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25-03 And another one! (updated)
Author: Montreal
Last updated: 4363d 20h 18m 47s ago by Smul
Comments: 281
Views: 92,231
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 4.0
Involved families: Ascension, Inzerillo, Krays, Licavoli, Samagono, Signoria, Spinoza, Valerio, Ataraxia, Campania, Fidelitas, Ilimitada, Leviticus, Lucchese, Marazzino, Persico, Pistoleros, Provenzano, Righelli, Tempestuoso, Transilvania, Vittoria
There are bullets flying, we're gathering info as bodies are dropping everywhere.

Several families are getting hit.

The perpetators of organised crime from London; Krays, is shooting at Fidelitas.
Licavoli doesn't enjoy having Fidelitas around and shoots at them.
After Lucchese countered at Krays, Licavoli is now also shooting at Lucchese!

Valerio is shooting some metal at Righelli, Righelli mobsters are dropping dead as we speak.

Ascension/Signoria are aiming at Leviticus, oh yes, they're pulling triggers too!
Also Provenzano is getting hit by the Ascension family.

In the meanwhile, Signoria is shooting at Ataraxia.

Inzerillo tommyguns sing the deadly song of rattling bullet shells, putting holes in Ilimitada mobsters.

We just got confirmation that Spinoza was also shooting at Righelli tonight, and may still be doing so.
Also Samagono is now confirmed to be shooting at Righelli.

The counters:

Lucchese is countering at Krays for Righelli.

Vittoria is countering on Valerio for Righelli aswell.

Pistoleros AND Transilvania are countering on Inzerillo for Ilimitada.

Tempestuoso is countering on Krays now, as Fidelitas and Righelli are both their bloods.

As five families have perished the scores of war show us that 3 of the defending families have died while the attacking families lost 2 - it has been approximately 75 minutes since the last family died. We're waiting to spectate some finishing blows and/or clean-up kills now.

Ascension and Signoria seem to be doing some attempts at cleaning up right now, as Lucchese is getting shot by Signoria and Ilimitada by Ascension mobsters.

We just got proof that Campania was also involved, shooting at Valerio last night.

The London crime family Krays who were one of the initiators of this massive war have been shot down at 13:37:15 Omerta Time, equalizing the scores of war.
Attacking families down: 3
Defending families down: 3

Righelli, who was targetted by the most families in this war; goes down as number 7 in the list of family deaths.

The aftermath of yesterday's war is going to make it a long night for a lot of mobsters, once again.

They're not done yet!
Marazzino and Lucchese seem to be shooting at Spinoza now, the first wave shows us the two attackers responsible as some died in backfire of Spinoza.

Vittoria and Campania picked up their tommyguns and are now shooting at Samagono.

Some Inzerillo mobsters are dropping dead aswell, but we don't know who's shooting them yet.

While a lot of bullets fly around, the don of Ilimitada has died and this makes them the 8th family to die in this big war.

The shoot-out between Lucchese/Marazzino versus Spinoza and Vittoria/Campania versus Samagono is over!

The attackers have taken both Spinoza and Samagono down, Samagono at approximately 03:30 AM Omerta Time and Spinoza 3 and a half hours later.

The question is, what now?

Got more interesting facts or info?
/q Roy | #beyond.info
Attacking families statements:

Lazial(Inzerillo): We as Inze tops want to extend our gratitude to our members for being awesome. We love you all, especially so does Rambo in a naughty way.
It was brought to my attention that Krays were bashed about backstabbing/betraying bloods. For what my words count that was something that they were unaware of and they should not be held responsible for it.

Grey(Valerio): Our bloods Spinoza asked us to shoot with them, and so we did. We got countered on by bloods of Spinoza, among others. It got a bit messy after that :)
Rip all! Nice war. & big thanks to all Valerians _o_

Haidro(Licavoli): First of all RIP to all Licavoli soldiers and we thank you guys for your input this version _O_ secondly I see that Krays is getting bashed for things they were unawere of, In this matter Krays is one of the few fams that respect such a thing as bloods. To think that they were a part of planning on own bloods is the tip of the iceberg of stupidity.

Dogukan(Ascension): The "blame-Ascension-season" has started it seems.
There is only one who can blame us here and that's Fidelitas.
If Ascension has the power to manipulate and direct all those families, why would they have waited so long to act?
We didn't call or include Krays into this war, their actions were not our idea, we simply told our other bloods (who aren't blooded with our targets) that we wanted to shoot those families and our was plan formed.

And to other people calling us huggers; would you attack mindlessly like a rabid dog when there is no one who would want to shoot with you?
Simply waste this potential by a mindless act?
There was even a smartass here who mentioned that "you have the power to shoot every fam 1 on 1, huggers". No shit Sherlock!
What would we do after 6-7 families start to counter against us?
Look at the wars we were in, can you see my bloods working together with us? Some of them kept us waiting since the day we became bloods.

When most of your bloods (again excluding Fidelitas): do not want to work with you, didn't share their ideas and goals with you, avoid making meetings over and over, backed out from wars at the last minute... When you understand that you are alone and gonna die alone waiting, you have 2 things to do:
1. Cry around about it, try to win sympathy and wait to die while they call you "suckers, you wasted this power".
2. Man up, and try to do something about it.
So blame us for choosing the 2nd option and trying to survive/make a profit like a mafia should do, instead of choosing 1st and try to be Honorable Knights of the Round table

Nice war.. and what an escalation! :) Rip all Krayzies / Licavoli's / Inzerillo's /Fidelitas, targets and jumping families, you all done great shooting last night.

It's kind of fun to see so many erroneous judgements in here,

Krays and Ascension did not organise this war together however both families had reasons to go to war against their targets.

A. Ascension did not backstab Fidelitas ---> They didn't plan on Fidelitas with Krays
B. Krays did not backstab Proven and Levi ---> They didn't plan on Proven and Levi with Asc.

Quite easy huh, both families also didn't play or use eachother, they solely tried to achieve their own goals.

Defending families statements:

Amorphis(Tempestuoso): Your offerings did not please the kitty, so we decided to shoot for our bloods Righelli and Fidelitas!

`Donalo(Leviticus): Thank you for all leviticus members who ranked back to try to make this version interesting. Also a big ty for Lucchese Righelli & Vittoria & also Fidelitas and Provenzano. Fams like these still manage to make this waste of time game worth playing. As for krays they betrayed two bloods for a cheap win. To them I say good luck in the future.

Italien-(Lucchese): Congrats to Ascension for winning the version, and a BIG thank you to our friends in Catania, Righelli, Marazzino, Leviticus, Provenzano, Vittoria, Trafficante _o_

Merki(Vittoria): We shot and died for our bloods and friends.

Aart(Righelli): Initially we thought we were being admin killed again for using bugs, then we noticed an even darker force was behind this. xoxo to all our friends

Zevs(Provenzano): A big thanks to our all members who stand with us vers after vers, and rank so hard for Provenzano. Once again we are on the dead fams wall, with all our true friends. Thank you Levi/Lucc/Trafi/Fide for a good version _o_ . And as for Krays... well played... i hope it was worth it. Gl to ya all o/

Eddard(Fidelitas): We apologize to everyone for the late top statement. We just finished killing families whom have tried to take us down. Our way was clear from the beginning of the version and we tried to move in that direction. We played to win the version but we wanted to win honorably.. but others don't care about honour when it comes to winning the version..

Thanks to Ilimitada, Leviticus, Provenzano, Righelli and special thanks to Tempestuoso o/
Rip all who died o/


Caliquela(Ilimitada): We want to say thanks to Pistoleros and Transilvania for the shooting they did much respect for that. Respect for Fidelitas. Too bad we got fucked in a war in which bloods participated.
War started on: 20:32:00 25-03-2013 War ended on: 09:56:00 28-03-2013
Bullet difference: -70,888,651 War duration: 2d 13h 24m
Money difference: -$5,167,032,236 Players died: 755

Dead Families:
[Inzerillo] Family down on 09:53 28-03
[Persico] Family down on 23:27 27-03
[Pistoleros] Family down on 23:12 27-03
[Spinoza] Family down on 07:03 27-03
[Samagono] Family down on 03:27 27-03
[Ilimitada] Family down on 23:09 26-03
[Righelli] Family down on 14:44 26-03
[Krays] Family down on 13:37 26-03
[Licavoli] Family down on 08:42 26-03
[Valerio] Family down on 04:17 26-03
[Ataraxia] Family down on 02:04 26-03
[Provenzano] Family down on 01:45 26-03
[Leviticus] Family down on 01:09 26-03
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Ascension | swin: 2 | assa: 2 | lc: 3 | chief: 5 | brug: 12 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 225
Ataraxia | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 6 | brug: 4 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 100
Campania | swin: 1 | assa: 2 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 16
Fidelitas | swin: 2 | assa: 3 | lc: 6 | chief: 10 | brug: 20 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 384
Ilimitada | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 8 | chief: 9 | brug: 19 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 398
Inzerillo | swin: 3 | assa: 7 | lc: 4 | chief: 9 | brug: 36 | cd: 2 | gf: 1 | points: 666
Krays | swin: 4 | assa: 5 | lc: 10 | chief: 17 | brug: 21 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 550
Leviticus | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 10 | brug: 22 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 389
Licavoli | swin: 2 | assa: 1 | lc: 3 | chief: 12 | brug: 27 | cd: 0 | gf: 3 | points: 572
Lucchese | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 4 | chief: 11 | brug: 17 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 330
Marazzino | swin: 0 | assa: 2 | lc: 0 | chief: 4 | brug: 4 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 91
Persico | swin: 3 | assa: 6 | lc: 6 | chief: 4 | brug: 6 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 199
Pistoleros | swin: 1 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 2 | brug: 13 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 229
Provenzano | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 6 | chief: 10 | brug: 20 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 393
Righelli | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 7 | chief: 22 | brug: 22 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 498
Samagono | swin: 1 | assa: 2 | lc: 3 | chief: 1 | brug: 7 | cd: 2 | gf: 0 | points: 164
Signoria | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 24
Spinoza | swin: 1 | assa: 2 | lc: 5 | chief: 5 | brug: 22 | cd: 0 | gf: 3 | points: 465
Tempestuoso | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 2 | chief: 1 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 36
Transilvania | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 2 | brug: 6 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 96
Valerio | swin: 2 | assa: 1 | lc: 2 | chief: 6 | brug: 9 | cd: 1 | gf: 1 | points: 237
Vittoria | swin: 0 | assa: 2 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 8 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 115
Total | swin: 24 | assa: 38 | lc: 71 | chief: 148 | brug: 297 | cd: 7 | gf: 13 | points: 6,177

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Anonymous (07:27:50 - 26-03)
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out of bulles --> animal

lol still alive.
Moesasji Netherlands (07:23:57 - 26-03)
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Well played Ascension, stabbing us and we still get the blame.
Anonymous (07:00:33 - 26-03)
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Anonymous at 06:18:48 on 26/03:
lol @ kraystops saying they didnt know. It would have been more believeable if you stated that at the start of the war not after the counter on you started. gl next round

The counter probably was already there before they quite knew what was going on. Just imagine that you have a war plan, start shooting and all of a sudden see dead bodies of two of your bloods with a few shooters of your backup plan as well. At that moment Lucchese already hired on Krays, while the tops had to fetch what was going on - a backstab of this sort is rather unheard of and quite extreme, so it may not have been the first thing to have come to their mind.

I'm just guessing, but knowing both Krays members and their tops pretty well, I don't believe they would've shot, knowing that their bloods would be shot as well. Also, I don't think they would lie about it to their fam members in their fam chan. Which would be the case, if they knew about the shooting of Prov/Levi.
Anonymous (06:27:47 - 26-03)
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Anonymous at 06:01:29 on 26/03:
Where is maraz?

Maraz has 3 bloods and all of them involved the war and shot by different fams.

shitty situation for them , if they help inze , they will fuck up lucc & righ , if they help lucc & righ then they will screw inze.

lets see what will happen , im also curious...
maddoxx (06:25:28 - 26-03)
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Rip Provenzano Soldiers _o_, cya next time dudes and dudettes
Anonymous (06:18:48 - 26-03)
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lol @ kraystops saying they didnt know. It would have been more believeable if you stated that at the start of the war not after the counter on you started. gl next round
Anonymous (06:01:29 - 26-03)
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Where is maraz?
isImportant? (05:47:00 - 26-03)
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To be honest, I dont understand any family that are bloods of ascension,

when they were vertigo, they wanted to kill their bloods to win the game,

now, they let fidelitas to be killed by krays although they knew it,

apperantly they played with krays too,

so what are people blooding with those people who cant come and play with same name?
Amproof United States (05:06:43 - 26-03)
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Stupid comments like the one below me aren't worth a response.

Yes, currently I think we got played by Ascension. Thats how the game works.

Had a great version, re-ranking now as it might not be over.

Remember its just a game, to many of you I would say you care a little too much. I have massive respect for all fallen krays soldiers and indeed to Fidelitas, who personally today showed themselves to be respectful victors.

Not often when I die, do I congratulate the shooter/s, but today was special and I was touched by the attitude of Fidelitas. I can't say but that I wish them well. ( I wish them well - in less complicated english)

Anonymous (04:59:36 - 26-03)
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once a backstabber always a backstabber.. Krays never changes its pussy style and plays in the unhonorable way since 2.5.. i see.
Anonymous (03:28:18 - 26-03)
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lol the war in here is almost more interesting than the one going on ing :D
Anonymous (03:23:16 - 26-03)
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!fw zevs
cheer up mate, its your problem if you dont believe us, we didnt shelter you guys to let you get shot up.
as i sayd always respected you and always will even if you feel like acting like a bum to me or krays.
it might be 1 stupid misstake to have acsen as a blood but i have to admit they did it well enough to get all sides cleared and move it over to krays being to blamed. shit happens and we all learn from it.
!Rank zevs

i really dont understand why you keep denying it when your own top Lidia admited you screwd us over.
mmfreak Netherlands (03:14:48 - 26-03)
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So at 03:09:21 on 26/03:
I lol'd ...

omfgawd u fckrz talk some shit :')

my mouse wheel just yawned ...

meh ...
* MMFreak is now known as MMSleap

there ya go saves you more scrolling :)

Gnight ppl and RIP all and those to come, probably RIP me too coz ppl love to get my sexy bumbum xd

So Australia (03:09:21 - 26-03)
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I lol'd ...

omfgawd u fckrz talk some shit :')

my mouse wheel just yawned ...

meh ...
Just_browsing (03:03:49 - 26-03)
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mmfreak at 02:54:04 on 26/03:
zevs at 02:43:46 on 26/03:
mmfreak at 02:37:19 on 26/03:
Anonymous at 02:33:41 on 26/03:
Amproof at 02:16:44 on 26/03:
Speaking as Krays Capo, we had no idea of Ascension's plan on our bloods Levi/Prov and when we saw their waves going down I was as ???? as the rest of the omerta world.

Believe me/us or not.

RIP to all those who died its a game, pick up those pieces and re-rank and quit bitching! :)

Enjoy irl too folks!

Lucchese is countering at Krays for Righelli. << lolwut?

"Lucchese is countering at Krays for Righelli."
it is more like:
"Luchesse is countering at Krays for Prov&Levi"
what also makes no sence but rofl

ye, i guess you Kraysies woudnt know about it...
!fw zevs
cheer up mate, its your problem if you dont believe us, we didnt shelter you guys to let you get shot up.
as i sayd always respected you and always will even if you feel like acting like a bum to me or krays.
it might be 1 stupid misstake to have acsen as a blood but i have to admit they did it well enough to get all sides cleared and move it over to krays being to blamed. shit happens and we all learn from it.
!Rank zevs

Dont talk with that guy, he knows nothing but to whine and bitch. Talk with their other tops is my advice son
mmfreak Netherlands (02:54:04 - 26-03)
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zevs at 02:43:46 on 26/03:
mmfreak at 02:37:19 on 26/03:
Anonymous at 02:33:41 on 26/03:
Amproof at 02:16:44 on 26/03:
Speaking as Krays Capo, we had no idea of Ascension's plan on our bloods Levi/Prov and when we saw their waves going down I was as ???? as the rest of the omerta world.

Believe me/us or not.

RIP to all those who died its a game, pick up those pieces and re-rank and quit bitching! :)

Enjoy irl too folks!

Lucchese is countering at Krays for Righelli. << lolwut?

"Lucchese is countering at Krays for Righelli."
it is more like:
"Luchesse is countering at Krays for Prov&Levi"
what also makes no sence but rofl

ye, i guess you Kraysies woudnt know about it...
!fw zevs
cheer up mate, its your problem if you dont believe us, we didnt shelter you guys to let you get shot up.
as i sayd always respected you and always will even if you feel like acting like a bum to me or krays.
it might be 1 stupid misstake to have acsen as a blood but i have to admit they did it well enough to get all sides cleared and move it over to krays being to blamed. shit happens and we all learn from it.
!Rank zevs
Amproof United States (02:47:26 - 26-03)
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Anonymous at 02:41:04 on 26/03:
Just_browsing at 02:33:02 on 26/03:
Amproof at 02:16:44 on 26/03:
Speaking as Krays Capo, we had no idea of Ascension's plan on our bloods Levi/Prov and when we saw their waves going down I was as ???? as the rest of the omerta world.

Believe me/us or not.

RIP to all those who died its a game, pick up those pieces and re-rank and quit bitching! :)

Enjoy irl too folks!

its the usual result of losing a family amproov, you cant expect less of Donalo and his comrades, they like doing whats called maximising....meaning they maximize other peoples actions and minimize theirs. Didnt expect nothing but to maximize on u guys. Though it looks like you guys knew, i believe ypu now since alot of ur tops on here have already mentioned that you didnt know.
But it most feel bad to get backstabbed by ascension and then ur bloods shouting at you eh?
Lessons lessons my son, learn from them :)

hell yeah, if you sleep with the devil, you get fucked hard in the ass.
They might have done it to revenge anachy, but who is gonna revenge the rest of the blood they got killed by bending over and letting Ascension fuck them so hard in the arse, that they will be in pain for versions
Anon - you just sound butthurt - keep talking about pain in the ass... it seems you have some yourself! ;)
Just_browsing - just how many sons do you have? :D - 'bout the rest of your comments - no comment... I've been out singing at a charity choir thingy past few hours need time to read logs/comments! But I know that Krays never screws their bloods over, and many times Krays declined war plans that would allow their bloods to be shot at.

as I said RIP all :)
zevs Serbia (02:43:46 - 26-03)
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mmfreak at 02:37:19 on 26/03:
Anonymous at 02:33:41 on 26/03:
Amproof at 02:16:44 on 26/03:
Speaking as Krays Capo, we had no idea of Ascension's plan on our bloods Levi/Prov and when we saw their waves going down I was as ???? as the rest of the omerta world.

Believe me/us or not.

RIP to all those who died its a game, pick up those pieces and re-rank and quit bitching! :)

Enjoy irl too folks!

Lucchese is countering at Krays for Righelli. << lolwut?

"Lucchese is countering at Krays for Righelli."
it is more like:
"Luchesse is countering at Krays for Prov&Levi"
what also makes no sence but rofl

ye, i guess you Kraysies woudnt know about it...
Anonymous (02:41:04 - 26-03)
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Just_browsing at 02:33:02 on 26/03:
Amproof at 02:16:44 on 26/03:
Speaking as Krays Capo, we had no idea of Ascension's plan on our bloods Levi/Prov and when we saw their waves going down I was as ???? as the rest of the omerta world.

Believe me/us or not.

RIP to all those who died its a game, pick up those pieces and re-rank and quit bitching! :)

Enjoy irl too folks!

its the usual result of losing a family amproov, you cant expect less of Donalo and his comrades, they like doing whats called maximising....meaning they maximize other peoples actions and minimize theirs. Didnt expect nothing but to maximize on u guys. Though it looks like you guys knew, i believe ypu now since alot of ur tops on here have already mentioned that you didnt know.
But it most feel bad to get backstabbed by ascension and then ur bloods shouting at you eh?
Lessons lessons my son, learn from them :)

hell yeah, if you sleep with the devil, you get fucked hard in the ass.
They might have done it to revenge anachy, but who is gonna revenge the rest of the blood they got killed by bending over and letting Ascension fuck them so hard in the arse, that they will be in pain for versions
mmfreak Netherlands (02:37:19 - 26-03)
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Anonymous at 02:33:41 on 26/03:
Amproof at 02:16:44 on 26/03:
Speaking as Krays Capo, we had no idea of Ascension's plan on our bloods Levi/Prov and when we saw their waves going down I was as ???? as the rest of the omerta world.

Believe me/us or not.

RIP to all those who died its a game, pick up those pieces and re-rank and quit bitching! :)

Enjoy irl too folks!

Lucchese is countering at Krays for Righelli. << lolwut?

"Lucchese is countering at Krays for Righelli."
it is more like:
"Luchesse is countering at Krays for Prov&Levi"
what also makes no sence but rofl