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» Comments of Mickay
General Comments & Major Rumors
02:44:09 - 30-10
Anonymous at 01:31:05 on 30/10:
who are you again !! sry we killed alot of you ppl i cant point out which one you are :D
ohh u must be one of righell, avenue, hord cant remember the rest but u know the ones we killed :')
well sry abt that, next time dread carefully my silly frnd. whom u talk to ;)
and dont forget always REMEMBER THE NAME .
Anonymous at 22:07:42 on 29/10:
bye bye moronello :w
none of them member i am
but u better learn to keep your words in future
Anonymous at 22:06:31 on 29/10:
Ah! You must by either righelli, horde or avenue that got killed by Maranello. Or difference who asked for a cease fire cause they got wiped out until only the don and 3 capos were left.
Say what you want but this family and it’s players but they played a rather good version.
Ah! You must by either righelli, horde or avenue that got killed by Maranello. Or difference who asked for a cease fire cause they got wiped out until only the don and 3 capos were left.
Say what you want but this family and it’s players but they played a rather good version.
Anonymous at 21:51:27 on 29/10:
bye bye moronello xD
bye bye moronello xD
bye bye moronello :w
none of them member i am
but u better learn to keep your words in future
ohh u must be one of righell, avenue, hord cant remember the rest but u know the ones we killed :')
well sry abt that, next time dread carefully my silly frnd. whom u talk to ;)
and dont forget always REMEMBER THE NAME .
For a bunch of keyboard warriors who are obsessed with 'honor,' there sure are a bunch of people who love to talk shit on Beyond anonymously.
General Comments & Major Rumors
17:26:28 - 11-03
Never change OB. Glad to see it's dramatic as always here. I'm interested in playing in the upcoming round. Is there an IRC channel I can loiter in to find some old folks/families to run with?
General Comments & Major Rumors
10:36:14 - 11-03
dejo at 09:32:07 on 09/03:
New changes? Yes and we dont need the admins for it.
Cheaters: stop cheating pls
Mass pacters : stop pacting pls
Accounthuggers: grow a pair pls
Love you all
New changes? Yes and we dont need the admins for it.
Cheaters: stop cheating pls
Mass pacters : stop pacting pls
Accounthuggers: grow a pair pls
Love you all
These requests are older than dirt. Made every version.
General Comments & Major Rumors
09:16:22 - 08-03
Anonymous at 15:10:57 on 06/03:
Critycal at 14:59:59 on 06/03:
The fam you got thrown out of because you had to ask your russian e-love permission to do heists? oh..
l0wrider at 05:19:53 on 06/03:
#siberia oh no wait..
Anonymous at 17:04:02 on 05/03:
Think I will try a round again. Who can I join?
Anonymous at 11:01:43 on 05/03:
The new round of Omerta will start next Thursday, 8 March at 10 OT.
The new round of Omerta will start next Thursday, 8 March at 10 OT.
Think I will try a round again. Who can I join?
His name is 'Eeyore', not 'pony'. HAVE SOME RESPECT.
General Comments & Major Rumors
17:08:47 - 10-03
Tony-E at 17:06:20 on 10/03:
Because? They didn't get caught cheating? That doesn't mean they don't cheat.
If you call teamviewer cheating and admins could find out a way to find tv users(imposobile) then allmost all Hrs/capo's/top3's would get akilled for cheating.
Now or you can accept that or you can complain the rest of your life about about cheating on a rpg newssite and Meanwhile Everybody keeps on 'cheating' and giving a shit about your Blabla about cheating on obn.
Or of course, you can start cheating also to compensate.
Harry Beaver at 16:19:39 on 10/03:
Admins should make Catania HOF winner even if they get killed by all these cheater houses.
Admins should make Catania HOF winner even if they get killed by all these cheater houses.
If you call teamviewer cheating and admins could find out a way to find tv users(imposobile) then allmost all Hrs/capo's/top3's would get akilled for cheating.
Now or you can accept that or you can complain the rest of your life about about cheating on a rpg newssite and Meanwhile Everybody keeps on 'cheating' and giving a shit about your Blabla about cheating on obn.
Or of course, you can start cheating also to compensate.
Not sure this is a legitimate argument. 'Not a single person in their family has been caught cheating but everyone cheats so they must be cheating.'
General Comments & Major Rumors
03:12:59 - 09-02
Yo what sort of time frame are we looking at with regards to when this version will wrap? I've got a bit of free time on my hands and wanna get my biennial Omerta time in.
General Comments & Major Rumors
19:21:55 - 04-04
As someone who is contemplating returning to the game after a 5 year sabbatical, I have a different argument as to why the game is dying. Cheating has always been pervasive in Omerta, ever since the early days. But I don't think it's the reason for the exodus of players.
I believe that the reason for so many players leaving is by and large 1 reason which was brought about by 2 changes to the game. Those changes were the introduction of Lackeys, and the quick versions.
Let me explain.
Up until 2.9 or whenever Lackey's were introduced, If you wanted to rank competitively, you were on your computer, and you were manually ranking. This forced players to focus on Omerta, whether that meant talking shop with friends on IRC, or pondering other aspects of the game... basic classical conditioning. And this wasn't just higher ups, this was everyone. Now, thanks to lackeys, aside from the higher ups, all the grunts have no real incentive to loiter around IRC and spend time actively involved in the game. This led to people spending less time in general investing themselves in Omerta. When people wander, they tend to lose interest, or find other things that appeal to them. This makes it way easier to walk away.
Quick versions.
I'm astounded to find that versions nowadays last little more than a month. This de-incentivizes players to create new accounts after death. The result? This means that once you die, there is once again a time to wander, and therefore lose interest in the game. Previously, with longer versions, players had a sunk cost investment in their families and friends. Essentially, they had put so much time into building their family and social circle in addition to their own account, that walking away after a single death just wasnt worth it... since with such a long runway, ranking back up and contributing ina meaningful way was a realistic aspiration. With such short versions, taking time off is incredibly easy as well (going AWOL for 1-2 versions), which further reduces the chances of a player returning, and ultimately damages the integrity of the community, because social circles have a constantly revolving door of people.
Ultimately, the gradual decline in Omerta is not the result of cheaters, it's the decline in community. Less general activity resulting from the above decisions made by the powers that be. It's the reason everyone flocks here to discuss their ideas... besides being an open forum, everyone who is active also hangs out around here, and people can discuss their complaints ad nauseum. Why do you think #omerta is so dead all the time... why are public family channels silent. At the surface level, people find themselves becoming disinterested, and of course the first reason they think is, "cheaters make this game less fun"... but cheaters are just one unpleasant part of the game, and the dying community exacerbates their perceived impact.
I believe that the reason for so many players leaving is by and large 1 reason which was brought about by 2 changes to the game. Those changes were the introduction of Lackeys, and the quick versions.
Let me explain.
Up until 2.9 or whenever Lackey's were introduced, If you wanted to rank competitively, you were on your computer, and you were manually ranking. This forced players to focus on Omerta, whether that meant talking shop with friends on IRC, or pondering other aspects of the game... basic classical conditioning. And this wasn't just higher ups, this was everyone. Now, thanks to lackeys, aside from the higher ups, all the grunts have no real incentive to loiter around IRC and spend time actively involved in the game. This led to people spending less time in general investing themselves in Omerta. When people wander, they tend to lose interest, or find other things that appeal to them. This makes it way easier to walk away.
Quick versions.
I'm astounded to find that versions nowadays last little more than a month. This de-incentivizes players to create new accounts after death. The result? This means that once you die, there is once again a time to wander, and therefore lose interest in the game. Previously, with longer versions, players had a sunk cost investment in their families and friends. Essentially, they had put so much time into building their family and social circle in addition to their own account, that walking away after a single death just wasnt worth it... since with such a long runway, ranking back up and contributing ina meaningful way was a realistic aspiration. With such short versions, taking time off is incredibly easy as well (going AWOL for 1-2 versions), which further reduces the chances of a player returning, and ultimately damages the integrity of the community, because social circles have a constantly revolving door of people.
Ultimately, the gradual decline in Omerta is not the result of cheaters, it's the decline in community. Less general activity resulting from the above decisions made by the powers that be. It's the reason everyone flocks here to discuss their ideas... besides being an open forum, everyone who is active also hangs out around here, and people can discuss their complaints ad nauseum. Why do you think #omerta is so dead all the time... why are public family channels silent. At the surface level, people find themselves becoming disinterested, and of course the first reason they think is, "cheaters make this game less fun"... but cheaters are just one unpleasant part of the game, and the dying community exacerbates their perceived impact.
General Comments & Major Rumors
22:37:23 - 02-04
I read the comments on OB for the first time in what... 3 years... and 2 of the top comments are Redspeert and McGee. I wonder if Brando is afraid of losing his player base to old age.
General Comments & Major Rumors
04:49:24 - 02-09
This exchange 2 posts below me is pathetic. It's petty exchanges like this that make walking away from this game easier than ever before. If you guys want to have a dick measuring contest take it off beyond and into PM's. It's ridiculous that people have to sift through shit like this in order find pertinent thoughtful remarks from less abrasive users.
Shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck up.
08-06 Flaming
22:11:10 - 11-06
This is a terrible idea. The best discussions are the result of statements that cause disagreement. The criteria to have a post removed shouldnt be 10 votes, it should be something with the ratio of votes...
As in, minimum of 10 votes must've been cast, and if greater than 80% of the votes are dislikes, then the post gets deleted.
Alternatively you could improve everything by adding points to the mix. Everyone wants more points, and better posts will earn more points. People wont want to lose points as it will damage their cyber ego and as such less stupid shit gets said.
As in, minimum of 10 votes must've been cast, and if greater than 80% of the votes are dislikes, then the post gets deleted.
Alternatively you could improve everything by adding points to the mix. Everyone wants more points, and better posts will earn more points. People wont want to lose points as it will damage their cyber ego and as such less stupid shit gets said.
28-05 Righelli ↔ Mangano
19:28:22 - 29-05
Deston at 18:53:44 on 29/05:
You should stop being bitter about dieing. KA has no relation to all these families that back in 3.2 would have been ranked #50-80 and in 3.2 had to wait 2 months until most decent families went down before they could get started.
Mickay at 17:40:03 on 29/05:
The present family numbers would be fine if the admins didnt do such a thorough job of fucking the KA
Deston at 16:12:18 on 29/05:
Because when a decent amount of families were allowed to start this version, everyone cried and we got a 23 bonus to HQ's that were only needed for families that generally speaking don't have more than 15 players.
Brusakin at 15:41:11 on 29/05:
Yeah Mangano awesomeness! Could anyone explain to me why there's so many useless families around?
Yeah Mangano awesomeness! Could anyone explain to me why there's so many useless families around?
The present family numbers would be fine if the admins didnt do such a thorough job of fucking the KA
Ha, my bitterness has nothing to do with dying, as many can attest, I'm never too distressed about losing an account. My bitterness is the inability of strong accounts to properly defend themselves any longer.
And your wrong, KA has plenty of relation to how spots are used. Your saying that when pure numbers in a family is more valuable than the strength of accounts in that family, that there is no effect on competent players leaving to establish their own families. That is false, pure and simple.
28-05 Righelli ↔ Mangano
17:40:03 - 29-05
Deston at 16:12:18 on 29/05:
Because when a decent amount of families were allowed to start this version, everyone cried and we got a 23 bonus to HQ's that were only needed for families that generally speaking don't have more than 15 players.
Brusakin at 15:41:11 on 29/05:
Yeah Mangano awesomeness! Could anyone explain to me why there's so many useless families around?
Yeah Mangano awesomeness! Could anyone explain to me why there's so many useless families around?
The present family numbers would be fine if the admins didnt do such a thorough job of fucking the KA
General Comments & Major Rumors
19:00:41 - 02-05
Pritalex at 17:41:00 on 02/05:
Weren't they supposed to be abusing bugs?
anonyme at 16:50:02 on 02/05:
Money buyers, been going on a while...
tell 'em deston :)
Anonymous at 09:26:53 on 02/05:
Armada has pos 2 4 5 6 7
isn't that ridiculous?
Armada has pos 2 4 5 6 7
isn't that ridiculous?
Money buyers, been going on a while...
tell 'em deston :)
I think I would be disappointed in myself if I DIDNT abuse bugs... who doesn't love a good akill once in a while!?
General Comments & Major Rumors
23:53:59 - 30-04
Anonymous at 22:52:53 on 30/04:
Sure it's skills, tho i doubt it's gambling skills. Considering yout a smartass and are working for apple. I think that your computer skills got more to do with it then gambling ;)
Mickay at 22:24:09 on 30/04:
I'm presently up ~300mil on BJ and have emptied 14 tables in the past 5 weeks. You can ask anyone who owned a table and had an MB of over 2mil up til last week how long it took before they lost their table, I have logs to support it, and up until last week I had a public warning in my profile that was updated live. Give me the respect i deserve and quit whining cuz you don't have my skills. Out bitches.
Lolled at 22:10:28 on 30/04:
We have 6 and even more close too it, there's something called 'gambling' and buying dc's when ur busto :D
Anonymous at 22:00:20 on 30/04:
right, nice fairytale telling there ;) Considering they where in top20 befor theire objects where makin money ;p
Anonymous at 21:46:50 on 30/04:
No, they are just giving all objectprofits & bullets from BF to their 5 top accounts (ceasar, redvendetta, patton hamilcar & hannibal), easy way to get in top20...guess members gtfo :`)
Anonymous at 21:04:09 on 26/04:
Anonymous at 21:01:08 on 26/04:
Is it also luck that 5 people from armada is in top 20 ?
Or are you guys buying money again like last version ?
Is it also luck that 5 people from armada is in top 20 ?
Or are you guys buying money again like last version ?
No, they are just giving all objectprofits & bullets from BF to their 5 top accounts (ceasar, redvendetta, patton hamilcar & hannibal), easy way to get in top20...guess members gtfo :`)
right, nice fairytale telling there ;) Considering they where in top20 befor theire objects where makin money ;p
We have 6 and even more close too it, there's something called 'gambling' and buying dc's when ur busto :D
I'm presently up ~300mil on BJ and have emptied 14 tables in the past 5 weeks. You can ask anyone who owned a table and had an MB of over 2mil up til last week how long it took before they lost their table, I have logs to support it, and up until last week I had a public warning in my profile that was updated live. Give me the respect i deserve and quit whining cuz you don't have my skills. Out bitches.
Sure it's skills, tho i doubt it's gambling skills. Considering yout a smartass and are working for apple. I think that your computer skills got more to do with it then gambling ;)
There's a reason the smartasses winning the casino are the same people time and time again. And I havent had any qualms about sharing my strategy with anyone who asks. Maybe instead of assuming I cheat in order to outperform you, you could ask what I do, like so many others have. Or you can just hide behind the wall of anonymity and bash me because you can't explain how someone could possibly outplay you. I can be reached on IRC with the nick Mickay
General Comments & Major Rumors
22:24:09 - 30-04
Lolled at 22:10:28 on 30/04:
We have 6 and even more close too it, there's something called 'gambling' and buying dc's when ur busto :D
Anonymous at 22:00:20 on 30/04:
right, nice fairytale telling there ;) Considering they where in top20 befor theire objects where makin money ;p
Anonymous at 21:46:50 on 30/04:
No, they are just giving all objectprofits & bullets from BF to their 5 top accounts (ceasar, redvendetta, patton hamilcar & hannibal), easy way to get in top20...guess members gtfo :`)
Anonymous at 21:04:09 on 26/04:
Anonymous at 21:01:08 on 26/04:
Is it also luck that 5 people from armada is in top 20 ?
Or are you guys buying money again like last version ?
Is it also luck that 5 people from armada is in top 20 ?
Or are you guys buying money again like last version ?
No, they are just giving all objectprofits & bullets from BF to their 5 top accounts (ceasar, redvendetta, patton hamilcar & hannibal), easy way to get in top20...guess members gtfo :`)
right, nice fairytale telling there ;) Considering they where in top20 befor theire objects where makin money ;p
We have 6 and even more close too it, there's something called 'gambling' and buying dc's when ur busto :D
I'm presently up ~300mil on BJ and have emptied 14 tables in the past 5 weeks. You can ask anyone who owned a table and had an MB of over 2mil up til last week how long it took before they lost their table, I have logs to support it, and up until last week I had a public warning in my profile that was updated live. Give me the respect i deserve and quit whining cuz you don't have my skills. Out bitches.
General Comments & Major Rumors
21:18:48 - 26-04
Anonymous at 21:17:21 on 26/04:
Mad skillz yo
Anonymous at 21:01:08 on 26/04:
Is it also luck that 5 people from armada is in top 20 ?
Or are you guys buying money again like last version ?
Is it also luck that 5 people from armada is in top 20 ?
Or are you guys buying money again like last version ?
Mad skillz yo
erm that was me...
General Comments & Major Rumors
19:24:21 - 21-04
Anonymous at 12:32:53 on 21/04:
Armada written their fam page there is bloods everywhere it is so right they have 20 bloods they is everywhere :D
Armada written their fam page there is bloods everywhere it is so right they have 20 bloods they is everywhere :D
Yes because if there is one thing we have learned from Presidential, its that they blood everyone in the game! What a bunch of huggers!
Introvici little scum doggie family. Loser tops and old fucks like Corniole thinking he is relevant when only dumb old fuck
lol a very measured and balanced take from someone who clearly has all their marbles. /s