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General Comments & Major Rumors
Author: sbanks
Last updated: 4771d 18h 43m 10s ago by MrWhite
Comments: 58,041
Views: 16,870,137
Votes: 81 (4.5 average)
General Comments & Major Rumors section.

Everyone knows where this section is for, keep it clean from flaming and only posts in english are allowed.

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Bones (18:14:16 - 12-07)
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Well I as a student of programing can say tha KCode is doing hell of a job. And if your alone its harder to fix things fast, but at least he is doing his job, problem is that others admins are not doing their job and are not informing us regulary. And when you need to write bazilion codes its bound to happen you gonna screw something up and there gonna be bugs and stuff.

And some of you are saying that they should prepare everything and then start a version with all new stuff. Yes it sounds good but I personaly would do the same as admins did with this version. You got bigger player base than in "beta" and you can see things clearer. And yes, they will be fixing things for the next week or even more but I have fait in KCode and I think in the end we will have awesome versions in future that could actualy compare to the ones of the start of this game.

my 24,65 cents
Redspeert Syrian Arab Republic (17:51:10 - 12-07)
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Ano at 17:31:05 on 12/07:
Redspeert at 17:09:47 on 12/07:
Kcode is doing his job. More than can be said about the rest of the bunch, atleast brando, most useless person that you are able to find.
Its very easy to say some bad words about a person, maybe talk with him first before you judge him.

Keep going Redspeed you will win the Pulitzer price for your great comments

Oh I have talked my share with brando, I have also seens his actions. Maybe learn a thing or two before you start sucking cock.
Ano (17:31:05 - 12-07)
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Redspeert at 17:09:47 on 12/07:
Kcode is doing his job. More than can be said about the rest of the bunch, atleast brando, most useless person that you are able to find.
Its very easy to say some bad words about a person, maybe talk with him first before you judge him.

Keep going Redspeed you will win the Pulitzer price for your great comments
Redspeert Syrian Arab Republic (17:09:47 - 12-07)
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Kcode is doing his job. More than can be said about the rest of the bunch, atleast brando, most useless person that you are able to find.
Provenio (16:29:01 - 12-07)
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dd at 16:27:46 on 12/07:

I agree with you sbanks, KCode is doing some very nice work! Communication could have been better when the raiding was down but it is not KCode's fault that other crew members dont seem to help him :)

I wrote this, login didnt work (bad password :P)
dd (16:27:46 - 12-07)
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sbanks at 09:26:22 on 12/07:
I think everyone knows my opinion about barafranca admin. But for the ones who forgot.. i can't stand them.

For owning this site, for being part of Fingon crew, for articles posted on both sites, for comments made from users on the sites, i have been:

- akilled, glined, zlined.
- they tried to kill our hosting.
- threaten with sue'ing
- removed my irc account several times
- they froze all my moderators and fellow admins a certain time, while being frozen even some of them got shot.
- when we were completly right with some information, we had to remove it and say "we are sorry" or no one of my OBN crew would been able to play again.
- closing #news 252523 times

and the list goes on...


KCode is cut from a different kind of wood! I have experienced this from close by. He is the first one who get things done in years!

This KA code was implemented and completelty rewritten by a former developer who already left the company at the start of 4.1

When the war at .TR started a lot of bugs appeared, all related to this KA code. He decided to disable it.

some of the bugs were:

- certain people unkillable, you would prompted with an sql error
- bf could fire back over 60.0000 bullets even when you set your BF at none
- spot handeling

and the list goes on.

Killing got closed down because the version would be competely fucked. people wouldn't die or die by shooting a pre shot of 10k. then there is the spot handeling. ghost regimes, no successors etc. the whole game would been 1 big bug.

I hope that even i said something positive about KCode / Barafranca is an eye opener for some people. It's just so easy to conclude things from the sideline.

Anyway, lets hope it gets fixed fast so "we" the players, can play the game we like.

- sbanks

I agree with you sbanks, KCode is doing some very nice work! Communication could have been better when the raiding was down but it is not KCode's fault that other crew members dont seem to help him :)

Anonymous (16:17:12 - 12-07)
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Anonymous at 16:12:27 on 12/07:
Any fam with half a brain that hired or was targetted yesterday should hire at 19:00 OT or be fucked.

Good luck:)

Anonymous (16:12:27 - 12-07)
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Any fam with half a brain that hired or was targetted yesterday should hire at 19:00 OT or be fucked.

Good luck:)
Anonymous (15:58:38 - 12-07)
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Gmx vs apa tonight
Jonko (15:55:13 - 12-07)
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Anonymous at 13:30:45 on 12/07:
User: Floca

Anonymous (15:54:47 - 12-07)
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Hell breaks loose at 19:00 ?
Anonymous (14:56:47 - 12-07)
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i wonder who is helping admins test new KA ... can every1 join that BETA version or what?
Anonymous (13:30:45 - 12-07)
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User: Floca
Anonymous (12:50:30 - 12-07)
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Anonymous at 12:02:57 on 12/07:
Sbanks its not that we dont accept problems, and we are cheering for K-Code fast coding style and more of a attitude to get things done.
The problem is not that this is happenin for once, no it keeps coming and we're sorry is not gonna cut it anymore
Fix it, then run a game not the other way around.
Running a game then fix things, I feel like a beta tester :s

There are shit-loads of people paying for this game, put the money to work and things will get done one way or the other

Changing stuff will ALWAYS result in bugs but as far as I can see they are on top of them and fix them relatively fast.

What I really hate about you folks is that you didnt complain when we didnt have ANY changes in this game for 3-4 versions in a row and you folks kept buying DCs to play the same shitty boring versions. Version after version.

I'l gladly accept the bugs if it means the game is atleast being developed.
zeveroareDoesnotsignin (12:28:42 - 12-07)
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Anonymous at 22:44:09 on 11/07:
Anonymous at 22:43:33 on 11/07:
Lol righelli got really lucky tonight so it seems, gravano++ was bout to fuck their ass up xD

actually it was vaffa's ass on the line tonight...

I wonder why they keep saying Vaffanculo.
Anonymous (12:24:21 - 12-07)
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shooting/killing is the core of this game, and they had to disable it in the middle of the version, nuff said

maybe they should've been working on perfecting the KA, instead of coloring and painting around :')
game has colorful little squares now and shooting is disabled lol
Anonymous (12:02:57 - 12-07)
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Sbanks its not that we dont accept problems, and we are cheering for K-Code fast coding style and more of a attitude to get things done.
The problem is not that this is happenin for once, no it keeps coming and we're sorry is not gonna cut it anymore
Fix it, then run a game not the other way around.
Running a game then fix things, I feel like a beta tester :s

There are shit-loads of people paying for this game, put the money to work and things will get done one way or the other
Aart (10:53:46 - 12-07)
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Ravenger at 09:47:28 on 12/07:
Anonymous at 09:40:20 on 12/07:
sbanks at 09:26:22 on 12/07:
I think everyone knows my opinion about barafranca admin. But for the ones who forgot.. i can't stand them.

For owning this site, for being part of Fingon crew, for articles posted on both sites, for comments made from users on the sites, i have been:

- akilled, glined, zlined.
- they tried to kill our hosting.
- threaten with sue'ing
- removed my irc account several times
- they froze all my moderators and fellow admins a certain time, while being frozen even some of them got shot.
- when we were completly right with some information, we had to remove it and say "we are sorry" or no one of my OBN crew would been able to play again.
- closing #news 252523 times

and the list goes on...


KCode is cut from a different kind of wood! I have experienced this from close by. He is the first one who get things done in years!

This KA code was implemented and completelty rewritten by a former developer who already left the company at the start of 4.1

When the war at .TR started a lot of bugs appeared, all related to this KA code. He decided to disable it.

some of the bugs were:

- certain people unkillable, you would prompted with an sql error
- bf could fire back over 60.0000 bullets even when you set your BF at none
- spot handeling

and the list goes on.

Killing got closed down because the version would be competely fucked. people wouldn't die or die by shooting a pre shot of 10k. then there is the spot handeling. ghost regimes, no successors etc. the whole game would been 1 big bug.

I hope that even i said something positive about KCode / Barafranca is an eye opener for some people. It's just so easy to conclude things from the sideline.

Anyway, lets hope it gets fixed fast so "we" the players, can play the game we like.

- sbanks

i agree on some parts but they just had to do all changes before the reset. they resetted cuz of money. so here we are, still too many bugs etc .. sorry but they fucked up again.

They could have started this version the same as last version, it would have been another short 2 month version yes, but after that time, a properly working spot system etc would be in place. If we didnt get any new updates, nobody would have been making massive complaints, but it's been made worse by the fact every single part of the game is bugged. Oh, and admins in #help know less than some of us players.

so? the guys in #help are indeed volunteers who don't know half as much as the regular players. any boon could give answers as 'write a ticket', 'try opening it in another browser' or 'clear your cache'. that's not the point.
the point is that the previous 3.x versions and even 4.0 / 4.01 sucked, were full(!!) of bugs and the gameplay became awfully boring. despite the current bugs/lags/glitches wtv, this version beats the previous ones every day of the week.
so we can all complain the shit out of Kcode, or let him do his job and give him some positive feedback whenever we encounter troubles in the game.

yes it sucks if you loose cash, if your spot fucks up, or that family unlocks/pb's/bj's/killing is still disabled.. but everyone has to deal with it, so suck it up.

Anonymous at 09:40:20 on 12/07:
they resetted cuz of money.

then don't buy any dc's you whining kid.

kudo's to the both of you sbanks and kcode.
Ravenger (09:47:28 - 12-07)
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Anonymous at 09:40:20 on 12/07:
sbanks at 09:26:22 on 12/07:
I think everyone knows my opinion about barafranca admin. But for the ones who forgot.. i can't stand them.

For owning this site, for being part of Fingon crew, for articles posted on both sites, for comments made from users on the sites, i have been:

- akilled, glined, zlined.
- they tried to kill our hosting.
- threaten with sue'ing
- removed my irc account several times
- they froze all my moderators and fellow admins a certain time, while being frozen even some of them got shot.
- when we were completly right with some information, we had to remove it and say "we are sorry" or no one of my OBN crew would been able to play again.
- closing #news 252523 times

and the list goes on...


KCode is cut from a different kind of wood! I have experienced this from close by. He is the first one who get things done in years!

This KA code was implemented and completelty rewritten by a former developer who already left the company at the start of 4.1

When the war at .TR started a lot of bugs appeared, all related to this KA code. He decided to disable it.

some of the bugs were:

- certain people unkillable, you would prompted with an sql error
- bf could fire back over 60.0000 bullets even when you set your BF at none
- spot handeling

and the list goes on.

Killing got closed down because the version would be competely fucked. people wouldn't die or die by shooting a pre shot of 10k. then there is the spot handeling. ghost regimes, no successors etc. the whole game would been 1 big bug.

I hope that even i said something positive about KCode / Barafranca is an eye opener for some people. It's just so easy to conclude things from the sideline.

Anyway, lets hope it gets fixed fast so "we" the players, can play the game we like.

- sbanks

i agree on some parts but they just had to do all changes before the reset. they resetted cuz of money. so here we are, still too many bugs etc .. sorry but they fucked up again.

They could have started this version the same as last version, it would have been another short 2 month version yes, but after that time, a properly working spot system etc would be in place. If we didnt get any new updates, nobody would have been making massive complaints, but it's been made worse by the fact every single part of the game is bugged. Oh, and admins in #help know less than some of us players.
Anonymous (09:40:20 - 12-07)
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sbanks at 09:26:22 on 12/07:
I think everyone knows my opinion about barafranca admin. But for the ones who forgot.. i can't stand them.

For owning this site, for being part of Fingon crew, for articles posted on both sites, for comments made from users on the sites, i have been:

- akilled, glined, zlined.
- they tried to kill our hosting.
- threaten with sue'ing
- removed my irc account several times
- they froze all my moderators and fellow admins a certain time, while being frozen even some of them got shot.
- when we were completly right with some information, we had to remove it and say "we are sorry" or no one of my OBN crew would been able to play again.
- closing #news 252523 times

and the list goes on...


KCode is cut from a different kind of wood! I have experienced this from close by. He is the first one who get things done in years!

This KA code was implemented and completelty rewritten by a former developer who already left the company at the start of 4.1

When the war at .TR started a lot of bugs appeared, all related to this KA code. He decided to disable it.

some of the bugs were:

- certain people unkillable, you would prompted with an sql error
- bf could fire back over 60.0000 bullets even when you set your BF at none
- spot handeling

and the list goes on.

Killing got closed down because the version would be competely fucked. people wouldn't die or die by shooting a pre shot of 10k. then there is the spot handeling. ghost regimes, no successors etc. the whole game would been 1 big bug.

I hope that even i said something positive about KCode / Barafranca is an eye opener for some people. It's just so easy to conclude things from the sideline.

Anyway, lets hope it gets fixed fast so "we" the players, can play the game we like.

- sbanks

i agree on some parts but they just had to do all changes before the reset. they resetted cuz of money. so here we are, still too many bugs etc .. sorry but they fucked up again.