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07-02 Discord channel!
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23-01 Winner of round #58 is...
Comments: 12 - Views: 358 - Votes: 1
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Endless Struggle !
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23-09 Reset → 30 September 2022, Friday → 12:00 OT
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30-09 Welcome to Round #40!
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19-09 Congratulations Reichsthaler!
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01-09 Not Penny's boat..
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21-08 First Family!
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» Comments of MurderInc
14-03 Does This Count as a Deja Vu?
09:01:39 - 16-03
Either apply as a reporter or stop crying. 90% of all war reports in the last few versions were created by the same reporter, so be happy there's anything to read at all. I'll be deleting any further comments on the matter other than those providing new information for reporters to add in a constructive manner. You're not entitled to anything here, and the small number of active reporters certainly don't need to put up with your constant bickering.
14-03 Does This Count as a Deja Vu?
14:01:32 - 15-03
Paris at 13:49:21 on 15/03:
bastard0 at 12:45:39 on 15/03:
Anonymous at 10:58:53 on 15/03:
nice stand the 2 biggest fams siberia + colossal die like flies....101 brugs against 6 down from attacker side haha wow you guys so good

get ur head out of ur ass,both fams were as good as empty from Victorious war...
and yet a enormous amount of fams/brugs needed to spend a ton of bullets,so what do u think will happen next?yep thats right,now those fams will be low on bullets while others still have some ;)
So think before u speak or atleast tell the whole story.

if thinking is too hard u can try tilting ur head to left so ur 2 braincells can combine,will make it much easier.

No, you get YOUR head out of ass. Getting lead by hate get you nowhere for versions now. Clearly, bad plan is the one u get raped. U get raped this time. Stop with excuses every fucking version. Admit that you and your "almighty" tops suck for versions now with shitload of account builders. Don't want to even note how dirty you play in order... well, not to win.
Would this be a good time to point out that our last win was literally 2 versions ago? ;s ;s

Not sure where you're seeing the hate. Sometimes, we like to shoot people. And sometimes, we like to shoot some people even more than others. Winning or surviving isn't always worth it, and sometimes others are just in a better position. Would be boring otherwise, no?

Maybe you should make up your mind at some point: Are we cheating bastards who do anything to win and destroy the gameplay, or are we noobs who are irrelevant anyway? Can't have it both ways.

(Also: "for versions now", which you used twice in your little essay, is highly amusing since we literally just hit the threshold where "versions" is even grammatically correct.)
14-03 Does This Count as a Deja Vu?
08:55:40 - 15-03
Anonymous at 08:42:02 on 15/03:
i really cant understand, if someone help me to get it from siberia or colossal tops

how the feeling u spend so much cash, time, script credits(cheats) etc. and u know u will spend it again next

month. and u still cant gain smth.

and the question is "how is the feeling of get raped again and again?" ^^
Sure, let me help you: We play to shoot stuff. If we end up winning, that's nice, but not necessary to have fun at this.

Plus, of course, we already have three shiny jewstars, so who cares?
12-03 Morning Kickoff!
17:05:31 - 12-03
Anonymous at 17:02:38 on 12/03:
Anonymous at 16:57:00 on 12/03:
Anonymous at 16:53:44 on 12/03:
wow what fags cant shoot for blood but start a different war
wow butthurt cry cry 1vs1 and u need bloods to bakc u up die like flies
im not in any of those families just pointing out how gay col n siberia are for not helping there bloods
Yeah cmon guys, you should counter for them and get countered by the fams you're targeting now, like it was planned!111
07-03 Admin Intervention pt 2
13:33:15 - 07-03
blablabla at 13:30:23 on 07/03:
And MuderInc thr greatest cheater still alive XD
nice admins, you are doing a great job this version.
idd, I cheat even when I'm not playing.
General Comments & Major Rumors
11:46:30 - 05-03
Wait, people actually did the whole "Hire lackeys with one credit every 90 seconds"-thing again, and are surprised they got akilled?

That must be the most retarded thing I've ever seen in this game, and I've seen a lot of shit.
General Comments & Major Rumors
08:56:24 - 27-02
Anonymous at 06:21:50 on 27/02:
Name: Unforgettabl Male Link
Rank: Mobster
Percentage online: 0.73%
Days online: 0D 0H 28M
First seen: 24/02/2016 14:04:03
Last seen: 26/02/2016 17:35:04 OT (0D 12H 44M ago)

Check Last Promotions here on OBN..... Da Fuq???
The player was renamed to Unforgettable. Our logger doesn't handle renames all that well. I did some manual cleanup, hope I got everything.
General Comments & Major Rumors
17:36:09 - 26-02
Anonymous at 17:23:45 on 26/02:
Well another version started. Lets buy dc's like fucking retards and made "rich" the same side. The bugs or cheaters will never change. And there it goes the no lifer murderdick trying to acomplish something on a text based game more older then him. Proud of being the king of the most retard game with the most retard comunity? Enjoy your sucess with ponie dicks on your mouth. Ups gambino dicks I mean
It's nice when you see someone claim a community is retarded while at the same time being living proof of that fact.
General Comments & Major Rumors
14:13:16 - 26-02
blablabla at 14:02:06 on 26/02:
How MuderInc the biggest cheater of this game has the corage to post a thing like that!!!!!

You are a man of corage MuderInc XD
Everyone knows that Aart is the biggest cheater in this game.

Hi Aart.
General Comments & Major Rumors
13:57:04 - 26-02
RIH Donop sheater.
General Comments & Major Rumors
12:11:24 - 26-02
Solstice at 11:49:09 on 26/02:
Anonymous at 11:19:38 on 26/02:
mmm at 11:10:31 on 26/02:
Anonymous at 11:08:23 on 26/02:
mmm at 11:06:57 on 26/02:
Poor you MurderInc, any time some account has a nice start date or has somewhat nice stats, you're him ;x

bunch of emo people

startdate my Ass.

the fastest account date is around 11:00:06 and ur saying that u can buy all casino's in 1sec....

well that person's startdate was faster than :06

and I'm no fan of asses, I like boobies.

Ofc it was, cause he got a script to make an account aswell,

If admins wont do anything about it, Ill put a bounty on his head.

5dc's for the one who kills him today o//

I heard he's even got a script to do the dishes...
I call it Piao.
General Comments & Major Rumors
07:03:13 - 24-02
Anonymous at 23:54:34 on 23/02:
MurderInc at 19:12:06 on 23/02:
Ber at 18:48:45 on 23/02:
No OBN awards?
Sorry, was rather busy. They're up now.

Families with the most A-Kills
Rank Award Family
1st Difference (12)
2nd Siberia (7)
3rd Empusa (6)

How does that feel MurderInch?
I cri evrytiem.
General Comments & Major Rumors
19:12:06 - 23-02
Ber at 18:48:45 on 23/02:
No OBN awards?
Sorry, was rather busy. They're up now.
General Comments & Major Rumors
09:12:29 - 21-02
Anonymous at 09:06:43 on 21/02:
Anonymous at 16:38:45 on 20/02:
Lol why reset nothing will change. Cheaters rule the game and will always do.

Let me make a prediction. Again all detroit casinos will be bought by 1 person using a script.

That is happening some versions in a row now. Nothing is done about that. Wake up admins.

yea by Murderinc , admins know its whit a script , but it is allowed ...

thats what you get when you sleep whit , and suck Kcode
16-02 The Pact is Broken
12:20:38 - 17-02
Anonymous at 12:17:02 on 17/02:
Beyond Abuser Admin Alert : BAAA

ladies and gentlemen, Fenrir is around so better reboot your modems and clear your ips. otherwise he will detect anonymous posts' real owners and use those posts for phonenix's and anarchy's benefits.

watch out...
Beyond Moron Alert: BAAA

Fenrir doesn't have access to IP addresses. No one with Role "Reporter" or "Moderator" does.
16-02 The Pact is Broken
00:29:24 - 17-02
lolollddd at 00:27:56 on 17/02:
MurderInc at 00:26:30 on 17/02:
It's always a pleasure to see conspiracy nutjobs getting pwned.

If only it weren't for the other conspiracy nutjobs who now claim admins support the other side ...

when i see you talking here i just log in to check gambino fam page
When I see people like you talking here I always think about inbreds.
16-02 The Pact is Broken
00:26:30 - 17-02
It's always a pleasure to see conspiracy nutjobs getting pwned.

If only it weren't for the other conspiracy nutjobs who now claim admins support the other side ...
16-02 The Pact is Broken
22:59:07 - 16-02
Anonymous at 22:55:41 on 16/02:
MurderInc at 22:52:39 on 16/02:
Anonymous at 22:48:11 on 16/02:
MurderInc at 22:44:26 on 16/02:
Anonymous at 22:37:46 on 16/02:
MurderInc at 22:35:32 on 16/02:
Anonymous at 22:31:55 on 16/02:
MurderInc at 22:26:52 on 16/02:
Anonymous at 22:16:59 on 16/02:
MurderInc at 22:11:34 on 16/02:
I don't know about you, but I'm curious to see how the version management will decide on the ROM tomorrow. If they decide to reset, then in theory they would have to give the win to Guardians as long as they don't go down within the next ~2 hours or so[1]. The best approach would probably be to run another ROM till friday and let them finish this war.

Anyway, good to see this war happen. Hopefully certain families can now understand why they were shot in the past for similar acts.

[1]: "The top Family is The Family with the highest 'Family worth' at the moment that the RoM decides a version will be closed."

If rom ends guardians are the winner right?
If ROM ends and Guardians is still up and admins decide that the ROM resulted in a "Yes" vote, then yes, they would technically be the winner. Historically, the threshold for "Yes" was set rather arbitrarily, though. In a case like this, I would imagine (and hope!) the fact that a war is ongoing would be taken into account. That's why I'm curious about the result.
tehnicly you are admin voice,and tehnicly new managment was top of guardians,and tehnicly,they want from you to show public,why guardians need win :D
I'm not in favour of closing the version, I would run another ROM till friday and see who's #1 then. Like, you know, I stated in my first post.

like this situation is happend milion time,and admin need give mroe time for reset,because war is happend... but as dot was top of guardians,it will be not suprise and they can decide and first time change rulles and give guardians win
You see conspiracies everywhere, don't you? No one gives a fuck about old family ties on an online RPG when your job and income is on the line This is not the first version Guardians exists, and it's not the first version Dot is in a position of power. How was this not a thing before? You people just need something to cry about, no matter how far-fetched it is.

no i see theory only when you come with bullshit story some hours before reset..Guardians was shit fam last 5 years,and now when their top join managment ,guardians worth 1 night before reset up 1000 poen :D so i hope miracle wont happend,but you are god voise :D
You didn't even understand my "bullshit story", which clearly says I'm in favour of NOT deciding the version based on the current ROM.

Why do I even argue ...
well it was same when siberia kill marazzino, 1 days before reset... and aeterna was shoot for win last hour of reset... whats happend then? siberia aeterna take win,so ofc now maraz or Siyahsancak will take win... so i really dont no why you have theory like this
Read my original post. Then read it again. Focus on the HOF rule I quoted. Then think about the difference between the current situation and the Sib/Maraz and Aeterna versions. Hint: it involves the exact timing of the ROM ending, and the question of which fams were up at the time it ended. Now you either understand my point, or you need medical assistance.
16-02 The Pact is Broken
22:52:39 - 16-02
Anonymous at 22:48:11 on 16/02:
MurderInc at 22:44:26 on 16/02:
Anonymous at 22:37:46 on 16/02:
MurderInc at 22:35:32 on 16/02:
Anonymous at 22:31:55 on 16/02:
MurderInc at 22:26:52 on 16/02:
Anonymous at 22:16:59 on 16/02:
MurderInc at 22:11:34 on 16/02:
I don't know about you, but I'm curious to see how the version management will decide on the ROM tomorrow. If they decide to reset, then in theory they would have to give the win to Guardians as long as they don't go down within the next ~2 hours or so[1]. The best approach would probably be to run another ROM till friday and let them finish this war.

Anyway, good to see this war happen. Hopefully certain families can now understand why they were shot in the past for similar acts.

[1]: "The top Family is The Family with the highest 'Family worth' at the moment that the RoM decides a version will be closed."

If rom ends guardians are the winner right?
If ROM ends and Guardians is still up and admins decide that the ROM resulted in a "Yes" vote, then yes, they would technically be the winner. Historically, the threshold for "Yes" was set rather arbitrarily, though. In a case like this, I would imagine (and hope!) the fact that a war is ongoing would be taken into account. That's why I'm curious about the result.
tehnicly you are admin voice,and tehnicly new managment was top of guardians,and tehnicly,they want from you to show public,why guardians need win :D
I'm not in favour of closing the version, I would run another ROM till friday and see who's #1 then. Like, you know, I stated in my first post.

like this situation is happend milion time,and admin need give mroe time for reset,because war is happend... but as dot was top of guardians,it will be not suprise and they can decide and first time change rulles and give guardians win
You see conspiracies everywhere, don't you? No one gives a fuck about old family ties on an online RPG when your job and income is on the line This is not the first version Guardians exists, and it's not the first version Dot is in a position of power. How was this not a thing before? You people just need something to cry about, no matter how far-fetched it is.

no i see theory only when you come with bullshit story some hours before reset..Guardians was shit fam last 5 years,and now when their top join managment ,guardians worth 1 night before reset up 1000 poen :D so i hope miracle wont happend,but you are god voise :D
You didn't even understand my "bullshit story", which clearly says I'm in favour of NOT deciding the version based on the current ROM.

Why do I even argue ...
16-02 The Pact is Broken
22:44:26 - 16-02
Anonymous at 22:37:46 on 16/02:
MurderInc at 22:35:32 on 16/02:
Anonymous at 22:31:55 on 16/02:
MurderInc at 22:26:52 on 16/02:
Anonymous at 22:16:59 on 16/02:
MurderInc at 22:11:34 on 16/02:
I don't know about you, but I'm curious to see how the version management will decide on the ROM tomorrow. If they decide to reset, then in theory they would have to give the win to Guardians as long as they don't go down within the next ~2 hours or so[1]. The best approach would probably be to run another ROM till friday and let them finish this war.

Anyway, good to see this war happen. Hopefully certain families can now understand why they were shot in the past for similar acts.

[1]: "The top Family is The Family with the highest 'Family worth' at the moment that the RoM decides a version will be closed."

If rom ends guardians are the winner right?
If ROM ends and Guardians is still up and admins decide that the ROM resulted in a "Yes" vote, then yes, they would technically be the winner. Historically, the threshold for "Yes" was set rather arbitrarily, though. In a case like this, I would imagine (and hope!) the fact that a war is ongoing would be taken into account. That's why I'm curious about the result.
tehnicly you are admin voice,and tehnicly new managment was top of guardians,and tehnicly,they want from you to show public,why guardians need win :D
I'm not in favour of closing the version, I would run another ROM till friday and see who's #1 then. Like, you know, I stated in my first post.

like this situation is happend milion time,and admin need give mroe time for reset,because war is happend... but as dot was top of guardians,it will be not suprise and they can decide and first time change rulles and give guardians win
You see conspiracies everywhere, don't you? No one gives a fuck about old family ties on an online RPG when your job and income is on the line This is not the first version Guardians exists, and it's not the first version Dot is in a position of power. How was this not a thing before? You people just need something to cry about, no matter how far-fetched it is.