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03-03 Breaking the silence
Author: mmm
Last updated: 4023d 22h 57m 22s ago by mmm
Comments: 98
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Version: 4.5
Involved families: Alcatraz, Gambino, Krays, Merovingians, Prophecy, Trafficante, Andoria, Lucchese, Lusa, Righelli
Andoria and Lusa seem to be under attack by Gambino, Alcatraz, Prophecy Trafficante and Krays

Lucchese & Righelli have joined the war to support Lusa by shooting Alcatraz.

Merovingians decided to join the attackers and shoots at Lusa, Righelli and Lucchese decide to counter on Merovingians too.

In the middle of the night Gambino starts targetting Righelli, they decide to fire back.

Trafficante now joins the fight and shoots at Righelli and Lusa.

In the morning Kamasutra from Merovingians shoots his Don Ferociousd and has hijacked the family.
bANJO (top Andoria): Been a family in the top 5 and only having 2 bloods we were always going to struggle to finish the version, with Lusa been shot at and our other blood going to bed. It was going to be hard to defend the attacking families. This attack was well executed, till prophecy don failed to kill me, i had no idea we were enemies. Credit to prophecy we didn't" see it coming. Rip All Andoria.

#news #beyond.info
War started on: 21:00:05 03-03-2014 War ended on: 05:53:07 05-03-2014
Bullet difference: -42,673,243 War duration: 1d 8h 53m
Money difference: -$2,066,208,106 Players died: 249

Dead Families:
[Gambino] Family down on 05:50 05-03
[Alcatraz] Family down on 16:06 04-03
[Merovingians] Family down on 12:51 04-03
[Andoria] Family down on 02:50 04-03
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Alcatraz | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 5 | brug: 25 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 438
Andoria | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 3 | chief: 4 | brug: 21 | cd: 4 | gf: 1 | points: 440
Gambino | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 7 | brug: 24 | cd: 5 | gf: 1 | points: 512
Krays | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 47
Lucchese | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 77
Lusa | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 3 | chief: 2 | brug: 20 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 295
Merovingians | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 12 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 206
Prophecy | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 5 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 67
Righelli | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 3 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 68
Trafficante | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 73
Total | swin: 3 | assa: 2 | lc: 10 | chief: 22 | brug: 118 | cd: 10 | gf: 7 | points: 2,223

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Anonymous (10:31:55 - 04-03)
Link Quote
:) at 10:29:37 on 04/03:
Merovingians decided to join the attackers and shoots at Lusa, Righelli and Lucchese decide to counter on Merovingians too.

nice info u have... If u dunno, dont post :|
so, tell the truth then...
Aart (10:31:31 - 04-03)
Link Quote
G at 10:22:12 on 04/03:
Aartje toch, foei!
hater ;(
:) (10:29:37 - 04-03)
Link Quote
Merovingians decided to join the attackers and shoots at Lusa, Righelli and Lucchese decide to counter on Merovingians too.

nice info u have... If u dunno, dont post :|
Mieke (10:25:42 - 04-03)
Link Quote
shell at 10:07:02 on 04/03:
Anonymous at 09:59:43 on 04/03:
Anonymous at 09:49:33 on 04/03:
Anonymous at 09:48:08 on 04/03:
Anonymous at 09:34:02 on 04/03:
mero got highjacked?
Yeah, stands Reds on their fam page

Logo says it all :')

I think that logo stands there to create homophobia awareness rather than anything else. So, it is for a good reason, give the dane your support for fighting for your right.

well... considering his/hers/its nick it's a selfie :P
G (10:22:12 - 04-03)
Link Quote
Aartje toch, foei!
shell (10:07:02 - 04-03)
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Anonymous at 09:59:43 on 04/03:
Anonymous at 09:49:33 on 04/03:
Anonymous at 09:48:08 on 04/03:
Anonymous at 09:34:02 on 04/03:
mero got highjacked?
Yeah, stands Reds on their fam page

Logo says it all :')

I think that logo stands there to create homophobia awareness rather than anything else. So, it is for a good reason, give the dane your support for fighting for your right.
Anonymous (10:05:48 - 04-03)
Link Quote
shell at 09:46:25 on 04/03:
Putin is to be blamed for this situation as well ?
No, according to all the ripps fam they say: Blame SheLL ;)
Anonymous (09:59:43 - 04-03)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 09:49:33 on 04/03:
Anonymous at 09:48:08 on 04/03:
Anonymous at 09:34:02 on 04/03:
mero got highjacked?
Yeah, stands Reds on their fam page

Logo says it all :')
Anonymous (09:49:33 - 04-03)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 09:48:08 on 04/03:
Anonymous at 09:34:02 on 04/03:
mero got highjacked?
Yeah, stands Reds on their fam page
Anonymous (09:48:08 - 04-03)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 09:34:02 on 04/03:
mero got highjacked?
shell (09:46:25 - 04-03)
Link Quote
Putin is to be blamed for this situation as well ?
Anonymous (09:35:11 - 04-03)
Link Quote

[Marazzino] Familybank: -$19,193,047 to $130,022,313
Anonymous (09:34:02 - 04-03)
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jax (09:06:41 - 04-03)
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Anonymous at 23:41:37 on 03/03:
Anonymous at 23:14:03 on 03/03:
hmm,did traffi will jump for their bloods alcatraz ?

Why? They opened fire themselves

explanation: traffi did what they had to do since last templari war:take care of andoria...and trafi succeeded. Alcatraz open fire on lusa together with other fam but did not take care of their back up...pitty ofc and rip to all shooters from both sides.
Zombie (06:47:03 - 04-03)
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Chris Broussard at 06:37:27 on 04/03:
Anonymous at 06:25:04 on 04/03:
does governing has bloods from the both sides ? is that the reason they stay neutral ?

Yes, governing is bloods with both Lusa and Alcatraz.. They will be strong enough (for now) to stay on their own after losing both bloods in this war.

Banjo.. Love your sportsmanship. Good sport. This war is for the good of the version.

VOGUE ALLIANCE.. What the hell are you waiting for?
IS this "The Chris Broussard" the one I follow on twitter a NBA basketball columnist?
Chris Broussard (06:37:27 - 04-03)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 06:25:04 on 04/03:
does governing has bloods from the both sides ? is that the reason they stay neutral ?

Yes, governing is bloods with both Lusa and Alcatraz.. They will be strong enough (for now) to stay on their own after losing both bloods in this war.

Banjo.. Love your sportsmanship. Good sport. This war is for the good of the version.

VOGUE ALLIANCE.. What the hell are you waiting for?
Anonymous (06:25:04 - 04-03)
Link Quote
does governing has bloods from the both sides ? is that the reason they stay neutral ?
bANJO Australia (04:29:02 - 04-03)
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Redspeert at 02:58:38 on 04/03:
Anonymous at 02:47:07 on 04/03:
did prophecy stop shooting?

Now we did.

nicely done, Till I had a failed kill msg in my inbox i had no idea we didn't like each other. :D
Anonymous (03:35:51 - 04-03)
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mission: to iritate Filip. :mission complete \o/
Anonymous (03:34:59 - 04-03)
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Filipe nemoj da zab, jos si mi duzan poljubac u ruku kao u filmu Godfather (1972) :D