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26-05 Encanto down
Author: sbanks
Last updated: 4664d 2h 21m 0s ago by sbanks
Comments: 56
Views: 24,844
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 3.4
Involved families: Bruinsma, Encanto
Encanto got shot by Bruinsma?
War started on: 19:03:00 26-05-2012 War ended on: 20:04:00 26-05-2012
Bullet difference: -1,823,207 War duration: 1h 1m
Money difference: -$73,473,649 Players died: 17

Dead Families:
[Encanto] Family down on 19:45 26-05
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Bruinsma | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 26
Encanto | swin: 0 | assa: 2 | lc: 5 | chief: 4 | brug: 2 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 110
Total | swin: 0 | assa: 2 | lc: 5 | chief: 4 | brug: 4 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 136

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Johnson Azerbaijan (14:56:44 - 29-05)
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trza at 10:48:43 on 29/05:
Johnson at 16:31:05 on 28/05:
drak at 14:51:18 on 28/05:

I think what you remember is, you guys begging Quiri to have us stop shooting your GF's... Personally I remember killing them - you included Ryan. So stop your BS.

What i remember is you stayed a day in sh and asked our bloods liberta to ask us stop shootin'
and when we stopped you shot our gf

loooool. I stayed 6 hours while sleeping (before that I shot 3 brugs) - I have a job and such I have to attend too aswell...Got up, shot two kuro brugs more. Went to SH again for some hours till I was off work. Then wasted your gf in bf. and then 1 hour later your SS. And then I was asked to stop, but mate I would have killed all your lousy accounts easily, and I will again. So stop your trash talking and bashing. We play our game you play yours, you cant blame me, for the fact that Infragilis has no guts (brains?) and just follow the perhaps dumbest bunch in omerta ever blindly, yes im talking about Kurosawa...

But certainly you guys add to the fun, with all this exposing of ignorance. The funniest thing about this is, Kurosawa has already long ago made Bruinsma their personal vendetta, which is also amongst the reason they will never accomplish anything, but lameass threats in my pm, however we really do enjoy them, and have them all saved for future fun :D

Numbnuts! o/

Listen up Johnson stop talking bullshit ,do you want that i show how did u talk to me when i gave u 2x option to be quite or to die ? so wtf are u talking ? who came to u to ask to stop ? and yes u killed couple ranks so what ,we did same that doesent make u hero ... and abouth Kurosawa you will fell me ,you will fell me realy good and then we will see who is dumbest etc... so for now just keep quiet ,you do that best,when time come`s for fight they you can say something.

and abouth Infragilis ,Kurosawa and Infragilis fight togther for many years ,like real bloods ,if they are not so huge that doesent mean they are folowing us ,we look em on same way ,we look em like best blood and we dont care if they got 150 brugs or 15 brugs ,same for Carneglia and now u tell me 1 your blood like that ? Krays(u sold it ) ,Conflict (you are working for em like dogs) , DIG ( u sold it ) ,gambino ( sold ) ... Give me 1 your bloods ,maybe is righelli ?:)

I told you in pm too Trza. You think you had us played by "stealing" our bj while we were famless. Then you gave it to friends of us (Temp), so we wouldnt shoot you.

Sure, I went along with your BS, and please paste every fucking log of me and you talking if you feel like it. You were played HARD, and the best thing about it is, that you still think you won by shooting one of our members and taking the BJ, while he was a soldier and no fams where up. Nicely done, I salute you _o_ what an amazing accomplishment..

Where did it get you exactly? Twice killed by Bruinsma. Your bloods killed by us and bloods of us. Bruinsma, second in fam rankings. Amongst the winners of the version. And you can show what? A log of me telling you its alright and only fair you take the BJ - LOOOOOOL you really are insanely dumb. You think we would ever just accept that? Nah, tactics mate, its all about timing and making the enemy feel he has upper hand. How did that work out for you?

Selling out bloods..really, is that the best you can do?

Oh and btw remember I got the logs too...

The ones where you and carr repeatedly lick my ass for 2 weeks trying to convince us too shoot Conflict...

The ones where you say: You never up fam again. bla bla bla bla.

Johnson Azerbaijan (14:41:02 - 29-05)
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Anonymous at 12:33:50 on 29/05:
Johnson at 16:31:05 on 28/05:
drak at 14:51:18 on 28/05:

I think what you remember is, you guys begging Quiri to have us stop shooting your GF's... Personally I remember killing them - you included Ryan. So stop your BS.

What i remember is you stayed a day in sh and asked our bloods liberta to ask us stop shootin'
and when we stopped you shot our gf

loooool. I stayed 6 hours while sleeping (before that I shot 3 brugs) - I have a job and such I have to attend too aswell...Got up, shot two kuro brugs more. Went to SH again for some hours till I was off work. Then wasted your gf in bf. and then 1 hour later your SS. And then I was asked to stop, but mate I would have killed all your lousy accounts easily, and I will again. So stop your trash talking and bashing. We play our game you play yours, you cant blame me, for the fact that Infragilis has no guts (brains?) and just follow the perhaps dumbest bunch in omerta ever blindly, yes im talking about Kurosawa...

But certainly you guys add to the fun, with all this exposing of ignorance. The funniest thing about this is, Kurosawa has already long ago made Bruinsma their personal vendetta, which is also amongst the reason they will never accomplish anything, but lameass threats in my pm, however we really do enjoy them, and have them all saved for future fun :D

Numbnuts! o/

Not sure what you are trying to achieve here Johnson. Im not a fan of communicating trough a website like this. But i do see you post a lot of bullshit an contradictions.

You say you could have easily killed all our lousy accounts, but still you felt the need to hide in sh for 6 hours. I gues with lousy accounts come louzy detectives who couldnt find you the 6h after that.

You also stated; 'you guys begging Quiri to have us stop shooting your GF's'. Simply not true. Quirites, Liberta and a top of third fam (which i wont mention) asked ME to stop, Infra never asked anyone to stop.

Then you go on by saying 'So stop your trash talking and bashing' followed by 'the fact that Infragilis has no guts (brains?)'

No guts?

Infragilis have grabbed their tommyguns and are currently shooting at Bruinsma.

Some Kurosawa members ranking inside Atrocita/Liberta are also shooting at Bruinsma, but the tops of Liberta say they are not involved in this war.

Quirites+ is helping Bruinsma

Conflict+ also helping Bruinsma

We took you and your sis fam on alone. Knowing in advance it would get us killed by the pact, but still we did. We would have managed to get your fams down if those last 2 brugs didnt spend 2x 9h in sh (I gues they have very long working days). You should try to make up a better past while people here can just scroll down and check the facts by themselves.

'No brains'& 'just follow the perhaps dumbest bunch in omerta ever blindly, yes im talking about Kurosawa'

I'm not sure what your problem with Kurosawa is, we have no problems with them. The first time we shot at you last version, is because you shot at our bloods. For us thats one aspect of being bloods, shoot for them when being shot at. Thats what we have been doing for a couple of versions (10?) Maybe thats brainless maybe thats folowing (as shooting for them made us folow them to the grave) but whats the alertnative? whats the smart thing to do? turn a blind eye when they get shot at (like you did?) or simply sell them (like you did?) then i prefer to be a brainless follower like you claim me to be


Not trying to accomplish anything, im responding to your fellow top mates idiotic posts. We do not have any saying in what you do right? Now why the fuck should you then have a say in what we decide?

You guys act like idiots, calling Bruinsma all sorts of things, acting cool, better and what not. Did Bruinsma ever stoop to that level? No.
But I will respond with honesty. I think Kurosawa are idiots and they act like it too. I do not think they are very bright and I will never change my perspective on that. Nor do I need you to accept it.

However since now we actually got the name of some of you flamers. Answer me this, why is it any of your business what Bruinsma do? You can not answer that, and there is the answer you.
Dont like us - shoot us. But stop acting like its your any of your business what we do.


Anonymous (12:33:50 - 29-05)
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Johnson at 16:31:05 on 28/05:
drak at 14:51:18 on 28/05:

I think what you remember is, you guys begging Quiri to have us stop shooting your GF's... Personally I remember killing them - you included Ryan. So stop your BS.

What i remember is you stayed a day in sh and asked our bloods liberta to ask us stop shootin'
and when we stopped you shot our gf

loooool. I stayed 6 hours while sleeping (before that I shot 3 brugs) - I have a job and such I have to attend too aswell...Got up, shot two kuro brugs more. Went to SH again for some hours till I was off work. Then wasted your gf in bf. and then 1 hour later your SS. And then I was asked to stop, but mate I would have killed all your lousy accounts easily, and I will again. So stop your trash talking and bashing. We play our game you play yours, you cant blame me, for the fact that Infragilis has no guts (brains?) and just follow the perhaps dumbest bunch in omerta ever blindly, yes im talking about Kurosawa...

But certainly you guys add to the fun, with all this exposing of ignorance. The funniest thing about this is, Kurosawa has already long ago made Bruinsma their personal vendetta, which is also amongst the reason they will never accomplish anything, but lameass threats in my pm, however we really do enjoy them, and have them all saved for future fun :D

Numbnuts! o/

Not sure what you are trying to achieve here Johnson. Im not a fan of communicating trough a website like this. But i do see you post a lot of bullshit an contradictions.

You say you could have easily killed all our lousy accounts, but still you felt the need to hide in sh for 6 hours. I gues with lousy accounts come louzy detectives who couldnt find you the 6h after that.

You also stated; 'you guys begging Quiri to have us stop shooting your GF's'. Simply not true. Quirites, Liberta and a top of third fam (which i wont mention) asked ME to stop, Infra never asked anyone to stop.

Then you go on by saying 'So stop your trash talking and bashing' followed by 'the fact that Infragilis has no guts (brains?)'

No guts?

Infragilis have grabbed their tommyguns and are currently shooting at Bruinsma.

Some Kurosawa members ranking inside Atrocita/Liberta are also shooting at Bruinsma, but the tops of Liberta say they are not involved in this war.

Quirites+ is helping Bruinsma

Conflict+ also helping Bruinsma

We took you and your sis fam on alone. Knowing in advance it would get us killed by the pact, but still we did. We would have managed to get your fams down if those last 2 brugs didnt spend 2x 9h in sh (I gues they have very long working days). You should try to make up a better past while people here can just scroll down and check the facts by themselves.

'No brains'& 'just follow the perhaps dumbest bunch in omerta ever blindly, yes im talking about Kurosawa'

I'm not sure what your problem with Kurosawa is, we have no problems with them. The first time we shot at you last version, is because you shot at our bloods. For us thats one aspect of being bloods, shoot for them when being shot at. Thats what we have been doing for a couple of versions (10?) Maybe thats brainless maybe thats folowing (as shooting for them made us folow them to the grave) but whats the alertnative? whats the smart thing to do? turn a blind eye when they get shot at (like you did?) or simply sell them (like you did?) then i prefer to be a brainless follower like you claim me to be

trza Serbia (10:48:43 - 29-05)
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Johnson at 16:31:05 on 28/05:
drak at 14:51:18 on 28/05:

I think what you remember is, you guys begging Quiri to have us stop shooting your GF's... Personally I remember killing them - you included Ryan. So stop your BS.

What i remember is you stayed a day in sh and asked our bloods liberta to ask us stop shootin'
and when we stopped you shot our gf

loooool. I stayed 6 hours while sleeping (before that I shot 3 brugs) - I have a job and such I have to attend too aswell...Got up, shot two kuro brugs more. Went to SH again for some hours till I was off work. Then wasted your gf in bf. and then 1 hour later your SS. And then I was asked to stop, but mate I would have killed all your lousy accounts easily, and I will again. So stop your trash talking and bashing. We play our game you play yours, you cant blame me, for the fact that Infragilis has no guts (brains?) and just follow the perhaps dumbest bunch in omerta ever blindly, yes im talking about Kurosawa...

But certainly you guys add to the fun, with all this exposing of ignorance. The funniest thing about this is, Kurosawa has already long ago made Bruinsma their personal vendetta, which is also amongst the reason they will never accomplish anything, but lameass threats in my pm, however we really do enjoy them, and have them all saved for future fun :D

Numbnuts! o/

Listen up Johnson stop talking bullshit ,do you want that i show how did u talk to me when i gave u 2x option to be quite or to die ? so wtf are u talking ? who came to u to ask to stop ? and yes u killed couple ranks so what ,we did same that doesent make u hero ... and abouth Kurosawa you will fell me ,you will fell me realy good and then we will see who is dumbest etc... so for now just keep quiet ,you do that best,when time come`s for fight they you can say something.

and abouth Infragilis ,Kurosawa and Infragilis fight togther for many years ,like real bloods ,if they are not so huge that doesent mean they are folowing us ,we look em on same way ,we look em like best blood and we dont care if they got 150 brugs or 15 brugs ,same for Carneglia and now u tell me 1 your blood like that ? Krays(u sold it ) ,Conflict (you are working for em like dogs) , DIG ( u sold it ) ,gambino ( sold ) ... Give me 1 your bloods ,maybe is righelli ?:)
Johnson Azerbaijan (16:31:05 - 28-05)
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drak at 14:51:18 on 28/05:

I think what you remember is, you guys begging Quiri to have us stop shooting your GF's... Personally I remember killing them - you included Ryan. So stop your BS.

What i remember is you stayed a day in sh and asked our bloods liberta to ask us stop shootin'
and when we stopped you shot our gf

loooool. I stayed 6 hours while sleeping (before that I shot 3 brugs) - I have a job and such I have to attend too aswell...Got up, shot two kuro brugs more. Went to SH again for some hours till I was off work. Then wasted your gf in bf. and then 1 hour later your SS. And then I was asked to stop, but mate I would have killed all your lousy accounts easily, and I will again. So stop your trash talking and bashing. We play our game you play yours, you cant blame me, for the fact that Infragilis has no guts (brains?) and just follow the perhaps dumbest bunch in omerta ever blindly, yes im talking about Kurosawa...

But certainly you guys add to the fun, with all this exposing of ignorance. The funniest thing about this is, Kurosawa has already long ago made Bruinsma their personal vendetta, which is also amongst the reason they will never accomplish anything, but lameass threats in my pm, however we really do enjoy them, and have them all saved for future fun :D

Numbnuts! o/
drak (14:51:18 - 28-05)
Link Quote

I think what you remember is, you guys begging Quiri to have us stop shooting your GF's... Personally I remember killing them - you included Ryan. So stop your BS.

What i remember is you stayed a day in sh and asked our bloods liberta to ask us stop shootin'
and when we stopped you shot our gf
Johnson Azerbaijan (08:18:36 - 28-05)
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Ryan` at 17:32:04 on 27/05:
Bruinsma so awesome!

I remember them all sitting in safehouse when Infragilis shot them last version in a 1 on 1 while being worth twice as much as them (including their sister family) and needed conflict, quirites and co to win that war for them. you really think a fam like that can open up a version? :')

Same thing this version, if they get shot, they will get pwned but conflict still up so they will SH and wait it out :)

Anonymous at 16:51:24 on 27/05:
Redspeert at 13:14:40 on 27/05:
Killing kurosawa people is always fun, good job bruinsma.

Good job???? Idiot??

Bruinsma is biggest Gay fam in Omerta history.
Every version waiting and waiting to take down a little fam.

Ofcours when you dont shoot and let the pact work for you...you will grow!!
Lets see when bruinsma gonna shoot a big strong fam???? never!!!

Even when you look at previus version ..bruinsma could open the version but instead they closed it by joining the pact.

Klaas would turn himself in his grave if he knew gays like you playing his name!!
If you knew a little history about bruinsma alias de dominee then you should know he only wanna be number 1 the strongest and biggest and not working for others!!!

Bruinsma doing excactly the opposite!!! Big Shame NSB family!!

I think what you remember is, you guys begging Quiri to have us stop shooting your GF's... Personally I remember killing them - you included Ryan. So stop your BS.
Anonymous (23:38:59 - 27-05)
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Anonymous at 19:59:10 on 27/05:
1cd 2bgrug and 4 chief.. just 3-4pll from kurosawa.i heard they are dont play no more this version becuse of admins and i think they are right

Trza is that you trying to make some statement in English?
Anonymous (19:59:10 - 27-05)
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1cd 2bgrug and 4 chief.. just 3-4pll from kurosawa.i heard they are dont play no more this version becuse of admins and i think they are right
Timelord (19:40:35 - 27-05)
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tripoli at 15:07:31 on 27/05:
Anonymous at 14:56:29 on 27/05:
Redspeert at 13:14:40 on 27/05:
Killing kurosawa people is always fun, good job bruinsma.

True story.

Say that to spamfam,cocada,letalis who stoped to play cus of 1 "family" and say that to bruisma next vers.

ROTFL. :')

Check how many of us are actively playing.

Most of us are retired for different reasons. Sorry to rob you, of your delusions, but Kurosawa is none of them.
Is Pils active? Is Razu actively ranking? Is Kohfi? You can continue that list.
If we were all active, would we start Spamfam? Maybe, but probably not. With so few fam spots, it's tough for small fams to start up. Or do you claim credit for crew decissions on famlimits?

But if you get a boner from claiming credit for it, put it on your fampage :')

Stodder Spain (18:05:19 - 27-05)
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Spy at 18:03:23 on 27/05:
blabla, job well done.
Hope Johnson died though >.>

He didn't. He spent the entire war in sh obviously. Everyone did. We got our bloods to shoot once again, while waiting in sh taking credit for it.
Spy Netherlands (18:03:23 - 27-05)
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blabla, job well done.
Hope Johnson died though >.>
Ryan` (17:32:04 - 27-05)
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Bruinsma so awesome!

I remember them all sitting in safehouse when Infragilis shot them last version in a 1 on 1 while being worth twice as much as them (including their sister family) and needed conflict, quirites and co to win that war for them. you really think a fam like that can open up a version? :')

Same thing this version, if they get shot, they will get pwned but conflict still up so they will SH and wait it out :)

Anonymous at 16:51:24 on 27/05:
Redspeert at 13:14:40 on 27/05:
Killing kurosawa people is always fun, good job bruinsma.

Good job???? Idiot??

Bruinsma is biggest Gay fam in Omerta history.
Every version waiting and waiting to take down a little fam.

Ofcours when you dont shoot and let the pact work for you...you will grow!!
Lets see when bruinsma gonna shoot a big strong fam???? never!!!

Even when you look at previus version ..bruinsma could open the version but instead they closed it by joining the pact.

Klaas would turn himself in his grave if he knew gays like you playing his name!!
If you knew a little history about bruinsma alias de dominee then you should know he only wanna be number 1 the strongest and biggest and not working for others!!!

Bruinsma doing excactly the opposite!!! Big Shame NSB family!!
Anonymous (17:12:41 - 27-05)
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Redspeert at 16:56:29 on 27/05:
Anonymous at 16:51:24 on 27/05:
Redspeert at 13:14:40 on 27/05:
Killing kurosawa people is always fun, good job bruinsma.

Good job???? Idiot??

Bruinsma is biggest Gay fam in Omerta history.
Every version waiting and waiting to take down a little fam.

Ofcours when you dont shoot and let the pact work for you...you will grow!!
Lets see when bruinsma gonna shoot a big strong fam???? never!!!

Even when you look at previus version ..bruinsma could open the version but instead they closed it by joining the pact.

Klaas would turn himself in his grave if he knew gays like you playing his name!!
If you knew a little history about bruinsma alias de dominee then you should know he only wanna be number 1 the strongest and biggest and not working for others!!!

Whaha calling it a winning pact?
There can only be 1 winner ....its not a pact war!
I thought omerta is family against family try to win the version.
If you think 7 fams left over and all are winners...think again..Bcus you are wrong!

Bruinsma doing excactly the opposite!!! Big Shame NSB family!!

That you think they are gay is ok, as most of omerta think kurosawa is full of fagottery, so thats fair enough.

I see you got alot of hate towards them, but I'd say Bruinsma have done more in omerta than kurosawa (Not that kurosawa have done much tho.)

Bruinsma could have "opened" the game previous version? How? By playing with your "pact" against the winning "pact"? How does that make sense? Fams play with the side they got friends as, and seeing your behaviour I can understand that not much people want to play at your side.
Redspeert Syrian Arab Republic (16:56:29 - 27-05)
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Anonymous at 16:51:24 on 27/05:
Redspeert at 13:14:40 on 27/05:
Killing kurosawa people is always fun, good job bruinsma.

Good job???? Idiot??

Bruinsma is biggest Gay fam in Omerta history.
Every version waiting and waiting to take down a little fam.

Ofcours when you dont shoot and let the pact work for you...you will grow!!
Lets see when bruinsma gonna shoot a big strong fam???? never!!!

Even when you look at previus version ..bruinsma could open the version but instead they closed it by joining the pact.

Klaas would turn himself in his grave if he knew gays like you playing his name!!
If you knew a little history about bruinsma alias de dominee then you should know he only wanna be number 1 the strongest and biggest and not working for others!!!

Bruinsma doing excactly the opposite!!! Big Shame NSB family!!

That you think they are gay is ok, as most of omerta think kurosawa is full of fagottery, so thats fair enough.

I see you got alot of hate towards them, but I'd say Bruinsma have done more in omerta than kurosawa (Not that kurosawa have done much tho.)

Bruinsma could have "opened" the game previous version? How? By playing with your "pact" against the winning "pact"? How does that make sense? Fams play with the side they got friends as, and seeing your behaviour I can understand that not much people want to play at your side.
Redspeert Syrian Arab Republic (16:52:00 - 27-05)
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ask yourself at 14:52:14 on 27/05:
i will just give you simple qvestion ,When did Kurosawa made a promise and didnt stick to it ?

Take care Bruisma ....

Each time the top of kurosawa go emo and claim to be retired, and then come back 3 weeks later.

And to the other post you wrote, I don't know whats worst in it, the writing or the "facts". Both of them are about as good (shitty). Kurosawa biggest and most active fams in omerta? I could mention quite alot of fams who got a bigger playergroup than Kurosawa (Conflict, Vincitori, Righelli and vaffan just to mention a few. ) All in all you got too much belif in Kurosawa, they aren't a fam that deicides much on omerta, nor do they make any heavy impacts on omerta. I'd say they are a medium fam.
Anonymous (16:51:24 - 27-05)
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Redspeert at 13:14:40 on 27/05:
Killing kurosawa people is always fun, good job bruinsma.

Good job???? Idiot??

Bruinsma is biggest Gay fam in Omerta history.
Every version waiting and waiting to take down a little fam.

Ofcours when you dont shoot and let the pact work for you...you will grow!!
Lets see when bruinsma gonna shoot a big strong fam???? never!!!

Even when you look at previus version ..bruinsma could open the version but instead they closed it by joining the pact.

Klaas would turn himself in his grave if he knew gays like you playing his name!!
If you knew a little history about bruinsma alias de dominee then you should know he only wanna be number 1 the strongest and biggest and not working for others!!!

Bruinsma doing excactly the opposite!!! Big Shame NSB family!!
Anonymous (16:48:58 - 27-05)
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Kurwa, chooses Marz side of path, and Marz is garbage(we all know that) So where does that leave Kurwa?
Redspeert Syrian Arab Republic (16:45:01 - 27-05)
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tripoli at 15:07:31 on 27/05:
Anonymous at 14:56:29 on 27/05:
Redspeert at 13:14:40 on 27/05:
Killing kurosawa people is always fun, good job bruinsma.

True story.

Say that to spamfam,cocada,letalis who stoped to play cus of 1 "family" and say that to bruisma next vers.

Fams stop to play because of retired people ( the game is loosing people each version ) not because of a amateur fam like kurosawa. The only ones you are a treath to, are your own members - because with your noobish moves you manage to loose hard each version.

But I guess that is what you get when you put 6/7 people who got no idea how to do anything in one top chan.
Plopmunker (16:31:17 - 27-05)
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:) Good job both sides :)