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27-02 War vs 'The Pact'
Author: Kyra
Last updated: 4754d 13h 54m 14s ago by Rix
Comments: 570
Views: 154,146
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 3.3
Involved families: Anathema, Carneglia, Correptio, Infragilis, Kamikaze, Kurosawa, Laboratory, Purgatory, Republica, Syndrum, Vertigo, Yalta, Bruinsma, Caliente, Conflict, Conflictz, Equites, Escalada, Gravano, Guantanamo, Hangover, Liberta, Marangella, Marangello, Moretti, Oblivions, Presidential, Quirites, Righelli, Selenga, Senatores, Tremps, Vincitori, Kerberos
Correptio, Republica, Laboratory, Syndrum, Vertigo, Yalta, Purgatory, Anathema, Kurosawa, Kamikaze, Carneglia united and opened fire at "The Pact"

Marangello + Marangella, Vincitori, Escalada, Conflict, Conflictz, Equites, Quirites, Senatores, Righelli, Moretti

Targets seem to be divided like this:

Yalta/Correptio/Purgatory/Vertigo vs Marangello+
Yalta/Correptio vs Vincitori+
Republica/Syndrum/Kurosawa+ vs Conflict+
Kurosawa+/Carneglia vs Righelli+

Bruinsma jumped in and is shooting at Kurosawa+

Liberta alliance jumped in and is shooting at Laboratory.

Presidential, Gravano, Caliente and Hangover jumped on Correptio/Republica.

Infragilis starting shooting at Conflict, but later moved to Bruinsma

Eventhough the odds seem to have stacked against the attackers Infragilis decided to jump in for them and is targetting Conflict.

Turnia up at the old HQ of Laboratory

Anathema changed to Anonymous which seems to contain members from several families who got shot down earlier this version, like: Gambino, Leviticus, Notte and Tempestuoso. - They left the war and are not involved in any shooting.

Mangano up at the old HQ of Correptio

Purgatory and Vertigo ceased fire with Marangello.

Vertigo started shooting at Conflict.

As a sidenote, it seems only 3 didn't join this massive war (yet?): Anadolu, Venutti and Vengeance.

List of ranks families have left at around 17 OT

Ilimitada started on HQ of Kamikaze

Kerberos who started on the HQ of Yalta got shot down and S.W.A.T started on it

Marvel started on the HQ of Republica

After a few boring hours, the defenders re-grouped and Quirites+ + Liberta+ organised a final blow against Carneglia
trza (Kurosawa Top): Exactly in 3h enemy will be broken whit your hit, will be killed whit your bombs and swords, glory of Palermo, of our city will be HOLY, SOLDIERS, HEROES. Big PACT has deleted our Pokemons from their number army, our Marazzino has sacrificed for the honor of Kurosawa and Palermo,YOU don’t have anything to worry now, for your own lives because you are already dead. Long live king of Palermo, long live our city Palermo!

kajo (Correptio Top): We didnt have much options but, TRY. Much respect to shooter fams whose wanted to stand together against the 'sweet pact'. Still i have no idea whats some fams wanna achieve with licking tho. We have played with OUR own style, and will. Gratz to both sides for a great war.

Dv (Yalta Top): We were trying to push for this for quite some time, but better late than never. Gg to all Yaltans rubbin their elbows and to the other homos shooting tonight.


Fiser (Republica Top) We raped conf, was great fun, rip everybody on both sides.

slau (Syndrum Top): Its hard to win a game where the limit familys is 36 and 20 familys have a pact, we come here to do our own game not the others game so we decided to move. Thanks all CLS soldiers we did it great.

Grigoriy (Laboratory Top) Well, the idea was simple: if u arent in ally+ (pact) u are against them. We knew sooner or later we would be targets. As a Laboratory top i can say we have nothing against Conflict, in fact we have friends there, but we follow a diferent path, so we needed to act. Our bloods mara/grava seemed they didnt count a lot on us, but maybe i'm wrong, lets see if next time is diferent. We are new on .com, so i think for our first version we did great. It was a pleasure to play with Correptio and with my m8's from Syndrum. I'm sure we will make something together again. I didnt understood why Liberta+ shot at us if we focused on Conflict and they arent bloods with them, but thats something that isnt important now. A special thanks to my tops (from lab and syn), and to my members, that always have been optimistic with our presence here on .com. As in life, we are always learning, and im sure we learned something this time. Count on us for further versions. RIP all dead soldiers from atackers and defender, nice war.

/q sbanks | #beyond.info
War started on: 22:13:00 27-02-2012 War ended on: 22:47:05 29-02-2012
Bullet difference: -312,361,372 War duration: 2d 0h 34m
Money difference: -$23,670,325,089 Players died: 1,504

Dead Families:
[Kurosawa] Family down on 17:42 29-02
[Kamikaze] Family down on 01:31 29-02
[Kerberos] Family down on 00:10 29-02
[Republica] Family down on 23:12 28-02
[Yalta] Family down on 21:08 28-02
[Syndrum] Family down on 19:23 28-02
[Correptio] Family down on 14:06 28-02
[Laboratory] Family down on 13:45 28-02
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Anathema | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 21
Bruinsma | swin: 3 | assa: 4 | lc: 5 | chief: 6 | brug: 51 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 789
Caliente | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 34
Carneglia | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 2 | chief: 1 | brug: 35 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 546
Conflict | swin: 5 | assa: 0 | lc: 3 | chief: 9 | brug: 60 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 949
Conflictz | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 16 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 244
Correptio | swin: 3 | assa: 3 | lc: 2 | chief: 3 | brug: 81 | cd: 0 | gf: 3 | points: 1,210
Equites | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 5 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 73
Escalada | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 6 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 112
Gravano | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 7 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 99
Guantanamo | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 15
Hangover | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 4 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 57
Infragilis | swin: 0 | assa: 2 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 12 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 246
Kamikaze | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 2 | brug: 15 | cd: 1 | gf: 2 | points: 300
Kerberos | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 21
Kurosawa | swin: 4 | assa: 3 | lc: 4 | chief: 4 | brug: 70 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 1,015
Laboratory | swin: 2 | assa: 1 | lc: 6 | chief: 4 | brug: 108 | cd: 0 | gf: 4 | points: 1,611
Liberta | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 12 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 203
Marangella | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 2 | brug: 4 | cd: 2 | gf: 0 | points: 115
Marangello | swin: 2 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 2 | brug: 55 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 778
Moretti | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 5 | cd: 4 | gf: 0 | points: 151
Presidential | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 9 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 118
Purgatory | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 11 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 191
Quirites | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 2 | brug: 27 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 443
Republica | swin: 0 | assa: 2 | lc: 1 | chief: 5 | brug: 50 | cd: 1 | gf: 4 | points: 863
Righelli | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 2 | brug: 42 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 634
Senatores | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 8 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 138
Syndrum | swin: 1 | assa: 1 | lc: 4 | chief: 7 | brug: 102 | cd: 0 | gf: 4 | points: 1,547
Tremps | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 6 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 80
Vertigo | swin: 3 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 14 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 222
Vincitori | swin: 1 | assa: 5 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 23 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 323
Yalta | swin: 2 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 5 | brug: 55 | cd: 1 | gf: 6 | points: 987
Total | swin: 31 | assa: 25 | lc: 36 | chief: 58 | brug: 894 | cd: 11 | gf: 43 | points: 14,135

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Anonymous (10:40:59 - 28-02)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 10:19:53 on 28/02:
Which fam is Prozzini?

Me is noob.
Former Prozzini members are in Laboratory/Syndrum I believe.
Anonymous (10:40:11 - 28-02)
Link Quote
Stop talking shit about how Liberta shot you guys blabla and that they are " BG of Vinci". It's a fact, Vincitori, Gravano and Liberta have been very close since v2. That's more than 6-7 years I believe. So the fact that the old alliances still stand after all this time, that's remarkable. So instead of bashing Liberta for shooting with Vinci all the time, at least give them the respect they deserve, for they have never backstabbed Vinci/Grav and have always honored the old alliance they had. This coming from a guy that actually hates Liberta btw.
Anonymous (10:23:42 - 28-02)
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BoHeM at 10:06:36 on 28/02:
Maraz at 09:38:35 on 28/02:
BoHeM at 09:28:34 on 28/02:
Maraz at 09:07:55 on 28/02:
brqzL at 09:00:17 on 28/02:
BoHeM at 07:58:09 on 28/02:
to prozzi purga and corrept..

r you really moron?yes you r..
if this war important for you, why you shooted to turkuz bs yigidos geli?were we target for you??you gave the game to pact and now cry and die.everyone know that if you plan something for pact, we ll jump in.and now fight 1 one 2..semi-suicid.. if you learn the real target of the game now, congratz..your brains work slow but work o/

I'm answering this only I feel sad for turkuz/b/y members, I wanted to clear things up for them. We shot turkuz/b/y and unfortunately Gelibolu[Which I didn't wanna shoot gelibolu even in last moment.] because we wanted to so. And no, pact didn't make this plan, we did. We asked them to shoot with us. Right after venture war t/b/y/g had chance to shoot pact with us but yet they chicken out in last minute as expected. Your dead now it's only because you were too coward to do what we did today. I'm not saying it was a smart move but that was smt we had to do since we didn't wanna be part of that pact.

nice explanation, then could you please also explain me why didnt you accept our offer at saturday and let us die alone?

and pls try to imagine how this war would be if Marazzino had joined on the attackers side?

anyways this version is over and i hope none of us wont repeat our mistakes in next version...
if you planned the plan it is bigger mistake than if somebody invite you.everybody says we invited to venture war, did you talked with birds? why I didnt heard anything about this?r you kidding me=?I prepared 2 plan 2 times on marengello and vinci.who know this?asli knows.(vinci)because of fcking leaks.you hoped we ll fight with conf and you would win the version.yes you did now!!

doctor , your lines are confused imo :D i was telling it to brqzl and kajmeran and basil.
we asked correptio to shoot the pact together at 25.02.2012 saturday. and they didnt except it.
maybe they thought that after Maraz's dead , pact would be weaker. and tbh it happened like that we damaged marangello. (we fought alone aganist the pact and killed a lot)

actually i would like to shoot the pact together with cls and with my bloods.
purga corrept liberta maraz and bsyg..all of them dont move on same way.but conf quirites vinci grav righ vaff r together everytime.think on this.why we lost this version.because turks part of the game is bullshit.others use them for their plans only.I cant belive to liberta for ex.they r like bg of vinci.or hangover.this game is bullshit at this position.we lost our energy and time for a shit.no strategy, no possibility.try your best tactical skill but no change.because the fair of the game dont change.turks ll fck theirself and others win.

In this topic: noobs fighting with other noobs. :')
Anonymous (10:19:53 - 28-02)
Link Quote
Which fam is Prozzini?

Me is noob.
trepatudo Portugal (10:14:45 - 28-02)
Link Quote

Just a small fix, L/S is not Prozzini. Stop calling it.
I wasn't active, period.
BoHeM (10:06:36 - 28-02)
Link Quote
Maraz at 09:38:35 on 28/02:
BoHeM at 09:28:34 on 28/02:
Maraz at 09:07:55 on 28/02:
brqzL at 09:00:17 on 28/02:
BoHeM at 07:58:09 on 28/02:
to prozzi purga and corrept..

r you really moron?yes you r..
if this war important for you, why you shooted to turkuz bs yigidos geli?were we target for you??you gave the game to pact and now cry and die.everyone know that if you plan something for pact, we ll jump in.and now fight 1 one 2..semi-suicid.. if you learn the real target of the game now, congratz..your brains work slow but work o/

I'm answering this only I feel sad for turkuz/b/y members, I wanted to clear things up for them. We shot turkuz/b/y and unfortunately Gelibolu[Which I didn't wanna shoot gelibolu even in last moment.] because we wanted to so. And no, pact didn't make this plan, we did. We asked them to shoot with us. Right after venture war t/b/y/g had chance to shoot pact with us but yet they chicken out in last minute as expected. Your dead now it's only because you were too coward to do what we did today. I'm not saying it was a smart move but that was smt we had to do since we didn't wanna be part of that pact.

nice explanation, then could you please also explain me why didnt you accept our offer at saturday and let us die alone?

and pls try to imagine how this war would be if Marazzino had joined on the attackers side?

anyways this version is over and i hope none of us wont repeat our mistakes in next version...
if you planned the plan it is bigger mistake than if somebody invite you.everybody says we invited to venture war, did you talked with birds? why I didnt heard anything about this?r you kidding me=?I prepared 2 plan 2 times on marengello and vinci.who know this?asli knows.(vinci)because of fcking leaks.you hoped we ll fight with conf and you would win the version.yes you did now!!

doctor , your lines are confused imo :D i was telling it to brqzl and kajmeran and basil.
we asked correptio to shoot the pact together at 25.02.2012 saturday. and they didnt except it.
maybe they thought that after Maraz's dead , pact would be weaker. and tbh it happened like that we damaged marangello. (we fought alone aganist the pact and killed a lot)

actually i would like to shoot the pact together with cls and with my bloods.
purga corrept liberta maraz and bsyg..all of them dont move on same way.but conf quirites vinci grav righ vaff r together everytime.think on this.why we lost this version.because turks part of the game is bullshit.others use them for their plans only.I cant belive to liberta for ex.they r like bg of vinci.or hangover.this game is bullshit at this position.we lost our energy and time for a shit.no strategy, no possibility.try your best tactical skill but no change.because the fair of the game dont change.turks ll fck theirself and others win.
BoHeM (09:50:18 - 28-02)
Link Quote
brqzL at 09:38:40 on 28/02:
BoHeM at 09:28:34 on 28/02:
Maraz at 09:07:55 on 28/02:
brqzL at 09:00:17 on 28/02:
BoHeM at 07:58:09 on 28/02:
to prozzi purga and corrept..

r you really moron?yes you r..
if this war important for you, why you shooted to turkuz bs yigidos geli?were we target for you??you gave the game to pact and now cry and die.everyone know that if you plan something for pact, we ll jump in.and now fight 1 one 2..semi-suicid.. if you learn the real target of the game now, congratz..your brains work slow but work o/

I'm answering this only I feel sad for turkuz/b/y members, I wanted to clear things up for them. We shot turkuz/b/y and unfortunately Gelibolu[Which I didn't wanna shoot gelibolu even in last moment.] because we wanted to so. And no, pact didn't make this plan, we did. We asked them to shoot with us. Right after venture war t/b/y/g had chance to shoot pact with us but yet they chicken out in last minute as expected. Your dead now it's only because you were too coward to do what we did today. I'm not saying it was a smart move but that was smt we had to do since we didn't wanna be part of that pact.

nice explanation, then could you please also explain me why didnt you accept our offer at saturday and let us die alone?

and pls try to imagine how this war would be if Marazzino had joined on the attackers side?

anyways this version is over and i hope none of us wont repeat our mistakes in next version...
if you planned the plan it is bigger mistake than if somebody invite you.everybody says we invited to venture war, did you talked with birds? why I didnt heard anything about this?r you kidding me=?I prepared 2 plan 2 times on marengello and vinci.who know this?asli knows.(vinci)because of fcking leaks.you hoped we ll fight with conf and you would win the version.yes you did now!!


It's not really my fault if your crew or your as1's didn't let you know what happened there exactly. There was a few people there from b/y and turkuz who knew the plan and accepted it in first then in last moment they said and I quote "No we can't shoot because our bloods doesn't want us to do so" And seriously you are one fam who less organized more than any other fam around. You know why? While we were shooting t/b/y/g there was 3 people in my pm who are turkuz crew. One of them was you and swearing at me, the other one was I don't really remember who was it because I didn't reply at all. And the last one was makiff and GET THIS he was asking me to be blood with turkuz xd. So seriously cut the crap here and deal with it.
you knew the logs of asli(she said me the time and the planner of the war=you)and you wanted the all of logs all midnight from adolf and he didnt give.you know the leaker and tomorrow you shooted us.vinci invited us to war on you.do you know this?and we rejected.because we focused on pact only.talk with trza.we talked about plans on conf a lot of time.and what you did.everyone know...
Maraz (09:44:34 - 28-02)
Link Quote
brqzL at 09:40:47 on 28/02:
Maraz at 09:38:35 on 28/02:
BoHeM at 09:28:34 on 28/02:
Maraz at 09:07:55 on 28/02:
brqzL at 09:00:17 on 28/02:
BoHeM at 07:58:09 on 28/02:
to prozzi purga and corrept..

r you really moron?yes you r..
if this war important for you, why you shooted to turkuz bs yigidos geli?were we target for you??you gave the game to pact and now cry and die.everyone know that if you plan something for pact, we ll jump in.and now fight 1 one 2..semi-suicid.. if you learn the real target of the game now, congratz..your brains work slow but work o/

I'm answering this only I feel sad for turkuz/b/y members, I wanted to clear things up for them. We shot turkuz/b/y and unfortunately Gelibolu[Which I didn't wanna shoot gelibolu even in last moment.] because we wanted to so. And no, pact didn't make this plan, we did. We asked them to shoot with us. Right after venture war t/b/y/g had chance to shoot pact with us but yet they chicken out in last minute as expected. Your dead now it's only because you were too coward to do what we did today. I'm not saying it was a smart move but that was smt we had to do since we didn't wanna be part of that pact.

nice explanation, then could you please also explain me why didnt you accept our offer at saturday and let us die alone?

and pls try to imagine how this war would be if Marazzino had joined on the attackers side?

anyways this version is over and i hope none of us wont repeat our mistakes in next version...
if you planned the plan it is bigger mistake than if somebody invite you.everybody says we invited to venture war, did you talked with birds? why I didnt heard anything about this?r you kidding me=?I prepared 2 plan 2 times on marengello and vinci.who know this?asli knows.(vinci)because of fcking leaks.you hoped we ll fight with conf and you would win the version.yes you did now!!

doctor , your lines are confused imo :D i was telling it to brqzl and kajmeran and basil.
we asked correptio to shoot the pact together at 25.02.2012 saturday. and they didnt except it.
maybe they thought that after Maraz's dead , pact would be weaker. and tbh it happened like that we damaged marangello. (we fought alone aganist the pact and killed a lot)

actually i would like to shoot the pact together with cls and with my bloods.

Dear Maraz,

Wrong. Marazzino didn't come to us with any offer, yet we went to them via another family who also shot with us today. But in the end we couldn't come up with solution, and marazzino just started to shot marangello by their own. And from that point, there was nothing else to do for us. So next time you better get your information correctly before asking others my friend.

i thought basil is a correptio top? and so do kajmeran? we talked with them actually,they can confirm imo.
Maraz (09:43:00 - 28-02)
Link Quote
phenkyhenky at 09:18:38 on 28/02:
Anonymous at 08:40:45 on 28/02:
zaaa at 07:41:20 on 28/02:
Anonymous at 05:32:21 on 28/02:
Bruinsma & Liberta: you're all a bunch of faggots!

Go... keep sucking dicks to stay alive.
Know that you are gonna die by the same pact that you're helping.

Cheers! o/

Like As Marazzino,

They also asslickers of pact and shooted to Turkuz Co.

After That Pact f...ed Moronzinos on first chance,

Now got to Purgatory and suck their dicks.

which planet do u live on ? Marazzino didnt shoot Turkuz , they backstabbed the pact and killed pact's dog , Aztec.

try to look with your eyes instead of your ass mofo...
dont hide amk idiot give your name open and give me your mom too i ll show u faggots

ibo seni bi sikerim kendine gelemessin mal duzgun konus ana baci muhabbeti yapma...

hem sanane amk aztec ten ne sikime atliyorsun lafa???

summary : i asked phenky why does he jump for a comment which is not about liberta nor himself...
brqzL Colombia (09:40:47 - 28-02)
Link Quote
Maraz at 09:38:35 on 28/02:
BoHeM at 09:28:34 on 28/02:
Maraz at 09:07:55 on 28/02:
brqzL at 09:00:17 on 28/02:
BoHeM at 07:58:09 on 28/02:
to prozzi purga and corrept..

r you really moron?yes you r..
if this war important for you, why you shooted to turkuz bs yigidos geli?were we target for you??you gave the game to pact and now cry and die.everyone know that if you plan something for pact, we ll jump in.and now fight 1 one 2..semi-suicid.. if you learn the real target of the game now, congratz..your brains work slow but work o/

I'm answering this only I feel sad for turkuz/b/y members, I wanted to clear things up for them. We shot turkuz/b/y and unfortunately Gelibolu[Which I didn't wanna shoot gelibolu even in last moment.] because we wanted to so. And no, pact didn't make this plan, we did. We asked them to shoot with us. Right after venture war t/b/y/g had chance to shoot pact with us but yet they chicken out in last minute as expected. Your dead now it's only because you were too coward to do what we did today. I'm not saying it was a smart move but that was smt we had to do since we didn't wanna be part of that pact.

nice explanation, then could you please also explain me why didnt you accept our offer at saturday and let us die alone?

and pls try to imagine how this war would be if Marazzino had joined on the attackers side?

anyways this version is over and i hope none of us wont repeat our mistakes in next version...
if you planned the plan it is bigger mistake than if somebody invite you.everybody says we invited to venture war, did you talked with birds? why I didnt heard anything about this?r you kidding me=?I prepared 2 plan 2 times on marengello and vinci.who know this?asli knows.(vinci)because of fcking leaks.you hoped we ll fight with conf and you would win the version.yes you did now!!

doctor , your lines are confused imo :D i was telling it to brqzl and kajmeran and basil.
we asked correptio to shoot the pact together at 25.02.2012 saturday. and they didnt except it.
maybe they thought that after Maraz's dead , pact would be weaker. and tbh it happened like that we damaged marangello. (we fought alone aganist the pact and killed a lot)

actually i would like to shoot the pact together with cls and with my bloods.

Dear Maraz,

Wrong. Marazzino didn't come to us with any offer, yet we went to them via another family who also shot with us today. But in the end we couldn't come up with solution, and marazzino just started to shot marangello by their own. And from that point, there was nothing else to do for us. So next time you better get your information correctly before asking others my friend.
brqzL Colombia (09:38:40 - 28-02)
Link Quote
BoHeM at 09:28:34 on 28/02:
Maraz at 09:07:55 on 28/02:
brqzL at 09:00:17 on 28/02:
BoHeM at 07:58:09 on 28/02:
to prozzi purga and corrept..

r you really moron?yes you r..
if this war important for you, why you shooted to turkuz bs yigidos geli?were we target for you??you gave the game to pact and now cry and die.everyone know that if you plan something for pact, we ll jump in.and now fight 1 one 2..semi-suicid.. if you learn the real target of the game now, congratz..your brains work slow but work o/

I'm answering this only I feel sad for turkuz/b/y members, I wanted to clear things up for them. We shot turkuz/b/y and unfortunately Gelibolu[Which I didn't wanna shoot gelibolu even in last moment.] because we wanted to so. And no, pact didn't make this plan, we did. We asked them to shoot with us. Right after venture war t/b/y/g had chance to shoot pact with us but yet they chicken out in last minute as expected. Your dead now it's only because you were too coward to do what we did today. I'm not saying it was a smart move but that was smt we had to do since we didn't wanna be part of that pact.

nice explanation, then could you please also explain me why didnt you accept our offer at saturday and let us die alone?

and pls try to imagine how this war would be if Marazzino had joined on the attackers side?

anyways this version is over and i hope none of us wont repeat our mistakes in next version...
if you planned the plan it is bigger mistake than if somebody invite you.everybody says we invited to venture war, did you talked with birds? why I didnt heard anything about this?r you kidding me=?I prepared 2 plan 2 times on marengello and vinci.who know this?asli knows.(vinci)because of fcking leaks.you hoped we ll fight with conf and you would win the version.yes you did now!!


It's not really my fault if your crew or your as1's didn't let you know what happened there exactly. There was a few people there from b/y and turkuz who knew the plan and accepted it in first then in last moment they said and I quote "No we can't shoot because our bloods doesn't want us to do so" And seriously you are one fam who less organized more than any other fam around. You know why? While we were shooting t/b/y/g there was 3 people in my pm who are turkuz crew. One of them was you and swearing at me, the other one was I don't really remember who was it because I didn't reply at all. And the last one was makiff and GET THIS he was asking me to be blood with turkuz xd. So seriously cut the crap here and deal with it.
Maraz (09:38:35 - 28-02)
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BoHeM at 09:28:34 on 28/02:
Maraz at 09:07:55 on 28/02:
brqzL at 09:00:17 on 28/02:
BoHeM at 07:58:09 on 28/02:
to prozzi purga and corrept..

r you really moron?yes you r..
if this war important for you, why you shooted to turkuz bs yigidos geli?were we target for you??you gave the game to pact and now cry and die.everyone know that if you plan something for pact, we ll jump in.and now fight 1 one 2..semi-suicid.. if you learn the real target of the game now, congratz..your brains work slow but work o/

I'm answering this only I feel sad for turkuz/b/y members, I wanted to clear things up for them. We shot turkuz/b/y and unfortunately Gelibolu[Which I didn't wanna shoot gelibolu even in last moment.] because we wanted to so. And no, pact didn't make this plan, we did. We asked them to shoot with us. Right after venture war t/b/y/g had chance to shoot pact with us but yet they chicken out in last minute as expected. Your dead now it's only because you were too coward to do what we did today. I'm not saying it was a smart move but that was smt we had to do since we didn't wanna be part of that pact.

nice explanation, then could you please also explain me why didnt you accept our offer at saturday and let us die alone?

and pls try to imagine how this war would be if Marazzino had joined on the attackers side?

anyways this version is over and i hope none of us wont repeat our mistakes in next version...
if you planned the plan it is bigger mistake than if somebody invite you.everybody says we invited to venture war, did you talked with birds? why I didnt heard anything about this?r you kidding me=?I prepared 2 plan 2 times on marengello and vinci.who know this?asli knows.(vinci)because of fcking leaks.you hoped we ll fight with conf and you would win the version.yes you did now!!

doctor , your lines are confused imo :D i was telling it to brqzl and kajmeran and basil.
we asked correptio to shoot the pact together at 25.02.2012 saturday. and they didnt except it.
maybe they thought that after Maraz's dead , pact would be weaker. and tbh it happened like that we damaged marangello. (we fought alone aganist the pact and killed a lot)

actually i would like to shoot the pact together with cls and with my bloods.
BoHeM (09:28:34 - 28-02)
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Maraz at 09:07:55 on 28/02:
brqzL at 09:00:17 on 28/02:
BoHeM at 07:58:09 on 28/02:
to prozzi purga and corrept..

r you really moron?yes you r..
if this war important for you, why you shooted to turkuz bs yigidos geli?were we target for you??you gave the game to pact and now cry and die.everyone know that if you plan something for pact, we ll jump in.and now fight 1 one 2..semi-suicid.. if you learn the real target of the game now, congratz..your brains work slow but work o/

I'm answering this only I feel sad for turkuz/b/y members, I wanted to clear things up for them. We shot turkuz/b/y and unfortunately Gelibolu[Which I didn't wanna shoot gelibolu even in last moment.] because we wanted to so. And no, pact didn't make this plan, we did. We asked them to shoot with us. Right after venture war t/b/y/g had chance to shoot pact with us but yet they chicken out in last minute as expected. Your dead now it's only because you were too coward to do what we did today. I'm not saying it was a smart move but that was smt we had to do since we didn't wanna be part of that pact.

nice explanation, then could you please also explain me why didnt you accept our offer at saturday and let us die alone?

and pls try to imagine how this war would be if Marazzino had joined on the attackers side?

anyways this version is over and i hope none of us wont repeat our mistakes in next version...
if you planned the plan it is bigger mistake than if somebody invite you.everybody says we invited to venture war, did you talked with birds? why I didnt heard anything about this?r you kidding me=?I prepared 2 plan 2 times on marengello and vinci.who know this?asli knows.(vinci)because of fcking leaks.you hoped we ll fight with conf and you would win the version.yes you did now!!
Jonsered (09:25:56 - 28-02)
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Well it is simple mathemathics.

20 fams shooting for the pact.

This is more than a half of omerta only in families number. In brug numbers it would be way bigger difference.

I do not blame the pact actually - they simply wanted to have bigger power, and therefore they joined forces. However they a bit overachieved their goals from the very beginning.

Version is not opening, and it was never open. Version was closed by one powerhouse since the day the families started.

And NO. Nobody had the power to unlock it, as there were too many underground bloodlinks too. The whiners WERE NOT able to do anything to stop this pact.

Whao to blame? Well first blame admins for the famlimits. A lot of people simply could not create their fams or join their usual fams, so they joined whoever looked promising in the beginning. It turned that pact gathered the majority of good players, while other side only gathered their core groups + small part of wanderers. Because maybe turkuz core group is as strong as conflict core group, but when you add 1000 neutral brugs and tell them who you wanna join, they of course wont join turkuz, or kurosawa (do they even know that is a surname of a movie director?).

So, having little to choose from, majority of the players join families that are more international/look stronger at the beginning.

I guess the pact themselves did not even expect such astronomical numbers when they planned this.

What to do? There is nothing to do. This version is done.

For the future: dear family tops. DO not fcking be friendly. This is a mafia game. This is not a game where you become friends with another family tops and ruin the main idea of the game. The ones that are your friends, should be in a family with you. Al the others are your RIVALS.

Admins, make a monetary prize for version winners (1 family, max 250 members). Make some ways to eliminate alliance power, like war declarations (limited) etc. For the sake of all future versions.

Because otherwise, friends won't unfriend and alliances will dominate.
phenkyhenky (09:18:38 - 28-02)
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Anonymous at 08:40:45 on 28/02:
zaaa at 07:41:20 on 28/02:
Anonymous at 05:32:21 on 28/02:
Bruinsma & Liberta: you're all a bunch of faggots!

Go... keep sucking dicks to stay alive.
Know that you are gonna die by the same pact that you're helping.

Cheers! o/

Like As Marazzino,

They also asslickers of pact and shooted to Turkuz Co.

After That Pact f...ed Moronzinos on first chance,

Now got to Purgatory and suck their dicks.

which planet do u live on ? Marazzino didnt shoot Turkuz , they backstabbed the pact and killed pact's dog , Aztec.

try to look with your eyes instead of your ass mofo...
dont hide amk idiot give your name open and give me your mom too i ll show u faggots
trepatudo Portugal (09:11:42 - 28-02)
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The problem is that you always say "imagine if I was alive"...

Guess what?

If you were alive everything would be the same, no action from any part of you guys, even YOUR OWN plans get cancelled by yourselves. It's just... ridiculous?

Don't even try to point your finger to Correptio or us when you were ruining everyone game-experience. Like almost always?

I have no patience neither time to train sheeps, if I would live from it, I would do it easily anyway, because you know... Sheeps are sheeps :P
Maraz (09:07:55 - 28-02)
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brqzL at 09:00:17 on 28/02:
BoHeM at 07:58:09 on 28/02:
to prozzi purga and corrept..

r you really moron?yes you r..
if this war important for you, why you shooted to turkuz bs yigidos geli?were we target for you??you gave the game to pact and now cry and die.everyone know that if you plan something for pact, we ll jump in.and now fight 1 one 2..semi-suicid.. if you learn the real target of the game now, congratz..your brains work slow but work o/

I'm answering this only I feel sad for turkuz/b/y members, I wanted to clear things up for them. We shot turkuz/b/y and unfortunately Gelibolu[Which I didn't wanna shoot gelibolu even in last moment.] because we wanted to so. And no, pact didn't make this plan, we did. We asked them to shoot with us. Right after venture war t/b/y/g had chance to shoot pact with us but yet they chicken out in last minute as expected. Your dead now it's only because you were too coward to do what we did today. I'm not saying it was a smart move but that was smt we had to do since we didn't wanna be part of that pact.

nice explanation, then could you please also explain me why didnt you accept our offer at saturday and let us die alone?

and pls try to imagine how this war would be if Marazzino had joined on the attackers side?

anyways this version is over and i hope none of us wont repeat our mistakes in next version...
brqzL Colombia (09:00:17 - 28-02)
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BoHeM at 07:58:09 on 28/02:
to prozzi purga and corrept..

r you really moron?yes you r..
if this war important for you, why you shooted to turkuz bs yigidos geli?were we target for you??you gave the game to pact and now cry and die.everyone know that if you plan something for pact, we ll jump in.and now fight 1 one 2..semi-suicid.. if you learn the real target of the game now, congratz..your brains work slow but work o/

I'm answering this only I feel sad for turkuz/b/y members, I wanted to clear things up for them. We shot turkuz/b/y and unfortunately Gelibolu[Which I didn't wanna shoot gelibolu even in last moment.] because we wanted to so. And no, pact didn't make this plan, we did. We asked them to shoot with us. Right after venture war t/b/y/g had chance to shoot pact with us but yet they chicken out in last minute as expected. Your dead now it's only because you were too coward to do what we did today. I'm not saying it was a smart move but that was smt we had to do since we didn't wanna be part of that pact.
Maraz (08:52:12 - 28-02)
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YES at 08:44:40 on 28/02:
attackers deserves huge respect except purgatory,

and to those fams : Bruinsma, Conflict, Conflictz, Equites, Escalada, Gravano, Guantanamo, Hangover, Liberta, Marangella, Marangello, Moretti, Oblivions, Presidential, Quirites, Righelli, Selenga, Senatores, Tremps, Vincitori

i hope your accounts become immortal and you enjoy forever

omfg 20 fams and Reborn will say ; why do u hate those fams work together for years :p

yeah in a fam limited version 20 fams are in the same pact just funny :D
Maraz (08:49:56 - 28-02)
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trepatudo at 08:36:37 on 28/02:

Better give version to somebody that actually did something for it than to dumb idiots that keep running away from all plans they were invited, from idiots that always have the same good fams but always die without doing shit, from same idiots that don't have what we call evolution, you know your brain should learn from mistakes?

Learn it!

You think people would suicide on Pact and let you idiots seeing it?
At least I'm glad you are dead, next time, act before getting killed.
It's not about 1 version, its about EVERY VERSION you guys dont fucking move, START TO LEARN IT.

I would repeat it all anyway, until you idiots don't learn that spectating is not a good way to learn versions we'd rather keep giving versions to who is not a spectator...

Useless bunch of idiots, in case you still think the mistake was from our part shooting you then going to pact then open your eyes that you were the idiots ruining it and that was the main reason for making me keep asking eviL to go on you idiots, because you are bunch of useless people that always die and blame others for dumb actions, you guys never NEVER do shit, start to use the brain then you will see maybe people can't stop talking shit about turks.

I had nothing to do with tihs war anyway, it just make me sad because people don't want to balance game, people just want to win no matter what, even if they are pure sheeps, so what?

so you can say, "I wno a version, but wait, all I did was receiving targets and keep cocksucking so my fam lives?"

I miss times were I was a pure capo, only shooting and shooting.

RIP both sides, I respect them both enough (Except sucky vinci :D)

For the sheeps, long live, sheeps, long live so we can cut the wool for the big bosses warm their asses.

and Marco u did the same thing to Marazzino. Marazzino was already planning to suicide but your blood Correptio asked us to wait for a better plan. we waited and then what happened we all saw.

if we had been alive we would fight at your side for sure and im also pretty sure we would kill atleast 2 more pact dogs or one of the heads of the pact.

you should accepted our offer at saturday...