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26-11 Bloodbaths continue..
Author: Terencio
Last updated: 3406d 19h 5m 57s ago by Terencio
Comments: 126
Views: 49,728
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 4.9.2
Involved families: Corvus, Guardians, Imperium, Inquisition, Lucchese, Nefastus, Phoenix, Provenzano, Rivera, Senyera, Blacksea, Gambino, Jannisary, Promise
Just as the previous war comes to an end, a new one starts...
Gambino is under heavy fire from Guardians/Nefastus, Lucchese and Corvus

2nd war irrelevant, to the Gambino war has begun
Jannisary/Promise are under attack by Phoenix+, Senyera and Provenzano

Imperium and Rivera have turned up with their tommies and are aiming at Jannisary+

After being recruited into Phoenix, "Tony" from Jannisary shot his don Cartman to take over the fam, all fambank gone and majority of the members kicked..

Stay tuned...
War started on: 19:50:03 26-11-2015 War ended on: 15:07:04 27-11-2015
Bullet difference: -15,371,664 War duration: 19h 17m
Money difference: -$669,137,528 Players died: 147

Dead Families:
[Blacksea] Family down on 15:04 27-11
[Promise] Family down on 14:01 27-11
[Jannisary] Family down on 06:10 27-11
[Gambino] Family down on 00:26 27-11
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Blacksea | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 2 | chief: 6 | brug: 5 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 127
Corvus | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 2 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 42
Gambino | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 4 | chief: 16 | brug: 16 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 357
Guardians | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 8
Imperium | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 3
Inquisition | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 26
Jannisary | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 3 | chief: 11 | brug: 13 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 274
Lucchese | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 8
Phoenix | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 2 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 42
Promise | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 5 | brug: 19 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 287
Provenzano | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 21
Rivera | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 34
Senyera | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 10
Total | swin: 1 | assa: 2 | lc: 9 | chief: 47 | brug: 62 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 1,239

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Maraz (11:33:24 - 27-11)
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@ Deathbase;

We tried to open some ground for the anti-pact fams but we couldnt manage it depending on some lame hugger fams and we will continue to suicide on lc level as we did in previous 4-5 versions.

so any suiciders are more than wellcome ;)

suicide candir =))
DeathBase (10:48:06 - 27-11)
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Anonymous at 06:04:31 on 27/11:
FUCK JANNISARY compaign at 05:48:01 on 27/11:
if tony had any balls he would leave the safe house and get fucked like the little jannibitch that he is you made your point u had to sneak in to phoenix to take them down because you and your punk ass duping family couldnt take them down any other way .all jansniexuallys and tony will never be nothing more then common street whore getting smacked around by their pimps

TONY and JANNISARY get what he deserves,

any one other familys that dont support those cowardly little bitch you all need to think and think real fucking hard those pansy fucks need to be punked like a child molester in prison.
fuck JANNISARY and fuck anyone who supports those pussie ass nubs


your time like your fallen will come

Sorry I'm confused, do you support Jannisary?

He used capitals! he must be serious

ahahahahahahaha i cried amk

yea he must be serious
DeathBase (10:20:36 - 27-11)
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Anonymous at 10:06:47 on 27/11:
I am founder of an oldschool family Which won some versions. I am really sad to see that Janni members Die for mistakes of their incompetent tops. They have the Power but no brains

Who the hell are you dear pussy. U won some versions but you cant type with your real name ha?

Its good to see janni's crew dont have brains but you have some aswell. :) Pussy wanker.
DeathBase (10:16:10 - 27-11)
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1.This shit is %101 Nazdrovia bitches fault. It is sad to see that kind of small fam can affect on big issues. Its our fault to let them do that.

They sold us with guardians. They leaked all the war plans again with guardians to others.

Nazd. bitches stopped us and our bloods, give some promise about Lucchese , Senyara and they didnt do it.

Also they reject shooting for us. abadonafk or smnt and maskado wankers. I ll rape u next :w

2.Phoenix also acted weird. They come to me through JohnGotti and Tunc. We made channel , we do blood talks, we also reject many fams offers because i said "Phoenix will be my 1st concern". I trusted fenrir and give a shape to my game plan while considering common benefits.

After that fenrir come to my pm and type a very long sorry msg. He said he wont be active and he wont lead phoenix anymore, so we need to discuss blood shit again with new phoenix crew. ( i can share the logs )
After that i talked "Vinnie" he said he is okay with me, Talked to "House" he said we are brothers, after that i talked "Papagoose" and he said he like me but still had to talk with others... ( i can share all the logs too about this )

Then they stab me like this, ignore me for a while, didnt talk in our blood channel anymore etc.
So we had to do smntg. and Hijack happened :) I was not around at that time but still its a good job thanx to our crew :)

After that some brainless 19-20 year old wanker baby come and curse me, from phoenix.
Dude let the grown-ups do the talk, you go play with your dolls, motherfu*ker idiot.

3.Also Provenzano caused some problems. Janni has Peakys inside as you all know. And Peakys & like brothers. Plus i have a good history with Bergzilla for many years. I even ranked with them many years ago and once more few versions ago, so we didnt want to shoot or do smntg bad to Prov. "directly". But sadly they did.

Prov. has gravano inside them. Their Turkish (gravano's) crew called ours. Lied to us. One of our crew talked with them and close the phone by saying " okay we will talk tonight and waiting for you" ( i can give the names and phone numbers also )

Their reply was with bullets :)

This is a game and the move was necessary to win i guess. Gg brothers.

But didnt let baby idiots talk without knowlage. Teach babies some respect while they are talking to older brothers and pro. players like us.

Good luck building a fam next. We will jump like marazz did.:w Suicide version is on.

Btw. I am not mad ad Senyera. Gsus fuck u we are even now bro. :)

Uh, Corvus ( Shield ); I did kill a fam. for you. I share m all with you and you did this to me.
I will keep that in mind. Just remember...

Thank you Persico for being Persico _o_ Loyal to his bloods every fu*king time.

I will close this shit with some turkish sayings, for ignorant folks of omerta.

Evladim abinizle konusurken biraz terbiyeli olun, 20 yasinda bebesiniz, haddinizi asan seyler konusuyorsunuz. Ustelik konuyu da bilmiyorsunuz. Bilgi sahibi olmadan, fikir sahibi olmayin.

Konuyla alakasi da yok ama dipnot ekleyeyim Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrospu Cocugu knife i bana teslim edin anarchy tayfasi. Unutmadik serefsizligi. Unutursak kalbimiz kurusun :)

Ps: Thank you JohnGotti & Tunc & Waby and all the koninj wankers for this versions fun.
You keep your words at least this version to me :)
We want to keep it between Janni & Konin through DeathBase & JohnGotti for now and beyond.

Anonymous (10:11:01 - 27-11)
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Gkn at 09:00:08 on 27/11:
I am sorry dear friends. I want to some explanation. I am playing this game since v2.1, This time is so long time. The first time something like that happened to me. This is my fold. HJ was my fault. I swearing, I didnt have such a thought. I thought the only human kindness. Adba is my brother we are played Turkuz together. but I AM SORRY BROTHERS. HJ NOT ETICAL

SORRY CHINO and CK Forgive me

SORRY ALL Phoenix Members

Thats only my fold

etik metik siktir et kanka. bu gavatların hangi biri etik ki sen olacakn :) Hepsi satıcı ibneler

Translation: Which one of this bastards are playing ethcial. No problem with ethics :) They all are backstabbers
Anonymous (10:06:47 - 27-11)
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I am founder of an oldschool family Which won some versions. I am really sad to see that Janni members Die for mistakes of their incompetent tops. They have the Power but no brains
Solstice (10:01:40 - 27-11)
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gsbaba at 20:48:03 on 26/11:
Guardians/Nefastus, Lucchese and Corvus seriously shame on you guys.Dont tell me helping blood etc. etc. Instead of choosing other side you are helping the strongest bloodline.You would've stay alone with wounded janni+ insteaf of being puppets. You could figth for the version.How will you feel when they kill you one by one?Versions after versions same shit again and again.

Last version you had the chance to bring down Anarchy with Gambino during the first war. Both of you ceasefired midway through and got shot down a couple of days later. The first war this version you had the bigger numbers on provenzano and gambino had a good chance to do some real damage to phoenix. If you had done so Lusa would've been able to finish Senyera. And you would've been topdogs for the remainder of the version. You didn't take this opportunity and you shouldn't blame other families for it.
DeathBase (09:06:30 - 27-11)
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FUCK JANNISARY compaign at 05:48:01 on 27/11:
if tony had any balls he would leave the safe house and get fucked like the little jannibitch that he is you made your point u had to sneak in to phoenix to take them down because you and your punk ass duping family couldnt take them down any other way .all jansniexuallys and tony will never be nothing more then common street whore getting smacked around by their pimps

TONY and JANNISARY get what he deserves,

any one other familys that dont support those cowardly little bitch you all need to think and think real fucking hard those pansy fucks need to be punked like a child molester in prison.
fuck JANNISARY and fuck anyone who supports those pussie ass nubs


your time like your fallen will come


Gkn (09:00:08 - 27-11)
Link Quote
I am sorry dear friends. I want to some explanation. I am playing this game since v2.1, This time is so long time. The first time something like that happened to me. This is my fold. HJ was my fault. I swearing, I didnt have such a thought. I thought the only human kindness. Adba is my brother we are played Turkuz together. but I AM SORRY BROTHERS. HJ NOT ETICAL

SORRY CHINO and CK Forgive me

SORRY ALL Phoenix Members

Thats only my fold

Anonymous (08:17:41 - 27-11)
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Anonymous at 08:06:42 on 27/11:
Anonymous at 07:47:14 on 27/11:
Anonymous at 06:23:46 on 27/11:
FUCK JANNISARY compaign at 05:48:01 on 27/11:
if tony had any balls he would leave the safe house and get fucked like the little jannibitch that he is you made your point u had to sneak in to phoenix to take them down because you and your punk ass duping family couldnt take them down any other way .all jansniexuallys and tony will never be nothing more then common street whore getting smacked around by their pimps

TONY and JANNISARY get what he deserves,

any one other familys that dont support those cowardly little bitch you all need to think and think real fucking hard those pansy fucks need to be punked like a child molester in prison.
fuck JANNISARY and fuck anyone who supports those pussie ass nubs


your time like your fallen will come

nice butthurt and cries :D I like that so much :D Helal Tony, you are a hero :D

yes what a hero who brings his honor and promises on everything for being trusted to hijack a family that fights more than 2 days and shred their enemies in blood.if you wanna win try fighting,this just makes you an asshole and douchebag on the sight of people.only ignorant claims that guy is a hero.ignorancy is most fearful thing.

Try fighting without the all the pact families backing you up....

Jannis might of fallen, but they gave your little bottom a big spanking before they died.
so be pact.its that easy
Anonymous (08:06:42 - 27-11)
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Anonymous at 07:47:14 on 27/11:
Anonymous at 06:23:46 on 27/11:
FUCK JANNISARY compaign at 05:48:01 on 27/11:
if tony had any balls he would leave the safe house and get fucked like the little jannibitch that he is you made your point u had to sneak in to phoenix to take them down because you and your punk ass duping family couldnt take them down any other way .all jansniexuallys and tony will never be nothing more then common street whore getting smacked around by their pimps

TONY and JANNISARY get what he deserves,

any one other familys that dont support those cowardly little bitch you all need to think and think real fucking hard those pansy fucks need to be punked like a child molester in prison.
fuck JANNISARY and fuck anyone who supports those pussie ass nubs


your time like your fallen will come

nice butthurt and cries :D I like that so much :D Helal Tony, you are a hero :D

yes what a hero who brings his honor and promises on everything for being trusted to hijack a family that fights more than 2 days and shred their enemies in blood.if you wanna win try fighting,this just makes you an asshole and douchebag on the sight of people.only ignorant claims that guy is a hero.ignorancy is most fearful thing.

Try fighting without the all the pact families backing you up....

Jannis might of fallen, but they gave your little bottom a big spanking before they died.
Anonymous (07:47:14 - 27-11)
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Anonymous at 06:23:46 on 27/11:
FUCK JANNISARY compaign at 05:48:01 on 27/11:
if tony had any balls he would leave the safe house and get fucked like the little jannibitch that he is you made your point u had to sneak in to phoenix to take them down because you and your punk ass duping family couldnt take them down any other way .all jansniexuallys and tony will never be nothing more then common street whore getting smacked around by their pimps

TONY and JANNISARY get what he deserves,

any one other familys that dont support those cowardly little bitch you all need to think and think real fucking hard those pansy fucks need to be punked like a child molester in prison.
fuck JANNISARY and fuck anyone who supports those pussie ass nubs


your time like your fallen will come

nice butthurt and cries :D I like that so much :D Helal Tony, you are a hero :D

yes what a hero who brings his honor and promises on everything for being trusted to hijack a family that fights more than 2 days and shred their enemies in blood.if you wanna win try fighting,this just makes you an asshole and douchebag on the sight of people.only ignorant claims that guy is a hero.ignorancy is most fearful thing.
Merton Ireland (07:24:21 - 27-11)
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FUCK JANNISARY compaign at 05:48:01 on 27/11:
if tony had any balls he would leave the safe house and get fucked like the little jannibitch that he is you made your point u had to sneak in to phoenix to take them down because you and your punk ass duping family couldnt take them down any other way .all jansniexuallys and tony will never be nothing more then common street whore getting smacked around by their pimps

TONY and JANNISARY get what he deserves,

any one other familys that dont support those cowardly little bitch you all need to think and think real fucking hard those pansy fucks need to be punked like a child molester in prison.
fuck JANNISARY and fuck anyone who supports those pussie ass nubs


your time like your fallen will come

Sooo much anger, wanna address for a good therapist?

Anonymous (06:23:46 - 27-11)
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FUCK JANNISARY compaign at 05:48:01 on 27/11:
if tony had any balls he would leave the safe house and get fucked like the little jannibitch that he is you made your point u had to sneak in to phoenix to take them down because you and your punk ass duping family couldnt take them down any other way .all jansniexuallys and tony will never be nothing more then common street whore getting smacked around by their pimps

TONY and JANNISARY get what he deserves,

any one other familys that dont support those cowardly little bitch you all need to think and think real fucking hard those pansy fucks need to be punked like a child molester in prison.
fuck JANNISARY and fuck anyone who supports those pussie ass nubs


your time like your fallen will come

nice butthurt and cries :D I like that so much :D Helal Tony, you are a hero :D
Anonymous (06:21:49 - 27-11)
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Anonymous (06:04:31 - 27-11)
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FUCK JANNISARY compaign at 05:48:01 on 27/11:
if tony had any balls he would leave the safe house and get fucked like the little jannibitch that he is you made your point u had to sneak in to phoenix to take them down because you and your punk ass duping family couldnt take them down any other way .all jansniexuallys and tony will never be nothing more then common street whore getting smacked around by their pimps

TONY and JANNISARY get what he deserves,

any one other familys that dont support those cowardly little bitch you all need to think and think real fucking hard those pansy fucks need to be punked like a child molester in prison.
fuck JANNISARY and fuck anyone who supports those pussie ass nubs


your time like your fallen will come

Sorry I'm confused, do you support Jannisary?

He used capitals! he must be serious
FUCK JANNISARY compaign (05:48:01 - 27-11)
Link Quote
if tony had any balls he would leave the safe house and get fucked like the little jannibitch that he is you made your point u had to sneak in to phoenix to take them down because you and your punk ass duping family couldnt take them down any other way .all jansniexuallys and tony will never be nothing more then common street whore getting smacked around by their pimps

TONY and JANNISARY get what he deserves,

any one other familys that dont support those cowardly little bitch you all need to think and think real fucking hard those pansy fucks need to be punked like a child molester in prison.
fuck JANNISARY and fuck anyone who supports those pussie ass nubs


your time like your fallen will come
Anonymous (04:46:10 - 27-11)
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Anonymous at 04:16:59 on 27/11:
Anonymous at 04:10:42 on 27/11:
Anonymous at 03:58:32 on 27/11:
Anonymous at 03:54:57 on 27/11:
Anonymous at 03:25:24 on 27/11:
Anonymous at 03:18:41 on 27/11:

It was actually a fail hijack


FAIL !!!!

hardly a fail, their Don and probably strongest account is dead.

a fail? cause they are not like other sheeps and wait for death and clean up, instant of that they make a plan sacrifice don and get over the family :) if this is fail ok guys you are right! :)
It was no fail , it was actually a genius move on Jannisary's part

Well phoenix will take fam over when tony leaves SH so it was hardly worth it but ok.

Jannis were out numbered and out gunned. Only a matter of time till they are dead. But on their way down they did this

2 Phoenix 466 13 6 / 125 $46,186 Tony Las Vegas

Cartman - RIP

I'd say it was worth it, It was funny as well.
blablabla (04:20:03 - 27-11)
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Anonymous at 04:14:15 on 27/11:
blablabla at 04:12:20 on 27/11:
Well done Jannisary for me you guys won thi version
I wouldnt say they won it yet .
they can't won for real in the end, but for me they won.
kind regards.
Anonymous (04:16:59 - 27-11)
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Anonymous at 04:10:42 on 27/11:
Anonymous at 03:58:32 on 27/11:
Anonymous at 03:54:57 on 27/11:
Anonymous at 03:25:24 on 27/11:
Anonymous at 03:18:41 on 27/11:

It was actually a fail hijack


FAIL !!!!

hardly a fail, their Don and probably strongest account is dead.

a fail? cause they are not like other sheeps and wait for death and clean up, instant of that they make a plan sacrifice don and get over the family :) if this is fail ok guys you are right! :)
It was no fail , it was actually a genius move on Jannisary's part

Well phoenix will take fam over when tony leaves SH so it was hardly worth it but ok.