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05-01 Turkuz Hijacked!
Author: Impact
Last updated: 4555d 13h 44m 52s ago by Smul
Comments: 51
Views: 17,057
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 3.3
Involved families: Turkuz
Turkuz has been hijacked, the cash on the family bank has been stolen and all family members got kicked. 22 Minutes after the family got hijacked they got shot down.

[Turkuz] Familybank: -$84,874,120 to $1,495,706
[Turkuz] New Sotto: [none] instead of Gambit
[Turkuz] New Consig: [none] instead of Cyclops
[Turkuz] Familymembers: 1 (-123)

With 35 fams left, who will take their place?

Update: Turkuz is back up retaking their fallen spot in Detroit, but because their family fell they lost all their family rank progress. This is a major setback for Turkuz.

Picture of the fampage after the hijack: http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/2585/lolxcy.jpg

Update: Magneto who was Don when Turkuz was hijacked has been revived.
War started on: 04:02:06 05-01-2012 War ended on: 04:45:08 05-01-2012
Bullet difference: +369,100 War duration: 43m
Money difference: +$49,640,871 Players died: 3

Dead Families:
[Turkuz] Family down on 04:44 05-01
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
| swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 8
Turkuz | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 8
Total | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 2 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 16

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Anonymous (13:22:46 - 13-01)
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Redspeert at 13:24:10 on 05/01:
Redspeert at 04:40:23 on 05/01:
Turkuz hijacked :'). As I said earlier today, shit happends when you invite all that can walk and crawl just to get highranks. Invite people you trust, not random players who you don't know if they want to help you, or fuck you over.

Venture almost got hijacked because of it, and now turkuz got hijacked. When will people learn?

Hi Redspeert.

Actually turkuz was trying to help someone who was on the run... which can be dangerous obviously.

Dastan 05-01-2012 02:33:56 You failed to kill Dastan but did some damage, he tried to hit back but totally missed you

This is less that 2 hours before dastan made the hijack, and i was 4000 bullets from preventing it all togehter :p Or one could say, the reason why they let him in.
Anonymous (22:19:38 - 07-01)
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TurkFella at 13:50:05 on 07/01:
If I was Turkisch I would rank my ass of now to shoot you all down on my own. - Epic

Thats not epic, thats just sad..

no-lifer :(
TurkFella (13:50:05 - 07-01)
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If I was Turkisch I would rank my ass of now to shoot you all down on my own. - Epic
Deston Palestinian Territory, Occupied (16:49:20 - 06-01)
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Leonhart at 21:36:29 on 05/01:
ROLF = Rolling on le floor :p

Oh my word, Leonheart is alive! :o
PannaJunk Tokelau (13:33:56 - 06-01)
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Anonymous at 13:28:30 on 06/01:
Anybody knows BoHeM his ingame nick?
Anonymous (13:28:30 - 06-01)
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Anybody knows BoHeM his ingame nick?
elmariachi (12:57:42 - 06-01)
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~Pierluigi at 11:44:19 on 06/01:

If you have a family with only one nationality, all members think a like, and there's no diversity.

lol where are you from; North Korea :')
Anonymous (11:56:48 - 06-01)
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BoHeM JoInEd MaFiA iN tHe IdIoCrAcY rAcE.
PannaJunk Tokelau (11:49:46 - 06-01)
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BoHeM_: senin a.q it oðlu it incompatible encoding
BoHeM_: sürekli turkuz hakkýnda konuþup durma sikerler belaný incompatible encoding
BoHeM_: translate and fuck you:w
PannaJunk: blow me homoboy
BoHeM_: you r nazdro top and maska and yama my ex friend
BoHeM_: but if you ll talk about turkuz
BoHeM_: I ll fuck your ass
PannaJunk: rofl
BoHeM_: son of bitch
PannaJunk: you got fucked in the ass last time i looked
PannaJunk: fuck off now
PannaJunk: and learn english then read my posts again
BoHeM_: Quanq
PannaJunk: then you see it wasnt negative
PannaJunk: noob
PannaJunk: yeah my ingame is Quanq
PannaJunk: gl

Don't critize Turkuz else they say they will kill you :'( Now I cant sleep anymore :'''(
~Pierluigi (11:44:19 - 06-01)
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Anonymous at 10:28:52 on 06/01:
Your argument make me laugh.
Having the same name over and over have influence, if you ask anyone with experience about what were the best fams ever, they will give 5,6 or 7 names of fams wich have been using the same name over and over. Does Portucalia comes up? No. Portucalia was big in 2.1, ok great for them, Turkus was big in 3.2 cool as well but isn't enough to make to the very top, you need originality and when you lack on that people start leaving to other places making you an 'one version stand familie' or very close to it.
They could have been big and strong for one version but that doesn't mean sucess. Sucess is the ability to bring people with you under the same flag over and over, and for that matter I don't see any of those families with familie names pushing almost 100% for their own nacionality having it.

Maybe you have more look in side versions like .pt .nl or .gen.tr but here no way.

Being in a family with the same nationality, it sucks!;P
I have been in families with more than five nationalities, and it was a lot of fun, even having one predominat nationality, but if you add more nationalities you can run a family 24 hours/24hours!
And above that it's a lot more fun, because of the cultural differences.
If you have a family with only one nationality, all members think a like, and there's no diversity. and you can't run a family 24/24, there are families that can do it. Because they have members with different time zones.
Back to the subject, having diversity it's what matters.

Anonymous (10:28:52 - 06-01)
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Your argument make me laugh.
Having the same name over and over have influence, if you ask anyone with experience about what were the best fams ever, they will give 5,6 or 7 names of fams wich have been using the same name over and over. Does Portucalia comes up? No. Portucalia was big in 2.1, ok great for them, Turkus was big in 3.2 cool as well but isn't enough to make to the very top, you need originality and when you lack on that people start leaving to other places making you an 'one version stand familie' or very close to it.
They could have been big and strong for one version but that doesn't mean sucess. Sucess is the ability to bring people with you under the same flag over and over, and for that matter I don't see any of those families with familie names pushing almost 100% for their own nacionality having it.

Maybe you have more look in side versions like .pt .nl or .gen.tr but here no way.
Anonymous (00:02:30 - 06-01)
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Anonymous at 12:39:46 on 05/01:
The fact still stays, the fam is gone, and others with more originality took over. Simple as that, sir no dity jobs.

Would it be more impressive if they had continued with the same old Portucalia for every single version? In my opinion it would actually be quite sad not to try something new. Nevertheless, you can't argue against the fact that Portucalia was a huge and successful family, therefore I really can't understand you comparison between Portucalia and Turkuz. Not that I have anything against Turkuz, but to be compared to Portucalia is to bit off more than you can chew.
What (23:49:14 - 05-01)
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Anonymous at 22:26:27 on 05/01:
Leonhart at 21:36:29 on 05/01:
ROLF = Rolling on le floor :p

you're a smart one!

and you are NOT
Anonymous (22:26:27 - 05-01)
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Leonhart at 21:36:29 on 05/01:
ROLF = Rolling on le floor :p

you're a smart one!
Leonhart Portugal (21:36:29 - 05-01)
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ROLF = Rolling on le floor :p

Anonymous (20:48:38 - 05-01)
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Kevin at 19:16:19 on 05/01:
Rix at 12:23:09 on 05/01:
Anonymous at 12:03:08 on 05/01:
ishma at 11:39:24 on 05/01:
Anonymous at 11:15:25 on 05/01:
It's not a matter about nacinality of the players, for me they could be all turks or dutch or portuguese. It's about the name they give to the familie, Turkuz, in here, .com version is just lame. On the other side you don't see families like Portugueses or Netherlanders for example.

Portucalia, Lusitania, Hispania, Bulgaria, and so on...
I don't see any of those fams up, guess it says enough of their sucess too.
Bulgaria had a nice version for a small family in 3.2, shot in a few wars.
they r still playing in Yalta :)

How interesting you guys! Seriously tough, this is some interesting shit..
Get a ....

yeah you damn well know what I mean!, go search and stfu
Kevin Lebanon (19:16:19 - 05-01)
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Rix at 12:23:09 on 05/01:
Anonymous at 12:03:08 on 05/01:
ishma at 11:39:24 on 05/01:
Anonymous at 11:15:25 on 05/01:
It's not a matter about nacinality of the players, for me they could be all turks or dutch or portuguese. It's about the name they give to the familie, Turkuz, in here, .com version is just lame. On the other side you don't see families like Portugueses or Netherlanders for example.

Portucalia, Lusitania, Hispania, Bulgaria, and so on...
I don't see any of those fams up, guess it says enough of their sucess too.
Bulgaria had a nice version for a small family in 3.2, shot in a few wars.
they r still playing in Yalta :)
Anonymous (18:42:44 - 05-01)
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Turkuz hijacked ROLF omfg HILARIOUS :')

Its clear: They won this version! just like 3.2 ROLF
Turkuzzzz what a joke xD
Redspeert Syrian Arab Republic (16:47:53 - 05-01)
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Anonymous at 04:54:07 on 05/01:
i blame this site for this hijack .... especially respeert for pointing !

lolvut :|
Anonymous (15:49:31 - 05-01)
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Anonymous at 11:07:53 on 05/01:
Great hijack !

Better go back to .tr with that name :w

why so angry ? are u a racist? btw turkuz never play .tr so shut up and go back to ur barbies ;)