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02-04 Backstabbing Armageddon
Author: mmm
Last updated: 3623d 6h 19m 49s ago by mmm
Comments: 243
Views: 75,416
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Version: 4.7.3
Involved families: Alcoholics, Casalesi, Lusa, Prophecy, Prozzini, Colossal, Vetta
As the ROM was announced today, the families consisting of the P.A.P alliance, Lusa and Casalesi are currently attacking Colossal and Vetta.

Halfway into the night the site went down. People are telling me the ones that logged off couldn't get logged in, but the people that were logged in could still play, causing some people to die who were unable to defend themselves. How will this play out? Will admins roll back? Will they just simple ignore it? Will they push the reset button? Stay tuned!
Tao (Prophecy Top) After 3 weeks ago,Jordryp top of Colossal tryed to push some fams shooting us,we all knew the plan but still we didnt do nothing against em
Than they come again Samagono + 1 other fam suiciding into us again one action of Colossal side, which they told us at the begining before
the war vs Siberia they got samagono into their side since some top into Colo they are from Samagono.
After that a massive recruiters went on Colo, which they fully suiciding into our accounts for 4-5 days.
So tell me what u expect?
Have fun with the war :)'
War started on: 15:33:03 02-04-2015 War ended on: 21:03:03 04-04-2015
Bullet difference: -28,023,421 War duration: 2d 5h 30m
Money difference: -$1,983,870,123 Players died: 313

Dead Families:
[Colossal] Family down on 20:59 04-04
[Vetta] Family down on 12:05 03-04
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Alcoholics | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 45
Casalesi | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 3 | brug: 4 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 110
Colossal | swin: 4 | assa: 13 | lc: 11 | chief: 20 | brug: 58 | cd: 8 | gf: 1 | points: 1,222
Lusa | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 2 | chief: 1 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 59
Prophecy | swin: 5 | assa: 1 | lc: 6 | chief: 6 | brug: 14 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 297
Prozzini | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 2 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 19
Vetta | swin: 2 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 8 | brug: 18 | cd: 4 | gf: 1 | points: 426
Total | swin: 12 | assa: 14 | lc: 21 | chief: 40 | brug: 100 | cd: 13 | gf: 3 | points: 2,178

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Anonymous (11:37:02 - 03-04)
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i wonder can sangreal take revenge of radiance from prophecy after that war
khourj Western Sahara (10:31:21 - 03-04)
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Nuke at 08:19:31 on 03/04:
Everyone has shot a blood before.. Even I have. You can either blood families you know or you can blood whoever is convenient at the time. Unless you're taking this game way too seriously, either one will bite you in the ass some day.


Most bloods vary from version to version.

People/players need to lower their expectation of a blood and move on or continue to build a relationship with them if they treat each other honourably. If put your ass on the line for them if needed... that's called earning respect. Come the next round-table discussions for bloods they'll know you'll come to the party if needed and they won't mind helping you if necessary.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who lack any form of MATURITY who play this game and will sell a 'free-sample' to gain an advantage.

Anonymous (10:28:19 - 03-04)
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gode at 09:13:28 on 03/04:
mmm at 08:54:23 on 03/04:
gode at 08:43:26 on 03/04:
mmm at 06:35:44 on 03/04:
gode at 06:32:57 on 03/04:
Nice war :)
Blood 10+ fams then bitch here some of them sold you. Cool story

And you obviously know what you're talking about, didnt know you were amongst my fellow tops. Though there are a lot, mayb I missed one. Cool story.

we dont have to be in your topchan to know you have 10+ fams as blood/asone
you got sold out as deserved, too bad lusa/aeterna didnt get same treatment for that strategy

You clearly dont know shit then, but that's what you're known for.

easy boy, write some facts about your 10+ fam bloodlist or wait for next version to waste your hours on busting page

you are too nerd to be argued with

Want to argue with me?
gode Turkey (09:13:28 - 03-04)
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mmm at 08:54:23 on 03/04:
gode at 08:43:26 on 03/04:
mmm at 06:35:44 on 03/04:
gode at 06:32:57 on 03/04:
Nice war :)
Blood 10+ fams then bitch here some of them sold you. Cool story

And you obviously know what you're talking about, didnt know you were amongst my fellow tops. Though there are a lot, mayb I missed one. Cool story.

we dont have to be in your topchan to know you have 10+ fams as blood/asone
you got sold out as deserved, too bad lusa/aeterna didnt get same treatment for that strategy

You clearly dont know shit then, but that's what you're known for.

easy boy, write some facts about your 10+ fam bloodlist or wait for next version to waste your hours on busting page

you are too nerd to be argued with
mmm Netherlands (08:54:23 - 03-04)
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gode at 08:43:26 on 03/04:
mmm at 06:35:44 on 03/04:
gode at 06:32:57 on 03/04:
Nice war :)
Blood 10+ fams then bitch here some of them sold you. Cool story

And you obviously know what you're talking about, didnt know you were amongst my fellow tops. Though there are a lot, mayb I missed one. Cool story.

we dont have to be in your topchan to know you have 10+ fams as blood/asone
you got sold out as deserved, too bad lusa/aeterna didnt get same treatment for that strategy

You clearly dont know shit then, but that's what you're known for.
gode Turkey (08:43:26 - 03-04)
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mmm at 06:35:44 on 03/04:
gode at 06:32:57 on 03/04:
Nice war :)
Blood 10+ fams then bitch here some of them sold you. Cool story

And you obviously know what you're talking about, didnt know you were amongst my fellow tops. Though there are a lot, mayb I missed one. Cool story.

we dont have to be in your topchan to know you have 10+ fams as blood/asone
you got sold out as deserved, too bad lusa/aeterna didnt get same treatment for that strategy
micko (08:27:15 - 03-04)
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" If Stabberhecy was so afraid of samagono they should have shot them as they had nothing to do with us,"

True story brah , but they werent able to shoot us down even tho we only had few brugs and a godfather .
insted of that we went to war by ourselfs without anyone telling us what to do or when to do it .

if anyone even tries to " push " samagono their destiny is known so for colossal there wasnt any need to do it...
Nuke United States (08:19:31 - 03-04)
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Everyone has shot a blood before.. Even I have. You can either blood families you know or you can blood whoever is convenient at the time. Unless you're taking this game way too seriously, either one will bite you in the ass some day.
Anonymous (07:32:38 - 03-04)
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Anonymous at 07:25:03 on 03/04:
i hope colos learn to dont trust homos side
what do you expect from a homo fam?
Anonymous (07:25:03 - 03-04)
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i hope colos learn to dont trust homos side
Tibz United Kingdom (06:57:46 - 03-04)
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Jimbo at 06:02:07 on 03/04:
Anonymous at 05:36:07 on 03/04:
Redspeert at 02:01:43 on 03/04:
Anonymous at 19:08:38 on 02/04:
Anonymous at 19:01:27 on 02/04:
Redspeert at 18:52:50 on 02/04:
Prophecy was acting like little chickens the first war, afraid of their own shadow. Since then they have only taken part in easy wars and selling other bloods. Prophecy pushed Fortuna into the war against Sang and then backed out, letting another blood kill their other blood (Fortuna.) Now they shoot directly against a blood. But I guess this is what you get when you you have a top where the average IQ is about 53.

I won't even bother replying to anything in tao's statement as I don't see any reason to talk to retards. And that is exactly what he is, one of the worst tops I have ever seen in this game. The only persons worth anything in Prop is Alcoxite and Aranea, rest are a bunch of halfwits and megalomaniacs (you know who you are).

I hope you had fun this version, it will be awhile before your gypsysquad makes it out of the first war.

you were pushing fortuna against lusa, but prophecy achieved that stab. dont act like you are whiteponies, not gonna believe it
Since u pushed samagono shoting prophecy , while prophecy was #3 that time , Probably it was worthless shoting Prophecy , while they could "Hijack " on #1 , ( Colossal) .Tao said all true
And btw , what did u expect , to Win the verzion while recruiting randoms members on ur family just to increase Ur family's Rank.

Stop being Narcesoid , (In love with Urself-Meaning) ,and enjoy the war.
Ohhhhh forgot , U can't enjoy , cuz u re dieing :')
Do you even english, bro?

What I expected? I didn't expect to be backstabbed by my own blood and people I've known for years. We didn't push anyone to shoot Prophecy or lusa. If Stabberhecy was so afraid of samagono they should have shot them as they had nothing to do with us, not blood or somekinda gay hidden as1 as you halfwits had with Enfoire :'') You sold them hard didnt you boi? What about fortuna? I got logs from their own top saying how you guys sold em.

Lets face it kiddo, you are a seller, your fam is a seller and a good majority of your top is halfwits not fit to run a the local gypsy camp.

Inviting random members? True enough, only problem is that your backstabber fam did the very same thing, but none really want to be associated with a group of noobs who doesn't know their left from wrong so they declined the stabber invite and instead joined diffrent fams.

I got two tips for you, laddy boy.
#1. Learn some english, this is a international game and nobody understands your 'language'.
#2. Join a real family next time, you know, perhaps a family that ain't run by a group that stabbs more than Marcus Brutus.

Wow, when I read your first post I thought 'he's just upset for a bit, got some adrenaline pumping or so'. You've had a few hours to that second post and you still go mad calling names mode. My advice to you would be: take this game less serious. Focus on more important stuff in life and see omerta for what it is: a game. It's just a game redspeert, you can make another account next version and try again.

Mr. pussy anonymous. He realizes that, I would think. Being shot by bloods is shitty, but so is blooding half of omerta. Everyone here is to blame. Colossal can at least end this version knowing that they were loyal bloods. I don't blame people for going for the HOF, but at least be able to admit that the only reason you shot was for HOF
Without wanting to sound like a parrot Jim, they can't! :p
Anonymous (06:57:15 - 03-04)
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Anonymous at 04:45:16 on 03/04:
Anonymous at 03:43:27 on 03/04:
Divergent at 03:35:31 on 03/04:
Anonymous at 03:33:01 on 03/04:
Divergent at 03:31:39 on 03/04:
Anonymous at 03:29:42 on 03/04:
lol monster what a noob! instead of preshooting him twice , he shot 60k and died in bf. he couldn't even get online , you NOOB!

Well mohome is a beast.

Online for what? so that he could run again?

Nobody can get online and people won't be able to come online for a while. Just watch and see for yourself. He could have played it safe instead of suiciding on him.

Shows more that mohome isn't just a guy that hugs the hell out of his account. He shot raptor down for the purpose, not for his account.

True it shows he doesn't hug his account, but also shows he's an idiot.

Raptor was injured with less then 40% health and BGs down, Pretty sure Mohome thought he had the easy kill. Screwed the pooch big time.

Mohome next game again u pay me 100 euro then have 150 m ingame money :')

lol 100 euro for 150mil :')
mmm Netherlands (06:35:44 - 03-04)
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gode at 06:32:57 on 03/04:
Nice war :)
Blood 10+ fams then bitch here some of them sold you. Cool story

And you obviously know what you're talking about, didnt know you were amongst my fellow tops. Though there are a lot, mayb I missed one. Cool story.
gode Turkey (06:32:57 - 03-04)
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Nice war :)
Blood 10+ fams then bitch here some of them sold you. Cool story
Halford (06:27:19 - 03-04)
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Halford (06:23:02 - 03-04)
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I see nothing else then Blackness looolz
Anonymous (06:06:52 - 03-04)
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The shooting was not for HoF, if u payed attention to class, you would have seen that if this war hadnt been so one-sided, Sangreal would be on top.
Jimbo United States (06:02:07 - 03-04)
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Anonymous at 05:36:07 on 03/04:
Redspeert at 02:01:43 on 03/04:
Anonymous at 19:08:38 on 02/04:
Anonymous at 19:01:27 on 02/04:
Redspeert at 18:52:50 on 02/04:
Prophecy was acting like little chickens the first war, afraid of their own shadow. Since then they have only taken part in easy wars and selling other bloods. Prophecy pushed Fortuna into the war against Sang and then backed out, letting another blood kill their other blood (Fortuna.) Now they shoot directly against a blood. But I guess this is what you get when you you have a top where the average IQ is about 53.

I won't even bother replying to anything in tao's statement as I don't see any reason to talk to retards. And that is exactly what he is, one of the worst tops I have ever seen in this game. The only persons worth anything in Prop is Alcoxite and Aranea, rest are a bunch of halfwits and megalomaniacs (you know who you are).

I hope you had fun this version, it will be awhile before your gypsysquad makes it out of the first war.

you were pushing fortuna against lusa, but prophecy achieved that stab. dont act like you are whiteponies, not gonna believe it
Since u pushed samagono shoting prophecy , while prophecy was #3 that time , Probably it was worthless shoting Prophecy , while they could "Hijack " on #1 , ( Colossal) .Tao said all true
And btw , what did u expect , to Win the verzion while recruiting randoms members on ur family just to increase Ur family's Rank.

Stop being Narcesoid , (In love with Urself-Meaning) ,and enjoy the war.
Ohhhhh forgot , U can't enjoy , cuz u re dieing :')
Do you even english, bro?

What I expected? I didn't expect to be backstabbed by my own blood and people I've known for years. We didn't push anyone to shoot Prophecy or lusa. If Stabberhecy was so afraid of samagono they should have shot them as they had nothing to do with us, not blood or somekinda gay hidden as1 as you halfwits had with Enfoire :'') You sold them hard didnt you boi? What about fortuna? I got logs from their own top saying how you guys sold em.

Lets face it kiddo, you are a seller, your fam is a seller and a good majority of your top is halfwits not fit to run a the local gypsy camp.

Inviting random members? True enough, only problem is that your backstabber fam did the very same thing, but none really want to be associated with a group of noobs who doesn't know their left from wrong so they declined the stabber invite and instead joined diffrent fams.

I got two tips for you, laddy boy.
#1. Learn some english, this is a international game and nobody understands your 'language'.
#2. Join a real family next time, you know, perhaps a family that ain't run by a group that stabbs more than Marcus Brutus.

Wow, when I read your first post I thought 'he's just upset for a bit, got some adrenaline pumping or so'. You've had a few hours to that second post and you still go mad calling names mode. My advice to you would be: take this game less serious. Focus on more important stuff in life and see omerta for what it is: a game. It's just a game redspeert, you can make another account next version and try again.

Mr. pussy anonymous. He realizes that, I would think. Being shot by bloods is shitty, but so is blooding half of omerta. Everyone here is to blame. Colossal can at least end this version knowing that they were loyal bloods. I don't blame people for going for the HOF, but at least be able to admit that the only reason you shot was for HOF
Anonymous (05:45:41 - 03-04)
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there is a fam or two missing on the counter
Anonymous (05:36:07 - 03-04)
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Redspeert at 02:01:43 on 03/04:
Anonymous at 19:08:38 on 02/04:
Anonymous at 19:01:27 on 02/04:
Redspeert at 18:52:50 on 02/04:
Prophecy was acting like little chickens the first war, afraid of their own shadow. Since then they have only taken part in easy wars and selling other bloods. Prophecy pushed Fortuna into the war against Sang and then backed out, letting another blood kill their other blood (Fortuna.) Now they shoot directly against a blood. But I guess this is what you get when you you have a top where the average IQ is about 53.

I won't even bother replying to anything in tao's statement as I don't see any reason to talk to retards. And that is exactly what he is, one of the worst tops I have ever seen in this game. The only persons worth anything in Prop is Alcoxite and Aranea, rest are a bunch of halfwits and megalomaniacs (you know who you are).

I hope you had fun this version, it will be awhile before your gypsysquad makes it out of the first war.

you were pushing fortuna against lusa, but prophecy achieved that stab. dont act like you are whiteponies, not gonna believe it
Since u pushed samagono shoting prophecy , while prophecy was #3 that time , Probably it was worthless shoting Prophecy , while they could "Hijack " on #1 , ( Colossal) .Tao said all true
And btw , what did u expect , to Win the verzion while recruiting randoms members on ur family just to increase Ur family's Rank.

Stop being Narcesoid , (In love with Urself-Meaning) ,and enjoy the war.
Ohhhhh forgot , U can't enjoy , cuz u re dieing :')
Do you even english, bro?

What I expected? I didn't expect to be backstabbed by my own blood and people I've known for years. We didn't push anyone to shoot Prophecy or lusa. If Stabberhecy was so afraid of samagono they should have shot them as they had nothing to do with us, not blood or somekinda gay hidden as1 as you halfwits had with Enfoire :'') You sold them hard didnt you boi? What about fortuna? I got logs from their own top saying how you guys sold em.

Lets face it kiddo, you are a seller, your fam is a seller and a good majority of your top is halfwits not fit to run a the local gypsy camp.

Inviting random members? True enough, only problem is that your backstabber fam did the very same thing, but none really want to be associated with a group of noobs who doesn't know their left from wrong so they declined the stabber invite and instead joined diffrent fams.

I got two tips for you, laddy boy.
#1. Learn some english, this is a international game and nobody understands your 'language'.
#2. Join a real family next time, you know, perhaps a family that ain't run by a group that stabbs more than Marcus Brutus.

Wow, when I read your first post I thought 'he's just upset for a bit, got some adrenaline pumping or so'. You've had a few hours to that second post and you still go mad calling names mode. My advice to you would be: take this game less serious. Focus on more important stuff in life and see omerta for what it is: a game. It's just a game redspeert, you can make another account next version and try again.