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20-01 Its raining money!
Author: Redspeert
Last updated: 4440d 9h 11m 37s ago by MrWhite
Comments: 173
Views: 78,172
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Version: 3.52
Apparently the bugs are not fixed because tonight alot of players have recived 50,000,000 (50 millions) from a player named Rodrigo.

He have also have hitlisted people for over 4 billions per person.

Alot of people have joined #help at irc to get help with this issue, but as usual, there is no help to be found there as the only crew member around is a mere profile checker. It seems the profile checker called the highcommand, as Misshysteria is online now and is removing hitlists.

So the question is, how bugged is this game really? Will we see a rollback tomorrow? Will they close to game to fix these bugs? Time will tell.

UPDATE: This bug is the same bug as the ones in Righelli and Lucchese got akilled for.

"It's by the hitlist. You want to hitlist a thief?

Have 900k in pocket( minimum amount for hitlisting a thief)

Fill in 900000e+6 and enjoy

Message from Rodrigo.

Some might say it was not necessary to post his message here, but for the greater good of omerta its best so everyone can see it, so maybe something will be done about his bugfest.

Image shows the money spike.
And the logger shows:

21,474,361,711 @ 2013-01-20 01:51:00 (+6,448,482,556, +42.92%)
24,674,063,765 @ 2013-01-20 03:20:01 (+3,403,560,023, +16%)
21,112,615,093 @ 2013-01-20 04:49:00 (-2,869,298,484, -11.96%)
17,973,262,566 @ 2013-01-20 05:14:00 (-3,139,352,527, -14.87%)
16,600,519,290 @ 2013-01-20 05:39:01 (-1,372,743,276, -7.64%)
15,422,257,482 @ 2013-01-20 06:02:00 (-1,178,261,808, -7.1%)
15,008,796,873 @ 2013-01-20 06:34:01 (-413,460,609, -2.68%)
16,681,588,221 @ 2013-01-21 03:15:01 (+1,002,902,286, +6.4%)
17,802,080,229 @ 2013-01-21 03:34:01 (+1,120,492,008, +6.72%)
17,097,477,619 2013-01-21 20:35:01 -1,495,592,293, -8.04%
19,406,513,279 2013-01-22 13:38:00 1,517,546,579, +8.48%
18,425,730,391 2013-01-22 14:03:00 -1,035,385,670, -5.32%

To: Amount: Time: Transfer detail
Fernandoxx $50,000,000 20-01-2013 02:00:58 none
Fernandoxx $7,000,000 20-01-2013 02:00:38 none
Giuseppe $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:59:12 none
Munazaraci $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:55:24 none
Jezivi $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:55:15 none
Meloberto $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:55:08 none
Sephidi $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:55:02 none
Kenny $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:54:55 none
Yanni $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:54:50 none
Srbin $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:54:45 none
Inna $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:54:40 none
Provenzano $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:54:35 none
Castro $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:54:29 none
Diamond $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:54:22 none
Somun $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:54:15 none
Drezik $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:54:03 none
Obey $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:53:57 none
Kentphonik $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:52:10 none
Korotkov $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:51:45 none
Dutchsoul $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:51:39 none
Yara $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:51:30 none
Drara $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:51:25 none
Ancelotti $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:51:19 none
Hysteria $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:51:14 none
Sancho $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:51:05 none
Kdash $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:50:58 none
Perqa $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:50:52 none
Lilmiss $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:50:46 none
Neversaydie $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:50:39 none
Wilma $50,000,000 20-01-2013 01:50:34 none

[03:26:47] <04%Kicksterman> I'll be sending a report as I said to chris to one of the higher members of the crew
[03:26:53] <04%Kicksterman> tomorrow this will be delt with properly

/q Wallenstein if you have more information about this subject.

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Saros`away Netherlands (20:48:55 - 28-01)
Link Quote
Mcgee at 20:33:53 on 28/01:
People justify cheating as ok on a GAME.
This isn't real life.

That's whats wrong with this game, its the people who play it. You ever wonder why admins act in a way they do?

Shit community, all about flags, exploiting a fragile game to get an edge to win what I have no idea, nobody really sees it as an Italian Mafia game anymore, people follow and afraid of "RIH" posts. Probably trying to get an Omerta Wife, so your dick shrinks even more when your online.
That bitch won't fuck you, she just wants to feel special and uses you like a robot dildo, almost like that South Park episode with cartmans mom and her attention toy.

Ill tell a bitch like this...Skank you say you like me, but you won't fuck me? Tits or GTFO whore.

Go in mIRC, and say your a new member looking for a capo or somebody to teach you how to play (roleplaying) an Italian Mafia game.

All you'll see is faggots looking for attention with irc bots, getting horny over women 500 miles away, and idlers who are exploiting the game to ruin it for others and whining in help.

This community went to shit. You people are lucky admins even keep this game up, because I know the day they take it down, you'll all be crying like fucking smeagol losing his ring.
Then what are you going to cheat in? Something else where if you got caught you'd get ur ass beat or thrown out of competition cause u aint got no respect?

Sure, real gangster to cheat on a nerd game, go do it in the real world.

You, shut the fuck up.
Mcgee United States (20:33:53 - 28-01)
Link Quote
People justify cheating as ok on a GAME.
This isn't real life.

That's whats wrong with this game, its the people who play it. You ever wonder why admins act in a way they do?

Shit community, all about flags, exploiting a fragile game to get an edge to win what I have no idea, nobody really sees it as an Italian Mafia game anymore, people follow and afraid of "RIH" posts. Probably trying to get an Omerta Wife, so your dick shrinks even more when your online.
That bitch won't fuck you, she just wants to feel special and uses you like a robot dildo, almost like that South Park episode with cartmans mom and her attention toy.

Ill tell a bitch like this...Skank you say you like me, but you won't fuck me? Tits or GTFO whore.

Go in mIRC, and say your a new member looking for a capo or somebody to teach you how to play (roleplaying) an Italian Mafia game.

All you'll see is faggots looking for attention with irc bots, getting horny over women 500 miles away, and idlers who are exploiting the game to ruin it for others and whining in help.

This community went to shit. You people are lucky admins even keep this game up, because I know the day they take it down, you'll all be crying like fucking smeagol losing his ring.
Then what are you going to cheat in? Something else where if you got caught you'd get ur ass beat or thrown out of competition cause u aint got no respect?

Sure, real gangster to cheat on a nerd game, go do it in the real world.
Mcgee United States (19:43:11 - 28-01)
Link Quote
zeveroare at 08:43:26 on 22/01:
Amproof at 03:15:13 on 22/01:
Mcgee at 22:34:43 on 21/01:
You people as players are responsible to keep this game alive, it has to do with the roleplaying not the brick foundation of the game itself. The admins can only design a game and write mafia quotes to "mould" a respectable Omerta Gangster, only the community can actualy teach them how to play.
So when you go and exploit bugs, you discredit yourself, you descredit your family, and you ruin the game for everyone who plays as well.
But hey this shit goes on even on PS3 networking, I remember the network went down cause of hackers finding a weakness. Couldn't log in to play Madden with my old military friends.

Who gives a fuck about starting a Holy War against admins, just log off and go find another game their has to be a trillion of them out there by now.
Or do what I do, go on free dating sites and harass Milfs, believe me when you bother them enough they eventualy wanna bang xD Just stay away from the young girls, it's pretty creepy if they need to be online looking for some cwack.

Over n Out, fellow worthless faggot retarded idiots

Humans are inherently bad/wrong/evil and will abuse/decieve/hack/do anything they can that is detrimental to both games and society if they thought they can get away with it.

Its the fear that they cant' get away with it that prevents a lot of people from committing crimes.

You see this and then you see that american flag...

It is knowing something is wrong that prevents people from committing crimes, not the fear they can get caught.

Yeah you see my American Flag, that means I fuck your women and kick your ass.

The fuck do I care about cheating on a dork faggot text game to get an edge over others.
Talking about my flag, kid Ill leave you bloody in the streets. Without even caring, no emotions.
What the fuck did you ever do for your flag?

Bringing me into this nationality shit posting on this idiot fucking site, kid you don't know me.
All you know is posting shit here will prevent you from getting 11 stiches on your fucking head by saying it to my face.
Anonymous (17:45:36 - 25-01)
Link Quote for those who wanna play that omerta game.
gode Turkey (14:17:50 - 23-01)
Link Quote
my message is deleted, i dont know why.

as i mentioned in deleted message, if akills are turk players racist comments popup. i'm very happy that turks not involved in that bug abuses.
Anonymous (10:17:50 - 22-01)
Link Quote
Saros`away at 09:01:37 on 22/01:
zeveroare at 08:43:26 on 22/01:
Amproof at 03:15:13 on 22/01:
Mcgee at 22:34:43 on 21/01:
You people as players are responsible to keep this game alive, it has to do with the roleplaying not the brick foundation of the game itself. The admins can only design a game and write mafia quotes to "mould" a respectable Omerta Gangster, only the community can actualy teach them how to play.
So when you go and exploit bugs, you discredit yourself, you descredit your family, and you ruin the game for everyone who plays as well.
But hey this shit goes on even on PS3 networking, I remember the network went down cause of hackers finding a weakness. Couldn't log in to play Madden with my old military friends.

Who gives a fuck about starting a Holy War against admins, just log off and go find another game their has to be a trillion of them out there by now.
Or do what I do, go on free dating sites and harass Milfs, believe me when you bother them enough they eventualy wanna bang xD Just stay away from the young girls, it's pretty creepy if they need to be online looking for some cwack.

Over n Out, fellow worthless faggot retarded idiots

Humans are inherently bad/wrong/evil and will abuse/decieve/hack/do anything they can that is detrimental to both games and society if they thought they can get away with it.

Its the fear that they cant' get away with it that prevents a lot of people from committing crimes.

You see this and then you see that american flag...

It is knowing something is wrong that prevents people from committing crimes, not the fear they can get caught.

History would beg to differ though my dear friend. Espescially during war time, where things that normally would be a despicable crime are suddenly all fair game to the 'enemy'.

Morals tend to fade away quickly given the right circumstances. While I don't think humans are inherently 'evil' (Which is a subjective term on itself) the man certainly has a point.

"What an ugly beast is the ape, and how like us." - Cicero


Saros`away Netherlands (09:01:37 - 22-01)
Link Quote
zeveroare at 08:43:26 on 22/01:
Amproof at 03:15:13 on 22/01:
Mcgee at 22:34:43 on 21/01:
You people as players are responsible to keep this game alive, it has to do with the roleplaying not the brick foundation of the game itself. The admins can only design a game and write mafia quotes to "mould" a respectable Omerta Gangster, only the community can actualy teach them how to play.
So when you go and exploit bugs, you discredit yourself, you descredit your family, and you ruin the game for everyone who plays as well.
But hey this shit goes on even on PS3 networking, I remember the network went down cause of hackers finding a weakness. Couldn't log in to play Madden with my old military friends.

Who gives a fuck about starting a Holy War against admins, just log off and go find another game their has to be a trillion of them out there by now.
Or do what I do, go on free dating sites and harass Milfs, believe me when you bother them enough they eventualy wanna bang xD Just stay away from the young girls, it's pretty creepy if they need to be online looking for some cwack.

Over n Out, fellow worthless faggot retarded idiots

Humans are inherently bad/wrong/evil and will abuse/decieve/hack/do anything they can that is detrimental to both games and society if they thought they can get away with it.

Its the fear that they cant' get away with it that prevents a lot of people from committing crimes.

You see this and then you see that american flag...

It is knowing something is wrong that prevents people from committing crimes, not the fear they can get caught.

History would beg to differ though my dear friend. Espescially during war time, where things that normally would be a despicable crime are suddenly all fair game to the 'enemy'.

Morals tend to fade away quickly given the right circumstances. While I don't think humans are inherently 'evil' (Which is a subjective term on itself) the man certainly has a point.
zeveroare Belgium (08:43:26 - 22-01)
Link Quote
Amproof at 03:15:13 on 22/01:
Mcgee at 22:34:43 on 21/01:
You people as players are responsible to keep this game alive, it has to do with the roleplaying not the brick foundation of the game itself. The admins can only design a game and write mafia quotes to "mould" a respectable Omerta Gangster, only the community can actualy teach them how to play.
So when you go and exploit bugs, you discredit yourself, you descredit your family, and you ruin the game for everyone who plays as well.
But hey this shit goes on even on PS3 networking, I remember the network went down cause of hackers finding a weakness. Couldn't log in to play Madden with my old military friends.

Who gives a fuck about starting a Holy War against admins, just log off and go find another game their has to be a trillion of them out there by now.
Or do what I do, go on free dating sites and harass Milfs, believe me when you bother them enough they eventualy wanna bang xD Just stay away from the young girls, it's pretty creepy if they need to be online looking for some cwack.

Over n Out, fellow worthless faggot retarded idiots

Humans are inherently bad/wrong/evil and will abuse/decieve/hack/do anything they can that is detrimental to both games and society if they thought they can get away with it.

Its the fear that they cant' get away with it that prevents a lot of people from committing crimes.

You see this and then you see that american flag...

It is knowing something is wrong that prevents people from committing crimes, not the fear they can get caught.
Anonymous (08:24:41 - 22-01)
Link Quote
Mcgee at 22:34:43 on 21/01:

You people as players are responsible to keep this game alive, it has to do with the roleplaying not the brick foundation of the game itself. The admins can only design a game and write mafia quotes to "mould" a respectable Omerta Gangster, only the community can actualy teach them how to play.
So when you go and exploit bugs, you discredit yourself, you descredit your family, and you ruin the game for everyone who plays as well.
But hey this shit goes on even on PS3 networking, I remember the network went down cause of hackers finding a weakness. Couldn't log in to play Madden with my old military friends.

Who gives a fuck about starting a Holy War against admins, just log off and go find another game their has to be a trillion of them out there by now.
Or do what I do, go on free dating sites and harass Milfs, believe me when you bother them enough they eventualy wanna bang xD Just stay away from the young girls, it's pretty creepy if they need to be online looking for some cwack.

Over n Out, fellow worthless faggot retarded idiots

first of all, you are contradicting yourself (see: bolded parts)

there's nothing wrong with trying to do smth for the game you like and want to continue to play it
as you said it yourself, and then said complete opposite of it :')

maybe "admins can only design a game", but they have to keep designing it all the time

and that Madden reference makes me think you've been caring all this long enough to read older msgs yourself..

so I wonder who do you think you are to call people "worthless faggot retarded idiots"?
just keep masturbating at old milfs over webcam, cool ex-army-guy :'')

Saros`away at 07:02:41 on 22/01:
Amproof at 03:15:13 on 22/01:Humans are inherently bad/wrong/evil and will abuse/decieve/hack/do anything they can that is detrimental to both games and society if they thought they can get away with it.

Its the fear that they cant' get away with it that prevents a lot of people from committing crimes.

But, if it is our nature to do such things, can we still consider it 'wrong' or 'evil'? Maybe we just exceed at using our opportunities?¿

all true story
but a whole different story :D

if you're going that way, the situtation here is like, some douche fucked your mother and sister,
and you learnt about all the details of that, and now you have a good chance to kick his ass..

should you now accept his nature and forgive/forget whole thing,
or should you just beat the shit of him :')

ps. I'm just making a point, ofc, I dont mean anythin about anyone's mother/sister xD

Saros`away Netherlands (07:02:41 - 22-01)
Link Quote
Amproof at 03:15:13 on 22/01:
Mcgee at 22:34:43 on 21/01:
You people as players are responsible to keep this game alive, it has to do with the roleplaying not the brick foundation of the game itself. The admins can only design a game and write mafia quotes to "mould" a respectable Omerta Gangster, only the community can actualy teach them how to play.
So when you go and exploit bugs, you discredit yourself, you descredit your family, and you ruin the game for everyone who plays as well.
But hey this shit goes on even on PS3 networking, I remember the network went down cause of hackers finding a weakness. Couldn't log in to play Madden with my old military friends.

Who gives a fuck about starting a Holy War against admins, just log off and go find another game their has to be a trillion of them out there by now.
Or do what I do, go on free dating sites and harass Milfs, believe me when you bother them enough they eventualy wanna bang xD Just stay away from the young girls, it's pretty creepy if they need to be online looking for some cwack.

Over n Out, fellow worthless faggot retarded idiots

Humans are inherently bad/wrong/evil and will abuse/decieve/hack/do anything they can that is detrimental to both games and society if they thought they can get away with it.

Its the fear that they cant' get away with it that prevents a lot of people from committing crimes.

But, if it is our nature to do such things, can we still consider it 'wrong' or 'evil'? Maybe we just exceed at using our opportunities?¿
Amproof United States (03:15:13 - 22-01)
Link Quote
Mcgee at 22:34:43 on 21/01:
You people as players are responsible to keep this game alive, it has to do with the roleplaying not the brick foundation of the game itself. The admins can only design a game and write mafia quotes to "mould" a respectable Omerta Gangster, only the community can actualy teach them how to play.
So when you go and exploit bugs, you discredit yourself, you descredit your family, and you ruin the game for everyone who plays as well.
But hey this shit goes on even on PS3 networking, I remember the network went down cause of hackers finding a weakness. Couldn't log in to play Madden with my old military friends.

Who gives a fuck about starting a Holy War against admins, just log off and go find another game their has to be a trillion of them out there by now.
Or do what I do, go on free dating sites and harass Milfs, believe me when you bother them enough they eventualy wanna bang xD Just stay away from the young girls, it's pretty creepy if they need to be online looking for some cwack.

Over n Out, fellow worthless faggot retarded idiots

Humans are inherently bad/wrong/evil and will abuse/decieve/hack/do anything they can that is detrimental to both games and society if they thought they can get away with it.

Its the fear that they cant' get away with it that prevents a lot of people from committing crimes.
Redspeert Syrian Arab Republic (23:51:47 - 21-01)
Link Quote
Mcgee at 22:34:43 on 21/01:
You people as players are responsible to keep this game alive, it has to do with the roleplaying not the brick foundation of the game itself. The admins can only design a game and write mafia quotes to "mould" a respectable Omerta Gangster, only the community can actualy teach them how to play.
So when you go and exploit bugs, you discredit yourself, you descredit your family, and you ruin the game for everyone who plays as well.
But hey this shit goes on even on PS3 networking, I remember the network went down cause of hackers finding a weakness. Couldn't log in to play Madden with my old military friends.

Who gives a fuck about starting a Holy War against admins, just log off and go find another game their has to be a trillion of them out there by now.
Or do what I do, go on free dating sites and harass Milfs, believe me when you bother them enough they eventualy wanna bang xD Just stay away from the young girls, it's pretty creepy if they need to be online looking for some cwack.

Over n Out, fellow worthless faggot retarded idiots

Anonymous (23:17:47 - 21-01)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 22:59:37 on 21/01:
klementino at 18:51:26 on 21/01:
Saros`away at 18:32:44 on 20/01:
Rix at 18:28:07 on 20/01:
Anonymous at 18:24:52 on 20/01:
counselor at 18:03:55 on 20/01:
Anonymous at 17:39:55 on 20/01:
The reason they seems to do anything is because they're working on a new layout for Omerta.

Ror a hot-dog stand...

I got a better one!

-Commite a Crime- in the left, under the gun xD

*commit :')

What about "you can do a crime right a way".

It was probably better if they just used Lorem Ipsum for their mockups xD

"Extorse A Kindergarten"

And what about the background wallpaper, it's mafia II xD

I knew it I had seen it somewhere! But Brando doesn't seem to mind...It is his Facebook cover! Bu then again, Aboout Himself:I love my job and fight to improve Omerta all of the time. I am passionate about free-to-play and deeply hostile to cheats. These are my private pages but please feel free to add your own, non-flamey reflections on the best Mafia themed game on the web!

Deeply hostile, you hear? DEEPLY! I wonder what would happen if he wasn't :')

non-flamey, would be nice if Brando would apply the same standards to himself when starting a conversation.
Anonymous (23:00:28 - 21-01)
Link Quote
Mcgee at 22:34:43 on 21/01:
You people as players are responsible to keep this game alive, it has to do with the roleplaying not the brick foundation of the game itself. The admins can only design a game and write mafia quotes to "mould" a respectable Omerta Gangster, only the community can actualy teach them how to play.
So when you go and exploit bugs, you discredit yourself, you descredit your family, and you ruin the game for everyone who plays as well.
But hey this shit goes on even on PS3 networking, I remember the network went down cause of hackers finding a weakness. Couldn't log in to play Madden with my old military friends.

Who gives a fuck about starting a Holy War against admins, just log off and go find another game their has to be a trillion of them out there by now.
Or do what I do, go on free dating sites and harass Milfs, believe me when you bother them enough they eventualy wanna bang xD Just stay away from the young girls, it's pretty creepy if they need to be online looking for some cwack.

Over n Out, fellow worthless faggot retarded idiots

yeah thanks for the input now go jack off
Anonymous (22:59:37 - 21-01)
Link Quote
klementino at 18:51:26 on 21/01:
Saros`away at 18:32:44 on 20/01:
Rix at 18:28:07 on 20/01:
Anonymous at 18:24:52 on 20/01:
counselor at 18:03:55 on 20/01:
Anonymous at 17:39:55 on 20/01:
The reason they seems to do anything is because they're working on a new layout for Omerta.

Ror a hot-dog stand...

I got a better one!

-Commite a Crime- in the left, under the gun xD

*commit :')

What about "you can do a crime right a way".

It was probably better if they just used Lorem Ipsum for their mockups xD

"Extorse A Kindergarten"

And what about the background wallpaper, it's mafia II xD

I knew it I had seen it somewhere! But Brando doesn't seem to mind...It is his Facebook cover! Bu then again, Aboout Himself:I love my job and fight to improve Omerta all of the time. I am passionate about free-to-play and deeply hostile to cheats. These are my private pages but please feel free to add your own, non-flamey reflections on the best Mafia themed game on the web!

Deeply hostile, you hear? DEEPLY! I wonder what would happen if he wasn't :')
Mcgee United States (22:34:43 - 21-01)
Link Quote
You people as players are responsible to keep this game alive, it has to do with the roleplaying not the brick foundation of the game itself. The admins can only design a game and write mafia quotes to "mould" a respectable Omerta Gangster, only the community can actualy teach them how to play.
So when you go and exploit bugs, you discredit yourself, you descredit your family, and you ruin the game for everyone who plays as well.
But hey this shit goes on even on PS3 networking, I remember the network went down cause of hackers finding a weakness. Couldn't log in to play Madden with my old military friends.

Who gives a fuck about starting a Holy War against admins, just log off and go find another game their has to be a trillion of them out there by now.
Or do what I do, go on free dating sites and harass Milfs, believe me when you bother them enough they eventualy wanna bang xD Just stay away from the young girls, it's pretty creepy if they need to be online looking for some cwack.

Over n Out, fellow worthless faggot retarded idiots

Anonymous (19:44:22 - 21-01)
Link Quote
so its not weekend anymore..
if they actually started working this morning at 9 am,
I'd love to read a new story from Bramle about the progress they've made :')

klementino Netherlands (18:51:26 - 21-01)
Link Quote
Saros`away at 18:32:44 on 20/01:
Rix at 18:28:07 on 20/01:
Anonymous at 18:24:52 on 20/01:
counselor at 18:03:55 on 20/01:
Anonymous at 17:39:55 on 20/01:
The reason they seems to do anything is because they're working on a new layout for Omerta.

Ror a hot-dog stand...

I got a better one!

-Commite a Crime- in the left, under the gun xD

*commit :')

What about "you can do a crime right a way".

It was probably better if they just used Lorem Ipsum for their mockups xD

"Extorse A Kindergarten"

And what about the background wallpaper, it's mafia II xD
MrWhite Netherlands (16:46:07 - 21-01)
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Anonymous at 13:28:03 on 21/01:
oh wtf, no new fail today?

I was hoping to see some hilarious abusing from Tycoon Online today :|

Omerta devs didnt code that, they bought it when it was already up and running for several years
Egidiuss (14:33:17 - 21-01)
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why have 900k in your pocket why you could also just do 9e+9 ?? in that case you only need $9 in your pocket :-/