Montenegro (12:43:27 - 02-12)
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In your statement, Grigority, you are desperately defending your side. Why are you defending if u are sure that u did not faked anyone? Those who played version knows what u did, how you did and when you did those things so that statement is really unnecessary. I won't comment anything about cheating tho, it's not my thing to be worried about. And, no, you do not deserve respect. ;)
Jordyrp Greece (12:41:28 - 02-12)
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Nuke at 12:34:44 on 02/12:
Anonymous at 12:10:55 on 02/12:
lol ahaha you wanna know the truth ? the thing is , many of you have played this game for years , and you could achieve that kind of acc, but im talking about you being miles away from him, he has the best acc, and you really thing he could stay without being akilled if he was duping? ahah you really thing crew would allow that? grigory was banned , why wouldnt he be? ahaha you are all losers, and hipocrits you cant do that kind of acc so you say he cheats , ahah pitfiful in my opinion , and wanna know the funny part ? i heard that , his acc was his better 'til this day , and some of they tops had never had an acc so good for all the time they have played this game too , lets all say they cheat just because we cant reach that level..

Yes. Yes there are hundreds of us that believe he could remain alive while blatantly cheating. We've seen in with Lucchese back in 2.0/ 2.1 and we saw it with Righelli this year. That's why people constantly make fun of the game's owner and call him names.

What did Righelli do :(
Anonymous (12:39:46 - 02-12)
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if you have to cheat to win an online game, you need more sex.

Anonymous (12:37:17 - 02-12)
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Nuke at 12:31:50 on 02/12:
Righelli was up for 9 years before I ever saw them admin killed.. However, people claimed for many of those years that they were cheating. Did that make Righelli a non-cheating family for all the servers previous to that? If so, then why did they suddenly choose to cheat? - Right, we know they got away with it prior to that.

My point is that you people got away with it for many years while Saros and others claimed innocence. Just because someone does not get caught does not mean that they aren't doing wrong. The fact that Saros is here defending the Lusa don is evidence enough that they are in on this type of thing together. "Thick as thieves", as they say. That's why Pact sticks together, despite how dull that may be. They have a system, for sure. They have a system for cheating and have to work together to keep one another happy, else they'll all wind up the way of Piadent and Righelli, seeing the entire group admin killed.

Ahahahah, dude, you escalated it quickly.
Nuke United States (12:34:44 - 02-12)
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Anonymous at 12:10:55 on 02/12:
lol ahaha you wanna know the truth ? the thing is , many of you have played this game for years , and you could achieve that kind of acc, but im talking about you being miles away from him, he has the best acc, and you really thing he could stay without being akilled if he was duping? ahah you really thing crew would allow that? grigory was banned , why wouldnt he be? ahaha you are all losers, and hipocrits you cant do that kind of acc so you say he cheats , ahah pitfiful in my opinion , and wanna know the funny part ? i heard that , his acc was his better 'til this day , and some of they tops had never had an acc so good for all the time they have played this game too , lets all say they cheat just because we cant reach that level..

Yes. Yes there are hundreds of us that believe he could remain alive while blatantly cheating. We've seen in with Lucchese back in 2.0/ 2.1 and we saw it with Righelli this year. That's why people constantly make fun of the game's owner and call him names.
Anonymous (12:33:26 - 02-12)
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Stupid Lusa was fooled by Burguesia and Kurosawa. I hope you've lerned your lesson about how to win a version!
Anonymous (12:33:21 - 02-12)
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Grigoriy, sorry but u sold avaritia nicely. add this too
Nuke United States (12:31:50 - 02-12)
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Righelli was up for 9 years before I ever saw them admin killed.. However, people claimed for many of those years that they were cheating. Did that make Righelli a non-cheating family for all the servers previous to that? If so, then why did they suddenly choose to cheat? - Right, we know they got away with it prior to that.

My point is that you people got away with it for many years while Saros and others claimed innocence. Just because someone does not get caught does not mean that they aren't doing wrong. The fact that Saros is here defending the Lusa don is evidence enough that they are in on this type of thing together. "Thick as thieves", as they say. That's why Pact sticks together, despite how dull that may be. They have a system, for sure. They have a system for cheating and have to work together to keep one another happy, else they'll all wind up the way of Piadent and Righelli, seeing the entire group admin killed.
pieeater (12:19:35 - 02-12)
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Saros`away at 10:35:03 on 02/12:
Ivopausje at 07:25:26 on 02/12:
@ Saros and Grigori. You guys have absolutely no right to talk about respect/embarassment. The only shamefull bunch is you lot. Since I dont like bashing without arguments, allow me to explain myself.

- It is a well know fact that the Lusa family has an impressive Dupe ammount. You may claim otherwise and tell you have a large playerbase, though we all that is not true. In fact, you guys are far worse then the Union Chapter/Villa spot abusers/dupes of the ANPT family a few years ago.

- Because of these dupes, you managad to get ascii and some other top players incredibly strong in just a few weeks. No matter how you put it, you simply cannot reach 2.5 mill bullets in such a short time without using dupes and bending the rules of the game.

- Because of these actions, ascii and the other top players managed to survive the first war offcourse, which gained them a fair ammount of account strength due to the kills that were made. The attacking families however, consist mostly of rebirth accounts without this strenght and kills. Therefore, it is only logical that a 150% brug can never kill a Lusa CD or GF thats has been fed tons of money and stuff from the massive dupe base and has around 300% rp. Remember Smul in 3.0? He had over 1500% Rp and survived all wars, which meant he could kill any rebirth GF/CD with 1 shot. Only difference is that he played fair and never got close to shooting 2,5 mill bullets in 8 months.

I think you see my point here. There is no honour in boasting how good you are if you take in consideration that your strong GF and CD did not achieve this strength in a fair way. So please fuck off with your ebola comments.

Ivopausje out o/

Incredibely long, whiny comment about something that doesn't really have anything to do with me, cute.

I'll ignore the fact that you're basically saying ''I know I don't have any proof for my claims whatsoever, but I still just assume a bunch of things and portray them as fact and write them down'' to entertain your notion.

That Lusa accounts are way stronger than the attacking party is a fact that nobody denies, however, the point here is that perhaps with a bit of proper planning and the right amount of pressure on 3 families you could have forced the defending party offline entirely. Unable to login and shoot back at your side would have prevented casualties as heavy as these. It's simple logic that your entire attack failed and somehow none of you (Except HHMD) have the guts to admit it.

Then again, if you somehow sit and stare around doing nothing when Lusa is tearing down fams the entire weekend, maybe you shouldn't be so surprised that they have overpowered accounts compared to yours at the moment.

lol funney comment. When Righelli/Aeterna had superstrong accounts the same guy said they were build with money from poker...and others just didnt know how to build a strong accounts. And then admins caught the bug abuse. Without that bugmoney those fams never really achieved anything anymore (talk about emberassement lol).

About duping the same shitty denial comments appear. Numerous brugs were killed which had 0 hnps, 0 sent messages and zero posts on their ripforum after they died. Those facts ofcourse arent sollid proof those brug accounts were used to boost the top accounts to the close to immortal state they have now. Aeterna/righelli were accused of cheating when they too much money/bullets to have gained fairly although there wasnt any solid proof outside of your small circle of bug abusers and we all seen how that played out.
Anonymous (12:10:55 - 02-12)
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lol ahaha you wanna know the truth ? the thing is , many of you have played this game for years , and you could achieve that kind of acc, but im talking about you being miles away from him, he has the best acc, and you really thing he could stay without being akilled if he was duping? ahah you really thing crew would allow that? grigory was banned , why wouldnt he be? ahaha you are all losers, and hipocrits you cant do that kind of acc so you say he cheats , ahah pitfiful in my opinion , and wanna know the funny part ? i heard that , his acc was his better 'til this day , and some of they tops had never had an acc so good for all the time they have played this game too , lets all say they cheat just because we cant reach that level..
Anonymous (12:07:21 - 02-12)
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Balthier at 12:02:44 on 02/12:
What a show from Lusa, taking shoots from basically everyone and only dropped to #2. Too epic!
Props for Tijuana and Prophecy too they wouldn't resist this much without them.

yeah, prophecy yes, tijana didnt do shit really :P