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01-09 Going for gold!
Author: ReBorN
Last updated: 2759d 9h 49m 8s ago by ReBorN
Comments: 149
Views: 77,497
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 5
Involved families: Assassino, Bertone, Gambino, Horde, Krays, Balance, Guardians, Montenegro, Syracuse
After Montenegro & Balance ceased shooting Aeterna+ (after the downing of Aeterna) Gambino, Syracuse+, & Krays opened fire on them.

The war is slowly progressing with few deaths on either side.

In an unexpected turn of events, Sun (rumored to be Saros - unknown how he got into Balace) Kills Escuchalo effectively hijacking Balance and renaming it to Aeterna!

In an even more shocking turn of events, the Syracuse family (#1 in the game at the time) has fallen with the death of their Don - Biloaga. It appears no successors were set causing the family to fall and Montenegro get all of their spots in Chicago!

After obtaining all of the Syracuse spots and having a firm grasp on Chicago, Montenegro themselves have become the victim of a hijack! After the might Havoc is killed and Patience becomes the new Don, he is killed by a Krays member (Delucia) who was saved a couple of weeks earlier by Montenegro Tops when Krays was being shot.

The word on the street is that Delucia was a former Colossal members. He (along with several other members who were inside of Krays on the night of the Coup d'etat on the 18th) were warned to stay offline and they would be spared when Krays fell. That did happen and he was brought into Montenegro. After feeling guilty about what he had done he agreed to help take down Havoc. But Havoc died earlier than Krays had expected so they decided to attempt to hijack and it was successful!

Montenegro has been renamed to Twins and it is now a joint spot held by Gambino & Horde (Syracuse).

Montenegro members who found themselves famliless after the hijack of their family started Guardians in New York to continue the fight. But they were eventually gunned down as well.

In the end, Montenegro and Balance were both hijacked. Both families now under the control of their enemies - Aeterna, Gambino, & Horde. With their remaining members scattered in the wind it remains to be seen what will happen next. Will they be able to grow again and take advantage of this new rebirth system? Time will tell ...

For any additional information or Top statements, contact ReBorN on IRC.
Onetwo(Gambino top) Well it was a nice war, since monto let Syracuse die in the last war, with the excuse, we are little and have not allot of bullets, i was done with them.
Look how that turned out, havoc ingame. siberia tops came in our pm, for talks that kind of stuff, we found out that they where in balance, and asone with monto.
They (siberia) stabt us years ago, add up monto lying we knew if we dindt do anything this would be bad for us too. Not to forget that balance bought the most of the spots in NY, it was a risk that they where alive.
When the war started we where not online, the next day we shot them with some bloods and contacts, but Syracuse got shot by monto and they took there spots.
After havoc was down, some fam managed to hijack balance, same thing with Twins HQ now, hijacked by krays, and they give it back to Syracuse/horde and us.
And to all the haters, we dont care, we did what we thought is best for us and our bloods.
War started on: 21:15:02 31-08-2017 War ended on: 14:30:02 03-09-2017
Bullet difference: -2,193,174 War duration: 2d 17h 15m
Money difference: -$1,478,593,326 Players died: 107

Dead Families:
[Guardians] Family down on 14:28 03-09
[Syracuse] Family down on 15:54 01-09
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Assassino | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 13
Balance | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 47
Bertone | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 13
Gambino | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 34
Guardians | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 4 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 52
Horde | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 4 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 52
Krays | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 13
Montenegro | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 7 | cd: 1 | gf: 1 | points: 151
Syracuse | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 4 | cd: 2 | gf: 1 | points: 137
Total | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 24 | cd: 4 | gf: 3 | points: 512

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Critycal Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Patron (11:47:34 - 07-09)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 09:57:04 on 07/09:
suppressor at 07:15:10 on 07/09:
Critycal at 22:03:26 on 06/09:
18:41:51 <Fuerte> jullie hebben onze bf gepakt, wat verwacht je dan xd
18:42:33 <Crit|away> jullie bf?
18:42:45 <Crit|away> naar mijn idee was ie van assassino
18:42:55 <Crit|away> kunnen we ook best anders oplossen dan op deze manier tbh
18:43:02 <Fuerte> we beschermden hem samen
18:43:11 <Fuerte> met assa weg issie van ons

enjoy translating it.

Although I got bashed for asking the question, this is why I asked who cried to you guys from Gambino:

10:35 Onetwo: fuerte doenst have contact with them
10:36 Onetwo: i had, so then it needs to be me
10:36 Onetwo: and i never said that

Apparently, Onetwo has zero ability to tell the truth.

One last note:

For those of you bashing Assassino's tops for me asking these questions, I'm not associated with Assassino anymore and haven't been for almost 10 days now. Yurina has busted her butt this version with only a small amount of help from the rest of the tops since the end of the first war. Cut her some slack, she has basically run Assassino almost completely by herself for most of this version... and this is Assassino's hardest version yet. Gambino has exploited this, and used it to steal the LV BF... but the criticism that has been leveled towards her handling of the scenario is completely unfair. She has kept the family alive, well blooded (except Gambino) and all of this while also working and going to university. When bashing the 'Assassino Tops', you are really only bashing her... the rest of us had RL issues that got in the way of our being able to help her, but she stood strong for the family. I'm not asking for pity for her... I'm just asking that she be cut a little slack in here. She really IS doing everything she can.

I am not all that into all the politics. However on that specific tuesday it was I think there was only fuerte and Onetwo online of Gambino. I sure hope that as bloods you discuss with eachother that you want to go to war. If one of your bloods then says we dont have the manpower available then you keep discussing till you get to a resolution. That resolution could be we postpone the war or it could be we both go to war or it could be that only one goes to war. I do not see any issues there and I should hope we are all adults now cus no young players play this game xD. Eventually Gambino or Gaybino did shoot and apparently Assassino is still alive maybe due to Gaybino or maybe not. The only thing that would matter is how Yurina and Gambino tops communicate. If written above was clearly communicated to eachother I don't see a problem and crit can stir the pot all he wants. It all depends on the communication with Assassino if that was good then there should not be a problem and assassino amd gambino willbe better off with 2 bfs split. If not then expect Assassino shooting Gaybino in the near future. For both i hope it was communicated clearly.


Not 'stirring the pot' at all here, just proving to people that it's not a lie since some anonymous gaybino tops were very eager to call us 'lying ponnie'
Anonymous (09:57:04 - 07-09)
Link Quote
suppressor at 07:15:10 on 07/09:
Critycal at 22:03:26 on 06/09:
18:41:51 <Fuerte> jullie hebben onze bf gepakt, wat verwacht je dan xd
18:42:33 <Crit|away> jullie bf?
18:42:45 <Crit|away> naar mijn idee was ie van assassino
18:42:55 <Crit|away> kunnen we ook best anders oplossen dan op deze manier tbh
18:43:02 <Fuerte> we beschermden hem samen
18:43:11 <Fuerte> met assa weg issie van ons

enjoy translating it.

Although I got bashed for asking the question, this is why I asked who cried to you guys from Gambino:

10:35 Onetwo: fuerte doenst have contact with them
10:36 Onetwo: i had, so then it needs to be me
10:36 Onetwo: and i never said that

Apparently, Onetwo has zero ability to tell the truth.

One last note:

For those of you bashing Assassino's tops for me asking these questions, I'm not associated with Assassino anymore and haven't been for almost 10 days now. Yurina has busted her butt this version with only a small amount of help from the rest of the tops since the end of the first war. Cut her some slack, she has basically run Assassino almost completely by herself for most of this version... and this is Assassino's hardest version yet. Gambino has exploited this, and used it to steal the LV BF... but the criticism that has been leveled towards her handling of the scenario is completely unfair. She has kept the family alive, well blooded (except Gambino) and all of this while also working and going to university. When bashing the 'Assassino Tops', you are really only bashing her... the rest of us had RL issues that got in the way of our being able to help her, but she stood strong for the family. I'm not asking for pity for her... I'm just asking that she be cut a little slack in here. She really IS doing everything she can.

I am not all that into all the politics. However on that specific tuesday it was I think there was only fuerte and Onetwo online of Gambino. I sure hope that as bloods you discuss with eachother that you want to go to war. If one of your bloods then says we dont have the manpower available then you keep discussing till you get to a resolution. That resolution could be we postpone the war or it could be we both go to war or it could be that only one goes to war. I do not see any issues there and I should hope we are all adults now cus no young players play this game xD. Eventually Gambino or Gaybino did shoot and apparently Assassino is still alive maybe due to Gaybino or maybe not. The only thing that would matter is how Yurina and Gambino tops communicate. If written above was clearly communicated to eachother I don't see a problem and crit can stir the pot all he wants. It all depends on the communication with Assassino if that was good then there should not be a problem and assassino amd gambino willbe better off with 2 bfs split. If not then expect Assassino shooting Gaybino in the near future. For both i hope it was communicated clearly.


suppressor United States (07:15:10 - 07-09)
Link Quote
Critycal at 22:03:26 on 06/09:
18:41:51 <Fuerte> jullie hebben onze bf gepakt, wat verwacht je dan xd
18:42:33 <Crit|away> jullie bf?
18:42:45 <Crit|away> naar mijn idee was ie van assassino
18:42:55 <Crit|away> kunnen we ook best anders oplossen dan op deze manier tbh
18:43:02 <Fuerte> we beschermden hem samen
18:43:11 <Fuerte> met assa weg issie van ons

enjoy translating it.

Although I got bashed for asking the question, this is why I asked who cried to you guys from Gambino:

10:35 Onetwo: fuerte doenst have contact with them
10:36 Onetwo: i had, so then it needs to be me
10:36 Onetwo: and i never said that

Apparently, Onetwo has zero ability to tell the truth.

One last note:

For those of you bashing Assassino's tops for me asking these questions, I'm not associated with Assassino anymore and haven't been for almost 10 days now. Yurina has busted her butt this version with only a small amount of help from the rest of the tops since the end of the first war. Cut her some slack, she has basically run Assassino almost completely by herself for most of this version... and this is Assassino's hardest version yet. Gambino has exploited this, and used it to steal the LV BF... but the criticism that has been leveled towards her handling of the scenario is completely unfair. She has kept the family alive, well blooded (except Gambino) and all of this while also working and going to university. When bashing the 'Assassino Tops', you are really only bashing her... the rest of us had RL issues that got in the way of our being able to help her, but she stood strong for the family. I'm not asking for pity for her... I'm just asking that she be cut a little slack in here. She really IS doing everything she can.
InsertRandomNicknameHere (01:06:56 - 07-09)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 21:54:31 on 06/09:
Anonymous at 20:41:57 on 06/09:
Anonymous at 20:36:36 on 06/09:
sib/guardians go cry, and spread lies because u lost, ponies cry after the die

that literally makes no sense..

they died, they rebirthed, they died again..

its the theme of v5,

and there was no lie, everyone knows gambino are a shitfam that would sell their mothers if they could gain from it.

:'') and you know everything better :) must be a ponie...

and you must be that moron "onetwo"

ur grammar shows u cant count more than that anyway..

no wonder u're so hard on defending them.
Critycal Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Patron (22:19:07 - 06-09)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 22:09:35 on 06/09:
Critycal at 22:03:26 on 06/09:
18:41:51 <Fuerte> jullie hebben onze bf gepakt, wat verwacht je dan xd
18:42:33 <Crit|away> jullie bf?
18:42:45 <Crit|away> naar mijn idee was ie van assassino
18:42:55 <Crit|away> kunnen we ook best anders oplossen dan op deze manier tbh
18:43:02 <Fuerte> we beschermden hem samen
18:43:11 <Fuerte> met assa weg issie van ons

enjoy translating it.

it's some kind of elvish i can't read it
F: you took our bf, what did you expect
C: your bf? as far as i knew it was assassino's
C: we could solve it in another way than this tbh
F: we protected it together
F: with assa gone it's ours
Anonymous (22:11:03 - 06-09)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 22:09:35 on 06/09:
Critycal at 22:03:26 on 06/09:
18:41:51 <Fuerte> jullie hebben onze bf gepakt, wat verwacht je dan xd
18:42:33 <Crit|away> jullie bf?
18:42:45 <Crit|away> naar mijn idee was ie van assassino
18:42:55 <Crit|away> kunnen we ook best anders oplossen dan op deze manier tbh
18:43:02 <Fuerte> we beschermden hem samen
18:43:11 <Fuerte> met assa weg issie van ons

enjoy translating it.

it's some kind of elvish i can't read it

18:41:51 <Fuerte> you caught our bf, what do you expect? xd
18:42:33 <Crit|away> your bf?
18:42:45 <Crit|away> I think he was of assassino
18:42:55 <Crit|away> we can also solve differently than this way tbh
18:43:02 <Fuerte> We protected him
18:43:11 <Fuerte> with assa away issie from us
Anonymous (22:09:35 - 06-09)
Link Quote
Critycal at 22:03:26 on 06/09:
18:41:51 <Fuerte> jullie hebben onze bf gepakt, wat verwacht je dan xd
18:42:33 <Crit|away> jullie bf?
18:42:45 <Crit|away> naar mijn idee was ie van assassino
18:42:55 <Crit|away> kunnen we ook best anders oplossen dan op deze manier tbh
18:43:02 <Fuerte> we beschermden hem samen
18:43:11 <Fuerte> met assa weg issie van ons

enjoy translating it.

it's some kind of elvish i can't read it
Critycal Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Patron (22:03:26 - 06-09)
Link Quote
18:41:51 <Fuerte> jullie hebben onze bf gepakt, wat verwacht je dan xd
18:42:33 <Crit|away> jullie bf?
18:42:45 <Crit|away> naar mijn idee was ie van assassino
18:42:55 <Crit|away> kunnen we ook best anders oplossen dan op deze manier tbh
18:43:02 <Fuerte> we beschermden hem samen
18:43:11 <Fuerte> met assa weg issie van ons

enjoy translating it.
Anonymous (22:02:18 - 06-09)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 21:54:31 on 06/09:
Anonymous at 20:41:57 on 06/09:
Anonymous at 20:36:36 on 06/09:
sib/guardians go cry, and spread lies because u lost, ponies cry after the die

that literally makes no sense..

they died, they rebirthed, they died again..

its the theme of v5,

and there was no lie, everyone knows gambino are a shitfam that would sell their mothers if they could gain from it.

:'') and you know everything better :) must be a ponie...
tell me what is lie then :)
Anonymous (22:02:03 - 06-09)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 21:54:31 on 06/09:
Anonymous at 20:41:57 on 06/09:
Anonymous at 20:36:36 on 06/09:
sib/guardians go cry, and spread lies because u lost, ponies cry after the die

that literally makes no sense..

they died, they rebirthed, they died again..

its the theme of v5,

and there was no lie, everyone knows gambino are a shitfam that would sell their mothers if they could gain from it.

:'') and you know everything better :) must be a ponie...

You keep writing pony wrong and my OCD will kick in :s

Assassino needs to learn a few things yet. Apparently their "tops" don't know half the stuff going on with their fam and the info that they do know they choose not to act upon.

How nice it must be to live in denial land :D

Now come on, say I must be a pony, I have yet to grow a mane and tail :(
Anonymous (21:54:31 - 06-09)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 20:41:57 on 06/09:
Anonymous at 20:36:36 on 06/09:
sib/guardians go cry, and spread lies because u lost, ponies cry after the die

that literally makes no sense..

they died, they rebirthed, they died again..

its the theme of v5,

and there was no lie, everyone knows gambino are a shitfam that would sell their mothers if they could gain from it.

:'') and you know everything better :) must be a ponie...
Anonymous (20:41:57 - 06-09)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 20:36:36 on 06/09:
sib/guardians go cry, and spread lies because u lost, ponies cry after the die

that literally makes no sense..

they died, they rebirthed, they died again..

its the theme of v5,

and there was no lie, everyone knows gambino are a shitfam that would sell their mothers if they could gain from it.
Anonymous (20:36:36 - 06-09)
Link Quote
sib/guardians go cry, and spread lies because u lost, ponies cry after the die
Anonymous (03:17:35 - 06-09)
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InsertRandomNicknameHere at 22:21:13 on 05/09:
suppressor at 19:25:43 on 05/09:
I have been interested. The problem is that all I have is word of mouth... no logs to support it yet... If I had the logs, I could talk to the current tops of Assassino. Until then, it's just unsubstantiated rumor.

how long have u played this game? nothing ever is just a rumor...

Sure, cause logs are so hard to fake xD
Believe what you want, Assassino got played by Gambino and still managed to do their dirty work afterwards.
InsertRandomNicknameHere (22:21:13 - 05-09)
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suppressor at 19:25:43 on 05/09:
Anonymous at 18:23:43 on 05/09:
suppressor at 18:14:15 on 05/09:
Critycal at 15:32:01 on 05/09:
suppressor at 15:05:58 on 05/09:
If it's not true, then I guess Gambino will have no problem with giving Assassino their LV BF back.
Not a chance, once we killed you and started on the bf (war trophies, right) Gambino came crying that it was 'their' bf and we had no claim to it :)
You lost it, Gambino are masters of hypocrisy :D

Do you happen to remember which top(s) from Gambino came crying to you?

Oh now you're interested? xD
Welcome back to the game to you too matje, took you a long while.

I have been interested. The problem is that all I have is word of mouth... no logs to support it yet... If I had the logs, I could talk to the current tops of Assassino. Until then, it's just unsubstantiated rumor.

how long have u played this game? nothing ever is just a rumor...
suppressor United States (19:25:43 - 05-09)
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Anonymous at 18:23:43 on 05/09:
suppressor at 18:14:15 on 05/09:
Critycal at 15:32:01 on 05/09:
suppressor at 15:05:58 on 05/09:
If it's not true, then I guess Gambino will have no problem with giving Assassino their LV BF back.
Not a chance, once we killed you and started on the bf (war trophies, right) Gambino came crying that it was 'their' bf and we had no claim to it :)
You lost it, Gambino are masters of hypocrisy :D

Do you happen to remember which top(s) from Gambino came crying to you?

Oh now you're interested? xD
Welcome back to the game to you too matje, took you a long while.

I have been interested. The problem is that all I have is word of mouth... no logs to support it yet... If I had the logs, I could talk to the current tops of Assassino. Until then, it's just unsubstantiated rumor.
suppressor United States (19:22:21 - 05-09)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 18:21:23 on 05/09:
suppressor at 03:02:32 on 05/09:
Anonymous at 22:39:14 on 04/09:
Read again mate.
Assassino was doing great being a good blood.
But when your fam is directly betrayed and you do nothing about it, and instead shoot alongside the fam that betrayed you, you lose the respect you won.
In this case you aren't being a good blood, you are putting another fam needs above your own and that's wrong.
I was going to write out a formal response to your last several posts, but I realize it's not worth it. You know that what you are posting is pure ignorance. It's why you won't post using your name. So, with that in mind, I'm just going to welcome you back to the game after your long break, since you obviously haven't been around much this version.
Critycal at 15:32:01 on 05/09:
suppressor at 15:05:58 on 05/09:
If it's not true, then I guess Gambino will have no problem with giving Assassino their LV BF back.
Not a chance, once we killed you and started on the bf (war trophies, right) Gambino came crying that it was 'their' bf and we had no claim to it :)
You lost it, Gambino are masters of hypocrisy :D

That's what your "pure ignorance" gets you Supressor :)
At least pretend to know what's going on with your fam next time, before coming to OB making statements that just make you look like a fool.

Actually, I was told something by a Gambino top this morning and I am checking to see if that is true or not... so nice try :)
Anonymous (18:23:43 - 05-09)
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suppressor at 18:14:15 on 05/09:
Critycal at 15:32:01 on 05/09:
suppressor at 15:05:58 on 05/09:
If it's not true, then I guess Gambino will have no problem with giving Assassino their LV BF back.
Not a chance, once we killed you and started on the bf (war trophies, right) Gambino came crying that it was 'their' bf and we had no claim to it :)
You lost it, Gambino are masters of hypocrisy :D

Do you happen to remember which top(s) from Gambino came crying to you?

Oh now you're interested? xD
Welcome back to the game to you too matje, took you a long while.
Anonymous (18:21:23 - 05-09)
Link Quote
suppressor at 03:02:32 on 05/09:
Anonymous at 22:39:14 on 04/09:
Read again mate.
Assassino was doing great being a good blood.
But when your fam is directly betrayed and you do nothing about it, and instead shoot alongside the fam that betrayed you, you lose the respect you won.
In this case you aren't being a good blood, you are putting another fam needs above your own and that's wrong.
I was going to write out a formal response to your last several posts, but I realize it's not worth it. You know that what you are posting is pure ignorance. It's why you won't post using your name. So, with that in mind, I'm just going to welcome you back to the game after your long break, since you obviously haven't been around much this version.
Critycal at 15:32:01 on 05/09:
suppressor at 15:05:58 on 05/09:
If it's not true, then I guess Gambino will have no problem with giving Assassino their LV BF back.
Not a chance, once we killed you and started on the bf (war trophies, right) Gambino came crying that it was 'their' bf and we had no claim to it :)
You lost it, Gambino are masters of hypocrisy :D

That's what your "pure ignorance" gets you Supressor :)
At least pretend to know what's going on with your fam next time, before coming to OB making statements that just make you look like a fool.
suppressor United States (18:14:15 - 05-09)
Link Quote
Critycal at 15:32:01 on 05/09:
suppressor at 15:05:58 on 05/09:
If it's not true, then I guess Gambino will have no problem with giving Assassino their LV BF back.
Not a chance, once we killed you and started on the bf (war trophies, right) Gambino came crying that it was 'their' bf and we had no claim to it :)
You lost it, Gambino are masters of hypocrisy :D

Do you happen to remember which top(s) from Gambino came crying to you?