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04-02 Hunt is On!
Author: ReBorN
Last updated: 2601d 23h 59m 17s ago by Smul
Comments: 126
Views: 55,683
Votes: 1 (5 average)
Version: 5.3
Involved families: Motisi, Krays

Just the time Omertà found its peace for a short period from the previous RAKATATA WAR! - Motisi brings the red roses to dress up Krays graves!

In this moment, Motisi has armed up and began firing Krays and managed to successfully kill a bunch of Krays members.

It seems the attack was well pre-organised and ready at the point.

Now the question is, who else will join the arms of war?
Will you come and help Krays or do you have other plans for other mafia families.

For now:

Motisi -VS- Krays

However, Motisi is lone warrior at this point and are attacking solo. For how long can this keep up? I'm sure other mafia families also have loaded their tommies enough to light up the heat.

It sure can not end right now. Though, lets wait and watch!

Stay tuned to find out more,
Any updates/news or statements
Follow me at #Raja
War started on: 20:05:06 04-02-2018 War ended on: 00:31:05 05-02-2018
Bullet difference: -3,095,368 War duration: 4h 25m
Money difference: -$437,454,666 Players died: 26

Dead Families:
[Krays] Family down on 00:29 05-02
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Krays | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 20 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 260
Total | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 20 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 260

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Merton mkII (17:35:15 - 06-02)
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ites at 16:28:40 on 06/02:
yes merton you bloody fool !

Merton mkII (17:34:57 - 06-02)
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Anonymous at 13:18:00 on 06/02:
Merton mkII at 13:16:53 on 06/02:
I am shit.

only relevant part tbh fucking krays idiot

Ahh a big brave anon poster...you fuckin' dickhead.
ites Belgium (16:28:40 - 06-02)
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yes merton you bloody fool !
Anonymous (13:18:00 - 06-02)
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Merton mkII at 13:16:53 on 06/02:
I am shit.

only relevant part tbh fucking krays idiot
Merton mkII (13:16:53 - 06-02)
Link Quote
Again unable to log in, I am shit.

This game has gone to shit, the blooding which goes on, the blind who follow I could go on. Became bored and disillusioned a few versions back, tried to inject some fun into the game by posting my Kray pictures, but failed miserably. There is no fun anymore, having pm fun with your targets etc. To be fair made a good few friends and had a laugh on irc, but even that was becoming a chore. maybe I just got old...
Anyways Good luck to all who still wish to play this way, If it does change give me a shout I may try again. But until then sweet hearts!!

Love 'n' stuff

Merton Xxx
Karacho (02:36:01 - 06-02)
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oh my.... all those Siberia and Kraus bashing on Motisi anonymous... :’)
Maybe just maybe, they just wanna hof fun and they don’t care about your posts?
Anonymous (22:20:48 - 05-02)
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Mickgee aka Mcgee at 21:51:27 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 00:04:40 on 05/02:
Motisi Tops: "Alright lads... its some real Gangster shit tonight... we gna show all those Mafia fams how badass we are! Are you ready to make you bones?!?"PEW PEW YEAHHHHH!!!!

Motisi Soldier: "Yeahhhh!!!! So we fighting Penta and Horde?!? Man this is gna be Legendary!!"

Motisi Tops: "Yeahhh....we da realest Gangsters! People are gna remember our name after this War!!!

Motisi Soldier: "Awesome! Yeaaaahhhhh!!! We are ready to put it down tonight!!! We gna kill them fools... Penta & Horde watch out! Man this is some real Gangster shit!!!"

Motisi Tops: "Actually No... we are not shooting Penta or Horde....they are a bit too big... it would seem like suicide. But dont worry we still gna show how Gangster we are!"

Motisi Soldier: "Err... ok...What about Ganja or Aquitania? They are about our size"

Motisi Tops: "Yeah that would be respectable to take on a Family our size... but we are too Gangsta for that... we have got an even better target in mind"

Motisi Soldier: "Cool...Who??"

Motisi Tops: "Krays! Yeahhh!!!! What do ya think about that boiiii :D :D We da realest, no?!?"

Motisi Soldier: "Err....Krays...but they are like tiny. Seems a bit pussy to be shooting a small family..."

Motisi Tops: "Shhhhhh.... stop hating!....Look I'm gna let you in on a secret... other families are already calling us pussies because we dont shoot for shit... but if we shoot at Krays we can still pretend that we badass and we played some part in this round.... otherwise we are just gna be called account-hugging, Sims playing mofos who have tiny pinkys and no balls"

Motisi Soldier: "Err... dont you think that shooting a small fam like Krays will PROVE that we are account-hugging, Sims playing mofos who have tiny pinkys and no balls?"

Motisi Tops: "Nah... people are gna fear us after this War!"

Motisi Soldier: "Man...I give up... you are fking deluded!! This is some retarded shit if ever I heard some! :|"

Quite the script, maybe you shouldn't just pick on Motisi since they aren't the only ones?
Nice troll game, not a surprise trolling is trending, I always personnely wondered why out of all the internet games I played in 12 years this is the only one I trolled.

Why thank you Mcgee... Its nothing personal to Motisi, this game seems puerile and unimaginative and a damn sight worse since my last incarnation. Trolling is by far a more entertaining and appealing use of my time than the actual game. But there is an underlying deficiency that means I will gladly leave once more and not look back

There once was a leader of men who had a vision...

I have a dream...
That one day I would play Omerta...
and the versions would last longer than a few weeks.
That most families would not be incestuously linked,
in an almighty orgy of brown-nosing
Where wars are complex affairs,
of wit, daring and courage.
Where account hugging and pussy-pacting,
is not seen as the modus operandi .
Where IRC is alive with conversation,
and people interacted with eloquence and purpose...

This is the Omerta Dream...

But these pussy bitches are too busy spooning one another... not even fking... just cuddles!!
Mickgee aka Mcgee (21:51:27 - 05-02)
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Anonymous at 03:49:28 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 00:11:50 on 05/02:
. at 00:09:00 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 00:04:40 on 05/02:
Motisi Tops: "Alright lads... its some real Gangster shit tonight... we gna show all those Mafia fams how badass we are! Are you ready to make you bones?!?"PEW PEW YEAHHHHH!!!!

Motisi Soldier: "Yeahhhh!!!! So we fighting Penta and Horde?!? Man this is gna be Legendary!!"

Motisi Tops: "Yeahhh....we da realest Gangsters! People are gna remember our name after this War!!!

Motisi Soldier: "Awesome! Yeaaaahhhhh!!! We are ready to put it down tonight!!! We gna kill them fools... Penta & Horde watch out! Man this is some real Gangster shit!!!"

Motisi Tops: "Actually No... we are not shooting Penta or Horde....they are a bit too big... it would seem like suicide. But dont worry we still gna show how Gangster we are!"

Motisi Soldier: "Err... ok...What about Ganja or Aquitania? They are about our size"

Motisi Tops: "Yeah that would be respectable to take on a Family our size... but we are too Gangsta for that... we have got an even better target in mind"

Motisi Soldier: "Cool...Who??"

Motisi Tops: "Krays! Yeahhh!!!! What do ya think about that boiiii :D :D We da realest, no?!?"

Motisi Soldier: "Err....Krays...but they are like tiny. Seems a bit pussy to be shooting a small family..."

Motisi Tops: "Shhhhhh.... stop hating!....Look I'm gna let you in on a secret... other families are already calling us pussies because we dont shoot for shit... but if we shoot at Krays we can still pretend that we badass and we played some part in this round.... otherwise we are just gna be called account-hugging, Sims playing mofos who have tiny pinkys and no balls"

Motisi Soldier: "Err... dont you think that shooting a small fam like Krays will PROVE that we are account-hugging, Sims playing mofos who have tiny pinkys and no balls?"

Motisi Tops: "Nah... people are gna fear us after this War!"

Motisi Soldier: "Man...I give up... you are fking deluded!! This is some retarded shit if ever I heard some! :|"

+1 Hahahahahahhahahahahaha

Hahaha xD

Quite the script, maybe you shouldn't just pick on Motisi since they aren't the only ones?
Nice troll game, not a surprise trolling is trending, I always personnely wondered why out of all the internet games I played in 12 years this is the only one I trolled.
Mickgee aka Mcgee (21:49:37 - 05-02)
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Yeah easy to pick on Motisi, I just trolled this version but it's to easy to see the old network is still entact. It ain't Saros fault either, I believe Aeterna should allowed to go up every version with like 3 bonus spots to get more members in, they will clearly win all future versions. A lot of Aeterna members don't compete since there is so many dog offspring and followers with current playerbase. So I'm still carving my pearl gangster figurine to send to Saros, he's the winner to me if I had to pick someone. It's all these as1 families and old top/members that have "old friendships" that follow Aeterna, mostly people who went gay with Gravano, and even Johnny came here and said it "that gameplay isn't compatible anymore with playerbase", god damn I wonder why playerbase got this small in the first place! I'm unable to understand why you can't shoot off your "old friends" to make the game more competitive and open besides leeching off of it like a second life. That's when you know people are here more then just to "roleplay" but to do some peasntn this shit is high school and I can't believe even I stuck around this long lol.

I like Krays because it's an active channel and there is some sickos in there, and no I don't agree with their gameplay anymore but I'd rather go there then any of the families around.
Because you have to ask yourself... "What if we all became friends and as1 with Aeterna"?
That's how you fry the mind of a bitch nigga half life....fried even more so, re-tard-o.

I just hope remaining families don't feel "enslaved" and ARE HAVING FUN that's what matters.
Anonymous (20:28:39 - 05-02)
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If you don't see any posts by motisi tops it's because the only sounds that come out of a pussy are queefing.
Anonymous (19:49:02 - 05-02)
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Baltimore closed xD
Onaga Netherlands (19:34:22 - 05-02)
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well well motisi what a surprise xd
Raja United Kingdom Patron (18:42:45 - 05-02)
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Honestly guys, can we just have the quotes of the person you are actually quoting? and not the whole topic.
What is the point of quoting full forum when the only relevance is the response you are responding.
Anonymous (18:40:59 - 05-02)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 17:58:49 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 17:36:38 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 17:36:10 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 17:23:08 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 03:49:28 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 00:11:50 on 05/02:
. at 00:09:00 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 00:04:40 on 05/02:
Motisi Tops: "Alright lads... its some real Gangster shit tonight... we gna show all those Mafia fams how badass we are! Are you ready to make you bones?!?"PEW PEW YEAHHHHH!!!!

Motisi Soldier: "Yeahhhh!!!! So we fighting Penta and Horde?!? Man this is gna be Legendary!!"

Motisi Tops: "Yeahhh....we da realest Gangsters! People are gna remember our name after this War!!!

Motisi Soldier: "Awesome! Yeaaaahhhhh!!! We are ready to put it down tonight!!! We gna kill them fools... Penta & Horde watch out! Man this is some real Gangster shit!!!"

Motisi Tops: "Actually No... we are not shooting Penta or Horde....they are a bit too big... it would seem like suicide. But dont worry we still gna show how Gangster we are!"

Motisi Soldier: "Err... ok...What about Ganja or Aquitania? They are about our size"

Motisi Tops: "Yeah that would be respectable to take on a Family our size... but we are too Gangsta for that... we have got an even better target in mind"

Motisi Soldier: "Cool...Who??"

Motisi Tops: "Krays! Yeahhh!!!! What do ya think about that boiiii :D :D We da realest, no?!?"

Motisi Soldier: "Err....Krays...but they are like tiny. Seems a bit pussy to be shooting a small family..."

Motisi Tops: "Shhhhhh.... stop hating!....Look I'm gna let you in on a secret... other families are already calling us pussies because we dont shoot for shit... but if we shoot at Krays we can still pretend that we badass and we played some part in this round.... otherwise we are just gna be called account-hugging, Sims playing mofos who have tiny pinkys and no balls"

Motisi Soldier: "Err... dont you think that shooting a small fam like Krays will PROVE that we are account-hugging, Sims playing mofos who have tiny pinkys and no balls?"

Motisi Tops: "Nah... people are gna fear us after this War!"

Motisi Soldier: "Man...I give up... you are fking deluded!! This is some retarded shit if ever I heard some! :|"

+1 Hahahahahahhahahahahaha

Hahaha xD

"MOTISI" otherwise known as "I MOIST"

Pussy xD
Motisi the family with 9999 tops none of whom has a functioning brain or war skills
Welcome to the official motisi bashing article. Totally deserved tho after how pathetic they played and sold their fam last version. Well motisi wouldnt be motisi if they didn't try to keep their well deserved image.

Points of Clarification:

1) I do not speak for Krays, Krays Tops or Krays membership

2) This is not "the official Motisi Bashing Article" as that would constitute a misrepresentation of my post being written, authorised or instructed on behalf of Krays, Krays Tops or its membership

3) I agree with your statement:
"Well motisi wouldnt be motisi if they didn't try to keep their well deserved image."
As based on the evidence, Motisi's 'pussy' image is ... truly befitting and well deserved.

4) My original and subsequent posts are satire but if I have struck a nerve it may be worth reflecting on why you are feeling this way ... or maybe its just the sand in your pussy making you squirm? :P

Anonymous (18:36:19 - 05-02)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 17:58:49 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 17:36:38 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 17:36:10 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 17:23:08 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 03:49:28 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 00:11:50 on 05/02:
. at 00:09:00 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 00:04:40 on 05/02:
Motisi Tops: "Alright lads... its some real Gangster shit tonight... we gna show all those Mafia fams how badass we are! Are you ready to make you bones?!?"PEW PEW YEAHHHHH!!!!

Motisi Soldier: "Yeahhhh!!!! So we fighting Penta and Horde?!? Man this is gna be Legendary!!"

Motisi Tops: "Yeahhh....we da realest Gangsters! People are gna remember our name after this War!!!

Motisi Soldier: "Awesome! Yeaaaahhhhh!!! We are ready to put it down tonight!!! We gna kill them fools... Penta & Horde watch out! Man this is some real Gangster shit!!!"

Motisi Tops: "Actually No... we are not shooting Penta or Horde....they are a bit too big... it would seem like suicide. But dont worry we still gna show how Gangster we are!"

Motisi Soldier: "Err... ok...What about Ganja or Aquitania? They are about our size"

Motisi Tops: "Yeah that would be respectable to take on a Family our size... but we are too Gangsta for that... we have got an even better target in mind"

Motisi Soldier: "Cool...Who??"

Motisi Tops: "Krays! Yeahhh!!!! What do ya think about that boiiii :D :D We da realest, no?!?"

Motisi Soldier: "Err....Krays...but they are like tiny. Seems a bit pussy to be shooting a small family..."

Motisi Tops: "Shhhhhh.... stop hating!....Look I'm gna let you in on a secret... other families are already calling us pussies because we dont shoot for shit... but if we shoot at Krays we can still pretend that we badass and we played some part in this round.... otherwise we are just gna be called account-hugging, Sims playing mofos who have tiny pinkys and no balls"

Motisi Soldier: "Err... dont you think that shooting a small fam like Krays will PROVE that we are account-hugging, Sims playing mofos who have tiny pinkys and no balls?"

Motisi Tops: "Nah... people are gna fear us after this War!"

Motisi Soldier: "Man...I give up... you are fking deluded!! This is some retarded shit if ever I heard some! :|"

+1 Hahahahahahhahahahahaha

Hahaha xD

"MOTISI" otherwise known as "I MOIST"

Pussy xD
Motisi the family with 9999 tops none of whom has a functioning brain or war skills
Welcome to the official motisi bashing article. Totally deserved tho after how pathetic they played and sold their fam last version. Well motisi wouldnt be motisi if they didn't try to keep their well deserved image.
Introducing the Motisi Heavyweight Champion Sps, with 10x selling out as1s, 200x logging off when bloods ask them for help, and 9999x of crying for money from your spots and bullets from ur bfs :D
Anonymous (17:58:49 - 05-02)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 17:36:38 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 17:36:10 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 17:23:08 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 03:49:28 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 00:11:50 on 05/02:
. at 00:09:00 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 00:04:40 on 05/02:
Motisi Tops: "Alright lads... its some real Gangster shit tonight... we gna show all those Mafia fams how badass we are! Are you ready to make you bones?!?"PEW PEW YEAHHHHH!!!!

Motisi Soldier: "Yeahhhh!!!! So we fighting Penta and Horde?!? Man this is gna be Legendary!!"

Motisi Tops: "Yeahhh....we da realest Gangsters! People are gna remember our name after this War!!!

Motisi Soldier: "Awesome! Yeaaaahhhhh!!! We are ready to put it down tonight!!! We gna kill them fools... Penta & Horde watch out! Man this is some real Gangster shit!!!"

Motisi Tops: "Actually No... we are not shooting Penta or Horde....they are a bit too big... it would seem like suicide. But dont worry we still gna show how Gangster we are!"

Motisi Soldier: "Err... ok...What about Ganja or Aquitania? They are about our size"

Motisi Tops: "Yeah that would be respectable to take on a Family our size... but we are too Gangsta for that... we have got an even better target in mind"

Motisi Soldier: "Cool...Who??"

Motisi Tops: "Krays! Yeahhh!!!! What do ya think about that boiiii :D :D We da realest, no?!?"

Motisi Soldier: "Err....Krays...but they are like tiny. Seems a bit pussy to be shooting a small family..."

Motisi Tops: "Shhhhhh.... stop hating!....Look I'm gna let you in on a secret... other families are already calling us pussies because we dont shoot for shit... but if we shoot at Krays we can still pretend that we badass and we played some part in this round.... otherwise we are just gna be called account-hugging, Sims playing mofos who have tiny pinkys and no balls"

Motisi Soldier: "Err... dont you think that shooting a small fam like Krays will PROVE that we are account-hugging, Sims playing mofos who have tiny pinkys and no balls?"

Motisi Tops: "Nah... people are gna fear us after this War!"

Motisi Soldier: "Man...I give up... you are fking deluded!! This is some retarded shit if ever I heard some! :|"

+1 Hahahahahahhahahahahaha

Hahaha xD

"MOTISI" otherwise known as "I MOIST"

Pussy xD
Motisi the family with 9999 tops none of whom has a functioning brain or war skills
Welcome to the official motisi bashing article. Totally deserved tho after how pathetic they played and sold their fam last version. Well motisi wouldnt be motisi if they didn't try to keep their well deserved image.
Raja United Kingdom Patron (17:47:05 - 05-02)
Link Quote

Nah mate, this is just banter...

We don't enter wars unless we totally outnumber our opponent...

We are Motisi... the most badass Omerta family ever...



Welldone, lol
Anonymous (17:45:33 - 05-02)
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Anonymous at 07:54:32 on 05/02:
Gues motisi is doing a great due to the amount of haters! Great job motisi, keep up the good work! Losers always complain! :w


I do that too!

My psychologist told me that when people say hurtful things to me I should pretend that they are just Haters and really I'm so COOOOOOOLLL!!!

Before you know it I am starting to feel better about my life!

Anonymous (17:37:07 - 05-02)
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Raja at 16:13:45 on 05/02:
Are we having Motisi VS Krays - Forum war?


Nah mate, this is just banter...

We don't enter wars unless we totally outnumber our opponent...

We are Motisi... the most badass Omerta family ever...


Anonymous (17:36:38 - 05-02)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 17:36:10 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 17:23:08 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 03:49:28 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 00:11:50 on 05/02:
. at 00:09:00 on 05/02:
Anonymous at 00:04:40 on 05/02:
Motisi Tops: "Alright lads... its some real Gangster shit tonight... we gna show all those Mafia fams how badass we are! Are you ready to make you bones?!?"PEW PEW YEAHHHHH!!!!

Motisi Soldier: "Yeahhhh!!!! So we fighting Penta and Horde?!? Man this is gna be Legendary!!"

Motisi Tops: "Yeahhh....we da realest Gangsters! People are gna remember our name after this War!!!

Motisi Soldier: "Awesome! Yeaaaahhhhh!!! We are ready to put it down tonight!!! We gna kill them fools... Penta & Horde watch out! Man this is some real Gangster shit!!!"

Motisi Tops: "Actually No... we are not shooting Penta or Horde....they are a bit too big... it would seem like suicide. But dont worry we still gna show how Gangster we are!"

Motisi Soldier: "Err... ok...What about Ganja or Aquitania? They are about our size"

Motisi Tops: "Yeah that would be respectable to take on a Family our size... but we are too Gangsta for that... we have got an even better target in mind"

Motisi Soldier: "Cool...Who??"

Motisi Tops: "Krays! Yeahhh!!!! What do ya think about that boiiii :D :D We da realest, no?!?"

Motisi Soldier: "Err....Krays...but they are like tiny. Seems a bit pussy to be shooting a small family..."

Motisi Tops: "Shhhhhh.... stop hating!....Look I'm gna let you in on a secret... other families are already calling us pussies because we dont shoot for shit... but if we shoot at Krays we can still pretend that we badass and we played some part in this round.... otherwise we are just gna be called account-hugging, Sims playing mofos who have tiny pinkys and no balls"

Motisi Soldier: "Err... dont you think that shooting a small fam like Krays will PROVE that we are account-hugging, Sims playing mofos who have tiny pinkys and no balls?"

Motisi Tops: "Nah... people are gna fear us after this War!"

Motisi Soldier: "Man...I give up... you are fking deluded!! This is some retarded shit if ever I heard some! :|"

+1 Hahahahahahhahahahahaha

Hahaha xD

"MOTISI" otherwise known as "I MOIST"

Pussy xD
Motisi the family with 9999 tops none of whom has a functioning brain or war skills