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12-03 Payback
Author: MurderInc
Last updated: 4009d 16h 0m 54s ago by MurderInc
Comments: 52
Views: 24,205
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 4.5
Involved families: Psychonymous, Kamikaze
Psychonymous is shooting Kamikaze.
Moondark (Top Psychonymous): We found out Kamikaze paid Gancelli to attack Outlawz, so while we're waiting for the final action, it's nice to have some revanche and action and the same time

Kastor (Top Kamikaze): Filip or (dicanio ) sold us.. he was pissed off because in Kamikaze family his word and things he wanted to do wasnt done, and he wanted to people listen him, but he is nothing in Kamikaze so nobady listened him and nobady was doing what he said.. so his ego was hurted he was pissed.. and he come out whit 1 lie.. he said to Pschyanonimus that 1 of our founders Luca (Lucabrazzy) payed money to Ganceli to kill Outlowz.. but that is not truth.. but anyway Filip come out whit that lie and he talked shity stories with Psycho top and Filip sold us.. point of story is that Filip sold Kamikaze.. he is traitor.. and i hope he will rest in hell forever.. KUROSAWA POWER TO THE BONE.. and p.s. spelling of words: on OFF P.S. and personal note for Psychonymous: see you in next version ''friends''
War started on: 23:54:03 11-03-2014 War ended on: 09:38:25 12-03-2014
Bullet difference: -3,348,236 War duration: 9h 44m
Money difference: -$184,014,639 Players died: 46

Dead Families:
[Kamikaze] Family down on 08:31 12-03
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Kamikaze | swin: 0 | assa: 4 | lc: 9 | chief: 8 | brug: 15 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 316
Psychonymous | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 1 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 42
Total | swin: 0 | assa: 4 | lc: 9 | chief: 9 | brug: 16 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 358

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Fillip Serbia (20:23:12 - 13-03)
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I will try to explaing some things.Firsto of all,I knowt that not so many players really cares about Kastor and me,some tops know me,some others know Kastor,but let`s try ...
I had a lot of problems with Kastor in this version and I would lie if I say that I like him.What problems I had it's not so important and I will not talk about them in public,at the end there's no family or top of family without problems...
Kastor made nice story without any proof or log.He just wrote it on the beyond without thinking or asking anything.Psycho tops,if they are honest,can say did I said to them anything about Outlawz or did I said anything else to shot Kamikaze?I will not comment are rumors they heard were fake or real,I really don't care ...
Also I'm in great relationship with other tops in my family and I would never made action or move against them.
And at the end about war and Psycho action:
They know what they did and they also know that they broke friendship,but at the end,who really cares this is just a game,not a real life.It's all just part of the game...

Cheers to all players o/
Anonymous (19:32:36 - 12-03)
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bANJO at 09:47:06 on 12/03:
Anonymous at 02:44:23 on 12/03:
Anonymous at 02:38:53 on 12/03:
LOL,last version they came to us and cry,asked us for as1 ,and we put they.
And now,they shot us.
Ok moondark,be careful next version ;)

Pyschos have gained lots of respect for this shoot, so you better watch yourself ;)

How have they gained respect? They ruined a friendship with an ally and acted on a rumour.

When dealing with guys like Lucca, the rumour is most likely true ;)

Btw, love how Kuro are telling people from Psycho ''We know Filip told you what to say''
You gotta love KUROSAWA SAMURAIS <3 <3 <3
Chris Broussard (18:13:32 - 12-03)
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Chris Broussard at 17:57:23 on 12/03:
Chris Broussard at 17:56:15 on 12/03:
There are still a lot of famless Chiefs, LCs, Assa and Swindlers.. Lets continue to fight on the famless. #KeepThePeaceOmerta Campaign.

Colombo Chief 11/03/2014 17:54:06 OT (1D 0H 2M ago)
Kumteper Chief 11/03/2014 23:24:05 OT (0D 18H 32M ago)
Theonlyone Chief 12/03/2014 13:29:10 OT (0D 4H 27M ago)
Karasancak Chief 12/03/2014 14:37:06 OT (0D 3H 19M ago)
Bambara Chief 12/03/2014 17:50:03 OT (0D 0H 6M ago)

Faker Local Chief 13/02/2014 11:12:26 OT (27D 6H 45M ago)
Uninstaller Local Chief 25/02/2014 20:40:07 OT (14D 21H 17M ago)
Torchia Local Chief 26/02/2014 15:13:08 OT (14D 2H 44M ago)
Mucho Local Chief 04/03/2014 12:16:03 OT (8D 5H 41M ago)
Bernardo Local Chief 07/03/2014 13:07:07 OT (5D 4H 50M ago)
Marian Local Chief 08/03/2014 04:37:05 OT (4D 13H 20M ago)
Rocka Local Chief 09/03/2014 18:55:06 OT (2D 23H 2M ago)
Yurteri Local Chief 09/03/2014 21:05:13 OT (2D 20H 52M ago)
Hayratli Local Chief 10/03/2014 15:34:06 OT (2D 2H 23M ago)
Hamlet Local Chief 11/03/2014 09:38:10 OT (1D 8H 19M ago)
Ccc Local Chief 11/03/2014 22:25:05 OT (0D 19H 32M ago)
Crasher Local Chief 12/03/2014 14:46:08 OT (0D 3H 11M ago)
Aomine Local Chief 12/03/2014 15:09:25 OT (0D 2H 48M ago)
Temperature Local Chief 12/03/2014 15:30:27 OT (0D 2H 27M ago)
Jimmytwotoe Local Chief 12/03/2014 16:02:07 OT (0D 1H 55M ago)
Lmf Local Chief 12/03/2014 16:29:21 OT (0D 1H 28M ago)
Neidu Local Chief 12/03/2014 16:37:02 OT (0D 1H 20M ago)
Just Local Chief 12/03/2014 17:20:19 OT (0D 0H 37M ago)
Lagar Local Chief 12/03/2014 17:30:05 OT (0D 0H 27M ago)
Ivan Local Chief 12/03/2014 17:50:03 OT (0D 0H 7M ago)
Chris Broussard (17:57:23 - 12-03)
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Chris Broussard at 17:56:15 on 12/03:
There are still a lot of famless Chiefs, LCs, Assa and Swindlers.. Lets continue to fight on the famless. #KeepThePeaceOmerta Campaign.

Colombo Chief 11/03/2014 17:54:06 OT (1D 0H 2M ago)
Kumteper Chief 11/03/2014 23:24:05 OT (0D 18H 32M ago)
Theonlyone Chief 12/03/2014 13:29:10 OT (0D 4H 27M ago)
Karasancak Chief 12/03/2014 14:37:06 OT (0D 3H 19M ago)
Bambara Chief 12/03/2014 17:50:03 OT (0D 0H 6M ago)
Chris Broussard (17:56:15 - 12-03)
Link Quote
There are still a lot of famless Chiefs, LCs, Assa and Swindlers.. Lets continue to fight on the famless. #KeepThePeaceOmerta Campaign.
Anonymous (17:40:03 - 12-03)
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...next version i will kill you all .|. ... remenber karma is a bicth :)

and a noob can be much stronger next version, you traitors :D

so have fun for now ahahahahahah .|.
Anonymous (17:20:05 - 12-03)
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Bye homos, well deserved :w
Anonymous (14:06:40 - 12-03)
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Revenge is like the sweetest joy next to getting p....!!! _o_
Anonymous (14:02:50 - 12-03)
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Anonymous at 13:34:27 on 12/03:
so much hate going on in here..


its just a game.. chill

Well, do you think that normal people still play this game in 2014? Hell no, only people without lives are left.
Anonymous (13:54:48 - 12-03)
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Anonymous at 13:34:27 on 12/03:
so much hate going on in here..


its just a game.. chill

Anonymous (13:34:27 - 12-03)
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so much hate going on in here..


its just a game.. chill
Luccabrazzy (13:03:35 - 12-03)
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well cya next werz but psyho is not target :P kiss kiss beng beng
bANJO Australia (12:47:26 - 12-03)
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mmm at 11:18:03 on 12/03:
Criminal at 03:05:22 on 12/03:
Anonymous at 02:52:08 on 12/03:
I guess, next version this will be first war ?

i doubt that lol

No way any1 will shoot any1 without first firing a bullet at lucchese. It wont happen!

Nah Lucchese won't be shot at first.

Lucchese is like the Red Headed step child. Annoying, No one likes, everyone wants gone. but no one willing to be the one who has to use up bullets.
mmm Netherlands (11:18:03 - 12-03)
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Criminal at 03:05:22 on 12/03:
Anonymous at 02:52:08 on 12/03:
I guess, next version this will be first war ?

i doubt that lol

No way any1 will shoot any1 without first firing a bullet at lucchese. It wont happen!
bANJO Australia (09:47:06 - 12-03)
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Anonymous at 02:44:23 on 12/03:
Anonymous at 02:38:53 on 12/03:
LOL,last version they came to us and cry,asked us for as1 ,and we put they.
And now,they shot us.
Ok moondark,be careful next version ;)

Pyschos have gained lots of respect for this shoot, so you better watch yourself ;)

How have they gained respect? They ruined a friendship with an ally and acted on a rumour.

Anonymous (08:55:41 - 12-03)
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Anonymous at 08:46:04 on 12/03:
kuro will fuck psyho next version. I'm sure :D:D
Ha! Won't let them fuck me. I'll get the best of them by just not playing. Silly geese, outsmarted once again \o/
Anonymous (08:46:04 - 12-03)
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kuro will fuck psyho next version. I'm sure :D:D
Nakketikker (08:45:56 - 12-03)
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Audiowaste at 08:40:37 on 12/03:

mothafockah xd
Audiowaste Netherlands (08:40:37 - 12-03)
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Anonymous (08:36:58 - 12-03)
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Revenge is like the sweetest joy next to getting pussy _o_