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01-11 Baltimore Trouble
Author: mmm
Last updated: 2693d 22h 58m 10s ago by mmm
Comments: 191
Views: 71,504
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 5.1
Involved families: Bratva, Horizon, Magliana, Regnum, Timeless, Weirdos, Geforce, Geforces, Krays, Metropolis, Onelasttime, Sindikat, Stradale, Difference, Differences, Matrix, Paramount, Pentagram, Prestiege, Xzone
And this makes three in a row!

The Magliana family has opened fire on Krays. The war is progressing slowly, most likely to the fact that the entire Krays family remains firmly offline inside their villa's and houses. Both families are based in Baltimore, this might have something to do with the reason for this night's menace.

Update #1:
Word on the streets is: Geforce aided their bloods Krays by shooting at Magliana.
Minutes after some Magliana brugliones hit the ground, Timeless take this oppertunity by shooting Geforce.

Update #2: Not certain if counter for Krays or using the opportunity, but it seems that Onelasttime is hitting Horizon the as1 of Magliana in Philadelphia.

Update #3: The new day brings a new set of challenges.

Magliana is getting sodomized by Difference/Differences, Paramount, Prestige, Pentagram, Matrix and Xzone.

In the midst of all, Paramount shot down the Stradale family and took over their spots in New York.

Prestige seems to have finished the war off by taking down Metropolis and taking over their spots.
RhomaNtiC (top Timeless): We had a NSA with Geforce before, but we wouldn't just stand down cause of a NSA when they shoot our blood Blacksea; so avenging Blacksea is the sole reason why we are shooting Geforce right now.

Layzee (top Geforce): Blacksea was apprently as1 with timeless (had No Clue) thought only blacksea licked ass - first they were as1 with prophecy. Then they Got killed (rip guys) Then They swap side. Krays wasnt our bloods, But they were one of the few fams Who actully wanted to shoot and not just wait to get killed off. Thats Why we Decided to shot for Them vs Magliana. Actully had a deal with pentgagram to help out aswell, seems they Pussied out after telling us Yes :^ ? We Saw timeless was mass online and we knew there was a 50-50 they would shoot us. But we Always try to shoot for the fams we work with the best we can. We had to Make NSA if we should have just little chance to have some fun. Dont know Whats with this version. But 1 war took 5-6 days to plan Because fams didnt Want to shoot. Alot of “neutral” fams this version it seems. We were around in everyones pms if Any war had to happen. A few tried to Make a fun version atleast. Justy respect to you, also for our Good paste, you offered nsa from start But declined because it wouldnt be fair towards our bloods. Same story with siberia ( i actully started to like them ) - bitchchea or Whats his name, wow just wow :D Weird tactics whole version. And Then the teaming up with timeless at the end here is pretty epic in a bad way. Gl suviving para diff and timeless aswell :) here comes a love story - i called all my old and newer friends to play with me one last time before RL need my focus for Good. Thanks for Spending lots of time with me one last time.

inf` (Top Paramount): A lesson in humility.

Krays family statement: Dumb people make dumb moves. Some players should reconsider who they're playing for. Huge respect for our non blood, but friends in geforce. Thanks to our bloods pentagram and prestige for stepping up. Thank you to other families shooting magliana, whatever their reason may be. Rip all

Next time you look into the sky at that beautiful moon, remember, that's Merton's arse
War started on: 19:10:07 01-11-2017 War ended on: 21:15:04 02-11-2017
Bullet difference: -12,106,966 War duration: 1d 2h 4m
Money difference: -$1,640,422,941 Players died: 144

Dead Families:
[Metropolis] Family down on 21:14 02-11
[Sindikat] Family down on 18:47 02-11
[Stradale] Family down on 15:00 02-11
[Magliana] Family down on 14:47 02-11
[Horizon] Family down on 14:34 02-11
[Geforce] Family down on 04:47 02-11
[Geforces] Family down on 23:43 01-11
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Difference | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 13
Differences | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 13
Geforce | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 25 | cd: 2 | gf: 2 | points: 437
Geforces | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 8 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 104
Horizon | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 3 | chief: 3 | brug: 6 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 117
Krays | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 10 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 143
Magliana | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 2 | brug: 25 | cd: 2 | gf: 1 | points: 422
Metropolis | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 26
Onelasttime | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 8 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 104
Pentagram | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 13
Regnum | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 26
Sindikat | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 21
Stradale | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 39
Timeless | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 18
Weirdos | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 13
Xzone | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 21
Total | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 6 | chief: 8 | brug: 96 | cd: 4 | gf: 3 | points: 1,530

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Anonymous (21:56:54 - 02-11)
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ElMariachi at 19:45:09 on 02/11:
Diamante at 18:43:57 on 02/11:
ElMariachi at 17:56:37 on 02/11:
Diamante at 14:15:26 on 02/11:
-->Magliana is getting sodomized by Difference/Differences, Paramount, Prestige, Pentagram, Matrix and Xzone.

a gangbang is a fitting death for these people imo considering their playstyle throughout the version.

Their playstyle was shoot a bunch of fams this version and not being part of masspacting, I wish there where more fams around like Magliana that simply play their own game instead of chosing to team up with a big ass pact and hope you end up on the winning side only to be cleaned up in the end by the leading fams of the pact.

Masspacting is what killed this game long time ago and if you think all these fams teaming up to clean Magliana will see the end of this round you are delusional. Grow some balls, play your own game instead of being a bunch of sheep ...
you missed the point i think. my statement was about them shooting at least 3 v 1 in every war. shooting paramount, shooting motisi and last night shooting krays (krays was 1/3 x of magli), not countering for any bloods etc etc. if playing your own game is about shooting only when you are 100% sure you are gonna win, no thanks, i'll pass. playing your own game and playing a pussy game is different things. and also about masspacting, thats right. but considering you played for merciless in last years, i find it a bit insincere comment(no offense on merciless,i have respect for their gameplay) . if you are sincere with your comment, go on, grow some balls and start a fam. even a pussy one will do. dont join the fams that plays with the pacts.

iirc they shot 1 vs 1 against your fam Miracle ? Sure Krays was maybe 1/3rd of Magliana but with the current KA in favour of ppl staying offline and tanking bullets, 1 vs 1 wars with the same amount of highranks are bound to fail ... Motisi was a top 3 fam so was Magliana, shooting them alone would be mission impossible for any fam trying to do that in a 1 vs 1 situation.
I don't think all of ther wars where certain wins, there where enough other fams in the game that could take em down which eventually showd in their last war but this could have happened much sooner just for some reason it didn't happen before.

True I was part of Merciless, but we also kinda played our own game, mostly risky wars, even shot some of our own bloods, in the end not exactly the playstyle that will get you to the HOF.
As for making my own fam I haven't got the time for that anymore. Grow some balls is not specificly aimed at you or your fam personally, just hoping more fams will play like Magliana and play their own game instead of teaming up on one side to fight the other side or joining in on gangbangs. There's just too much fams these days that rather play to be as1 or rather be part of mass blood cicles than make their own plans and actually have some impact on the game.

If it hadn't been for Magliana, Motisi/Paramount/Timeless + whatever other fams left would have closed out this version a lot sooner, at least they made this version a bit more interesting with non predictable wars.

Casappa, Garristas, Horde, Imperium, Interficio, Krays, Miracle, Onelasttime, Pentagram, Prophecy, Salvatrucha, Savagery & Teyrebaz say hello, or did you already forget the first war? After this, Magliana shot with the remains of this side, against the families they attacked so your non pact argument is absolute horse shit.

If they weren't part of a pact, it sure wasn't for lack of effort trying to join one. If you're going to accuse anyone of having an easy version it shouldn't be timeless/paramount/motisi, and if you're going to award bravery to anyone for standing up to those 3 families it shouldn't be Magliana.
Anonymous (21:56:41 - 02-11)
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i loll'd reading krays statement xD
God (21:06:48 - 02-11)
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eskurza at 20:53:10 on 02/11:
Anonymous at 01:45:24 on 02/11:
Justy at 00:51:07 on 02/11:
Anonymous at 23:37:04 on 01/11:
Timeless shot GeForce from the protection of a NSA. Complete cowards, but what do you expect from Bratva.

RhomaNtiC (Timeless): We had a NSA with Geforce before, but we wouldn't just stand down cause of a NSA when they shoot our blood Blacksea; so avenging Blacksea is the sole reason why we are shooting Geforce right now.
haha you guys are really worthless. if its your bloods, you should have countered when they were getting killed. if not bloods, you shouldn't have broken that non-shoot.

If we had intel before ofcourse we would have counter immediately . They died instantly and we didin't have enough bullets. What is the meaning of immediate counter after Blacksea is dead.

LOL (!) You "didin't" have enough bullets of course... Coz you were so busy killing somethings, dunno flies may be :p

And you were decided to avenge your BFF Blacksea right after Geforce jumped in for Krays and start shooting Magliana. What a coincidence.

* claps

Buddey (21:03:42 - 02-11)
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eskurza at 20:53:10 on 02/11:
Anonymous at 01:45:24 on 02/11:
Justy at 00:51:07 on 02/11:
Anonymous at 23:37:04 on 01/11:
Timeless shot GeForce from the protection of a NSA. Complete cowards, but what do you expect from Bratva.

RhomaNtiC (Timeless): We had a NSA with Geforce before, but we wouldn't just stand down cause of a NSA when they shoot our blood Blacksea; so avenging Blacksea is the sole reason why we are shooting Geforce right now.
haha you guys are really worthless. if its your bloods, you should have countered when they were getting killed. if not bloods, you shouldn't have broken that non-shoot.

If we had intel before ofcourse we would have counter immediately . They died instantly and we didin't have enough bullets. What is the meaning of immediate counter after Blacksea is dead.

Utter bollocks.The blind being led by the blind.
eskurza Turkey (20:53:10 - 02-11)
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Anonymous at 01:45:24 on 02/11:
Justy at 00:51:07 on 02/11:
Anonymous at 23:37:04 on 01/11:
Timeless shot GeForce from the protection of a NSA. Complete cowards, but what do you expect from Bratva.

RhomaNtiC (Timeless): We had a NSA with Geforce before, but we wouldn't just stand down cause of a NSA when they shoot our blood Blacksea; so avenging Blacksea is the sole reason why we are shooting Geforce right now.
haha you guys are really worthless. if its your bloods, you should have countered when they were getting killed. if not bloods, you shouldn't have broken that non-shoot.

If we had intel before ofcourse we would have counter immediately . They died instantly and we didin't have enough bullets. What is the meaning of immediate counter after Blacksea is dead.
Zina Netherlands (20:43:48 - 02-11)
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mickgee aka mcgee at 19:10:24 on 02/11:
Alright Redspeert I'm off for the day, you can go ahead and delete all my posts.
I hope everyone enjoyed Halloween like I did, and no I didn't get laid.
Well that last sentence did the trick :D
Merton Ireland (20:20:45 - 02-11)
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Geep it is McGee, Geep it is :)
ElMariachi Holy See (Vatican City State) (19:45:09 - 02-11)
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Diamante at 18:43:57 on 02/11:
ElMariachi at 17:56:37 on 02/11:
Diamante at 14:15:26 on 02/11:
-->Magliana is getting sodomized by Difference/Differences, Paramount, Prestige, Pentagram, Matrix and Xzone.

a gangbang is a fitting death for these people imo considering their playstyle throughout the version.

Their playstyle was shoot a bunch of fams this version and not being part of masspacting, I wish there where more fams around like Magliana that simply play their own game instead of chosing to team up with a big ass pact and hope you end up on the winning side only to be cleaned up in the end by the leading fams of the pact.

Masspacting is what killed this game long time ago and if you think all these fams teaming up to clean Magliana will see the end of this round you are delusional. Grow some balls, play your own game instead of being a bunch of sheep ...
you missed the point i think. my statement was about them shooting at least 3 v 1 in every war. shooting paramount, shooting motisi and last night shooting krays (krays was 1/3 x of magli), not countering for any bloods etc etc. if playing your own game is about shooting only when you are 100% sure you are gonna win, no thanks, i'll pass. playing your own game and playing a pussy game is different things. and also about masspacting, thats right. but considering you played for merciless in last years, i find it a bit insincere comment(no offense on merciless,i have respect for their gameplay) . if you are sincere with your comment, go on, grow some balls and start a fam. even a pussy one will do. dont join the fams that plays with the pacts.

iirc they shot 1 vs 1 against your fam Miracle ? Sure Krays was maybe 1/3rd of Magliana but with the current KA in favour of ppl staying offline and tanking bullets, 1 vs 1 wars with the same amount of highranks are bound to fail ... Motisi was a top 3 fam so was Magliana, shooting them alone would be mission impossible for any fam trying to do that in a 1 vs 1 situation.
I don't think all of ther wars where certain wins, there where enough other fams in the game that could take em down which eventually showd in their last war but this could have happened much sooner just for some reason it didn't happen before.

True I was part of Merciless, but we also kinda played our own game, mostly risky wars, even shot some of our own bloods, in the end not exactly the playstyle that will get you to the HOF.
As for making my own fam I haven't got the time for that anymore. Grow some balls is not specificly aimed at you or your fam personally, just hoping more fams will play like Magliana and play their own game instead of teaming up on one side to fight the other side or joining in on gangbangs. There's just too much fams these days that rather play to be as1 or rather be part of mass blood cicles than make their own plans and actually have some impact on the game.

If it hadn't been for Magliana, Motisi/Paramount/Timeless + whatever other fams left would have closed out this version a lot sooner, at least they made this version a bit more interesting with non predictable wars.
mickgee aka mcgee (19:10:24 - 02-11)
Link Quote
Alright Redspeert I'm off for the day, you can go ahead and delete all my posts.
I hope everyone enjoyed Halloween like I did, and no I didn't get laid.
mickgee aka mcgee (19:03:50 - 02-11)
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Diamante at 18:43:57 on 02/11:
ElMariachi at 17:56:37 on 02/11:
Diamante at 14:15:26 on 02/11:
-->Magliana is getting sodomized by Difference/Differences, Paramount, Prestige, Pentagram, Matrix and Xzone.

a gangbang is a fitting death for these people imo considering their playstyle throughout the version.

Their playstyle was shoot a bunch of fams this version and not being part of masspacting, I wish there where more fams around like Magliana that simply play their own game instead of chosing to team up with a big ass pact and hope you end up on the winning side only to be cleaned up in the end by the leading fams of the pact.

Masspacting is what killed this game long time ago and if you think all these fams teaming up to clean Magliana will see the end of this round you are delusional. Grow some balls, play your own game instead of being a bunch of sheep ...
you missed the point i think. my statement was about them shooting at least 3 v 1 in every war. shooting paramount, shooting motisi and last night shooting krays (krays was 1/3 x of magli), not countering for any bloods etc etc. if playing your own game is about shooting only when you are 100% sure you are gonna win, no thanks, i'll pass. playing your own game and playing a pussy game is different things. and also about masspacting, thats right. but considering you played for merciless in last years, i find it a bit insincere comment(no offense on merciless,i have respect for their gameplay) . if you are sincere with your comment, go on, grow some balls and start a fam. even a pussy one will do. dont join the fams that plays with the pacts.

I thought Goupe was going to get the family name changed to Righelli honestly.
mickgee aka mcgee (18:55:28 - 02-11)
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Merton at 18:52:52 on 02/11:
ElMariachi at 17:56:37 on 02/11:
Diamante at 14:15:26 on 02/11:
-->Magliana is getting sodomized by Difference/Differences, Paramount, Prestige, Pentagram, Matrix and Xzone.

a gangbang is a fitting death for these people imo considering their playstyle throughout the version.

Their playstyle was shoot a bunch of fams this version and not being part of masspacting, I wish there where more fams around like Magliana that simply play their own game instead of chosing to team up with a big ass pact and hope you end up on the winning side only to be cleaned up in the end by the leading fams of the pact.

Masspacting is what killed this game long time ago and if you think all these fams teaming up to clean Magliana will see the end of this round you are delusional. Grow some balls, play your own game instead of being a bunch of sheep ...

flock of sheep it is a flock of sheep.

When I was in Sicily, they called em "geep"
Goats + Sheep sex = Geep, all over the country roads next to african whores with flies on their ass no lie
Let's go with "geep" Merton
Merton Ireland (18:52:52 - 02-11)
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ElMariachi at 17:56:37 on 02/11:
Diamante at 14:15:26 on 02/11:
-->Magliana is getting sodomized by Difference/Differences, Paramount, Prestige, Pentagram, Matrix and Xzone.

a gangbang is a fitting death for these people imo considering their playstyle throughout the version.

Their playstyle was shoot a bunch of fams this version and not being part of masspacting, I wish there where more fams around like Magliana that simply play their own game instead of chosing to team up with a big ass pact and hope you end up on the winning side only to be cleaned up in the end by the leading fams of the pact.

Masspacting is what killed this game long time ago and if you think all these fams teaming up to clean Magliana will see the end of this round you are delusional. Grow some balls, play your own game instead of being a bunch of sheep ...

flock of sheep it is a flock of sheep.
mickgee aka mcgee (18:48:55 - 02-11)
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Magliana is getting sodomized by Difference/Differences, Paramount, Prestige, Pentagram, Matrix and Xzone.

Sodomized, wow that's .... I'll have to pass on that one. Ergghh a little extreme ?
Diamante Turkey (18:43:57 - 02-11)
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ElMariachi at 17:56:37 on 02/11:
Diamante at 14:15:26 on 02/11:
-->Magliana is getting sodomized by Difference/Differences, Paramount, Prestige, Pentagram, Matrix and Xzone.

a gangbang is a fitting death for these people imo considering their playstyle throughout the version.

Their playstyle was shoot a bunch of fams this version and not being part of masspacting, I wish there where more fams around like Magliana that simply play their own game instead of chosing to team up with a big ass pact and hope you end up on the winning side only to be cleaned up in the end by the leading fams of the pact.

Masspacting is what killed this game long time ago and if you think all these fams teaming up to clean Magliana will see the end of this round you are delusional. Grow some balls, play your own game instead of being a bunch of sheep ...
you missed the point i think. my statement was about them shooting at least 3 v 1 in every war. shooting paramount, shooting motisi and last night shooting krays (krays was 1/3 x of magli), not countering for any bloods etc etc. if playing your own game is about shooting only when you are 100% sure you are gonna win, no thanks, i'll pass. playing your own game and playing a pussy game is different things. and also about masspacting, thats right. but considering you played for merciless in last years, i find it a bit insincere comment(no offense on merciless,i have respect for their gameplay) . if you are sincere with your comment, go on, grow some balls and start a fam. even a pussy one will do. dont join the fams that plays with the pacts.
mickgee aka mcgee (18:12:48 - 02-11)
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So much psychological abuse, ... );
mickgee aka mcgee (18:11:38 - 02-11)
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I'm sorry am I the only one who enjoyed seeing Butcheta lie to the newspapers about mafia war involement?
That is outstanding mafia boss roleplaying, considering crime bosses don't run to the newspapers to talk about their buisness. Afteral, isn't the game called Omerta? ;D

I'll say it before, I'll say it again....

I was born out of my mother's asshole, and then my dad moved back to Pakistan.
Anonymous (18:09:01 - 02-11)
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ElMariachi at 17:56:37 on 02/11:
Diamante at 14:15:26 on 02/11:
-->Magliana is getting sodomized by Difference/Differences, Paramount, Prestige, Pentagram, Matrix and Xzone.

a gangbang is a fitting death for these people imo considering their playstyle throughout the version.

Their playstyle was shoot a bunch of fams this version and not being part of masspacting, I wish there where more fams around like Magliana that simply play their own game instead of chosing to team up with a big ass pact and hope you end up on the winning side only to be cleaned up in the end by the leading fams of the pact.

Masspacting is what killed this game long time ago and if you think all these fams teaming up to clean Magliana will see the end of this round you are delusional. Grow some balls, play your own game instead of being a bunch of sheep ...
what goes around comes around...
Anonymous (18:07:21 - 02-11)
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Anonymous at 14:54:05 on 02/11:
Shoot a fam thats is in war with 2 fams and empty is pussy style
they shoot paramount too who is fighting 7 other fams, what wasn't pussy about that?
ElMariachi Holy See (Vatican City State) (17:56:37 - 02-11)
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Diamante at 14:15:26 on 02/11:
-->Magliana is getting sodomized by Difference/Differences, Paramount, Prestige, Pentagram, Matrix and Xzone.

a gangbang is a fitting death for these people imo considering their playstyle throughout the version.

Their playstyle was shoot a bunch of fams this version and not being part of masspacting, I wish there where more fams around like Magliana that simply play their own game instead of chosing to team up with a big ass pact and hope you end up on the winning side only to be cleaned up in the end by the leading fams of the pact.

Masspacting is what killed this game long time ago and if you think all these fams teaming up to clean Magliana will see the end of this round you are delusional. Grow some balls, play your own game instead of being a bunch of sheep ...
Arjinski Netherlands (17:24:36 - 02-11)
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Anonymous at 17:24:04 on 02/11:
Arjinski at 16:54:56 on 02/11:
CDBONIUM failed once again gr
ur shit

no thats saros