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20-04 This is your Fatality!
Author: mmm
Last updated: 3987d 17h 59m 24s ago by mmm
Comments: 513
Views: 146,813
Votes: 5 (4.2 average)
Version: 4.6
Involved families: Alcatraz, Creative, Faffie, Jannisary, Krays, Malavitta, Marazzino, Morano, Outpost, Provenzano, Rinzivillo, Trafficante, Truva, Tugra, Velentza, Aristocrats, Lusa, Midgard, Nazdrovia, Righelli, Sinaloa, Sparta, Pwnage
While the bodies of the last war aren't even buried yet we see an unexpected twist. During 2nd day of easter we see a daytime war. It started as a collective of families aimed their blazers at Lusa & Midgard

They are getting shot by Velentza, Marazzino+, Trafficante, Alcatraz, Jannisary+ and Tugra.

A lot of tension build up in the hour following the first wave, bloods on both sides thought that if they stepped in they would get shot by the bloods from the others. After about an hour and a half the silence from the bloods was broken as Righelli and Aristocrats opened fire on Faffie, who was until that point not shooting or directly involved in the war. Because Faffie set detectives they were quick with their counter on Righelli.

Provenzano stepped in and is shooting at Aristocrats, forcing Aristocrats to retaliate on them. They quickly got help from Sparta who is also aiming for Provenzano.

Shortly after Nazdrovia also started shooting Faffie. As if Faffie weren't in enough trouble Sinaloa decided to put even more pressure on them.
Somewhere amongst all the chaos, Velentza, Trafficante and Alcatraz turned their guns towards Righelli.

Malavitta decided to aid Provenzano and started shooting Sparta. Sparta quickly countered and managed to bring Malavitta down.

Morano is now also joining the fight and is taking on Midgard.

The next day the shooting continues as Righelli, Sparta and Aristocratz band together to take a hit on Morano.

Krays, Trafficante and Morano quickly counter vs Righelli and Sparta.
Marazzino+ and Jannisary+ counter at Aristocrats.

Just when you think the party couldn't get any bigger, Pwnage decided to join in and target Sparta. They stopped shortly after though it seems.

We're headed into the third day of the war. Another suprising counterattack. Pwnage and Nazdrovia are shooting at the Marazzino+ Alliance. This puts Pwnage at both sides of the war as they were shooting Sparta the day before.
Skarsgard (Top Marazzino): Pussy on the way Pussy on the way out , There will be retaliation for sure just watch your back

ABADANOVAFK (Top Nazdrovia): We are just fighting our bloods and this is just a game, thank you so much Nazdrovian soldier!
War started on: 15:52:11 21-04-2014 War ended on: 02:53:03 25-04-2014
Bullet difference: -85,548,982 War duration: 3d 11h 0m
Money difference: -$8,477,011,614 Players died: 723

Dead Families:
[Marazzino] Family down on 20:32 24-04
[Rinzivillo] Family down on 02:24 24-04
[Truva] Family down on 00:38 24-04
[Tugra] Family down on 00:10 24-04
[Aristocrats] Family down on 14:31 23-04
[Midgard] Family down on 10:20 23-04
[Krays] Family down on 09:05 23-04
[Lusa] Family down on 10:20 22-04
[Provenzano] Family down on 06:07 22-04
[Faffie] Family down on 23:00 21-04
[Malavitta] Family down on 20:07 21-04
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Alcatraz | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 9 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 125
Aristocrats | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 5 | chief: 17 | brug: 29 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 539
Creative | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 2 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 34
Faffie | swin: 0 | assa: 2 | lc: 3 | chief: 10 | brug: 34 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 577
Jannisary | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 3 | chief: 1 | brug: 4 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 114
Krays | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 3 | chief: 5 | brug: 21 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 331
Lusa | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 2 | chief: 6 | brug: 21 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 334
Malavitta | swin: 0 | assa: 4 | lc: 3 | chief: 2 | brug: 9 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 160
Marazzino | swin: 5 | assa: 3 | lc: 5 | chief: 2 | brug: 34 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 504
Midgard | swin: 0 | assa: 6 | lc: 8 | chief: 16 | brug: 23 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 488
Morano | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 5 | brug: 19 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 290
Outpost | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 47
Provenzano | swin: 1 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 6 | brug: 26 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 391
Pwnage | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 9 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 117
Righelli | swin: 3 | assa: 1 | lc: 3 | chief: 6 | brug: 34 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 516
Rinzivillo | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 3 | chief: 1 | brug: 15 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 221
Sinaloa | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 2 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 42
Sparta | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 4 | chief: 1 | brug: 11 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 174
Trafficante | swin: 2 | assa: 0 | lc: 3 | chief: 1 | brug: 20 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 289
Truva | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 2 | brug: 4 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 69
Tugra | swin: 0 | assa: 2 | lc: 4 | chief: 4 | brug: 21 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 365
Velentza | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 7 | brug: 27 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 416
Total | swin: 13 | assa: 26 | lc: 51 | chief: 97 | brug: 376 | cd: 0 | gf: 3 | points: 6,143

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Saros`away Netherlands (15:50:31 - 23-04)
Link Quote
Redspeert at 15:47:28 on 23/04:
Scarface at 15:44:29 on 23/04:
Redspeert at 15:43:22 on 23/04:
Scarface at 15:39:08 on 23/04:
Redspeert at 15:35:11 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 15:32:26 on 23/04:
Redspeert at 15:19:11 on 23/04:
The fam with the strongest hax always win the version, have been so forever. Apperently Righelli and their fellow comrades got some good juice latley, as they manage to build the strongest accs version after version while I cannot remember them making this kind of acc's lets say 2-3 years ago. But continue to deny it, it doesn't matter if you cheat or not aslong you aren't akilled for it (this incompetent crew can't manage to catch anything else than your average joe duper).

I just find it very weird that the average strenght is so much higher on one side compared to the other. Italiens speech about building accs he can shove up his ass, he aint the only one in the game who got accs on other versions to trade money, yet few persons manage to reach the unholy amounts his side got. Last version I had trader acc's, I had friends sending me money, I sold a few dc's and did most of the heist/raid/oc's and had sluggs on 24/7 yet I saw myself beaten by almost 1,500,000 bullets in the end of the version by atleast 4-5 persons in Righelli/lusa. Either they had some good hax, or they sold insane amount of dc's or had much luck in poker =).

You do know that the more you shoot the stronger you get, right? Try joining a family that shoots and suddenly your account will be stronger too. Just a guess.

Orly. I've never been in a family that have shot bullets my bad. I never had more than 300,000 bullets on hand the last version and ended the version with 1,500,000 bullets shot, but I don't have enough hax to reach 3,000,000 million bullets shot in a 2 month version like Righelli and lusa can manage to do, my bad.

stfu redspeert, u just suck, dont hate.

Yet you are dead.

Atleast you grew a spine since the last time, my dear chimpanzee. No more trash talking with a hidden name like the little coward you are? :p

Hows it going with the rage old chap, have you recived any professional help? Because last time I had a little friendly chat with you you seemed rather stressed.

[05:33:48] <14scarface> ur such a fuckin retard
[05:34:07] <14scarface> why u still talking to me?
[05:34:13] <14scarface> i told u on obnews to stfu
[05:34:21] <14scarface> always insulting others
[05:34:25] <14scarface> like wtf is ur problem??
[05:34:40] <14scarface> and on top of that, u fuckin leak us
[05:35:01] <14scarface> just STFU

that was 4 version ago, get over it..

2 versions. But I suppose counting ain't the strongest side of a senseless goon of your caliber.

If we're going to throw logs around perhaps I should share with the world how you were begging for your account 'like the little coward you are' when we shot Coccada two versions ago, it still amuses me greatly.

Seems people are unable to keep some form of dignity in here.
Redspeert Syrian Arab Republic (15:47:28 - 23-04)
Link Quote
Scarface at 15:44:29 on 23/04:
Redspeert at 15:43:22 on 23/04:
Scarface at 15:39:08 on 23/04:
Redspeert at 15:35:11 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 15:32:26 on 23/04:
Redspeert at 15:19:11 on 23/04:
The fam with the strongest hax always win the version, have been so forever. Apperently Righelli and their fellow comrades got some good juice latley, as they manage to build the strongest accs version after version while I cannot remember them making this kind of acc's lets say 2-3 years ago. But continue to deny it, it doesn't matter if you cheat or not aslong you aren't akilled for it (this incompetent crew can't manage to catch anything else than your average joe duper).

I just find it very weird that the average strenght is so much higher on one side compared to the other. Italiens speech about building accs he can shove up his ass, he aint the only one in the game who got accs on other versions to trade money, yet few persons manage to reach the unholy amounts his side got. Last version I had trader acc's, I had friends sending me money, I sold a few dc's and did most of the heist/raid/oc's and had sluggs on 24/7 yet I saw myself beaten by almost 1,500,000 bullets in the end of the version by atleast 4-5 persons in Righelli/lusa. Either they had some good hax, or they sold insane amount of dc's or had much luck in poker =).

You do know that the more you shoot the stronger you get, right? Try joining a family that shoots and suddenly your account will be stronger too. Just a guess.

Orly. I've never been in a family that have shot bullets my bad. I never had more than 300,000 bullets on hand the last version and ended the version with 1,500,000 bullets shot, but I don't have enough hax to reach 3,000,000 million bullets shot in a 2 month version like Righelli and lusa can manage to do, my bad.

stfu redspeert, u just suck, dont hate.

Yet you are dead.

Atleast you grew a spine since the last time, my dear chimpanzee. No more trash talking with a hidden name like the little coward you are? :p

Hows it going with the rage old chap, have you recived any professional help? Because last time I had a little friendly chat with you you seemed rather stressed.

[05:33:48] <14scarface> ur such a fuckin retard
[05:34:07] <14scarface> why u still talking to me?
[05:34:13] <14scarface> i told u on obnews to stfu
[05:34:21] <14scarface> always insulting others
[05:34:25] <14scarface> like wtf is ur problem??
[05:34:40] <14scarface> and on top of that, u fuckin leak us
[05:35:01] <14scarface> just STFU

that was 4 version ago, get over it..

2 versions. But I suppose counting ain't the strongest side of a senseless goon of your caliber.
Scarface Canada (15:44:29 - 23-04)
Link Quote
Redspeert at 15:43:22 on 23/04:
Scarface at 15:39:08 on 23/04:
Redspeert at 15:35:11 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 15:32:26 on 23/04:
Redspeert at 15:19:11 on 23/04:
The fam with the strongest hax always win the version, have been so forever. Apperently Righelli and their fellow comrades got some good juice latley, as they manage to build the strongest accs version after version while I cannot remember them making this kind of acc's lets say 2-3 years ago. But continue to deny it, it doesn't matter if you cheat or not aslong you aren't akilled for it (this incompetent crew can't manage to catch anything else than your average joe duper).

I just find it very weird that the average strenght is so much higher on one side compared to the other. Italiens speech about building accs he can shove up his ass, he aint the only one in the game who got accs on other versions to trade money, yet few persons manage to reach the unholy amounts his side got. Last version I had trader acc's, I had friends sending me money, I sold a few dc's and did most of the heist/raid/oc's and had sluggs on 24/7 yet I saw myself beaten by almost 1,500,000 bullets in the end of the version by atleast 4-5 persons in Righelli/lusa. Either they had some good hax, or they sold insane amount of dc's or had much luck in poker =).

You do know that the more you shoot the stronger you get, right? Try joining a family that shoots and suddenly your account will be stronger too. Just a guess.

Orly. I've never been in a family that have shot bullets my bad. I never had more than 300,000 bullets on hand the last version and ended the version with 1,500,000 bullets shot, but I don't have enough hax to reach 3,000,000 million bullets shot in a 2 month version like Righelli and lusa can manage to do, my bad.

stfu redspeert, u just suck, dont hate.

Yet you are dead.

Atleast you grew a spine since the last time, my dear chimpanzee. No more trash talking with a hidden name like the little coward you are? :p

Hows it going with the rage old chap, have you recived any professional help? Because last time I had a little friendly chat with you you seemed rather stressed.

[05:33:48] <14scarface> ur such a fuckin retard
[05:34:07] <14scarface> why u still talking to me?
[05:34:13] <14scarface> i told u on obnews to stfu
[05:34:21] <14scarface> always insulting others
[05:34:25] <14scarface> like wtf is ur problem??
[05:34:40] <14scarface> and on top of that, u fuckin leak us
[05:35:01] <14scarface> just STFU

that was 4 version ago, get over it..
Redspeert Syrian Arab Republic (15:43:22 - 23-04)
Link Quote
Scarface at 15:39:08 on 23/04:
Redspeert at 15:35:11 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 15:32:26 on 23/04:
Redspeert at 15:19:11 on 23/04:
The fam with the strongest hax always win the version, have been so forever. Apperently Righelli and their fellow comrades got some good juice latley, as they manage to build the strongest accs version after version while I cannot remember them making this kind of acc's lets say 2-3 years ago. But continue to deny it, it doesn't matter if you cheat or not aslong you aren't akilled for it (this incompetent crew can't manage to catch anything else than your average joe duper).

I just find it very weird that the average strenght is so much higher on one side compared to the other. Italiens speech about building accs he can shove up his ass, he aint the only one in the game who got accs on other versions to trade money, yet few persons manage to reach the unholy amounts his side got. Last version I had trader acc's, I had friends sending me money, I sold a few dc's and did most of the heist/raid/oc's and had sluggs on 24/7 yet I saw myself beaten by almost 1,500,000 bullets in the end of the version by atleast 4-5 persons in Righelli/lusa. Either they had some good hax, or they sold insane amount of dc's or had much luck in poker =).

You do know that the more you shoot the stronger you get, right? Try joining a family that shoots and suddenly your account will be stronger too. Just a guess.

Orly. I've never been in a family that have shot bullets my bad. I never had more than 300,000 bullets on hand the last version and ended the version with 1,500,000 bullets shot, but I don't have enough hax to reach 3,000,000 million bullets shot in a 2 month version like Righelli and lusa can manage to do, my bad.

stfu redspeert, u just suck, dont hate.

Yet you are dead.

Atleast you grew a spine since the last time, my dear chimpanzee. No more trash talking with a hidden name like the little coward you are? :p

Hows it going with the rage old chap, have you recived any professional help? Because last time I had a little friendly chat with you you seemed rather stressed.

[05:33:48] <14scarface> ur such a fuckin retard
[05:34:07] <14scarface> why u still talking to me?
[05:34:13] <14scarface> i told u on obnews to stfu
[05:34:21] <14scarface> always insulting others
[05:34:25] <14scarface> like wtf is ur problem??
[05:34:40] <14scarface> and on top of that, u fuckin leak us
[05:35:01] <14scarface> just STFU
Anonymous (15:40:59 - 23-04)
Link Quote
Redspeert at 15:19:11 on 23/04:
The fam with the strongest hax always win the version, have been so forever. Apperently Righelli and their fellow comrades got some good juice latley, as they manage to build the strongest accs version after version while I cannot remember them making this kind of acc's lets say 2-3 years ago. But continue to deny it, it doesn't matter if you cheat or not aslong you aren't akilled for it (this incompetent crew can't manage to catch anything else than your average joe duper).

Unbelievable, I can agree with Redspeert on something. I must have a seizure or a stroke or something. Or less likely, red said something smart.

Small correction though, sometimes the crew actually catches something. Usually this happens by the bug abuser getting too bold for their good, some snitch reporting on them (ok, usually this happens after a bug gets too known and is dropped by the first generation), or by some fluke.
But in well over 90% of the cases, they only catch the dumbest among the cheaters. Basically what I said earlier.
Scarface Canada (15:39:08 - 23-04)
Link Quote
Redspeert at 15:35:11 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 15:32:26 on 23/04:
Redspeert at 15:19:11 on 23/04:
The fam with the strongest hax always win the version, have been so forever. Apperently Righelli and their fellow comrades got some good juice latley, as they manage to build the strongest accs version after version while I cannot remember them making this kind of acc's lets say 2-3 years ago. But continue to deny it, it doesn't matter if you cheat or not aslong you aren't akilled for it (this incompetent crew can't manage to catch anything else than your average joe duper).

I just find it very weird that the average strenght is so much higher on one side compared to the other. Italiens speech about building accs he can shove up his ass, he aint the only one in the game who got accs on other versions to trade money, yet few persons manage to reach the unholy amounts his side got. Last version I had trader acc's, I had friends sending me money, I sold a few dc's and did most of the heist/raid/oc's and had sluggs on 24/7 yet I saw myself beaten by almost 1,500,000 bullets in the end of the version by atleast 4-5 persons in Righelli/lusa. Either they had some good hax, or they sold insane amount of dc's or had much luck in poker =).

You do know that the more you shoot the stronger you get, right? Try joining a family that shoots and suddenly your account will be stronger too. Just a guess.

Orly. I've never been in a family that have shot bullets my bad. I never had more than 300,000 bullets on hand the last version and ended the version with 1,500,000 bullets shot, but I don't have enough hax to reach 3,000,000 million bullets shot in a 2 month version like Righelli and lusa can manage to do, my bad.

stfu redspeert, u just suck, dont hate.
Redspeert Syrian Arab Republic (15:35:11 - 23-04)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 15:32:26 on 23/04:
Redspeert at 15:19:11 on 23/04:
The fam with the strongest hax always win the version, have been so forever. Apperently Righelli and their fellow comrades got some good juice latley, as they manage to build the strongest accs version after version while I cannot remember them making this kind of acc's lets say 2-3 years ago. But continue to deny it, it doesn't matter if you cheat or not aslong you aren't akilled for it (this incompetent crew can't manage to catch anything else than your average joe duper).

I just find it very weird that the average strenght is so much higher on one side compared to the other. Italiens speech about building accs he can shove up his ass, he aint the only one in the game who got accs on other versions to trade money, yet few persons manage to reach the unholy amounts his side got. Last version I had trader acc's, I had friends sending me money, I sold a few dc's and did most of the heist/raid/oc's and had sluggs on 24/7 yet I saw myself beaten by almost 1,500,000 bullets in the end of the version by atleast 4-5 persons in Righelli/lusa. Either they had some good hax, or they sold insane amount of dc's or had much luck in poker =).

You do know that the more you shoot the stronger you get, right? Try joining a family that shoots and suddenly your account will be stronger too. Just a guess.

Orly. I've never been in a family that have shot bullets my bad. I never had more than 300,000 bullets on hand the last version and ended the version with 1,500,000 bullets shot, but I don't have enough hax to reach 3,000,000 million bullets shot in a 2 month version like Righelli and lusa can manage to do, my bad.
Anonymous (15:32:26 - 23-04)
Link Quote
Redspeert at 15:19:11 on 23/04:
The fam with the strongest hax always win the version, have been so forever. Apperently Righelli and their fellow comrades got some good juice latley, as they manage to build the strongest accs version after version while I cannot remember them making this kind of acc's lets say 2-3 years ago. But continue to deny it, it doesn't matter if you cheat or not aslong you aren't akilled for it (this incompetent crew can't manage to catch anything else than your average joe duper).

I just find it very weird that the average strenght is so much higher on one side compared to the other. Italiens speech about building accs he can shove up his ass, he aint the only one in the game who got accs on other versions to trade money, yet few persons manage to reach the unholy amounts his side got. Last version I had trader acc's, I had friends sending me money, I sold a few dc's and did most of the heist/raid/oc's and had sluggs on 24/7 yet I saw myself beaten by almost 1,500,000 bullets in the end of the version by atleast 4-5 persons in Righelli/lusa. Either they had some good hax, or they sold insane amount of dc's or had much luck in poker =).

You do know that the more you shoot the stronger you get, right? Try joining a family that shoots and suddenly your account will be stronger too. Just a guess.
Redspeert Syrian Arab Republic (15:19:11 - 23-04)
Link Quote
The fam with the strongest hax always win the version, have been so forever. Apperently Righelli and their fellow comrades got some good juice latley, as they manage to build the strongest accs version after version while I cannot remember them making this kind of acc's lets say 2-3 years ago. But continue to deny it, it doesn't matter if you cheat or not aslong you aren't akilled for it (this incompetent crew can't manage to catch anything else than your average joe duper).

I just find it very weird that the average strenght is so much higher on one side compared to the other. Italiens speech about building accs he can shove up his ass, he aint the only one in the game who got accs on other versions to trade money, yet few persons manage to reach the unholy amounts his side got. Last version I had trader acc's, I had friends sending me money, I sold a few dc's and did most of the heist/raid/oc's and had sluggs on 24/7 yet I saw myself beaten by almost 1,500,000 bullets in the end of the version by atleast 4-5 persons in Righelli/lusa. Either they had some good hax, or they sold insane amount of dc's or had much luck in poker =).
Anonymous (15:14:45 - 23-04)
Link Quote
Anonymous 2x at 14:55:29 on 23/04:
Funny to read poople such as fenrir and Aart talking how holy they are about not abusing bugs.
Who abused health bug few versions ago ? Who was so desparte to use that bug just to try to win?
Who abused raid and money bug few versions ago ? And had bust scripts? And bought hacked/stolen dcs ?
And bought money etc,

Who abused money bug from poker and Blackjack etc ? Arent most if not all bugs used/abused by fams such as Righelli, faffie, lucchese/messina etc? Stop being retards and stop try blame eachother and say how u never abused bugs. You families killed this game with the bugs and unfair play style. We all know the history. Bunch of hypocrite's who ruined this game.

Peace out,
Maraz forever (15:12:38 - 23-04)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 15:03:11 on 23/04:
Maraz forever at 14:58:57 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 14:40:17 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 14:26:23 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 13:51:27 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 13:40:39 on 23/04:
lots of talking about bugs. but i wanna say something else. big difference between righelli/lucchese/vaffan ( and fams like them ) and other fams is in members. righelli/lucchese/vaffan are full of active members comparing to other fams. if you just take a look @ some turkish fams you will see a difference. turkish fams are usually full of low ontime accs ( most of them are dupes ) and tbh those accounts wont bring u advantage in wars cuz they're empty. sometimes even without a gun. only thing is that shooters have to spend 60k if accs are brugs. on the other hand righelli/lucchese/vaffan got lots of active members who invest their time and money in accounts.
if you go in war against R/L/V u know it wont be easy to kill their brugs+ . if you go in war against turkish fam u know that most likely there's 5-10 good accs u have to kill and everything else will be a piece of cake. i am not racist or something and you know that's the truth.
if ppl see that you did some good stuffs in past and like your way of playing sooner or later u will recruit some good players.faffie is a good example. i mean when they started some versions ago they were quite small fam. for some versions in a row they're one of the top fams. cuz they had some nice versions and recruited some good players since the start
oh there's so much talking about bugs now cuz some fams failed and they're upset a bit. there wasnt so much talking about bugs some days ago. let's be honest, plan wasnt the best one. with more balls ( some fams would shoot more and sooner and with adding at least 2 more fams to target ) maybe outcome would be a bit different.
omg this is hilarious. the only way they got to the level they were is because they cheated! plain and simple! whether it was a bust script, poker bug or other one. problem is, omerta admins wont do anything substantial about it because some of these people support their game even though its failing with each version. And aart you and Others who abuse the shit, whether its bustscript or w/e, you are just as bad as the admins who ruined the game with lackeys, no respect :r

dont forget Righeli-lucchese was use bug for money and 200-300 health.What is result of that? Righelli-luchese win 3 wersion,omerta lost alot players and old top...and what admins did? they are reset game ,when righeli-luchese finally die...affter this reset omerta is not same,have 2 side,righeli (chiter and turks dup ).We all know Righeli is started war ,coz admins found lottery bug,and they know if war happend ,will be not rollback or akill.SO RIGHELI IS WIN AGAIN !!!

ANd again, Righelli starts a war because of the lottery bug? Then please kind sir explain why JANNISARY and MARRAZINO highranks got Akilled for it?

Are u joke?
Jannisary (tyrion) cheat lottery bug and akilled.
Marazzino(fyuuv) akilled for dupe acc.
Now dont talk about Marazzino you idiots!

Alright, sorry then. Thought Maraz one was for same thing but atleast you clarified that Jannisary had the lottery bug and not Righelli

Also Righelli-Lucchese-Lusa-Aristocrats-Midgard
Dont think righ and bloods are clear :)
Anonymous (15:07:28 - 23-04)
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Anonymous at 14:59:17 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 00:38:29 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 00:28:29 on 23/04:
and why did shoot righelli to krays? !blame righelli

Krays shooting Righelli and their bloods isn't reason enough to shoot back?

Krays didnt shoot ever Righelli, you noob.

'and their bloods', some families actually shoot for them, you know
Anonymous (15:03:11 - 23-04)
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Maraz forever at 14:58:57 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 14:40:17 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 14:26:23 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 13:51:27 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 13:40:39 on 23/04:
lots of talking about bugs. but i wanna say something else. big difference between righelli/lucchese/vaffan ( and fams like them ) and other fams is in members. righelli/lucchese/vaffan are full of active members comparing to other fams. if you just take a look @ some turkish fams you will see a difference. turkish fams are usually full of low ontime accs ( most of them are dupes ) and tbh those accounts wont bring u advantage in wars cuz they're empty. sometimes even without a gun. only thing is that shooters have to spend 60k if accs are brugs. on the other hand righelli/lucchese/vaffan got lots of active members who invest their time and money in accounts.
if you go in war against R/L/V u know it wont be easy to kill their brugs+ . if you go in war against turkish fam u know that most likely there's 5-10 good accs u have to kill and everything else will be a piece of cake. i am not racist or something and you know that's the truth.
if ppl see that you did some good stuffs in past and like your way of playing sooner or later u will recruit some good players.faffie is a good example. i mean when they started some versions ago they were quite small fam. for some versions in a row they're one of the top fams. cuz they had some nice versions and recruited some good players since the start
oh there's so much talking about bugs now cuz some fams failed and they're upset a bit. there wasnt so much talking about bugs some days ago. let's be honest, plan wasnt the best one. with more balls ( some fams would shoot more and sooner and with adding at least 2 more fams to target ) maybe outcome would be a bit different.
omg this is hilarious. the only way they got to the level they were is because they cheated! plain and simple! whether it was a bust script, poker bug or other one. problem is, omerta admins wont do anything substantial about it because some of these people support their game even though its failing with each version. And aart you and Others who abuse the shit, whether its bustscript or w/e, you are just as bad as the admins who ruined the game with lackeys, no respect :r

dont forget Righeli-lucchese was use bug for money and 200-300 health.What is result of that? Righelli-luchese win 3 wersion,omerta lost alot players and old top...and what admins did? they are reset game ,when righeli-luchese finally die...affter this reset omerta is not same,have 2 side,righeli (chiter and turks dup ).We all know Righeli is started war ,coz admins found lottery bug,and they know if war happend ,will be not rollback or akill.SO RIGHELI IS WIN AGAIN !!!

ANd again, Righelli starts a war because of the lottery bug? Then please kind sir explain why JANNISARY and MARRAZINO highranks got Akilled for it?

Are u joke?
Jannisary (tyrion) cheat lottery bug and akilled.
Marazzino(fyuuv) akilled for dupe acc.
Now dont talk about Marazzino you idiots!

Alright, sorry then. Thought Maraz one was for same thing but atleast you clarified that Jannisary had the lottery bug and not Righelli
Anonymous (15:01:34 - 23-04)
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Maraz forever at 14:58:57 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 14:40:17 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 14:26:23 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 13:51:27 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 13:40:39 on 23/04:
lots of talking about bugs. but i wanna say something else. big difference between righelli/lucchese/vaffan ( and fams like them ) and other fams is in members. righelli/lucchese/vaffan are full of active members comparing to other fams. if you just take a look @ some turkish fams you will see a difference. turkish fams are usually full of low ontime accs ( most of them are dupes ) and tbh those accounts wont bring u advantage in wars cuz they're empty. sometimes even without a gun. only thing is that shooters have to spend 60k if accs are brugs. on the other hand righelli/lucchese/vaffan got lots of active members who invest their time and money in accounts.
if you go in war against R/L/V u know it wont be easy to kill their brugs+ . if you go in war against turkish fam u know that most likely there's 5-10 good accs u have to kill and everything else will be a piece of cake. i am not racist or something and you know that's the truth.
if ppl see that you did some good stuffs in past and like your way of playing sooner or later u will recruit some good players.faffie is a good example. i mean when they started some versions ago they were quite small fam. for some versions in a row they're one of the top fams. cuz they had some nice versions and recruited some good players since the start
oh there's so much talking about bugs now cuz some fams failed and they're upset a bit. there wasnt so much talking about bugs some days ago. let's be honest, plan wasnt the best one. with more balls ( some fams would shoot more and sooner and with adding at least 2 more fams to target ) maybe outcome would be a bit different.
omg this is hilarious. the only way they got to the level they were is because they cheated! plain and simple! whether it was a bust script, poker bug or other one. problem is, omerta admins wont do anything substantial about it because some of these people support their game even though its failing with each version. And aart you and Others who abuse the shit, whether its bustscript or w/e, you are just as bad as the admins who ruined the game with lackeys, no respect :r

dont forget Righeli-lucchese was use bug for money and 200-300 health.What is result of that? Righelli-luchese win 3 wersion,omerta lost alot players and old top...and what admins did? they are reset game ,when righeli-luchese finally die...affter this reset omerta is not same,have 2 side,righeli (chiter and turks dup ).We all know Righeli is started war ,coz admins found lottery bug,and they know if war happend ,will be not rollback or akill.SO RIGHELI IS WIN AGAIN !!!

ANd again, Righelli starts a war because of the lottery bug? Then please kind sir explain why JANNISARY and MARRAZINO highranks got Akilled for it?

Are u joke?
Jannisary (tyrion) cheat lottery bug and akilled.
Marazzino(fyuuv) akilled for dupe acc.
Now dont talk about Marazzino you idiots!

Marazzino are a bunch of cowardly assholes.
Anonymous (14:59:17 - 23-04)
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Anonymous at 00:38:29 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 00:28:29 on 23/04:
and why did shoot righelli to krays? !blame righelli

Krays shooting Righelli and their bloods isn't reason enough to shoot back?

Krays didnt shoot ever Righelli, you noob.
Maraz forever (14:58:57 - 23-04)
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Anonymous at 14:40:17 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 14:26:23 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 13:51:27 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 13:40:39 on 23/04:
lots of talking about bugs. but i wanna say something else. big difference between righelli/lucchese/vaffan ( and fams like them ) and other fams is in members. righelli/lucchese/vaffan are full of active members comparing to other fams. if you just take a look @ some turkish fams you will see a difference. turkish fams are usually full of low ontime accs ( most of them are dupes ) and tbh those accounts wont bring u advantage in wars cuz they're empty. sometimes even without a gun. only thing is that shooters have to spend 60k if accs are brugs. on the other hand righelli/lucchese/vaffan got lots of active members who invest their time and money in accounts.
if you go in war against R/L/V u know it wont be easy to kill their brugs+ . if you go in war against turkish fam u know that most likely there's 5-10 good accs u have to kill and everything else will be a piece of cake. i am not racist or something and you know that's the truth.
if ppl see that you did some good stuffs in past and like your way of playing sooner or later u will recruit some good players.faffie is a good example. i mean when they started some versions ago they were quite small fam. for some versions in a row they're one of the top fams. cuz they had some nice versions and recruited some good players since the start
oh there's so much talking about bugs now cuz some fams failed and they're upset a bit. there wasnt so much talking about bugs some days ago. let's be honest, plan wasnt the best one. with more balls ( some fams would shoot more and sooner and with adding at least 2 more fams to target ) maybe outcome would be a bit different.
omg this is hilarious. the only way they got to the level they were is because they cheated! plain and simple! whether it was a bust script, poker bug or other one. problem is, omerta admins wont do anything substantial about it because some of these people support their game even though its failing with each version. And aart you and Others who abuse the shit, whether its bustscript or w/e, you are just as bad as the admins who ruined the game with lackeys, no respect :r

dont forget Righeli-lucchese was use bug for money and 200-300 health.What is result of that? Righelli-luchese win 3 wersion,omerta lost alot players and old top...and what admins did? they are reset game ,when righeli-luchese finally die...affter this reset omerta is not same,have 2 side,righeli (chiter and turks dup ).We all know Righeli is started war ,coz admins found lottery bug,and they know if war happend ,will be not rollback or akill.SO RIGHELI IS WIN AGAIN !!!

ANd again, Righelli starts a war because of the lottery bug? Then please kind sir explain why JANNISARY and MARRAZINO highranks got Akilled for it?

Are u joke?
Jannisary (tyrion) cheat lottery bug and akilled.
Marazzino(fyuuv) akilled for dupe acc.
Now dont talk about Marazzino you idiots!
Anonymous (14:57:03 - 23-04)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 14:51:17 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 14:23:05 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 14:07:02 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 13:59:07 on 23/04:
who's shooting who tonight, or is it a lay day as no one has bullets left?

Templari Ofc
Tonight is the pussys night.... :D

lmao ..
did they shot 1 bullet already this version ???
I bet if they will , they gonna finish marraz , janni and co , becose most are bulletless and easy targets :DD

or maybe take annapolis , they have only illu as bloods and Illu is scare to dead to use 1 bullet :D

templari is marazz blood, so u can guess the targets ;)

Yeah made blood last night with marazzino
And yes 0 bullets shooted

Anonymous 2x (14:55:29 - 23-04)
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Funny to read poople such as fenrir and Aart talking how holy they are about not abusing bugs.
Who abused health bug few versions ago ? Who was so desparte to use that bug just to try to win?
Who abused raid and money bug few versions ago ? And had bust scripts? And bought hacked/stolen dcs ?
And bought money etc,

Who abused money bug from poker and Blackjack etc ? Arent most if not all bugs used/abused by fams such as Righelli, faffie, lucchese/messina etc? Stop being retards and stop try blame eachother and say how u never abused bugs. You families killed this game with the bugs and unfair play style. We all know the history. Bunch of hypocrite's who ruined this game.

Peace out,
Anonymous (14:51:56 - 23-04)
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Guevara at 14:29:26 on 23/04:
Aart at 12:21:28 on 23/04:
Guevara at 11:24:27 on 23/04:
No matter how much effort you put into it or how many families you have among you, in the end the ones cheating best, win. Armstrong 'won' the Tour de France 7 seven times in a row, Righelli might have 'won' last version and is 'winning' this one, it will always be a win without glory.

Aart & Italien, you can defend yourselves in any way, people from the outside will not believe you anyways. I have seen you two bug-abusing from nearby ( ) and back in those days your accounts weren't even that much stronger than the rest as they are the current round.

Yes, I'm a bad loser. And yes, me and others inside my family have cheated before as well. And if the crappyness of Omerta's developers allow you to, go for it. But please, don't fucking lie about it.

I also remember Aart and Saros being the first in line of promoting a while different kind of gamestyle. "No more pacting and gangbanging!". Well guys, you do realize that the way of teaming up with the strongest families, that contain alltogether 15 of out the 20 strongest accounts ingame, doesn't really help Omerta getting in that direction, right? You have basically forced all other families to team up and still have no chance. With one huge fucking war as a result and a version is done.

Lol just lol, not you too. I know discussions have never been your strongest point so let me briefly respond to you too:

don't fucking lie about it.

Not even 2 hours ago i typed the following:
Yes i bugged before and yes i know other people have bugs... I never denied any of that. Au contraire like you, i wont act like a petty bitch and point fingers on forums while beings part of the inner circle that knows more then most.

And yes, around 4.0 me, saros and some other tops (also rival tops) took an effort to change the gameplay. Simply because we were getting fed up with gangbangs and pacts. You allready forgot gravano pact vs righ/ls pact? The families you as catania always blooded both ways (nice and save).

Its not fams who shoot who fuck up this game dear Guevara, it's the fams who don't shoot...

The worst kind of fam is the family who watches their bloods fight.... and after a war picks of some easy targets without counter risk... but hey, i'm not pointing fingers here.

That was the reason we tried going for 1vs1. i cba'd now if they'll ever make it that way or not.
Now i'm kinda done here for today, you can continue with calling us cheat0rs again.

Didn't read your bug-abuse confession on time Aart, so guess that part was mostly directed to Italien who proclaimed that Lucchese/Sparta's success is just because of "experience, trading from other versions and having a big WARBANK". I know two Sparta's failed in backfire of a way weaker acc, is that also experience? No, your experience, which you definitely have, is just a minor cause of your war success this version. Actually, with godlike accs like you have everyone can fight wars and let people die from their backfire. The harder is it for families who have to fight AGAINST those godlike accs.

About your issue with Catania's blooding 'both ways', I can only say that that is pretty normal and something every family does (Lucchese blooding Lusa and Gambino last version; Aristocrats blooding Righelli and Velentza this version; Lusa/Midgard blooding Righelli and Faffie this version, etc...). No reason to bitch about Catania's blooding strategy if you take 5 bloods yourself after pledging for a maximum amount of 4 bloods. Guess every family does what it takes to stay "nice and safe".

Oh and the worst kind of family is the family who let its blood get shot without doing anything, especially if it concerns a blood that had jumped for and saved that family multiple times. But hey, neither I am pointing fingers here.

The pledge was for last version and Righelli stuck to it until they got gangbanged, should Righelli make themselves an easy target so other families can have their fun? I highly doubt you'd do that in their position so why should they? It's easy to whine now you're on the other side isn't it? You've proven useless time and time again and now you have to suck Marazzino balls to stay alive and where are they when you get shot? Let's not forget the time where you yourself mentioned 'not wanting to blood pact fams' and not even 20hours later you had slau's cock in your mouth with Impact.

Anyway, whatever floats your boat Guevara I'm pretty sure none of you used TeamViewer either when admins downed you, or are you finally going to be honest about that too since you said you don't fucking lie about it? Eventhough I know those akills were retarded but you still tried to feign innocence there so your hypocrisy has no end really.

And if the worst kind of family is a family that lets it's bloods get shot without doing anything then what the fuck is Morano's issue with Righelli shooting them for Midgard? Could you guys please stop contradicting yourself even for just a second? It makes you look as incompetent as your playing style.
Anonymous (14:51:17 - 23-04)
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Anonymous at 14:23:05 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 14:07:02 on 23/04:
Anonymous at 13:59:07 on 23/04:
who's shooting who tonight, or is it a lay day as no one has bullets left?

Templari Ofc
Tonight is the pussys night.... :D

lmao ..
did they shot 1 bullet already this version ???
I bet if they will , they gonna finish marraz , janni and co , becose most are bulletless and easy targets :DD

or maybe take annapolis , they have only illu as bloods and Illu is scare to dead to use 1 bullet :D

templari is marazz blood, so u can guess the targets ;)